The Dunfermline Half Marathon 1988
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'~RE YOU ON THE RIGHT TRACK FOR FREE AND EASY BANKING?" Ar around 20,000 posr offices everything you need and expect for MARCH 1988 ISSUE 19 £1.00 throughoul Britain, Girobank is nor only day·tO·day banking like a cheque book, open longer hours than any other bank, it cash card and Visa· card nor to mention offers the best kind of free banking mongages· you can apply for with a free you'U find. phone call, loans· you can ask for from home You pay only for the days you're in and a deposit account offering three the red and not a day longer. And with levels of high interest, you can see why Butch is Girobanking is simply more convenienc. Pick up a leaflet at your post office Glasgow ~Girobank lllill Scotland Official Sponsors of Briti$h Athletics Hero Focus on Fife ' Win a Holiday • In Portugal CITY OF GLASGOW DISTRICT COUNCIL Department ofParks and Recreation PRESENT RUNNER l{ODAI{ Morell, 1988 1-19 Meg Ritchie Interview FES'l1VAL OF RUNNING Fiona Macaulay meets the new slimmed fea~ Editors: down Meg Ritchie, now enjoying a Alan C3mpboll successful career in the USA. THEKOIYAK Doug Gillon GLASGOW GARDEN FESTIVAL IOK incorporating Scottish Championship Ellpena: Focus on Fife Jim Blaok MChS (6.21 miles under SAAA and SWAAA Laws) Prof Jolin Hawttiom The Kingdom of Fife is a Region of many Greg Mol.atcllle MB Cl\B FRCS plus Young Athletes Races ~ Wlghton MOSP contrasts, as David Inglis discovered. C<>ntrlbutora: Kelvin Hall's Flying Start ~~~ Garolyn Brown Fiona Macaulay Garelh Bryan.Jones smwan Mclntoch Doug Gillon reports on the highly OianaCabom MlchaelMcOuald Bill Cadger Heruy t.tichamoro successful debut of the Kelvin Hall Frasor Clyne G<aeme Smilh International Sports Arena. Grai,am CrawfOld Oayld Wall ConnloHenderaon OavidWobslllf Bob Holme$ Mel Young So You Think You're Fit? Events and -..111 compllor: 29 Glasgow Universtty's Stan Grant Colin Shields C/IU~ _ /~t? educates us on the scientific nature or 1~ fP>l-/ve« (;>Q physical fitness. Ad.mlalng Manager: Jim Wilklo KELVIN HALL Train Through Squash SUNDAY, 8 MAY 1988 Admlnlatrallon Manager: sandra Whlltal<er Alan Campbell reports on the benefits of squash as a fun form of interval training Art Editor: Special event for one year only * Russ"41Alll<&n * Run from Kelvin Hall through City and Glasgow Garden Festival On other Pages .•. * Over £3,000 in training grants Commemorative Awards - all finishers 8COllAN/18 5 Inside Lane 20 Women in Sport * RUNNER 7 Up Front 28 Sports Network * Limited to 5,000 runners 12 Triathlons 32 School's Athletics Combine your race with a visit to the Glasgow Garden Festival Front cover: 12 Charity News 32 Orienteering * Buil:h RG)lnaldl; takes 13 Letters acelalm irom Ille 33 Alf Tupper * 25p donation to Help the Aged crOW<Jallaf his 14 Training Tips 40 Veteran Scene brillant 400m run 16 Highland Games 42 Events ~• Ille Kolvln Hall ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE FROM: 17 Gymnastics 50 Next Month Kodak Glasgow Garden Festival lOK, Kelvin Hall International Sports Arena, , - -- AIR MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RA TES - -, Argyle Street, Glasgow, G3 SAW I Give a gift of a year's subscription 10 Scotland's Runner to a I I friend or relative uviog abroad. The rates are: I Scollancfs Runnells p<Jllshed bi' ScolRun Publ1CaU011S Lid., CLOSING DATE: 10APRIL1988 (or when entry limit reached) I USA and Canada....... ................................................£19.00 I 62, Kelvlng!OYe Stroo~ ~ G3 75/1. Tel:o41-332.S738 Prlntod by Mr:Co!quodale (Sco11aod) Ud, I Europe .......................................................................£17.50 I Assisted by Eleclronlc page ma)<e-up by RusseU Al*8n Associates. I New Zealand and Australia. ......................................£21.00 I L---------- -- ------ - ~ • 7'7•••••llJ./NNING SHOES Scotland's Runner March 1988 3 hat a tremendous atmosphere lhere was al the Dairy Crest Winlemational between Crea! Britaln and France, and '"hat a profes sional show was staged by all c:on ccmed with i ts orga,nisat-ion. The elec!rifying performance of Butch column - and, anyway, a suitably Reynolds aside, the alhlele who intemperate reply has been appended enhanced his reputation most was tohis Seiter- bul Mr Workman's epistle surely Linford Cllristie - a triple winner makes lt necessary for us to expound and by the end of the afternoon an again on the m.ogazine's l'hilosophy. adopted Scot. Scolland's Runner is an Christie's dcmeanor at the Kelvin Hall athletics mag;uine. Nothing in the title was the antithesis of his reported or content suggests otherwise. pelulant behaviour in Rome, and !his However, just as no man is an island, mag.nificenl alhlete will have 5,000 new It is our belief !hat athletics does nol and enlhusiastie supporters on !he road stand in isolation from other sports. to Seoul this summer. The triathlon, with its compo.nent Linford Chrb11e. , • The European sprfnt parts of running, swimming and cycling champion won 5000 new tans at the Kelvin H•fl (or canoeing or whatever) is this with his lhru victories READERS WILL presumably notice philosophy in practice. And cross I considerable typographical changes in training. whereby the runner regularly parents of children - and !hat these this month's Scotland's Runner. This is swims, weight-lifts, or cycles as part of youngsters mlghl appreciate a gym due to us switching to a new system of his/her trainin.g routine, is certain to nastic column. publishing, and we h ope you will bear become more popu.la_r. (This is• apart from !he intrinsic '''ilh us during the tra·nsition period Even a sport such as squash, whkh on reason that gymnastics is as deserving as the ultimate iWn is to provide you the face of it bas no conneclion of a page in on.r sporting church as any \Yilh a more allTactive a·nd bette.r whatsoever with athletics, c-an be a other activity). prodoc!. useful allemalive lo pounding the roads Later lhis year we hope to reintroduce While on the subject of lhe's or burning ii up on the track as we a more comprehensive cycling page - content, we cannot pass without explain on Page 37 of !his issu•• and if the swimmers want space they'll commenting on what we regard as a CymnasHcs? A tnm.,ndous sporting get ii too. Why shouldn't we recognise most inten1perate letter in this month's disdpline for children who are lucky and encourage somebody of the slal11re issue from Mr James Workman of enough to be inlroduced to ii at a of Jean Hill, as welJ as promoting a Renfre\v, suitably early slage. I! might surprise fine recreational sport (and if you're lt-'s not nomutl policy lo single out our stiff-limbed old harriers Iha! some wondering, "Jean who?", that only readers for attention in the Inside lane readers ar~ actually parents - and the proves our point). Pleas.e continue to write in with your views ·al I constructive criticism is noted and, if possible, aded o.n. We Adidas Tnicll•i.wt - ·F• l1pl.ty' hope, for e.xa.mplt>, t·o be able to provide 80" ~let'/ ~ (OtlQl'I ~!!IQ.,~,. jltd.:llt tws a service for junior athletes in Ute next Otl R•c•t. Oft'9ried fcx IOtcl olpocl UlllS'! °"""" end lw.I ftQl.'ll month or so. OQd.eis. Tro.;oser ~ •1l11up r,i ••c;i.;. F..-Clil"'Ot Asa Gel in foretooi T11·denei1y EVA Anh' Wl\11 ~ llCX.. Colouf• The next four weeks wiU see a great n11w1~e. navyf sll'f Siles 11>1Q11e •Vt'tem for eolUinced •'7.-·5'0" t1L'5 !.'4• 6' .s·m.95 "IOCiQr, cooirol Coklut deal of schools alhlelks activily, wti!.. / (8d. Si(es 6-~2 PriceC.. .t5 Adi~•• T Sbiru-'$c:on'. 151),.; organised as tver by the enthusiastic COUO!\ISIWJ DOI~ loo• NI T ,._It .,..;,I\ ilb ~ lrld Modle Scottish Schools Athletics Association. -"° IJl'int. Swigit "'°°,..._. '*"-"'°"COlolft lls hard to believe it's less tha.n a year wi..1e/11'MI'\. "Ohl gi..,f lll&cl , 11.11CNO<M(Dftdl., ltd~ Sidi since Cirobank Scolland announced ~ C7.W S,\4,,L £13,000 & XL 0..95 !heir two-year sponsorship of schools athletics, such has been !he benefit bolh sides have already enjoyed from the deal. The Schools Association can take a bow for showing how to give back, as wcl.I as take, from a sponsor, while s Cirobank Scolland musl be well Adld• -. Mared 1on • · Cotout pleastd with the publicily and goodwill '"'N:1tlled NY\otl ~ _,,. they've derived - having shown an wedilt•... • ~·· BOURN( $PORT$ Ctiur(tl S troot. Stoke on Ttfnt $T4 IOJ ~tt>vlene ~ wl'th EVA equal determination to make more of Send chequt/ Pfft•' CHd tt or ·pl'lcine vour 01der q uo11n g "4>90'1 ~ ~ ~~._, v ;, a, Amt ilcion f ,o,pte-u 0 1 Oin111• Te l· 0782 41041 1 Llgihr-;gM ..,., M•l#lt the sponsorsh ip than the ril11al handing tvl>booou~pr~ or <&9088 or 47138. Al orcle!~ value C2S a.,d 11Yl!f POST FREE ·~IUtlltt Ql10 Szti ~~ over of a cheque with a lo! of zeros al Ochtt orclcfs plus (I POSI ;ind p.IClang C1lli!11 w~OOrnti... DI tt &.U nt.• the end of ii. John Emmel F•rr•ll (142) after winning lhe 1948 national cross coun!zy !IU•, with runner-.., F. Slnclllr I and Shettleslon.. G. Craig. Flhy ywa on Emmel Is s1111 Nllnlng. Ste Poge 40.