Public Disclosure Authorized Primary Dealer Systems DRAFT Background Note Public Disclosure Authorized March 2010 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized PRIMARY DEALER SYSTEMS BACKGROUND NOTE 1 This note on primary dealer systems is part of a series of background notes produced under Gemloc Advisory Services Program as a by-product of its strategy to support the development of liquid local currency bond markets. Selected topics have been a key focus in the areas of work of the Advisory Services because of their catalytic impact on debt market development. They include primary market organization through primary dealers and liability management; repo markets; price dissemination and clearing and settlement arrangements2. Primary dealer system can make substantial contributions to the development of the market when its establishment is appropriate for prevailing market conditions. While by no means a precondition for a well functioning government securities market, primary dealers know the market best and are the counterpart of the investors who are the debt management office’s ultimate target. The purpose of this background note is to provide some guidance on how to design a primary dealer system so as to best meet the development needs of the market as well as the legitimate expectations of the parties involved. 1 This background note has been prepared to support World Bank technical assistance programs for the development of local capital markets. It is a work in progress and as such should not be quoted. Comments to
[email protected] or
[email protected] are welcome. This note will serve as a basis for a forthcoming handbook on the topic.