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Res Gestae Law School History and Publications

1977 November 3, 1977 University of Michigan Law School

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Recommended Citation University of Michigan Law School, "November 3, 1977" (1977). Res Gestae. Paper 522.

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School History and Publications at University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Res Gestae by an authorized administrator of University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Snow in Room 150? In response to student concern UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LAW SCHOOL . Nov. 3, 1977 over the excessive warmth in a number of Hutchins Hall class­ rooms and offices, your LSSS CIA IS EVERYWHERE: HALPERIN facilities liaison investigated possi­ ble solutions to the problem with James J. Gribble, Assistant to Dean. by Nlckie Katroun recruitment activity on its campus. Mr. Gribble said that the pro­ CIA recruiters must register as blem of over and under heating is Morton Halperin, formerly on such with the Placement Office; no perennial and perplexing. The ,Henry Kissinger's National Secur­ information may be gathered on a antiquated heating plant lacks the :ity Council staff and now leader of person without that person's per­ sophistication necessary to keep the Coalition to End Government mission; faculty members are the law school building at the Spying, spoke at the Law School forbidden from engaging in covert desired level of 68 o during the fall October 21 . Halperin resigned his activities. and spring months, where tem­ White House post upon learning The likeliest targets for CIA peratures vary widely. Once the that his home and office telephones investigation, according to Halper­ weather "settles in," noted Mr. had been bugged for two years. It in, are foreign students, who can Gribble, the room temperatures is probably just as well for him, for, be useful when they go back where should be much more constant and had he remained with the Govern­ they came from (and who, asserts comfortable. ment, he now would be out of work. Halperin, may actually be endan­ There are stop-gap measures, As it is, he flies around the country gered in cases where the CIA is however, that can be used to talking about the ubiquitous Cen­ close to the secret police force in reduce the more severe problems tral Intelligence Agency, no doubt old country); faculty members of heat and chill in specific rooms. collecting lecture fee every now whose research involves travel; The thermostats and steam valves and then along the way. and, surprisingly enough, bright can be repaired or replaced to While it is well-known that the people. improve the responsiveness of the CIA overtly recruits support staff Halperin says it is inconceivable system. Students or faculty mem­ on this and other campuses, that the CIA is not operating here. bers with complaints should notify Halperin contends that the Agency While surprisingly few stories have Mr. Gribble, who will in turn carries on major secret operations, surfaced, given the alleged magni­ inform the plant supervisor. The ostensibly to recruit actual opera­ tude of the Agency's operations, University officials are concerned tives, on nearly all major campus­ Halperin says this Is because the with energy loss, and are quite es. Faculty and administrators Agency tells people not to tell. responsive to complaints of per­ everywhere, he says, are gathering As to legal remedies for CIA spiring and I or socially conscious information on the personal, pro­ invasions of privacy, Halperin denizens of H H. fessional and political activities of noted that, even ,hough the students and colleagues. When the Privacy Act prohibits the mainte-­ Agency hits upon a particularly nance of information on individuals INSIDE THE RES GESTAE interesting candidate, Halperin without legislative approval, the claims, it rematerializes in the form Supremes have held that the Steve Fetter makes his comments of an insurance company or credit Constitutional right to privacy is on the passing scene page 2 firm to investigate more thorough­ not violated by forced disclosure. ly. While it has been held that the The Speakers Committee reports Halperin believes these alleged Freedom of l.nformation Act gives page3 activities to be not only systematic individuals the right to see CIA violations of the fundamental prin­ recruiting files on them (weisner v. Gordon Miller pays tribute to Elvis ciple that people who are not doing CIA), Halperin has offered a prize page2 anything Illegal have the right to be to anyone who can figure out how a left alone, but also threats to person being spied upon can get The transcript of the landmark academic freedom. Harvard Uni­ standing. Certainly, nobody in Joe Gretel case Is reviewed page 3 versity shares this fear, and has Vining's Administrative Law class adopted guidelines restricting CIA will win it. If you are still looking for a job, we offer advice page 4 Page 2 i&ts ~rstur © 1977 by Steve Feuer you're reading this, it's Thursday-­ the other days of the week in order "Lafayette We Are Here" Dept.: are Friday, Saturday, Sunday, + Best line of the week once again Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, goes to our man from Oklahoma-­ and then Thursday again. Cross off I am dismayed at the law Tax Prof. L. Hart Wright: "The one day each time it gets dark and school.'s failure to commemorate lower court's ruling was so bad that then light again--and then repeat Elvis' death in any way. There are the Commissioner of the Internal the sequence--okay? No, don't no plaques or statues. Viewing Revenue Service vomited! And he thank me, Burt. Anything for a legal accomplishments compara­ took it all the way to the Supreme friend.) tively, if they named Hutchins Hall Court." (And was Justice Douglas after Hutch, this should be Presley peeved when some of it splashed Dicta: I found a copy of the book Law School. His legal work is up on his robe.) ... Aside to the Hustlers and Conmen at Domi­ legendary. Elvis made a mighty second-year student who thought nick's the other day sitting on a contribution in the battle for Prof. Wright was from Indiana-­ table--if anyone in Prof. Gilmore's prisoner's rights in the documen­ really now. "Elkhart" Wright? Professional Responsibility class is tary entitled "Jailhouse Rock'-'; missing their copy, feel free to give even those without a legal back­ ''It Takes a Licking and Keeps on me a call and I'll bring it ground knew Elvis was on the side Ticking" Award goes to Burt in ... Wouldn't it be nice to have of justice in "Love Me Tender". A Rosen for 1) noisily walking into more than one cold water fountain concerned student suggested to me Antitrust class· with only five in the law school (But then again, that the reading room would be a minutes left in the hour. After­ maybe we should be thankful that nice spot for a stained glass wards, he shrugged it off: ''I just it's in the library and not on the window of Elvis. wanted to get next week's assign­ fourth floor) ... LSSS announces a Incidently there was not a single ment?'', and 2) going to Enterprise new service--a question and an­ law school.administrator in Mem­ Organization on Tuesday, when it swer book outside their office--if phis at the funeral. When I'm only meets on Wednesd~y. Thurs­ you have any problems, write them selected dean there will be no more day, and Friday: "I didn't want down--and they will be answered slip-ups of this nature. anyone stealing my seat." (Burt, if (See MORE, page 6) Colloquium: II Heads will roll during my DIVERSITY TO AVOID BAKKE? administration and the dead wood program will still be defensible. around here knows it. So for the DEAN ST. ANTOINE: By using race as a factor of diversity will we We do not set a rigid "quota" for first time in years these gold-brick­ minorities; we have a flexible ers have done something besides be able to avoid the problems associated with the Bakke case? "goal" that we try to meet, not mumble in class. They've got always successfully. Moreover, the goons digging for dirt on me, but Editor, Res Gestae: California Supreme Court was not they won't find anything. I would You have asked: "By using race convinced that the University had not be running for dean if I didn't as a factor of diversity will we be established that race-based admis­ have an impeccable record. The able to avoid problems associated sions were necessary to integrate slime is going to start flying and I with the Bakke case?" Obviously, the Davis Medical School; we are want my backers to have their any answer must be tentati"'e until prepared to demonstrate that such boots on. we learn how broad or narrow the admissions are essential if we are Court's opinion will be. Oral to have more than a mere trickle of Ill argument suggested an uneasiness minorities entering this or any (For sport fans only) among the Justices that might other major law school. Anyone who has been involved foreshadow a limited ruling, a While it sounds beguiling to in intramural sports at U-M knows remand, or even a statutory speak of race as just one "factor of that the 1-M Department makes a decision regarding exclusion from diversity" in the admissions pro­ mess of scheduling. Approximately federally funded programs that cess, I fear such an approach would one-quarter of the scheduled would have little if any impact on not achieve our objective. We may games end in one of the following the Law School. need to be able to make race the ways: (1) two teams show up, but If the Court decides in favor of decisive factor -- assuming, of .there are no referees, (2) only one Mr. Bakke on constitutional course, that the applicant is fully team shows up, (3) the two teams grounds, but with a rationale qualified otherwise. go to different fields, or (4) after a carefully confined to the California Ttieodore J. St. Antoine (See +, page 4) facts, our own minority admissions Dean WQr llrs

TODAY Don't Miss Your Chance To Talk With The Dean! P.A.D. On Thurs., Nov. 3 at 3:30 in the Lawyers Club Lounge Dean St. Antoine Prosecutor William Dehley will discuss is holding an open forum with the the Washtenaw County Career Crime Unit students. In particular he will be at noon in the Faculty Dining Room in addressing the issues of tuition, the Lawyers Club. construction on the Law Library, and the: Xerox Copy Center, but come with B.L.S.A. any questions you may have. Executive Bd. Mtg 12 noon

C3RCLE FRiH~ t;:AIS FRIDAY Venez de jeuner avec ncus jeudi h midi dans la salle ~ m~.n ger du La;'!t..ryers' ENVIRONMENTAL LAW SOCIETY Club. Nous remercions le Professeur Flory Come to the ELS meeting Fri., Nov. de Faris qui nous a p <: .rl e la semaine 4 at 2:30 in Room 132. State Rep . passe des etudes de dr oit en France. Tom Anderson will speak about C' l~ t · it une cau::erie fort int ::~ ressante. Le Pr ofe s seur Flory nous a . }J rorn is de current environmental issues in the revenir ,jeudi le 10 novembre nous 11 :c.rler Michigan legislature. de l'tmific<:•tion europeenne • . Xe m<• ncJuez. " '~- - dn veu ir! ULZANA' S RAID ( Si vous n' etes pas disponi bles tou:. 1 e s j evdi s, f G.i tes sig:r.e ~. Kate .:odri;-{'.1C z This week's movie will show at 7 & et nou ::: poarrions peut-~tre fixer des 9 in Room 100. Law Students: $.25 reun.ions ~- Un n. utre jour) Guests: $.75 Others: $1.00 W.L.S.A • . Meeting to plan Money ~ Credit Work­ THANKS shop at 12:30 in the WLSA office. Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity wishes THE ART INSTITUTE OF ART to thank the LSSS for sponsoring an excellent Halloween Party last Fri. Sign up for the trip to the Detroit We hope this will be the first of Art Institute today or tomorrow in many collaborations. front of Room 100. FORD "CLASS" Tickets are required at the door, and identificf!ti pn may be needed. The tickets are not transferable. Students must be seated by 7:45 a.m. and plan to stay throughout the entire class. NEXT THURSDAY DOCKET (CONTINUED) I P .A.D. MONDAY I The speaker at the next meeting will; CAMPBELL COMPETITION be: ------·-·· - -~------~------~------i

A1 1 bt:i efs are due at 12 noon, Mon., Ernest A. Jones, Chairman -lnternh- : 1 Nov. 7 . The deadline will be strict­ tiona[ of D'Arcy-MacManus & Masius, Inc\ · l y enforced. Oral arguments will Bloomfield Hills, one of the world's teril largest advertising agencies, is a salesman' begin on Thursday, November 10. whose territorv includes 17 countries on . - I · jour continents. 1 ********************************* Perhaps one of the busiest, best known men in major advertising whose day may You, Yes You, Can Win begin in Bloomfield and end in Britain, Jones still finds time for professional, civic THE 1ST ANNUAL, ALL-MICHIGAN LAW and cultural activities. He has lectured on SCHOOL, PRE-FINALS, MATCH PLAY American marketing in Europe and Aus­ tralia, been called by the Saturday Review PINBALL TOURNAMBNT l "an authentic and articulate voice iu be­ ' half of business" and by the Economic Details in HH217 and the Law Club Club of Detroit as "one of the most original Sign up by 3:00 Monday, Nov.7 thinkers in a create-or-die business. He is chairman of the board of Cran­ 1 ********************************* brook Academy of Art, president of the .I Detroit Concert Band, board member of [ SECTION V the Detroit Symphony and of the lnter- .\ ~_ochen Center for the Ar{·~ -· .. ______..r ~·.__': · --· - '---·- ·· - . - -··· ·- I I nformal discussion with second and At 12 noon in the Faculty Dining Room ~ third year law students who have had summer .jobs in government agencies. in the Lawyers Club. Everyone Welcome., REFRESHMENTS--Everyone Welcome...... ---·· --··--·-·---·--··--·------i TUESDAY NOTICE I CUBA: A LEGAL SYSTEM AND A SOCIETY

Two members of this summer's National CENTRAL STUDENT JUDICIARY Lawyers Guild delegation to Cuba will ~ speak next Tuesday, November 8th, at Interviews will be held shortly for ! 4: 30 in Room 138. Susan Gzesh, a positions on the Central Student ~ May 1977 grad of the U-M Law School, Judiciary (all-university student t and Bill Goodman, the immediate past court). Application forms and furthe ~ national president of the NLG, will infromation are available at ·the MSA . w give a speech and slide presentation offices, 3909 Michigan Union (763 - 324~ on the i r trip. They visited Cuban or 763-3242). · I i trials, a law school, spoke to a judge RES GESTAE EDITOR NEEDED of the Supreme Court, and toured the I countryside. Everyone welcome. Due to the graduation of our present ~ editor, we are looking for a new 1 WEDNESDAY editor-in-chief. Fill out an ap­ plication at the LSSS or Second and Third year course selec­ If you have questions, stop by t he tion discussion (see signs). RG office or call Bob, 764-9077. Last week' s winner was Dennis' Mullins, Pittsburgh(i) at Denver rho posted a 30-10 record. Mark Eby was in St. Louis(6t) at ;econd place with a 29-11 mark, while Sari Diego at Detroit(7t) :huck Burpee was in the cellar, at 12-28. San Francisco(6i) at Atlanta ~ average was the highest of the year, Seattle(17i) at Oakland :1 • 6, and 48 of the 70 entries had winning Tampa Bay(17t} at Los Angeles ecords. Dennis can pick up the prize Washington{16f) at Baltimore (monday) ed. evening at the RG, or any other time e can get me • The rules are . the same: First Tiebreaker& Pick one team listed :ircle winners, cross out losers, and put as a 6t point or more underdog on this ·our entry in the box outside of room 100 poll that will pull an upset· and win 'Y 5:P .M. Friday. their game' ___...... ______olleges: Second Tiebreakers How many points will orthwestern(42j) at Michigan Michigan score Sat.?------ichigan State(2i) at Minnesota hio State at Illinois(28j) urdue(3t) at Wisconsin Names ------:Mtanti( 4t) at Iowa RG RAN.KINGSs lklahoma at Oklahoma State( 1 7t) Last Weel :ansas State ( 4t) at Kansas 1. Texas (tie) 1 :olorado(j) at Iowa State 1. Ohio State (tie) 2 rebraska at Missouri(7t) 3. Oklahoma 3 ~orgia(6t) vs. Florida (Jacksonville) 4. Michigan 4 ~ntucky at Vanderbilt(2ot) 5. Notre Dame 6 ,lab&ma at Louisiana State{ 6-f) 6. A:rbuas 8 'ezas at Houston(1ot) 7. Al&ba.Jia ·5 lay lor( 1.5f) at Arkansas 8. Texas A&M ·~ :tanrord(8-f) at Southern Cal. 9. Kentucky $0· rashington{3i) at California 10. Nebraska 7 fCLA at Oregon{17t) 11. Pittsburgh 14 :lemsoni7!) at North Carolina 12.\ Yeung n rtah(30~) at Brigham Young 13. Iowa State UR ryoming~16f) at Arizona State 14. Pem ,State. ' .. : ·a:z ~ale at Princeton(Jt) 15. Arizona Sta~ 15 liami(O) at Western Michigan(6i) 16. San Diego State UB :entral Michigan(!) at Kent State 17. Michigan State UR . 1ittsburgh at West Virginia(13!) 18. Florida State UR :Sorgia Tech(24t) at Notre Dame 19. Louisiana State UR 1enn State at North Carolina State(6i) 20. N. Texas State UR

1 COLlEGE BASKETBALL PBESlUSON POLL 1 ros: State your pre-season college basketball luffalo(24f) at New England top ten. Results announced next week. :hicago(3i) at Houston :incinnati(3-f) at Cleveland 1. lallas at New York Giants(14f) 2. :tzeen Bay(3t) at Kansas City 3. liami at New York Jets(7t) 4. rev Orleans( 4-f) at Philadelphia 5. 6. 7· 8. 9. 10. Greg Need HUTCH IN._ Page 3

nn nn • a Ill II II

''We went home.'' carefully. That this was a wellplan­ STATE v. GRETEL "Yes, we know, but I think the ned, well-executed operation. Pre­ record will show that you didn't go tending to be lost, you gained Reported by Will Stanton straight home. Tell us, please, entrance to the home of a half-blind what you did first?'' old lady, lulled her into a false While all of you have heard the "We fell on each other's neck." sense of security, and with pre­ story of Hansel and Gretel, you "And?" meditation disposed of her in the may not have heard of the "Danced about...and kissed." firstly manner described." aftermath of this Grimm episode. It ''Go on.'' "No! It wasn't like that!" seems that after their adventure, "Oh, just picked up some pearls "Now you state that on your way Hansel and Gretel were indicted and precious stones that we found home, you crossed a large body of and tried for first-degree murder. around the house.'' water--on a duck, if you please. If What follows was taken from the "Well, well. It seems the little there were such a body of water, transcript of those proceedings ... old lady wasn't the only one who why didn't you cross it on the way 'needed dough.' Now, when you to the gingerbread house? I' II tell ON CROSS EXAMINATION: first saw that house, you started you why. You returned in a eating it. Didn't it occur to you that roundabout way to cover your DISTRICT ATTORNEY: "You it might belong to somebody?" tracks." do admit that you tricked the little "I guess we didn't think." "We were lost." (sniffling) "We old lady into climbing into the oven "You didn't think. Well, (See Gretel, page 4) and then slamming the door." suggest you thought about it GRETEL: "But she was going to Speaker Committee Reports bake us." "Did she say she was going to The functions of the Speakers Birmingham will be touring the bake you?" Committee are twofold. The first is United States under the distin­ "No, she said she was going to to administer LSSS funds earmark­ guished Moir/Cullis Lecture-Fel­ bake bread.'' ed for certain organizations. In late lowship of British-American Asso­ "And she had, in fact, already September we met with most of ciates. She will give an address kneaded the dough. Yet you these groups and discussed the here on "The Involvement of the somehow knew she was going to procedure for disbursements. Or­ Lay Citizen in the Administration bake you instead." ganizations that were unable to of Criminal Justice'' on Thursday, "I could tell. Women can sense attend this meeting and who have November 10. these things." LSSS allocations for speakers Before independently sponsor­ "I see. Now you also say she should contact us. ing a larger scale event, we would kept Hansel locked up in a stable Our second function is to provide like some input from you. Do you for four weeks, in order to fatten for speakers apart from those want a big-name speaker or a panel him up. Yet her eyesight was so sponsored by particular organiza­ of lessor luminaries on a big topic? bad that every morning when she tions. This includes making ar­ Please jot down any recommenda­ went to feel his finger, he easily rangements for speakers who come tions and drop them off at the LSSS fooled here by holding out a small to us through sources outside our office or our box at the Lawyers · bone instead. I ask the jury to bear own direct recruitment. For exam­ Club. that in mind. Now, will you please ple, Dean St. Antoine has informed IMPORTANT NOTE: Dean St. describe your actions after releas­ us that Professor Winifred E. Antoine will hold an open forum on ing your brother." Cavanagh of the University of Thursday, Nov. 3 [see signs). INTERVIEWEES The Gretel Case

Are you suffering from an attack of standard white toilet paper with (Continued from page 3) the Anonymity Blues?! Wonder your own brand--you on each and were just a couple of little ki~s." how you' II ever make a strong every piece. (If possible, have your '·'And you arrived home to fi_nd impression on your interviewers? resume miniaturized and give him your stepmother conveniently Are you beginning to eye hungrily the full scoop) He can't fail to dead. I'm curious as to how you any Interview sheet that has only notice you. arranged that.'' one other name on it? (So you "We didn't have anything to do didn't want to work in Truth or with that." Consequences, New Mexico--it's a "But you did hate her. Because job, Isn't it?) Well, the following you felt she had rejected you. She suggestions are tailored to make got your father to abandon you in the average person come across the woods. Clearly a form of STRONG! So, if you've picked a + rejection. And anyone who crosses city and plan to make a visit to (Continued from page 2) you is in for a rough time. She pound doors: found that out, and so did the old long, difficult afternoon . at a law lady." -Blanket the city with bumperstick­ school sherry hour, the 1-M De­ "She was no old lady! She was a ers stealthily affixed to cars at partment calls and tells you, witch!" night. For example: "There's a game tonight at 6:00." ''Now, suppose we go back a bit. After seeing some National Law­ Why didn't you release your yer's Guild literature discussing brother and make good your escape BRAINTREE FOR BUTZEL LONG public service, helping the unfor­ at the very beginning of your tunate, etc., I would like to so-called captivity?" encourage one of their members to ''I was afraid the witch would -Put your mug on their mugs-­ go to work at the 1-M Department catch us and bring us back.'' coerce the Hiring Committee mem­ and straighten things out. (There "You thought a lame, weakeyed bers' secretaries to serve YOU in might even be some VISTA money old woman could catch two lively the morning. available.) This Guild lawyer could children in the middi~- ~ ot tne do a great public service, be woods?" -Float past that important partner's respected by his peers, and not be "Its the truth, the truth!' ' office window on a balloon. bothered with lying clients and "And I submit that you didn't malpractice suits. escape because that would have -Along the same lines, hire window spoiled your plans. You were washers to plaster his office Gordon Miller willing to wait four weeks for the window with a poster of you. chance to shove her into the oven and make off with the jewels.'' -Have a full sized inflatable replica "But I never even noticed them of you delivered to his office. before.'' (already inflated, of course) Sounds Real Property "A chestful of them in every kinky, but shows you're aggressive corner of the house and you never and imaginative, if nothing else. Review noticed them. You expect us to believe that?" -Don't forget lunch hour! Can't let (Sobbing) "I want F. Lee The Publications Committee of him slip away while his guard's Bailey." the Real Property Section of the down. Hire several people to "Ladies and gentlemen of the State Bar of Michigan invites parade around outside his office jury. Consider this sweet-looking University of Michigan law stu­ building at lunch hour with sand­ child, with the apron and the dents to submit papers which will wich boards proclaiming your wooden shoes and the crocodile be reviewed for possible publica­ merits. tears. Now visualize the same girl tion in the Michigan Rea! Property and her brother, rejoicing, danc­ Review. All papers should be -If you'll stop at nothing to get a ing, kissing, even as the kindly old forwarded to the editor: George J. job, hire the Goodyear Blimp for a lady is roasUng away. Does this Siedel, Professor of Business Law, day to plead your cause. (For more picture suggest a couple of mis­ Room 526, Graduate School of reasonable rates, talk to Rick treated innocents or rather a pair of Business Administration, Univer­ Durden about skywriting.) calloused conspirators who have sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, just pulled off the crime of the Michigan 48109. (Telephone: -Last, but definitely not least, slip century? I have no further ques­ 764-1392.) into the office and replace the tions.'' MUSIC: ---Foreign Affairs

by Timothy Sawyer Knowlton Beat poetry. Nonetheless, the ter's Field" and "Burma Shave" album was not saved from the are both story-songs about petty Tom Waits inspiration comes via vocals which were often unintelligi­ criminals with big dreams that the 1950s. Not middle America ble mumblings. don't materialize. "Barber Shop" 1950s, but the fifties of the Beats, After Small Change I had Involves the type of conversation BeBop, seedy, greasy spoon diners decided not to purchase future you overheard the grown-ups hav­ lonely drifters down on their luck, Waits' albums _without first hear­ Ing when you went to get your strip tease and petty criminals ing them. ; I suspected that Small haircut as a kid. The composition's dreaming of the big score. Closing Change represented the beginning rhythm and phrasing is almost ­ Time, Waits' first album, mani­ of what I considered Waits' Identical to Small Change's •• Pas­ fests less of the 50s influence than inevitable decline. Fortunately, I ties and a G String''. ''A Sight for any of his other albums. It Is this happened to be in U-Cellar one :Sore Eyes" Involves some working album which is most known by the morning when Waits' new album, :stiffs reminiscing over old times. public because it contains the Foreign Affairs, was being played. The album closes with "Foreign nostalgic "01' 55" which was made Waits vocals on this album are not Affairs" which deals with the a pop hit by the Eagles. Over four as strong as those on his first three romantic mystique of European years and five albums, however, albums (which are none too travel. the 50s influence has become more strong), but they do represent a _ Overall Foreign A ffalrs Is a vast pronounced and now dominates vast improvement over Small improvement over Small Change Waits' musical and lyrical ideas. Change. Waits lack of range has and worth owning. In my opinion, Unlike Closing Time in which never disturbed me because his however, there are two other Waits looks back with a romantic, voice has a unique quality well Waits' albums which the unitiated but still somewhat detached vision suited for his material. The bother­ might be better off buying: The of the era, in his Ann Arbor concert some slurring which was a problem Heart Of Saturday Night (which last year Waits performed as an on Small Change Is not evident on most critics consider Waits' best) incarnation of one of his many Foreign Affairs. His latest album Is and Nighthawks At the Diner characters. It was indeed impossi­ also an improvement musically. On (a live, low-priced double album). ble to tell whether Waits was Forejgn ~!fBi[$ W~!!JJ_IIC!S _ strings­ merely acting a persona or whether but much more wisely and sparing­ the creation had come to dominate ly. Instead the record features his and control the creator. Waits band: Jim Hughart on bass, Shelly looked much older than his twenty­ Manne on drums, and Frank VIcari Announcements six years. My wife, Judith, said he on tenor saxaphone. VIcari Is given looked rather like the consumptives numerous solo opportunities and she sometimes interviewed for the album also contains one group Medicaid. Waits voice was strain­ Instrumental. It was quite evident ed. He sounded like Louis Arm­ in Waits' 1976 Ann Arbor concert CASINO NIGHT IS COMING!! strong had near his death. that the band members were November 12,8:00 p.m. - Waits cigarette smoking is le­ quality musicians who could Lawyers Club Lounge gend and I think his multi-pack per ·probably survive without him. Beer & Cider! $2.00 day habit explains the deterioration , Foreign Affiars clearly demon­ of his voice. His fourth album, strates Waits' abilities as a lyricist. Anyone Interested in dealing a Small Change, suffered severely The album cuts cover a wide range 1 hour sh'llt [or less], please call: from vocal strain. Waits did two of themes all with some fifties Wendy 971-8761 things to try to compensate for this perspective. The album opens with problem. First he used a string j-,M uriel" -a song about love section on almost the entire record unrequited. This song Is followed to pretty it up and cover his by the amusing "I Never Talk to Watch for: embarassingly weak vocals. Se­ Strangers'', In which Waits and SFF cond, he wrote several composi­ Bette Mldler exchange verses and TUTORIAL PROGRAM tions which relied on phrasing and manage to use every old pick-up Coming soon from LSSS! rhythm rather than melody. Sever­ cliche. "Jack and Neal" Is a al of Small Change's selections homage to 1950 beat figures, Jack were patterned on the tempo of Kerouc and Neal Cassady: "Pot- Page 6 women, and antl-rlgbt wtng acti­ to the IRS as a writing sample--But vity. Shorter ''Interest area'' meet­ now he's worried that they'll think ~nre :Sreab ings will be h~d on such subjects he did it for the Arkansas Supreme [Continued from _page 2] as organizing welfare and unem­ Court, rather than the Cooley ployment clinics, unions for legal Caseclub. C'mon Doug, a 31f2 as soon as possible. Just last week, services workers, and working for page Supreme Court brief ... lnter­ I heard Pres. Santos and V.P. gay rights. The highlight of the view Line of the Week goes to the McAtee yelling at each other, conference will be a series of L.A. interviewer who told me, "My discussing one of the more inter­ cultural events including the firm views the summer clerks as a esting queries--either that or she Detroit Bluegrass Opera, Art Insti­ herd with many shepherds.'' Or went and called him Bob again ... A tute lunch and tour, a Middle did he mean "Shepard's"? And look for Gerry Rosberg to start Eastern dinner, and a bus tour of nailing people with questions in sites of historic labor struggles. See you next week. class. Two weeks ago, I caught him Presentations by Guild members at a Doug Kahn cocktail party, who recently toured the Mideast polishing up his technique on and the Peoples Republic of China. five-year-old Jeffrey Kahn. Sur­ Detroit Hosts Everyone is welcome, especially prisingly, Jeff even knew the first-year folks· who would like to answers to Gerry'!? toughest rid­ NLG Regional learn more about the NLG. Contact dles ... And Prof. Chris Whitman Conference the Ann Arbor Chapter by calling reports that her pet cat, Prelim, is 663-3409 or stopping by the office fed up with the media play Sappho The Mideast Regional Confer­ at 110 Legal Research. Registra­ Green has been getting--going so ence of the National Lawyers Guild tion, which includes lunch and far as to label Tom Green's feline.a will be held in Detroit on November dinner on Saturday, a Sunday creature of media hype. Prelim 4-6. Most events will occur on the brunch, and all cultural events is plans to debate Sappho on national Wayne State University campus. $20.00 for law students. Without television in two weeks, following Workshops will be held on the the Middle Eastern dinner regis­ next week's debate between Sap­ following subjects: labor, affirma­ tration will be only $11.00 for pho and Gerald Ford on Eastern tive action, prisons, welfare law, students. European pets.

Interview Quickies: Sue Carlson has the "Beef of the Week" --she ,------,I I I I received a rejection from a firm she I I didn't even interview with--At least I ULZANA'S RAID I now she knows for next year ... And I I John Coogan noticed that Paul I I Weiss, and Rifkind were throwing : Starring: Burt Lancaster, Bruce : a cocktail party, so he added his name to the waiting list--with : Davison, Richard Jaeckel ! ; "party only" in parentheses .. Carol I IIi i' Mock became the first adherent of I • . the new "Truth in Interviewing II : GUESTS,75c ADMISSION: 1t Act" when she mistakenly gave a -JN COLOR- I OTHERS $1.00 LAW STUDENTS, 25c 11 Cleveland interviewer a writing I t sample--with her caseclub judge's I I corrections still on it ... As for me, I had an interesting interview with a : IN PORTRAYING THE INDIAN SCOUT MciNTOSH, BURT LAN CAS- : Las Vegas firm--when he asked if I I TER GIVES ONE OF HIS FINEST PERFORMANCES TO DATE. THE 1 would like to take off my jacket, I I FLINTY, TOUGH SCOUT IS PITTED AGAINST THE ZEALOUS I couldn't tell whether he was being 1 ULZANA (JOAQUIN MARTINEZ), WHO IS DETERMINED TO I. polite, or checking whether I was I RELEASE THE WHITE MAN'S HOLD ON THE SOUTHWEST. A : packing a piece--But it went I VERY POWERFUL, TRUE-TO-LIFE WESTERN, IT HAS MORE I well--In fact, when I left he told me I IMPACT THAN THE WILD BUNCH BECAUSE IT REFUSES TO I that I'd be hearing from him in : GLORIFY THE VIOLENCE IT DEPICTS. • . about two weeks, and that the odds were about 4-to-1 I'd be asked :; Friday, November 4 : I I back. This was the same firm that I I 7:00 & 9:00P.M. 1 Doug Kanarek refused to interview I with because they wouldn't pay 1 ROOM 100, HUTCHINS HALL : summer associates in chips ... ln­ I I stead, Doug sent in a caseclub brief ~------~------