Maine Campus February 25 1980 Maine Campus Staff
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The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Campus Archives University of Maine Publications Spring 2-25-1980 Maine Campus February 25 1980 Maine Campus Staff Follow this and additional works at: Repository Citation Staff, Maine Campus, "Maine Campus February 25 1980" (1980). Maine Campus Archives. 1062. This Other is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Campus Archives by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. state The University of Maine at Orono als the daily student newspaper cline since Peter Blum. on, 1875 RD. "We have rganization.•• he ay. of having it all group felt that ampus :husiasm lacking vol. 86 no. 26 people find the Monday,Feb. 25, 1980 in't come back.' 'trustees unaware' group will ht- his weekend to eeting for the tgusta later this ilby College will Forum scheduled to educate trustees bv Stephen Betts "The seven college statewide college The final part of the conference will Acting UMO President Kenneth Allen Staff writer • Spellman said. system was implemented 10 years ago." consist of speeches by four individuals on will be the next featured speaker and will lore rapport with he said. "The board has not looked it over different aspects of the system and how A number of university trustees are '.!Ilman hopes to in broad terms since then." talk about outside tunding for the colleges unaware of their responsibilities in the each level of power atfects that policy. The g" forum which and on research for each university. university structure, according to a spo- The main topic will be centralization or first speaker will be Vice Chancellor h as spaghetti kesmon for the Chancellor's office. A final speaker will be Vice Chancellor dent and student speak on the The forum to educate them is to be held decentralization of authority in the college William Sullivan, who will Affairs, Robert Bins% anger, and Opport n t of Academic Tuesday at the Bangor Civic Center. system. "It's whether the trustees or the budget process for the state colleges. He colleges will decide the policies." he said. will be followed by President Robert who will discuss the topic of academic The spokesman . who wished to be programs. unnamed, said there are a number of The source said an example of decent- Woodbury of the University of Southern trustees who don't understand what ralized control was the budgetary process Maine. His topic will concern the admis- Prior to the forum Tuesday. the trustees =EN authority their board has over the and the tenure policy. "Each university will deliberate the tenure nomination of university policy. decides their individual budgets," he sion policy across the universities and what continued. role the trustees and the individual professors employed by the colleges. These deliberations are to "We have three trustees who have only The format of the forum will be divided be held tonight colleges will play in deciding policy. in an executive session. been in office for three to four months,— he into three parts. The first will discuss the said, "I doubt that they have even read the legal responsibilities of the board—trus- charter." ERVED tee's authority. The second division will The spokesman said it would be difficult consist of a presentation on the delegation ?e for the trustees to be able to understand of authority within the University of Maine the entire university structure. "Do you system. AORE think every state legislature has read a copy of the Maine Constitution?" he "For example." the source said. "If the asked. trustees decided we had a tremendous 30R 945-5688 crisis with energy. we would tell each The source also said the trustees realized their ingnorance on the subject and that is college to be energy conscious. Then it's why they called for the forum, and decided up to the president of each university to to hold the meeting last September. decide on how that will be done.— Bucherati advises new leaders on their roles Bucherati, involved increasing the visibil- by Ernie Clark ity of student government to students. He Staff writer said he entered the student senate as a write-in candidate during his sophomore New student government leaders David year and knew relatively little about what Spellman and Kevin Freeman should try the job would entail. Today. he said, and work with university administration. students definitely know that student but should be careful never to bow down to government exists. them, said outgoing Student tiovernment "It's not to the point where people come Vice President Steve Bucherati. to student government if they have "They should listen to the administra- problems. but people know we ar, tion and reflect, and not jump into hasty around." he said. decisions," he said. "there are so many Bucherati said that one of the major variables in making a governmental accomplishments of the Hewes-Bucherati decision, that a leader has to examine all administration concerned the student avenues to come with the decision that will senate handling of the plus-minus grading help the most people." controversy. He said that student govern- Bucherati also encouraged Spellman to ment found out that students were not work "awful hard — to establish himself as in favor of the proposed system after it had a leader, to be candid, and logo to as many been introduced by administration of- sources as possible for advice. ficials, and worked after it had been Regarding his own dealings with admin- introduced by administration officials, and istration officials. Bucherate said that he worked to air the students' viewpoint. had positive relationships with most He also praised president Dick Hewes' Joe.v Hebert and friend meet Jaws. For related story and administrators, but that some areas. efforts on behalf of university dental photos. see back page !photo by Ben Hamel particularly Residential Life needed im- facilities and bottle redemption center provement. programs. "Residential Life needs to start over, it's "It's rare when two programs of thi run too much like a business,— Bucherati nature get established in one year." he said. "I A don't think they take student said. focus "Hopefully David and Kevin will interests to heart. They don't understand finish the job.— what living in a 14 x 14 cubicle and eating However. Bucherati was less than the same food day after day does to a enthusiastic about his working relationship st udent . • • with Hewes. He said that as time went on on Eddie Driscoll Bucherati noted that in his four years as Hewes and himself drifted apart on tilt a dormitory resident, there have been issues. three increases in room and board rates "As we drifted, some internal strife without any proportional increases in dorm began to exist in the student government in today's Etc. quality. office." he said. "1 want to know where my money goes.— Another disappointment centered a he said. round the internal bickering that plagued In evaluating student government's the student senate. Bucherati said that the see page 5 performance during his tenure as student senate became divided into several dit senate president. Bucherati was optimistic. [Nee BlICHERAT1 page 21 The biggest accomplishment, according to Amommin. Campus • Monday. Feb 2.i PM 2loca .kfaine 1#71 Vegetable soups attract newfaces to Ram's Horn l's.1 by Leigh Ann Fehm lad Ann •lohnson mentioned this Staff writer tiob) to me." he said. *A The Ram's Horn is sponsored by caus, Sophomore John Burton said that Residential Life and is run through two Sunday night was his first yisit to the Wells Commons nutritionist Ann occui Ram's Horn Soup Kitchen. but he Johnson. polic planned to return. "It %a% really "We attract a wide variety of drive good." he said. "I'm glad my people.•• Rodgers said. "about halt was roommate .,uggested it." of w Inch are regulars. We get people brow Althought the kitchen is presently from oft-campus. York Village. some retie( in its third year of operation. many dorm people and sonic local was I students aren't award of this veg- people." yield etarian alternative. Eyery- Sunday Rodgers said on the average thete while and Wednesday night the Ram's are about 40 to 50 people in the open Horn is open from 5:30 to 6:30 for the Rams Horn each night. "They tires. meal. (Residential life) thought about A It's cost is S1.75. and it's not just accepting meal tickets here. but we 5350, soup. It may be caraway borscht or nist don't hay e the room." he said. at U Todo Em La Caldera. Let manager In fact, at times it's standing room Ii teat' and cook Larry Rodgers surprise you only in the Ram's Horn. especially Thur Wit h a new soup — all made front yy hen there is live entertainment. Rich scratch. "We like to has e live enter ant hi Combine the soup with yogurt and tamment. •• he said. ''It's mostly nisi V. as hones. home-made whole wheat friends of people that come in here." in a bread, fresh fruit, tea and a friendly. Ihe Ram's Horn has a collection of motif . atmosphere and coiy you•ye got the albums and also sonic tapes of past Kwal gist of a meal at the Ram's Horn. performances there. Daye Mallet that "I'Ye been coming here for a was one such earlier performer.