Aberree V4 1957-58.Pdf
------------ ^ N one thing; We didn’t care lhether APRIL, 1957 Recusant Voice of "The we published again or not. One Vol. IV, No. 1 Infinites" for Earth, Mars, was enough. We had other plans Saturn,-'Pluto, Venus, and that did not include meeting a . Zydokumzruskehen. j continual deadline, or trying to be funny (We’d used up all our ! published monthly, except for the combined January-February and July- humor in the first issue), or fa | August issues, at 207 North Washington, Enid, Oklahoma, U. S. A. cetious, or sarcastic. Mail Address: Postoffice Box 528, Enid, Okla., U.S. A. No one believed us. The ABER Subscription price: $2.00 a year. Single copies, 25<f REE was a legitimate, if prema ture, “something" that we oould- Application pending for Second Class entry under C.F. R. 34.64 n’t drown. Not in Aridzonia, any Editor: The Rev. Mr. Or. ALPHIA OMEGA HART. 1*2, D.D., D.Scn., F.Scn., way. B.Scn.. HDA, HCA, e t al ad infinitum ad nauseum. To keep a long story short publisher: ALICE AGNES HART, 1-1, HCA, SEC., WFE., H.Kpr, ETC.________ (Who wants to? We’re trying to POLICY: Don't take it so damn’ seriously. The infiniteness of Man is fill a page), we became one of not reduced to a "split infinity” by wars, taxes, or “experts" the 22 graduate “theta clears" who offer to sell him what he already has. from this super-duper "Get thee Sub-Policy: We reserve the rig h t to change our minds from issue to behind me, thetan” class.
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