
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church

December 13, 2020

Parish Mission Statement: St. John the Evangelist Parish is a welcoming and responsive faith community, nourished by the Word of God and the Eucharistic Table. We are open and trusting in the love of Jesus Christ to advance the power of the Holy Spirit, within the parish and beyond, by living the Gospel.

Parish Information 5751 Locust Avenue ALL “OUTDOOR” Carmichael CA 95608-1320 SUNDAY MASSES are Parish Office: (916) 483-8454 Web: www.sjecarmichael.org back: Sat. Vigil 5pm; Email: [email protected] Sun. 8am, 9:30am & 5pm Parish Office is CLOSED **Please Contact Us by Phone or Email** “Outdoor” Weekday Masses:

Confession/Reconciliation 6:30 am & 8:30 am SATURDAYS from 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM (Eff. 11/30/20)


Parish Clergy and Staff St. John the Evangelist Pastor Fr. Bernardin Mugabo School Pastor Emeritus Fr. Thomas Bland WWW.STJOHNEV.COM Mercy Hospital Chaplain Fr. Alban Uba Deacon Keith Johnson 5701 Locust Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 Deacon Jack Wilson Phone: (916) 481-8845 Deacon Emeritus Larry Niekamp Fax: (916) 481-1319 SJE Business Manager Linda Gospodnetich Email: [email protected] Religious Education Coordinator Mrs. Joanne Giffard Principal: Christie Horton Director of Music & Liturgy Cara O’Shea

Youth Minister Cara O’Shea SJE Pastoral Council Chairperson Tom Ennis SJE Finance Council Chairperson Mary Ellen Meier

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (916) 483-2161 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (916) 483-4628

Registration/Change of Address: Allow at least 3 months to receive envelopes or for any changes.  I want to register in the parish.  I have changed my address; my envelope # is ______Name: ______Address: ______City: ______ZIP ______Phone: ______E-mail: ______Pastor’s Page PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD: Dear Parishioners, time goes way too fast. As soon as we started the season of Advent, we now have 3 candles lighting on our Advent Wreath. Today is called Gaudete Sunday or rejoicing Sunday because the time of our redemption is very near. I am writing this as some of you, dear Parishioners, have installed Christmas lights with a Nativity scene in lights as well below those lights. I like to see them when passing by, but also people pass- ing on the road can see how a Catholic Church has to be prepared with joy for the coming of Jesus Christ on Christmas night. In the same way, we have a beautiful Christmas tree in the Rectory. This tree drinks water like a hog. Every day I have to add water to the base, otherwise it may suck up the whole thing and be dead so fast. I love my extra job even though sometimes I complain about it to myself. That tree has been decorated by our Parishioners, Helen and Carol. It looks so good. When somebody comes in and sees it, he or she can say, we really are Catholics and proud to be. The tree is decorated with all kinds of ornaments reflecting our faith as Catholic Christians. What do you have in your house representing your excitement about the coming of Jesus on Christmas? I like the movie called “The Russians are Coming; the Russians are Coming”. Everybody had to take a gun and be ready for the fight. This is a time when there was a cold war be- tween the USA and RUSSIA. Now “Jesus is coming; Jesus is coming”!! This is not a threat to our country but this is The Greatest News of all the time. Jesus is coming to be with us, to save us, to guide us, to help us, to redeem us. We have all the reasons to be happy more than anybody who doesn’t know Jesus. He is coming to share with us our fears of the political situation we are living in. He is coming to share the fear of Covid-19 that has taken so many people worldwide, paralyzed the economy, have people muzzled, keeping all of us in fear for each other. No wonder rioting, looting, shooting and all kinds of evil have become part of our daily life. Remember to all of these, Jesus says “Do not be afraid”. The evil does exist, but the evil doesn’t have the last word. Be afraid only of the one who can kill the body and send your soul to Gehenna. In Jesus Christ, we have a hope that in Heaven all will be ok forever. The spiritual preparation of Advent is more important than the physical one. The message we hear from Saint John the Baptist is to repent of all our sins. Jesus wants to be born in our hearts. We Catholics have the best way to re- pent, that is going to confession and have our sins forgiven. We call this the Advent Penance Service. Every Sat- urday we have confessions from 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm. Next week, I will announce the Penance Service. It cannot be like the one we were used to; but it would be a day when one would come to Confession in addition to the regu- lar weekly Saturday Confession we have. This last Tuesday on December 8, 2020 we celebrated the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, meaning Mary was conceived without sin. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in France and confirmed this reality herself. We need to hear her. She is holy and would like to lead all of us to holiness. I was very happy to see many of you responding to this special feast of our heavenly Mother. On December 12, we celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Once again, the Mother of Jesus appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico City which \ended the human sacrifices the Aztecs were practicing. Jesus on the cross gave us His Mother as our Mother. Mary, our Heavenly Mother, took her duty seriously. Let us be her good children of our time. Let us diminish her pains and sufferings as many of her dear children have gone astray. Let us celebrate Christmas with Christ. Merry Christmas. God bless, Monthly Healing Mass Father Bernardin MUGABO SJE Weekly Offertory Collection ST. JOHN’S HEALING MASS is BACK!!

Actual Budget Surplus/ Our Monthly “Healing Mass” will be Week of: (Week): (Week) (Deficit):

celebrated Sunday, December 20th at December 6, 2020 $13,572 $10,365 $3,207 1:30pm in our SJE Breezeway

Confessions from 1:05pm to 1:25pm In St. James Hall “Readings” Notice from the Publisher Sunday Readings No Longer Available on the Subscriber Resource Center of J. S. Paluch.

From J. S. Paluch, Bulletin Publisher:

“Back in April, when it became apparent that many churches in the United States would not be open for Mass any time soon, the United States Conference of Bishops (USCCB) decided to make texts of the Sunday scriptures available free of charge to anyone who wanted to publish them. This was intended to allow people staying at home easier access to the Sunday readings through their electronic Sunday bulletins or other means. It was a temporary measure to help with an unprecedented situation. We at J. S. Paluch decided to offer these free readings to our customers on the Subscriber Resource Center (SRC) for as long as they were available. A couple months later, the USCCB extended the free reprint permission until the end of the liturgical year. We have continued to offer these free readings as well.

The liturgical year ended on Sunday, November 22, and the USCCB has not extended the free reprint permission be- yond that date. So starting with Sunday, November 29, we will no longer be offering the Sunday scripture texts on the SRC. Summaries of the Sunday readings and the citations for the readings are still available in the “Readings of the Week” feature that have always been available to our customers.”

Third Sunday of Advent

The readings this week bear a certain similarity to those of last week—we hear a prophecy from Isaiah that is reiterat- ed by John the Baptist in Mark’s Gospel—but today the focus is different. Last week John told us to repent. Today he is the light leading us to God. Today is also known as “Gaudete (Rejoice) Sunday,” as the reading from First Thessaloni- ans commands us to “Rejoice in the Lord always.” We are to rejoice. Right now. Combined with last Sunday, this seems like a mixed message. “Which is it? Repenting or Rejoicing?” But John is telling us that one leads to the other. As we prepare for the coming of our Savior we must first repent and then rejoice.

A LITTLE GOOD NEWS Many years ago, Canadian singer Ann Murray had a hit song that spoke of her frustrations as she listened to the radio and read the headlines. She sang that “we sure could use a little good news today.” It strikes me that this is the message that the readings want us to leave with this week. The Gospel Antiphon proclaims, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because God has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor” (from Isaiah 61:1 and Luke 4: 18). John the Baptist is here to testify to the light, to the Good News.


The Jewish people were waiting for their messiah, they were waiting for a hero. They prodded John several times try- ing to figure out what his role actually was, and to see what he knew. It became a guessing game. He tried to say noth- ing, but finally answered in a humble fashion, “I am not he.” He baptized with water as a means of leading people to the coming Christ and helping them to prepare. He somehow avoided the trappings of success that would turn his light on himself. Today he remains a road sign for us, pointing out Christ our Light.

We all want someone to rescue us, and most likely to fix the mistakes and errors that we continue to make as individ- uals and as nations. Much of that is human nature. Would there be as much fascination with superheroes if this were not the case? How many times do you as an adult turn to your folks for advice, or wish you could talk to a deceased parent? Some need help emotionally, others spiritually, others financially. The reality is that it is tough to get your “ducks in a row” and always has been. Today’s encouraging message is for us to always look to the Light for our help. May we al- ways be like John the Baptist and testify how Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, has been our Savior.

Today’s Readings: Is 61:1–2a, 10–1; 1 Lk 1:46–48, 49–50, 53–54; 1 Thes 5:16–24; Jn 1:6–8, 19–28

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Parish Notice Parish Notice PER DIOCESE REGULATION, CONFESSIONS: FACE MASKS ARE REQUIRED TO BE SATURDAYS from 3:45 to 4:45 pm BACK WORN, COVERING NOSE & MOUTH in our Church’s Sacristy & Chapel Throughout any OUTDOOR MASS or (6 feet Social Distancing) with no more than 10 persons total in the Narthex at LITURGICAL SERVICE. one time. Fr. Bernardin’s Homily (December 13, 2020) The third Sunday of Advent each year is called “Gaudete Sunday”. Gaudete in Latin means “joy”. The name is taken from the entrance antiphon of the Mass, which begins: “Gaudete in Domino Semper” (Rejoice in the Lord!). The 2nd letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians says: “Rejoice always”. As Christmas nears, the penitential mood of Advent begins to shift to one of joy and expectation of Jesus’ im- minent arrival. To emphasize his joyful mood, the priest will wear rose-colored vestments in place of the pur- ple, which symbolizes penance. Each reading today points to the coming of the Messiah and the Joy that accompanies the expectation of his imminent arrival. A. Isaiah rejoices in the new reality that will make justice spring up before all the nations. Remember when Jesus was asked to read in the temple, He chose this reading from Isaiah. It is Jesus’ inaugural speech that starts by telling us that Jesus is the One to whom the spirit of the Lord is upon, He is the Anointed One sent by God to bring good news to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, to bring liberty to captives, to bring release to the prisoners, and to announce a year of favor from the Lord. This suffering servant that Isaiah talks about is the Messiah, the Savior of Israel and of the whole world. This Messiah is the chosen one by God, who will suffer and die for the sins of the whole world, and will be vindicated by God. Whether or not the prophet who spoke these words to his fellow captives in Babylon foresaw their fuller meaning, their real fulfillment in the future messianic liberation, matters not to us. We have the testimony of our Lord, who applies these very words to Himself. After reading Isaiah 60: 1 – 2 in the synagogue of Nazareth, He says: “Today, this scripture is being fulfilled in your hearing.” It was He who was to bring the good tidings to the afflicted, to bind up the bro- ken-hearted, to free the captives, and to proclaim the great year of jubilee, God’s liberation of all mankind. We know that God through the incarnation has raised us up to the status of “sonship” with Him; He has made us capable of possessing a new, eternal life after death. B. Rejoice always, pray always and give thanks always. Paul says that this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus. Rejoice, because you are not “children of the night” destined for wrath. Rejoice, because you have been given faith and love and salvation. Rejoice, because the end will come, but it is not a reason to be fearful. Pray al- ways, prayer in this instance is not “saying prayers” but being prayerful. It is the way of existing rather than an activity. Each act and each thought that we do can be offered as a prayer. For holy people, even sleep is a prayer,” said St. Jerome. Most of us live hidden lives. It is comforting to know that our hidden lives can be as meaningful as the lives of great saints if we offer it up in prayer. Lastly, give thanks always. Saint Paul tells us, “all things work together for those who love God”. (Rom 8: 28). We need to be docile to God; that is, to submit one’s own will to the will of God. It is a lot easier to just give in to one’s appetites rather than to deny them in order to build spiritual strength. Mortification is needed just as an athlete denies himself junk food and spends hours of training to the point of physical pain, so must we train our souls. Without this, we cannot “give thanks always” because our souls would naturally rebel against the events that we find troublesome, tragic, or sorrow- ful. How can we give thanks to God when we hear about a murdered child or about a young mother of small children dying of breast cancer? Only a robust spirituality can find the answers to those questions or trust completely in God when no answers can be found. Paul ends the letter by praying that God, the God of peace, will make them and us perfectly holy and that we may “entirely, spirit, soul and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” C. The testimony of Saint John the Baptist, the precursor of Jesus Christ. John the Baptist appears to us as a figure of great humility, although his austere approach to the abandonment of worldly pleasures is not men- tioned here in John’s Gospel, his willingness to deny himself when courted with the temptation to embrace recognition and acclaim is clearly a profound expression of humility. When confronted with the question “Who are you?” John the Baptist could answer that he was a leader of a great spiritual revolution in the land, but in- stead he professed himself to be unworthy to perform the task of untying the sandals of the One who is to come after him. “I am the voice of the one crying out in the desert. Make straight the way of the Lord. John the Baptist denies that he is not the prophet; he is not Elijah. The humility of John the Baptist is so much need- ed in our times. There are so many arrogant people nowadays. We all need to learn from the humility of Saint John the Baptist. The baptism of John the Baptist and Jesus is made very clear. Many people came to Saint John the Baptist. His baptism was a public recognition that they were sinners. That is why he baptized them in the Jordan river. But the baptism of Jesus is with the Holy Spirit and fire. There is one among you whom you do not recognize: Jesus is the Emmanuel, God with us. He is present in the Eucharist, the unknown companion on the road, He is the Holy One of God. Let us rejoice for His coming on Christmas, let us prepare our hearts to receive Him, let us be His followers and His faithful people. Liturgy (Intercessory Prayers) for December 13, 2020

As we continue our Advent journey, we raise our needs and hope to the Lord our God. Let us re- joice and be glad, the Lord is near!

For the Church throughout the world, for Pope Francis, Bishop Jamie, and others who lead us to Christ, may they be continually blessed in their ministry to bring the message of Christ to others. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER For elected officials, on the national, state, and local levels, that they may honor those who elected them by rightly seeking the common good in their deliberations. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER For those who are persecuted for their faith and those who are incarcerated unjustly, that they may receive proper justice in their lives. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER For first responders– firefighters, police, and emergency workers, and men and women in the mili- tary, especially those in harm’s way, that they may be protected in what they do to serve others. Let us pray to the Lord, LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER For those who live on the streets and those who minister to them, that they may receive assistance from the hands of others. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER For those who are sick, suffering, or dying, that they may be comforted by Christ’s embrace. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER For these intentions, the intentions shared by this community during the week that we bring to the Altar, and for those intentions written in the silence of our hearts. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER

Good and gracious God, we ask your special help and guidance as we continue to walk toward you and your son, Jesus. Hear the prayers we speak and those in the privacy of our hearts and grant them through Christ our Lord. Amen. Christmas Mass Schedule Parish Mass Information ALL “Outdoor” MASSES are BACK!!!

“SUNDAY” Mass Registration is STILL Required by: Visiting our Website sjecarmichael.org via Flock- Notes, or Contacting PAM JOHNSON at (916) 716-6228 to Register for Next WEEKEND’s MASS Time Christmas Vigil “Outdoor” Mass (Thursday, December 24): Please visit our Website to sign- 5 pm and 7 pm up: Christmas Day “Outdoor” Mass sjecarmichael.org (Friday, December 25): and click on the 8 am, 9:30 am and 12 pm (Noon) “sheep” icon at All Above “Outdoor” Masses are celebrated in our SJE the top right Breezeway hand corner to Christmas “Livestream” Mass at 11 am register. (Mass Schedule could change due to future COVID Restrictions) Religious Education Mass Intentions December 13, 2020 ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC CHURCH “Outdoor” Daily Mass Intentions for the RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/CCD/CFF Week of December 14-19, 2020

Grades: Kindergarten through Junior High

Phone: 916-483-4628 Monday: St. John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Email: [email protected] Church As this Advent Season progresses, our children will be reflecting 6:30 am Matthew Andrews (I) on Mary and Joseph’s hard and stressful journey to Bethlehem. 8:30 am Matthew Andrews (I) They could not find shelter for the birth of the child Jesus. Many modern families are also now seeking shelter during these Tuesday: most difficult times. Due to the high rate of joblessness during our 6:30 am ALL SOULS pandemic, families often lose their homes and then experience 8:30 am Will Cooney † constant hunger. Our church, of course, is painfully aware of these dire circumstances. On Wednesday, the lines for the St. Wednesday: Vincent de Paul’s Food Drive By circled the gates near the recto- 6:30 am ALL SOULS ry. These dire times should not distance us from Christ but should 8:30 am Matthew Andrews (I) draw us closer to Christ’s Holy Family. We must listen to God, who tells us to do what is right, to help those in psychological and Thursday: Late Advent Weekday material need as our heroes, the holy saints, consistently did. 6:30 am ALL SOULS Presently, many of our neighbors are reaching out to bring smiles 8:30 am ALL SOULS to the faces of children. My good friend, who rarely is able leave Friday: Late Advent Weekday her home due to stringent required precautions during our pan- demic, distributed pre-approved candy stockings to most of her 6:30 am Special Intention (Christine Vu) (I) neighbors’ children on Sunday. You might say that she is the 8:30 am Cecili Lan † modern St. Nicholas, the Patron Saint of Bakers and Children. Saturday: Late Advent Weekday Around the fourth century, St. Nicholas lost both of his very wealthy parents, who died in an epidemic when he was very 8:30 am George Cannariato † young. Obeying Jesus’ words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor", St. Nicholas gave everything that he owned to the sick, suffering, and needy. In addition, he also threw balls of Readings for the Week gold through an open window for three days, so that a young woman would have a dowry and not be sold into slavery. These Monday: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc-9; balls of gold landed into the stockings and shoes left by the fire to Mt 21:23-27 dry. Many stories also share the details of how St. Nicholas saved Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-18, numerous people from the famine. Throughout these good deeds, 19, 23; Mt 21:28-32 St. Nicholas was tortured and imprisoned. During the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, St. Nicholas was finally exiled. Con- Wednesday: Is 45:6b-8, 18, 21c-25; Ps 85:9ab, 10- 14; Lk 7:18b-23 sequently, he traveled throughout Europe where even now numer- ous stories about St. Nicholas’ goodness and generosity still circu- Thursday: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; late. We know that you will positively also touch the lives of oth- Mt 1:1-17 ers during this Advent Season. God bless you all. CCD classes will continue this Sunday, December 13, and Friday: Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; also on Sunday, December 20. There will not be classes on Mt 1:18-25 December 27, and on January 3. Classes resume on Sunday, January 10. Saturday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25 God bless you all, Yours in Christ, Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, Mrs. Joanne Giffard, CCD/Religious Education Coordinator 29; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 Sje Prayer List

Please Pray for our sick and their caregivers: Andrea Armstrong, Bob Bodem, Nancy Born, Robert Burns, Geoff Carter, Alicia Cortez, Russ Davis, John DePiazza, Rick DiRegolo, Melissa Duran, Brenda Elazier, Kate Ellis, Karen Emmons, Madeline Endres, Debbie Erichs, Teri Erickson, Velia Escalante, Juanita Estrellas, Martin Fiorino, Anthony Gabriele, Ella Gomes, Jimi Grant, Steve Guerrero, Donna Harris, Tom Harvey, George Heffner, Dick Hill, Mary Jeffries, Eduardo Jimenez, Yelena Ka- navalchuk, Max Keyawa, Michelle Keyawa, Sayed Kian, Pat Lobrovich, Kim Louder, Karen Lydon, Mary Mandara, Angelica & Cheryl Martin of Tennessee, Jennifer Martin, Arielle McLeskey, Pat Minnard, Manuel Molina, Michael Niekamp, Tony No- lasco, Gilles Ouellet, Mary Pai, Lynn Parry, Mike Peterson, Alex Quiroz, Max Rankin, Jeff Reynolds, Ruth Salazar, Rena Scherman, Robert Scholtes, Christopher Scott, Paul Scurti, Lili Simic, Carol Smith, Joan Smith, Hank Thompson, Kim Van Blaricom, Bob Walker, Katie Walker, Theresa West (Cheryl Martin’s daughter) and all those with COVID-19. SJE School News Second Collection This Weekend

Who needs to order Christmas cards?! All Parishes throughout the Diocese are asked to participate in Please consider doing so through minted.com Special Collections throughout the year. With the COVID-19 closure restrictions, Special Collection dates have been revised.

This Week’s Special Collection is: By utilizing our school’s unique promo code - December 12/13, 2020 -Retirement Fund for Religious - FUNDRAISESJES - you will save 20% off your own order and in return the school will receive 15% back St. Vincent de Paul on all orders! Please consider partnering Our St. Vincent de Paul Society thanks you for with us in this simple way to give back to your continued support, which allows us to our school. help the poor and needy in our neighborhood.

(NOTE: This code is only good from October through December) Have you noticed a St. Vincent de Paul envelope in your Nov/Dec envelopes? Have you had a chance to make a Sacramento Life Center donation? Your generous donations make it possible for SVdeP to help the people in our neighborhood.

SVdeP’s food closet is open on Wednesdays from 8 am to 10 am if you find yourself in need of food. Everyone is welcome and meat, fresh veggies and fruits are in abundance! YOU make a difference! God bless you! Wear a Mask! Stay safe! Greetings!

Giving Tuesday kicks off the Sacramento Life Center’s SJE Craft Fair Auction Thank You Annual Basket4Babies! So far this year, we have giv- en nearly 700 baskets to new moms in need. It is our hope to reach 1,000 mothers with baskets in 2021.

One $50 donation will guarantee a mother has a Baby Basket filled with everything she needs to bring baby home such as diapers, clothing, bottles, formula, home- made blankets, bibs, bathing supplies and more.

For a $50 per month pledge, you can guarantee that mom Thank you to all who supported our 2020 on-line can return each month to receive additional necessary CRAFT FAIR and AUCTION. items, clothing and diapers as baby grows. We are grateful to our sponsors, donors, shoppers, Our Baby Center needs your ongoing support. staff and volunteers. This team effort resulted ina Can we count on your Christmas Gift or pledge? Our mothers and babies will be forever grateful. Every dollar HUGE SUCCESS during a challenging time. counts!! God bless you all, Wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season! St. John’s School and the Craft Fair and Auction Com- Ways to Give: mittee 1. Give with a credit card at saclife.org 2. Mail a check made payable to Sac- ramento Life Center and send to 2316 Bell Executive Lane, Sacra- mento, CA 95825 (916) 451-4357 3. Donate Baby Basket items at our amazon baby registry SJE Knights of Columbus #16612 SJE Knights of Columbus #16612 SJE Knights ofColumbus Council # 16612 The Knights of Columbus Council # 16612 are selling Annual “Coats for Kids” Drive raffle tickets for two handcrafted oak Prayer Stands is now through December 16th. (see photos below) through December 19, 2020. Donation Drop off at the Chapel Narthex Tickets are $5 each or 3 Tickets for $10. Winners will be announced in our Joke of the Week... Bulletin. All Proceeds from this raffle benefit Christmas shopping, though fun, can be difficult. Did the Knights of Columbus School you hear about the guy that bought his wife a beauti- Scholarship Fund. ful diamond ring for Christmas? A friend of his said, For tickets, please contact Bill Stanton "I thought she wanted one of those sporty 4-Wheel at (916) 712-7187 or Drive Vehicles?” “She did,” he replied. “But where am [email protected] I going to find a fake Jeep?” THE LAW OFFICE OF ANTHONY J. GARAFOLA Lind Brothers FD1141 Revocable Trusts • Wills A Local Family-Owned Funeral Home Since 1964 Estate Planning 916.482.8080 Health Care Directives Powers of Attorney Enrique LM Ochoa Full Service Business & Civil Law Practice MD, PhD 916.481.7777 Complimentary Board Certified Psychiatrist sacbusinesslaw.com Consultations Consults in English, Spanish and

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