West Berkshire Camra

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West Berkshire Camra WEST BERKSHIRE CAMRA Website: www.westberkscamra.org.uk Facebook: @WBCAMRA Twitter: @WBCAMRA BRANCH MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY 4th NOVEMBER 2020 (8pm) (TELE CONFERENCE CALL MEETING) Attendees: Mike Avery (Chair), Tim Thomas, Paul Worsley, Tony Girling, Richard Lock, Richard Marshall Apologies: Andy Pinkard, Shaun Yeo Item Topic Action By: Status: 01.01 BRANCH MEMOS AND MAILOUTS All members are able to view Branch Memos and Mailouts in the volunteer Info, section of the national CAMRA website. unless Committee members are asked to review content of mailouts relevant to otherwise their post and give an update at the meeting on how they are addressing specified them. Mailouts since last meeting include: 2020-10-20 GBG regional press activity – urgent update 2020-10-16 Good Beer Guide 2021 launch date and communications plans – In light of the current restrictions posed by the Coronavirus pandemic CAMRA has made the decision to cancel the regional, super- regional and final rounds for this year’s Pub of the Year competition. 2020-10-16 Christmas Gift Membership 2020 2020-10-16 Reminder- UK wide ‘Save Our Pubs’ e-lobby 2020-10-16 NE Position Rotation 2020-10-16 Small Brewers’ Relief – extra social media assets and recap of resources 2020-10-16 Has your branch awarded a Lockdown Hero certificate or similar? 2020-10-12 UK wide ‘Save Our Pubs’ e-lobby – resources for branches 2020-10-09 CAMRA news this week 2020-10-09 Keep The Lights On Campaign and UK wide e-lobby to get a financial support package for pub and brewers – coming next week 2020-10-09 Discourse Moderators required 2020-10-09 New e-lobby to get a financial support package for pubs and brewers in Scotland– resources for branches 2020-10-09 Pub of the Year 2021 – Uncertainty over future restrictions has made it very difficult to be able to decide on a realistic timescale for next year’s competition at this stage, so CAMRA HQ has taken the decision to delay the announcement of next year’s deadlines. They will continue to monitor the situation nationally and will review this again early in January. 2020-10-09 Cider and Perry Pub of the Year 2021 2020-10-09 GBG Licensee packs 2020-10-09 Call for Press and Publicity Officer Contact information – Tim has volunteered to be the Branch Contact for this and has responded to HQ. Page 1 of 4 Item Topic Action By: Status: 2020-10-02 Campaigning in reaction to the introduction of curfews for hospitality businesses. 01.02 ULLAGE MAGAZINE Deadline for Winter (on-line issue): 11 November The Winter issue will feature articles from Jeff Evans and Richard Marshall Info as well as a roundup of the presentations made to local pubs listed in this year’s GBG. The editor would also welcome any news or articles with a focus on support for local pubs / breweries or their contribution to the community, preferably including a related photo. Editorial: Please send any news to Tim Thomas. Advertising: Vacancy for Ullage Advertising Officer. Pub Profiles Winter – Coach & Horses, Midgham (Andy Pinkard) Spring - Bunk Inn, Curridge (Chris Marriage) Summer – Swan, East Ilsley (Chris Reynolds) For future consideration: Dundas Arms, Kintbury, Bacon Arms, Newbury, Swan, East Ilsley, Queens Arms East Garston, Royal Oak Yattendon. Item Topic Action By: Status: 01.03 CAMPAIGNING TOPICS Social and Campaigning Activities GBG 2021 Presentations A launch event at a selected venue as per previous years was not possible this year. However, members managed to get round to the locally listed pubs / clubs and take publicity photos which have appeared on social media, the Newbury Today website and in an article in the Thu 5th Nov issue of the Newbury Weekly News. Regional & National Matters Regional Meetings in 2020: There is a vacancy for the post of Regional Director as Carl Griffin (RD) has stood down. There is also a vacancy for the post of Regional Secretary as Trish Burrows has stood down. Item Action By: Status: 01.04 BRANCH DIARY DATES Dates and venues listed below are those planned at the meeting. Please ensure that you check our Branch Website, Facebook page and Twitter feeds for all the latest info on Branch Meetings and Social Events. Diary Dates: Wed 9 Dec - Branch Meeting (Tele Conference Call) at 8pm. Thu 17 Dec – Xmas Social (via Zoom) at 8pm (Date and Details TBC). NOTE: Branch Social Diary is suspended until further notice. Notes: 1. We need to consider disabled access when arranging meetings / events. 2. Nominated person should contact the venue a week prior to meeting / Page 2 of 4 Item Action By: Status: social to confirm the booking. Item Topic Action By: Status: 01.05 COMMITTEE REPORTS Social Secretary There is a vacancy for this post as Paul Worsley has stood down. Paul is thanked for his efforts. All events and meetings are officially suspended on a 3 month rolling basis reviewed fortnightly, hence new year is the earliest for resumption but this is likely to be amended. Treasurer Bank Balance; £997.99 There have been no recent transactions; therefore the bank balance and money owing remain the same. Membership Secretary The current membership stands at around 350. Info Pubs Officer Planning refused for converting The Bell at Boxford into residential with a small pub. The Great Shefford has applied for planning permission for a farm shop. The planning application for a house in the car park at the Sun in the Wood has been withdrawn. 3 horseshoes Brimpton up for tenancy. The Half Way had intended to reopen on the 10th of November. Old Chequers in Thatcham has reopened. The Old Bell is sold STC. Blue Ball Kintbury tenancy under offer. Pheasant Inn at Shefford Woodlands featured in The Mail on Sunday Holiday section. The (boarded-up) Prince of Wales in Kintbury freehold is being marketed at £325K plus VAT. The Planning application to split the Winterbourne Arms into 2 houses with a small pub has been withdrawn. Now for sale/let. The Globe in Newbury reopened 23rd of October with an extensive “garden” in part of The Kennett Centre. The Old Waggon and Horses has new hosts. The Cross Keys Newbury reopened at the end of October after extensive renovations. 6 Bells at Beenham is under new management and is undergoing renovation. The Mill at Thatcham is under new management. We are expecting the Newbury Weekly News to do an article on The Good Beer Guide “launch” you can see the pictures at https://www.icloud.com/sharedalbum/#B0SG4TcsmGlduE2 Thanks to all who helped by delivering publican packs and taking photos at the GBG Pubs. Pubs Database Co-ordinator & NBBS Co-ordinator Members are encouraged to score cask beers (consumed on pub premises, takeaway or those ordered on line) as these will all count towards the scores used for GBG selection later in the year. Note: Cask conditioned only, not bright or bottled beers. Scoring is only available to CAMRA Members, through “WhatPub” Press & Publicity Officer Nothing new to report Webmaster Website: Our web address is: www.westberkscamra.org.uk Page 3 of 4 Item Topic Action By: Status: Cider Liaison Officer Report Shaun Yeo has taken on the role of Cider Representative for the Branch and can be reached at cider@westberkscamra.org.uk Shaun has proposed a virtual meet the producer cider tasting event and would be keen for this to be put forward and is happy to take the lead with organising. This could be extended to cover real ale. Item Topic Action By: Status: 01.06 AOB Two new topics were added to the 'Local Pub News' area of the website: Pubs adding tipi tents etc. Work from the pub! West Berks Brewery collaborated with Delphic Brewery on an ale which was available at the WBB Taproom in Yattendon. Social media stats Facebook: @WBCAMRA 415 (415) like / 478 (467) follow Twitter (followers): @WBCAMRA 1895 (1885) @WBCAMRAcider 84 (82) @UllageBeer 3084 (3082) @BerkshirePubs 1189 (1183) @NewburyBeer 486 (481) Page 4 of 4 .
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