577 Y EARS OF EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION AND MUSIC • 3rd to 6th classes co-educational primary school • Small classes • After-school programme • Accessible by Luas, DART and bus • Grammar School (secondary level) on site • Music Programme in conjunction with DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama • Choir auditions currently being held Apply now for September 2010/2011 Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Choir School Saint Patrick’s Close, Dublin 8 Telephone: 01 454 0588 (School), 01 453 9472 (Cathedral Office) ST. MARY’S CHURCH, MOATE, CO. WESTMEATH PRESENT A Festival of Flowers DESIGNED BY RICHARD HASLAM FRIDAY 9 TH JULY OPENING CONCERT, RECEPTION AND PREVIEW OF FLOWERS TICKET ONLY SATURDAY 10 TH AND SUNDAY 11 TH JULY CHURCH OPEN 10am TO 7pm ADMISSION €10. SONGS OF PRAISE SUNDAY NIGHT AT 8pm. ART EXHIBITION, PLANT SALE, CRAFT STALLS FLOWER DEMONSTRATIONS BY RICHARD HASLAM PLUS MORE ATTRACTIONS IN TOWN. TEA AND COFFEE ~ LARGE CAR PARK ADJACENT TO CHURCH FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT ETHEL @ 086 1717727 OR E-MAIL LIZ
[email protected] 2 CHURCH REVIEW ChurCh of Ireland unIted dIoCeses CHURCH REVIEW of dublIn and GlendalouGh ISSN 0790-0384 The Most Reverend John R W Neill, M.A., L.L.D. Archbishop of Dublin and Bishop of Glendalough, Church Review is published monthly and Primate of Ireland and Metropolitan. usually available by the first Sunday. Please order your copy from your Parish by annual sub scription. €40 for 2010 AD. POSTAL SUBSCRIIPTIIONS//CIIRCULATIION Archbishop’s Lette r Copies by post are available from: Charlotte O’Brien, ‘Mountview’, The Paddock, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. E:
[email protected] T: 086 026 5522.