LGR/S4/14/13/A LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND REGENERATION COMMITTEE AGENDA 13th Meeting, 2014 (Session 4) Friday 2 May 2014 The Committee will meet at 1.30 pm in Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Headquarters. 1. Flexibility and Autonomy of Local Government: The Committee will take evidence from— Cllr Angus Campbell, Leader, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar; Cllr Gary Robinson, Leader, Shetland Islands Council; Malcolm Burr, Chief Executive, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar; Alistair Buchan, Chief Executive, Orkney Islands Council; and then from— Anne Sobey, Chair, Co-Cheangal Innse Gall; Donald MacSween, Chair, Point and Sandwick Development Trust; Huw Francis, Chief Executive, Storas Uibhist; Nicola Cowsill, Manager, Western Isles Community Care Forum. 2. Flexibility and Autonomy of Local Government (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence received. LGR/S4/14/13/A David Cullum Clerk to the Local Government and Regeneration Committee Room T3.60 The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh Tel: 0131 348 5223 Email:
[email protected] LGR/S4/14/13/A The papers for this meeting are as follows— Agenda Item 1 PRIVATE PAPER LGR/S4/14/13/1 (P) PRIVATE PAPER LGR/S4/14/13/2 (P) Orkney Islands Council Submission LGR/S4/14/13/3 Our Islands Our Future Submission LGR/S4/14/13/4 Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Submission LGR/S4/14/13/5 Link to Written Submissions including NHS Orkney & Orkney CPP Agenda item 1 LGR/S4/14/13/3 2 May 2014 Submission from Orkney Islands Council 1. Does any action require to be taken to improve the level of public engagement and interaction with local government, if so please suggest what action might be beneficial? Submission Orkney already has a very high level of public engagement and interaction with local government.