Dellecave Dissertation Draft3
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE The Againness of Vietnam in Contemporary United States Antiwar Choreography A Dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Critical Dance Studies by Jessica Spring Dellecave August 2015 Dissertation Committee: Dr. Jacqueline Shea Murphy, Chairperson Dr. Jens Richard Giersdorf Dr. Anthea Kraut Copyright by Jessica Spring Dellecave 2015 The Dissertation of Jessica Spring Dellecave is approved: Committee Chairperson University of California, Riverside Acknowledgements I extend my deepest gratitude to the persons and institutions that made this project possible. Without the life changing funding from the United States Department of Education, Jacob K. Javits Fellowship, this would not have happened. Additional support from University of California Riverside’s Chancellor’s Distinguished Fellowship, Gluck Fellowship, Humanities Graduate Student Research Grant, Graduate Student Research Association, GradSuccess Dissertation Retreat, and Mellon Dance Studies in/of the Humanities greatly contributed to my success. A huge thank you is extended to the artists that generously shared their stories, processes, and artistic materials with me—Yvonne Rainer, Wendy Rogers, Ann Carlson, Miguel Gutierrez, Victoria Marks, Jeff McMahon, and Krissy Keefer—without your passionate contributions this project would not exist. Thank you to the New York Performing Arts Library, Getty Research Institute, Twyla Tharp Dance Foundation for granting me access to archival materials. I acknowledge and thank my committee chairperson, Dr. Jacqueline Shea Murphy, for her immense guidance, support, and belief in this project and in me. Jacqueline, your ability to flow with the struggle of me working through many large ideas about the world taught me and will continue to teach me numerous valuable skills and techniques.
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