~ 'Countdown to K' Calms Dergarten Nerves
.... .... " Septemher 7, 2007 3 ~ 'Countdown to K' calms • dergarten nerves • By Richard Cherecwlch STAFF WRITER • • Even though the first day of school isn't until Sept. 10, Julia Weeks, clad in a bright yellow T Prirt and a red plastic firefighter eJmet, could hardly contain her ~nthusiasm . : ''I'm going to real kinder ~arten," she said, flashing a snlile whiJe walking with her mother, Elisabeth. And what about "real kinder garten" (1(2) has Julia so excited? • ''[' m excited to get homework &gam," she said : Julia was one of dozens of All ston-Brighton kindergarteners who, along with their parents, turned out for Boston Public School's Countdown to Kinder garu,n event in Oak Square on Jb.ursdsy, Aug. 30. While not every chiJd shared Julia's enthusi asm for homeworlc, they aU shared Inliles as they listened to stories in !he FaneuiJ Branch Ubrary, Je~ey Berganza, 6, tJIed on .. oxypn m_ at the Oak Square ftr. station durtng t limhed into a fire truck at the fire KIndergarten eyent _ 'ThundIIy. bouse, hopped on the moon lies dlat haven't of us." bounce and colored outside the ctarl to nearly 50 knee-high clill beard Oak Square YMCA. dreh clad in yellow "I'm going to And there were plenty of fami "I'm ,*ciited to get l-iniL..... I" T- hirts lies. - chiJdren's room of the li • "Starting kindergarten can be ~~'6arten. s . hOl11e1,OII'k again." feally imposing and scary," said "It's a way for the communi Ito brary was packed, and as chiJ Jennifer Doyle, president of the get ""hind the kids and say 'we re dren':; librarian Vicky Burr read Presentation School Foundation, ~ed' and 'good luck,'" said "Lori Out Kindergarten, Here [ £Vhich has been raising money to DeE· Snyder, director of Count- Com;" dozens of cJlildren sat on ~uy the old Presentation School do to Kindergarten.
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