The National Livestock Weekly December 10, 2007 • Vol. 87, No. 09 “The Industry’s Largest Weekly Circulation” Web site: • E-mail:
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[email protected] A Crow Publication Judge seeks to add endangered species A federal judge recently ruled listed, but the sage grouse, with that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife its expansive range covering most Service (FWS) failed to take into of the western U.S., could have the account the best scientific evidence most damaging consequences to available when it decided not to agriculture and energy develop- give sage grouse endangered spe- ment. cies protection. Terry Fankhauser, executive U.S. District Judge B. Lynn vice president of the Colorado Winmill chastised the agency in Cattlemen’s Association (CCA), his decision, which placed a large said that groups interested in see- amount of blame on former Depu- ing the sage grouse receive an ty Assistant Interior Secretary endangered species designation Julie MacDonald. MacDonald, tend to ignore scientific evidence who resigned in May, has been which shows the ecological benefit accused by Winmill of intimidating of ranching activities. FWS personnel, editing scientific “As with almost any endangered data, and purposefully blocking species, groups who are generally potential listings of a number of anti-grazing haven’t given consid- critical species, including sage eration to the science showing the grouse. benefits of good range manage- “Furthermore, the FWS decision ment,” said Fankhouser. “Not only lacked a coherent analysis of the can livestock cohabitate with sage deterioration of habitat and the grouse, the grazing is good.