Protect oral and maxillofacial surgery by helping to elect federal candidates who support oral and maxillofacial surgeons, the specialty and our patients.



Chair Letter 4 Candidate Contributions 5 OMSPAC in Action 8 Contributors’ Reception 9 Member Contributions 10 Thank You 12 Activity & Success 14 2016 Priority Issues 15


Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of the entire OMSPAC Board of Directors, I am happy to present you with our annual report of OMSPAC activities and successes over the past year.

In 2016, 1,199 AAOMS members supported OMSPAC with $424,086 in personal and corporate donations. The more contributions we receive, the more opportunities we have to provide assistance to candidates who understand and support our specialty.

In addition, OMSPAC distributed $581,250 to candidates running in the 2016, 2018 or 2020 elections. More than 70 OMSs helped us deliver these contributions back in the local districts. Each time a contribution was delivered, it provided us a opportunity to talk about our issues and form relationships with the very individuals who decide our future.

Thank you for your support in all of our endeavors. OMSPAC is only as strong as our contributors and we would not be where we are without you!


Joel M. Friedman, DDS Chair, 2017 OMSPAC Board of Directors , N.Y.


Joel M. Friedman, DDS Jeffrey H. Wallen, DDS W. Frederick Stephens, DDS Chair District III District VI

Harry Y. Canter Jr., DDS Gary H. Dwight, DDS Murray K. Jacobs, DDS Treasurer/District II District IV Immediate Past Chair

Cynthia E. Winne, DMD, MPH Matthew C. Lowe, DDS Stephanie N. Zastrow, DDS District I District V ROAAOMS Liaison

OMSPAC STAFF Karin Wittich, CAE Tracy Macino Adam Walaszek Secretary Finance Administrator Staff Associate

Jeanne Tuerk Sandy Guenther Assistant Treasurer Senior Staff Associate

4 OMSPAC CANDIDATE CONTRIBUTIONS As of Dec. 31, 2016, $581,250 was given to federal candidates running for re-election in the 2016, 2018 or 2020 elections.

Any OMSPAC contributor may request a candidate contribution from the OMSPAC Board of Directors. For more information, please visit GIVING COMPARED TO OTHER PACS

Trial Attorneys – 1,830,500

American Medical Association – $1,651,500

American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons – $1,370,700

American Dental Association – $1,364,428

American Society of Anesthesiologists – $1,244,500

American College of Emergency – $1,097,400 OMSPAC distributed $581,250 to candidates American College of Radiology – $889,750 in the 2015-2016 election cycle, ranking 19th in terms of giving to federal candidates American Association of Nurse compared to all other healthcare professional Anesthetists – $695,150 PACs. In the 2013-2014 election cycle, OMSPAC ranked 19th and we’ve consistently been in the top 25 for the past 10 years. OMSPAC – $581,250 Our ranking is directly related to how much money is contributed to federal candidates. The American Association of Orthodontists – $400,000 more contributions we receive, the more we can contribute to those candidate who support our American Society of Plastic Surgeons – $242,000 specialty.




ARIZONA KENTUCKY OHIO Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) – $10,000 Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-Ky.) – $3,000 Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) – $2,500 Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) – $2,500 Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) – $5,000 CALIFORNIA Rep. Patrick Tiberi (R-Ohio) – $5,000 Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) – $2,500 LOUISIANA Rep. Ami Bera (D-Calif.) – $4,000 Rep. Ralph Abraham (R-La.) – $3,000 OREGON Mr. Salud Carbajal (D-Calif.) – $2,000 Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) – $2,500 Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-Calif.) – $3,000 MASSACHUSETTS Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.) – $3,000 Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) – $1,000 Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-Mass.) – $2,500 Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) – $3,000 PENNSYLVANIA Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.) – $2,000 MARYLAND Rep. Ryan Costello (R-Pa.) – $5,000 Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) – $5,000 Ms. Joseline Pena-Melnyk (D-Md.) – $1,000 Rep. Michael Doyle (D-Pa.) – $3,000 Rep. Doris Matsui (D-Calif.) – $2,000 Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) – $3,500 Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.) – $4,000 MICHIGAN Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Pa.) – $5,000^ Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) – $2,000 Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) – $8,000 Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) – $2,000 SOUTH CAROLINA Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) – $10,000 MINNESOTA Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) – $2,000 Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.) – $2,000 Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-Minn.) – $5,000 Rep. Jeffrey Duncan (R-S.C.) – $1,000 Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) – $1,000 COLORADO MISSISSIPPI Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) – $1,000 Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.) – $5,000 Rep. Gregg Harper (R-Miss.) – $2,500 Rep. Tom Rice (R-S.C.) – $2,500 Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.) – $1,000 CONNECTICUT NORTH CAROLINA Rep. Joseph Courtney (D-Conn.) – $3,500 Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.) – $2,000 TENNESSEE Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) – $2,500 Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.) – $5,000 Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) – $5,000 Rep. John Larson (D-Conn.) – $3,000 Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) – $5,000 NORTH DAKOTA Rep. Phil Roe (R-Tenn.) – $3,000 FLORIDA Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) – $1,000 Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-Fla.) – $1,000 TEXAS Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Fla.) – $1,000 NEW HAMPSHIRE Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas) – $10,000 Dr. Fred Costello (R-Fla.) – $5,000 Rep. Ann Kuster (D-N.H.) – $1,000 Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) – $5,000 Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.) – $7,000 Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) – $10,000 Mr. Darren Soto (D-Fla.) – $2,500 NEW JERSEY Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) – $9,000 Mr. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) – $1,000 Rep. Gene Green (D-Texas) – $2,000 GEORGIA Rep. Leonard Lance (R-N.J.) – $5,000 Rep. Sam Johnson (R-Texas) – $2,000 Rep. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.) – $3,500 Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-N.J.) – $4,000 Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-Texas) – $1,000 Dr. Drew Ferguson (R-Ga.) – $10,000 Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) – $8,000 Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) – $5,000 Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) – $8,000 WASHINGTON Rep. David Scott (D-Ga.) – $4,000 Rep. Christopher Smith (R-N.J.) – $1,500 Rep. Rick Larsen (D-Wash.) – $2,000 Rep. Austin Scott (R-Ga.) – $500 Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) – Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) – $1,000^ NEW MEXICO $1,000 Rep. Ben Lujan (D-N.M.) – $2,500 Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.) – $2,000 IOWA Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-N.M.) – Rep. Dave Loebsack (D-Iowa) – $2,000 $10,000 WISCONSIN Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.) – $1,000 IDAHO NEW YORK Mr. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) – $6,000 Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) – $5,000 Rep. Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.) – $2,000 Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wis.) – $9,000 Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) – $2,000 Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) – $2,500 ILLINOIS Rep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.) – $6,000 Rep. Reid Ribble (R-Wis.) – $1,000^ Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) – $1,000 Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) – $2,000 Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) – $8,000 Rep. Bob Dold (R-Ill.) – $2,000 Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-N.Y.) – $2,000 Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-Ill.) – $1,000 Mr. Keith Wright (D-N.Y.) – $1,000 Rep. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.) – $3,000 Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) – $1,000 ^Announced their retirement after the contribution was distributed Red – lost election (primary or general) Mr. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.) – $2,000 Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) – $3,000 Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) – $3,000

INDIANA Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.) – $5,000 Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) – $10,000

KANSAS Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-Kan.) – $3,000 Rep. Kevin Yoder (D-Kan.) – $2,500

Dr. Timothy S. Kelling (left) and his staff with U.S. Dr. Martin E. Eichner (left) and U.S. Rep. Tim Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) (center). Murphy (R-Pa.).


COLORADO KENTUCKY OHIO Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) – $4,000 Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) – $3,500 Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) – $2,000 Mr. Darryl Glenn (R-Colo.) – $1,000 Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) – $1,000* LOUISIANA OKLAHOMA Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) – $1,000* Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) – $1,000 CONNECTICUT Mr. John Kennedy (R-La.) – $1,000 Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) – $2,000 OREGON Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) – $2,000* MARYLAND Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) – $8,000 Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) – $3,000 DELAWARE Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) – $3,000^ PENNSYLVANIA Sen. Christopher Coons (D-Del.) – $4,000* Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) – $2,000 MICHIGAN IOWA Sen. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) – $3,500* SOUTH CAROLINA Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) – $5,000 Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) – $7,000* Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) – $4,000

IDAHO MISSOURI TEXAS Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho) – $1,000* Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) – $5,000 Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) – $1,000*

ILLINOIS MONTANA UTAH Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) – $10,000 Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) – $1,000* Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) – $6,000*

INDIANA NORTH CAROLINA WASHINGTON Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.) – $2,700 Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) – $6,000 Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) – $9,000 Rep. Todd Young (R-Ind.) – $4,500 NORTH DAKOTA WISCONSIN Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) – $3,500 Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) – $4,000 Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) – $2,000* WYOMING Sen. Michael Enzi (R-Wyo.) – $1,000* Rep. Joe Heck (R-Nev.) – $2,500 Sen. (D-Nev.) – $2,000^

NEW YORK Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) – $5,000*

^Announced their retirement after the contribution was distributed *Not up for re-election in 2016 Red – lost election (primary or general)

Dr. Steven A. Saxe (left) with U.S. Rep. Joe Heck (R-Nev.).


During 2016, OMSPAC hosted two Washington, D.C.-based events for prominent legislators with a connection to healthcare. On Feb. 1, 2016, OMSPAC hosted a fundraiser for Congressman Kevin Brady (R-Texas), raising more than $32,500. As chair of the Ways and Means Committee, Congressman Brady has oversight of national Social Security programs, including . On April 11, 2016, OMSPAC hosted a fundraiser for Congresswoman Michel Lujan-Grisham (D-N.M.), raising more than $12,500. In addition to being a longtime supporter of the specialty, Rep. Lujan-Grisham has a special tie to oral health as her father was a general dentist based in Santa Fe, N.M.

At left: U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas). At right: Dr. Lionel M. Candelaria with U.S. Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-N.M.).



Dr. George E. Morris with U.S. Rep. Dr. Joel M. Friedman with U.S. Rep. Drs. Louis M. Beto (left) and Amy J. Dr. Gerald W. Bird (right) and his wife Robin Kelly (D-Ill.). Grace Meng (D-N.Y.). Bogardus with U.S. Rep. Brett Guthrie with U.S. Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.). (R-Ky.).

Dr. Charles M. Repa (left) with U.S. Dr. Jay Asdell with U.S. Rep. Jackie Dr. Robert L. Flint (left) with U.S. Rep. Dr. David A. Fenton (right) with U.S. Rep. Gene Green (D-Texas). Walorski (R-Ind.). John Yarmuth (D-Ky.). Rep. John Larson (D-Conn.).

Dr. James P. Jensvold (left) with U.S. Dr. Daniel Quon (left) with U.S. Rep. Dr. Herbert D. Stith (left) with Mr. Raja Dr. Julia R. Plevnia and her husband Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.). Gregg Harper (R-Miss.). Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.). with Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) (left).

Drs. Preston A. Gomez (left) and Dr. Bruce L. Whitcher (left) with Mr. Dr. Robert J. Memory (left) with U.S. Dr. Martin E. Eichner (right) with U.S. Joseph R.I. Deatherage (right) with Salud Carbajal (D-Calif.). Rep. Joseph Kennedy (D-Mass.). Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.). U.S. Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.).



More than 180 people attended the OMSPAC Contributors’ Reception, which was held during the 2016 AAOMS Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nev. The reception was open to current OMSPAC contributors and their guests.

At left: The 2016 OMSPAC Board of Directors. From left: Drs. Thomas M. Keane Jr., Gary H. Dwight, W. Frederick Stephens, Jeffrey H. Wallen, Matthew C. Lowe, Harry Y. Canter Jr., Paul A. Covello, Joel M. Friedman, Murray K. Jacobs.

Scenes from the 2016 OMSPAC Contributors’ Reception.

VISIT US ON FACEBOOK FOR MORE PHOTOS OF THE EVENT OMSPAC 9 MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS In 2016, OMSPAC contributions totaled $424,086, down $63,000, or 13 percent, from 2015. It’s important to remember the amount contributed to OMSPAC directly affects our ability to support federal candidates.

$511,899 $506,456 $506,078 $487,215 $456,266 $412,248 $424,086

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 GIVING TRENDS More than 70 percent of all contributions received in 2016 came in amounts less than the amount earned from an hour’s work in your practice.

1% - State/Reg Societies 5% - Capitol Club 3% - All Residents $1,000+ $5-$50

18% - Diamond $500-$999 AVERAGE 2016 CONTRIBUTION 5% - Other $352.72 <$250 7% - Gold $375-$499

61% - Silver $250-$374

2016 OMSPAC FUNDRAISER OF THE YEAR Colorado State OMSPAC Chair, Julia R. Plevnia, DDS, of Parker, Colo., is the recipient of the 2016 OMSPAC Fundraiser of the Year Award. 2016 OMSPAC Board of Directors Chair Murray K. Jacobs, DDS, of Redlands, Calif. made the announcement during the Advocacy Breakfast, which took place at the 2016 AAOMS Annual Meeting. Dr. Jacobs noted that Dr. Plevnia received the award due to her prolific fundraising – specifically through her efforts the 140 percent increase in contributions in 2015 compared with 2014 – and her willingness to volunteer on behalf of OMSPAC.

Congratulations Dr. Pelvnia!


TOTAL PARTICIPATION In 2016, 17 percent of all AAOMS members contributed to OMSPAC, down 3 percent from 2015. While only one in five AAOMS members support OMSPAC, all benefit from our efforts.

26.24% 26.70% 25.24% 23.78% 22.52% 20.52% 17.18%

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

PARTICIPATION BY STATE North Dakota boasted the highest participation in the country, with 47 percent of AAOMS members in the state contributing to OMSPAC.

 <10%  11-20%  21-30%  31-40%  41%+


THANK YOU! The OMSPAC Board would like to thank all of our contributors for their support. The Board would like to extend a special thanks to our state and regional society, Capitol Club and Diamond-level contributors who made contributions. For a full list of 2016 contributors, please visit STATE & REGIONAL SOCIETY CONTRIBUTORS (ANY AMOUNT)

Connecticut Society of OMS Iowa Society of OMS New Jersey Society of OMS Georgia Society of OMS Maine Society of OMS Pennsylvania Society of OMS Illinois Society of OMS Middle Atlantic Society of OMS South Carolina Society of OMS CAPITOL CLUB CONTRIBUTORS ($1,000+) Aaron B. Baldwin, DMD, MD Murray K. Jacobs, DDS (Redlands, Calif.) Bryan R. Neuwirth, DDS, MD (Conover, N.C.) (Hot Springs National Park, Ark.) J. David Johnson Jr., DDS (Oak Ridge, Tenn.) Ajay R. Patel, DDS (Merced, Calif.) Kathy A. Banks, DMD (Barnegat, N.J.) William V. Jordan III, DDS (Sugar Land, Texas) Steven V. Pittman, DMD (Milford, Mass.) Colin S. Bell, DDS, MSD (Dallas, Texas) Thomas M. Keane Jr., DDS (Bloomington, Minn.) Daron C. Praetzel, DMD (Hot Springs, Ark.) Remy H. Blanchaert Jr., DDS, MD Michael E. Kellam, DMD (Mount Vernon, Ala.) Louis K. Rafetto, DMD (Wilmington, Del.) (Wichita, Kan.) Carl M. Kimbler, DMD, MD (Aberdeen, S.D.) Scott M. Redlinger, DMD, MD (Reno, Nev.) Harry Y. Canter Jr., DDS (Easton, Md.) Paul M. Lambert, DDS (Boise, Idaho) Roberto J. Rodil, DMD (Ponce, P.R.) Aaron Sterling Card, DMD, MD (Olathe, Kan.) Wayne W. Loney Jr., DDS, MS Ronald L. Roholt, DDS, MD (Hays, Kan.) Lawrence R. Chewning Jr., DMD (Florence, S.C.) (The Woodlands, Texas) John J. Rydlewicz, DDS (Appleton, Wis.) Eugene M. D'Amico III, DDS (Newark, Del.) Matthew C. Lowe, DDS (Pittsburg, Kan.) Christopher J. Saal, DDS, MD (Houma, La.) Marcos Diaz, DDS (Weston, Fla.) David P. Lustbader, DMD (Quincy, Mass.) Manaf Saker, DMD (Ridgewood, N.J.) Stephen N. Doran, DMD (Bloomington, Ill.) David A. MacGregor, DMD (Oswego, N.Y.) Steven A. Saxe, DMD (Las Vegas, Nev.) James R. Eckstein, DDS, MD (San Diego, Calif.) Thomas S. MacKenzie, DDS (La Crosse, Wis.) Paul J. Schaner II, DMD (Marietta, Ga.) Mark A. Egbert, DDS (Kenmore, Wash.) Daniel C. Madion, DDS, MD Adam D. Serlo, DMD, MD (Chapel Hill, N.C.) John A. Ellis Jr., DDS, MD (Vienna, Maine) (Traverse City, Mich.) Perry V. Silva, DDS, MD (Monterey, Calif.) Robert W. Emery III, DDS (McLean, Va.) Manolis G. Manolakakis, DMD Richard S. Singer, DDS (Conyers, Ga.) Douglas W. Fain, DDS, MD, FACS (Shrewsbury, N.J.) Anthony M. Spina, DDS, MD (Park Ridge, Ill.) (Stilwell, Kan.) Clyde D. Marlow, DDS, MS (Macon, Ga.) Herbert D. Stith, DDS (Geneva, Ill.) Brett L. Ferguson, DDS (Kansas City, Mo.) Glenn Maron, DDS (Atlanta, Ga.) Jason A. Straw, DDS (El Dorado Hills, Calif.) R. Theodore Fields Jr., DDS, PhD (Dallas, Texas) Kimberly A. Meng, DDS, PhD Jeffrey H. Wallen, DDS (Myrtle Beach, S.C.) Joel M. Friedman (New York, N.Y.) (New Orleans, La.) Erik D. Warren, DDS, MD (Rocky River, Ohio) Daniel J. Gesek Jr., DMD (Jacksonville, Fla.) James E. Mercer, DDS (West Columbia, S.C.) William R. Whitlow, DDS (Hutchinson, Kan.) Paul B. Greenawalt, DDS (Rollingbay, Wash.) Daniel S. Miller, DDS (Huntington Beach, Calif.) Mark E. Wohlford, DDS, PhD (Evansville, Ind.) Lance F. Grenevicki, DDS, MD (Melbourne, Fla.) J. David Morrison Jr., DMD (Loveland, Ohio) Charles H. Hoffman, DDS (Glen Cove, N.Y.) Amir Naimi, DDS (Mc Lean, Va.) A. Thomas Indresano, DMD Victor L. Nannini, DDS (Westbury, N.Y.) (San Francisco, Calif.) William J. Nelson, DDS (Green Bay, Wis.) DIAMOND CONTRIBUTORS ($500-$999) James M. Adams, DDS (Bourbonnais, Ill.) Robert J. Buch, DDS, MD (Glendale, Ariz.) James D. Condry, DDS, MD Junil Ahn, DDS, MD (Mission Viejo, Calif.) Christopher A. Burns, DDS (Indianapolis, Ind.) (Saratoga Springs, N.Y.) John D. Andersen, DDS (Council Bluffs, Iowa) Lawrence J. Busino, DDS (Albany, N.Y.) Kevin J. Corry, DDS (Union, N.J.) Paul E. Anderson, DMD, MD Caesar C. Butura, DDS (Phoenix, Ariz.) Lucia R. Covington, DMD (Murrells Inlet, S.C.) (Peachtree City, Ga.) Roger P. Byrne, DDS, MD (Houston, Texas) Lester L. Cowden III, DDS Wayne S. Atebara, DMD, MD (Hilo, Hawaii) Lionel M. Candelaria, DDS (Albuquerque, N.M.) (Oklahoma City, Okla.) William G. Aughton, DDS (Naples, Fla.) Jeffrey O. Capes, DMD, MD H. Mark Cox, DMD (Redding, Calif.) Andrew R. Banker, DDS, MD (Shreveport, La.) (St. Simons Island, Ga.) John F. Coyne, DMD (Brockton, Mass.) Mohammad Banki, DMD, MD (Warwick, R.I.) Jack Capodice Jr., DMD, MD (Bloomington, Ill.) Charles A. Crago, DMD, MD (Fargo, N.D.) Shant J. Baran, DMD (Boston, Mass.) Vincent M. Carey, DMD (Warner Robins, Ga.) Joshua R. Cross, DDS (Fayetteville, Ark.) Frank J. Beale, DDS (Virginia Beach, Va.) John C. Cataudella, DMD (Norwell, Mass.) Jay A. Crossland, DDS (Rapid City, S.D.) Jeffrey S. Berkley, DDS (West Haven, Conn.) Patrick A. Chaney, DDS, MS (Lima, Ohio) Jeffrey E. Cyr, DDS (Richmond, Va.) William C. Bigelow, DDS (Staunton, Va.) Andrew K. Chang, DDS, MD (San Diego, Calif.) Mary A. Delsol, DDS (Dana Point, Calif.) Randall J. Blazic, DDS, MD (Goodyear, Ariz.) Anthony E. Chicola, DMD (Pensacola, Fla.) Therese M. DiFlorio Brennan, DMD, MD William J. Bontempi, DMD, MD Louis F. Clarizio, DDS (Portsmouth, N.H.) (Shillington, Pa.) (Wilbraham, Mass.) Dennis P. Clark, DMD (Tigard, Ore.) Douglas J. Dingwerth, DMD, MD Stephen B. Bookmyer, DDS, MD Robert S. Clark, DMD (Lexington, Ky.) (Fairview, Texas) (Round Rock, Texas) William J. Clark, DDS, MD (Oxnard, Calif.) Stephanie J. Drew, DMD (West Islip, N.Y.) Andrew A. Bookwalter, DDS (Berlin, Md.) Lewis Clayman, DMD, MD (Pinole, Calif.) Dean L. Duncan, DDS (San Francisco, Calif.) Curtis J. Bowman, DDS (Enid, Okla.) Rex D. Cockrell, DDS, MD (San Antonio, Texas) Wendell A. Edgin, DDS (San Antonio, Texas) James M. Boyle III, DDS, MS (York, Pa.) Christine J. Coke, DDS, MD (Fairview, Texas) Jason A. Edwards, DMD (Tampa, Fla.) Kurt E. Bruksch, DDS (Crystal Lake, Ill.) Shawn T. Engebretsen, DMD (Stuart, Fla.)



John S. Faber, DDS (Lansing, Mich.) Marten N. Ladman, DMD (Morganville, N.J.) Sarah E. Proulx, DMD (Clemson, S.C.) Richard A. Fagin, DDS (Palo Alto, Calif.) Robert M. Lamb, DDS (Edmond, Okla.) John R. Provenzano, DDS (Wichita, Kan.) Lawrence G. Falender, DDS (Indianapolis, Ind.) Thomas J. Laney, DDS, MD (Moses Lake, Wash.) Peter H. Pruden, DDS (Huntington, N.Y.) Eric D. Ferrara, DDS (Fayetteville, Ga.) Michael J. Langan, DMD, MS (Orlando, Fla.) Andrew R. Rahn, DDS (Fresno, Calif.) Leslie R. Fish, DDS (Chandler, Ariz.) Joseph A. LaSpisa, DDS (Elmhurst, Ill.) Reynaldo T. Reese, DMD (Douglasville, Ga.) Steven L. Fletcher, DDS, FACS (Iowa City, Iowa) Jeremy J. Lassetter, DDS (Clifton Park, N.Y.) Edward P. Rentschler, DDS (Rockford, Ill.) Robert L. Flint, DMD, MD (Louisville, Ky.) Paul E. Levy, DMD (Concord, N.H.) Charles M. Repa, DDS (The Woodlands, Texas) Raymond J. Fonseca, DMD (Asheville, N.C.) Benn L. Lieberman, DMD Richard C. Robert, DDS, MS Joshua D. Foxson, DDS (Naperville, Ill.) (Upper Saddle River, N.J.) (South San Francisco, Calif.) Scott R. Frank, DDS (Buffalo Grove, Ill.) Jeffrey Lin, DDS, MD Thomas F. Rollar Jr., DMD (Conway, S.C.) James E. Freeman IV, DDS (Williston, Vt.) (South Abington Township, Pa.) Mark T. Roszkowski, DDS, PhD Nicholas D. Freuen, DDS, MD (Spokane, Wash.) Clarence C. Lindquist, DDS (Washington, D.C.) (Sunfish Lake, Minn.) Emily M. Frye, DDS (Oklahoma City, Okla.) William E. Lippisch, DMD (Stuart, Fla.) Michael B. Salin, DMD H. James Garel, DDS (Edwards, Colo.) David P. Ludington, DDS (Onalaska, Wis.) (Feasterville Trevose, Pa.) Robert D. Gear Jr., DMD, MD (Fort Myers, Fla.) Kenneth A. MacAfee II, DMD (Waltham, Mass.) Curtis J. Schalit, DDS (Daytona Beach, Fla.) David H. Gilbert, DDS, MS (Upland, Calif.) George A. Maranon, DDS, MD (Encino, Calif.) Thomas Schlieve, DDS, MD (Dallas, Texas) Jeremiah J. Glosenger, DDS, MS (Minot, N.D.) Taylor L. Markle, DDS (Kansas City, Mo.) Keith M. Schneider, DMD Robert A. Goeckermann, DDS Stephen J. Maroda Jr., DDS (University Heights, Ohio) (Greenfield, Wis.) (Germantown, Tenn.) Scott A. Schoen, DDS (Little Rock, Ark.) Robert T. Gramins, DDS (La Jolla, Calif.) Shahram Y. Mashhadian, DDS, MD Steven A. Sedaros, DMD (Melbourne, Fla.) Gregory P. Grantham, DMD (Los Angeles, Calif.) Nishith S. Shah, DMD, MD (Chandler, Ariz.) Panama City, Fla.) Christopher R. Mastin, DDS (Tulsa, Okla.) Robert S. Sheperd, DDS (Petoskey, Mich.) Anthony T. R. Green, DDS (Jamaica, N.Y.) Gary W. McDonald, DDS (Kingwood, Texas) Frank T. Sindoni, DDS, MD (Williamsville, N.Y.) David N. Greenman, DDS (Stamford, Conn.) Thomas A. McDonald, DMD, MD (Florence, S.C.) John M. Sisto, DDS (Park Ridge, Ill.) Robert F. Guyette, DMD, MD (Scottsdale, Ariz.) Michael A. McGinnis, DDS, MS Ryan J. Smart, DMD, MD (West Fargo, N.D.) John M. Hackenberger, DDS (Georgetown, S.C.) Leonard Spector, DDS (Stevenson, Md.) (Grosse Pointe Park, Mich.) Denis Miller, DDS (Sioux Falls, S.D.) James D. Steele, DDS, MD (Coppell, Texas) Randall W. Halliday, DD Ivo A. Miller, DDS (Chattanooga, Tenn.) W. Frederick Stephens, DDS (Pasadena, Calif.) (San Bernardino, Calif.) Joseph L. Miller, DDS (Greensboro, N.C.) Larry E. Stigall, DDS (Boone, N.C.) Katherine A. Haltom, DMD (Framingham, Mass.) Michael E. Miller, DDS (Richmond, Va.) Sorrell I. Strauss, DMD (Stuart, Fla.) Simons Hane Jr., DMD (Port Royal, S.C.) David G. Molen, DDS, MD (Sumner, Wash.) James S. Sunwoo, DDS, MD Jeremy M. Hannon, DMD (Kaneohe, Hawaii) Ofilio J. Morales, DMD (Orlando, Fla.) (West Hollywood, Calif.) Jimmie L. Harper Jr., DDS, MS (Cincinnati, Ohio) Patrick R. Morris, DDS, MD (St Louis, Mo.) Jay I. Swanson, DDS, MD (Effingham, Ill.) Michael D. Harris, DDS, MD (Provo, Utah) David P. Mueller, DDS (Virginia Beach, Va.) Kimberly S. Swanson, DDS (Clearwater, Fla.) Gregory W. Hartley, DMD (Jacksonville, Fla.) G. Jack Muller II, DDS, MS (Rapid City, S.D.) James Q. Swift, DDS (Minneapolis, Minn.) Samuel L. Hayes, DDS (Asheville, N.C.) Max G. Neill, DDS (Fort Worth, Texas) David R. Telles, DDS (Huntington Beach, Calif.) James M. Heit, DDS (Omaha, Neb.) Steven R. Nelson, DDS, MS (Denver, Colo.) Nicholas Theodotou, DDS (Pooler, Ga.) Robert M. Hinkle, DDS (Dublin, Ohio) Timothy E. Nelson, DDS (Longview, Wash.) B.D. Tiner, DDS, MS, FACS (San Antonio, Texas) Lubor Hlousek, DMD, MD (Annapolis, Md.) Gregory M. Ness, DDS (Worthington, Ohio) Anthony L. Tortorich, DDS (Little Rock, Ark.) Bruce E. Hochstadter, DDS (Park Ridge, Ill.) Brandon E. Newell, DDS (St Louis Park, Minn.) Thomas A. Trowbridge, DDS, MD Jon D. Holmes, DMD, MD (Birmingham, Ala.) Thoai T. Nguyen, DDS (Milpitas, Calif.) (North Andover, Mass.) Joel K. Hopkin, DMD, MD (Corvallis, Ore.) Sanil B. Nigalye, DDS, MD (Clarence, N.Y.) W. Mark Tucker, DDS (Tampa, Fla.) K. Marcus Hopkins, DDS (Germantown, Tenn.) Robert A. Nustad, DDS, MS (Owatonna, Minn.) Nathan F. Turley, DDS (Vista, Calif.) Anthony A. Indovina, DDS (Marrero, La.) Thomas C. Ocheltree Jr., DMD (Bloomington, Ill.) Craig E. Vigliante, DMD, MD (Lansdowne, Va.) Stephen T. Jagielo, DDS (Downers Grove, Ill.) Gregory G. Olsen, DDS (Folsom, Calif.) William R. Walstad, DDS (Dallas, Texas) Daniel C. Jeong, DDS (Tewksbury, Mass.) John P. Ouano, DMD (Milford, Mass.) Timothy B. Welch, DDS, MD (Eugene, Ore.) G. Shane Jessen, DDS (Ogden, Utah) Thomas B. Padgett, DMD (Midlothian, Va.) Michael E. Werner, DMD (Olympia, Wash.) Guenter J. Jonke, DMD, MS (Stony Brook, N.Y.) Frank Paletta, DMD, MD, FACS (Warwick, R.I.) David A. Whiston, DDS (Arlington, Va.) Nestor D. Karas, DDS, MD Larry P. Parworth, DDS, MS (Asheville, N.C.) Michael J. Will, DDS, MD (Ijamsville, Md.) (Walnut Creek, Calif.) Richard E. Paul, DMD (McDonough, Ga.) Charles E. Witkowski Sr., DDS, MS, PhD Spiro C. Karras, DDS (Lincolnwood, Ill.) James A. Pell, DDS (Woodbridge, Va.) (Johnson City, Tenn.) Timothy S. Kelling, DDS, MD (Queensbury, N.Y.) Robert C. Pfeffle, DMD (Mobile, Ala.) Kenneth J. Wu, DDS (Bethesda, Md.) Stephen S. Kelly, DMD (Grand Junction, Colo.) Rawle F. Philbert, DDS (Brooklyn, N.Y.) Craig A. Yamamoto, DDS (Honolulu, Hawaii) Gabriel M. Kennedy, DMD (Salem, Ore.) James B. Phillips, DDS, MS (Jonesboro, Ark.) David E. Yates, DMD (Evansville, Ind.) Nima A. Khorassani, DDS (Chesapeake, Va.) William R. Phillips III, DDS, MD (Dallas, Texas) Frank Yeh, DMD (Virginia Beach, Va.) Victor Y. Kim, DDS (Troy, Ohio) Anthony Pitrowski, DMD, MD Wael Youseff, DMD (North Grafton, Mass.) Brent L. Kincaid, DDS (Chesterfield, Mo.) (Santa Maria, Calif.) Steven Zambrano, DDS (Cordova, Tenn.) Carrie A. Klene, DDS (Indianapolis, Ind.) Jay C. Platt, DDS (Schererville, Ind.) Martin J. Zidron, DDS (Deer Park, Ill.) Keith E. Krueger, DMD (Bend, Ore.) Julia R. Plevnia, DDS (Parker, Colo.) Timothy I. Zuck, DDS (Appleton, Wis.)

Individuals listed made contributions at the Capitol Club ($1,000+) or Diamond ($500-$999) levels that were processed between Jan. 1, 2016, and Dec. 31, 2016. Please visit for a full list of contributors.

SUPPORT OMSPAC If you are interested in supporting OMSPAC, please visit or contact us at [email protected]

OMSPAC 13 ACTIVITY & SUCCESS In addition to supporting 142 candidates over the course of the 2015-2016 election cycle, OMSPAC engaged in the following activities and celebrated the following legislative victories.

OMSPAC supports the 16th annual AAOMS Day on the Hill. More than 100 OMSs from around the country OMSPAC publishes its met with their members of Congress. inaugural Annual OMSPAC also sponsored three OMS Report, highlighting its residents to participate in the meeting. OMSPAC hosts efforts in 2015. fundraiser for U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas), OMSPAC engages in a raising over $32,500. OMSPAC telesolicitation campaign through CAPTEL. More

publishes its

quarterly than $27,000 is raised

newsletter, during this campaign.


Congress passes, but President OMSPAC hosts fundraiser for Obama vetoes, legislation U.S. Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham repealing the medical device tax, (D-N.M.), raising over $12,500. the Cadillac tax and the individual and employer mandate. Congress passes legislation creating an inter-agency task force to create non-binding best The OMSPAC Board of practice guidelines for safe Directors approves its first prescribing and pain strategic plan. OMSPAC management.

publishes its




OMSPAC OMSPAC provides publishes its OMSPAC participates in the updates on OMSPAC quarterly AAOMS Annual Meeting, to the AAOMS district newsletter, including hosting its annual caucuses. The ImPACt. Contributors’ Reception and operating its booth in the AAOMS Member Pavilion.

The 2016 General Election is held. OMSPAC boasts a The OMSPAC Board 92% success rate during OMSPAC revises OMSPAC the election. publishes its Guidelines for Candidate Contributions. Please visit


newsletter, to view the

The ImPACt. revised document.


For more information on these and other activities, please visit or

14 OMSPAC 2016 PRIORITY ISSUES OMSPAC supports candidates who listen to and support our federal priorities. Below are just some of the issues identified by the AAOMS Committee on Government Affairs and the AAOMS Board of Trustees as important to the specialty. For more information on AAOMS’s other federal legislative priorities, visit the Government Affairs page on PROHIBITING FEE-CAPPING ON NON-COVERED SERVICES AAOMS supports allowing dentists to charge reasonable and customary fees to patients for services not covered by federally regulated plans, such as ERISA. Why is it important? The practice of insurers capping fees for non-covered services is an unfair trade practice. By prohibiting this action, OMSs would be able to provide quality care to their patients and not be dictated by insurance companies when providing services they do not cover.

EXPAND THE USE OF FSAS AND HSAS AAOMS supports canceling the FSA “use-it-or-lose-it” provision, increasing annual contributions limits and allowing families with more than two dependents to deposit additional funds. AAOMS also supports increasing the annual HSA contribution limit and expanding HSA availability to beyond those with a high-deductible plan. Why is it important? Limitations on FSAs and HSAs force patients to forgo necessary dental care. Out-of-pocket medical costs can exceed FSA/HSA contribution maximums. REFORM STUDENT LOAN REPAYMENT AAOMS supports reforming student loan repayment by:

 Reducing federal graduate student loan interest rates to levels below 6 percent.  Expanding the current tax deduction on student loan interest and removing income limits to receive the deduction.  Allowing student loan borrowers to consolidate federal and private loans, and refinance the interest rates on those loans more than once to take advantage of lower rates. Once a loan has been refinanced, the interest rate should be allowed to remain fixed for the duration of the loan’s repayment or until the borrower decides to refinance again.  Expanding repayment policies for federal student loan forgiveness programs and allowing participants to take advantage of forgiveness or repayment assistance earlier in the loan repayment process. Why is it important? Student loan debt is a significant determining factor in where and how OMSs practice. Large amounts of debt may hinder younger OMSs from buying a home, starting a family, buying into a practice or rendering pro bono services.

Dr. Martin E. Eichner with U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle Dr. Julia R. Plevnia and her husband with U.S. Rep. Dr. Gordon T. Austin and with Dr. Drew Ferguson (D-Pa.) (right). Mike Coffman (R-Colo.) (center). (R-Ga.) (left).


VISIT US AT Please contact us at 800-822-6637 or [email protected]

© 2017 OMSPAC Recommended levels of support are only suggestions, and any amount is greatly appreciated. Contributions are completely voluntary, and you may contribute more or less than this suggested amount or not at all without fear of disadvantage or reprisal. Contributions to OMSPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. OMSPAC cannot accept contributions from foreign nationals. Federal law prohibits OMSPAC from using corporate contributions for federal candidates. Contributions from corporate accounts will be deposited into the OMSPAC Administrative Account, not the Federal Election Account. The Administrative Account can be used to cover administrative expenses such as OMSPAC staff salaries, printing costs and mailing costs. While OMSPAC accepts all contributions, we encourage personal (hard) contributions. Personal contributions are the only funds that can be used to contribute to federal candidates.