Appendix A Details on selected resources

A.1 Data sets

Here we describe three data sets that are used in many different examples throughout the book.

A.1.1 ALL The ALL data were reported by Chiaretti et al. (2004) The data were normalized using quantile normalization, and expression estimates were computed using RMA (Irizarry et al., 2003b). We consider the comparison of the 37 samples from patients with the BCR/ABL fusion resulting from a chromosomal translocation (9;22) with the 42 samples from the NEG group. They are available in the R package ALL.

A.1.2 Renal cell cancer The kidpack package contains gene expression data from 74 renal cell carci- noma (RCC) patient biopsy samples (Sultmann¨ et al., 2005). The samples were hybridized to two-color cDNA arrrays with PCR products of 4224 clones spotted in duplicate. These clones had been selected by their pre- sumed relevance to cancer and on the basis of a previous genome-wide array study of kidney cancer. A pool of various RCC samples was used as a reference sample, which was always labeled with the red dye. The data were normalized with the vsn package, and we base our analysis on the generalized log-ratio values quantifying the difference between the tumor samples and the reference sample. The exprSet object esetSpot contains the normalized expression values and patient data. The RCC samples belong to three different histological types, clear cell (ccRCC), papillary (pRCC), and chromophobe (chRCC).

A.1.3 Estrogen receptor stimulation The data are from eight samples from an estrogen receptor positive breast cancer cell line. After serum starvation, four samples were exposed to es- trogen and then harvested for analysis with Affymetrix U-95Av2 genechips after 10 hours for two samples and 48 hours for the other two. The remaining four samples were left untreated and harvested 444 AppendixA. Details onSelectedResources at corresponding times. The data are explained in more detail by Scholtens et al. (2004) and are available in the estrogen package.

A.2 URLs for projects mentioned

Below, we list URLs for different projects and computational resources that were discussed in the text. AmiGO BioCarta Bioconductor BioPAX BOOST cMAP CRAN GEO GO The evidence codes: Graphviz KEGG KEGG: The dbget archive: The SOAP API: libcurl NAR Nucleic Acids Research on-line category listing http://www3.oup. Omegahat OMIM PubMed R Reactome Resourcerer W3C References

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t-statistic, 434 affycomp (package), 13, 29–32 [(function), 78 affycompPlot (function), 31 [[ (function), 78 affycompTable (function), 31 %/% (function), 74 affydata (package), 16 Affymetrix, 13–47 aaf.handler (function), 154 affypdnn (package), 13, 28, 29 aafCytoband (class), 152 affyPLM (package), 6, 13, 26, 33, 42, aafGenBank (class), 152 44, 397, 433 aafGO (class), 151 AffyRNAdeg (function), 39 aafGO (function), 151 AgEdge (class), 365 aafGOItem (class), 151 agnes (function), 212, 214 aafList (class), 150, 151 agnes, clara,diana, fanny, silhouette aafList (function), 150 (function), 285 aafPubMed (class), 152 AgNode (class), 365 aafSearchText (function), 160 agopen (function), 363–365, 392 aafSymbol (function), 150 agQuality (function), 58 aafTable (class), 321, 325 agrep (function), 122, 123, 141 aafTableAnn (function), 155 ALL, 384 absText (function), 141 ALL (package), 166, 170, 175, 230, acc (function), 332 232, 262, 268, 274, 300, 443 accessibility (graphs), 204, 332, 342, ALLMLL (package), 34, 36, 44–46 351 alongChrom (function), 178 aCGH (package), 162 AmiGO, 444 actor, 342, 346 annaffy (package), 148–156, 159, 264, actor size, 379 320, 324–326, 441 additive-multiplicativeerror model, AnnBuilder (package), 51, 115, 132, 9, 231 148 ade4 (package), 360 annotate (package), 117, 119, 132, adjacency (graphs), 204, 339, 342, 138, 140, 148, 152, 264, 439 351, 379 annotation, 113, 438 affiliation network, 335, 342, 346, 379 ANOVA, 410, 417 affinity, 27 antisense strand, 174 affy, 432 ape (package), 360 affy (package), 13–47, 262, 324, 326, apoptosis, 85 397, 398, 432 apply (function), 427, 434 AffyBatch (class), 13, 15–20, 24, 25, ArrayExpress, 116 27, 28, 34, 35, 42 arrayMagic(package), 49, 162 affycomp (function), 31 arrayQuality (package), 49–68, 162 466 Index assay, expression, 72 CDF file, 15 assay, loss offunction, 72 CDF package, 15 assessAll (function), 31 CEL file, 15, 431 assessDilution (function), 30, 31 centroid, 210 assessSpikeIn (function), 30, 31 CGI, 315 assessSpikeIn2 (function), 30, 31 chromLocation (class), 175 clara (function), 214 B-statistic, 416–417 class (package), 214, 285, 425 background adjustment, 4, 18–25, 56, classification, 293–311, 421 418–420 classification and regression tree bagging, 294 (CART), 279 bagging (function), 308 classifOutput (class), 284 bagging, ipredknn, lda,slda clearNode (function), 351 (function), 285 clique, 331, 340 balanced sampling, 423 closed, 339 baseline subtraction, 93 cluster (package), 194, 195, 211–214, bclust (function), 214 285 bclust, cmeans, cshell, hclust, lca clusteranalysis, 209 (function), 285 cluster graph, 370 beta7(package), 50–69, 418–420 clusterGraph (class), 349 beta7experiment, 50–51, 401–402 clustering, agglomerative, 212 Bezier curves, 361 clustering, divisive, 212 BezierCurve(class), 366 clustering, hierarchical, 212, 217 bias-variance trade-off, 9, 62 clusters, number of, 210, 211, 217, 220 Biobase (package), 7, 51, 139 clustOutput (class), 284 BioCarta, 444 cMAP, 127, 391, 444 Bioconductor, 444 cMAP (package), 118, 125, 127, 128, bioDist (package), 195, 198, 202, 211 391 BioPAX, 444 cmdscale (function), 173, 174 Biostrings (package), 144, 145 cmeans (function), 214 bipartite graph, 329, 342, 379, 387 CoCiteStats (package), 381 bitmap(function), 158 coef (function), 42 BOOST, 444 colorRampPalette (function), 164 boosting, 280, 294 combineFrames (function), 89 boot2fuzzy (function), 227 combineNodes (function), 351 boothopach (function), 214 common reference, 398–400, 407–410 bootplot (function), 224, 225 complement, 341 bootstrap, 216, 224, 227, 274, 299 complete graph, 339 boundary, 340, 384, 386 component, 340 boxplot, 9, 35, 61, 427 computationallearning theory, 185 boxplot (function), 17, 35, 60 confusion matrix, 429 brewer.pal(function), 59 connComp (function), 355 Brier score, 308 connected, 339 browseURL (function), 152 connected components, 371, 389 brushing, 83, 163 connection (class), 368 buildPubMedAbst (function), 140 connectivity, 340 contingency table, 86, 380, 387 caspase-3, 85 contrast matrix, 399–415 cclust (package), 214 (function), 237 Index 467 control spots, 419 directed graph, 338 convert, 68 dissimilarity, 191, 210–212, 218, 223, convert(package), 51, 68 225 cophenetic(function), 170, 214 dissimilarity (class), 194 correlationordering (function), 220 dist (class), 194, 195 cPlot (function), 176 dist (function), 194, 211 CRAN, 158, 444 distance, 191, 211, 212 Crick strand, 174 distancematrix(function), 211 cross validation, 274, 282, 288, 299, distGraph (class), 349 423 dot, 362 cscores (function), 307 doubt, 276 cut, 340 DPExplorer (function), 117 cut-node, 340 dplot (function), 225 cut-set, 340 drawNode (function), 367 cv, knn, pam, pamr (function), 285 drawThermometerNode (function), cycle, 340 366 cytoband, 152 drill down, 157, 163, 368 cytoFrame (class), 78 dropEcode (function), 125 cytoSet (class), 78, 79 dye effect, 401–405 dye swap, 401–405 daisy (function), 194, 211 dye-swap, 53, 68 daMA (package), 241 DAT file, 15 e1071, 425 dataimport, 15 e1071 (package), 214, 284, 285, 287, data splitting, 282 425 data.frame (class), 56, 145, 268 eapply (function), 122 decideTests, 410 EBarrays (package), 68 decideTests (function), 238, 239 eBayes (function), 238, 437, 439 degree, 339 edd (function), 290 degree (function), 352 edd (package), 289, 290 degrees offreedom, 417 empiricalBayes, 397, 416, 418 dendrogram, 170 ensemble methods, 293–311 densCols (function), 164 Entrez, 444 density curves, 427 EntrezGene, 115 description (function), 77 environment (class), 78 design matrix, 399–415 Enzyme Commission (EC), 116 dfs(function), 355 error model, 9, 231 diagonallinear discriminant analysis, errorrate, 298, 424, 427 424 estrogen (package), 168, 230, 240, diana (function), 211–215 241, 243, 246, 444 differentialexpression, 229–248, 397, event, 342, 346 431 event size, 379 digraph, 338 evidence codes, 124 dijkstra.sp (function), 357 exactRankTests (package), 307 direct two-color design, 398, 400, exploratorydataanalysis, 34, 161 411–412 expresso (function), 25, 26, 29 directed acyclicgraphs, 343 expressopdnn (function), 25, 29 directed bipartite graph, 342 exprs(function), 77, 78 directed edge, 338 exprSet, 7 468 Index exprSet (class), 7, 8, 13, 15, 18, 25, getEvidence (function), 125 27, 30, 51, 66, 68, 78, 105, 166, getGI (function), 119 168, 232, 241, 262, 268, 284, getGO (function), 120 285, 300, 304, 317, 318, 325, getLL (function), 120 398, 399, 443 getOntology (function), 125 extrapolation, 276 getPMID (function), 120, 139 getPoints (function), 365 F-statistic, 410 getResourcerer (function), 132 facsDorit(package), 73, 74 getSEQ (function), 119 factDesign (package), 241, 242 getSeq4Acc (function), 144 factorialdesign, 412–414 getSYMBOL (function), 120 false discovery rate, 416, 417 getText (function), 151, 159 false negatives, 330 getURL (function), 152 false positives, 330 getwd (function), 15 fanny (function), 214 GGobi, 84, 163 FCS format, 77 GO, 151, 153, 159, 235, 346, 374, 444 fitNorm2 (function), 80, 81, 85 GO (package), 121–124 fitPLM (function), 42 GOGraph (function), 334 flexmix(package), 214 GOHyperG(function), 375, 377 flow cytometry, 77 GOstats (package), 334, 347, 374, 376 for (function), 425 GOTerm2Tag(function), 123 fpc (package), 214 gpls (package), 284 fractionation, 92 gpQuality (function), 58 gpr file, 53 galfile,53 graph, 338 gam(package), 284 graph (class), 349, 361, 365, 366 gbm (function), 285 graph (package), 118, 129, 332, gbm (package), 285, 289 347–349, 352, 370, 391 gclus (package), 162 graph display, 360 gcrma (function), 25, 28 graph layout, 360 gcrma (package), 13, 18, 28, 29, 324 graph rendering, 360 GenBank, 152, 160 GraphAT (package), 370 genbank (function), 141 graphH (class), 349 Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), graphNEL (class), 349, 350 116 Graphviz, 444 Gene Ontology, 116, 159 grep (function), 122, 123, 141 GeneChip, 13–47 grid(package), 162 genefilter (package), 68, 201, 222, 233, 262, 434 hclust (function), 214, 215 GenePix, 419 head, 338 geneplotter (package), 83, 158, 174 heat.colors(function), 59 GEO, 444 heatmap, 157, 214, 227, 245 get (function), 119 heatmap(function), 166, 169, 174,, 214 143 hexbin(function), 164, 143 hexbin(package), 163, 143 hgu95av2(function), 117 (function), 143 hgu95av2(package), 122, 150, 155, getDefaultAttrs(function), 363 159, 334, 387, 439 Index 469 hgu95av2probe (package), 145 kernel function, 278 hist (function), 17, 35 kidpack (package), 222, 230, 236, 304, histogram, 35 422, 443 homologous, 130 KLD.matrix(function), 198 HOPACH, 212, 219, 223, 224, 227 KLdist.matrix(function), 198 hopach (function), 214, 215, 219, kmeans (function), 214, 285 222–227 knn1,,lvq1, lvq2, lvq3, olvq1, hopach (package), 209, 211, 214, 219, som (function), 285 228 knnB (function), 288 hopach2tree (function), 227 Kullback-Leibler Information, 196 housekeeping genes, 53 hsahomology (package), 130 lattice (package), 162 HTML, 153 ldaB(function), 286 HTML report, 441 learning sample, 293 htmlpage (function), 148, 149 learning set, 423 hubers(function), 86 Liand Wong algorithm, 26 humanLLMappings (package), 119, libcurl, 444 207 limma (package), 49, 51, 62–64, 67, hypergraph, 329, 342, 343 68, 232, 236–238, 240, 243, hyperlink, 83, 158, 368 285, 397–420, 436, 438 linear model, 397–420 idealmismatch, 19 lines (function), 62, 366 identify(function), 163 list.celfiles() (function), 15 image (function), 34, 43, 59 LITDB, 116 image analysis, 4, 5 LL2wts (function), 386 image map, 157 lmFit(function), 68, 237, 238, 436 imageMap(function), 83, 158, 368, locator (function), 163 375 locfit (package), 89, 90, 284 imagemap(function), 147, 148 locfit.robust (function), 89 indegree, 339 LocusLink, 115, 149, 152 incident at, 338 locuslinkByID (function), 139 induced graph, 125, 334 locuslinkQuery(function), 139 induced subgraph, 340 loess (function), 64 intersection, 341 logical(class), 55 ipred (package), 285, 308 logspline (package), 284 isoMDS (function), 173 isoMDS, qda (function), 285 MA-plot, 17, 31, 36, 57, 62, 434 isPeak(function), 95, 96 maA(function), 56 iSPlot (package), 83, 163 machine learning, 273 maCompCoord(function), 57 join(function), 351 maCoord2Ind (function), 57 jpeg (function), 158 madOutPair (function), 242 justGCRMA (function), 28 maGeneTable (function), 56 justRMA (function), 27, 28 Mahalanobisdistance, 194 makecdfenv (package), 15 Kaplan-Meier, 307 makeoutput (function), 226 KEGG, 126, 142, 153, 391, 444 maLG (function), 56 KEGG (package), 125, 126 MAList (class), 65, 399 KEGGSOAP (package), 143, 391 maLR (function), 56 470 Index maM(function), 56 multi-edge, 338 maNorm(function), 63 multidimensionalscaling, 173 maNormScale (function), 63 multifactor experiments, 239 maPalette (function), 59 multigraph, 329 MAplot (function), 17, 18 multiple testing, 231, 318, 437 marray(package), 49–68, 397, 399, multtest (package), 154, 222, 232–234, 419 249, 250, 256, 259, 260, 262, marrayInfo(class), 52, 53, 55 270, 318–320, 324–326, 375, marrayLayout (class), 53, 55 424 MArrayLM, 417–418 mutual information, 196 MArrayLM (class), 417 mutualInfo(function), 198 marrayNorm(class), 52, 56, 60, 61, mva.pairs(function), 17 63, 68, 399, 401 myPlot (function), 81 marrayRaw(class), 51, 52, 54–57, 60, 61, 63, 66 naiveBayes, svm(function), 285 MAS 5.0, 19 NAR, 444 mas5 (function), 26 nearest neighbor classifier, 425 MASS (package), 86, 173, 285 neato, 362 match (function), 105 NetAffx, 116 matchprobes (package), 28 Nimblegen, 14 matrix(class), 261 nnet (function), 285, 287 Matrix(package), 348 nnet (package), 285, 287 maximalclique, 340 nnetB (function), 288 mclust (package), 214 no free lunch theorem, 283 medoid, 210, 216, 220, 221, 227 normalization, 4, 20–25, 62–67, 75, merge (function), 156 99–100, 419 meta-data, 113, 320 normalize (function), 20 method (function), 64, 65 normalizeBetweenArrays (function), metric, 191 63–65 mgcv (package), 284 normalizeWithinArrays (function), 63 MIdist (function), 198 minimalspanning tree, 359 Occam’s razor, 283 mismatch probe, 14 odds ratio, 381 MLInterfaces (package), 8, 284, 285, oligonucleotide array, 3, 13–47 287–289, 301, 421, 424, 425 Omegahat, 444 MLOutput (class), 284 OMIM, 116, 444 MM, 14, 16 onemodegraphs, 342 mm (function), 16 one-against-all, 298 mode, 342 one-channel microarray, 398–409 model.matrix(function), 236 one-mode graph, 335 moderated t-statistic, 436 ontology, 120, 333 moderated F-statistic, 417 out degree, 339 moderated t-statistic, 416 outlier, 242, 276 mona (function), 214 outlierPair (function), 242 msscheck (function), 219 mstree.kruskal(function), 359 PAC learning theory, 281 mt.maxT (function), 233, 375 pairwise comparisons, 410 mt.teststat(function), 154, 424 pam(function), 211, 213, 214, 219, MTP (class), 261, 262, 265, 271 224 Index 471 pamr (package), 285 quality assessment and control, 4, par (function), 60 33–47, 57–62, 79–84, 101–102 partitioning, 212 quality flags, 402 Parzen estimator, 279 quality weights, 402 path, 340, 357 quantile normalization, 21 pattern recognition, 274 PBS, 323 R, 444 pData (class), 154 Ragraph (class), 365–368 pData (function), 16 rainbow (function), 59 peak detection, 95 randiv (function), 426, 427 perfect match probe, 14 random divisions, 423 performance, 299 random forest, 279, 294 Perl, 315 random graphs, 352 phenoData, 432 random seed, 422 phenoData (class), 241, 284, 399 randomEGraph (function), 352 platePlot (function), 83 randomForest (function), 285 PLMset (class), 42 randomForest (package), 285, 301 plot (function), 61, 361, 363, 364, 366 randomGraph (function), 352 plotCali (function), 103 randomNodeGraph (function), 352 plotChr (function), 177 ranking, 433 plotNorm2 (function), 80 ratios (function), 38 plotPlate (function), 82, 158 RBGL (package), 347, 348, 352, 354, 360, 370 plotPrintTipLoess (function), 62 RColorBrewer (package), 35, 59, 162, PM, 14, 16 164, 167, 176 pm (function), 16, 120 RCurl(package), 136 png (function), 158 reactome, 333, 444 points (function), 62 read(function), 54 prada (package), 71–90, 158, 164 read files, 419 predict.MArrayLM (function), 168 read.Agilent (function), 54 prediction, 423 read.cdffile (function), 15 prediction error, 298 read.Galfile (function), 53 preprocess (function), 85, 89 read.GenePix(function), 54, 419 preprocessing, 3–109, 317–318, 432 read.marrayInfo(function), 52 prior, 418 read.marrayRaw(function), 54 probe packages, 28 read.newspikein(function), 30 probe-level data,49 read.spikein(function), 30 probeNames (function), 16 read.Spot (function), 54 probes, 399 read.table (function), 73 probeset, 14 ReadAffy (function), 15, 27 PROcess (package), 93, 94, 101, 106 readFCS (function), 77 ProData (package), 105 readGEOAnn (function), 132 proper edge, 338 readTargets (function), 399 proteomics, 91 RefSeq, 116 PubMed, 116, 138, 152, 378, 439, 444 regexp (function), 105 pubmed (function), 140 replicate arrays, 400 pubMedAbst (class), 140 replicate spots, within-array, 406–407 reposTools (package), 316 qualBoxplot (function), 58 reshape (function), 77 472 Index resid(function), 42 SOAP, 136 residual variance, 417 SOM (function), 214, 285 resourcer2BioC (function), 132 sp.between (function), 357 Resourcerer, 116, 444 span, 340 Resourcerer (package), 132, 148 spanning tree, 340 resourcerer2BioC (function), 132 SparseM (package), 348 Rggobi (package), 84, 163 spearman.dist (function), 195 RGList (class), 51, 57, 419 specZoom (function), 97 Rgraphviz(package), 129, 158, 347, spike-in, 320 348, 360, 362, 364, 366, 368, SpikeInSubset (package), 432 370, 375, 389, 393 spotQuality (function), 58 RGtk (package), 163, 368 SSOAP (package), 136 rlm (function), 42, 76, 77 stats (package), 77, 173, 214, 285 RMA, 18, 27, 432 stress, 173 rma (function), 25, 27, 432 strongComp (function), 355 RMAGEML (package), 132, 133 strongly connected, 339 RNA interference, 72 strwrap(function), 440 rowMeans (function), 434 subgraph, 340 rowttests (function), 434 summarization,4,25 rpart(function), 285 summary(function), 289 rpart(package), 279, 280, 285, 294 support vector machine, 421, 425 RSvgDevice (package), 158 Surv (class), 307 survfit (function), 308 SAM, 436 survivaltime, 307 sammon (function), 173 SVG, 158 sample splitting, 274 saveHTML (function), 155 t-statistic, 68, 417 saveText (function), 156 t-test, pooled, 408 sbrier (function), 308 table2html (function), 68 Scalable Vector Graphics, 158 tail, 338 scatterplot3d (package), 162 target, 50 scree plot, 173 target file, 52, 399 se (function), 42 targets, 399 search text, 159 targets frame, 399 selection bias, 424 tau.dist (function), 195 self-loop, 338 tcltk (package), 163, 368 sense strand, 174 technical replication, 403–406 separate-channel normalization, 64 test data, 428 set.seed (function), 287 test sample, 429 setwd (function), 15 text (function), 62 SGE, 323 threestep (function), 25, 26 shatters, 281 thresholds (function), 86 siggenes (package), 68 time course experiment, 414–415 silcheck (function), 219, 224 tkWidgets (package), 117 silhouette, 161, 184, 217, 218 tool-tip, 83, 147, 157 similarity function, 191 tooltip, 368 simpleaffy (package), 37 topTable (function), 238, 438, 439 sma (package), 424 total ion normalization, 99 smoothScatter (function), 164 trail, 340 Index 473 training data set, 421 xmlSApply (function), 138 treatment contrasts, 414 xmlTreeParse (function), 138 tree, 279, 343 xyPoint (class), 365 tree (package), 279 two-channel normalization, 63 YEAST (package), 119 two-color spotted array, 3, 49–68, 398 yeastExpData (package), 370 two-waytable, 86, 380–387 twopi, 362 ugly duckling theorem, 283 ugraph (function), 352 underlying, 338 uniform resource identifier, 135 UniGene, 116 union, 341 untested relationships, 330 URL, 152 url(function), 152 validation set, 423 Vapnik-Chervonenkis(VC) dimension, 281 var selection (function), 301 variable selection, 301, 424 varImpPlot (function), 289 vcd (package), 162 Venn diagram, 410 vertex, 338 volcano plot, 434 vsn (function), 65, 66 vsn (package), 6, 24, 49, 65, 66, 324, 418, 420, 443 vsnh (function), 25

W3C, 444 walk, 339 Watson strand, 174 weakly connected, 339 Web interface, 313 web service, 135, 136 webbioc (package), 185, 313–318, 321–326 weights (function), 42 withinblockcorrelation, 403

XML (class), 140 XML (package), 136, 140 xmlApply (function), 140 xmlEventParse (function), 138