Entomogenous Fungi from the Galápagos Islands

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Entomogenous Fungi from the Galápagos Islands Entomogenous fungi from the Galapagos Islands HARRYC. EVANS Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Kew, Surrey, U.K. AND ROBERTA. SAMSON Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn, Netherlands Received January 12, 1982 EVANS,H. C., and R. A. SAMSON.1982. Entomogenous fungi from the Galapagos Islands. Can. J. Bot. 60: 2325-2333. Twenty-one species of entomogenous fungi, collected during a mycological survey of the island of Santa Cruz, are listed. Several coccid-associated species are described in detail, including Hirsutella sphaerospora sp. nov. on Eriococcid larvae; Hirsutella besseyi Fisher; and Torrubiella confragosa Mains, putative teleomorph of Verticillium lecanii (Zimm.) ViCgas. In addition, Hirsutella danvinii on a spider host is described as new. The entomogenous mycoflora is similar to that of mainland Ecuador and the ecological implications are discussed particularly in relation to coccid populations. EVANS,H. C., et R. A. SAMSON.1982. Entomogenous fungi from the Galapagos Islands. Can. J. Bot. 60: 2325-2333. Vingt-et-une espbces de champignons entomogbnes rCcoltCs durant un inventaire mycologique de l'ile Santa Cruz sont CnumCrCes. Plusieurs espkces associCes i des CoccidCs sont dCcrites en dCtail, y compris Hirsutella sphaerospora sp. nov. sur des larves d'EriococcidCs, Hirsutella besseyi Fisher, et Torrubiella confragosa Mains (le tClComorphe prCsumC de Verticillium lecanii (Zimm.) ViCgas. De plus une nouvelle espbce dlHirsutella trouvCe sur une araignCe est dCcrite: Hirsutella danvinii. La mycoflore entomogkne de l'ile Santa Cruz est semblable i celle de la terre ferme de 1'Equateur; les implications Ccologiques de cette observation sont discutCes, surtout en rapport avec les populations de CoccidCs. [Traduit par le journal] Introduction 1976 the humid zones were abnormally dry and the rains were The. fungal flora of the GalApagos Islands is imper- delayed until early May. Drizzle and mist were a constant feature of the collecting period. fectly known and few collections have been made. The In a 12- to 15-km walk from the Charles Darwin Research only detailed survey has been confined to soil and litter Station on the coast, via Bellavista and Media Luna, to the For personal use only. microfungi (Mahoney 197 1). highest part of the island (Mt. Crocker, ca. 860 m above sea During a 2-week period in May and June 1976, a level), it is possible to collect in all the ecological zones. On collection of macrofungi was made by the senior author these south-facing slopes, between 200 and 500 m, the land on the island of Santa Cruz, an annotated list of which has been converted to agriculture and little of the Scalesia has recently been published (Reid et al. 1981). Special forest remains. However, collecting was supplemented in the attention was paid to the Basidiomycetes, and the search still extensive Scalesia zone on the north side of Mt. Crocker. for other fungi was superficial; nevertheless, various A brief visit was made to the nearby island of Santa F6 entomogenous fungi were encountered and the present (Barrington), which is predominantly arid lowland. paper reports for the first time the occurrence of these Species check list fungi in the GalApagos Islands and provides a prelimin- R.S. numbers refer to herbarium material and CBS ary species check list. Two species of Hirsutella proved numbers to cultures deuosited at the Centraalbureau to be undescribed and are proposed as new. voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn. Collecting area ZYGOMYCOTINA Santa Cruz (formerly Indefatigable) is the second largest of Zygomycetes the Galapagos Islands and can be broadly divided into four Entomophthorales main ecological zones, although these may be further subdi- Entomophthora sp. vided (Wiggins and Porter 1971); (i) the arid lowlands domi- Can. J. Bot. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA LIBRARY on 06/07/13 0, adult ~~d~~iid~~(~~~i~~~~~,~~t~~~~t~~~) on nated by Opuntia cactus; (ii) the transition zone of dense stroma ofXylaria (sphaeriales) on bark of dead scalesia underbrush; (iii) the moist Scalesia (Compositae) forest; and (iv) the upper bracken or moorland zone. The two latter zones tree, 500m, R.S. 957. (above 200 m) are by far the most interesting mycologically The insect is covered by a thin layer of white since they are humid, often being covered by low cloud, and mycelium, without rhizoids, and primary ObOvOid although annual precipitation is highly variable, rainfall can conidia (16-24 x 8-1 1 ~m)are Present. On the basis of reach 2000-2500 mm in wet years. From February-April host specificity and conidial dimensions, the species is 0008-4026/82/ 1 12325-09$01 .OO/O 01982 National Research Council of Canada/Conseil national de recherches du Canada 2326 CAN. J. BOT. VOL. 60, 1982 closest to E. blissi (Lakon) Macleod & Miiller-Kogler and this is the first indication of a teleomorph connection (1973). There are no previous records of Entomoph- for this ubiquitous hyphomycete (Domsch et al. 1980). thora on Reduviids, but the scanty material and absence A specimen of T. confragosa on bracken coccids from of other spore stages do not justify a full taxonomic the crater lip of Cerro Camote (750 m) was found to description. be hyperparasitized by Melanospora parasitica Tul. (Hypocreales). ASCOMYCOTINA Pyrenomycetes Hypocreales Clavicipitales Hypocrella epiphylla (Massee) Sacc. Torrubiella confragosa Mains Figs. 1 and 2, 8 ANAMORPH:Aschersonia cubensis Berk. & Curt. ANAMOWH: Verticillium lecanii (Zimm.) ViCgas, On scale insects (Coccidae) on Asplenium ferns in syn.: Hirsutella confragosa Mains. transition zone south of Bellavista, 120m, R.S. 934; On Coccidae (Hemiptera, Homoptera) of the genus coffee and rubiaceous shrubs in the agricultural zone Saissetia on Coffea arabica (coffee) and Psidium east of Bellavista, 250 m, R.S. 932. guajava (guava) in the agricultural zone to the north and The teleomorph was not found and the fungus is east of Bellavista, 250-350 m, R.S. 924, 925, 928; generally much better known from its Aschersonia Zanthoxylum fagara (Rutaceae) in transition zone below anamorph, in which the yellow, hemispherical stro- Bellavista, 100-250m, R. S. 922, 926; Pteridium mata, large pycnidia, and broadly fusoid conidia (9- 11 aquilinum (bracken) throughout the moorland zone, X 3-4 p,m) are characteristic (Petch 1921). An isolate 500-800 m, R.S. 923,927,929, CBS 537.81; epiphytic of R.S. 932 grew and sporulated well on potato dextrose fern on Scalesia bark, 450 m, R.S. 950. agar (PDA) but was lost after subsequent subculturing. Mycelium thin, white to cream yellow, pulverulent, Difficulties in maintaining Aschersonia in axenic cul- covering the insect and extending onto the substratum; tures have also been experienced with isolates of A. loose, white mycelium internally. Perithecia irregularly aleyrodis Webber and A. placenta Berk. & Br. scattered to crowded, superficial or slightly embedded in the mycelium, ovoid to pyriform, 360-5 10 X 175-240 Nectria jlammea (Tul.) Dingley Figs. 3-5 p,m, brownish yellow to orange, translucent; asci ANAMORPH:Fusarium coccophilum (Desm.) cylindrical, 210-280 x 3.6-4 p,m, thin walled, thick- Wollenw . & Reink. ened at the apex, 8-spored; ascospores filiform, hyaline, On Diaspididae (Hemiptera, Homoptera) of the 0.7 p,m wide, almost as long as the ascus, multiseptate, genus Ischnapsis, possibly longirostris Sign., on cof- For personal use only. not breaking into part spores, sometimes spirally fee, guava, and remnant endemic shrubs, including grouped in the ascus. Psychotria rujipes (Rubiaceae), in the agricultural zone Conidiogenous structures of the anamorph consistent- near Bellavista, 250-350m, R.S. 921, 952. ly present on the mycelium covering the host. Coni- The pinkish-orange, conical sporodochia formed diophores mostly erect, verticillate, occasionally with around the host margin (Fig. 4) are typical of this solitary phialides. Phialides awl-shaped, in whorls of species, which is described fully by Booth (1971). The 2-5, 15-35 p,m long with the base 1-2p,m wide orange perithecia of the teleomorph are common on the tapering to a neck about 0.5 p,m in diameter. Conidia in Galhpagos material (Fig. 3). heads, one-celled, hyaline, smooth walled, cylindrical with rounded ends, 2.5-4.5 X 1.2-1.8 p,m. BASIDIOMYCOTINA The species of Torrubiella associated with coccids Hymenomycetes have been described by Petch (1923) and Mains ( 1949). Septobasidiales The Galhpagos specimens agree most closely with the Septobasidium pilosum Boedijn & Steinmann description of T. confragosa Mains (1949) and their Figs. 6 and 7, 9 identity was confirmed by comparing the type specimen, ANAMOWH:Aegerita webberi Fawcett loaned by courtesy of Dr. R. L. Schaffer (MICH). On Ischnapsis sp. (Diaspididae) on coffee and rem- Mains (1949) named the anamorph Hirsutella confra- nant shrubs in agricultural zone, east of Bellavista, R.S. Can. J. Bot. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA LIBRARY on 06/07/13 gosa, but conidiophore and phialide structure clearly 930,952,953; on Eriococcidae (mealybugs) on various show that it belongs to the genus Verticillium (see Fig. shrubs and trees, including Zanthoxylum fagara, in 84. Ascospore isolations of the Galhpagos specimens transition zone, 100- 150 m, R.S. 948, 951. were not attempted, but Verticillium cultures (CBS This species is characterized by typically brown, 537.8 1) were consistently obtained from internal myce- dichotomously branched conidiophores, bearing clus- lium. The morphology of the anamorph on the insect and ters of globose, hyaline cells, which function as com- that produced in culture cannot be distinguished from plete propagules (Fig. 9 b). No basidia or basidiospores the admittedly broad species concept of Verticillium have been found (Petch 1926) and the taxonomic status lecanii (Zirnm.) ViCgas as envisaged by Gams (1971) of Aegerita webberi as an anamorphic Basidiomycete is EVANS AND SAMSON For personal use only. Can. J. Bot. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA LIBRARY on 06/07/13 FIGS.
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