VCE Biothon – Bird Species List 18 May 2019

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VCE Biothon – Bird Species List 18 May 2019 VCE Biothon – Bird Species List 18 May 2019 Canada Goose Red-eyed Vireo Red-winged Blackbird Wood Duck Blue Jay Brown-headed Cowbird Mallard American Crow Common Grackle Green-winged Teal Common Raven Ovenbird Hooded Merganser Northern Rough-winged Swallow Louisiana Waterthrush Common Merganser Tree Swallow Northern Waterthrush Ruffed Grouse Bank Swallow Black-and-white Warbler Wild Turkey Barn Swallow Tennessee Warbler Rock Pigeon Cliff Swallow Nashville Warbler Mourning Dove Black-capped Chickadee Common Yellowthroat Chimney Swift Tufted Titmouse American Redstart Ruby-throated Hummingbird Red-breasted Nuthatch Cape May Warbler Short-billed Dowitcher White-breasted Nuthatch Northern Parula American Woodcock House Wren Magnolia Warbler Wilson's Snipe Winter Wren Bay-breasted Warbler Spotted Sandpiper Marsh Wren Blackburnian Warbler Solitary Sandpiper Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Yellow Warbler Common Loon Ruby-crowned Kinglet Chestnut-sided Warbler Double-crested Cormorant Eastern Bluebird Black-throated Blue Warbler American Bittern Veery Pine Warbler Great Blue Heron Swainson's Thrush Yellow-rumped Warbler Green Heron Hermit Thrush Black-throated Green Warbler Turkey Vulture Wood Thrush Canada Warbler Osprey American Robin Wilson's Warbler Cooper's Hawk Gray Catbird Scarlet Tanager Bald Eagle Brown Thrasher Northern Cardinal Red-shouldered Hawk Northern Mockingbird Rose-breasted Grosbeak Broad-winged Hawk European Starling Indigo Bunting Red-tailed Hawk Cedar Waxwing House Sparrow Barred Owl House Finch Belted Kingfisher Purple Finch Total: 117 species Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Pine Siskin Red-bellied Woodpecker American Goldfinch Downy Woodpecker Chipping Sparrow Hairy Woodpecker Dark-eyed Junco Pileated Woodpecker White-crowned Sparrow Northern Flicker White-throated Sparrow American Kestrel Savannah Sparrow Least Flycatcher Song Sparrow Eastern Phoebe Swamp Sparrow Great Crested Flycatcher Eastern Towhee Eastern Kingbird Bobolink Blue-headed Vireo Eastern Meadowlark Warbling Vireo Baltimore Oriole VCE Biothon – Non-bird Species List 18 May 2019 Bees Click Beetle sp. Ray-finned Fishes Augochlorini Sweat Bees Closed Wing Damselfly sp. Pikes Blood Bee sp. Dark Paper Wasp Pumpkinseed Bumblebee sp. Dirt-Colored Seed Bug sp. Carlin's Miner Bee Drone Flies Reptiles & Amphibians Common Eastern Bumble Bee Eastern Forktail Common Garter Snake Cuckoo Bee sp. False Click Beetles Green Frog Furrow Bee sp. Ground Beetle sp. Painted Turtle Lassioglossum Sweat Bees sp. 1 Hemiptera sp. Pickerel Frog Lassioglossum Sweat Bees sp. 2 Hoverfly sp. Wood Frog Lassioglossum Sweat Bees sp. 3 Marsh Ground Beetle sp. Lassioglossum Sweat Bees sp. 4 Mosquito sp. Fungi & Lichens Beard Lichen sp. Lassioglossum Sweat Bees sp. 5 Odorous House Ant Black Knot Ligated Furrow Bee Predaceous Diving Beetle sp. Common Powderhorn Mason Bee sp. Red-Necked False Blister Beetle Dark-Spored Agarics Mining Bees sp. 1 Scarab Beetle sp. False Turkey-Tail Mining Bees sp. 2 Six-Spotted Tiger Beetle Fungus sp. Mining Bees sp. 3 Spotted Lady Beetle Gray Reindeer Lichen Pure Green Sweat Bee Spurleg Lady Beetle Inky Cap sp. Red-Tailed Mining Bee Sun Beetles Orange Jelly Spot Small Carpenter Bee sp. Tortoise Beetles Pixie Cup Lichens Spurred Ceratina Typical Leafhoppers Shield Lichen Striped Sweat Bees Willow Pinecone Gall Midge Spring Orange Peel Fungus Tricolored Bumble Bee Winter Firefly Tulip Morel Two Spotted Bumblebee Western Honey Bee Other Arthropods Mosses & Liverworts Deer Tick Boulder Broom Moss Butterflies & Moths Isopod sp. Anglewing sp. Jumping Spider sp. Bristly Haircap Moss Cabbage White Tangle-Web Spiders Broom Moss Eastern Comma Velvet Mites Common Haircap Moss Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth Crisped Pincushion Mourning Cloak Mammals Crome Sphagnum Red Admiral American Beaver Delicate Fern Moss West Virginia White American Black Bear Fan Clubmoss Bobcat Feather-Mosses Other Insects Canines Fringe and Rock Moss sp. Ant sp. Domestic Dog Greater Whipwort Asian Lady Beetle Eastern Chipmunk Haircap Mosses Beetles Muskrat Lesser Smoothcap Bumble Flower Beetle Woodchuck Liverwort sp. Camel Cricket sp. Magellan's Peatmoss Ostrich-Plume Moss Canadian Bunchberry Jack-In-The-Pulpit Red-Stemmed Feather Moss Carolina Spring Beauty Japanese Barberry Running Pine Colt's-Foot Japanese Honeysuckle Shining Clubmoss Common Dandelion Long Beech Fern Sphagnum Moss sp. Common Yarrow Multiflora Rose Spike Moss sp. Dutchman's Breeches Mustards, Capers, and Allies Stairstep Moss Early Meadow-Rue Oak Fern Wavy-Leaf Moss False Solomon's Seal Ostrich Fern Waxyleaf Moss Heartleaf Foamflower Purple-Flowered Raspberry Golden Alexanders Red Clover Trees Herb Robert Red Elderberry Alder sp. Large White Trillium Red-Berried Elder Alternate-Leaved Dogwood Painted Trillium Rose sp. American Beech Red Trillium Sedge sp. American Hophornbeam Rose Twisted-Stalk Sensitive Fern American Hornbeam Round-Leaved Violet Small White Leek Balsam Fir Sessile Bellwort Snowberry sp. Basswood Solomon's-Seal sp. Strawberry sp. Bigtooth Aspen Spring Beauty True Sedge sp. Black Ash Squirrel Corn Virginia Waterleaf Black Cherry Starflower Wall Lettuce Boxelder Maple Star-Flowered Lily-Of-The-Valley White Rattlesnakeroot Common Serviceberry Threeleaf Goldthread Wild Sarsaparilla Eastern Hemlock Trout Lily Gray Birch Twoleaf Bishop's-Cap Total: 217 species Heartleaf Paper Birch Viola sp. Prunus sp. Wood Anemone Red Pine Wood-Sorrel Red Spruce Amelanchier sp. Other Plants Shagbark Hickory Avens sp. Striped Maple Bedstraw sp. Sugar Maple Christmas Fern Trembling Aspen Cinquefoil sp. White Ash Creeping Snowberry Willow sp. Dwarf Raspberry Yellow Birch Elder sp. European Bramble Complex Wildflowers Fern sp. Aster sp. Garlic Mustard Azure Bluet Greater Celandine Baneberries and Cohoshes Green False Hellebore Blue Cohosh Hobblebush Bluebead Lily Intermediate Wood Fern Buttercup sp. Interrupted Fern Canada Mayflower .
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