Freshwater Stock Clients 2020.02.17.Numbers

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Freshwater Stock Clients 2020.02.17.Numbers GLOFISH 17901 GloFish - Tetra Electric Green Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi 17902 GloFish - Tetra Starfire Red Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi 17903 GloFish - Tetra Sunburst Orange Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi 17904 GloFish - Tetra Cosmic Blue Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi 17905 GloFish - Tetra Galactic Purple Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi 17906 GloFish - Tetra Moonrise Pink Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi 17913 GloFish - Tetra Longfin Orange Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi 17915 GloFish - Tetra Longfin Purple Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi 17923 GloFish - Danio Sunburst Orange Danio Rerio 17924 GloFish - Danio Cosmic Blue Danio Rerio 17925 GloFish - Danio Galactic Purple Danio Rerio MISC 11800 Rainbow Assorted Melanotaenia sp. 11810 Rainbow Red Glossolepis Incisus 11816 Rainbow Boesemani Melanotaenia Boesemani 11817 Rainbow Boesemani Male Melanotaenia Boesemani 11825 Rainbow Blue Melanotaenia Lacustris 11837 Rainbow Neon Dwarf Melanotaenia Praecox 11856 Rainbow Threadfin Iriatherina Werneri 11870 Killifish Panchax Yellow Aplocheilus Lineatus 11957 Killifish Tangayika Lamprichthys Tanganicanus 12010 Halfbeak Celebes Nomorhamphus Liemi 12080 Arowana Silver Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum 12110 Polypterus Senegal Polypterus Senegalus 12116 Polypterus Senegal Albino Longfin XLPolypterus Senegalus 12127 Polypterus Ornatipinnis Polypterus Ornatipinnis 12216 Silver Dollar Lg Metynnis Hypsauchen 12218 Silver Dollar XL Metynnis Hypsauchen 12230 Black-Barred Silver Dollar Myleus Schomburgkii 12280 Prochilodus Red Fin Semaprochilodus Taeniurus 12286 Prochilodus Red Fin Lg Semaprochilodus Taeniurus 12451 Goby Red Stiphodon sp. 12474 Goby Bumble Bee Brachygobius Doriae 12510 Scat Green Spotted Scatophagus Argus 12660 Puffer Fahaka Tetraodon Lineatus 12680 Puffer Dwarf Freshwater Carinotetraodon Travancoricus 12704 Knife Fish Black Ghost Apteronotus Albifrons 12763 Eel Spiny Half Banded Macrognathus Circumcinctus 12800 Loach Weather Oriental Misgurnus Anguillicaudatus 12810 Loach Kuhli Pangio Kuhlii 12844 Loach Mountain 12902 Loach Clown Sm Chromobotia Macracanthus 12904 Loach Clown Md Chromobotia Macracanthus 12906 Loach Clown Lg Chromobotia Macracanthus CATFISH 12960 Sucker Borneo Pseudogastromyzon Myersi 12980 Lizard Fish Homaloptera tweediei 12990 Doctor Fish Garra Rufa 13000 Catfish Cory Assorted Corydoras sp. 13010 Catfish Cory Pepper Corydoras Paleatus 13013 Catfish Cory Albino Corydoras Aeneus 13016 Catfish Cory Bronze Corydoras Aeneus 13034 Catfish Cory Julii Corydoras Julii 13056 Catfish Cory Panda Corydoras Panda 13300 Catfish Angelicus Pimelodus Pictus 13450 Chinese Algae Eater Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri 13455 Algae Eater Albino Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri 13470 Siamese Algae Eater Crossocheilus Siamensis 13502 Pleco Common Sm Pterygoplichthys Pardalis 13504 Pleco Common Md Pterygoplichthys Pardalis 13506 Pleco Common Lg Pterygoplichthys Pardalis 13550 Pleco Sailfin Spotted Pterygoplichthys Gibbiceps 13580 Pleco Leopard Hi Fin Pterygoplichthys Joselimaianus 13600 Pleco Ancystrus L-183 Ancistrus Dolichopterus GUPPIES & MOLLIES 10001 Guppy Male Assorted Poecilia Reticulata 10005 Guppy Female Assorted Poecilia Reticulata 10200 Molly Assorted Poecilia Sphenops 10214 Molly Black Poecilia Sphenops 10223 Molly Golden Poecilia Sphenops 10229 Molly Silver Poecilia Sphenops 10232 Molly Marble Poecilia Sphenops 10233 Molly Marble Orange Tail Poecilia Sphenops 10235 Molly Red Leopard Poecilia Sphenops 10241 Molly Blood Red Poecilia Sphenops 10243 Molly Sunset Glowlight Poecilia Sphenops 10244 Molly Diamond Marigold Poecilia Sphenops 10247 Molly Gold Dust Poecilia Sphenops 10260 Molly Lyretail Assorted Poecilia Sphenops 10270 Molly Lyretail Black Poecilia Sphenops 10279 Molly Lyretail Silver Poecilia Sphenops 10282 Molly Lyretail Marble Poecilia Sphenops 10285 Molly Lyretail Red Leopard Poecilia Sphenops 10291 Molly Lyretail Diamond Marigold Poecilia Sphenops 10300 Molly Balloon Assorted Poecilia Sphenops 10320 Molly Balloon Lyretail Assorted Poecilia Sphenops 10400 Molly Sailfin Assorted Poecilia Latipinna SWORDTAILS 10510 Platy Mickey Mouse Assorted Xiphophorus Maculatus 10513 Platy Mickey Mouse Red Xiphophorus Maculatus 10516 Platy Mickey Mouse Neon Blue Xiphophorus Maculatus 10519 Platy Mickey Mouse Neon Gold Xiphophorus Maculatus 10522 Platy Mickey Mouse Red Top White Xiphophorus Maculatus 10528 Platy Mickey Mouse Tiger Xiphophorus Maculatus 10540 Platy Red Xiphophorus Maculatus 10546 Platy Red Tuxedo Xiphophorus Maculatus 10549 Platy Red Comet Xiphophorus Maculatus 10567 Platy Red Tail Green Leopard Xiphophorus Maculatus 10593 Platy Sunset Wagtail Xiphophorus Maculatus 10613 Platy Golden Tuxedo Xiphophorus Maculatus 10630 Platy Blue Calico Xiphophorus Maculatus 10639 Platy Neon Blue Tuxedo Xiphophorus Maculatus 10650 Platy Black Xiphophorus Maculatus 10651 Platy Black Ghost Xiphophorus Maculatus 10652 Platy Rainbow Wagtail Xiphophorus Maculatus 10656 Platy Bumble Bee Xiphophorus Maculatus 10700 Variatus Assorted Xiphophorus Variatus 10716 Variatus Blue Xiphophorus Variatus 10719 Variatus Black Xiphophorus Variatus 1 10722 Variatus Green Xiphophorus Variatus 10800 Swordtail Assorted Xiphophorus Helleri 10808 Swordtail Mickey Mouse Assorted Xiphophorus Helleri 10813 Swordtail Red Wagtail Xiphophorus Helleri 10816 Swordtail Red Tuxedo Xiphophorus Helleri 10833 Swordtail Golden Neon Xiphophorus Helleri 10836 Swordtail Golden Wagtail Xiphophorus Helleri 10842 Swordtail Golden Comet Xiphophorus Helleri 10850 Swordtail Pink Comet Xiphophorus Helleri 10860 Swordtail Neon Xiphophorus Helleri 10880 Swordtail Pineapple Xiphophorus Helleri 10900 Swordtail Black Xiphophorus Helleri 10910 Swordtail Tricolor Xiphophorus Helleri 10915 Swordtail Red & White Xiphophorus Helleri 10920 Swordtail Marble Xiphophorus Helleri 10922 Swordtail Marble Orange Xiphophorus Helleri TETRAS, RASBORAS, DANIOS 11002 Tetra Neon Sm Paracheirodon Innesi 11006 Tetra Neon Lg Paracheirodon Innesi 11019 Tetra Neon Green Paracheirodon Simulans 11050 Tetra Cardinal Paracheirodon Axelrodi 11100 Tetra Bloodfin Aphyocharax Anisitsi 11103 Tetra Glass Bloodfin Aphyocharax Filigera 11106 Tetra Paraguay Aphyocharax Paraguayensis 11109 Tetra Green Fire Aphyocharax Rathbuni 11130 Tetra Glowlight Hemigrammus Erythrozonus 11133 Tetra Glowlight Albino Hemigrammus Erythrozonus 11139 Tetra Rummynose Hemigrammus Rhodostomus 11148 Tetra Pretty Garnet Hemigrammus Pulcher 11157 Tetra Buenos Aires Hemigrammus Caudovittatus 11160 Tetra Buenos Aires Albino Hemigrammus Caudovittatus 11180 Tetra Neon Black Hyphessobrycon Herbertaxelrodi 11182 Tetra Serpae Hyphessobrycon Eques 11186 Tetra Serpae Hi fin Hyphessobrycon Eques 11187 Tetra Flame Hyphessobrycon Flammeus 11189 Tetra Van Rio Orange Hyphessobrycon Flammeus 11192 Tetra Lemon Hyphessobrycon Pulchripinnis 11195 Tetra Phantom Black Hyphessobrycon Megalopterus 11207 Tetra Rosy Fin Hyphessobrycon Rosaceus 11210 Tetra Peppermint HY511 Hyphessobrycon Bentosi 11213 Tetra Colombian Hyphessobrycon Columbianus 11240 Tetra Black Skirt Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi 11243 Tetra Black Skirt Hi fin Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi 11260 Tetra Red Eye Moenkhausia Sanctaefilomenae 11263 Tetra Red Eye Balloon Moenkhausia Sanctaefilomenae 11266 Tetra Diamond Moenkhausia Pittieri 11269 Tetra Pristella Pristella Maxillaris 11300 Tetra Congo Phenacogrammus Interruptus 11303 Tetra Congo Male Phenacogrammus Interruptus 11310 Tetra Emperor Nematobrycon Palmeri 11313 Tetra Emperor Black Nematobrycon Amphiloxus 11360 Tetra Blue Kerri Inpaichthys Kerri 11365 Tetra Penguin Thayeria Boehlkei 11370 Tetra Peruvian Blue Boehlkea Fredcochui 11378 Tetra Glass Amazon Leptagoniatus Steindachneri 11400 White Cloud Tanichthys Albonubes 11403 Golden White Cloud Tanichthys Albonubes 11430 Rasbora Chilli Boraras Brigittae 11447 Rasbora Dwarf Emerald Lg Microrasbora Erythromicron 11460 Rasbora Harlequin Rasbora Heteromorpha 11462 Rasbora Harlequin XL Rasbora Heteromorpha 11469 Rasbora Harlequin Hengels Rasbora Hengeli 11472 Rasbora Harlequin Purple Rasbora sp. 11505 Pencil Fish Golden Nannostomus Beckfordi 11520 Rasbora Galaxy ( Celestial Pearl DanioCelestichthys ) Margaritatus 11521 Rasbora Galaxy (Celestial Pearl Danio)Celestichthys Sm Margaritatus 11600 Danio Assorted Danio sp. 11610 Danio Zebra Danio Rerio 11613 Danio Golden Danio Rerio 11616 Danio Leopard Danio Rerio 11619 Danio Pearl Danio Albolineatus 11633 Danio Hi fin Zebra Danio Rerio 11636 Danio Hi fin Golden Danio Rerio 11639 Danio Hi fin Leopard Danio Rerio 11670 Danio Fire Ring Brachydanio sp. BARBS 14002 Barb Tiger Sm Puntius Anchisporus 14004 Barb Tiger Md Puntius Anchisporus 14012 Barb Tiger Albino Sm Puntius Anchisporus 14014 Barb Tiger Albino Md Puntius Anchisporus 14024 Barb Tiger Green Md Puntius Anchisporus 14052 Barb Tiger Assorted Sm Puntius Anchisporus 14054 Barb Tiger Assorted Md Puntius Anchisporus 14100 Barb Tiger Platinum Green Puntius Anchisporus 14110 Barb Tiger Painted Red Puntius Anchisporus 14125 Barb Ruby Black Puntius Nigrofasciatus 14150 Barb Rosy Puntius Conchonius 14151 Barb Rosy - Male Puntius Conchonius 14165 Barb Rosy Blood Red - Male Puntius Conchonius 14200 Barb Cherry Puntius Titteya 14220 Barb Golden Puntius Semifasciolatus 14230 Barb Checkered Puntius Oligolepis 14235 Barb Odessa Puntius Padamya 14262 Barb Torpedo Red Line Sm Puntius Denisonii 14264 Barb Torpedo Red Line Lg Puntius Denisonii 14270 Barb Tinfoil Barbonymus Altus 14271 Barb Tinfoil Lg Barbonymus Altus GOURAMIS, BETTAS, SHARKS 14300 Gourami Dwarf Assorted - Male Trichogaster Lalius 14315 Gourami Dwarf Regular - Male Trichogaster Lalius 14325 Gourami Dwarf Blood - Male Trichogaster Lalius 14335 Gourami Dwarf Neon - Male Trichogaster Lalius
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