The Masa tonal system Amedeo De Dominicis University of Tuscia, Viterbo (Italy)
[email protected] Abstract (Masa, Musey, Lame) and a North subgroup Masa language, vùn màsànà, is classified in (Zumaya). the family of Chadic languages, one of the four By H. Tourneux, it would be acceptable to families of the Afroasiatic phylum. keep the Masa group inside of the Biu- P. Newman (1977) proposes that Masa group Mandara branch, while dividing it in a North is considered as an independent branch. set including Masa, Musey, Azumeyna, This classification was resumed by D. Zumaya and a South set including Zime and Barreteau with the collaboration of P. Newman Mesme. (1978), using the inventory by C. Hoffman Here we will base on a spoken corpus (1971) and by Caprile-Jungraithmayr (1973). recorded in December 1999 in Bongor (Chad). Then the following languages relate to Masa We want to analyse the phonetic and branch: phonology of tones in Masa. They have lexical Masa (= Banana = Masana), Musey, Zimé and grammatical functions. But if you analyse (Lamé, Pévé, Dari), Mesme (Bero, Zmré), their syntagmatic distribution in monosyllables Marba (= Kulong = Azumeina), Monogoy. and polysyllables, then you find that tones are After this classification, H. Jungraithmayr somewhat conditioned by the nature of the (1981) proposed a division all over again in preceding consonant or by the application of a three groups, the Centre-East group being fixed tonal pattern. We argue that Masa shows constituted by: a Kotoko subgroup (two only two tonal registers and we demonstrate languages) and a Masa-Musgu subgroup (7 that by means of three rules these registers are languages: Musgu, Masa, Musey, Marba, reduced to one.