The Levine-Tristram signature: a survey Anthony Conway Abstract The Levine-Tristram signature associates to each oriented link L in S3 a 1 function sL : S ! Z: This invariant can be defined in a variety of ways, and its nu- merous applications include the study of unlinking numbers and link concordance. In this survey, we recall the three and four dimensional definitions of sL, list its main properties and applications, and give comprehensive references for the proofs of these statements. 1 Introduction 3 1 Given an oriented link L ⊂ S , the Levine-Tristram signature is a function sL : S ! Z whose study goes back to the sixties [94, 57]. The main goal of this survey ar- ticle is to collect the various definitions of sL, while a secondary aim is to list its properties. Although some elementary arguments are outlined in the text, we pro- vide detailed external references for most of the proofs. Briefly, we will discuss the definition in terms of Seifert matrices, various 4-dimensional interpretations as well as connections to pairings on the Alexander module. The next paragraphs give the flavor of some of these constructions. Most knot theory textbooks that cover the Levine-Tristram signature introduce it using Seifert matrices [61, 49, 46, 67]. Indeed, as we review in Section2, the Levine-Tristram signature at w 2 S1 can be defined using any Seifert matrix A for L by setting T sL(w) = sign(1 − w)A + (1 − w)A : In the same section, we collect the numerous properties of sL: after listing its behav- ior under mirror images, orientation reversals and satellite operations, we review ap- Anthony Conway Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom e-mail:
[email protected] 1 2 Anthony Conway plications to unlinking numbers, link concordance and discuss various incarnations of the Murasugi-Tristram inequality [78, 94].