Calculated for HALIFAX, in Lat. 44" 39' 20" N Long. 63° 36' 40" West from Gl'eenwic~, and for any,part of the Ptovince, including the lsl:~n~~~·<;~~~ Breton. ! 12 BELCHER'S FARbIER'S' 1852'1 SIGNS OF THE PLANETS, &c. I I@ 0 The Sun ~ Mercury ,,¥ Ceres , ,i41 The Earlh !? Venus;U Jupiter I. New Moon C! Mars lz Saturn b, Full Moon ~ Vesta , ,J,lI HerschelorUranus II}) First Quarter' Juno 1« Last Quarter Pallas 16 Conjunction, or having the same Longitude or RighlAscension'l o Quadrature, or differing 90° in" " " I 0 8 Opposition, or differing 180 ," "" Q 'fhe ascending, ~ the descendmg, node. I SIGNS Ql<', THE ZODIAC., . I

'I "l' ~ 1. Of Aries head Aut ~ 7.::Q: LIbra rems I ~prmg 2. g Taurus neck " . 8. lI'\. Scorpio secrets[ 1 sIgns. 3. 0 Gemini arms sIgns. 9. t Sagittarius thi, . " ~ 4. ~ Cancer breast W'n ~,IO. VJ Capricornus Im Summer 5 n Leo heart . I. 11. ~ Aquarius legs'l • • \)\.1 sIgns. ' sIgns. 6. ~ Virgo bowels 12. )( PIsces feel, The leUers M. A., m. a., denote morning and afternoon. j i N. North. E. East. '" Degrees. , I S. South. W. West. I Minutes. I/Seconds. I CHRONOLOGICAL CYLES, FOR 1852. IGolden NU'mber ...... 10 I Julian Period ....••.... 65, ~5 , Epact ...... 9 Mundane Era ...... 58;)5 1 Solar Cycle ...... 13 , Jewish year ...... 56121 Dominical Letter ... D & C II Mahomedan Year ..... " 1268 Roman Indiction...... , 10 , EMBER DAYS. ' I March 3, 5 & 6. I September 15, 17 & 18 I June 2, 4 & 5. December 15, 17 & 18. i . Rogation Days, May 17, 18, 19. I BEGINNING AND LENGTH. OF THE SEASONS. I H. M. Sunenters VJ (Winter begins) Decr.22, 1851,at 5 15 M'I <1>,)( j " " Of (Spring begins) March 20, ]852, at 6 28;M. I .~ ~ I" " ~(Summerbegins)June21, 1852, at 3 ]5, M. ~ c::«i " '."., ·~lA~tumn begins) Sept.22, 1852, at 5 27, A. i ~ tI: I "...•• '.:. 1'9rW;'nter begin~) Dec),. 21, 1852,at 10 59,M.) ~ ':;j I "'; ,": D. H •. M. I' Length of the 'tt~ter of 1851-52, 89 1 13- II " " "~.ng of 1852, --- 112 20 47 • " " "SaiOOJer of 1852, -- 93 14 12' I,.". " "Auwmn &f 1852 _ _ _ 89 1:7 32 I::.'l;,~th ~~ the Trop~~rYear; commencing at ~ __' __ ' ~~'.W lllt.er Sols.tl/}(o,'.1,'1851, and terminating 365 5 44 ,<*t.t~e ,W lllter~S1l!gtlCe, ] 852, _ _ _ _ \~eal\; or ,average length of the Tropical Year, 365 5 4Sj 11852.. ALMANACK. 3 .\ . FIX~~ AND MOVEABLE FEAS:rS, ANNIVERSA~IES, &c. ., '\ClrcumC1S\on ...••• '" . Jan. 1 Pnncess Helena,o. 46 May 25 'Epiphany ...... - 6 Rest. K.Chas. II..... -- 29 : Martyrdom K. Charle~ I. - 30 J?entecost-Whit Sun. -- 30 septuagesima Sunday •. Feb. 8 Trinity Sunday ...•• .• June 6 Sexagesima Sunday .••• -- 15 Corpus Chi-isti ••••.. -- 10 IiQuinq. or Shrove Sun. -- 25 Accession Q. Vict. '37 -- 20 , .Ash Wednesday...... -- 25 St. JohnBaptist- ~ 24 ' :lst Sunday inLent .••• -- 29 Midsummer day S-- !St. Dav!d ...... • March 1 Coronation Q. Victorilj..-- 281 : St. Patrick ..•...•... -- J7 St. Peter & St. Paul .• -- 29 :Princess LOl:lisa b. '48 -- 1~1Pr. Alfred b. 1844 .••. Aug. 6 !Annunci.ationI B. V. M ( __ 251~rinc~ Albert~.1819 .. -- 261 ,Lady Day ...... S St. MlC\lael-MIchael- (Se t 29 ' !Falll!. SU'1J,day •. . ... April 4 .mas uay . S p I1 :Good Friday ...... -- 9\AlI Saint's Day ...... Nov. 11 'EASTER. Sl.rNDAY .... -- 11 Gunpowder Plot .... -- 5 iLow Sunday ...... -- is/Prince of Wales, b. '41 --. 9 I ist. George ...... " -- 23 Princess R{)yal, b. '40 -- 21 . Princess Alice, b. 1843 -- 25 1st Sunday in Advent -- 28 Pr. Mth. W m. Patrick ~ MISt. Andrew ...... -- 30 Albert, b. 1850.. S ay St. Thomas ...... , .• Dec. 21 Rogation Sunday ••. • ,. -- 16 CHRIS'1"MAS DAy ..... -- 25 'IAsce~sio!~ Day, ...... -- 20 St. Stephen ...... _. - 26 : Q. VIctOria .oorn,. J819, -- 24 St; JOhn: gvang ...... -- 2711

ECLIPSES IN 1852. I Th'ere wB! be SiX Eclipses this year-THREE of tbe SUN, aml THREE of the MOON.· . l I. January 6 & 7.-A total Eclipse of the M·oon. H. M. First contact with the Penumbra, 6th, 11 6, A. ) First contact with theSbadow, 7th, ':0 6. M. I Meantime Middle of the Eclipse - ," - - - 1 56. M. )- at Last Contact with the: Shadow - - - 3 45. M. I Halifax. Last Contact with the Penumbra - - 4 45. M. ) Magnitude of the Eclipse on the Moon's Northern limb 1;667, the M'oon's diameter being 1. I II. January 21.-A partial Eclipse ot the Sun, invisible in' No.rth and South America, but will be visible in the SOMhern11 Ocean Lat. 68° 59' South, and Long. 1240 24' East • . III. June 17.-A partial Eclipse of the.Sun, ~Tlvisible in North. America, but may be seen!n the regIons .8ib?ut .t~e S.outh Po~e'l ., IV. July J.-A total Eclipse ofthe Moof1,.tntltstble In Amerl\)d'i, '~hut will be seen in Asia, Africa, aud N~w Holland. . .. I' ,. V. December 10 & 11. Ato~alEchp8eofthe Sun, beRJJi>/ll!1gi Deer. 10th, 9h. 12m. a., and enchng Decr. 1 Ith, lh. 40m. m.j tn-I :., visible in t~e Briti~h Pl'Ovinces, b~t may be see~ in the Eastern., ~ art orAsla, and m.fhe North PaCific Ocean. . r .{),~ , - 4 BELCHER'S 'FARMER'S 1852. VI. December 26.-A partial Eclipse ?f the Moon, the be­ ginning of which only will be visible at Halifax. ' H. 111. First COQtact with the Penumbra, - 6 O. l\f. I First Contact with the Shadow, . - 7 ]9. M. I Meantime Middle of the Eclipse - ,- - - - - 8 48. M. r at Last contact with the Shadow - 10 17. M. I Halifax; Last contact with the Penumbra -- 11 36. M.)

, VENUS will be the Evening Star until July 21. After which she will be the Morning Star to the end of the year. MARS will be the Evening Star during ~he year. . JUPITER will be the Morning Star until May 8.. After whlCh it will be the Evening Star until Nov.21. It will then be thei Morning Star to the end of .the year.., " l SATURN will be the Evemng StUI' untt! Api'll 27. After wh!chi it,)Vili be tbe Moming Star until Nov. 3, thence the Evemng Star to the close of the year: . . , I Owing to a remarkable adjustment of the times m whICh the, Moon's synodical revolution, ,and th,a t of her nodes ar~ performed,1 eclipses return after a certam penod, very nearly m the samej order and qfthe same magnitude. In IS years there are usuallYI about 70 eclipses; 29 of the Moon, 41 of the Sun; or nearly as ' two to three. Seven is the greatest number of Eclipses that can occur in all year, and two the least. If there are.seven,jive mllst be of the: Sun, and two of the Moon. If there be only two, both must bel of the Sun; for in every year there are at least two solar eclipses. There never can be more than three lunar eclipses in a year; andl in some years none at all. Though the number of solar eClipses'1 is greater absolutely than of lunar, in the ratio of three to two, yet there ani more lunar than solar eclipses visible in anyl Iparticular place; because while a lunar eclipse is visible to an! lentire hemisphere, a solar eclipse is only viaible to a particular! part, and sometimes to a very small part. A lunar eclipse isl visible \0 an entire hemisphere, by reason of the larger shadowl ~nd gre~ter proximity o.f ~he earth, and t.he ~onsequent largerll ImmerSIOn of the Moon m Its shadow, whIch IS far broader than the lunar diameter. A solar e,clipse is only visible to a particularl part, on a~count of the Moon's shadow immersing only a very small portIOn of the e\lrth's surface by reason of the comparative. smallness of the Moon. The lunar shadow traVerses the earthl at the I'ate of about IS30 miles an hour. Central or total solar, eclipses are pheil.omena tarelyobseryed ; for although there ,ate. about 2S.such eclipses in every period of ]S years, yet the space: lover which anyone of them appears to be central is but 'a' Inarrow belt of the 'earth's enlightened hemisphere in sdme Case's :scarcely more than a there 'mathematical Hne: Sometimes, '[1802. ALMANACK. 5 through the refracting e.ffect of the earth's atmosphere, the Sun ,and. Moon are both so elf!vated, as to be at the same time Ivisible above t~.e horizon during a total eclipse of the Moon. !

1\ EXPLANATION OF THE CALENDAR PAGES. LEFT HAND PAGE. Column. 1 & 2.-Contain the days of the month and of the week. S &. 4.-The rising and setting in mean time of the highest point, or, or the upper limb of the Sun, corrected for refractioD. 5.-Days length in hours and minutes. 6.-Equation of Time (or quantity by which the SUD is slow or . fast .'\,f the clock at noon, apparent, not mean, time a Greenwich, or at a quarter before eight o'clock in the m()ming at Halifax. . I 7.-The Sun'. declination for the same as the Equation, 6th col. B.-The rising or setting of the Moon-the setting being given from theNew to the Full Moon, and the rising from Full to New Moon, 9.-The place of the Moon in the Ecliptic. IO.-The time of the Moon's s.outhing or passing the meridian. This column also gives the t\Joe of High Water at Parrs· boro', Horton, Cornwallis, Windsor, Tfl1ro, &e. ll.-Days increase or decrease in hours and minutes. The top of the columns of each month gives the Moon's phases, or .times of New and Full Moon, and of the first and last quarters, or two. 'quadratures . with the Sun. I RIGHT HAND PAGE. I ] .-Contains the. days of the month. , 2.-Sundays, Weathe<, Anniversaries, &'c. 3.-The t,ime of Hi~h Water at Halifax, N. S. 4. • ...... ~ ...... Annapolie & St. John, N. B. \I 5...···················· Charlotte Town, 1;'. E. hland. . 6...... , ... St. Johns, Newfoundland. I Iof that tide which immediately precedes the Sou-thing of the Moon .. IThe.e ,four columns ape computed on the supp,?sition, that the time ofl [High Water on the days of New and Full Moon (L'establissment dui port.) is a. t Halifax 7h .. 30m.-at Annapolis, and St. John, N. B. llh~1 ' 14m.-at Charlotte Town, P. E. I. lOh. 55m._and at St. J9hns, New· :foundla~d 6h. 30m. I All the calculations a

I In recommen.ding to farmers the reading of Ag,ri!lulturali IBooks and PerIOdicals, we would not be misundersfood as to' What we consider the proper office of such works. Thev should! b~ regarded as aids to experience. and practice. "They furnish l 'iIhmts," says a sensible writ~r, "which intelligent men may tl1rn: to gr.eat advantage, by trymg them first on a small scale, and: , altermg them to suit their particular circumstances! they informl us of the progre.ss of our art in various districts j they refresh! II!he memory, brIghten the intellect, and improve the mind; theyl JANUARY 31 Days. Winter.1 _._High Water, meantime, at I 8t1ndaYil, Weather, 8t J h-C---,---- nl 1 . 0 harlotte I 1M I Anniversaries, &c. /Hulifax'IIN . B. &'"'I Town, ISt.Johns, I N. S. Annap. P. E. I. I Newfld. \1 \CirCUmCision. cold. I 2 5 5 35 1 5;30 1 5 I 2 Low tides. 0 in perigee. 3 9 6 39 634 2 9 I :~ I appearance 4 13 7 43 7 38 3 13 in 2nd Sun. aft. Christmas. \ 5 II 8 4] I 8 36 4 11 I 5 . of Ii snow 6 1 9 31 9 26 5 1 '\6 Epiphany. 0 eel. total. I 6 46 10 16 1 ]0 11 5 46 7 storm. 7 31 I 11 1 10 56 I 6 31 8 J <5 ([. 8 12 11 42 J1 37 7 12 ·9 J!I slat. becomes '8 54 'A. 241 A. 19 7 541 10 ([ perigee. much I 9 35 1 5, 1 0 8 35 D 1st Sun. aft. Epiphany. 1]0 19 1 49 1' 1 44 9 ]9 12 High tides. colder. II 41 2 34' 2 29 10 4 13 11 55 3 25' 3 20 10 55 14 dear A. 2 4 321 3 27 I II 2 151/. <5 ([. and 2 ]2'1 5 42 5 37 A.I 12 16 very cold. 336 7 61 7 5 I 2 36 117 ~ stationary. 4481 8]8 8]3. 348 2nd Sun. aft. Epiphany. 5 46 9 16 9] 1 I 4 46 l'9 Low tides. I' 6 32 ]0 21' 9 57 I 5;32 look out 7 ] 51' ] 0 45 . 10 40 6 15 1211J!I~ 0 0· (;) eel. partial 7 54 11 24 11 19 I 6 54 2'2 for a snow 8 30 I morn. I morn. . 7 30 2:~ Middling tides. storm 9 0 I 0 30 0 25 '8 0 [241 [St. Paul. 9 36 ] 61 1 ] I 8 36 'I D 3rd Sun. aft. Epip. conv.j ] 0 91 ] 39 ] 34 9 9 , 26 \« apogee. L. ow tides. . 10 44 2 24 2]9 I 9 44 !27 and perhaps 11 20 2 50 I 2 45 10 20 28 a thaw morn. 3 23 3]8 10 43 291~' greatest elongation. with 0 6 3 36 , 3 31 111 6 30 K.Chas. I., Martyr. rain. 1 0 4 30 I 4 25 mdrn. 31 2 8 5 38 5 33 1 8 ------.------, Water at Pansboro', Horton, Cornwallis, Windsor, Truro, &c.1 are vast stoles of facts, from whi'ch many useful lessons may be: leameu by the studious farmer." The farmer should be a manl ofreading, observation, and study; that hi~ calling involves al degree of scientific inquiry equal to that of almost any other; that inasmuch as the advancing spirit of the times is in other callings continually' crying out ,', Upward and Onward !"!be:l 'should partake of that spirit; .advanc~ with others, and clairn,andl' , be able to take, equal rank WIth the hIghest. Let farmers under- stan.. d their 0:-vn .business both theoretically and practically, .a~di then t·hey WIll be able to tell what they do know, when It IS, IIrequired of them. " i I 1._ I - - -~wnn· 1185i. . FEBRUARY begins on I SUNDAY. : ' i # ' i 0 Full Moon, 5th d. 2, h. 38m. a, fternOO?', below.. the horizon. 'II I cr Last Quarter, ]2th d. 5h. 48m. mornmg, beanng South: : .. New Moon, 19th d. 8b. 40m. afternoo.n, helow th~ bor!zon. I »Fk"Q...... ". 28,h d. lh. 17m. mOT'" hTI"~ hOl':O~" "'D ID 10'8 upper\ "'-5 I®SIW\ ' ®'s (( h limb;;-- be I qf' « sout c Cl~h~i <.>1 1M W ~;is-:- ~ ~ clock. de(':_~._pl· __ ing. ..s: I h,Su 1720/5 8 !:148' 1350117 14 3 121IT1 848 121M 7 19 5, 9 950/1358 I? ]6 57 4 J4I£:O 9 43 1 il, I 3Tu 718511 953 14 5' 1640 515,£:0 10411 5, I 4,W 17 Hi 512 9 !l5i 14 11/ ]622 6 171&1.. 11 40 1 7: , 51Th 715 514/ 959 14 16 16 4 rises·l&1.. morn. II I,: I 6 F 71451510 }I 1421 ]546 6 30,~ 0391113 17S,,- 713,517110 4 1424 1527 7 421~' 1361 If) 18S~17125]810 6 1427 15 9 8 54~ 232 118, 911\1 7 ](')5 ]9 ]0 9 ]429 J4 50 10 / 6~ !3 25 I 2]1 1OITu;79,52111012 143111430 11 20111 41611241 III w 17 7522 10,15 1431 ]4]) morn.111 5 8] 27) ',12TH 7 6:523:10]7 1431 13 ill 054 t 6 0 129j J3FI7 5'152511]020 ]4301 ]331 1411t 6521132; 114 SAi7 35271024 1429 ]3]1 240lt 7461 S6, 1]5 8ul7 211528 ]026 1426 12 51 339V)' 8 40 J 38, 1,16M ,7 153°110 29 1423 12 30 4 38,V)' ,9 33 I 41'i' 117 '1'u/6 595 SilO 32 1420 1 12 9 5 36::: ]0 26 I 44 118WI658!5321034' 14151'1148 637'::: 1116146, 119 TH 657 533 10 361 ]410 II 27 sets. I*] I 59 148; 201 F 655 535 1040 14 4 11 6 6 91* A. 49 1 521 12J SA 653 536 ]043 13571 10 44 7 71* 1 32 1 551 122 'SU651538 1047 13501022 85'1" 214159 23 1M 6 49 5 39 10 50 1:1 ,\,2 10 1 9 3 "f 2 55 2 2 1 1241'1'u 6 48 5 40 10 52 ] 3 34 9 39 9 51) "f 3 36 2 4' '251W 6 46 5 42 10 56 13 25 9 16 2 JO 57 ~ 4 18 2 8 1 6TH 6445431059 1315 854, 11 55 R 5 1 2 11: 27 l!' 643 544 11 ] 13 5 8 32 morn.'n 5 47 2 13 !il8ISA 641 5)4611 5 1254 8 9 I 17/0 636 2 17: 1 i29S(T,6 40Ji_47 ~~~~_2_0i£:07 282 18/ I The column of the Moon's SOllthing gives the tifle of High I As it is with animals and vegetables, so it is with fruits. YOUI ,can have stunted, astringent, crabbed fruits, or the 1Il0S~ delicious. IThe precaution to send your .neighbour's boy to snip off a shooti Ifrllm a fine tree, while, you are stopping to decide the affairs oti ithe\nation with bim-a few minutes taken to slide it under the! Ibark,.while you are waiting for a meal at home, will transform al Ilusel~ss shoot into a valuable tree, that shall furnish pleasure and i!nutrunE'nl to. generations of and men. A few minutes improved nowl !I then w.hlCh ~ould be other~ise i~led away, will surround'i li~o.u.r ~welhng \~lth .11- grove, ~vhlch wIll prove of tbe greates~ [Ubl.. lly, and delightful embellishment. Plant the tree-it will!

_.,n Lt. L ~.t.;;._ I FEBRITARY 29 Days. Winter. I, High Water, mean time,at iD Sundays, Weather, 'St.John,/.charlottel iM Anniversaries, &c. Halifax, IN.B. & Town, St. JQ.hns, 1 N. S. Annap. P. E. I Newfld. ;D \4lh ~un.aft. Ephipany. ;) 24 6 54 6 4!:J I 2 24 "\2 PUrlf. B. V. Mary. 4 36 t:l 6 8 5 I 3 36 3 Middling tides. 5 37 9 7 9 2 I 4 37 , 4 clear'and 6 29 9 59 9 54 5 29 , 5 pleasant 7 20 ] 0 50 .10 45 6 20 I 6 weather. 7 59 11 29 11 211 6 59 I 7 First Q;uarter, 28thd. 4h. 35m. afternoon, bearing South. DID 1':9'S 'tipper I uo-:Sj\%)S]W.1 @'s 1 « 1« I « 'I'~~'; " limb 1 ~ I:L of I '\ south-, :II t; 'M W Irises.I-8ets~ A Jl clock.) dec. S. sets. pl. ,ing. A.!: LMI638154,81lJ 1011213117 24\ 3 121~ 824 222 2Th 636 550111 1412 18 7 1 4 0 ~ 9 21 2 26 I 3 1W 1634 55] III ]7,12 q 6 38 4 48 ~ ]0 20 2 29(, 41Tn16 321552/11201\11 521 6 ]51 5,,36\~ 11 18 2,32 \ 51 F 6 30 554 11 24 11 38 5 52 6 24 ~ morn. 2 36 qSA, 6291555i1l26\11 241 5 28 'I rises. \~ 015\2,38 71Su 6 27 556111 29 11 9\ 5 5 7 57:Q: ] 10 2 41 I 8'M 625557 Jl 32 ]0 54 4 42 8 57:Q: 2 4 2 44 ' 9Th 623\559\11 36110 381 4 18 9 561lll 2 5812 48 j10W621 6 011391023 ;{ 55 I 11 0 'Itt 352251 , III Thlt} 20\ 6 ] 1141\10 7\ 3 31 I morn. t 4 46 253! ]2 F 6]8 6 a'Jl 45 9 50 !3 8 0 46 t 5 41 12 57\ 13 SA 6 ] 6 6 4 I] 48 9 34 2 44 1 3:3 VJ 6 36 3 0 148U,614\6 511511917\ 2 20 \ 220 VJ 730 13 3' 15 M \6 J 2 6 6 11 54 9 0 1 57 3 7::::, 8 23 13 6 1 16'Th610\6 sn5s18 4211 331 4 0::: 9133101 171w 6 S 6 912 ] S 25 1 9 4 431:::- 10 1 \3 ]31 18 Tn ti 7 6 ]0\12 ;~ 8 7 0 46 5 28 * ]0 47 3 15 9 F 6 5\61212 71749\ S 22\ 6 15 11 31 /3 19' OSA(j 3 ,6Ja 1210 7:31 N '1 sets.IOf*/ A.13 3221 21 Su (j J 1615 1214\ 7 131 0 25 I 6 50 Ofl 0 54 326 ~22 M 115 59 616 J217 6 55 0 4S 7 50 IOfI 1 35 \3 ~9 123 Tv 5 57 6171220 6 36 ] 12 8 52 ~ 2 16 3 32 1~4 W 5 56 6 IS 122216 181 1 36/'. 9 54 ~ 2 591:j 34 25 TH 5 54 6 19 1225 6 0, ] 59 10 50 II 3 43 3 37 26 F 552 6201228, 5 41' 2 23 11 53 10 4 30 :3 40 27SA550 622123215231 2 46 I morn. 10 5201344 28 Sv 5 48 62:3 12 ;)5 5 4 3 10 0 50 ~ 6]3 3 47 29 M 5 46 624 12 38 4 461 3 38,' 142 \~ 7 8 \:3 501 30 Tv 5 44 625]241 1 4 27 ,3 fl6 2 34 ~ 8 4 :1 53' ~.W 542 626 12 44~_~~ a :37 !~, _9_1~6' The column of the Moon's Southing gives the time of High ------, ;Every cultivator of fruit should thoroughly examine his orchard and fruit garden, before he is interrupted by the ap­ Iproaching busy season. Those who have .large trees should give'l' Ithem the necessary pruning; a eligbt trimming every year or '\two, .is much better than the more frequent practice of heavYI prumng after years of neglect. The work should be done as, early in the month as possible, that the wounds may becomei iwell dried ~efore ~he sap flows-there is more judgment andl ,care needed III p"~un~ng large tree~ than in any other part of their: ·1 1-;-______M_A_R_C_H;--3_1...-D,a~ysc;_. -,---- ___-,--_S:...pr_in~g~·11 I High Water, mean'time, at iD Sundays, 'Veather, ISt.JOhn,\Chariottel 1M. Anniversarie, s, &c. Halifax, N. B. & Town. St.Johns, i[....,.;.. ~-=_:-:-______~=--N~.~S-;...cc-IAnnap. P. E.I. Newfid. [liSt. David. \ 2421 (j 121 6 71 ] 42 I 2 changeable, 4 2 7 33 7 28 3 3 13 Ember dav. ,5 15 8 451 8 40 4 15 I 41 • with high winds·1 6 11 I 9 41 9 361 5 11 I 5JEmber day. l2 <:5 J!I. (j 57 10 27110 22 5 57 ! 61Ernber day: « :perigee. I 7 41 I 11 II 11 61 6 4] P 12nd Sun. In Lent. Very ,8 21 ,II 51111 46 7 21 i 8 [high tides. 9 0 1\. 30 A. 25 8 0 i 9 )J. stat. I !:l 391' I 91 1 4 I 8 3U '1 10 1 becomes more ]0 20 ] 50 I 45 9 20 1111 settled III 91 2 39 2 34 1 10 9 il2 and colder. A. 7 3 371 332 11 7 113 1 24 I 4 54 4 AU A. 24 lc :3rd Sun. ir. Lent. First Quarte'l', 26th d. 3h. 48m. morning, bel!?w the horIzon. IDjDlj®.'S up.perjrn~ I®Slwl 0's I « j«\I \ south-« I~ ~".;I t; I limb ~ bD of sets. p. i"'" ...... _c: I M W rlses.\-.--- Bets ...... ;-., .,c: CI oc k . dec N. nt>' 957 4 IITHj54016:.t1:l112481351 4° 4;YI 4 J5 1lR 1 01 2 F 539 6 29 12 50 3 32 5 6 5 3 1lR 10 52 4 21 3 SA 5 37 I 6 30 12 5:~ 3 14 5 29 5 38 £:: 11 47/' 4 5, 418(,5351631112561256 5 51 Irises. £:: morn. 4 81 5M153:3633130239 614 .8811\. 0414.121 61 TuI5 31 /6 34/13 31 221 6 37' 9 28 11\. 1 36 4; 151 7W15:30 63513 5 2 4 6 5911048 tl 23214 171 81'TH 15 28 1{; 3613 8 147 7 22 1158 t 329420, 6 381131211 30 7 44 morn. 1,tJ1 4 2°14 24! 9 F 1526 1 10,SA,524 6 :391315 113 8 611 1:3 1,tJ1 52:3'4271 6 57 '1111SU'1 5 221 4°113181 ° 1 8 28 1 43 VJ' 6 1.8 4 3 O' 12M 521 6411320041 8 501 2171~ 7104:32 ,13TuSI91643'1324 026 9 121253 ~ 75943 !14IW !S17 6 44113211s' to 9 33 330 * 846.4 39 ~ i15TH'515 6451330 F. 4 9 55 4 8 1* 930\442,i ~161 F 15141647113331 018 10 161 443 1* 10 124451 17 SA 5 12 648133(-; 032 10 :37 5 151'''fl' 10 5314 48 58 5 50 "f 11 3414 51 118 sir 5101649')339046 10 9IM!5 9 6 5011:3411 059 11 19 sets. ~ A. 154 53 , OTu)5 7651134411211 40 1 746 ~ 057 456 ]jW,5 51652'113471125 ]2 ° I 8 46 ~ 1 414 59 221TH 5 4 6 ;'4 F350 1 3i' 12 20 9 48 IT 2 28 15 ~ ~123 F \5 2165sl1353 148 12 40 r 10 4~) ITI 3 ]71 5 5 '24)S/\ 5 0 6 :161 J;3 5(1/ 2 0/13 0 III 46 ~ 4 8 5 8 25 5 2 15 11 1 ,Su 4 59 6581359 2 10 13 19 morn'l~ 57 6 0 38 5 56 5 14 i261M .4 1 59 14 2 ' :! 21 I J:l :1!l I St 4 2:30 13 58 120 &'v 6 5i5 16 ;'27Tt:456 1 7 014 1 1 1 :28WA5417 114/ 7 240 14 17 2 6 1lR 745' 5191, 1291TH 4 53 7 2114 91 248114 3.1 I 2 50 I~ 8 39\5 21 !?~~ 4517 3)412 2 57 ~~ 3 33~~2 524 I The column of the Moon's Southing gives the time of Highi I The subject of manure, is one of increasing importance in thel older parts of our Province. If anyone thinks that the same, and cr~ps can be raised, that his father has raised before him, WIth .the same cultivation, he is behind the times. All the con­ siderat~,. are looking; tm the compost-he~p, 8S. alone affording the I1mmunthon wherewith to contend against rIVals. As the basis lorth.is compost-heap, we would urg~the c!aim~ of muck, the Ipa~t1ally: decayed vegetable matter aboundmg m our swamp" iWlth thiS resource on his .farm, every farmer can double hi~ ~~ and consequently hiS products.-Draw from the swampl APRIL 30 DaVs. Spring-.,I!, , ~.~~----~--- High Water, mean time, \,-t--- Sundays, Weather, , _ /St.JOhn;ICharlotte\' , , M Anniversaries, &c. Halifax, N.B. & ,I Town, St.J()hns" N. S. Annap. P. E. I. Newfld. 1 'I All Fool's Day. I 4 54 1 8 241 8 19 I ;3 54 2 moderates 5 51 9 21 9 16 4 51 3 ' 6 38 10 S 10 31' 5 38 C Palm Sunday. « perigee.\ 7 20110 50,1 ]0 45 620 5 Very high tides. 8 1 11 31 11 26 7 1 6 1/ 0 «. and becomes, \ 8 40 I A. 10 I A. 51 7 40 7 ~ ~ ~. pleasant, 9 20 0 50 0 45 8 20 , 8' ,. [elong. 10 3 1 33 1 281 9 3 9 GOOd Friday. II greatestI ]0 50 I 2 20 I 2]5 9 50 10 Easter Eve. fine ]] 46 3 lt1 3 11 10 46 C 1EASTER SU19. and clear'l A. 541 4 241 4 19111 54 I 121Easter Monday. Low tides. 2] 1 5 41 5:36 A.1 ] 1 131Easter Tuesday. I 3 28 6 58 6 53 1 2 28 14 ,occasional, , 4 0 II' 7 50 I 7 45 :3 0 15 warm 4 37 8 7 8 2 ::I 37 16! " showers. I 5 21 I 851 I 8 46 1 4 21 171 apogee. 6 39 10 9 ]0 4 5 39 I 1 « IC, Low Sunday, lst aft.Easter 7]2 10 42 I 10 3,71 (3 12'I 19 Middling tides. 7 41 I 11 11 111 6 (j 41 20 ~ ~

'7."77g' 1852. MAY begins on SATURDAY. o Full Moon, 3rd d. 6h. Sm. afternoon, bearing East. . : « Last Quarter, 10th d. 7h. Sm. afternoon, below the hor.l~on·l; 1 • New MOOII, lSth d. 11 h. 1m. afternooll.' below .the horizon.! 1 J> First Quarter, 26th d. llh. 24m. mormnl:\', bearing East.

D ID I@;f~b:erl ~tl®~~Sll' «Iso~h-I ~b M W ...,._.-._-- ,,..... elk dec.®'s N. I self:!.«., pI. jng. q.S Inses./ sets ...... ~ ,c o~_. ______,,__ _ , 1 SAI4 507 51141513 4J5 121 4 7 :!:!:1_1O 25 5 ~71 : 2Su 4 4S,7 6 14 18, 3 12 15 30 4 37 :!:!:, 11 20 5 30/ 3M 447,7 7'14~0131S ]54S 5 3 ll'l morn. 5321 j 4 Tv 4467 911423 324 16 5 ',rises. ll'l/ 0 15 5351 51 W/4 45 7 10 14 21l/ '3 30 ] 6 22 9 24 til II 5 3S, 61TH 4 437 11 14 28 3 35 III 3!J , 10 33 t 2 10 540, , 7 F 4 41 7 12 1431[ 2 39116 56 11 42 V5'\ 3 9 543' 8/8.1.14,40713 14 33, 3 43 17 12 morn. V5' 4 6 545! 9 Su 4 39714 ,14 351346\17 28 0 44 ~I 5 2 547/ 10M 43871511437 349 1744 114:::r 554549/ I] TUl4 367 17 14 41 3 51 1759 I 1 44 * 642 5 531 12 W 4357 IS J4 43/ 3 531 IS 14 2, II *1 728 5551 l~I~HI: ~~II~ ~~ i: ~~I g~~I ~~ ~~ ~!ig /~,~ ~k 1~ ~~7i [5 ~h 4 327 21 14 ,491 ~ 53 IS 58 j' 345 IOf. 93:316 J IIlSu4317221451 35;3 1912 415 ~ 10136 I 17 M 4301'724 14 54 35111925 4 44 8 1055 6 6 18Tu4 2872514571349 1938 sets, 18 1l39 1,6 9/' 1~9W14277261459 346,1951 7410 A.25 61J ~O TH 4 26727 15 1 3 43j' 20 4 8 38 ITI 1 14 6 J3 '121 1F 426\728 15 2/3 40 20 16 9 36 § 2 5 6 141 ~2 SA 4 257 29 15 4 3 351 20 2S 10 33 !G'I 2 58 6 16 23SU4247301~15 6 331203911130 § 3526]81 24,M 4 23 7 31 15 813 26 20 51 morn. ~ 4 47 6 201 25iTu 4 ~27 32,1510 320/21 1 O]S ~I 540 G 221 1 26 \ W 421/7331 :15 12 3 14 2112 1 3~, 633 6241 ~7TH 4 20734 15 141 3. 7/ 21 22 1 48 I~I 7 24 6261 128 F 4 20\735 15 15 3 0 21 32 2 33,~ S 15 1627 ~9\SA 4 19735 15 16 2 521 21 41 3 IS ,:!:!: 9 71 6281 30 Su 4 lS17 36 15 ]81 2 44/ 21 50 4 5 'll'li 9 59 6301 lal M 4 IS 7 37 15 19 2 36 21 59 4 50 1lrJ. 1054 6 3~, The column of th;Moon's Sou thing gives the ti~ High: ~pare that treY Following out this poetical sentirn~el Iwould say t? settlers on new lands, spare the beautiful trees.j ISelect the site. !'or your habitation, if the surface permits, on, ,some gentIY-f1smg eminence, and if possible, in view of thel t'.silv~r stream" or the limpi,d lake, and you have then a lovelyl' iSltu~tlOn. But how, says one, am I to eradicate the bushes and ob tam a 8moot~, grassy lawn beneath the t~ee,s. Cut the bushes lwhen the Ia.af, IS fully expanded, or during the season of theirl == . ~ : -,. MAY 31 Days. Spring.

~,~~----~--~-- D. Sup·da.ys, Weather, I Higl~t:~::I'C~::~~::le, ~ "jM Anniver,saries, &c. IHalifax, N. B. & 'fown,' St.Johns, : , N S. ,Annap, P. E. I. Newfld. p I r. Arthur b. '50. St. Phi-I 5 26 1 8 56 8 51! 4 26- , Cl'l 3rd S. a. E. [lip &St.James 6 15 9 45 9 40 5 15 3 very high tid. [«,perigee' 7 0 1030 10 35 6 0 4 clouds up 7 41 I Jill 11 6 6 4 t 1 51 . with l 8 22 II 52 11 47 1 7 22 61St John'Evangelist. I 9 3! A. a3 I A. 28 1 8 :3 7 some rain. 9 4? ,I 17[ 1]2 8 4~ 8 1[g 0. , 10 33 .,2 3 1 58 9 3u C 14th Sun. after Easter. III 23[ 2 531 2 48110 23 10 ILow tides. becomes A. 20 3 50 3 45 11 20 111 more settled.! 1 28 4 58 4 53[ A. 28 12 Cj? greatest elongation. 2 41 I 6, 11 I 6 6 I 41 13 Old May Day. clear and 3 46 7 16 7 11 2 46 141Middling tides. fine I 4 441 8 14 'I R 9 I :3 44 15 «, apogee. ' growing 5 27 8 57 \ 8'52 I 4 27 1 'C IRogation Sunday. I 6 6 9 36, 9 31 I 5 6 117 Rogation Day. h 0 «. 6 41 '110 11 110 Ii 5 41 \Is Rogation Day. High tides,l 7 18, 10 48 10 4:3 6 18 1119IRogati()n Day. weather. I 7 48111 18 11 131 6 48 120 Ascen. Day. Holy Thurs. 8 23 11 53 11 48 7 23 121 1' I 8 58 morn. 1 morn. I 7 58 ';2, pleasant. 9 39 I 0 281 0 23 8 39 C Sunday after Ascension. 10 21 I 1 9 1 4 9 21 2',41Queen Victoria, b. 1819. 111 10 I I 51 [ 146 1 10 10 5 t 0 «. Prs"Helena, b. morn. 2 40 2 35 11 6 26 Low tides. dull ['46'1 0 6 !l 36 3 31 morn. 71 ~ greatest elongation. - . J 14 I 4 441 4;39 0 14 28 with signs of 2 37 6 7 6 2 1 37 29lRest. K. Charles II. rain.! 3 531 7 23 ' 7 18 ,2 53 C Whit-Sunday-Pentecost. 5 0 8 30 1 8 25 4 0 ~~1 Whit-M()nday~pogee_. _5_550 9 341~~ 4 54 IWater at Parrsboro', Horton~ornwaIlis, Wi'ndsor, Truro, &c. Imost vigorous growth-pasture close with sheep, and you will be able to rid of the under-growth in one or two seasons. Clear off the ruhbish and sow grass seed, and you have done. The farmer will always find something to do about his Ipremises, when his crops do not require his attention, either in beautifyi/lg or benefitting his premises. Many acknowledge th,e necessity of improvements, but they never begi.n- to make thelll" Bushes. grolV around their fields, and meadows, rocks and stones encum­ ber their tillage I,antls, their fences grow e\;ery year more unsightly, and their fruit trees unpruned and ungrafted,; and plead they have not time to remedy the evils. 1852. JUNE begins on TUESDAY. o Full Moon, 2nd d. 2h. l]m. morning, bearing ~" S. W. cr: Last Quarter 9th d. Ilh. Om. morning, bearing West.· i 0 New Moon, 17th d. Oh. ~3m. afternoon, beari~g South. . » }t'irst Quarter, 24th. 4h. 33m. afternoon, bearmg S. S. E. 0 0 IDID 1 '8 upperl '" :51 fast /' ® « 1«/ «h I 1 r b I>. bJJ of I sout - ""~.~: <.) M W nse~. . l~ sets...... • 0 ~ clock . dec. N. sets. pI ing. . A.:: I' ]1'Th14 1717381521.2 271 22° 7' 535 It I 11 521633: 2 W 41617 3915 23'2 18\22]5 rises. t morn. 63~.' 523 2 4 167,39] 1 9.2222 9 181VJ1 0511~:3j: 431Th 'F 4 16 7 4015 24 1 59 22 29 10 3 VJ ]·50 6 3 i 51SA 4 ]5 7 41 15261 481 22 3610 48 ~ 2 48 6 3 i 6SU415742]52711 38 2242 ]1331~' 342163' 71M 4 15 7 42 15, 271 271 22 48 I' morn. .=-/ 4 35 6 4~ 81Th 4 ]5 7 43:15 28,] ]6 22 53 020 1*1 5 22/6 4!1 91 W 4 14 744 15291 4 22 58 I 0 46 3( 6 7 ,R 4~ 'lID 'IH 4 14 7 44 15, 30;0521 23 3 1 12 'Y' 6 49 6 4.'~ , ll/F 414745153110 40 23 7 ] 381'Y'1 730 64 '12 SA 4 14 7 4515 31,0 28 23 11 I 2 4 'Y' 8]1 6 44' 13\Su14 ]4 746153210 ]6 ,23 ]4, 2 351~1 8 52 644 114 M 4 14 7 46'1532 Fa. 3 23 17 3 0 ~ 9 35 6 4 "1]5 ITh4 14747]53381. 9 2320 328 TI 10 20 6 4~ '16,W 41474715 3a[0 22 2322 3 5S/TII ]1,8,645 '117Th41474815340 34 2324 sets. ~ 1159/646;1 18 F 4 14 7 48 15 34 0 47 2.3 25 8 34 12:0 A. 52 6 46; Im!SA'4 14 7,4R 15 :3411 ]/2326 9 18 2:01 1 47 6 4~ '2o,8u14 14 74815341 14 23 27 110 :2 Q., 2 4:] 6 46; M 1 , 12]I 414749 534/1 27 2327 10 47/&1-/ 3 37 6471' !22,Th 41574915341 40' 2327/11 31 11)( 43U/decr. 1231Wl4 15 7491534 I 53 2326 II 59 ~ 5 21 0 1 124 IHI4 15 74915 3t,,/2 5 '23 25 morn. I:Q/ 6 Il 0 ] ,251F 4 J 5 7 49 15 34 2 ] 8 23 23, 0 29 :Q 7 11 0 ] 126 SA 4 ]61749153:3,2 31 2321 11 7/1It / 75210 2i 12718u 4 ]7 749,15332 43 23 19 I 45 11l 8 4410 2i 28 1 1M 4 17,7491153212 -55 23]6 2 23' t 9 39 0 ~ 291TUI4 17'17 491}5 323 7 23 13 I 2 59/ t 11O 36/0 ~ 130,W ~7 491~31 ~~~ 3 40_~]]3~~ ! The column of the Moon's Southing gives the time of High , 'Ii~ughing is one of ~ostimportant branches of Agricul­ ture-necessary even to its existence. The improvement of , lagricult~re, is in proportion to the improvem~rit made in the I),rt iof ploughing. The object to be obtain,edby ploughing is thl'ee~ ifol,d: 1st, to pul.verize the soil ;, 2nd, to expose a great depth of ',Boll. ~o, the actIOn of the atmosphete; 3rd, to hold the ,many tertlhzlOg substan?es bl'ou/?ht down by rain and snow, Ilnd ,absorbed by the SOIl.. A propo.rtion of wllter during rains more ~mall I 01: l~ss heavy, slOks IOto the SOli when shallow ploughed; Isuch soli IS Sooner affected by the drouth, and is dry at a greater, __ _±:JS13 dWlL JAIL I JUNE 30 Days. --Summer.' ,------~------__ I ! 1 . 1 High 'Yaler, mean time, at I liD, ~undays, Weather, l---lst.J~hn'lcharl~ttel---! ,M An.niveTSltries., &c. jHalifax, N. B. & To. wn, St..Johns ,: : __ . ___ . _. ____._____ ~~ Annap P. E. I. Newfld· I I ] ,I-hgh hdes. Whit-Tues. I Ii 40 1 HI 10 I 10 51 5 40 . I 211 Ember Day. 7 24 Hl 54 10 49 G 24 I 3 appeal'l!lIce· 8 711l 37' 11 32 '7 '7 : 4 Ember Day. of I 9 ] A. 3t I A. 26 1 8 1 ,I 5 Ember Day. dull 9 31 I J I () 5{l 8 31 - ,.e Trinity Sunday. wfaihel', I 10 161 I 46 I I 41 I 9 16 , i 7 Middling tides. 11 () 2 3'0 2 :J5 II () 0 8 de_III's up Ii 4:6 "316 3]1,]04(; ! lriheHon. I () 45 4 25 4 20 1 morn. 261 becomes warmer. 1 1 57 5 271 5 221 0 57 . C 3rd S. a. Trin. ([ perigee. 3 18 6 48 () 43 2 18 i , 28 '1: .Vie~oria crowned] 8:38'1 4 30 8 0 7 55 3 ao 1 . 291HIgh tides. St. Peter and 5 a3 9 33 I 9 28 4 331 ~1 ____ [St. Paul.~~~~4_9_51 24 ,Water at Pal'lsboro'--,--Horton, Cornwallis, Windsor, T.ruro, &c. 'u-epth than deep earths, as may be shown by an exami'natio!l of' shallow and deep ploughing in a time of drouth. COIl'l.Jnon' ploughing' does not reach sufficiently deep, to accomplish all that' ,is desired; but deep plo~ghing and its goorl results al'e e'ffected, by f('lllowing the common V'lough with the subsoil plough; It, 'simply ~oosens the subsoil, anrlleaves it in that state that roots 'can enter it, that airca:n permeate it, an,l water be absorbed by; it... A ~ubseq.lilint ploughing, with the C,0Il'lI11Gn plo~gh. can then, leacslly Il1ternux the .surface and subSOIl: ;, Pl?ughmg may thus 1 ,he effect~d 16 to 20 Inches deep; SubsOIIIt'l,g If thQrQughly Iler·, ;formed, will -prove m'ore profitable to 'farmers for the outlN,1 ithan any'ot:h~r one impl·O\"ement. It ca~ be do'nein the sp~mgi and fal'l, 01' when the ground is wet sufficl/mtly deep, at any tIme,

~_JJ_t~~~lJ.m~r: __, ______/' ______1 11852. JULY begins on THURSDAY. 1 :10 Full Moon, 1st d. llh. 1~3m. morning, bearing Suuth.. [ I ([ Last Q.uarter, 91b d. ;3b. 53m. mo:ning, below the h.?l'Izon. I' • New MClon 17th d. Oh. 1m. mOl'l1lflg, below Ihe hOllzon. J>, Last. Qllart~r, 231'(\ 11. SIl. 47m. af'l.ernoon, ~eal'ing,S.S.W. I ,I 0 Full Moon, 30th d. Vh. 57m. evcnlll~, beHl'Inl!' S. E. ij)--I D \{f)'s upper[ oo-5lb S!w.[ G)'s 1-

- ; -~~ ~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~---~~~-----~--==~=,-~-==~ i JULY 31 Days. Summer.1 " I ---~----- I, I High Water" mean lim!', ,at 'I D Sundays, \Veathel', IS~joh~ Chadonel---' M Anniyersaries, &c. HaJ,ifa:<, N, B. &1 Town, SLJohns,1 I N. S. I Annap, p, E. I. Ne,vfld.1 lIH.lg.h tides. 0 eel. invis. I 7 ;; 1 10 ;3;3: 10 28 1 (j 31 2 VJ81t. B.V. l\1ary. sultry 7 (\5 J I 25 11 20 6 55 IU3 Quebec founded 1608. with 8 35 A. .5 A. 1 7 :35 , it, IHh SlIn. aft. Trin. Showel'S'\ !) I'~ I 0 44 0 3.8 I 8 14 ' ~I 5 Ij greate~t Hel. La!. N. n 51 .1 21 1 1G 8 51 1:! li 8d. postage corn. inB. N. A·IIO 28 1 I 58 1 53 928 Ii II 7 J 0 ~igma Leonis. [1851. II ~) 2 39 2 :34 10 9 ~ 81 Low tides. buomes J I 50 :l 2D 3 ].5 10 50 1 ~'191([ apoJ!;ee. warmel' I A. 38 1 4 S 4 3 1138 1ft 10 11. stationary. ('Illd more I 4l 5 II 5 r, A. 41. , :c 5th Sun. aft. Trinity. 2 43 G 13 (i S 1 43 Ii ,II'll\? 0 ~. settled. I :1 51 I 7 21 7 II; 251 lij 'II a ' 4 5a 8 23 8 J 8 3 53 141 changp-avle 1.5 441' £) 14 9 9 4 44 , 15 St. Swithin. fOl' I ():30 10 0 9 5.5 5 30 Iii High titles. same 7 14 10 44 ]039 6 14 1 1: 17 1 ~ 6 D· dayi/. 7 5G I J 1 2G 11 21 G 5G I,e 6th Sun. aft. Trinity. S :36 morn. morn. 7 36 11\91 clean; tIp i 9 141 0 G 0 1 8 14 i20 J 0 D· fine I 9 54 0 44 0 39 8 54 ii.,21 Middling tides. again 10 35 I 1 ,24 ] H) 9 35 ); 221([ perigee. 11 20 I 2 5 2. 0 ]0 20

:li'2:3 1 ,clouds up morn. I :2 50 2 4;) 11 20 1~i:241')j 0 :D. dull and 1 p 15 :3 45 340 morn. , 'C 7th Sun. n. Trill. SLJalUE's.\ 1 27 4 ,57 4 52 ·0 27 ;,1,'26 IJ 6 Alpha. Leonis. [Low tid.," 2 47 1 () J7 (j 12 1 471 J:,';!7[ Qverca.~t,.4 to II 7 40 7 35 a 10 ~, 281 with 5 18 8 48 8 43 4 18 t2~J'1 QccaSiQnllil G 15 9 45 9 40 5 15 J ,:lO High ti 1 " 56'1 '8 401*/ J,,~ 10 5~I' I 2ll~U M 4 47725 14':18 5 55 17 41 9 2fJ * 1 ;).3:0 5 , a5 5 51 117 25 948/* 2 38/1 01 , alTh 448723 14 1 3[ I 4 1 W 4507221432 545 17 9 ]0 ]0"('1 32] 16 53 ]0 40 0(' 4 2]86: 51TH 4511720\1429 5 39 1 5 33 16 36 11 81 ~ 4 43 1 i 6/F 4521719114 27 1 7, SA 45371711424 5 26 10 19 morn. ~ 5 24/1 la! i 281~' 6 7 1 ] , i SSu 14541'7 16 1422 5 18 16 2 0 fjlMj455715 1420 510115 45 1 001 6 52111~i WiTh 4561713 1417 5 2 15 28 2 ] 0 7 40 I I~ Iii'" 458117111141:3 4 52115 10 3 31~ 8 31/1 2=-- l'2tT!-r l 4 597 ]() 14 11 4 43 14 52 4 4 ~ 9 24 1 24 13' F 15 0 7 8114 8 4 :12 1 ] 4:34 52,&\, 10 20 1 27, 4 21 J4]5 tl 3 &\, 11 ]7 P 2~ i14!SA 5 117 7 14 I) 1 5 14 3 4 10 113 561 6301,&\' A. 1411 32 115tSU 5 217 35 11; M 5 417 4 14 0 3 58 13 37 sets'I1lR 1 8 1 2 2 I 38, 17 Tu 55 7 2 t 13 57 3 46113 18 8 321lR1 \18 W 5 tl7 0 13 54 3 33 I 12 59 9 O:!:: 2 54 1 41i '\19\TI-I \ 5 7 1e 59 1;1 52 3 HI ,12 :39 9 35 ~ 3 45 I 43 20iF 58'657134935112]910 01l1. 1 437 1 46 21 10 401l1.1 5 29 1 491 '1 1sA 5 9 '655 13 46 2 51 11 59 2 SU 5 11 1 654 1:3 43 2 36 11 39 11 :301 t I I) 23 1 52"1 e: I 7 19 1 5 1 ' ,23 1\1 5 126521 13 40 2 20 11 Hl 11 59 t 1 5 24\TU 5131650 1:137 2 f'i 10 58 morn'll1 8]6 1 58 148 10 38 0 40 1 !~ 122 11 125jW\514648, 13:34 11 '26iTH\51564711a:~2 J a2 10171 J 41::: lU 62 31 !) 2 421:::110 58 2 6/ 27F .'i 166451 13 29 1 IS I 56, l 28jSA 5 ]8\643 13 25 0 57 9 3S 3 43::: 11 47/2 101 0 391 9 13 5 50 * morn. 2,12 129 1Su 5 19164211323 I~O\M S20.6401320 021852 545*1 03312]~ j3lTu 5~63811~~_1_8_~ {j 4~116~i1 i The. colum~ of the ~oon's Southing giv~t_he time of Hi-ghl I WhIle DaISY or WhIte Wee d.-Where there are but few' :plants of this kind, it is best to dig them up, root and branCh.!1 If m~adows are overrun with them, prevent their seeding_ lay, mowing as soon as the blossoms appear. In tillage land" killi them as ~vould . any other bad weed, and if they arc V6ryl yo~ crops for numerous, It IS advIsabl.e to keep the ground in hoed two or three years, during ~hieh time, if due attention is paid,1 Ithey.may b,: ~eal'ly extermmated. At all events pre'-cnt theirl Is~"-~._~~t IS fro_m seed only they are propagated. Ifm()wed[ ,--' -.-. -~:~-.- AUGUST 3'i Days. . Sum'mer.j D ------~---HiihWater-;-meantir;:;e,_;t~-11 I Sundays, ,"Veataer, ISt.JOhn,ICharIOltel t, M Anniversaries, &c. H:!ifax, I N.B. & II Town, St.Jol:ms,l I, N. S. Annap. P. E. I. Rewfid.! : C 18th S. a. 'l'riil: Lanlmas day. 8 17111 47 11 42 7 17 i ~ 2 warm 8 51 A. 2 t A. 16 7 51 I ~ a.J d Eta Virginis. and U 24, 0 49 0 4U 8 24 I , 41 pleasant. 9 571 I 22 I 22 8 57 i , 5 Very I()\\' tide~. 10 30 I 5;; 1 55 U 30 : i {j Pl'. Alfred, b. '44. « apogee. 1 II 61 2 ,a6 2 31 10 6 I :- 7 tI greatestelongatio!l. III 48 ;~]8 ;~ 18 10481

C 9th ~.a. Trin. ~ in aphelion. A. 37 4 7 4 2 11 37 II " 9 still fine, 1 1 48 5 18 5 13 A. 48 Ii , 10 but hot 2 58 1 28 G 28 I 58 ' , t III? stationary. ancl 4 WI 7 4:3 7 38 :3 13 12!Middling tides. sultry.! 5 IS 8 48 8 4.;1 4 18 ,13 J,ll statiollary. 6 121 9 42 !) a7 5]2 : 14 I (j ;J8 1 1O 28 10 23 5 58 1I!CIIOthSllIn.a.Tl'in. Ass,B.V. 740 1110 II 5 G 40 i 1(; some showers [Mary. 8 JDIII 49 II 44 7 19 ! ~ 17 High tides. and 110t I 8 58 m()rn. morn. 7 58 ~ ISI(i( perigee. !) 36 0 28 02;J 8 36 tU, Q 6 0· qtlite 110 8! I (i 1 1 9 8 '20, so pleasant, II 0 I 38 I 3::1 JO 0 ,211,[6<:[' ,115412:30 2251054 : C III Iii SUIl. aft. Trill. I morn I a 2-1 8 19 II 54 I': 23 . 't'~ry pleasard. 1:3 4 3:! 4 28 mol'll. 24 St. [Jal't!\OIOIllew. 2 271 5.57 5 52 1 27 25 deal' and 'I1'al'ln'l 3 52 7 4'~ 7 a7 2.52 . ,26lPrince Albert, b. ISW. 5 51 8 a5 830 4 5 'I '2i, {Middling title~'1 (j 0 9 30 9 25 I) 0 1'~ 281sL Augustine. Ii 43, 10 1:3 10 8 5 43 :C 112t.h SUIl.aft.'rl'in. St.JOhn 7 181 1048 11143 G 18 : ao h. stat: (Bapt. beheade.!i. 7;)4 U 24 H 19 G 54 I 1;311 High tides. raUl. 1 8 26 II 56 1 11 51 7 '26 : I ""Vatel' at Parl'sbot'o', HOl'tOI~ Cornwallis~ Windsor, 'i'fl1rO,-&~:- ! ------'------' ---- ! 1 green and well cured they make hay that is. not disliked by cat-' tie ancl horses. If they ripen, the seell falls to the earth and I \'egetates, or goes with the hay to the barn 01' stack, gets into thet 'jmanure aad is returned to the land. It is in this cal'eless wayl . that the pest is continually renewed and increased. Top-dress- ing meadows with manure that cont.ains 110 fonl seed, and inll ,every way encouraging the growth of grasses and white clovel"" ,lviii, with the above precaution, drive out the daisy in 11 fewl yeal·s. It 8110IIId be an invariable rule with the farmer, to pre-I vent all injurious plants from seeding. This will lit all eventg, keep them f!'Olll spreading, except such as increa~e( by the root. j l ~-.- -- -. . _.- -- _.. ------...,.-~- L?_"~~::"!': ~~IGi'~.....:...y_____ :-:-:::"l?".-:!!! '!"..:-~!':::~.~ 1ItIij&d!L:cu:::ez _ _ .___ .. __ .;:w;z;;::: _ M_ W:"_~?JiL . _ __ :H~52' SEPTEMBER bt>gins on WfD>NESDAY, :': :

.il'?W'lli~"PI· ' ,,' OCTOBER begins on FRtDAY. 11852. III cr: Last Quarter, 6th d. 6h. 22m. mo~ning, bearing Sou~h. ! • New Moon, 13th d. 3h. Om. morning, beluw th~honzon. • lJ First Quarter, 19th d. 7h. 41/1l. aftemoon, b~HJ'lJlg South. o Full Moon, 27th d. 7h. 40m. afternoon, bearlll~E~,~_'~_,_ ,I)-I j)-I®'Sup-p-er 'I ;-::;--\-~Fa'sTI" 6'-8 -1--;(-'1([ I (( I~-t, I limb ~to of . south-

291F 634 4 53[10 19';16 18 3fi I ()]6 ~I 0 40 ,'j Hi i, 30 SA 6364 5110 15116 WI13 ]3 56 6 45 0 } 24 520 ,31 Sl' 6 37 14 50 to ]3 ]6 16 14 15 7 15 0 2 Jl l 5 22! ifTI~ column of the Moon's SOllthing-gives !h;time ~f High l r:TI~ greatest defect inoul' A~riclllture:arises chiefly fro~e-! ~essne88 and waste. The disregard of ortlel', system and economy,! IS the bane of our farming. It is the occasiun of constant and: immense loss in, many ways. The most strikinO' example oflhis I 'Iper lap", IS• th' ~ great negligence in regard to the" saving of ma-!, uures. NotwIthstanding the frequency with which thi~ subjectl ]la~ been broug~t t.o t.he attention of farmers, there is scarcely al neIghbourhood III whIch many instances of the seglert and lo~s! nlluded to, are 1I0t seen. gil ,most farms t4ere is nearly a total! .Xi -:~ .:- i:-,----.ii. . - -. - -- . - _ .. ------.- ~ I OCTOBER 31 Days. _ Al~t~mr.f

'I High 'Vater, mean time, at I ,M Sundays, 'Veather, -- ISt.JOhn,ICharlottel i iD Anniversaries, &c. Halifax, N. B. &1 Town, St.Johns,: : N. S. Ann"p. P. E. I. Newfld.: 11 ratlie~--colder~I--8-56 -1--X: 2(:i 1 A. 2J I 751; I !\ 2 F1rstAss, in N,Sc.otia 1758. !J 27 0 57 0 52 8 27 I C 11th Sun. aft. Tl'IlIlty. 1 I I 1 31 1 26 D 1 I I 41 with 110! 0 41 2 11 2 6 9 41 1 5 Low tides. some _ 11 2fi :2 56, :2 51 1 10 Zli 52 61 dull I A. 221 3 1 3 47111 2 i 7 Great fire at Miramichi 1 21 4 51 4 46 A. 21 I. 8 weather [1825. 1 2 50 (J 20 (i 25 1 50 i DISt. Denys. and rain'l 4 2fi I 7 561 7:i1 I a 2(; i C 16th Sun. aft. Trinity. ;) 27 8 57 8;)2 4 27 IIllcolumbus fi"st discovers I (J 15 1 9 45 1 !J 40 I 5 15 .12 Very high tids. [American 7 0 10!W JO 25 6 0;: 113 First Quarter, 18th d. IOh. 13m. mormng below the ho~ Izon.) o Full Monn. 26th ,I. 2h. 20m. afternoon, below thl') hOl'lzo'~1 D \D \Ill's upper! '" -:5](1) faSL I III j ~.o~ limb. \~bn of \ I . « 1« south-« I "'~:, M 0 i:: I I dec. S. rises. pi inl('. A "0' WI-·rIses. ---- 1 ,ets. 3:: c nc <. . i -J-IM~6 :38\4 4a-IIO TU-:16J7/14 35 8 10 12:D1 3 0' 5 :,If}, 2Tul(; 40,1 4710 71J6 J8 1454 0 0 2:D1 350 528) i :3 Wlti 41\4 4610 5.16 17 15 12 949 2:D1 4 4~ 5 ~O, ,4THj64:244510 311616 1531 10 4{ I~ 53;) 5'J2. ! 5\ F G 44 4 43i 9 59' If) 15 1.') 49 II 30 I~ G 28 5 80: 16 SA Ii 4514421 D 57116]2 16 7 ltlorn'ITIR'\ 7 20 53tl, , 7\ Su in 4614 41 9 55 1G 8 Iii 25 1~) ~ 8 12 .'i 41) !8MI6484::J!)'9511164 lG42 217 ~ 9 a 54~' 1 r D To. G 49 4 :38\ D 49115 58\ 17 0 3 271~\ !) 55 5 4(,. 10lWl6 51 11 :37 ~) 4G\ 15 52 17 17 4 37 111. ]0 49 54D ;11 T~-l:6 52.4 3,6i 0 4~ 15 4~! 1~ :l8 gets:../111.1114? 5 5J! 12 E 65:34 8;;, $) 4~1]5 3'1 It 50 ;; 31 t A. 4.3 5 5~1,ij !13ISA\G55434iD3!J:1529' 18 () 6;3:3 t/144 55(j. ,14 Su (-j 5GI4 3,:1 9 3711.'5 )~II 18 '21 730 111 246 5 fi8! '15 M 16 5714 :i'2 n :35 15 !) 1::' :37 8 26 V3 ;; 41"i 6 0; "IOIITO () 5014 ;11 D fi7\ IS 5'2 \)221:.':1 4 43 1 ;~2114 ~)~ ~~ 17 Wl7 0\430 !) 30 14 451 lD G 10 20 :.':1 5;)7 ()' ~,': 118TH 7 1429 !) 28114 :33 1921 Jl 15 *1 (j 26 )91 F 7 3,4281925' 14 j!) 19 ;35 morn. 1* 7 11 () 10; 201 SA 7 44 28 9 24)14 4 I!) 48 0:25 * 7 54 6 J I· :21iRo 7 5;427 S)22 I:j 49' 20 2 0 551"f1 8;36 (j ]3'i' 22jM 7 7'4 2t,\ 9 I!) 1:3 331 20 14 1 25 Of D 16 G l/i; 2:.lITO 7 8425 0 J7113 16 1 2027 1 55 ~ 957 G 18 24 IN 7 DI4 251 G 16. 12 ,'i!)11 20 3~) 2 25 I ~ /10 39 G I~/~ 1251THi7 10:424 914 1,'24° 20 fil '2 5.5 !~ 11 22 62J:i 2G,F \711'42491:3 I') 21 21 2 340 IDllllorn. 1 62'!1 127!SA,i 1:~4 2:3!l 10! 12 2! 21 13 II rises. 01 0 8 G 25 288U \71442:3: P !J'II 41,21 :24 (j 1 2:D '056 626 1 20 \M \7 ]5'4 22:!J 711120 21 84 I 6 5412:D1 1 47 628 1 130 To 7 154 22' G 6 10 58 21 44 I 7 50 2:D I 2 :30 fj 2£1 ': The column of the Moon's Southlng gives-~he time of fjigl,t I'. The subject of under draining and the manner of constrtlctinO"'~ drains is.IlOw engaging .the attention of many of our fal'lllers~,i :Every farmer who has loose stones on his farm, hilS the material I ,at hand; '~'hile at .the same time he is ridding his land of a; ,great detriment to Its p~'opel' cultivation. Dig a ditch from 2 to, 3 feet d?ep, a~rI 1~ lnches wiele at the bottom-lay stones: ,ahout .6 IIlche~ III d'lameter on each side, which will lea,"e a ,water course of () inches in the centre-take stones of lal'o'e; 'dimensions. and cover orer. By drawing a quantity of ston~~ ,along the lille of the 'litch, a selection can be made, anll after, I',D-' Fl' .W·.. ·''"''''N"o~~iN~i~BE~ 3~-D~)~---;.~1 High "Vatel', mean time, at . Sundays, Weather, I---ISt.JOh~·b;;:rlOUel----.- ! ' I I':~il __ Anniversaries, &c. 1 Halifax, N. B. & Town, ISt.John"; ~ N. S. Annap. ,P. E. 1. I Newftd'l 7 I\ AI 1c-:::;;':a in-;t:-s-. -'----g-.,.-O-1V-s~-'-I'---;-u' q!l I 1 [0 I I 51 8 40 , :2 All Souls. colder lO 2l }?~ } ~G 9 2: i' 10 :11' with appearance 11 51 2 del I ~ 30 1 ;) I' ,1 LolV, tides. oJ snow: 'IA' 5 3:11 ;3 26 11 5 I, 5 Gunpowder Plot. 1 10 4 40 ,1 35 A. 10 IU 28 58 3 C61 2:2mlQ. g Sun.0· aft. Trinity, I' 2:1 48 1 7]85 1 57 5:13 1 :2I 48,l28 P,l 8i clem's up 4 571 8 27 B 22 :'1 57 ,:j DiPrinceofWales,b.1841.1 550 920\ DI51 450'1 10! fine anr/ (-i ;37 10 7 10 2 I 5 37 !fi l , 11'1([ perigee. Sl. Martin. I' 7 19 / 10 4° ' J(] 441 Ii ID ;1 ' 12 Very high tides. pleasante>'. 8 461 11 31 1 I 26 7 461 !I~ 13 "~71settled 8 I morn. 1 morn. 7 ' ) 'I C !'Bnl Sun. alt. Tri.l, I 9 :'10 0 16/ 0 11 I 8 30 !i 'i15 with rain IU 17 I 0 0 5,,) D 17 I' i161 snow III 71 1471 142 '110 7:: ,,17 and sleet. BIOi'll: I ~ 3? ~ g72 11 7 Ii:,' 18/ 0 ~ I .J ~~ 1 v. morn: i 19 Low tides. Q in Q. I J 6 401) 4 :31 I 0 (I" ,20 !.ook Ollt 2 J.j I ;') 44 5 ~lD, I 14 !~I'" CI24ths.a.Tl'iI1. prs.Royall' 32'1/' f) 541' (j 4!) 'I 2,24 ::,' ,2::l St. CecIlia. fur [0. '40 4 19 7 49 7 44 :3 J9 I

.231 a storm. I 5 101 8401 83;; I 4 10 Ii. 24 ([ apog-ee. ;) 51 9 21 I 9 16 ,1 51 Ii' 25 High tides. I 6 28 U 58 1 9 5:3 I 5 28 ::! 261 more-settled I 7 21 10 3'! 10 27 i (j '2 :[/ '27 and gets 7 36 JIG III I I (i 3f) i~ C IAdvent Sunday. 18 11 11 41 11 36 7 J !i'l" 29 mllch colder. 848\ A. 181 A. Ia I 748 I! :30,St. Andrew. :Middling tid~. 9 25 0 5;; 0 50, 8 25 ::J :i~Vater at Pal'rsbo~o', H_o~on, COfillValils, Windsor~·Trllr(), &.c .:~ "placing some on each side of the tnp stones, should tiley not,'l ;:fillout to the sides of the ditch, the remainder can be thrown in;1 lat random, on which can be strewed shavings or brusb, HnrlJ "then covered. A team and a plough will I!re,ltiy faciijlate the'! "covering operation-flat stones would he preferable for c[lvering-~ 'could they be obtained. Open drains 01' ditches are neeessary I" to furnish, a rapid pa, sS,ag-~ f,or ~he s~rplus ',Vater in the ,spring,1 and to preVent the,fioodtrli\ of cultIvated fields, an open chan I, ,'nel is. alsoilecessary when ~ome lawless hrook. is re.qllire(! to,~ fors'lke (he cl'ool

p ID (:9'fi~,per I ~.~ I'Q~~stl (;)'s I r~e~. I~ ISO~h-lz·t! M W Irlses.1 sets. Q] dork., dec. S. p. ing. ~ 'i IIW 7 174 21!J 4-110351 :!IO 53' 8 44 ~ 3;32 6;31 2THI7 ]84 219 10]2 22 2 9 34 42,t 63'2: 1 a ~ 3 F 7 204 21 9 1 !t 48 22 11, 10 24 n:t: 5 15 6:N; 4 SA/7 214 21!l 0 !l24 22 ]9 11 14 6 5 (i 35, 1 n:t: \ 5 Sv 7 224 21 8 59 1 859' 22 21j lJlorn. ~ (i 55 6 36 i 61 IV! 7 234 2018 57 1 8:33 2'2 34 0 54 ~ 7 45 6 38 i 7'TDI7 244 2°18 5G 8 7 22 40 223 11]. 835 630 I S:W 72514 208 55 1 741 22 47 3 47 1Tl 9 28 1640 ',' 9:TH 7 264 20,8541 71:3 2'2 52 521 t 10 241£ 41 10;F /7274 20: 853 G 46 22 .'i8 () 40 till 22 6 42 fll:SA727420i853 618/123 a sets. VJ'A.241643 :121Sv17 284 20,852 550 23 7 552 VJ 126 1641 '1:JIM17 2~)4 20851 521 2;3 II 657:;: 2271645 h4\TU17 304 201850,452123 151 75!) :;: 3241646, :15 W ,7 314 20'18 4 !.I , 423123 hl !.J 0 :;: 4 ]7 647: h6TH7 ;1l'4 21,8 4!J 'I 354 23 21 10 12 * 5 4 () 47 ", 17 1l<' 17321 4 2'18 4!J 324123 2:l 1117 1*I;j 50 I() 47 :18 SA 733:4 2118 48 2 M 2:l 25 morn. 1'V'll) 33 6 47 19'18U,7 :1:3<4 2~2 8 48 225\23 2G 0 25 'V' 7 14 6 47, 1 120 I\I \7 84 4 22 8 48 1.55 23 27 I 14 'V'I' 7 54 Iii 47, ':'21 ,Tv 7 :.NI4 2:3 , 8 48 125 23 27 2 J3 !:5 S 36 6 47, 1'~21 W 7 35 4 23 8 48 0 551 23 27 3 J5 ~ 9 18 16 47, ',2:3THj7364 241848' F,25 2;3 26 416 01'10 3 iners: 24 F 736;4 24: 8 49 s, 41 23 2.)' ;) 18 ° 10 51 : 0 1 "l5I SA 7 :37,4 251 8 49 034123 2:31 6 15 0111 41 10 ~ I !:~ Su 7 ~~14 2618 49 l,,~ 2~ 21 Irises. § mo~n. 0 ?: ,2, lV[ 17,3'14 27 850 ] ,,,3 23]9 ;) 35j§1 03410 31 1'18 lTv 7 37 4 27 8 50 2:3 2:3 16 G :37 ~ 1 27 0 4 . '201 wI7 374 28 18 51 2 :32\ 2:3 12 7 42 ~ 2 20 0 4 ,:IOTH 7 374 291S 52 ;3 I 23 9 1 8 47 !~ ;~ 1310 5. '31 F I 7 37 14 29 8 52 3 30 2:l 4 9 50 1~ 4 :I 0 ;) : ------1 ,----,------I The column of the Moon's------"-1 Sotlthing gives the tillle of Hi"ar_~~n~~l~~i~esti~_n_. __'. 1 --- n-=''''M"---'C;:Z~ ER'~-~ ~;~i~-~;;-- __1_8_5_i 130 l , J d J ! Gtmeral Post Office, Galieax, N. S. ii,

II POSTMASTER GENERAL, ARTHUR WOODGATE, Esq. Clerks, C. H. H;amilton, A. O. Creighton, .Fredk M, Passow, and JAo.~ ',Willis, Esqrs. Messenger, Mr. Godfrey Schwa,!z.. I I DEP. POSTMASTER--St, Margaret's Bay, Mr. W, F. BrIme. I I Leiter Carriers, Messrs. Wm Craig and Wm Gormtey. ,: The Mails for Halifax and Boston, U, S. are despatched from Live~pool,:, :G, B. monthly in December, January, February and March; and farl1ughtly! 'in the otiler months of Ih'e yea,'. ,t The Mails.!,,,' the United Kingdom, are despatched from Hal!fax manq.Iy: I.in the months of January, I"ebruary, March and. AprIl; andfarl'mghtly durmg[, Ithe remaining mOllt.hs of the year. The Mall,Steamers kave ,Boston fori IHalifax fortniD'htly In May, JUlle, July, August, September, October, N~ve!l)'1 'ber anil Decemter; and monthly III the other months of the year :~~rrIve at IHalifax on Thtk1"sday evenings, or very early the succeedlDg lIJol'lIlng, aDd,i Il eave immediately for LiverpooL Packet Letters to or fro.m EngITa~d, IS. 3d.,! !pre,-payment optional. . Newspapers free; If forwarded Vla Ihe Umted States !ld, each, payahle on delIvery." '. Letters are forwarded via Ulllted Klllgdom to Austna, Azores, Australia,I Baden Bavaria B.eI giulll, Bohemia, Brazil, Buenos Ayre" China, Constand. nople 'Cracow; Denmark, Egypt, France and A Igeria, German States,' G,brahar, Hamburg, HanO\'er, Heligoland, Holland, ~ong-Kong, Hung~ry,r East Indies, Ionian Islands, LaPlata, Lubec. MadeIra, Multa, MaufltlUs,1 'Naples, New Grenada, Northern States of Europe, New South 'Wales, Newi Zeala'id, Oldenburg, Papal States, Poland,Portugal, Prussia, Sardinia, Spain,1 Turkey and Van Diema!,'s Land, .'" . I \ The lIlaHs for the l:Tnlled States are made up Immediately on the arnval of Jthe Mail Steamer from Liverpool, G. B. Letters sd., if posted at Halifax' i(and an additional inland rate of 3d. when posted in the interior) which mu~t" ibe pre-paid. Newspapers 2~d. each which must ue p,·e-paid. I I The Mails for Bermuda and the West [ndies are made up on the a"ival of the Mail Steamer from Liverpool bound to 110ston, Letters sd, packet rate,1 land 3d, inland, the laUm' ~"te mu,st be pre Jl,a.id. .:. . . I 'I Letters are fO"warded Vta Bermuda for Chagres and the PaCific, Chili atld: ' Peru, Havana, Honduras, Lagua)"!'a, M,exico, Venezuela, and the British mid' Foreign West India Islands, i The M~ils for Newfoundland (I\nd Cape Brelon during the Summermonthsj' fortnighllY, are made up on t lile arrival of the, ,M ail f",,_ teamer from BO,sion, ,i, dUJlng the months of May, Jtl~e, July, Augu.s!, Septemher, October, Novemberf and De,ce'nher; and on th,e '7t:l"lval of the Ma)l Stea.r,ner from L~verpao~, during: jthe months of January, February, March, and AprIl. The Malls for:::it. Pierrel laud l\1iquelo!1 ar~ furwarded to S.ydney" rll ~"Q~, B:Jgwash, ,Pl~l&\{,~ Cove, Pleloll, St. Peters, Srdnel', T"uro, Wallace, -,' llllCC Edward hland, New BrllllslI'lek" Can,!).da &nd the Unite4Sta\es. we! '---._-, - tt;;;;'. __Om- -=-;------, -_._--- --.-~~:...... ------==--.--- .. -----~---=- ALlvHNACK. 31: i 'made up on Wedllesday and Saturday afternoons at 4 o'clock; and arrive, from on Monday and Fridav mornings at 10 o·c1ock. I I The Land Mails (by H'estem ROllte) for Annapolis, Bridgetown, Diaby' Kentvi!le, Lawrencetown, Weymouth and Yarmouth, are made upon Mo,~day :ancl Thursday, at 8, A.M., and arrive from on 'vVedllesday anel Saturday at G' :P. M. For Windsor, Wolfville, Lower Horton and Kentville, daily (Sunday' ;excepted), at 8, A. M. and arrive '["om daily (Sunday excepted), at 6, p.M.1 i;FOl' Newport on Tuesday at 81, A.J.\II., arrive .f1'Om on Tuesday, 6, P,M. I ~: The Lund IVlails (by Shore Rottle) for St. Margaret's Bay, Chester, Lunen-" ~11'\Irgh' Liverpool, Shelburne, and Barrington, al,e nlade up au Monday and' ',Thlll'Oday mot',t1ing at 8 O'C,IOCk, arrive, trom ,on Wednesday and Salu,rdaYI "evening at sh. SOm. The Mails for Bridgewater are made up on Thursday, imortJing at 8 o'clock, arrive fl'oUl Oil Satu,l'day afternoon at sh. SOm. I I Le~tel's addressed to any part of Nova SCalia, iJr Brilish N?l'th Am:,rica,! ',are hallIe to a umfoWI rate of 3d. the balf-o,\lIlce, P"c-ptJymf!11i optwntJl.~ Those addressed to the United States (C",lifornia and Oregoll excepted) when Isent by ia,nd Mail, Gd, the nal!.ollnce. Letters for Ca)iforniaand Oregon, 9d.! Ihalf-ounce, ttbe combined Colonial and United States postage) pre-PtJ)/ment ,optional. By S.leamer, sd. if posted in Halifax (and an additional wland irate of 3d. when posted in the inlerior) Loth of which must be pre-paid. I I Letters having stamps a£lixecl to tbell) equ,al to the rate of postage, pass, l.el'ee of all olberpostage in whatever part of Nova Seo,tiathey may be posted,1 fund 10 whatever part of British North America addlessei!. , i I Registered Money Lelters will be liable to a charge of 0,0. cach, inaddilion to' Ithe postage, both of which TIlust ill all cases be pre-paid. The system ofRegis-i /tl'ation is applicable to all description of leLters, without distinction, wh,etbf)1' lithe, cOlltaio coin or articles of value or not. ' Letters to be regist~red must be' l,brought to the Office ho.if an haul' Lefore the closing of the !\lail by which' ,(bey are to be despatched_ , ! I [I; ewspapers pl;lblish,ed in Nova, Scoti,!" addresI>ed to any pa,rt of Nova Seotia, British North America, 01' the United St~tes when f",warded by Imtd. ,:11a;1 pas., free of charge-a or! must he sent wubout a ,cove,r, ar 10 a cover, open at the sides or ends. There must not be ao,y wOI,ds ar ,commuuication: !pl'illted o,n the p"-p,er after its publication, qr upon tile eover, 1I0r any writjn~ 'or marks upon it, or upon tbe cover, except (h.e name and address of tbe, Isender, lIud of the person to whom it is sent. No paper or I,hing' must he, !enc]osed in any paper. If these condilions are not complied with, it win be, iliable to IJe charged as a letter. i Pampblet.s, printed Books, and p",riodical,pubJ.,ication. will be liable to a: Icharge of 2d. per ounce up to 0 ounces i,n w,~ight, ,done Hp the same as News-! Ipapers, and 3d. for every, additional ounce up to, 16 ounces,.beYO{ld which' weight, they cannot be-recelve(l. " I :, Printed Books, Magazines" Review;s, or Pamphlets, 'yhethor British, Colo­ inial, or FOI'e,i!:n, can be sellt through the Post Office fro\TI the United Kingdom, to or vice v"rsa, whether by Packet or pr\vaw Ship, subject to' 'I he s~meconditions and !estriction,s, exce,pt as t,? weiglit, to "',,hich Nev.:spapersll ;31'0 Imble, at the followmg ~ates_not e:!,ceedIng' 1 tb, 7 ~d.; exceedmg t lb, 'nnd not I lb. Is. 3d.; exceedIng I lb. and 1I0t 2 I'lls. 28. 6d.; and so on, add-" ling Is. 3d. to every additional pound or fraction of a PQund. WhenJoJwardedl ibl' Packet they must be sent by the, direct route ir",,,, Ha1i£ax-.tlle postage inll; lall cas~s to IJe pre-paid. .' . , I Pal'ltamentary Pape,s pass free through Nova ScOlIa, If forwarded by, Packet, ld. for every 4 ounces. I' i. For encomaging Masters of Vessels, not being Post Office pacl{~ts',t~ un· 'denak. the conveyance of leBel'S between places beyond the Bntlsh North !American Colonies, and this Province, and for regulating the conveyance and, \leli.el·v of stich letters tbe Postma'ter G.. neral may allow to tbe Master I !d_! 'for each leiter they deliver to the Post O1tlce at the first Port they touch, GT; iarrj"e at in this pi'ovince, or wilh which they shall communicate when inward' !hollnd; and if, (rom unforeseen circumsLances, the !'IIast~r Call11ot, up0l! delIver. :ing his letters at au outport, receive the mOlley to wQ!.cb, he IS ;ellt,lt!ed:,., he '~,= .. ~,=,~= .. ~_, ~-_~ _____"""""'-. ____ "'_-:-1"""'""'" ___••• '''''~~j;" __ ._'"__ '-'''':''''--'"''':'''='---.- BELCH Ell'S FARMER'S H352·1 ------~--~----~~~---I ' shall he paid by an order 011 the Postmaster Gen~ral at sncb other [lace asl may be convenlent; and every Master ?f a vessel Inward hound, shal , at the, port or place of arrival, sign a deciaratlO,n, III the pl'csence oCthe person autho-I l'izcd to take tbe same who shall also sIgn the same. ! Letters of Merchant;, oWllers of Mel'chan,l vessels, orefthe cargo or loading; ,therein, sent hy snch vessels, or by :my person emplo~!cl by such owners for, lithe carriage of such letters areording to their respectlve addresses and deil-I vered to the persons to whom they are respectively addressed, without payor, iadvantage for so doing, I The Postmaster General has the exclusive privilege of ronl'eyi-ng, receiving,1 Icollecting, sending, and delivering letters within this Province, and any person 'IWh? shall (except in the cases herein after excepted) collect, send, conv~y, or dehver, or undertake to convey or deliver, any leLter, or who shall rerelve or;l Ihave in his possession any letier for the purpose of conveying or delivering it,1 iotherwise than as ahove, shall, for every letter so unlawfully conveyed, re'l Iceived, delivered, or loulld ill his rosse~sion, incur" penalty of five shillings i-such exclusive privilege, prohihltion, and penalty not to apply 10- Il I 1. Lellers' sent hy private individuals to be mai[ed in the first Way 01' Pos l Office, t 2. Letters sent by a l\Iessenger on purpose, concerning the private afiairs' of the sender or receiver, j 3. Lettel's addressed to a place out of the Province, and sent by sea and IJI" a private ve.sselnot being a packet boat. -I 4. Letters lawfully brouglit into the Province, and immediately posted in, the nearest Post Office. i 5" Letters ~f merchants, owners of merchant vessels, or of the cargo, or, 10adll1g therem, sent hy such vessels, or hy any person employed hy such:, owners for the carriage of such letters, and delivered to Ihe per~ons to whoml they are respectivelyaddressed, without payor advantage lor '0 doing. : 5, Letters concertJlOg Goods sent by common known carriers to be delivered Ivith the Good. to which such letters relate, without reward or adl'anl""'e for' . receiving or delivering them. 0 6, No Ferson i;~ authorized to collect allY such excepted letters for the' purpose 0 conveymg 0,' sen~mg them. Way letters, pre-paid, maybe deliI'CI'-: ed by the office to the Couner, t'? he dropped along the route. No person i; 0bhg~d to send, any pamphl,:t, prInted book, or ne,vspaper by post, : BritIsh re-prlnts of copyrIght works froll1 the Umted States, by land mail: ior1 by steamer, ltable to, full. Letter po,stage. I All Letter~ sent by lost III Nova Scotta, and the other Provinces of British North AmerICa, are c~"rll'ed by weIght, (WIthout rrgard to the number of! Ienclosures). The ProvlllClal Scale of Rates is I Ou a letter not exceeding t oz, in wei;l'ht, 3,1. i Over ! oz. and not exccedmg I oz. 6d " 1" " " Ii " d' I-J " 2 0 • " 2 " 2l " Is.

o "2~.'~ " " . 3'1 " Is. 3d. and so on addmg 3d. Jor every addi't iOllal half ounce. Is, 6d, The British scale of rating letters is For a ;I,eller not exceeding 1 oz. I rate of postage. I I " 2 do. 2 " 4 do, Iland so @o . 3 " do.

.. ·...... ,---~'I"J\IILi3qj ----..::::::::::::"'-==------r------~-_= ______1852. ALMANACK. 33 i------~· .------~------.------~- i I I I


Licmeflant General, Sir JOH:'~ IIA RVEY, Knight Commander, I of the Oruer of the Bath, and Knight Commander o( thel Royal Hanoverian Glieiphic 6rder, . Liellt~n~flt Governor,! and Commander-in-Chief, in and over Her Majesty's: , . I Province of Nova Scotia, and its Depen(lenci~s, «-c., &c., I Execu.tive Council. Hon James Boyle Uniacile, M. P. P., Att. GenE. HOIl. Michael Tobin, M. L. C. Hon. Hugh Bell, 1\1. L. C. Hon. Joseph HOlVe, ~L P. P., Prov.-8ecretary. Hon. James McNab, M. L; C. Recei-derGeneral. Hon. Alexander McDougall, M. L. C., Sol. Gml.· Hon. James McKeagney, HOIl. $amuel Creelman, M.P. P. Financial Secretary. ClerT. oftke Conncil, Hon. .

I i Retired Members of tile Council, retaining their fank by I special p~r~ission of Her J)J;3jesay. I , HOIl. Charles Ramage PreSc9tt. Hon. Enos Collifls. Hon. Samuel Cunard. Hon. Henry Hezekiah Cogs\vell. Hon. Sir Rupert D. George~ Bt., C. B. Hon. Jame~ W. ~9qnston, M. P.P,. Hon. Simon Bradstreet Robie. ~---;EL~HER'S FA*Ri'lI-E;';------1852.j; ------... -.. -----.. -----... -- .. ------.--- I'

THE I I Le~isjative Council. I' : '. __ : .' . I, 'Hon. Michael Tobm,lVl.E.C" Preszdent. HALIFAX. I Hon. William Rudolf, - LUNENBURG. Hon. Robert Mollison Cutler, GUYSBOROUGH. I HOll. Alexander Campbell, TATAMAGOUCHE. I IHon. John Morton, - KENTVIl.LE. :Hon. Hugh Bell, M. E. C., I HALIFAX. ' IHon. Stayley Brown, - YARMOUTH. iHoll. Alexander McDougall, Sol. Gl. M.E. C. ANTIGONISH. :Hon. Mather Byles Almon, HALIFAX. Hon. Edward Kenny, ditto. iHoll. James Delap Harris, KENTVILLE. IHon. Alexander Keith, HALIFAX. IHon. William Anderson Black, ditto. (Holl. David Crichton, PICTOU. :Hon. Henrv Gesner Pineo, - - WALL.~CE, IHon. John 'Eleazer Fairbanks, - - I DART~IOUTH. iHon. James McNab, Recev. Genl., 11£ E. C. HALIFAX. IHon. William Stairs, ditto. IHon. Jonathan McCulley, ditto. IHon. William Grigor M. D., ditto. IHon. William McKeen, MABOU, C. B. I

Chaplain, Ven. Archdeacon Willis, D. D. Cle1'k, John C. Halliburton, Esq. Law Cle1'k, John W. Ritchie, Esq. Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, J. J. Sawyer, Esq: Messenger, Mr. Joseph Skallish. i ~ ","'The Members of the Executive and Legislative Councils, lare Justices of the Peace throughout the Province, so long as they I belong to either Branch. ___I 11852; ALIIIANACK. 35 :I-----'~------'-----'------',-~------I Honse 01' Assenllbly. i Speaker, I (Elected August 23, 1851.) I COUNTIES. :HALIFAX -- Johl! Es~oll and Wm. Allnand, Esqrs. ICOLCHESTER Adams G. Archiha!d and G. \'V, McLennan, Esqrs.1 IPIC"IOU -- John Holmes, and Robert Murray, Esqrs. :CU'IIBERLAND *Hon. Jos. Howe, M.E-C., & "~teph. ,Fulton, Esq. '!HANTs -- Benjrn. Smith, and Nicholas Mosher, Esqrs. ' :KING'S "John C. Hall and ;:. Daniel Moore, Esqrs. :ANNAPOI.IS - .J< Ron. James W. Johnston. :DIGB Y ~. Francis Bourneuf, Esq,. IYARMOUTH - ~ Thomas Killam, Esq. 'iSHELBU RNE - Tholllas Coffin, Esq. , ~iQUEEN'S -- ~. Snow P. Freeman, and "Jno Campbell, Esqrs. f,iLuNENBURG ~ John Creighton and Benjm. Zwicker, Esqrs. I 'SYJ)['iEl- ~ - ""Vrn. A. Henry andJno McKinnon, E~qrs. :GUYSBOROUGH "J no. J. Marshall, and Stewart Campbell, Esqrs. CAPE-BRETON '~James McLeod, Esq. IRICHMONIJ ~ "Hon. James B. Uniacke, M. E. C. iINvERNESS ~ -:. Wm. Young and" Peter Smyth, Esql's. 'VICTORIA - Hugh Munro and Jno Munro, Esqrs. I TOWNSHIPS. IHALIF ... X "Law. O'C. Doyle, and BenjllI. 'Vier, Esqrs. ITJ;lURO - " Hon. Samuel Creelman, M. E. C. iLoNIlONDERRY James Campbell, Esq. 'PICTOU -- Martin I. Wilkins, Esq. IAMHERS'l' .. William W. Bent, Esq. !WINDSOR- - .. .lames D. Fmser, Esq. iN ImpORT .. Ichabod Dimock, Esq. IFALMOUTH - Elkanah Young, Esq. 'ICORNWAI,LIS Samuel Chipman Esq., IHORTON -- -$ Edward L. Brown, M.D., Es'q. IGRANvILLE - .. Stepllen S. Thorne, Esq. ANNAPOLIS - "Alfred Whitman, Esq. ,DIGBYI - ~ John C. Wade, Esq. CLARE ~ - * Anselm F. Comeau, Esq. Y ARM OUTH ~ Jesse Shaw, Esq. ARGYLE - * John Ryder; Esq. SHELBURNE - John'Locke,.Esq. RA RRINliTON - Josiah Coffin, Esq. LIVERPOOL - Andrew Cowie, Esq. [LUNENBURG- Henry S. Jost, Esq. SYIJNEY, C. B. Donald N. McQueen, Esq. ARICHA'l', C.B ... Henry' Martell, Esq. OFFlCERs.-Clerk, J03. Whidden, Esq. Asst. Clerk, , Ch"1'iain, Rev. ,sergeant at AT1m, ' Esq. Asst. Serg. at Arms, : -- ,Me$senger cmd Door-I 'ceeper, . * MemLers of the former House. GO'nwnment Offices :uul Office .."s.

'I : I. I PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. :,~ " Provineinl Se<:retary, Hoo. Joseph Howe. Chief Clerk, WI71.lI. Kcating;~ !Esq. Clerks, Messrs. Fredk. Leblanc and Jno. B. McDonald. II I , : FINANCIAL SECRETARPS OFFICE. I Financial Set:rctary, HOI}. Samuel Creelman. Clerk, .l\'1r. David' illc-: ICulloch. I RECEIVER GENERAL'S OFFICE. :~ I,: I Recei"',er GC~.!!1'al, Han.. James McNab. Clerk, Mr. E"dwanl Duckett. I

! SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE. , i Commissioner of Crown Lands and 8u7'1;;eyor General,. John ~pry Morris,' Esq. Clerks, Messrs. Edward Morris aud W. A. Hendry. Deli. ';/frveyord" Co. ~f 8,,1([0,.1:, I1.lessrs. Wm. McKay, W. A. Hendry, Chas. ~V. I'alrbanks'i . Kent, R A. Logan, Wm. Anderson. I

~ ' BOARD OF REVENUE. I. I Commissione1", The Hon, the Receiver Geneml (President), the Han. the IIFinanCial.secrctary, Hon. Edw. Kenny, Jno. B. B!·and, and Jas. D. Fraser,1l E~~. 'I CoUee/or of Impost and Excise, and of Light Duty, vVm. G. Fife, Esq'i ' Clt:rks, Messrs. Rdw. Binney and Ja,s. S. Richardson. Woreho,,-,e,4teper;1 Joseph Austen, Esq. Cle:rk, Mr.Tl\os. Pyl~e. Gu.ager, Weigheraru! Proq . Ojficer, Andrew Richardson,Esq .. Revenue Waiters and Shipping Office,'s,: ' Messrs. Roht. Hodgers, Errol Boyd, ll!l!d Jas. Hills. Wan/w1lse Locke'l's.i Messrs. }I'ras. Johnston, Daniel Jqne1!, Wm. Hays, Jos. W. Q.uinan, Jas.! Miller, Robt. Boak, W'?" BO,ak, Jas. P. T:rop9Iett. i Tide Waiters, Messrs. In.o. Hatch, lI1dw. Kelly,W. McLean, Jl1o. Dirreen,! nD. Twaddle, Robl. McDonald, EdV'. :g;!!l'anllgll, Edw. Shann, Geo. Rvder, no. Nngent, Wm·. Hammond; M. d~iDpoell.· ., - ., Tide Surveyor, Mr. Jas. Wall;iJo(lt~c~, Jas. Kerr and Alex. Smilie. Distillery Overseers, Messrs. Jas. ~. T.idijlarslT, Sa,mllel Boggs, Wm. Adam$, Juo Mahany, Patk Fuller, Wm WllsDn; JnD .. Kennedy, F. Legulre, P. Foley, Wm. Coeken, M. Nangle~. C. H. ~~Y'loIds. Seizi"lig Officers, (Halifax) Messrs. E~w_ Bo,,:en, (Llsenmb, St. M;lrY'~. ;jnd lY.I;1)ry Joseph Harbours) Wm. McKInlay, (Sheet Harbour) Ja~. B,rowner. Commander of the Revenue CUtter "Da"i~g," Capt. J. Daly. I ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH .. I Commissioner:s, Hon. Josepl) Hovie GeO'. R. Young, Wm. IUurdoch Adams G... A~chlbald and Thos, Logan, Esqvs. . G01!t;rnm~n~ Sp,perimendp:nt HartleY,J. GIsborne, Esq, M~.~engl':/" Mi'; MIchael Quinlan. _ I op'er~ at T''UTo, Mr. Wm. O'Donnell. ' , t~ Ditto at AmJ..erst, Mr. Edward B. Dixon. '_.____ .______~ =1 'lS52. ALMANA'CK.

1 TAltIFF OF' PRICES. .. '"I ·1 ICommtlnieations can be sent to any City or 'rown in the United States ! 1______and COlmda.

i .' . I Foil'st I In ,I Each 1\ li'wm \ ["irst \ In IEacn :1 From Hali'fax l<> 1 10 Cur'cy add'l I Halifax to io Cur'cyadd'l 1 words abo~t word \Vds about word Tm::r::u:::ro::-----'I"'$:;;0-':1"'2;--;0'-s-;. 7:C'~-dC:-I-:-I -c"'· '-:t -'::"iP"0-1-:·t-s'-m-o-11-:t'h-~·cc$·1.4~ ;s 7d I' flc't~ iPAincltl'j)eUrst I 24 1 9 I 2 New Y orlt . 1.05 8S "\'0 5 I' Philuddphiu 1.90 9 10j 12 g~~'~h~!~~-r :~ 2 1~t\. ~ ~!~~~~~on ( :~BendPeticodiuc \ : r.0 9 7' 1 I~redericksburg .;!:';1. John -) v - t· Wilmill!l"ton I ·'Fredericton· 62: 3 3~1:; l'Alexandria - I ,,:~t. G-JOl'ge ~ I ':Pe,ters'burg'h,Va , ,Calais 7" 3 1\ 'IGharleston,SC. ; St. Andr-ew's !, Mdbile- .Portland ., -. '1.25 ·6 7 IINew Orleans I'Bostall ~ \: I.t:l,uebec - . 'iSulem -- 1.'15 7 7 8 \Mon.tnial - : .Newhuryport , :1 . I N. B,-The address, signature) and date, and the words" answer by Tele-' . graph," (wltea 'llch express un unqualified request) not charged. All ilgliresl, ito be written out. All comlmmications strictly confident;a!' AmyeQrnmuni-: 'calion addressed to a place h".. ing no Telegraplt Station will oe transmittedl'r r .to Ihe statioD neawstto it, and mailed (hence. . , ~ Transatlantic commu:nicalions [post paidladdressed to this office Wil/:L,el· J faithfully ~1:aps~i1led, pwvid"d the Tc;1I i~ enelo,ed or, reference gi';c~, lp al ,>~,reSldent 'Of tln~ CI.tl', frol!) wholllihe .col'lecltOn c,anbe made. Partles holchn,gl ; .. frequent, (,fJml~lIull'Cal"lOn \\'lth allY of tl!e ~ov~ mentIOned places Inay remlL 'U'~' '.. slIm WhlCll wtll be placed to theIr cretht In tIns office. . .. :Ii] *,,* The c'V.S. GIJ'L'crnment1'!ot responsible}'or inaocuraeie., or delays beyodd' .~ tl. eir le'TiLor!!. '. 1 '!l; INDIAN AFFAIRS: I l'; CO:>I'11S;;IO"ERS, Cape Bre/on, Rev N. Courteaux aud H. ,V. CraWI~Y'11I' ";E,q.: Sydney, (fuysbbrough and Pictou. .: . COell. . .'I COMM'RS Oli' G(!)VER~MENT HOUSE ANI' THg PROV~~CE BUILDlSG-Htm. : '!,Tl>S. B. Ull.iacke and S. e. I<'ai~bank~, Esq. '" . ' I ! BOARD' 0f.' 'I-tE~lST,RATIO!-l AN,D S'l'ATlST[;'CS U~DFsR "'}'lIE _4.CT·:FO~' T'iK.i#G, iTm: CENSUS eF"rHE PRO¥lscE-Hon. Hugh Bell arid Go-o·. It. Young,·!Esq.'

__ • ~ , . ..••. .~ ••• __ , . ," .- c.'· ~""., "'-~ ••• ::" ••••••••• •. '38 -' BELCHER~S FARlIIER'S 1852.' \ ------1 i Roll 01' Bal")"istel's and A.tol"nies. I I RESIDENT IN NOVA-SCOTIA. I I Ad tted Names. I ml . I Admitted Residence. j' ,I AttornJes. B arrls . t ers. I !.fa:~SI~l~~~!~,:~I~ .I':~·~;I;~ g~:~: ~~~~I;~ g~:~: ~~i~!~~~:~~. ·i·I", James W. Nutting •••••• 23 Octr. 1810123 Octr. ISIO Hal.lfax:,' 'JohnThosHiIl ...... 23 Ocl)'. 1810 230clr. 1810 lAnugoniSh. ,II :William Sterns •••••••• ]4 AprillS13 14 Apr~llSI4 J.. !verpo61. I Thomas Dickson •••••• 14 AprillS13 14 ApnllSI4 PictoU. iHon.Jas. W. Jolmston •• 23 Octr. 181323 Octr. IS14\HaIif.lX. 'John Creighton Q. C .•••• 18 April 1815 IS AprillS16 Lunenburg. 'Samuel P Fairbanks Q. C. 15 April 1817 15 April IS18 Halifax. I Wm. Q. Sawel's .·····22 Octr. 181722 Octr. IS17 Ditto Nat. W. White •••••••• 16 April 1818 16 April ISIS Ditto ' , ,George T. ~olomon .... 19 April 1820 19 April 1821 Lunenburg. I 'Jonathan Marsters ...... 25 July 182025 .luly 1821 Truro. I Beamish Murdoch •••• ,,/14 July IS21 14 July 1822 Halifax. I Lewi.M. Wilkins, Q. C. 9 July 1&22 9 july 1822!Wind,or. I I,Alex Primrose •••••••• 10 july 18~~IIO July 1S231Halifax .1 Chas.D. Roach.··· .... I 9 Octr. 1822\ 9 Octr. 1823· Amherst. 'Jas. Scott Tr.emaill •• "11.3 Octr. 182218 Octr. J823lHalifax. ;HonJasB I Uniacke,A.G. 5 April 182315 April 1823 Ditto " ;Charles Twining •••••• 5 April 1823 5 April IS23 Ditto John James Sawyer •••• ,28 Jany. lR24'28 Jany. IS25 Ditto ,Henry Blackadar •• ··.··13 APril1S24)13 April IS25 Pictou. George R. Grassie I •••• J 3 April 1824 18 April IS25 Annapolis, John C Hall •••• - •••• 19 Jany. IS25 24Jany. 1826lKentVilJe. I.HOll' A. MeDou.gall, S.G. 19 Jany. 18251'24 Jany. 1S26 Antigoni~h. IWent. Fleiger ...... 18 April IS25 18 April 1826 Arichat. 'James S. Clarke •• •••• 25 Octr. IS25 24 OetL 18261HaJifax. iWilliam'Young, Q.C····125 Octr. 182524 Octr. IS26 Ditto ,Charles B. Owen •••••. 2.4 Jally. 1826 23 Jany. IS27 Lunenburg. James A. D~nnisou •••• 24 Octr. 182623 Oetr. 1827 Digby. iRohert B. Dickson •• "12.4 Octr. IS26 23 Oetr. 1827 Truro. . ~arnes Stewart •.•••••• 24 Oetr. IS26 23 Oetr. 1827 Halifax. ,c~as.·. W. H. Harris .••• '/23 Jany. 182723 Jany. IS27 Lower Horton 1'.I.las H. Morse •••••••• 23 April 1827 27 Jany. 1829 Amher.t. IAlex. H. Winniett ... '124 july 1827j ...... Bridgetown. [Hugh Hartshorne •••••• 24 july IS27 24 July IS27lHaJifax. /Edw. H. Horrmgton •••• 23 Oct.r. 182728 Octr. 1828 Antigortish. ,Stephen H. Moore •••••. 22 Jany. 182827 Jany. 1829 Kentville L ' I . O'.C. Doy!e, .QC.•••• 122 Jan. y. 1$2S127 Jany. 1829lHalifax. ,Marlin I. Wllkms ••••• '122 Jany. IS28 22 Jany. 1828 Pictou ,John c. Halli?urton •• "~.22 JUly 182828 july 1829 Halifax ,Wm.H. Keatlllg .••••• 2S Oetr. ]828 3 Nov. 1 Wrn 1829, Ditto i . Su.therland •••••• 28 Octr. 182S 3 Nov. 1829; Ditto y fHarr 1{mg, DeL·· ,,\27 Jany.1829 27 Jany. 1829.WindsoF i~w. Roach ...... , 5 May 1.S29 4lHay 1830 Pictou G!RS¥*- ______~ ______---- ilfl52. ALl\fANACK.··· .'. ------39 . - ______I Snow P. Fre.eman ••• "'128 Jul,y .1829.27 July 1830ILiverpooT--I' Wm Edw Snuth ...... 3 -N{)v. 18291 I Nov. 1830,Sytlnei)':/ , :Thomas B. Akinl! .... 4 May 18301 3 May 1831 Halifax I John W. Ritchie ..... • .. 25 Jany.183t 24Jany. 1832 Ditto : Henry Pryor ... , ...... 25 .Tany. 183~ 25.Tany.183l DItto ~ Silas L. Morse ...... 1, 3 !l-lay 183111 May 18321Rridgetown ! Nepean Clarke ...... ' 1 Nov. 1831,300ctr. 1832 Halifax i Arch. McQueen •••••• \24 july 1832\23 July 1833 Port Hood C B.' Robert B. Dickey .... •· 22 Jany, 1833,21 Jany.1834 Amherst I Donald N. McQueen •• ,22 Jany. 1833 22 Jany.1834\SVdney, C. B. 1 George R. Young •••••• \22 Jany. 1833\22 July 1834 Halifax

George S. Milledge •••• 22 Jany. 1833 21 Jany. 1834 Annapolis 'I !Daniel Owen.•••••••••• 30 Apr~1183~ ~9 AprilI834ILu~"mburg James R. SmIth ...... 123 April 1833 23 July 1833'HaliJax iAndrew M. Uniacke •••• 29 Octr. 183329 Octr. 1833\ Ditto James L. Dewolf .... "129 Octr. 1833\ 4 Nov. 1834,Windsor , Henry H. Grantham .... 29 Octr. 18331 4 Nov .. 1834'Yarmouth Henry B. ''lTebster ...... 29 April 1834, Il May 1835!Kentville Stewart Campbell •••••• \22 July 1834:,25 July 1835 Guyshoro' :,erez MCunningham .... 25 July I83~:25 July 1835iWi~dsol' lhomas N Jeff..ery.· .. •· 3 Mar. IS3" t4 JaIlY· 18361Hahfax Thos'V B Bingay •••••• , 3 Mar. 1835 14 JallY. 1836 Yarmouth John D. Kinnear ...... 25 July 183526 July 1836 Amherst John. McGregor ...... 3 Nov. 18·3;) 1 Nov. 1836,Halifax ,Han. Jonathan McCulley 14 Jany. 1836 16 Jany. 18371 Ditto. Eben. F. Munro •••••• 14 Jany, J83616Jany.1837Truro :Wm. R- ChaAdler ...... ,26 July 183621 July 1851 Arichat, ·C. E. Chas. F. Harrington .... ' I Nov. 18361H Octl'. 1837i Ditto Wm C. Whidden ••.••• 1 Nov .. 1836 31 Octr. 1837 Shelburne ',David Matheson ...... I Nov, 1836 31 Oct I' , 1837,Pictou Peter Lynch, ••••• - •••• 1 Nov. 1836 31 Octr. 1837 Halifax 'Gustavus Haliburton.... 1. Nov. 1836 1 Nov. 1836. Shelburne , Henry P. Hill ...... 18 Jany. 1837116 Jany. 1838 Antt.·goni.h Samuel Gray •••••••••• 18.Tany. 1837 16 Jany. 1838 Halifax 'James Fogo •••••••••• 2 May 1837 1 May 1838 Pictou Fredk. ''IT. Grantham.·.. 2 May 1837 1 May 1838\Yarmouth Daniel. Dickson ••••• , •• 25 July 1837 24 July 1838 Pictou James McKeagney .... 310ctr. 183730 Oct. 1838 S),dney, C. B. 'Adams G. Archibald •••• 16 Jan. 18:~7 Hi .Iany. 1839 Truro ,James J. Ritchie ...... 16 Jan. 183816 Jany. 18381Annapolis ' tHenry C. D, Twining "11 May 1838 30 April l839,Halifax ;Eciward A. Pyke ...... 24 July 183.8123 July 1839,Cornwallis 'Geo. A. Blan,chard .' ... 30 Oct. 1838 29 Oct. 1839,Halifax. S. Leonard Shannon •••• 116 Jan. 1839'116 JRll. 1839, Ditto Ijames 0, Fraeer ...... • 30 April 183!) fj May 1840,Wilidsor : Ja~. ,Robt. Prescott ., "130 Arril1839\30 April 1839,Col'~wallis 'Wilham Howe •••• •••• 23 July 183923 July 1839jHahfax , Charle~ Morse ...... 29 Odr. 1839 3 N. oV. 1840 Liverpool, I !.John C Wade ...... • "128 July 1840 4 July 1841 Digby .Gilbert Seely ...... 3 Nov, 184030 Nov. IS'lI\LiverpoOl' ,.' t.'W!lI!am A He.llf.y ...... \3 N<>v. 1840 30 No~. 1.841 A~tigonishi !Wllham H_, T~op •••••• 19 Jan~, 1841 19 Aprtl Hl42 Brldgetown 1,1 "James ,MurraYdr...... 27 April 1841,26 July 1842 1Yarmouth, ~ -----0 --- - ._-- .-~-~~-.-. - ----.-,.------··-....-----·4 .,..

i4b_-'--______B_E_LCHER'S.!A~M ER7~----- ______~8_5_~., ',Tho,. Wm. Hunt •••••• 124 J,dy IS·!! 2&JLd,y. 1842,IIaJ1fax IJ oseph Whidden • 0 •••• 24 July 1841 26 July J 842 Dllto 'Hiram Blanchard ••••• ·30 Nov. 1841 jS Apr~l 11::42 1Port Hood James C. Cogswe!'l • '0' 19 April 1842 !D April 184~1~lahfax 'A. li'. Halibu-rton •••••• 19 April 1842 JB AprI.1 184"ttiydney, C. n. 'Peter S. Arehib.}d .. ,. 19 Apriil 1842118 Apnl Itl43 Halifax. ,R,obt~McCu.uey •••••••• 19 AprH 184218 Apnl ]~43 ,~mherst 'John D. McNutt .••• ·•· 29 AprH 1842 . 7 May 1:;44 lruro, :Timothy D Ruggles •••• JlS.APTH 1843 7 May 1844 Bridge~o"'}l ,Thomas \V • Harris •••••• 25 July 1843 7 May 1844 Kentvdle i,Alex.McFarlane •••••. 5 Dec. IS43 3 Dec. 1844 Amherst , !Edwin J. Monk •• •••• •• /5 Dec. 1M3 3 Dee. ]844 Halifax· . 'Alex. James, •••••••••• 7 May 1844 6 May 1845 Ditto , ,Charles JasStew~·rt •.' ': 7 May 1844 6 May 184~ Am},e,,! 'Edw PafFY Nulling' ••. 7 May 1844 6 May lH" Hallfax '~PhilipC. Hill·· ········17May 18H 1 7 lIfay 1844j D.illO' IJa~es Hall T. horne······ 28 Juny 184,i,23 July. IS44;13n.dgetowll !Wllliam R. Cutler •••••• 23 July 184422 July 1845\Anchat John McKinlay •••••• "l23 July 1844'!122 July 1 e45 Pietotr ·'C?nstantine J.as. 'Doyle •• 29 Apri.ll '145(22 Apri.1 1846 Guy~bor?' ,Slmeon C. Insh ,l. •••••••• 29 A Pnl1845\22 Apnl JB46 .(intlgofllsh R: IWm. Hy. Buckerfield· '122 JUly 1845. ;... •••••. Amherst '~ 'Abram S. Harris •••.•• 2 Dec. 1845 1 Dec. 1846 LUnenburg i~ iAllan Fraser •.••.••••• 2 Dec. 184;'); 1 Dec. 1846 'Peter H. LeNoir Pictal! :.t,,',., •••• "122 .(ipri1184620 April 1847iHalifax , 'Alex C. MacQonald •••. 28 July 184626 July 18471PietoIJ. 'Amos. B. Chand!er •• 1 "128 July 18461]6 Nov. 1847/Amherst Franc," S. BeamlSh •• , ,28 Jury 1846'2,0 July 1847;HaBifax + ,William P. Moffat ····'f28 July 1846161 Nov. 18471Aml,erot 1.' 'James ''Y. Johnston, jr. •• '28 July 184628 .TlIly 18461Halifax 'Richard San.dS,j.'\., •• ".: 2(1 April 1847i20 ,Norman F. April 1847 Graaville ' !.'l.'.'. Unlaclie.·••• /26 July 18n,24 July 1848 Halifax ' James Thomson •••• ••• '.26 July 1:'<47'24 JUly 12~S Ditt0', ,I , 'James McLeod •• ••••• '!26 July l847125 Jllly 1848jSyd1ley. C. B,' Edw Cutler. CowHng •••• ,29 Nov. 1847 4 Deer. 1848 Anl!"l'olio '1 ! floward D. Steele .••.•• 29 Nov. 1847 4 Deer. lS'J8'HaIifaxI ,f IDaniel J. Janvrin ••••• , 29 Nov. ]8-171. 4 Deer. 18481Ariehat 'f (fhomas H. Fuller •••••. 29 Nov. ·1847 4 Decr. 18481 Ditto lWiIliam Hackett •••••• 29 Nov, 1847i29 Nov. 1847 HaJi;fax: !! iSamuel Cunard West •• 24 April ,1848' 16 April 1849 Ditio tI. enry Wm ~mitll •• , "'1.24 JUly 1~48123 July 18491 'Dilt" .Tames A. ". heeloek •••• 24 July I b48 .••••• , ••••. Bridg-eto.wn. :Wm. ~W.ll.. lJng. , .•••••••• ~ Dec.r. 1848. 3 Decr. 1849!Halifax iThomasP.Ryan •• ······Ilti Apr~1 184915 Aprillf:50 Di1t0 ,''Vm. A. Johnsfon ••.••• \]6 AprIl 1849 16AprillS4~ Ditto IsaacJ. V'1. ylde .: •••••• 23 July 184922 July li"50IG uyshoro' :\Vm. Henry BlanclJard.. 3 Dec. 1849 2 Dec. 1850 'Yind'or IMatthew H.,Ri~~ey • •• Edw ~ 3 Dec. 1849 2 Dec. 1850!Halifax i . B. ~utll~rland ····115 April 1850'28 April1851lSydney, C.R: ,\Vm Seaman ••••..••• "\15 April 1850 28 April·IS51 Amher.t .. rMath.e~ B. Desbdsay • '" 1 May 1850121 A pl'i.llto51/Halifaxl I~~~_~~~~ .,:.~:_I~!~~~~I?J~~5_~~~~!~~~ _ j~ ".....,.j ~~~~~~.~~~::~.~~~t.-.---_ZLI~~~_~~ __ =__="'!'!j I ____ ._. __.... ~_ _ ___4_11 ,iJames McDonald .••••• \ 2 Dec. 18501 •••••••• "IPiCIOU , ,D~niel McDonald •••••• 21 April 1~51 •••••••• :. Anti.gonish I' .IRlchard B. O'Flaherty •• 21 AprillR51 21 April 1851 H.llifax ' , 'John Skerry ••••.••.•. 121 Apri11851,21 Aprilli:i51 Ditto I ._. ~--- - .~ .. -. ---~------~.------.--..-----_ ---~~ ___ I " i NOVA SCOTIA BARRISnmS' SOCIETY.

, P ATRo~~-The Chancellor and t he Chief J ustic~. Hono7"a7"yl iMemb.ers,. The, J:ldg~5 of. the Supreille Court. Committep., Jllt>.i !'N. RItchIe (ChaIrman). Henry Pryor and Jos. Vlhidden, Esqts." :Sec'y, Will. Howe, Esq. 1'reasmer, S. L. Shannon, Esq.: iLibrarian, Jas. Tholllson, Esq. ' I .,T'}·,',''''

COURT Oli' CHANCERY. , i I Held before the Hon. the Mnster 0(" thl! Rolls, every Tuesday' 'throughout. the year, except during va("ation. I , ChancellOl', the Lieutenant Go\'ernor ot' Nov:;, Scolia. i , . .Maste)· of the Rolls un,l Responsible Jl!I1.!!,e in Chane'er.v, thei iRon. Alexander Stewart. .ittornel/ General, Hon. J as B. U niacke.i ~~SUlicitor Gene7"rti, Hon. A lex. ~,I[e Dougall. Queen's Counsel,'! 'ii.ewis .I1I. Wilkin,;. Jno Cr~ighton, Samuel p. F"irballks,i\ '.:Wm. Young, anu Lawrence O'C: Doyle" Esqrs. Registrar, and EXlI1nilller, Nat. W. While, Esq . .f)ssi Reg'r and Exam'i1!er,i . JIIO !'IleGreg"or, Esq. Comm'l' oj Escheats and FOifeitul'es, Jas' 1, \V: !-T lit! ing, I':sq, :' : l'Vrasters ilL C/wneen!, Jas W', Nutting, BeHmi~h Murdoch,'Cllasi Twilling anu Hugh lJ art.sllOrne, E'ljr~. Serjeant lit Arms, .J no ~ Jas. Sawyer, Esq. O.fficer.~ j;,r .s'el"vi1~,g P1·vcess. The tsheriffs ~ tiJrolli!illlut the Pro"ince. Bank of Chan,'av iJeposits, The Bank) uf Briti"h Nnrth America. ./1ecolt"ntant General,-- ---, il 8 Jlfllsters Extraord:inm·1j,-CoLCHESTEf'., Jonatbnll l\1arsters.!~ ':,\dalll:l G. Archibald, an'd Hon.. AlexCamprelI ; PICTOV, Tho/ 'DiCkson, Hel1l'Y Bla.fk._.adRI' and, Jas C.. 'arm,il'hae.l; SYD. 'NEY, Jno'~~'..' (f. Hill and Hon: Alex McDougall; GUYSBOrtO(1GH, S. Campo! . 'bell and Hu)';h McDonald; CAPE llr.F.'l'O:<. Chas E. Leonard ;" 'RICHMOND, Chas F, !;h'ITington an(l 1'llOs H. Fuller; 18vEI'.NE3s,t Jno D. Tremain a'nd H'y Taylor; CUMBEI:r.L'ID, RobtB. Dickey, !Jno D Kinnear am! Amqs B Chandler; KI:-;~7S, J. C. Hall; C,W, H-;' 'Harris. and, Jas Robt Prescott; HANTS, 'Lewis M, \oVilkins,i ,Hurry King; and Benj, Smith; A~N.HOLIS, Silas L, Morse and: Major ChipmHn; DIGBY, Jas A Dennison and Anselm D01lcette ;, YARMOUTH, H'y A. Grantham and Thos V, Bingay; SIIELBURl'n;,: Cornel ills \lVhite and Wm. Sargent; LIVERPOOL, Snow p, Free-i ;Illan; LUNE~]IURG, Jno Creighton and G. 'r. Sololllon, Esqrs.l , iUsher and Jllessenge7", Mr. I I 1 .....;;.. __ ._- . -_. - --"·ffl·tti;lrbn-e;~;'k=--~If,,::,.~~~,,:~~~"::;";;---:'-rl"'#ietre-;:v±%. ..&£C& ______BELCHER'S FARMER'S 1852.1 ,1--' I SUPREME COURT OF JUDJCA TURE. I Chief !u.stice, the llan. ~I'enlon Hallibul'ton~ Ass.istant Judges'i IHOll. \Yllham Blowers Bhs~, Han. Thomas C Haliburton, Han.; lEdrnuud Murray.Dodd, and Han . . William FI:e?erick DesBarres.! ;.rlllome.l/ General, Hall. Jas B. UOIacl

II------de;;.;;;;;;.___=_ i~-.,·- ":';--.~-~~:::;:"'.;;;:7-""~M,~~.,.~.~~~:t.':~.' ------1------,i1852. ALMANA,CK. ------~-- 431 I Colleges, Acadennies, Clergy, &c. I . !Provincial Sttperinlendant oj EdHcation, Jno W. Dawson, Esq.

KING'S COLLEGE WINDSOR. I Patroll, HIS Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. ' Visitor, The Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. I, ,Gu'vernors-The Lieutenant Governor of Nova-Scotia; The iLor<1 Bishop of Nova Scotia; The Chief Justice; The Judge of )he Viee Admil'nlty Court; The Speaker of the House of As.! isetnbly; The Secretary of the Province; The Attorney General ;'. ,The Solicitor General; The President of t he College; Hon.1 IJas B. Uniacke, Lewis M. Wilkins, Esq., and Hon. Wm. BI ,Bliss. , I ',President, and Professor of Divinit}/ and Ilebretv, Rev. Geo.! IMcCawley, D. D.; Vice Presine'1;!t and Professor of Mathematics.! Watltral Philosophy Ilnd ./lstronolll.lj, Rev. J. B. Smith, A. M.;! :,prof essol' of ltlodem L(/nguag~s, [i'ec\erico MantO\',ani. D. C, 1..;' iSecretary and 1'reasurel', J. C. Halliburton, Esq.; Principalofl .the (Jollegiate ./lcadem.y, Rev. Jno, G. Mulholland, A. M. , i TF. RM R.-Michaelmas Term cummetlCeS lsI. Septr. and enuRI I,on the 15th Deer.; Hilary 'j'prm commences 15th Jan. and ends ;pn the SatnrdHY preceding Palm Runday ; l'Jaster 'Term COIU- illlellces on the Monday after Easter J\Iontiay, and ends Saturday, .sen'nip;ht befor~ Whit Sunday; Trinity Term COllllllences on the' jmol'row ofTl'Illtty Sanday, and ends on the 1st July. ,l ! ASSOCIA'm ALUMNI OF KING'S COLLEGE, WINDSOR. I I PATRON-Sir John Harvey. K. C. B. & K. C. H. I !f1"esident, Hon. H. H. Cog""veJl, L.L.D. Vice President, A. M.I . Un.iacke, Esq. Treasv,rer Hon. M. B. Almon. See'y, P. C. Hill,! . 'Esq. Executive Co~mittel'., Hon. Jas. E. Uniacke, Major Myers,i RElv. J. T. Jones, i\1. A. Wm J. Almon, 1<1. D., Henry Pryor, S. Leonard Shannon, P. C. Hill, Esqrs. I I WILLIAM COGSWELL SCHOLARSHIP. . ! Trustees, Rev, J. T. Twining, D. D. (Chairman). Hon. H. H.i Cogswell, Rev. It. F. Uniacl" Robt Boak and Jas D. Murison, l~sqrs, : i Trea/turer, Jas Forman, ~r., ERq. Chai'l'11talt,·Andw McKinlay,' ,Esq. Secretary, J;iS H. Llud'ell, Esq. ! I~----;--.----.. .- =-=:- . . - - ..--.,...... --. ------_. r_\ (j~': ~~.:9~ai&'!13i:i~,="~--=----_~~ _=~-==_ ____ »WLli u::cuu- 1,1852. ALMANACK.' ------d.:; ;: H-;~~~ ;;;~-S;ON CO~I~IT~r;:-~ev ~:F~~~:~~~;.Re:p~~fess·J i:King,Rev M. Wilson, Rev M. Stewart, Rev Afex Sutherland I ,:Rev J. Mllnro, Re,- A. Romans-Hnd Messrs J. S. Newcomh;· iThos Burns and Geo McLeod, Elders. Rev A. Forrester,' :, Convener. i GORHAJ'.l COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL. ,I Council fit the College, Rev F. Tomkins. Rev J. C. Geikie,: . !Rev Chas McKay, Rev W. H. Heudebourck, Rev Geo Stidiri/i,' iRe,' Jas Porter, Hev Joseph Peart,-Messrs. Freman Tupper,! '(Treasurer), J. 'vV. Hutchinson, (Sec'y), Geo McLeod, Geo Pay-' .:7.ant, Stephen Tupper, Edw Sluith, W. H. Freeman, H. Flee.' ~mail, N. Tupper, David Dunlop and Jas Collin~. i ~I Pres~dent, and Professor of the. G1'edf an~ Rom?n Lallgu~ges' and LIterature, and of Maihemaftcs, Hev fi redenek TOlllluris, . 1M .A., Professor (1' Mmtal and Aloral Science, Logic, Po/iticnl ij iEconomy find Political Philosophy, and I-Iead Master, Rev J. C.' :9. eikie. Junio)' School,. Second Master, Mr .. J. ~V. Hutchinson. !Sleward, and Second jVlaster, Mr. Jas W. Hutchinson. Beadle,i I!Mr. Whitman Crawley. i I Two Terms-the first commencing 27th August and endingi iJ)ecern?er 15; the second commendng January 14 and ending' ,'June 16. ' I ST. MARY'S COLLEGE, HALIFAX. ,I Trustees, Rt Rev William Walsh, D.D., Bishop of Halifax;' !Rt Rev D,D., Bishop of Arichat. Hon Michael ITobin, Hon. Edw Kenny, Law O'C. Doyle and Peter Furlong, ,Esflrs. ' : i rresident, Very Rey T. L. Connolly, V. G. Jlssi~tants, Rev. I I ;Thos Hanigan, ,and Messrs Ro.les andP. Farrell. '[ WESLEYAN ACADEMY, SACKVILLE, N. B. Committee of Manage;".ent, 'The Rev' Messrs Knight, E,~ans,: iTemple, J.VJ..cLeod, and Chas F. Allison, ~sq. Chaplain, . Re.v AI-! Ibert Desbnsny. Treas.urcr: ChaR ~_ AllIson, Esq. .Prwctpall!{, Prof~s.sor. oj Mer:ttalPhtlO. sop~y,Ethtcs,,8r~., Rev H. P1s.kar,d, A;l\I'! Classica,ll!{ French Tutor, Mr Jc;>seph R. He.a, A.M. Mathematics I and Physical Science, Mr Tho,s Pickard, jr., A.M. Enf!lish Master, iMr Thos, W. Woods. .~ss~stant Teacher, l\.fr. Jno T. O\1thouse.: Steward, Mr Thompson Tru.eman. I TERMS-The Academical Year consists of two terms: the first: Iof 24 w. eeks from the. 1st 'I'hursday in .January ;-the secondo~1 11~ weeks from the 1st Thursday in August. . ·· , PICTOU. i I BOARD OF TausTKEs.-Alex P. Ross (Chairman), Henry; iBlackadar (Vice Chairman), Jas Crichton (Treas1trer,J Wm J!lS' Anderson (Sec'y), J. D. B .. Fraser, reter Crerar, Hugh H. Ross,! IAlex :Frase!', M.R., Jas Fraser, A. D. Gordon; Jas Dawson, Peter. IRoss, Esqrs. . . I . - , ---::;,.. -!-G ------~1':r.CHER'S F~ 1\l'.t;~,;------i85il i , 'l'EACHf!:aS.-Firsl D-~pl;;;~·Mr Wm Jack; ~1!d Deptm.,MrYV.I; ,G. T. Jarvis; 3"d Deptm, ~!r W. R. M~)lh~II~~d. Tf:/l~s:-:--,Flr3tl' iTerm COlllmences on the 1st Monday In Jan y, and ends 011 the; If1i-st. Wednesday of July. Second Term comllle~ces lst~onday, , in Augt., and end's at the commencement of the Chnstmas,:' :Holidays. "I i HALIFAX GRAMMAR SCHOOL. , , ,i TRIJsTEF.s.-The Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, the Han;. t~le'l 'Chief Justice. the Han Judge Bliss, and Ven Archdeacon VI Illls,1 : j'D. [I. Principal, Re\' E. Gilpin, jr., A.M. \1 ! NATIONAL SCHOOL, HALIFAX. ~: TRIJsn:Es.-'rhe Lord Bishopof Nova Scotia, the Chief Jus-I hice Rev Robt Willis, I>.D.,& !J.C.L., and the Churchwardens of! ' 'St. Paul'" Church. Principal, l\lr JIlO \ViIlis. Superintendent: !Female Department, lHrs. Maxwell. \ I ROYAL ACADIAN SCHOOL, HALIFAX. : ! Patrrl1l, The Lieutenant Governor. President, Hon H. H.!I :Cogswell. Treasurer, Ediv Binney, Esq. Sec/'etary, J as C. IHume, Esq., M. D. Committee, Han Enos Collins, Han H. H·i .Cngswell, Hon Sir R. D. George, Bt. C.B., Han AleX'Stewart,1 IHun HuO"h Bell, Han Jas W. Johnsto'n, Hon .M. B. Almon, Han.! ' Alex Keith, Rev .1 no Scott, Hev Jno Martin,-Wm Young, Jno! ,S. Morris. Geo N. Russell, Jas W. Nutt.ing, Robt Hume, M.D.,I :Chas Twining, M. G. Black, James C. Hume, M. D" and HenrYI I,Pl'yor, Esqr~. Superintendent, Mr Stephen Selden. Superinten-\ 'dent Female Department, Miss Beamish. ' CLERGY 01<' THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH IN NOVA SCOTIA.! i The Right Rev Hibbp,rt Binney, D. D., Lord Bishop of Noval [Scotia, exercising EPiscopal. Jurisdiction over N O\'a Scotia and ,prince Ed ward Island. , I Ven. Hobert. Wilii~, D. D,. & D. C. L., Archdeacon of Nova! 'Scotia arid Prince Edward Island. I i' Halifax, Ven. Robert Wiiiis, D. D. & D. C. L., Rector; arid Revj !Wm Bullock and Rev Edmund Maturin, A. B., CUl'atesolSt.j IPaul's Church. Rev Robt F. Uniacke, A. M., Rector; and .Rev: iGeo W.Hill, A. B., Cilrate of St. George's Church. Rev Jno~ :Th.oS !wining;, D. ~, Garrison Chaplain., Rev E Gilpln, ji'; A. 11'1,: PrlIl.Clpal Hahfax Grarhmar Se,hool. Eastern Shore, Rev Robt! \,Jamieson. Dartmouth, Rev Geo E W Morris, A. M.,Rector;! . ,and Rev Jas D Stewart, A.M., CUFate. Sackvitle, Rev Thos! ;lVI'aynard, A. Il. St Margaret's Bay" Rev Ino Stannage. Windsor I Rev. Geo McCawley, D. Ii" Prest, and Rev J. B. Smith A 1Ix' IVice ~rest. of King's College ; Rev J G Mulholland, ~.' M.: 'ICwO\leC~laKt~ Aca,demy.; !lev Alfr,ed Gilpin, ,4' M, Rector; lind Rev m. . mg, A. M, (retlfe.d). Falmouth, Rev Geo McCawley, D.D, '(OffiCla t,Ul g). Newp, ort"Rev R J Uniacke, A • .8,' Rector; and Re,: Wm Stew~rt, Curate. Rawdon" Rev Wm Taylorl"A. B. DigbY'1 1!Rev ArchIbald Gray, A.B, Annapolis, Rev Edwin Gilpin, A. M., .-~~~...~.' ~"":"""""~~~~""'..."'.?-=-\3l'I; .. j=-=::.-x:e~ __~_'f~ __~_""' .. 11852. ALr.IANACK. 47 iRector; -;~l Re-;Jas Ha;·ll~tt~~. n, Curate.CI-;;nent8~-R;;-Wm[ 1M. Godfrey,'A:.B. Bridgetown, Rev Jas Robertson; A.~I., Rector; :and Rev Rich Stamer, Curate. Bmnville, Rev J lVl Campbell, !A. ~T. Weymonth, Rev.W H Snyder, A· B. .I1ylesfol'd, Hev H L' ,Owen, A.M,' COJ'7livalhs and Horlon, Rev Jno Storrs, A.E. YaT':' ,mouth, Rev Jno T. T. Moody, A. M., Rector j and RAv H"nry' ,Spike, Curate .. Shelburne, H.e\' Thos H. White, A.B. Liverpool,: 'Rev Edw B. NIchols, A. M., Rector; and Rev J. Forsyth, Curate. iLullwburg, Rev Jas C. COl)hran, .'"lVI. New Dublin, Rev J. W.! .[ \Veeks, A.B., Rector; and Rev vV. Brine, A.B •• Asst. Jl1ahone' 'Ba.lf, Rev Philip Filleul, A.B. Chester, Hev J as Shreve, D.D.,r Rector; and Rev J. Shaw Smith, A.B., Curate. Pa'rrsbo'l'o', Revi' .,WID B. King, A.M. .I1mherst, Rev Geo Townshend, A.M. Pug-, ,wash, Rev Rich Avery. Trw'o, Rev 'rhos C. Leaver, A.M.,! 'Rector; Rev .lno Dixon, ClII'ate. Pictou, Hev Chas Elliot, A.B' I 'Gu.ysboro', Rev Chas J. Shrel'e, A.B. ,jJnti{!onish. Rev Al'thur ,IW. Milledge, .'I.B. Mancltestel', Rev Wrn 'rhos Morris, A. E': S.'Idney, C. B.. Rev Chas Ingles, A. B. .I1richat, C. B., Rev J as A.: Shaw. Sydney Mines, Rev l{obt Arnold, A.B. ---, Rev' LelVis IV!. W. Hill, A.B. I i Travelling Missionm·ies.-Cape Breton, Rev W. Y. Porter. Nova Scotia, Rev Jas Breading, Eastern Shore. i ~ NOVA SCOTIA DLOCESAN CHURCH SOCIETY. I . PATRONS, His Excellency Sir John Harvey, K.C.B. & K.C.H.: ,The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Pllrts j' and the Soci,ety for Promoting Christian KnolVledge. President, ,the Rt.Rev the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. Vice Presidents,1 . the Ven. Archdeacon Willis, D.D. & D.C.L., Han. Chief Justicel ,Halliburton, Hon C. R. Prescott, Hon H. H. C(1/2:8well, David: :Hal'e, Joh.fi .Spry Morris, and Hon;W. B. Bliss, Esqrs. Sec'y'l Rev. E GllplIl, Jr. A. M. Asst Sec y, HenryPryol', Esq. A. M., :Trea8urer, LalV. Hartshorne, Esq. General Co,mmittee, All' 'Clergymen, of the Established Church, and the Churchwardensl ;of St. Paul's and St. Ge.orge's Churches, Halifax-J oseph Starr, HenrY,Ince, Beamish Murdoch, Jas G. A. Creighton, C. H'l IBelcher, Han M B Almon, Alex G Fraser, 'rhos B Akins, Wm.I r Silv~r,Jas C Cogswell, 'rhos 1:-. ~ro\Vn, W J A;lmon, nT,o'JI r C. HIli, Peter Lynch, Wm GOSSIp,. Jr., W. H. RobInson, p.e.G. ·W. H. Marvin, Sam I P Fairbanks, Jno W. Ritchie, Jag W.I Merkel.B. Willis (L.t Col. R.A.),J B Gilpin, M.D., Jas R Dewolf'l IM.D., Edgar Dodson, l? Nicholson,R.E., Nepe.an Clarke, and D.: :Ga.JIag-her, Esqrs. Life Members, by a donatIOn of £10 at onel time, Hon Enos Collin~, Han C. R. Prescott, Rev Dr. ROlVland'j 'David Hare, Esq., H. G. Fllri8h, Esq., Lt Col Jackson, R.A., Dr. IJ. C. Farisl), Mr W. Johnston and Lleol E. K. S. Butler. COLONIAL CHURCH SOCIETY. I Pat'ron, His E·xceJlency Si,rJohn Harvey, K.C.B. & K.C.H. CORRESPONDING COMIIUTTEJ::.-Rev R. F. Uniacke (Chair­ ,man), Hon M. B. Almon, N. 'r. Hill~ Wm Pryor, jr.,. Jas G .. .A'. .. --" - --. ' 48 BELCHI':R'S FARMER'S 1862.: I .-.------.------.. ----.-.-----, Creio-hlon, Jno W. Rilehie, P. C. Hill, Henry Incc (Secretary),: 'nnd 1'hos A. Brown (Ass! Sec'y), Esqrs: "HAI.IFAX A~socIA­ 'TlO;'! IN AID OF THE COI.ONIAL CHURCH SOCIETy."-,-Prest.;; iHon H. H. Cog-swell 1 .. J •. D. Vice p,.ests .• Hon M. RAlmon,' land S. P. Fairoanks, Esq. 7hnSU1'er, Edw Binney, Bsq. See'y.: ;Wm Howe, Esq. Committee, Will I~. I{obinsoll. Dep .. Cam Genl,: 'Jas G. A. Creighton, Han Jas B. Ulliade, 1. M. Uma'cke, Wm: Pryor. jr., .las W. Merkel, Alex G. FraRer., E.:r:. Stewart, N. T. Hill Thos B. Akins, Thos A. Brown, P. C. Hili, Peler Lynch, :Hen'ry Ince, Jno W. Ritchie, JrlO C. Silver, Wm J. Almon, M.D.,. IWm C. Silver, Jas C. Cogswell, Wm A. McAgy, J. Withrow,' ,Wm Dunbar, Jas W Fenerty, Law EVan Bllskirk, Wm H TaPJl,~' 18. A. White, J. C. W. Wilkie and Arthur Woodgate, Esqrs.;, . and all Clergymen of the Church of England who are members, lor the Association. Life Member hy Donat.ion of £10 lind lupwards, at und since the formation of the Association, Han' ':H. H. Cngswell, ]•. L.D. '. ! I CLERGY OF THE ROl\IA'i CATHOLIC CHURCH I~ NOVA: !, SCOTIA. i Rigbt llev. .. . Bishop ?f Arich.at: , I Ri)!:ht Rev \VIlliam Walsh, D. D., BIshop of Hahfax, resld!llg' . at HalifQ.x. . ~! DIOCESE OF HAI.'FAx.-Halifax, St. Mary's Catheur31, Veryi ~:Rev Thos L. COllolly, Vical' General. Rev. Michael I-launan,' !'and Rev. Patrick Power. Dartmouth, Rev. Patrick Phelan.i .'Jl1inttdie, Rev P. L. l\Iadden. St. Croix, Rev Jas Rogers. 81. '.'dar.v's, Rev. Denllis Geary, .lV!etfghan, Rev. Wrn. McLeod': i Yarmouth, Rev J no N ug-ent. Eel B)'ook and Pubnico, Rev J no! iGourlot. Liverpool, Rev Thos W 8!sh. Prospect and Herring :Cove, lie" Jas Kennedy and Rev Alex McIsaac. Windsor, Rev.: p'hos. Hayes. Lunenburg, Rev David O'Connor. Che::clcook,' Rev Jno Carmody. Bermuda., Rev Thos Lyons. , I ·DIOCESE OF A RICHAT,-Sydney, C. B., Very·Rev Jno Lll.ugh-i ;Ian, Vicar General. !--ouisbul'g,Rev. Hich'

,! PRESBYTERY OF PICTOU. JllcLellan's Mountain, Rev. Alex. ,McGillivray. Pictou, Rev A. W. Herdman; A.M. Catechists, :'IMessrs Jno McLeod, Alex Ross and Alex Urquhart. PRESBYTERY O.F PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND.--Charlotte Town, ,Rev Robt McNall', A. M. ' I PRESRYTF.RY O~' CAPE BRETON.-Rit'er Inhabitants, Mr. Alex :Mc Lauchlan, Catechist. I 'l L,H ASSOCIATION IN SUPPORT OF THF. CHURCH OF SCOT­ :LAND.-Prest., Hon Alex Keith. Vice Prests., Robt. Hume, ,M. n., and Robt Noble, Esqrs: Treasul'cr aud Corresponding ,Sec'y, Archibald Scott, Esq. See'y, Mr. Alex F. Etter. Corn· mittee, Thos. Clouslin, 'iVm Merrick, Jno Doul, G. P. Mitchell iG. E. Morton, A. McLeod and J. Taylor, Esqrs. ! i SYNOD OF THE FREE CHURCH OF NOVA SCOTIA. ,[ Moderator, Rev Murdoch Stewart. Clerk, Rev Wm Duff, , PRF.SBY·I'F.RY OF HALIFAx.-Halifax, Rev Professor King and Rev Professor Lyall, Rev Alex Romans and Rev Alex For-I Irester. Cornwallis, Rev Geo. Struthers. Bermuda, Rev Jas, iAdam. Lunenburg, Rev Wm. Duff. St. Johns, N. F. L., Rev'l IA. S. Muir. Catechist, Mr. Alex Gow. I PRESBYTERY OF PICTou.-.iV'ew Glasgow, Rev Jno Stewart'l (parltown, Rev Alex Sutherland. St, Mary's and Locha,b.el·, Rev., ,;Alex Campbe!l~ Wallace, Rev Jno.Munro. Barney's Rwer an~1 :BIlle Mountaws, Rev D. B. BlaIr. P. E. Island, Rev Nell, Bethune. Brown's Creek, Rev Alex M, un,ro. Missionary, Rev. Ros& ' . PRESBYTERY OF CAPE-BRETON.-,Middle River, Rev Alex IIFarquharson. Boularderie Island, Rev Jas Frazer. Broad COI,e iand Margaree, Rev ,Tnl) Gunn. Sydney Mines, Rev Matthew [Wilson. St. George's Channel, Rev Murdoch Stewart. Sydney, rMira and Catalone, Rev Hugh McLeod. Missional'y, Rev. Wm. ,Gordon. . , , I The Sy,,!od meets thIS year, atNew Glasgow, on, the last IThursd'ay 111 June. I HOME MISSION COMMITTEE.-Rev.Professor King, Messrs. jForrester, Wilson. Murdoch, Stewart, :;;utherland and Munro, Ministers; and Messrs. J. S. Newcomb, (Cornwallis), and Thos.I 'IBurn, (Lunenburg), !Elders. Rev. A. l!'orrester,cConvener. I , SYNOD FUND COMMI1'TEE.~Rev. Professor King, Messrs.I , Duff. Romans, Blair, Munro and Gunn, Ministers; and Messrs.' P. McNab (Dartmouth), and Angus McKay, (Ba~ney'sRi\'er), Elders. Rev. Wm. Duff, Convener.' ' ST. JOHN'S CHURCH YOUNG MEN's RELIGIOl:TS ASSOCIA'I'ION. -rrest., Rev. Alex. Forrestel·. Vice Prest., Mr. Geo. McLeod. Treasurer, Mr. Jas. Gordon. Sec'y, Mr. Geo. Sutherland. Cor­ .tespondingSec'y, Mr. James Barnes.' Librarian, Mr. J. A. Ross. ,Committee, Messrs. Robt. fioak, Wm. Campbell, and Wm. : Murray. ',. D ~~~ __s:*?~-'Ii!. ~~ _____ ~a:?_~ 150 BELCHER'S FARMER'S 1852. -~--~~-~--- I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NOVA SCOTIA. I Professor ojS.lf8tem~tic and Pastoral ThtolofY~ Re'\". Jno Keir.:, Prc;jessol' of Biblical Literature, Rev. J.a~ SmIth. ! Professor oj Logic, Moral' 8f Natuml Plnlosophy, Rev 'J a~ Ross.: .Moderator, Rev Jas Watson. Synod Clerk, Rev P.G, McGregor" I PRESBYTERY OF TRURo.-Lower Londonderry, Rev.--~-:" 1---Uppe1' LondonJerry, Rev Ebenezer Ross. T"uro, Rev.' IWm l\:lcC;ulloch. Onslow, ala" Bams antl1Jrookfield, Rev. John, ,J. Baxter. Maitland and Noel, Rev. Thos S. Crowe. Economy,' :,Rev. Jas Watson. Slewiacke, Rev: Jas Smith. Presbytery Clerk" iRev. E. Ross. " I PRESBYTERY OF HALIFAx.-Windsor and Newport, Rev. J110' 1.. Murdoch, A. M. Halifax, Rev. Peter G. McGregor. Nine; 1Mile River, Kenneteook and Gore, Rev. J no Cameron. Shelburne,! IClyde Rivel' and Barrington, Rev. Jas Byers, Yarmouth, Rev.: ~Geo. Christie. Musquodoboit, Rev. Robt Sedge wick. Shubena-! ;~l~~~'e~~~' David Heneyman,. Presby/el'Y Clerk, Re\". ? G'i I PRESBYTERY OF PICTOu.-Upper Settlement, East River, Rev. IA. McGillil'l"ay. West Rive1', Rev. ---- Merrigomish,! IRev. A. p, Miller. Antigonish,Rev. Thos. 1'rotter. Mabou,i 'Re\". Wm Miller. Pictou Town, Rev. Jno McKinlay, A. M.' iTatamagouche, Rev. Robt Blackwood. Mil'amichi, Rev. Jno; iMcCurdy. St. :Mary's, Rev. Jno Campbell. East River, (James'j iChurch), RElv. navi~ Roy. River John, Re\". Jas Waddell.! New Glase;~w, E, RiVer, Rev Geo. Walker. Salem Church'l I Green Hill, Rev Ge, 0 Patterso, n. Presbytery Clerk, Rev D, avo ROY'I PRESBYTERY 01" P. E. I.-Princetown, Rev. Jno Keir. Covel IHead and W. St. Peter's, Rev. Jas Allen. Bedeque, Rev. 'R.S. Patt~rson, A. M. Cascumpeque, ReI'. JIlO C. Sinclair'! ~',New London and Cavendish,Rev. Isaac Murray. Presbytery' liClerk, Rev. Robt S. Patterson. ' , I ' Home Missionaries, Rev. Jno Sprott, and Messrs 'Robt Grant find ~amliel McCulley. Foreign Missionary at Jlneiteum, South i. Pacific, Rev J no. Geddie. I I BOARD OF HOME MISSIONs.-,..Rev. Jas. Smith, Rev. Wm , ,McCulloch. Rev. Geo Christie. Rev. J. L. Murdo(;h, Rev Jas.1 :Watsori, Rev. I!. G. McGregor, Rev. Jno Camerclll, Rev Jas: IAllan, Rev. R. Sedgewick and Rev E. Ross, together with the' !presbytery Elder of their respective Sessions, an~ J as McGregor;1 [ESq." New Glasgow. Secretary, Rev. Wm. McCulloch. "Trea'j Isurer, Jas McGregor, Esq.

1 BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSJQNs.-Rev. Da"id Roy, Rev Jas !Waddell, Rev. lno Lllaxter, Rev. Jafi Bayne, Rev. JilO Keir,l iRe\" G, vValker, RevJ. JenniJ;Igs, TORONTO, Rev G. Patterson'l (nd Messrs. Ebenezer McLeod Q.nd Daniel Cameron of West ,River; Alex, Fraser of New Glasgow; and Jno Yorston of Pictou.! jCorrespondmg See'y, Rev. J as Waddell, River John. 'I'he Synodl li852:--~-~~-----~~~~N~~-K-.------~

iwill hold its Meeting, this yeal' on the fourth Tuesday, of June I rat II, P. M., at the Presbyterian Church, Truro, ' I WESLEYAN ,METHODIST MISSIONARIES. I .! Halifax, Rev Ephraim Evans (Chairman of the Distrir,t and i:Genel'al Superintendant), Rev Matthew Richey,.D. p. Rev Jno ~~!McMurray, Rev Alex "V. McLeod, D. D., Rev Geo OHuestis, ~rand Rev \Vm Bennf'lt and Hev Wm .Croscombe, Supernu­ ~::merarie!'. Lunenbu.rg, Rev Roland Morton. L~verpool and MillS Village, Rev Richard Weddall. Shelbume, R€v hsArm· strong. Barrington, Rev Jeremiah V. Jost. Digby, Rev J. S. ITaylc~r, and Rev. Geo Mi1!.er, Silpernumerary. .fJ.nnapolis, Rev] 1\1. Plcides. Bndgel(Jwn, Rev Al'thul'McNutt . .!lylesfo1·d, Rev: 1Chas Churchill. Hortunand CO!'nwallis, Rev Thos H. Daviesi. and Hev Geo W. Tuttle. ff'"indsor, Rev Fredk. W. Moore andl lRev J no Marshall, Supernumerary. Newport and Maitland, Revl Henry Pope and Rev Henry Pope·, jr. ·,Truro and River John,: Rev Alex B. Black. .!lmherst and Maccan, Rev Wes·ley C. Beals'! ParrsborrJ', Rev Thos Gaetz. Wu;lll1ce, ReyRichal'd Smith.! Guysborougk, Re\,. Wm. McCarty. Sydney, C. B., Rev. Robt.l E. Crane. The Annual District. Meeting will be held this year at Halifax; commencing on the first Thursd,ay in June,

WElSLEYAN METHODIST AUXILIARY l\[I~SIONARY SOCIETY. Treastw8'T's, M. G. Black and Danl Starr, Esqrs. Secretaries, Rev J. McMurray and Jno H. Anderson, Esqr. Committee,-, A II ~he Missillnaries in the District, and the fOll?WjngGentlemeri'~1 ,Halifax, Jas N. Shannon, and G. H. Starr; Lwel'pool, Jas Barss: and Jno Campbell; Lunenburg, Wm Drew; Shelbm:ne, Alex H. Cocken; Earrington, J no Sargent, Robt Guest and Geo AUen ; Windsor, Jno Smith; Newport, Jno Allison; .M.aitl~nd, Riclial'41; Smith; Horlpn, Jas N. Crane; .Cornwallis, Nathan Tupper;; Wallace, Geo Wells and Saml Ful~on; GUYSb01'O',K J. Cunni!l.g':j ham; Sydney, C.B., Geo E. BurchIll; Amhel's,t, W. W. Bent .and ,So Read, Esqrs. MINISTERS BE tONGING TO THE ASSOCtATED BAPTIST CHURCHES IN NOVA SCOTIA. Halifax, Rev E. Crawley. D. D. Rev Jno Miller, and Rev:R. McLearn. Windsol', Rev W. 'Hall. Hantsport, Rev Benjm Vaughan. Ne.wper.t, Rev Geo Dimock, Rawdon, Hey J. Ban­ er.oft. Hammo_nds Piains, Rev S. Viditoe. . Horton, Rev 'f. s.1 Hardl,'ng, Rev JasStephens, Rev J. W.Cramp, D. D., Rev Jnal Chase, and Rev R. E. Barpe.Carnwallis, Rev Wm Chipman, Rev A. S. Hunt, Rev A. Stronach, ·Rev David I'lards and &ev T. H. Porter. {"ower .fJ.ylesjo~·d, Rev C ..Tupper. Nictaux, Rev I. E. Bill..Wilmot Ma'untain, Rev W;Rideout. Wilmot. Rev Nath. Viditoe. Clements, 'Rev Israel Potter and Rev AarQ!l Cogswell. Digby, Rev W. Cunningham. Digby Neck, 'Rev J.

,-_.. -.-.---.------.,-,-:-.~-.---.--- 152 BELCHER'S FARMER'S 1852. 'C. Morse. Brier Island, Rev Perez F. M~1fI"a~. H~~l~bl~rgh. IRev Josbua Cogswell. Bridgetown, Rev J ~VIS Rmg. SctSBtboo, 'Rev C. Randall. Yarmouth, Rev H. Hardmg-, Rev W. Burton, jRev Jas Reed and Rev H. ~aul1dcrs. New Albany, .Rev J. Parks. Liverpool, Rev R. B. DIckey. Brookfield, Rev Jas Parker. port Medway, Rev Geo Armstrong. Greenfield, Rev J~s Stub­ /bert. Ragged Islands, Hev Ebz. Stronach_ Sable Rt1Jer, Rev :T. Delong. B1'idgewater, Rev Bennet Taylor. Canso, Rey A. ·IMartell. Wallace, Rev E. Clay. Pugwash, Rev W Hobbs and. Rev M. Parker. Amherst, Hev Jno Francis. River' Philip, Hev Jno E. CoO'swell. Macan, Rev. J. Rowe. Economy, Rev L. H. Marshall. " Wallace River, Rev C. Chute. Onslow, Rev D. W. Dimock. Stewiacke, Rev J. V. Taylol" Antigonish, Rev J. Whidden. Guysborough, ReI' 'Henry, Eagles. Canso Straits, Rev H. Hull. Cape Breton,. ReI' Geo Richardson and ReI' Hugh Ross. P. E. island, Rev J. Shaw, Rev M. Ross, Rev S. T. !Rand, Rev B. Bolter and Rev Jno Scott. I The Western AS80ciation, comprising the Counties of Yar­ mouth, Digby, Shelburne, Queen's and Annapolis, meet on the !first Monday before the 20th June, at Liverpool. The Central Association, consisting of the ChurchEJs in the Counties of King's, Hants, Lunenhurg, and Halifax, meet on tbe first Monday after the 20th June, at Hantsport. The Eastern Association, composed of the Churches in the Counties of Colchester, Cumbarland, Guysboro,' Pictou, Sydney, Cape Breton, and Prince Edward Island, meet on the first Monday after 10th July, at Pug wash. Baptist Convention of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, alld Prince Edward Island, meet at Sackville, N. B. on the 3rd Saturday in September. .

BAPTIST DOMESTIC MISSIONARY BOARDS. Western Board, at Nictaux, Rev Messrs E. I. Bill, Dickie', Randall, Tupper, J. Park~r, Armstrong, Burton, Ring, Reed, Morse, Cunlllngham and Delong, and JliIessrs N; Corning, J. Saunders, S. Brown, E. Kempton, D. C. Landers, S. L. Chip­ man, P. Murray, E .. Dunn, J. Lock Hnd Thos Tupper. CEN1.'RAL BOARD AT WOLFVILLE.-Rev Messrs Hunt and . Hall, and Messrs C R Bill, Wm Johnson, A Parker, G Cogs­ well, and Dr. Johnston. C R Bill, Esq, TreaSUTp.r EASTERN BOARD A1.' ANTIGONIsH.-Rev Messrs J Whidden, JIIO ~haw, B. Scott, Hugh Ross\ H. Hull, A. Martell, J. Francis, D. DImock, M. Ross, and G. Richardson, and Messrs A Mars­ ters, H, Hunter, G. Davison, D. Page, J.Olding, C. Jost, J. L; Tr~mam,J Spencer, B Sp~ncer. J M Atchison, H Bennett, W. SmIth, Alex Conkey, C. BIgelow, P. Andrews, p~ Paint, A. l\fc­ Intosh and R. Woodlands.

BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. Rev Messrs T. S. Harding, Wm Chipman, I. E. Bill, E. D. Very, J. M. Cramp, D. D.-Professor J. L. Chipman, WmJohn- 1 ------.-~~~~~rz.------1852-. 631

Ison, L. Johnston, M. D., Asa Coy, J. R. Fitch. M. D., N. S. Demill! J W. Hart and W H Troop, Esql's. Cor. Sec'y, Rev A SHunt, Treasurer, J WBarss, Esq. ' I FREE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST MINISTERS. Falmouth, Elder 'Wm Flint. Cornwallis, Elder Jacob E.; :Norton and Saml Cox. Yarmouth, Elder Chas Knowl~s. Bar"j irillgton, Elder Albert Swim.'./Jrgyle, Elder Chas J. Oram, IPort :Medway, Elder Benjm Gaskill. Wood's Hal'bow', Elder; IHenry A Stokes. CranbelTY Head, Elder David Oram and:

iElder Calvin Cann. Digby Neck, Elder Stephen Steele. 'I' FREE· WILL BAPTIST MINISTERS. I Cape Sable Island, Elder H W Harris. Wood's Harbour an~ (Stoddart's Island, Elder J~shua Nickerson. Solid Rock, Eldel"i , :Edw Reynolds. Yarmouth, Elders Thos Brady and Jno Jenkins.j I{3ridgewater, Elder Asa Bent. Barri'l1;gton Head, Elders S Me·" IL{eown and W. W. Ashley. CONGREGATIONAL UNION OF NOVA SCOTIA AND NEW I BRUNSWICK. j PASTORS: Yarmouth, Re~ W. H. Heudebourck. Musqu,odoboit, , Hev Jos Peart. Liverpool, Rev S. S. Murkland. C01'.nwaUJ iand Falmouth, Rev J Whitman, St. John, N.B, Rev C Mackay.! 'jSheffield, Rev Jas Port.er. Grand Lake, Rev A. McAlleine. I, LAY DELElr!lTEs, Messrs Thos Hilton, Th'os Deedman, Isaacl' ,Burpee, Enoch Barker, W. B. Frost, G. B. Sullis and Jas A. lNiles. Treasur~1', Nathan Tupper, Esq., Liverp09I. Sec'y, Rev/ IW. H. Heudebourck, Yarmouth. ,I, E"ANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHuRcH.-Lunenburg, Rev'ChaS 'Cossman. • I UNiVERSALIS'!' C;HuRcH.~Halifax, Rev Alex Hichborne. i AFRICAN EPISCOPAL ME'!'HOElIS'T CHLRcH.-Halifax, Rev.,I "I AFRICAN BAPTIS'!' CHuRcH.-Halijax, Rev Richard .preston) • I NOV A SCOTIA BIBLE SOCIETY. I PA'!'RON, His Excellency Lieut. Gen. Sir John Harvey, K.C.B. Iand K. C. H. Pre8ident, Hon H. H. CogswelL Vice Presidents,' IHon Jas W. Johnston, M. G. Black, Jas W. Nutting, and Wm. IPl'yor,jr., Esqrs. Trea8UTe1', M. G. Black, Esq.. See'y, S. L . . !Shannon, E!'q. ./Jsst. Sec'y. Isaac Smith, Esq. Committee, Rev 11. T. Twining, D. D., Rev Jno Scott, Rev E. A. Crawley, D. D., lRev R. F. Uniacke, Rev Jno Ma,rtin, Rev P. G. McGregor, Rev IA W. McLeod, D.D. Re,' Wm Bullock, Rev Professor King, lie v' ',Eph Evans, Rev Geo W. Hill, Rev Professor Lyall, Rev Edm !Maturin, Rev Jno Mcl\ifu. rra.y,.Rev Fras Nicol, Rev Jno Miller'l ' iRev Alex Forrester,-Hon M. B. Almon, Hon W. ·A. Black. Hon ,Hugh. Bell, Hon Alex Keith, Henry Pryor, Jas N. Shannon. ;David Allison,Jno H. Anderson, Henr..y ., In. ce,.' 8 •...S .elden, T.' A'I j, Brown, Wm C. Silver, Geo N. Russell"T. A. S. Dewolf, Jas iii'tiUO-~';;i:i:;;miia. . ,.Ik ." •• - • i ±::::::o4iU3C!L ...... !":O"~ 154-'---~------llEL~::~-F2:'~~;~ -. ---ls5i ~

IF. AVllry, M.D, A. McKinlay, J. G.~. Creighton, Ch~s Robson, P., : ,Lynch, JasTJlomson and J W Ritchie, Esqrs, DepOStt~rl/, Curner, of :Barrington and Sackville Streets, ~)ppos.ite the Halifax (Tram-, lmar School. Life Members by donal \On of £10, and upwards"-I Hrm Chas R. Prescott, Hon H. H. Cogswell and Dr. Webster. I' NOVA SCOTIA SABBATH A~L.IANCE. il General Committee, Rev. Messrs TWInIng, D. D., Grawle.l',' D. D., Scott, Uniacke, Evans, Martin, McLeod, I?D., Smallwood~: MilJer, It'orrester, Heudebourck, McGregor, Hill a, nd Ben?ett;-"'I','; IW. H. Marvin, Alex G. Fraser, N epean Clark, Jno W. Ritchie,! J. G. A; Creighton; J. F. Avery, M. D., Dayid Allison, Geo Little,ll [Jas Thomson, M. (70 Black, Jno H. Anderson, T. A. S. Dewolf,' Geo,' H. St\lrr, C., D. Hunter, Chas Robson, Geo McLeod, Jas.. IForman, jl·., Allex Sawers, M. D., Jno Naylor, Thos "VesJeY"l David McPherson, W. H. Robinson, H. Ince, Peter Lynch,.r. J.' Sawyer, Thos Hosterman, S. L. Shannon, E. G. W. Greenwood" Rich'd McLearn. Joint Secretaries, Rev Alex Forrester and:' Rev Geo W. Hill, !. SOCIETY FOR THE EVA~GELIZATION OF THE MIC-MAC TNDIANs.-Chairman, ReI' E. Evans. Corresponding Sec'y, Rev, E. A. Crawley, D. D. Recording Sec'y, Rev P. G. McGregor.! TTeaSU1'el', George E. Morton, Esq, I ' I i I, -I County oC lJIaliKax. High Sheriff, Jebn James Sawyer, Esq. Deputy Sheriff, Mr. Terenc.e Wade. Cm'oners, Hon Wm Grigor, M. D. and Dr Wm Harrison. I Terms of the Supreme Court at Halifax:~Easter Term com­ mences on the first Tuesday of April; Trinity Term on the second, !Tuesday of July: and Michaelmas Term on the third Tuesda /' ;of~ovember.. ' y, , SIttings for the TnaJ of Causes at Halifax:--after Easter' ITel'm 011 the third Tilesday of April; after Trinity Term on the' .fourth Tue~day of July; and after Michaelmas Term on the :second Tuesday after the third Tuesday of N ovember. Protho~' 'nlJtal'y and ~lel'k of th.e Crown, Jas W Nutting, Esq. 1 t General SessIOns of the Peace held at Halifax, 'on the first ,T1le'sday ,of March, J u~e, Septem her and December. I I Connn rs fur executIng all Acts relatinU' to Insolvent Dehtors ,IVhith aJudg~ oftbe Sup. Court may, ~ut of Court, perform:' Hon Alex Keith, Andw McKinlay, Jno H Anderson, Jno Esson ~,and .rno Tempest, Esqrs. ' i 'j; JJisilces of the Peac.e to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors,' and all other Acts whzch Judges of the late InfeTior 'Court were former- . llj em?ower~d to perfo1'm out of ,Court :-Jno Liddell, G. N. Russell,1 Jas '1 remam and Andw MCKinlay, Esqrs. ' i

• :;>OWE .. "'ll!'G"m'Fi*fMwp-'''f~'''- ....asi~~&KS:\l!Ji,Ci'.'b~'I:fZ2'_~!f ... ft_=====--.__ At.WGi!4JIIIiI_ 11852. ____~_MANACK. ---==-_ 55: ! JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.-Han Hugh Bell (Custos), Geo NI 'Russell, Law Hart~horne, Adams Archi,bald-, He,r;·ry Y Mtltl, Geol B. Creighton, Henry A. Gladwin, Jas Kent, Wm. Logan, Angus: iMcInnes, Jas. Crouch,et·, Jno. Tempest, WI1J J. LydiaI'd, Alexi ~ Farq ~harson, J no. ,Leslie, Arch'd McDonald, .Peter PO,wer, J no., (; i\lartw, Chas Hamtl~on, Robert A: LOg'an,Matt. Gmld, M~\tt'l Burns, Andw. McKinlay, Jos. Jennmgs, J no H. Annerson, Andw Shiels, Thos Ring, Philip Letson, Jas.• Black, Jno. Northup, iAlex Stephens, 'rhos Potts, J no Esson, Patk. Power, Frasll iMunl'o, Law Johnson, Jno Thomas, Laughlin McQuarrie, DanL iO'Gorman, G.eo. Lester, Davi(! Annand, Jno.Burton, Thos Wal-: lace and Alex. Fraser, Esql's. ; and the Mayor and Aldermen of H'llifax for the City of H·alifax only. • I Clerk of the Peace, JasStewart Clarke, Esq .. i . I ! COURT OF PROBATE.-Judge, Han. Hugh Bell; Registrar,1 :Jl1o. Spry Morris, Esq. i i Registrar of Deeds; Thos N. Jeffery, Esq. Queen's Printer,1 ,Tno S. Thompson, Esq_ .f1gent for the General Mining .f1ssoci­ ation of London, I-IonSamuel Cunard; United State.s Con$uls,1 T: B. Li"ing-stor~e, Esq. Hulifax; and Benjm H. Norton, Esq'l :PlctOU. Prussvln Consul, Thos R. Gl'aSSle, Esq .. Portuguese' :Consul, ,Fredk. C.harm~l1, Esq. Brazillian Vice .Consul, Honl , i'll, Tobm. Spamsh Vwe Consi6l, J. G. A. CreIghton, Esq. . :Agent~ for Lloyd's, Halifax, Messrs J. &. M. Tobin; Pictou, Jasi ,Dawson; Cape Breton. Peter H Clarke!; Yarmouth, E. W. B. ~:Moody; Sub-Agent, Guysbor.o'/fgh,. E. :W. Fl'3cnchville, Esqn.1 ~i.. Agents fIn .. underwriters. Rooms~ Liverpool, G., B., Messrs J, &11 ~IM. Tobin. " i ' ; COMMISSIONERS OF SCHOOLS-City of Halijax, Ven. Arch­ deacon Willis, D. n" Very Hev. Thos L. Conolly, Rev E. A' :Gtawley; D. D., Rev Alex Forrest.er,-Jno. W. Ritchie, Wm. iAnnand, .Tno Naylor, Jno S. Thomps'on and Andw McKinlay,I ~ !Esqrs.; WMtern District, Rev JnoStannage, Rev Jno. ~ennedY'I~ :Rev Peter G. McGregor, RevEph ~vansl, Rev Alex Htchborne, ;Rev Patk Phelan,~Law Hartshorne, Jno. Lamberti Cllas Ham·i 'ilton, Jno. W. Barss ann Peter Martin, Esqrs.; Eastern Distt'ic:t, :Rev Jno Sprott, Rev Robt. Jamieson, Rev Jas. Breading, Re"i 'Roht. Serlgewick, Rev Patrick Phealan,-Adams ATchihald, ' Wm, '1'. Lydiard, H. A. Gladwin, MaH. Bunis, Jos AIexanderl and W nl. Anderson, Esqrs, '

BO\RD OF J"AND COMMISSlONERS.-Hi:m. Joseph Howe and Jno. Jas. Sawyer, Esq. .

D~;p. LAND SURVEYORS~Messrs Wm McKay, \V. A. Hendry, IChas W. Fairbanks, J. Kent, R. A. Logan and Wm Anderson. j~~spect: 01_Pick~ed ~iSh, Peter Power, E_S~~ ______\ .

~."",,~~~l<'""~"':fitiil<~r=!""I' MJIiII!I!I'"'l ~ · ,. - --I !56 BELCHER'S FARl\iER'S 1852.,'f!i ~------~------I COMlI-!'RS. OF THE POOR FOR THE TOWN AND PENINSULA OF, HALIFAx.-,-HenI'Y Pryor, Ron M. B. Almon, Han Hugh Bell, Ron Edw Kenny; Andw. M. Uniacke Wm M. Allan, Jas. W.! , :Nutting, Thos R, Grassie, Wm Lawson, Geo N. Russell, and 'IThoa S. Tobin, Esqrs. !l Conllu'Rs. '1'0 EXAM~N~ AND SELECT PI.LOT! FOR TilE PORT, ,OF HALIFAx-Jno Wllhamson, Ron Jas. McNab, Han Jno E., Fairbanks, and Geo. P. LawsoD, Esqrs. . !: COMMISSIONE RS under the .!let to. divide ~h~ Countlf .of Ralifc'x; : IlintoTow,,!ships'and toconftr certal,n Mumctpal Pnvtleges uponi the Inhabttants: thereof,-Wm Annand. Jas. Kent and WIn. A., Hendry, Esqrs. ' I I COMMR'S UNDER THE ACT FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE[ : 'IDEEP SEA MACKEIU:L FISHERy-Thos. S. Tobin, Wm. Pryor,' ' Jr. and L. O. C. Doyle, Esqr~. I OFFICERS OF H. M. CUSTOMS, ControUej' of Customs and Navi{!;ation Lmvs, Henry Trew, , Esq. Clej'ks, Edmund F. Stewa~t Jno. Thos. Lane, and Saml,; , MurPhY, Esqrs. }r)esBenger, Mr. Robt McVeety. I Custom Rouse Broker.-Mr. William Hill. ! Health Officer, A lex F. Sa weI's, M. D. Esq. .!lssistant do., J as. 'IC' HUme, M. D.Esq. Sup. of Quar.antine, Jacob Miller, Esq,'

HALIFAX GAs' L1GHT COMPANy.-President, llon. Jas. B.! 'Uniacke. Directors, Ron ,Wm A. Black, Jno. Naylor Juo H.; Anderson, Jas Tremain, Jas Donaldson, and Andw McKinlay,' Esqrs. Secretary and Treasurer, Jno Tremain, Esq. Solicitor,l, Andw M. Uniacke, Esq. Manager, MI'. G. Buist. i ' HALIFAX WATER COAIPANv.-Prest., Han James B. Uniacke,j b Directors, Ron WmA. Black, Han A. Keith, Jas N. Shannon, ,,' Wm B. Fairbanks, J. P. Avery and Will Murdoch, Esqrs.! Secretary and Treasv,rer, 8:1.. Shannon, Esq. Solicitor, Andw. M. Uniacke, Esq. " I HAI,IFAX ARD DARTMOUTH STEAM BOAT COMPANy.-Presi-; dent, Han Saml Cl\nard. Vice Prest" Thos Boggs, Esq. Sec'Y'/' ~aw Hartshorne, Esq. 7.reasurer, Han M. B. Almon. .!lgent' and .'I:1anager, E;dw H. Lowe, Esq. Directors, Law Hartshorne,1 Han Wm A. Black, Han Wm Stairs, .lIon Jno E. Fairbanksl land W m Murdoch, Esql's, I HALIFAX DISPENSARv.-Prest., The Lord Bishop of Nova Scotla. V. Pres~8.~ Her Majesty's .Executive Council. Gover­ Inors, Rev Dr. Willis. Rev R. F. UllIacke, Rev Jno Scott, Rev. :Jno Laughlan-Hon Saml Cunard, Han H. II. Cogswell, M. G. !B1ack, Jas For!lla?, ~~\V H~rtshorne, Jas W. Nutting, Geo. N. iRussell, and RIch d I remam, Esqrs. Secretaries & Medical IAttenda~ts, fIon Wm Grigor, M. D. and D. MeN. Parker, M. D.,' ,Esq. Dlspensary.in Granville Street. Open every week-day, IEro..l1l...! to 2.~'~lo_ck,p. m. , "\1852. ... ALMANACK.· .. 57'

CENTRAL BOARD OF A6RICUL'l'URE-At Halifa~~Prest. llin.l IJno E. Fairbanks. V. Prest., Alex Farquharson; Matt RiChard-I Ison, JasN. Shannon (Treasurer), Jno King, Andw Shiels, Jos Jennings, Hon Jno Morton (for Middle Division), Geo Brenan, (for Eastern Division), and Edw Sutherland (for Cape Bretoni ,Division), Esqrs. Sec'y, Ml' James Irons • .!1ss't See'y, Mr. \Vm'1 Scott. .' CENTRAL BOARD OF HEAT,TH AT HAI,IFAx.-Han Will Stairs, A. Hennueofl, Geo P. Lawson, Benj Wier, Will B. Fairhanks,1 Jno Tempest, Geo B. Creighton, Will H. Munro (Dep. Insp.! IIGenl. of Hospitals), Robt Hume, M.D., Han. Wrn Grigor, M.ll .•1 IAlex F. Sawers, M D., and Thos B Desbrisay, M.D. Esqrs. Sec'y, IJas C Hume, M.D. Esq. I

I I Daaks.

I T,he hours of business at all t.he Banks are from 10 A. M. to 3, P.M., and the Discount Days, Mondays and Thursdays. HALIFAX BANKING COMPANY . .' Han. H. H. Cogswell (President); Wrn. Pryor, Esq. (Vice' 'President); Han. Enos Collins and Martin G. Black, Esq.l! Cashier, N. T. Hill, Esq. Clerk, !iiI' J C W Wilkie. Jlless,engel·,I. MI' Fredk Stul'my. I' BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. I~ i Directors, Han .• M. B. Almon (President); Jno. H. Anderson,I:\ Edw Billing, Jas Donaldson, Robt Hume, MD., Hon. Alex Keith,,!] Thos Maynard, R. N., Jno Rohinson, David Starr, F. H. Snelling,l~ Jas Tremain, Andw M. Uniacke and Han Jas B. Uniacke, Esqrs.I~' Ca$hier, Jas. Forman, jr. Esq. Tellers, Messrs., Benj. Carlile,1 John B. Campbell and Geo. McLean. }dessenger,MI'. Geo.! Anderson. A,6EN'l'S-Pictou, Jas Primrose; Ya~mo!tth, Jas Bond and Norman J. Bond; Windsor, H. King and Jas D. Jhaser, Esqrs. BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMfWICA. Established in London. Capital One Million Sterling. Halifax Branch.-Local Directors, Han. Wm A. Black, Han .. Jas.McNab, Jno. B. Bland and Jimathan C. Allison, E~ql·S. JI.fa­ inager, Stephen N. Binney, Esq . .flccountant, J. W. Smith, Esq . .Tellers, Messrs. W Carritt and W Sawers Stirling'. Clerk, Mr.1 Alfred Taylor. Messenger, Mr. D. McPherson. Standing Counsel,

J, as. Stew,art, Es, q. Solicitors and Notaries, Wm. Young, andl' oeo. R. Young, Esqrs. '. '. This Bank has branches at Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, Ha­ l~, By town, Brantford, Dundas and Kingston, Canada; bs "., .. u_",m•• ,... --" ----B~-f~~~';-~~~~~~'s 1852.: '

list. John and Fredericton, N. B.; and S-t.-J-o-h-n-s, NewfouHd-l 'lapel. Inspector of Branches, Thos Paton, Esq. ! Agents in New York-Dell & MacLauchlan. i' PROVINCiAL SA VINGSi BANK 1 This Bank i~ kept at the Treasury Office in the Provincef: ,::Bnildincr. Hours of attendance, from lO to 3 o'clock evel'Yr "iMondaJ. i I Director, 'Fhe Receil'el' Generi;l.LCashier, Edw,ard, Duckett,! Esq. I I ______I : insmraliilce Companies. I : . I [ THE STAR LIn; AND FIR" ASSURANCE SOCIEJ;Y Ot' LONDON-: -(Capital £100,000 for tbe Life, ~nd £500,OO~ for the Fire:: 'Departmellt.) HALIFAX BRANcH-Agent, Damel Starr, Esq.' ;i NA'l'IONAL LOAN FU"D LIFE ASSURANCE AND DEFERR~;D:' 'ANNUITY. SOCIETY 01' CORN HILL, LONDoN-(Capital £~OO,O()OI: Sterling). HALIFAX BRANCH.--Man,ugel' ~ Agent, P CHIll, Esq;" i UNITED K,NGDOM LIFF: ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ~ONDON.-f '(Capital, ONE MILLION Sterling). .!lgent at Halifax, Alex. G.I, ,Fraser, Esq. I i COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO!HPANY (W EDINBURGH.--(Ca-' :pital £:iOn,OOO) .!Jg~nt und Secretary to the Bultrd of ~lI1anage-: ,ment in Hati/ux,jor lVova Scotia, Matthew H. Riehey, Esq. I" I AJ~I~IANCE BRITISH AND FOREIGN LIFE AND FIRE Assu-,' RANCE COMPANY, OF LONDON.-(Capilal F.IVE MILI~IONS Ster., ~!ing). Agents lit Halifax, Me8S1'8. W. & Geo. ,R. Young. i :; Sco'rTlSH EQUI'l'A£LE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETy.-.!lgent Q( ./falij'ux, Mr. Jas. H. Liddell.. I i!i UNION M,UTU. AL LIFE INSUR,\NC~; C:OMPANY OF BnSTON,-1 j{Capital $150,(00). .!lgent at Halifax, Mr. Wm. L. Evans. I, ~i THE MERCHANT'S AND 'fRADESMA.N'S MUTUAL LIFE As­ re6URANCE ,:SOG!ET¥, OF LONDON.-Agent at l:Ialijax, Jas \V:, pobnston, jI'. 1%£1. I, ' ,I PELI?AN LIFE ASSlTRANCE COMPANY OF LONDON.--.Bgenis' . at Halifax, Messrs. Almon, Hare & McAuliff. I': I WASHI"GTON COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY,' (Capital $800.,000). General Agent fo\' Nova Scatia, at.Halifax ii , iE. G. Fuller, Esq. " I ~AGLF. Ln'E ASSURANC,- COMPANY OF LONDON.-Establish.! ed In 1807, with a gubscribeel Capital exceeding a Million Ster'! :lin~. .!Jgent (It Half/a.r:, Arch. Scott, Esq. ,.[ ,I CO:'ifNECTIGUT MUTUAL Ln'E ASSURANCE CO'MPANY 6F, tHAR'l'FORfJ.-Jlgent at Halifax, Arch. Scott, Esq. 1 ~I TRENTON MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPA!'l!1ii ~ OF TREno:,,", UNIT~D' STATEs.-(Capilal St.ock $200,(}{)0 •. ), j!:~~~~~a_~~~~~~______"_1 ,~------:-:-;- .,.,..£L.~", - ./.,

160----~ ----B~~~~~-E~' s~-F ~~l;E-~; ;----~-~-~~---~ig5~:i

IEsq• .!lsst Treasuloe/:, David Johns, Esq. Se-:!y: \V~~~R~nnels ;11 Asst. See'y, Wm. Gossip, Esqrs. Marshal, Mr. John Shean.,! IChaplains, Ven. Archdeacon WiJlis, D.D. and Rev Will :S1~lIock., Committee oj Charity, Messrs Edgar Dodson, J?~ R. W~IIIS, Jas: ICrosskill, Jno Brown and vVm Coombs. Phystewns, W. J. Al­ lmon, M. D., Bernard Gilpin, J\J. D. and Jas ~lIan, ]1. D, Es~rs., !Committee of Management, The Marshall (Chairman) ~eo Smlth-, leI's, H. C. lJ. 'I.'wining, JOB B. Bennet.t, Edw P DeBlOIs and Saml:' :Caldwell. Messenger, J\Ilr Thos He'od. Standard Beal'us--St., IGeorU'e's Banner, Jas St.anford, Edw Gt)udge; Queen's .!lrms" !Alex"Adams, Wm Humphrey; National Ensign", IWelsh .!lrms, Wm. Johns; St. (hOl'ge's C:~lour~, T~os HoliowaYii' St. George's Enstgn, Robt. Boake; Bntish Enstgn, Geo. Bos­ Isom; Union Jack, John \'\T. Yeomans. i I CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETv.-Presidenl, M. Downey, Esq. IVice Prest, M r J. \V. Quinnan. Jlsst V. P's, Messrs J no TObinl, and P. Walsh, Treasurer, Mr. Jas Donohoe. See'y., Mr.W.l [Walsh. .!lsst See'y, Mr. M. DoralL Marshal, Mr. Jno. Egan. I HIGHLAND SOCIETY OF NOVA ScoTIA.-President, Jno Rich­ iardson,' Esq. Vice PnstB, Don. Murray, Alex Bain, Jno., \MUll\'O, Nicholas Vass and Ro?t Noble, E~qrs. ,pirectors, Hon , ,Alex Kelt.h, Jno McGregor, W m Finlay, Jno Williamson, Alexil IPrimrose, Jno Oal, Wm Murdoch and Jno McKay, Esqrs. Chap-' lain, Rev Jnn Marlin. See'y, Mr. Jno Doull. Messenger, Mr.;: I NORTH BRITISH SOCIETy.-President, Geo McKenzie, Esq.: IVice Prest, J no Strachan, Esq. .!lsst. Vice Prests, D. Murray' land G'eo P. [\.Iilchell, Esqrs.: 1'1'easurer, Jno Watt, Esq. See'y,!' iMr. Wm Grant, jr. Committee of Charity, Messrs R. Boake, jvVm. Findlay, JIlO Mcllreith, Jno Brander, and Arch Sinclair.: ,Mars/utl, Mr. Will Grant, senr. Chaplains, Rev. Jno ."l1artiri,'

;and Rev Jno Scott. Messenger, Mr. Jas Reid., : < i CARPEN'i'ER'S CHARITABLE SOCIETY. President, Mr. Andw WilliamS'. V. P':fsident, Mr. T. H. Peters. Treasurer, Rob!: Richardson, Esq. See'y, Mr. Jno L: Barry. I \:, ~FRICAN FRIENDL;. SOCIF.Tv.-Presidentand Treasurer, Mr. 'PrIn~e W. Sport. ,1 tee .Pre~t, Mr. Chas Roan. See'y, Mr. iSeptlmu,s Clarke. Commtttee, Messrs Jno Roan, Isaac Parson, " and Wm Barratt. " l, AFRICAN. ASOI,ITION Soc~E'rY.-President, Mr. Septimus!; rlarke. Vtce Prest, Mr G MOIr. 'llreasurer, Mr. Allen Dickson." ISec'y! Mr. ThoS! Ste.ward. Committee, Messrs Eppy Carvery ; (Ch:urman), Jno Spngg!>, Robt Sprig!,:s, Wm Barratt, Bailami Toliver, Geo Brown and Saml P. Gardiner. I , ~FRICAN UNIO;-I SOCIE;y.-Prest, Mr. Esau Janey. V. Prest, ! l\lt. Th~s J ohnslon .. Sec y, Mr. T. Johnston. Treasurer, Mi';" Jno SPrIgg~. Commtlte~, :!Y[essrs Septimus Clarke (Chairman) IHenry Whiten, Thos Olivel', and Eppy Carvery. ' , 1852. ALMANACK. 611' i HALIFAY TEMPERANCE SOCIF.Ty.-Pl'est, Jno S. ThomsonJ ;Esq. T'. Prests, Beamish Murdoch and E. G. W. Greenwood,1 iEsqrs. Sec'y, Mr. R. G. Halls. .!last See'y, Mr. C. A. 'Vater­ lman. Corresponding See'y, MI'. C. C. Vaux. Treasurer, Mr. IEdw. Jost. \ ::h'. MARY'S Tl'TU, ABSTINENCE SOCIF.Ty.-President, Daniel !Creamel', Esq. Viee Prest, Mr. Patk Swayne. .!l.sst Viee Pres.t8. I\Messrs Geo Butler and Palk Ma~oney. Treasurer, MI'. Bernardi 'O'Neill. See'y, Mr.'Joseph W. Qui,nall. TEMPERANCE HALL COMPANY.-Prest, M. G. Black,jr. Esq. 'Directors, Messrs Jas Thomson, (Treasul'er,) Wm M. Brown, I,Eddy Tupper, George G. Gray. and, A. J. Ritchie, Sec'y, ,\Mr,g, G, W·. Greenwood, Keeper, Mr. Edw. Joyce. , A'l'HElilE,UM O-F THE SONS OF 'l'EMPR RANcF..-Pres,ident, LaW'j iE. Van Buskirk, Esq, Sec'y, E. ,G. Greenwood, Esq. Trea­ !.meer, Eddy Tupper, Esq. Committee, Re. E. A. Cr;wley, n. D., iRev ·A.Hichborne~Jno S. Thompson, Geo. G Creed, B. E.\ \Cochran, J no Metzler, Geo G. Gray, Samuel C. West, Wrn M'I .Brown and 'rhos Knight, Esqrs. Curator, Mr. W. Joy~e. This '1IIns,titution is open every day (Sunday excepted) from 7 A. M.to lOP. M.• FRF.E DISCUSSION CLuB.-Couneii, Messrs J. McCulloch, C. IW.Fairbanks, Jno D. Nash, Benjm Wier, W. J. Williams, J. F. Wylde, Thos Cunningham, H. A. Crawley, and OltOWeeks.! See'y. Mr. Robt Motton. COI·res. Sec'y, Mr. C. C. Wilson. : Treasu7'er, Mr. Wm Kandick. . HALIFAX MEGHAl"ICS' INSTITUTE.-Patron, Lieut. Gen. SIr c :John Harvey, K .C. B. & K. C. H .. , President, Jno S. Thornp­ ,sen, Esq. V. Prests, Jas Allan, M. D. alldJas Jrons, Esqrs. Trea­ surer, Andw McKinlay, Esq. Cumtor, Mr. Errol Boyd.' Se'y, Jas Thomson, Esq. Committee, Andw. McKinlay, Hon Joseph Howe, Philip Thompson, J. W. Quinan, A. J. Ritchie, .Robt Noble, J. Uhlman, D. MeN. Parker, nI. D., and Geo L. O'Brien, Esqrs. HALIFAX MECHANICS' LIB [1.ARy.-P7·esident, Mr. Z. Hall. Treasurer, C. Fletcher, Esq. Committee, Messrs H. Me,rrick,· J., Uhlman, Wm Scott, W. Grant and J. Austen. See'y 4" Librarian, Mr. Wm Pyke. I HALIFAX LIBR'ARy.-Prest, Hon H H Cogswell. Commi(tee; Beamish Murdoch (Chairman), Arch'd Scott, Jas W. Johnston, jr., S. L. Shannon, Chas Robson, J. W. Ritchie and W. J. Almon, M.D. gsqrs.Treasurer, Arch Har~haw, Esq. See'y 4" Librarian, Chas Boggs, Esq. NOVASCO'l'lA BENEFI'l' BUILDING SOCIETY AND SAVINGS FUND. -Trustees, Hon. J. W. Johnston,. W. J. Almon. M. D. and S. Selden, Esqrs. Directors, J. W. Young, Jno. Tempest, H. G.: Hill, P. Nordbeck and W. M. Harring,ton,Esqrs. Bankers, The Halifax Banking Company. S,olicitor, Jas. W. Johnston jr... Esq. Surveyor, Jon. Elliot, Esq. Sec'y. ,and Treasurer, Jno,' !!urton, Esq. ," ~~~"'=~iiliW:::!_--:~.~~.~-=--,_. __~._~ ____,__ 1iJi!LBiLQ1CICOC ~ 62 BELCHER'S FARMER'S 1852;, i !1ALIF'AX AGRIC~L'l"~~AL SOCIETY,-P'I'esident. Henry Pryor,j !E~q. V. Presidents, Edw. Pryor, jr., and Wm Annand, Esqrs.[ !Secretary, Mr. Wm Scott. Treasurer, Jo~ Jennings, Esq. Com I ~ 'lIIitlee, Henry 'frew (Chairman), Jno Richardson, Adam Reid,: 'E. Creelman, C. D. Hunler, Thos Ring and A, McCullodl, Esqrs., i NOVA SCOTIA. HOR'!'ICVL'l'URAI, SOCIETy-Prest., Hon. Will! II A. Black. Vice Prests. Hon. Chas R. Pre~cotl, Han. James B.! ~:Uniacke, Jno Williamson, Esq.,and Hon. \Vm. Sfn.irs. General; . Committee, J as \V Nutting (Chairman), Chas Twining, Alex", ,Troup, Jas,F. Avery, M. D., Wm N. Silver, H. Duport, .Jas C. 'Cogswell, P. C. Hill, Geo E. Morton, Jno McDou!!alI. Geoi 'McKenzie, JnS Scott Trem,ain, ERqrs., and Rev. A., Forrester: 'and Capt. C. Dering. 1'rel,surer and Sec'.'" A. G. Fraser, Esq.,l I . '! I ! i ' Explanation of' signals.. I 'Jl1a¢e on the Ship Staff at Citadel Hill, Halifax, when'vessels ar~\ .I seenfi'om the Citadel, or reportedfrom an Out Post. ' One ban close up, one square rigged \ A Pendant under a ball - - - 6 dOl' One ball half hoisted - - - - 2 do Do. over a ball ------7 dOl ,Two balls clo~e ------3 do Do. under 2 balls close - - - 8 dOl: " ,Two balls separated - - - - c 4 dO/DO. belween 2 balls - - - - - 9 do ;A Pendant of any colour - - 5 do A fbg cf any colour, 10 or more dol ~ The above Balls, '&c., ~re hoisted at the east or west yard arm, ac-I ,cording to the quarte,' the vessel first appears in, [ i '~Then vessels are reported from an Out Post, the following signals arel: ' ',hewn under the Yard Arm .. repeals. . I I For a squre rigged vessel, two balls of a size, one at the outer, the, other at the inner haulyard, close up. I i A Ship or Barque, a'large ball at the end of the yard, with a small one at the inner haulyard. I i A Brig, a small tJall at the end of ~he yard, and a large one at thel inner haulyard. i , A Brigantine, a cross clo.e up at the outer haulyard. il I Two or more do. a cross half hoisted. ! ! A Schooner, a cross close l1p at the inner haulyard. i, I An upper yard having beeh added to the Ship Staff it will be used ;exclusively to designate .St~am Vessels, thus:' i: lOne ball E. or W. IndIcates a Steam Ves.el repeated in that quarter.' , A small ball out and a large one in, a Branch Packet or Merchan~ rVessel. - I i A large ball out and a small one in, a Man-of-'Var Steamer, 0 ,!Royal Mall Steamer. ' , 'I Numbers will be indicated as directed from the lower yard. ' . The use of the cylinder is discontinued. The lower yard will be used lIn future for sai~in~ :essels only.. . . . I, I \Vhen t~e descn!'tt?n of vessel III SIght IS ascertained from the Citadel~ the fOllowl~g descnplIve colours will be hoisted at the mast head. \' A UOIon Jack, a Flag Ship. I. _~~a red Pendant ov~,!- two decker. I __mm' ------;;" ~~':!'m';PJ:~~:~~r,; - centre a white N. Wm Roche, -do centre a white diamond. W. H. 8. Neal, do centre a white star. Richard McLearn, do centre a white ball. Wm. Caldwell, a red & blue do., red uppermost, with a white C in .. FaW~~~~t~r~e'~~~GFrSR~'_~MW~~ ____~"~ __~~~~"~"~~~ 64., BELCHER'S FARMER'S 1852.

i Arch'a Scott, a red, blue and red clo.,.red next the mast. I W. Saltu" & Wainwright, a red, whIte and blue do. red and white 'next the mast, led uppermost; blue at the end. : Yeomans & Fras~r, a red, and white do. red uppermost. If D. Cronan, a red and white Burgee. II W I-I I T E-Jno. Williamson a White Flag. ~ William Stairs & Sons, do centre a blue square. James A. Moren, do bordered red. Jobn H McNab, do crossed blue. John B. Fay, do centre a thistle. Salter & Twining, do cros~ed red diagonally. Bars" & Harris, do centre a blue ball. , Black & Brothers, a white and blue flag, white next the mast. i Tho". C" Kinnear, a white do. centre It red star, bordered red at top and botlom. R. H. Skimmings, do centre a red star, and bordered red . .Tno Strachan a white, red and white do. white next the mas!. J. A. Bauer, a white and red do, divided diagonally. , Edward Jane" a white and blue do. divided diagonally. ! \ Joseph Fairbanks, a white and blue do. the blue meeting in the centre: * 'at a point from the four corners. I ' i George H. Starr, a White Burgee I James Chambers, do. with a blue eros,., ! G. R. Frith & Co. a blue and white do, white next the mast.i- ;with a red cross in the white. I : Hugh, Lyle, a white and red do, white next the mast, a red Hi :on the white, and a white L on the red. I Bauld & Gibson a white and red chequered do. B L U E-SamtJel Cunard & Co., a Blue Flag, centre a white star. ! Samuel Story, do. centre a white square. Wm. Pryor & Sons, a blue and white do, blue uppermost, 'Vm B. Hamilton, a blue, white and blue do. blue uppermost. : Almon, Hare & McAuliff, blue and red do. crossed white, blue next, the mast.' I .1 W~. Law:son, a blue. white, and blue do. blue next the mast. : i BenJm. WIer & Co" a blue. red and white chequered flag. I Henry Yeomans, a blue and white do, blue next the mast. i Liverpool Packet, blue do. crossed white. I In?. Esson & ~o., a blue do. crossed white diagonally. I FaIrbanks & Alhsons, a Blue Burgee. . I: N. L. & J. T. We.t, do. centre a white star. Ii G.& J. Mitchell, & Co. ~ blue and white do. blue uPP,ermost. ~I Wm. Full, a blue and whIte do blue next the mast. t Oxley & Co. a blue and red do. red uppermost. ~I Cochran & Co. a blue do. crossed white diagonally. W. H. Rudolf, a blue and red do. crossed w}.ite, blue next the mast. I Tho •. Bolton, a blue Pendant crossed white diagonally.

I I ~------~--~~~"~~--~--"~~~" __~ ____~uu~~~~1 ,1862. ALMANACK. -&51 :\ . ., . County oC Col~beste.... \ I Htgh Sheriff, Qhas. Blanchar.d, Esq. Coronm's, Saml. MUI'f,1 :M. D., Chas Cre~d"M. D., a~d Silas H. Gr;;une, Esqrs. I' "I Supreme GOllrt sits at ';rruro, sec~md 'rues. JU)1e, al;ld secondi ITues. of October. Dep. Proth'y and C~mm'r for ,taking Bail in the Sup. 0011,7·t, Jas. F. Blanchard, Esq. (Jl-ier oft4e 001.tr~, Mr.' D1ivid B. rletcher. .. I, ,I General Sessions of the Peace, held at Truro, on the Thi'rd l 'ITUeSd~y of January. . . 'I; , Justtees of the Peace to exe.cute aU JJcts relattng to Insolvent,! pebtol's, and, all IJther .acts whi;ch Judges of the la,te Inferior; : Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court :-: iEdwd S Blanchard,· Saml At:chibald, David B Lynds, Josl Dickson, Jno Wier, Wm Rutherford, Wm Campbel1, Sit,as tIl Crane, Fras R Parker, and Jno Mahon, Esqrs. " ,'I .J,usiices of the Peace, H?n. Alex. Campbell, (Custos)" J no.1 ,!D1ckson, Thos 1. Brown, Edw. S. Blanchard, Di'lv', y. Crowe, IJno Wier, Wm Rutherford" Saml Archihald, :3rd., Silas g. Cran.e, , , IDuncan Black, Alex KelH, Jas Moore, David 'B Lynds, 'Ym , Cutten, senr., Chas D MCurdy, Isaac Rayne, :Fras R parker'l 'Jno Honnyman, Jas M Spencer, Wm C~mpbell, Jos M Dickson, ,Wm Byers, jr., Bon Ross, Robt Murray, Dav. Fulton, senr" Rol)t 'Fletcher, Eliakim l'l\ppel' 4th., Saml Creelman 3rd., Isa~c :Me-I 'Curdy,JnQ King, Jas Yuill, Jas D Blair, Joo Fulmore, A L Archi·, !balrl, Robt Hammon, Jas ]')jckson. Don McDonald, Danl MQrri-l ,'son, Jas Munro, Sam! Waugh, Matt. Creelman, Benj Tupper,l, IMatt. McCurdy, Wm McKim, Alex D Mor,rison, Wm A Dickey'1 iTimothy Putnam, Ada'rn'Joilnsnn, Thos~ Davidson,~nd., Wm Faul~ner, Wm C. Eaton, Jno Smith, ,David W.iIliamson, Chas' ,Creed', AtexSh'earer, Alex Cnilkey, Jno Carter, jr, Geo Readil)g,1 ' ',!lhdJ as F Creelman, Esqrs. ,Clerk oft7£e P,ea,ce, J os);iekson, Esq.l, ~ \ cowrt of Probate, Judge, Adams G, ArchIbald; Reg'r" Jnna-,I ,than Ma'rsters, Esql's. Registrar of Deeds, Geo Dill, Eeq. Dep.! ':Po'stmasters, Gay's River, SamI. Mool'~ ; Truro, In? lIo~s; ~on'i ,donderry, Jas Campbell. Esqrs. ColZ'rs r?! Colomal and Ltghtl ,Duties-Tmro, Thas. M. Crow; Tatamagouche, Jas C~lripbell" [Esqrs. Seizing Officer, Jna Wier, Esq. Comm'l's to L~censeil ,PillJts for Tatamagouche and Point Brule, J no Miller, W m ,Fraser" /Ro'ht Logan, Hen. Roberts and' Geo M attitall, Esqrs. ' 9Q,"~m'rs 'fJf Schools fa,!, the'Co., except the Dis. of Stirling, Rev. Jno Baxter,1 'Rev Jas SmIth, Rev. Thos. C. Leaver, Rev. J',8S. Bayne, Rev. 'IDav. DiIl)Ock-.,Ed", Blancha,rd; A!exDMorrisqri, SilU8 H.' • (tnll~e'l ' Dav,id V. 'Crowe, Jno Ross, Jas D. Baird,and Henry Wier; D~s . l .of Stirling, Rev. Robt BlR,ekwood,-Hon. Alex, Campbell, ,Tno ,' Bonnyma, n, Rob,t, Byers, Chas, l\'IcCurdy, Chas Creed, M~D., \;vm , IMcKay, John Lockerby, ;Robt. PUi'vis, and J. ,Munro, E~

county of' Cumberland. High Sheriff, Joshua Chandler, Esq. Deputy Mr J W Srilith. Coroners, at PU:fsboro', Jno Morse, Wm W Bent, LeWIS Jll'nl{S,\i ThOS. Page, and Geo. Bergman, Supreme Esql's. . Court sits at Amherst on the \and first Tues. thtrd Tues. of Junei of October. Dep. proth'y, 8ill)s ',Comm'rs for taking H. Morse, Esq'l Bail in the Sup. GOUl't, Silas H. Morse,:Jas.,\ IW,' Delaney, Hon. H. G. Pineo and 'Comm'rs Jas Ratchford, Esqrs. fOl' taking,Ajfida'vifs to b,e read in the Morse, Jas. RatchfoTd Sup. COllrt, S. H.I\ \ and Chas D. Roacb, Esqrs. I General Sessions of the Pilace, held at Amherst on the '\'l'UeSda y of January. FirS) Justices of the Peace, for taking Special Bail; acknowlecigement ,of Femmes CO,vert, and , to execute all AC,ts relating to Insolvent, iDebtors, and aU other Acts which Judges I of the late inferior Court: were formerly empowered to perform IDickey, out of Court :-Robt McG! Mich Gordon, Wm W. Bent, Jas. IDonl,in, Esqrs. Page" and Chas. GJ\ i Justices ' ' of the Peace, Thos. Logan, (Custos), 'Jas McN~b, Robt. Gail1s Lewis, MeG Dickey, Jno Johnstone, Mich 'iJos h H, uestis, Hon',H. Gordon, G, . Pineo, Jacob G. Purdy, Jao Bent, !B1aek, Jos N. B. I{err,Wm. W. Amos\ ,Lewis, Bent, Ebenezer Kerr, Jesse Jos Oxley, Nat Angus, Jas Kirkpat~iek. IFulton, Jno Blenkhorn, Jas Page, Stephen' Thos Read, Henry Harrison, Jno ,oxley, Elisha B. Cutten, Tim; W. . ,O'Regan, Wetherby, Jos. Read, Fras . Den Macnamarra, Jasl'Bent, Jno. 'pI.lrdy, Robt. McFarlane, ,Henry' C'.ltead, Thos. Johnstone, Joseph Smith, nunes), Wm Pipes" (or the Wm Smith, Horatio N. Davison, ',Elderkin, Geo Knowl~on, Jna K David Purdy, David Pugsley, Fras. CarrQlI, Cbas G Donlun, James Fullerton, ,Moses jr., John McKenzie, Lowe, Hance Hunter, David Lawrence, Saml Webb, Juo H Peers, Norman McLeod, Wm Baker, Alex w. Waugh, Jas. Ratcllford, B. Black, W. Randolpb Manis and W m P holm, Esqrs. Clerk sf the Chis- Peace, Silas C. MorsG, Esq. ' I .Caurt of, PrGbate, J,,!dge, Hobt. B. Dickey; Registrar, Jno ,Kmnear, 1!:sqrs ..Reglstrar of Deeds-Parrsbo'ro', Dj ItoI'd; Jas. Ratch­ .f!.m~er~t, Gllbert Purdy, Esq~s. Controllers land JVav'/,gatum Laws-.!lmherst, of Custom " Robert McCulley; Pugto~h' ------~-- 1852. ALMANACK. ~-671' lfas McNab; Wallace, J B. Davison'; .Joggin Mines, Beaumont B. Boggs~ ParTsboTO', T. D. Dickson, Esqrs. ,U. S. Consular. '.!lgent, R.obIB. Dickey, Esq. Dep. Postmasters-Parrsboro', Jas Ratchferd; Jlmherst, J no W Smith; Pugwash, Levi Borden; Wal­ ,~ace, J. Heustis, Esqrs. COr;tTl.t'1'S of Schools-. Cltmberland Proper, Rev. Geo·Townshend, Rev. Jne"Munro" Rev Wesley C. Beals, Rev. Chas Tupp'er-Jas S. Morse, Jos Oxley, Hon H'y G. Pineo, Thos Logan, Thos Read, Chas G. Donkin, Jno Bent; Dis. of Parrsbo1'e', Rev. WmB. King, Rev. Jas Watson-Jas Kirk­ patrick, Jacob F. Dewolf, T. Dickson, and Fras. Carrott, Esqrs.[ Trustees of the .!lcademy, Rev. Chas Tupper-J as S. Morse, Stepb [i'ulton and Robt B. Dickey, Esqrs. .Board of Land Comm'rs, j Joshua Chandlel·. W. P. Moffat, Thos Logan, JesseLewis, JosJ N. B. Kerl', Jno W. Baker, a'nd Arthur Marsters, Esqrs.Dep. Landil' 'Surveyors, Jas McNab, Thos Logan, and Jesse O. Lewis, Esqrs. ~Iflealth Officers. Chas Tupper, M.D., Samuel Mitchell, M.D., Benj. miJ. P~rdy W~ Y. Thea!, 11:nd Cbas Creed, M.D. Esqrs: Inspectorl 'Iof Ftckled FIsh, Mr. DaVid Rogers. Comm'rs oj P!lots.-Pug- wash, Han. H. G. Pineo, Thes Page, JasBent and Chas .B. Dewolf; Wallace, Joshua Huestis, Jas B. Davison, Jos N. B. Kerr Iand Rich'd Scott, jr., Esqrs. I

County oC Pictou. Hi!!;k Sheriff, John W. Harris, Esq. Coroners, 'David .Matthe­ son, W. J. Anderson, M.D., Jno McKay, -- Mitchell, M.D., and Edw Roach, Esqrs. Supreme Court sits at Pictou, first Tuesday of June and thirdl Tu.esday of October. Dep. Prot~'y and. C~e1'k of the Peace, Jas' Skinner, Esq. Comm'rs for takmg Bad ~n the Supreme Court, l ' Hon. D. Crichton, -Jas Skinner and Abram Patters(,lIl, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Pi:clou on the first UeSday of February andfil'st Tuesday of July. . , Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all otber Acts which the Judges of the late Inferior ~Court were formerly empowered to perform outof Court :-Hon. Dav. Cri·chton, G. Campbell, ,Dan I. Hockin, Jas Fraser, Robt. Murray, Robt McKay, and Jas Skinner, Esql's. Justices of the Peace- (Custos). Abraham Patter- :son, WmMatlheson, Robt. McKay, Jas Carmichael,Jno aIding, .IHenry Hatton, Hon D. Crichton, Jno Holmes, Ken. McLean, ~as Fraser, Robt Murray, Geo Campbell, Peter RGlss, Alex IMcKenzie, Danl. Hockin, Jno McKay, Geo. McLeod, Dun. Mc- . j1?onald, Wm. FI'asel', Adam McKenzie, Jas. Skinner, Wm Gor- on, Pete. r Crerar, Jas. D. B. Fraser, J.as. Primrose, Jas. p.urves, Don: McGrigor, Jas. Crerar, Angus Sutherland; Hugh H. Ross, Alex. Fraser, Neil McKay, Anthony Smith, John Grant, Neil ~unn,~ Hugh McLeod, Wm. J. Anderson, Andw. Robertson, Jas. , IMurdoch, Jno McKenzie (Saw Mill), Alex. Fraser, N. G., Jas.

_~ ... - ----r'------"--. ----.-~--.------68 BELC~~E~ARMER'S 1852.i

:MCGrigor, Wm. H ..Davis, :fno. f\icP. Fl'Rser, Jas. M:cLea,n, Jno' Logan, Wm .. Langville, Geo. Mitchell, Jas. Grant (James Son); Rout Copeland, Wm Srr,li.th, J~s. Henderson, Robt Lowden, Ron.! McDolI:alld, (Bailey's Brook), Thos MUIHO, Jno. McDonald, (Donald's Son}, MUfdoch McPherson, SamI Ga:U1~ron, Matthewl • Sproul, Alex McKay, Jao McLeod, Jno Taylor and Geo McDon·l aid, Esqrs. ... . I Court of Prohate, J,uldgl!.,. Jas Fogo; Re15tstra;r, Thos. DIck­ son, Esqrs..Riegistrar of Deeds, Peter C1'er.ar, Es,IJ.' Dep., Postmasters-Pictou, Alex. P. Ross; New Glasgow, .las Fraser,.; jr. ; D-q,rham, A. Cameron; Rogers' Rill, Jas McLeod ; ~eri,!fo-I mish, R, Murray, Esqrs.. Conl1'oller of Customs and Nav~gattaflj Laws Wm Robertson, Esq. Clerk, Jno H. Lane, Esq. Coll'fj of C~lonial and Light Duties, Thos Dickson, Esq. Seizillg! Om-cer, Alex G. McKay, Esq. Harbour Masters, Mestrs. Jn~ McKay and Robt McKay. Light House Keeper, Mr. Henrrl Louden. Comm~rs for Examining Pilots, Jas Prirrll"ose, Rodki McKenzie, Alex PRos!>, Jas Purves, and Geo McKenzie, Esqrs'li County TI'easure'r, Mr. Matt Patterson. Comm'rs of Streets-\ PiJctou, J,os S. AmisOn, Wm J. Anderson, Jas Mur.doch, W:m Brownrig and Jas Yorston; New GI,asgow, Jno F. McDonald W m Cameron, J no Baillie, and W m Fraser, Esqrs. Fire War- ! dens-Piela,j;, Alex P. Ross, Jas Primrose" Jas D. B. Praser,: ' Jas Yorston, Danl Hockin, Jas Fogo, Peter Crichton, Jas Skinrrer, Wm H Harris, Jas Murdoch, J. S. Arnison, Jno T. hes, Rodk McKenzie and Wm Gordon; New Glasgow, Jas W. Carmichael,: Robt McGregor, Geo McKay, Jno R. Fraser; J,no McKay, Wm' , Fraser, WID Cameron and Dan\ McLean,E~qrs .. Fire Engine , Company-WID' Murdoch, Capt.; Jas Adamson,lst Lt.; Wm. McLarran, 2nd Lt. Fire Axe Company-Capt., J. D. B. Fraser.! Superinte.ndanto,f pump, s and Wells, Mr JaS,M.Yrd, oeh. comm',rSl11'•. of Schools,-North Dis.. , Rev. Chas EJiliott, Rev Jas Bayne, Revl' A. W. Herdman, Rev. Jas Waddell-and Ja~ Crichton and Robt . P. Grant, Esqrs; South District, Rev J no Stew-att, Rev. A. Mc-I Gillvray-and Jas Carmichae1, Alex Forrest, M.D. and Ja$ Cl'erarj, Es.qrs. Clerk, Mr. M_ T. Smith.'l'rustees orpu b fie Property, J as.! . Cric.ht.on, Geo. Campbell and Jno Yorston, Esqrs. U. S Consulj BenJm H. Norton, Es!iJ.. Agent for Lloyds, Jas Dawson, Esq. Clerk of License, Adam Gordo, n, Esq. Clerk of the Market, Mr. .T. Bannerm~B. Weigher of Hay, Mr Alex Scott.. Ov.erseers' otil IPoor-Ptcto~, :Ollvid :taylor, Jas Ives; Ne.wfllasgow, Wm Lip. Ipencott, Jas McKen:l:le, Esqrs. InspectD'l'of Pickled Fish, Mr. WIIl Wa~ker. Board of Land ComIll'rs,· Jno Holmes, and Jno IW. Harns, Esqtll. Dep. Land. Sur,vEly:ors, M~ssrs Jno HfJlmes, :J~o GauId, .P.eter C!erar, Ja.s McKeuz.l'e anel Peter Ross, E9qrs. !PICtou :AuXlI18ry BlbI.e Soclety,....PreBt. Rev . Charles ElliDtt. IT:ea~ure~ and Sec'y, Jas Daw;s.oo. Esq. Bank .of Nova Scotia~ !Ptct9'U ency-Ag,ent, Jas Primrose., Esq. Office houl's, from' lO 1g i to 1 0 clock. Notf)1'1J,Public, Wm. Romans, Esq:. 1852. ALMANACK. WESTERN CmCUIT.

(Jounty or Hants. RighSherif!, Charles J. Wilkins, Esq. Coroners, Jno A. enkihs, J. Smi,th) Isaac Smith, - McDowall, and Wrn Dennison, M;n. Esqrs. I . .Supreme Court sits at Windsor, first Tuesday o.fMay and' 'th:irdt Tuesday of Octobei·. D·ep. Proth'y, Clerk of the Peace, and Comm'r for taking Bail in the SUlpreme Court, E. F. Harding, M.D. Esq. General Sessi'oDs of the Peace,held at WhiJld;sor on the first Tuesday of October. Justices of the Peace to execute all Act8 relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior 'ICourt were formerly empowered to p.erform out of court:-JaS . Sangster, JIlO O. King, Rich'd A. MeHeffey, Jnq Cf)chran, R. Ismith' Jacob Withr

1 Court of Probate, Judge, Jno C. Hall; Registrar, Wm H. Chip- \man, Esqrs. Registrar of Deeds, Thos B. Camp~ell, Esq. Con­ troller.s ofCust.oms and Navi~ation Laws and ColI'rs of Colonial , and LIght DU\les-Comwallls, Edw Lockwood; HOI·ton, Joseph " I'Icrane, Esqr,s. Coll'r of Colonial Duties-, Bay Shore wesfwal'd of,' Hall's Harbour, Jno Givan, Esq. Seiiing Officers, Isaac Hamil­ lton, Wm North, jr., W. H. Lovett, and Jno 'Givan, Esqrs. Hep. ,postmasters, K,entville, J no F. Hutchi,nson; Lower Horton, J, • \Borden; Wolfvtlle, Wm Johnson; '/l'ylesford, J. Van Euskirk, Es'qrs. CooHn'rs of S, choo,IS, Caleb H. Rand, Wm H. Chipman, C. W. H. Harris, Hugh L. Dickey, Nathan Tupper, Wm Miller,1 I'caleb R. Bill, Chas C. Hamilton,M.D., ,E. L. Brown, M,D., Chas Tobill, Jas Leard, Winekworth Chipman, Goeo Fisher, and IIAndw Borden, Esqrs. Board of Land Comm'rs, Hon. Jno ,IMol·ton, w. C. Campbell, and Wm Johnson, Esqrs. Dep. Landi Surveyors, Messrs. Wm Johnson, E. Armstrong, Henry Gesner, and Jas Leard. Health 0fficers-Wm B. W~bster, M. D. andl E. L. Brown, M.D~, Esqrs. County of Annapolis. High Sheriff, Welcome 'Whee1ock,Esq. Coronel's, Peter Bon-I Inet, James R. Lovett, Jno Saunders, G. F. Ditmars, Jno Ross, '\Walter Willett, Stephen Crosscup" Asa Foster, J. B. Bonnett,: IIsaac Bonnett, J no Kennedy, Alex Fowler, and Law. Phinney, ESqrs. I , Supreme C,ourt sits at A, ~napo, lis 'third 'J;'h,esd.ay of Ma~, and) I!first Tuesday of Octr. Cnerof the Court, Mr Wm Hmdon. IDep. Proth'y and Clerk of the Peace, Geo R. Grassie, Esq. "Comm'rs for taking Bail, and, affidavits to be read, in the suP.) Court, Richard James and Geo R. Grassie, Esqrs. " General Sessions of the Peace, held at Annapolis on the thirdj Tuesday of April; andtast Tuesday of October. ' , J usticesof the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferjor Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court :'-:"Jas R. Lovett, Jno Ditmars, Rich'd James, Major Chipman. Israel W. Ruggles, Peter Bonnett, Robt H. Bath; and Jos Wheelock, Esqrs. - Justices, of the Peace, Thos Ritchie (C~stos), Major Chipman, Sam lB. Chipman, Jno Ditmars, Jas ,!t. Lovett" Wm. Randall, Zebulon Phinney, Rich'd James, Jno H., Chipman, Peter De­ I,ancey, Alex Fowler, Sj:lth Leonard, I. W. Ruggles, Jos Shaw, ~as WhitlI\an, Peter Bonnett, Wm Ha,rris" Edw Eaton, Weston Hall,;JaS Gray, Phineas Oakes, Jno Ross Tho~. C. Wheelock, Eri Weltoll, Gilbert Reigh, Edw Filz Randolph, Walter Ri,cker­ ~on, Miner Tupper, Jo~eph Wheelock, Robt H, Bath, Jno F. @,a"th,RobtParke,r,R,obtMilIs,2,ad.,JnO, Kennedy, Andreasl Eoha1,er, Jas Balcomb, Jno Wilson, peter Middlemas, Arthur

6i6¥t", -- -- -" _. --- "172, ',' " ,',' ~ELCH~WS FARl\'IER'S 1852./ ' I)odg,e, Joel Bankes, ,Saml BaleQmb, Jor,d:a.n Messeng~r" Andwi H'ealiersoR' .MQ'ses Shaw, Sam! Chesley, Rels Stronach,Jas Pot-I' Itel',}):, q)",~,ander, s, Abel Chut~, Handley St~/.'rJ\,tt, Danl NiChQlls], l!.n9 Ben!li,ah,~iUlI,ey, Esqrs. , . i ,C<:>urt .;>f Probate, Judge, Geo. S. MJiledge; Rl'lglstrar, Edw H Cu~)~r, ~sqI'8. Regi~trai' of Deeds, E. H. Cutler, 1psq. ,Con-I I troUers of Custom!! and Navigation La,,:s, and Call rs of C?lo-, IniaI and Light Duties-Dis. Pi .f1ntnqpohs, TllIlOthy C. Tobias; IDiS. oj Wilmot, Robt Stone, E;sqrs. Seizing Officers,~obtl IStone, Robt Parker and Edw W. F.oster, Esqrs. L,:l:Op~ng~al~er,1 ,Gallger !lnd Seizing Officer, T. C. Tobias, Esq. Tide Walter and Seizing Officer, JnoL. Rice, Esq,. c'omm'rs of Schools-R,ev.,l [Jas. Robertson, Rev L E. Bill-Major Chipman, Alex Fowler,! Israel L. Bent, Jobn Primros~ al]d James Gray, Eeqrs:; Clerl{'1 William .H Trof}p, Esq. COiflIn'rs of Streets~.Qndg~to,w~'1 Wrn H. ,Morse, N,~tlJan Rand, all, and Mieh MjlJer; .Ilnnapolis,: WelcQme Wheeloc~, Wm Hardwic,k, and T. A. Gavaza, Esql's.~ nep. Postmasters--.Ilmtapolis, Ad w Henderson; Lawrmcf{ T@'!Vn,; J. G. Smith; Bridgetown, Thos Spurr; Wilmot, A. Gibbon; Cle-I ments, Moses S~aw, Esqrs. Fire Warden~-.annapolis, P~terl Bonnett, A. WhItman, W. R. Ruggles, Jas (Tray and F. W. Pick-I man" Esqrs. Fire Engine CompII-IlY., ./lnnapolis, JaB Road,!, Ca.pt. ;1' Freqk, ;LeCai1'l, ' Lt.; Peter LeCain. Fras BO,lser, Wm H. 0.; Ha1i\:l~rton and t,.C. Tppias; Bridgetown, W1'Il H, Hpyt, Capt.; ;r/1.q']1:aspn.Jnp Wade, edwinMorse,~tephenl'horne, Gao Hoyt,1 Wm Y. Foster, Chas Hoyt. and Sam! T. Niely. Clerk ofLicent;e,! Jno A. ,sneden, Es,q. ltoard of Land Comm'r,s, Wm .Hgllaod, E;,!'t Cllt1el'alild Jas. Gray, Esqrs. Dep. Land ,Surveyors, JWe~srs. W. R. Matthews, Reuben Dod,g-e and Cereno Pl1 rdy. Trt:Jstees of the Annapolis Aeademy~Edw H. Cutler, J

county of" Lunenburg. : Higk Sheriff, John H K!tulbaek, Esq. COrO'fl'.Ts, J no Crei.ghton, and' Aaron Morse, Egqrs. ' I ' I Supreme COI.rt sits at Lunenburg on the Thursday before the third Tuesday of April; and.on the thi,'rd Tuesday ofOttober'l Dep. PrOfh!'y, Henry Ernst, Esq., ' , I General f!!essions of the Peace held at Lunenburg on the Second Monday of April. l iQ:C!1LiUkZ$l"'ijii&&i __ 74-.---~--- B_r,:~~-;H'S FARMER'S . -----18S:!·1 1 Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relatmg to Insolventr [Debtors and all otber Acts whicb J uages of the late Inferior .ICourt ,;el'e form~rly em~o\~ered to perlorm out of Court; and iComm'rs lor takmg BaIl -Ill the Sup. Court, Jno. Heckman,l .[Han..Wm.Rudolf, Wm. Ross, Wm. Slocomb, Wm Greavesandi [Henry Ernst, Esqrs. I Justices of the peace.--:Jobn Heckman (Custos), Hon. Wm IRudolf, Wm Alexander, Geo Mitchell, Jas Mosher, In'O Pernelt" !Daniel Dimock, Martin Henneberry, Henry Ernst, Wm. Ross"., '\Vm Greave.s, E. J. Ross, Henry S. ,Jost, Whitman Morton, ' IRobt Brimner, Cbas,Churcb, Henry Bailey, ~e() Ka,dback, W.,', ,Y. Andrew~_, Wm Slocomb, Thos Rryden, Columbus Mogan, ' IMorton Wheelock, Geo Emsl, Jno Kedy, Lemuel W. Drew and f;Benjm Rynard, Esqrs. Clerk of tbe Peace, C. B. Owen, Esq. ,I Court of Probate, JUdge, Jno Creighton; Registrar, Geo T ISolomoll, Esqrs. Registnll'of Deeds, Hon Will Rudolf. Control- ler of CllstOIIlS and Navigation Laws, H. M. Moyle, Esq. Coll'rs Iof Colonial and Light Duties, LU'fIenburl5, Chas. B. Owen; La-I 'IHave, Jas Wbidden, Esqrs. Seizing Officers, Messrs. Jno Davy,! IWm Bates an,d Wm Gelderti Dep. Postmastel's.-Lunenburg,' ' iNorman Ru.jolf; Cbester, Amos Lovett. ; Brirlgewater, Aaron'l I IMorse, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Streets, Lunenburg, Adolphus Gaetz,. Joseph Rudolf and Geo. Geldert; Chestel', W m. Greaves, Chas" (Church, Jas Barry,and Amos Lovett, Esqrs. Comm'rs of SChOOIS, Re\' Jas C. Cochran, Rev Jas. Shreve, D. D., Rev. Geo r Armstrong, Rev Chas E Cossman, Rev. Wm. Dnff-Geo EI nst,/_ I!foo Heckman, .Tno Hebbe. and Geo Mitchell, Esqrs. Board of' . [Lnnd Comm'rS', Jno Creighton, Jno H Kaulback, Jos P. Miller' W,S Morris, Arthur J nmes, and Jno Hebbe, Esqrs. Dep. Land,' 'Isurveyor, Wm. S. Morris" Esq. Inspector of Pickled Fish Mr Casper Metzler. Trustees of La Have Common, Messrs. J n~! Himmelmllll, & Martin Sperry. .United Slates Consular Agent,1 ' Chas. B. Owen, Esq. [ , ~ounty oC Queens. I

HighShel'i[f, John W. Scott, Esq. CoroneTS, Freeman TUpJ ! per and Jas F. Forhe~, Esqrs. ! S~preme Court sits at Liverpool on the fourth Tuesday 0 I Apnl and second Tuesrlay of October. Dep. Proth'y Edw. C.I ' Rarss, Esq. Comm'rs for t. al;ilig bail in the Supreme Court,; jEdw. C. Ba~ss, .and Wm. B .. Taylor, Esqrs. , . ! '. General SeSSIOns of the Peace, held at Liverpool on the second. Tuesday of January. I! j Justices of the Pence to execute all Acts relatinjl: to Insolv. e. n~ jDebtors, 8n~ all other Acts, which Judges 01 tbe Jate Tnferior ,Conrt were formerly empowered to perform out of COllrt:-Ja _ I~·~~~~olf,. Caleb Seely, Jno Campbell, and JaB F. More, Esqrs ----- ~. =M._~_ 11852:------.~---~~~~;~;;{~------7-f,: I

I Justices ortbe Peace.-Freernan Tupper (Cus(os), James R.: Dewolf, .lames BarRs, Wm. B. Taylor, Nathaniel Smith, .Tno, iCampbell, Whitman Freeman, Caleh Seely, Jno L. Darrow, Andw', ,Cowie, Henry Fader, Colin !VIcVic],er, Jas F. More, Richard ;Carder, Smith Freeman, Philip Carten, Wm McGill, Edw Van-I Ihorn, Zoheth Freeman, Saml D. Kempton, Joseph Dextel', Geo~ McLeod, 'Vm Hemmeon, Eldred Cohoon, Robt Dolliver, Stephen!,' IMack, J as. l\1cLearn, J as. Bryden, Lewis Sll}ith. Z.enas Water-:~ man, Dav\(! Freeman, Allan McLean, Rob! SmIth, and .Tno I, IHarlow, Esqrs. Clerk of the Pene.e, Wm Bryden, Esq. courfl 'lof Probate, Ju'dge, Snow P. Freeman; Rej;1;'I', Gilbert Seely.:, ,IES,qrs. Controllers of Customs and N aV,igation Laws,' Live1'pool,: ,iSamuel Forsayeth ; Port Medway, Jno G Reynolds, Esqrs. 01 'erl';I ,and Colonial Warehouse Keeper, Jno H. Freeman, Esq. Coll'ls:~ :of Col

(Jounty of' Shelburne. High ShQrijJ, Thomas Johnston, Esq. Coroners, Is~ael K. Will. on, lIf •. D. and Wm, J. Bell, Esql's. " , "I lSupreme Court sits at Shelbnrne on the silCond Wednesday' ~. e,,xt after ,thejourt,h T, uesday ofApr,i1 j and on the first Wednes-r Iday in Octo per. Dep. Proth'y, RobtR. T.homson, E~q. f ------1:as::·dn-~- f6 BELCHER'S FARMER'S i852'1'

I Comm'rs for taking Bail in lhe Sup. C0urt, Isaac G. Enslowj nd Cornelius Whit~, Esqrs. . '1 General Sessiom; of the Peace, beld at Barl'lngton on the: ,MondaY;lextk after the fourth Tuesday of April; and at Shel. ' , burne on the Monday preceding the first Wedne~day. of October., Justice~ of th. e Peace to execute all acts rela. tmg to In~olv~.n.(I IDebtors and all other Acts which Judges of the late InfefIQ~' :C~urt w~re formerly empowered 10 perform out of Court,--G.,H~, :Deinstadt, Josiah Coffin and Robt Curri~, ~qrs. . I I Justices of the Peace-Rohert Curne (CustOS), Jas Geddes" Heo H. Deinstadt, Winthrop Sargent, Josiah Coffin, Saml 0.' iDoane, Peter Spearwater, Jno LYle, Andw Barclay, Gilherl': IMcKenna, Jno Locke, .Ino ,V. Hilmer, Jas C. Smith, Will! [CunninghRm' and Josiah Snow,,3d., Esqrs. Clerk of the pea~!l, : 'Isaa;c G. Enslow, Esq. I Cou~t of Pr~)bate-J lldge, G~lstavus P. Haliburton; . Regist~a:r'l ' :C@rnehus White, Esqrs. ReglstrRr of Deeds, CornelIUs Whlt/il" :Esq. Dep. Postmasters, Shelburne, R. R. Thomson; Barl'in!5,- ' lion, Thos O. Geddes, Esqrs. Controllers of Customs and Nan.­ I",ation Laws, and CoH'rs of Colonial and Light Duties-Shelburne, I 'And-r Barclay; Ban'i'fl,glon, Robt Robertson; Ragged Islands, : IWm. Stalker, Esqrs. Comrn'rs of Schools, Eastern District,,: IAndw Barclay, Robt Currie, Alex McNaughton, George Snyder;I', ~Lewis P. Chul'chill: Western Dis., W m Rohertson, Thos Q;l !Geddes, Jno W. Homer, Paul Crowell, Winthrop Sargent, and' JO,siah Snow, EStjrs. Trustees of the Academy, Jno Robertson"l Cornelius vVhite and Winthrop Sargent, Esqrs. Board of Landf'. ! Comm'rs, Alex Hamilton, Robt Robertson, Joshua Snow, Jas G. I !,Allen and J90 W. Horner, E~qrs. Dep. Land Surveyors, Mes8ts ; ?no Firth and Saml Kimball. Clerk of Licence, Mr Angt;sl· IMcKay. Health Officer~, Dr., Wilson and Dr. G. Snyder. tn, l spector of Pickled Fish, Peter Spe(lrwater, Esq. U. S. Consula~ i !Agent, Jno RobertSON, Esq. .

County of rat"mouth. High Sheriff, Joseph Shaw, Esq. Coroners, Geo Bingay and Matt Jeffery, Esqrs. . " I Supreme Court held at TQsket Village, on the Tuesday nexj ,but one after the fourth Tuesday of Apl'il; and at Yarmouth on ;the. last Tue~day of Se'p~emb~r. Dep. Proth'y, Comm'l' for' i.ta~m!-? AffidaVIts, for adrnllllstermg an Oath, and for taking exal' :llllllatJ?nS de ben~ esse in Sup. Court, J no W. H. Rowley. Esq. IComm rs for takmg Bail in Sup. Court, H. G. Farish, Abr Len land Jno W. H. Rowley, Esqrs. ~ G~ner. aI Sessions ?f the Peace, held at Tusket Vi'Iltlge, on tbel Ila~t fuesday of Api'll alld at Yarmouth on the third Tuesday o~ ·Isepten!ber. '. . '. . . I Justices of the Peace.to execute aU 'ActS relating to Insolvent: i~~~to!~, an~ all other Acts ~hic~ ludges_o f_ theI~te__ Inferi1Jtl .'11852. ALMANACK. 77[

.. ,Court were' fortperly empowered to perforllClout of Cour~, Henry 'G. Farish, R.ueben Clements and Jno Bourque, Esqrs. . i I Justices of the Peace.-Henry G. Farish (Custos), Abraham, jLent, Hon. Stayley Brown, David Van Norden, Jno Mackinnon,' ;Rueben Clemen~s, Amos Baker, Th.o,s Killam, Joo Ryder, Simon 'ilYE'ntretnonti Caleb Cookjr., Jno Sanders, Jno Murray, Nathan iHilton, Matthew Jeffery, JnoBourqe, Elisha W. B. Moody,' :lsr8el Harding, Robt S. Eakins, Lt)onard Weston, Benj Rogers,~ 'jr., Edmond Lonnergan, Wri Iter Larkin, ReutJ'en Abbott, Louis' 1D'Enlremont and Thos D. Chipman, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Jno Tooker, Esq\'. , 'I 'Court of Frob'ate-Juilge, Thos V. B. Bingay ; Reg'r., H'y A.I' iGrantham, Esqrs. Reg'r of- Deeds, Henry G. Farish, Esq. iDep. Postmasters-Yarmouth, H. G. Farish ; Tusket~ David Van' 1N0rde'n, Esqrs. Controllers of Customs and Navigation Law.s,' , I~armouth, Th?mas E. Moberly.; .!1r~yle, D. Van.N~t~len; Pub-i 1-meo, Thos WJllett; Beaver Rwer, Nelson Cormng, Jr., Esqr.s.: :Co!l'rs ofCo,ldnial an,d Light Duties-Yarmouth, Thos E. Mober-I ily·~ Tusket, Abram Lent; Pubnico, Th0s Willett; Beaver River, I !Nelson Corning, .ir., ESqrs. Clerk, Warehouse Keeper and'[' 'Guager, Jas S. Mon-is, Esq. Landing Waiter and Searcher" !Mr. Lyman Durkee. Seizing Officers, Messrs. Jno Philips and, ':R,!luben Spinney., Marine Insurance Association-Directors, R·i iClements, E., W. B. Moody, Benj. Rogers, Thos, Killam, Jos' IShaw and Amasa Durkee, Esqrs.; Broker, Ja's Murray, jr., Esq·1 ITrustees Yarmouth Academy, E. W. B. Moody, Jno Murray,:, ':.Tos B. Bond, Hon. S. Brown and Benjm Rogers, Esqrs. Teacher,! !Mr M.McCulloch.Comm'rs of Schools, Yarmouth, H. G Farish,!, Jno Mijrray, Hon. Stayley Brown, "\tVm Harris, JIio Richards;',' iDis. of .f1rgyle, Re:v.Abbe Goudot, Rev JI'IO Nugent-Jas Lent'! . iJno~ourqe, Jno Ryder, Thos Willett, Dominique Boudreau'!

'1IIsrael Harding, .ir. and Reuhen Ahbott, Esqrs. Health Officers II --Argyle, Jas. Kirby, RI. D.; Yarmouth, Greggs Jos Farish" .IM. D. Esqrs. Comm'rs of the Public Cemetery, Hon. Stayleyl IBrown, Ebe}) Porter, and Wm H Townsend, Esqrs. U.S; ConJI ,sular Agent, H'y A. Grantham, Esq. Agent for Lloyds, E W B lHoody, Esq. Inspect?r?f Pickled Fi~h, Mr' Da'niel Gardilllr.! , IiJ;Joard of Land CommlssJ(Jllers, !Ion. Stay ley Brown, Zaccheusi . . r€hurchiJI, and .Tno Bourqe, Esqrs: 'Dep. Land Surveyors, Messrs.' 'jZilCCheUSClrurChilJ, and John Bourqe. Comm'rs of Sewers,!, . 'Benjm Killam, WmRobertson, Richard Harris, Lemuel Chur.C'.h-,l .iIJ,lra Robbins, Thos ~Allen, Jos Perry andDav Landers, Esqrs. Fire Engine Company-Captains, No.1, Jno Tooker, No.2" Wm. Robertson.' J Bank of Nova Scotia-Yarmouth Ag,ency-Agent, Jas Bond ~ Esq. , Ii I i~ ( . II .... ------_c-·----_~I~~ ~;~,.~~ BELCHER'S FARMER'S 1852. Fi --CAPE~BRETON CIRCUIT. County of" Sydney. I High Sheriff, Henry P. Hill, Esq. 9oroner, Wm Currie, M'I .'D. Esq. , Su'pl'eme Court sits at Antigonish on the jourth ;rues. of June and fourth Tues. of October. ,Del" Proth y. AleXj' • McD'onald, 1\1. D., Esq. Comm'l's for tailing Han in Sup, COUt~ L4.lex. McDonald, ~I.D" and Robt. N. Henry, Esqr~. ", i Geneml Sessions of the Peace, held at Dorchester on the first Tuetiday of January. 'I Justices of the Peace t.o execute all Acts relating to Insolven~ !Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferiorl Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court j­ 'Alex McDonald, M. D., Robt N Henry, Hugh ¥cDona!d, Jas Ran­ dall, Geo BrElnan, Angus Gillies, and "Vm C Hierlihy, Esqrs. i Justices of the Peace.-Alex McDonald, M. D. (Custos), Rob 'N Henry, Jas Randall, Hugh McDonald, Joseph Symonds, Wm C Hierlihy, Geo Brenan, Augustus A Ogden, Rol;!t McDonald, 'Angus Gillis, Allen Cameron, Angus McDonald, Dug'ald Came· ~'ron. JasRoss, David Power, RoptTl'otter, Duncan than!, Wm; ~ Brown, Alex McDonald, Al'chb'd McGilvary, Jno McKenzie, Jn :.v1cKinnon, Lauchlan McPherson, A lex McIntosh, J no McDonald land' Joseph Smith,Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, J as. Wilkie, Esq. I Court of Probate; Judge, Alex McDonald, M. D.; Registrar, ',Geo. Brenan, Esqrs. Registrar Deeds" Aaron D., Harrington. E~q. ,Contrqlicl' of Customs and Navigation Laws, and Coll'r or Colo­ onial and Light Duties,-.!lntigonish, Allan 'McDonnell, Esq. Seizing Officer, J. G. Hierlihy, Esq. Dep, Postmast'ers,-Anti, 'gonish, Hlilnry P. Hill; Tl'acadie, Mich. Potty, Esqrs. Trus­ ~ tees of tAe Academy, Alex McDonald, M. D., Ed\v H. Harrin;rton 'and Duncan, ,G"rant, ;Esqrs .. Comm'rs of Schools., Rev. Th081 rrrotter, Rev. Cohn McKlllnon, Rev. A W MIlledge, Rev IAlex McLeod, Rev. Jno Quillan-Alex McDonald: Hugh Mc­ :Donald, Geo Brennan, Arch McGilvray, and' Ddncan Grant iEsqr~. ComQl.r's of Streets, Archibald ~ampbeJl, Aaron D, I,Harrlllgton, and J no Randall, Esqrs. Inspector of Pickled,Fish IMr. Thos. D. Buckley. Board of Land Commissioners Wm iHerrry, Henry P Hili, and HlIph McKenzie, Esqrs. De'p. Lan ' ,Surveyor, MI'. Hugh McKen:lae. Health Officer, Arch. MeDon jald, M. D" Esq. I

II County of' Guysborough. High Sheriff, Murdoch McLean, Esq. Coroner, Stewar ,Campbell, Esq. Ir Supreme Court sits at Guysborough on the third Tuesday of rune; and third Tuesday of October. Dep Proth'y, Edw Carritt'l ,1852. ALMANACK.

Esq. Comm'l's for taking' Bail in the Supreme Court, Went. Taylor, Don. Sinclair and Chas Archibald, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Guysborough, on the Ifirst Tuesday of January and first Tuesday of .May; and atSt,.'l Mary's on the first Tuesday of July. ," i Justices of the Peace to e:xecu~e all Acts relating to Insolv~nt: \;Debtors, and all other Acts w~lch Judges of the late Infen,rl ,\court were formerly empowered to perform ou, t Of, Court ;'-,! Hon. Robt M Cutler, Went. Taylor, Fras. Cook, Abner Atwater, Edw J Cunningham; Dis. oj St. Mary's, Hugh McDenald, T.! Glencross, W.McKeen and W. Bent, Esqrs. "I' Justices of'the Peace, Wentworth Taylor (Custos)" Han. Robt M. Cutler, Cha,s Archihald, Chas 8rodie, F1'as. Cook, I,Abner Atwater, Jos G Hadley, Wm 0 Heffernan, David Dobson,! IEdw J Cunningham. Edmund H Franchville, Wm J Big,elo~,r :Jno. J. Marshall, Wm Hart, Alex Ma~son, Jno Campbell, Wmll' 'Molr, Jno Mahaney, Wm G Scott, DaYld Bears, Jno Ehler, Thos IKea.ting; Davi(~ Kerby, Jas Handlon, Jesse .Anderson, Thos Cl IWhltman, Martll1 Meagher. Ahner P. McKenZIe, J no A. Steel andl WIll Ferguson; Dis. of St. Mary'S. Hugh McDonald (Cu,~tos) Thos Glencross, Wm McKeen, Will Bent. Jno W. McKeen~ I I,Thos O'Flavin, Jno Hattie, and AsaRude. Es.qrs. Cler.ks ofthe~.. Peace-Guysbara', Styles Hart;Sl. Mary's, Wm Bent, Esqrs.. I I Court of Probate-Judges, ffis. of GuyibeTo', William Hart ;i, iDis. of St. Mary's. Hugh McDonald ; Registrar~; Wm Bent andl iWent. Taylor, Esqrs. Registl'al's of Deeds, Guysborough, vVentJ ITaylor; Di.~. St. Mar,ll's, Hugh McDonald, Esqrs. controllers!I' lof Customs and Navigation Laws-GuysboTough, F. R. Good­ 'man; St. Mary's Rive/', Alex McDonald; Cap"e Canso, Geo. NorriS, Esqrs. Coll'rs of Colonial'and Ligh,. ,t Duties, Guysboro'.[ DUll. McColl; St. Mary's River, JIlO McDonald; Cape Canso 'I' \Geo Norris, Esqts. COll'I' of Light Duti~s, Canso, W J Rige­ Illow, Esq. 'Seizing Office, rs, Messrs ThosF,' lavin and Leonard pye' Agent for Emigrant Ships, Pl'eyerltive Officer and N olary PUbliC, Jas B. Had. ley, Esq. Dep. Postmasters, GUYf!b.o.. ra". Hon'l R. M. qutier; Sherbrooke, St. Mary's, Hugh McDonald, Esq. ,Comm'rs of Streets, Chas Seott and Jas, E. Cutler, Esql's. I,Clerk of Licence, Mr Don. McDonald. Board of.Land Comm'l's, IStewart Campbell, E. Carritt, ThosGlencross, Wm McKeen, IWm Hart8horne and Robt. Boles, Esqrs., Dep. Lane! Surveyor, WIll Hartshol'l1e, ESq., C.omm'l's of Schools, Went. Taylor, ,I Will Walsh, 'rhos H. Patt,son, E H Fra,nchyille, and Christo­ 'phel' Jost; Dis. of St. Mary 8, Rev. Alex Calnpbell-Hugh Mc­ IPonala, Thos Glencross, Wm McKeen, Wm Bent, and J08. Alexander Esqrs. Inspector of Pickled FiS,h. E,dW II Franchvil.le, 'Esq.I Health Officer, Edw Carritt, Esq. Light-House Keeper, '~r. Jno G,Peatt. Deputy Agent for Lloyds"Edm. H Francll­ VIlle, Esq., ,

'I "' _ 10m. jbZ I'80 County of" ~a.pe Brdon. I High Sheriff, Richard Gibbons; Esq. COI'oriel's, Jno L: Hill, Chas ~v.IcAlpine, Don N. McQueen and Luuchlan RobJnsoni 'Esql's. I I Supreme Court sits at Sydney on the last Tuesday of May,;: and on the last Tuesday of September., Dep, P]'olh'y., Chas EJ ILeonard, jr. Esq. Comm'rs for tRking Bail in the Supremo ,Court, Chas E Leonard, and Wm Guseley, Esqrs. I Gene~al Sessions of the' PeacE', held at Sydney, on the last. TueSday of March, and second Tuesday, of July. . '.'" . , Justices of the Peace to execu~e all A,cts l'elatHlg to rnsolv~nt! /Debtors, and all other Acts whICh Juoges of the late lnfeno . ICourt were formerly. empowered to perlill'm out of Court :-Chas, IE Leonard, Peter H. Clul'ke, Chas McAlpine and J no Eourino! , jESqrs. ' . . Notaries and Ta;bellions l!ublic, Peter H. Clarke, C. E. Leo- 'Inard, Thos S. Bown,. D. N. McQueen, Jas l,\feKeagney, Ja McLe~d, Edw B. SuWed,and, and Chas MCA.I~ine, Esqrs. . Justices of the Peace, Chas E. Leonard (Custos), Peter H., Clarke, Jno McKl'nnon, Chas McAlpine, Wm Ouseley, Jno L, Hill, Thos S. Bown, Jno D Clark'e, Geo Rill, J no Bourinot .. N. H. Martin, Arnold Holmes, . Wm. Armstr,onl!, ',\Vm Butler,. Wm Gammell, HUl!;h 'Munro, Thos Caldwell, (S. Mines); Petel1 Mo Ol'e , Lauchlan Robertso,/j, (N.vV. Arm); J~s McNiel, 0011.1" McNeil BenoniShe'phel'd, Jno McKinnon, (Narrows), Anthony Martell, Geo Rigby, Jas Matherson, Don. Ross, Alex Taylor,: s ClerkJnO'.R ober,of the t. s. on,Peace, J. no JD as GillieS,Spencer, .and E~q. StePhen, MCPh. e n,5' on. ' ESqr ./: Court of Probate, .Judge, Jas McKeagney; Registrar, Jas MC- ILeod, Esqrs. RegIstrar of Deeds, Jas P. Ward, Esq. Conj1 troller of Customs and Navigatipn Laws,Sydney, Henry Daven pOft; Big Bras d' Or, Geo Old, Esqrs. Coll'rs of Coloni.al and Lig, ht Duties, Sy.driey, Chas E Leonard; Nol·th S!Jdn~y, Thos S IBown; Gl'eat Bi'as d'Or, Geo Gld; St. Ann's, Wm RORS, Esqrs. Cle.rk of Customs, Sydney, A J Babington, Esq. S~izjni! Offi. I,cers, C. Barrington, Peter J Bronad and Lewis' BWlvn, EsqJ's .. 'Dep Postmaste;s, Sydn,ey, R. Martin, North'Sydney, C. A. Martin,1 I,Esqrs. Comm 1'5 of Schools, Very Rev. Jno Laughlan, Rev~ IH. McKeagney, Rev M 'rilson, R, ev Jas Fraser, Rev Hugh Me- LeGd-H. W. Crawley, .Chas E. Leonard, Peter H. Clarke. H' B/ Forman,:I1. D., .'Vm Ouseley and Hugh l\(I:unro, Esqrs~ U. S. IConsul, Luther Brackett, Esq. COlIsllI of France, Inn Bo.urinot !~sq. Agent for Lloy'rls, Peter H. Clarke, Esq. Conun'rs of I~ydney .Common, Peter~. Clarkf, Jas McKeagney, Hll~h I1Iun ,lO, Nell Campbell and Gao Burchell Esqrs. Board of Land iComrn'rs, Jas .McKeagney, Wrp Guseley" SamlPlant, Thos, D. IArchlbald, RIchard Brown, Jas McLeod and Gibbs H. Gesner Esqrs. Dep, Land Surveyor, G. H. Gesner Esq. Inspector of I~~ed Fish. Thos S Bown, Esq. ' ...... ~j .. 1R'n""~.. _ .. __ ...... "'0 ____ -"""'.,...... -;,. ... SULL &2123 ZZZ:WV3Sid ... Hl52. ALMANAC1\:. 81 Health Officers,·,H. B. Forman, M.D. and Thos E. JeanS,-l\l.D. E~ql·s. Comm'rs' of Streets, Fras Oli\'er and Jas Coleman, ,.";sqrs. Harbour'Maslen-Sydney, Thos Saml Bown j Bridge­ port, Matthew R~ach, gs'qrs. Comm'rs for granting Licences :to Pilots, Chas E. Leonard, Thos S. Bown, P. H. Clarke and ;Thos D. Archibald, Esqrs. Clerk, Jno L. Hill, Esq. Weighers ',of -FI()\H, Messrs. J. D. Clarke and Jno Barrington. Ii ! (jou.nty oC IIlVel'lleIiiS. I High SheriiJ, Geo C. Lawrence, Esq. Coroners, Dunsier ,Tremain, Jno Munro, aud Jas G. McKeen, Esqrs. ! Supreme Court, held at Port Hood on the Second Tuesday of June, and Second Tuesday of October. Dep. Prolh'y, and Clerk of thd Peace, Jno L. Tremain, Esq. Cornm'rs for taking Bail ,ill the Sup. Court, Jno L. Tremain, Dunsier Tremain and Wm Buck, Esqrs. ! General Sessions of the Peace, held at Port Hood on the First Tuesday of April 31ld First Tuesday of October. I Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Ins'olvent :Dehtors, and all other Acts whieh Judges of t.he late Inferiol' ,Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court:­ 'Andw McDonald, Jno L. Tremain, Henry Taylor, Han. Wm Mc­ :Keen, and Dunsier Tremain, Esqrs. ! Notaries al'ld Tabellions ·Public, Jno McLeod, Jno L. Tremain. iSaml Lawrence, Henry 'l'aylor, Jas G. McKeen, Hiram Blanch­ ard, Isaac McLeod and Thos Martell, Es.qrs . • 1 Justices of the. Peace, Han. W m McKeen, (Custos), Juo L. ITremain, Henry Taylor, Matt. Hawley, Jno Campbell, Wm !1Buck, Peter J. Bronard, Don Cameron, .Oeo C Lawrence, Palk !Delaney, Thos Ethridge, Jno McLeod, Dunsier Tremain, Jas IDoyle,. Jno McLellan, Jas G. McKeen, PeterSmyth, Don Me· :Donald, Jno McLean, Wm. McDonald,· Hugh Campbell,.. Don :Beaton, Alex McLean, Allan McDonald, Martin 'McPherson, IMiles McDonald, Lauchlin McDougall, Arch'dMCcDougall, Don'l 'Smith (of the Island), Jas. Purcell,. Allen Cameron, Isaac Mc­ jLeod, Neil McLellan, Saml Campbell, Jno Beaton, Alex McLel­ 'lan, Arch McIntyre, Malcolm McKay, JH McKeen, and Alex 'Chisholm, Esqrs. . I Court of Probate, .Judge, .Tno L.·TrE'main j Registrar, Hiram [Blanchard, Esqrs. Registrar of Deeds, .lno L. Tremain, Esq. IControllers of Customs and NIlVilration-Laws, and Coll'/'s of polonial and Light Duties-port Hood, Hiram 'fllan~hard; Ship IHar.bour, . Peter J. Bronard, Es,qrs\ GoU'r ofLtght DutJI­ :PlatSter Cove, Jas G. McKeen, ,Esq. Dep .• Postmasters, Port IHood, J. T. Tremain; Lake JHnslie, J. Mc'Lennan; Plaister Cove., Jas G. McKeen; Mabou, .lno McKeen; Bridge, Rich'd IFin; BI'oad Cove, Isaac McLeod.; . Margaree, Henry Taylor; IJudique, Hugh McDonald j Whycogomagh,NeH McKinnon; Marsh,. lB. C, A McDonald, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Schools, Southern Dis., F '82--"-'-~--=-- B:'C~E;~"';:RMER'~------1852.: iReI'. Alex Mcl)onald, Rev. W Miller, Rev Ron. McGilvray-Wm) !Watts, ,J L Tremain (Chairman). !fan. Wm McKeen, Peter Jn~i 'Bronarrl and Peter Smyth, Esql's.,; Clerk. Mr. Jas McDon,ell ': 'Northern Dis., Rev. Patrick McKp.agney, Rev. Jno Grant, Hev.: iJno Gunn-Henry,Tay!or, Malcoll~ McK!lY ~Ull Saml C,amph;~I'i 'Esqrs. CIeri" Mr. Henry Taylor,Jr .. Board ofL?nd Comm IS'I 'Geo C. Lawrence, Jno L. Trernalll, J.R. SmIth, Wm MC-\ iDonald, Richard C. Austen ,and D?n. Cameron. Esqrs. Dep. ILanrl Surveyors, Messrs. R. C. AUS(pl and J


I: I: r f {;dW!])~n'~ti@n dth.e City of' Hnlieal:. ~I j1fayor, Andrew McKinlay, Esq. i: Recorde'i", Beamish MIl\"lJoch, Esq. ~ City Marsha.l, £!1" High Constable, Mr. George Irwin,. ~' ALDERlIlEN AND JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. , 'I vVard No. I" Geo. P. Mitchell, W. G. And'erson and Patrick! !Power; No. ~,Benjm Smi,lhers, Robt Noble and Arch Scott;! iNo. 3; Wrn S. More, Peter Morrisey, Jno Gibson; No.4, Juol Naylor, lno Esson and Bernard O'Neil; No.5, Wm Roche"Wml l :~kimmings and Richard Nugent; No.6, JI10 H. Al'\derson, Alex (Knight and Jno King, }<~sqrs. I The Mayor's COUl·t ill; held in the County Court1Iouse on the 'second andfom·tlt Tuesday in every monlh. The Police Office is open every week day from ]0 til14 o'clock. One of the Aldermen pre~ides weekly in rotation.' WARD Ass,:Es.sQHs.-No.J, 'rhos Boggs, jr"and S. A. White; No.-2, (teo Esso.n andJ. W. Young; No.3, Thos McKie andl Fras B. LeCain; No.4, Jer. Northup and J. Richardson; No.5, yv. T. Woodill and' P. Moren; No.6, 1\1[. McDermot andWml Jordan, Esqrs. , , ~m-m'--m_'w____ a,~ ______~ I B4 . BELCHER'S FARMER'S . . J852./ Auditors, Archibald Harshawand Martin G. Black, p., ESqI'S'r' City Clerk, Jas Stewart Clarke, El\"q. Assistant Clerk, Mr. John L. Cragg. City Treasurer, Law Hartshorne, Esq. I Clerk of License, W. J. MOl'l'is, Esq. Clerks of the Markets, Messrs. Z. Hall and John McCartney. Keeper and Superintendant of Jl1arkets and Health inspector,. Mr. Henry Parlier., . I Under Keeper of Fish Market, MI'. Danl McGUIre. , Superintendant of the Common, Mr. James Irons. Supervisors of Streets, Messrs. Jas Irons and Jas Pollock. I, Collectors of Road Taxes, Messrs. Jas Scott, Wards 1, 2,3r: an~ 4 : John C. Craigen, Wards 5 and 6. :' Inspectors and Wr.ighe1·s of Fresh Beef, Messrs. Tho!J O. Bea- , mish and Jas Mooney. . It Inspectors of Pickled Beg and Pork, Messrs. Thos O. Beanmh: and Jas Mooney. II Weighers oj Hay, Messrs. Thos Keating and Wm Doyle. Weicrhers of Flow', Messrs. S. Carten,.I Parker and Wm Grant. Po:nd Keepe1' and Keepe1' of Bridewell, MI'. Wm McDonald. I, Keeper of the Powder Magazine, Mr. Saml Marshall, jr. t' Keeper of the Cemetery, Mr. Joseph Keetler. I, Surgeon IJ/ the Hospital, James C. Hume, Esq., M.D. I Comm'rs of Streets,-No. 1, W. G. Anderson; 2, Benjm, Smithers; 3, Peter Morrisey; 4, B'''rnard O'Neil; 5, William! Roche (Chairman) j 6, Alex Knight, E~qrs. ' Comm'rs of the Common-Ward No. J, Geo P . .Mitchell; 2.' Archibald Sc~tt; 3, Wm S. ~oJ'e ~ 4, Juo Naylor; 5, t-ticharcii /Nugent (ChaIrman) j 6, Jno KlIlg, Esqrs. ' i Comm'rs of the Cemetery, Archibald Scott, W. G. Anderson,; Jno Esson, Jno Gibson, Wm Roche, Jno H. Anderson and Robt Skimmings, Esqrs. i, . Comm'rs on Public Accounts, Geo P. Mitchell, Archibald, Scott, Jna Gibson, Jno Esson, Wm Roche (Chairman), and Jolll{ King, Esqrs. Comm'rs on Tendersfor Work, \V. G. Anderson, Robt Noble, Peter Morrisey, BCl'llard O'Neil, Richard Nugent and Jno H Anderson, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Cit.lJ Property, Patk Power, Robt Noble, Wm S. More, Jno Naylor, Wm Roche (Chairman), and Jno H. Auderson, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Bridewell, The Aldermen monthlv. I Comm'rs for Hackney Coaches and T~uck8, Will Ro·che, Jno Esson, Robt Noble and Richard Nugent, Esql's. Surveyors of Lumber, /'fe., Messrs. -- Graham, Jas Sutton J.McPherson, Henry Spike, \\T. Lovett, W. Henderson. ' Surveyors of Brick and Lime and Measurers Mason's Work Messrs. Ni~holas Wright, Robt Malcom and Jas Reid. ' Fence V~ewers, Messrs. Matthew Lownds Pete'r Grant and William Merkel. ' !1852~------~~~;;:~~~CK. ~----851

I Sealers of Lea/he1', Messrs Thos M-;Mul'l'ay, Jas Norwood and'il ,Vvm Jenkins. , 'I Measurers and Inspectors of Painters Work, Messrs. Geo ,Smit.hers, J as Smith and Emanuel Defreytas. I Measure/'s of Wood, Messrs. Sam! Boreham, Eben. McNab,! , Malcolill Brown and "Vm Bilby. I I Weighers lind Measuj'ers of Sillt and Grain: Messrs Jno Kelly, :Thos McCann, W. Rohb, Jas Aull, Jno Martin, Andw Keating, John M~Kay and John Jennings. i Measurers of Cual, Messrs. Wm Holland, Jno Connell, Palk COImors, Samuel King, Wm Madden, J~seph Findlay, Alex, Grant, Jas Cullen and Mark Maddison. ' ,I Cily Grier, !VI r. Jas McFarlane. .' r.1 Constables, District No.1, Jas Ham; No.2, PatkCaulfield; tN o. 3, Garret Cotter; No. '1, Philip Parsons; No.5, Geo. Glaze­ i,brook; No. G, Andw lVIackesey; No.7, Michael Mulligan; No. ~'8, Wm Rorldiel .. \1 HEALTH 'iVARDENs,-No. 1, Jas Spike, Wm Bauld, Jno W. "Stairs, li'ras Stevens find Jas Mitchell, No.2, Geo Esson, D. ':~levens, S. S. B. Smith Azol' Rtevens and Edgar Dod~on; No.3, 'Joseph Graham, Jna Metzler, Geo McKenzie and P. Laughnan; iNa 4, Peter Nordbeek, Juo Shaffer, Jno Wells,Jno Tobin and , Hoger Cunnillgham; No.5, Ceo G. Gray, Geo H. Starr, Wm, . •,JliTcA ?:y , Chas Tropolett and Wm F'inlay; No. G, Wm Bell, ''.T oseph Bell, W. H. 1\1 arvin, Foster Snelling and Alex G. Fraser, "Es'lrs :, Bo~)"d of Health, The Mayor and Aldermen, and Ward No . .!, i'James A.Moren and Thos A. Bauer; No.2, Henry Yeomans am]' iJno McDougall; No. :1, Jas Cocilran and 'rhos Fenerty; No.4, ~,Robt Romans and Peter NOl'dbeck; No.5, Jas W. Merkel and ~Chas B. Naylor; No. G, Foster Snelling and Wm Merkel, Esqrs. ~: FIRE \VA)''.DENS.-No. 1, Wm. G. L\nuerson, Thos Holloway, fJas Pryor and P. C. Hill; No.2, R,oht Richardson, Henry Spike, [:8. S. B. Smith and Patrick Walsh; No.3, Peter Morrisey, ""Alex. B:lin and Geo McKenzie; No.4, Jno Esson (Chairman), !:J no Richardson and Jeremiah Northup; No.5, Geo A. S, Crich­ !~ton, R. NlI~'ent and R. H. Skimmings; ,No. G, Jno H. Longard, I!JOB Bell and Will H. Marvin, Esqrs. See'y, Mr. E_ C. Br~hm .. ,I Com'mittee of Manage7Jwnt at Jiires,. In.o Esson (Chai~man),1 !Robt [ticilardson, Jno Longard, Henry SpIke, G. A, S. Cnchtonl ~RIld Alex. Bain, Esqrs. I II Cornmitleein chaj'ge of Engine Houses and ot.her Property, I U'OhA Esson, Rob! Richardson and Thos Holloway, Esqrs. ,I Committee in charge of Fire Plugs, Hydrants, Pump,~ andl "Wells-No, I, W. G. Anderson; No 2, Rob! Richardson; No.3, :!Alex Baill; No 4. Jno Richardson; No 5, Richard Nugent;1 'No n, John Longard, Esqrs. ; Conqnittee to receive, 'Tenders, R. Nugent, S, S. B. Smith a.ndl If a8. Pryor, Eisql·s. 'I 1______------_-,--- 6"?EP m La~

i i I

.;- - ~~ --- -~------.-. ~------W"""f"\iiIlm~~ j18:'>2. ALMANAClt. 87 , I 'Wm Morton, Jno Campbell, Edw Boak, Edw Norris, J~cobl 'Bousel' and David Smith. Ronord:r1J Jlfembers, H elll'y M'iller,1 iThos McKie, Wm H. Marvin, Malt. Lownds, Jas Grant, Errol :Boyd, Patk Mahoney and Jno McPherso,n. I :' [T ~'?~ Fire Engine Compan~ a, nd,Axe F, ire-men are exempt'l ' from Militm Dnty. and from sel'\'lng as Jurors. [ PH(E[,{IX FIRE COMPANy.-Presidenl, J. Brander, Esq. Vice i:Prest. Mr. W. R. Cogswell. Treasurer, J. Richardson; Esq.~

Sec'y, J as M. Tidmarsh, Esq. , . . , . 1 I SUN FIRE COMPANv.-Prest., H. C. D. TWining, Esq. Vtce ,Prest., Chas J. Hill, Esq. T'reasurer, Jas Tremain, Esq. Sec'y,' Jas B. Oxley, Esq. . I , HAND-IN-HAND FIRE CO~fPANY.-Prest. G. A. S. Crichton,1 'Esq. Vice Prest" Jos Whidden, Esq. Sec'y, W. A. Johnston,' Esq. [ ii==I I i D:uhnouth. :1 I " MECHANICS' INSTITUl'I':. - ']'rltstees, E. 'H. Lowe, Jas ,v. 'Tu,rner, Vv'ITJ Foster. R. MeLearn ane! H. Elliot, Esql'm. Prest.,' . 'E. H. Lowe, Esq. Vice Presis., H. Elliot and M, B. Desorisay,' ,:Esqrs. Sec'y, Mr. Edw Foster. Treus'UI'e1', Jas W. 'rumer,' ,!Esq. Committee, Jno Tempest, Will Foster, J. Parker, R. Albro,' ·R. MeLearn, H. Brown and '1'. B. Desbrisay, M. D. Esqrs. . I 1 A&RICUL'l'URAL SOCII':Ty.-Prest., A. Farquharson, Esq. Vtce, ,Prest., Wm Lawson, Esq. See'y, MI'. J. McNab. Treasure?',' 1MI'. Walter Robb. t I TRUS'I'EES OF 'THE COMMoN.-I:lon. Jno E. Fairbankil, H. Y.', 'Mott and VIm Foster, Esqr~. [ .1 FIRE WARDENs,-.\VmFostel'andA.Lyle,Esqrs. I ! FIHE COMPANy.-Prest., E. H. Lowe, Esq. Vice Prest., Ed"'l IFoRter, Esq.' . I FIRE E[,{GINE COMPANv.-Benj. Elliot (Capt.), Sam] Hanstone . . (Lieut.), Mich Murray, Wm Bowers? RiCiJ'd Walker, D. Farrell,! ;,'1.'. A. Hyde; W. Elliot and ,V. Walker. I OF '; COMl'II'RS STREETs.-Jno Kennedy, Mich Dunn and Nat.j ,Russell, Esql's. I : TRusn:ES OF "VATER LOTs.-Jno Tempest, Waller Robb and ;Chas;W. Fairbanks Esql's. , i TRUS'l'EJ<:S O~' 'THE llulUAL GIIOUND.-Rich'd Md.. earn, Jon. :Elliot and Alex James, Esqrs. i I II I88 BELCH£R:S. . FARMER'S " 1852·;, :. POST OFFICE-CONTINUED -F-R-O-M-P-A-G-E-3·-Z-·-.----1 I [Since pJi.ges 30,81 and 32 were prmted, the dcspalch of the. Land IViapl~1 from Halifax hy the EASTERN ROUT E has been altered.] , The Mails are 110W made'uJ:> as fallows:-' ! I On MONDAYS at 11 a.m., for Antigonish, AriclHlt, Dtlrham,Guysborough,i INew Glasgow:,:Nor.th Sydney, Plais!er Cove; Port fIooci,.·PicIOU, St. Peter's.! IShuhenacaciie, Sydney, Shet'brooKe, Truro, and Prince Ed ward hland: and: !on 'l'HURSDAYS at 11 a.m., .[.01' Alltigonish, ~I;iehat, Durham, Gay's River,' IGnyshorough, Wew' Glasgow; North Synney, !'Iaisler Cove, PIlI5'GaS~,. Pori; iHood, Pictou,. St. ·Peter's, Sydney, Shubenllcadle, Sherbr~oke! 'rruro,. j.J·allaGti m,d Prince Edward Island. ,. I ,The Mails fmm the above places are ch.,e on.. WE". NESDAYS and SATIJR': DAYS at 1 p.m. ' . I I. On TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS at 11 a.m:, for 'Amherst, Londonderry,; iPugwash, Parrs.boro', Truro, Wallace, New i:!rull8wjclr, Ganada, undUnited' ,Slates-and.arnve [rO.m onJ\'[oN·DAYS and, THURSDAYS . al·2.30 p.m. 1i ROADS to the Principal Towlls in tbe Province. : Halifa:r: to Digby. \ Philip's, Bear River 15 I Halifa.1: to Cumberland Butler'S 4 Parry's, Yarmouth. YIa Windsor. Davidson's 1 Lakes 7 Windsor 45 i IBllrgess' 4 I Yarmonlh 6 1 I' , 'ward's I p.Orle.r's Eel.Brook 13' ,arrsboro by water 30 : I .' ,., t, "lle,ton'8 11 !, Cody;s , 111,SpIDl~ey's, Ar'g~le 8;\ Jelllc', 2 I IIhmllton's 2,} Larkui's. PUt.~lCo 9 I Morean R'" I IHIItz . 7J Homer's,Barrrngl'on l2~ I p' 1 • I\~r 6,. IE vans's 3' Nickerson's, Beaver - ugs. ey s, Nappa" 9 i ,Glassey's Lakelands 5J Dam '12 !3,ellt s, AlI~herst 9., sweet's 1 Shelburnel 0 I"~ ort Cumberland 7 ' I1iarlin's ( N 2 -- . IM~~~,~- sRd:J'~iS4 ______=:.. ______~i, IWi.n~sor (45). 10 '/ Halifax to Shel/Jurne, III:c. to CumberlfInd ,'ja iR7,d s, I Lo\\ er II Shore ROllte via St. _ Dartr::,oulh. ' D!mo.c~r s 5Horton I 1 Margant's Bay. I Aero,s the l' eery 1 J WolfVIlle 4 Kirb "s ~ Shultz's IS , I:KentvIlle (68) 7 AlII' 3 . Woodward's 12 !Sheffield's 18 nse ~ 'j"PO!lOCk'8 16 IGibbonv.iIle 12 IHubley s , 2 Truro (64.<) 17 ILawrence Town 9 Daupbllley s, head of <,'. '. ".' II V" . .' . the Bay 7 .. laser s, ~ oy ,. ;Bl'Idgelo.wll ~ McLean'S .11 \' la~e' 17 t~!bPohs (130) 10 IChester (45) 13 Slep),en" Top .of , ~ y 24 Zwicker's Mahone CoIJq .. Mountain' 21: i -h- Eay 20 I Hc,.. ~on s, River ' I--'.-.-~--'~ \ Lunenburg (72) 6 Phl]~11 8: :Halifa:ctoYarmouthand LaHave Ferry 7 Siewarts &: 'Shclburnevia Annapolis. t\~,ross the Ferry O~ I AlId,er.t (64) '10 : IAnnapolis . I30 IPetile Riviere ., 7 I I 'Barnaby's, Di~by 24 Broad Cove -1 I 12Sj ISeely's St. Maifs iYlill Village fi ------, ! Bay 71 Liverpool (107n ~ Sf I Hal(j'a,,: 10 PiGtoti. I 'lEverett's, 'Veymouth Port MOllloll 10 I To Trum 64J: Ro~d . . 5 Port Jol.ly 5 Archibald·s. Salmon ',Jom,"s s ~"s.lboo , \ Sable R1v:er II) \ River' It, ,Terreau s Billeveons Jordan Rl • ..,r a IrvlIl"'s ilIonnt To. III G I Cove, 5 Shelburne 7 '. Jl'ras~r's, W. Hiver d: IComeau s, Clare. 7 I --I Piel<>u 12 I "IMalle,'s, Montagoll 147f . Cove 9 --; 104!, ;iS5i ~"""'",",,",---~~-::"~;:'";'-==--~=--=~""""~S;'. ------~----'------i: MASONIC. I THE MOST ANCIENT AND HONORABLE FRATERNITY OF I FREE MASONRY. I Grand Maste1' of Englan.d, The Earl of Zetland. Dep. G. Maste7', Earl Howe. I Grand Master of Irelan.d, -The Duke of Leinstet. I Grand Master of Scotland, The Duke (If Athol!.

,. ENGLISH. '. 1 : PROVI~C.IA L GRAND LODGE, yNDER ENGLISH JURISDICTI?NI ,: Provlnczal Gra'{fd Master for l'\ova ScotJa and !'jew BrunswIck, and] : the Islands of Newfounilland and Prince Edward, R. HZ Hon Alex': ! Keith. DeiJi. Grand NIaster, R. IV. hs Forman, jr.Esq;.' S~nio'r' Grand liFarden, R.fr. Chas MCleary, Esq, . Juniqr Grund Warden" ,kW. Henry C D Twiniilg, Esq. Grand Chaplain, F. W. R~v J T, Twining, D.D. Asst. Grand Chaplain, V. W. Rev Robt'Arn(ild, A. B.!I Grr-Inri See'y, V. W.----- Esq. G-rand,.Trcasunr, y'lV. .lno, ,Richardson, Esq. Senior Grand Deacon, 1V. Jo~eph Whidden; Esq.!' iJuninr Grand Deacon, Mr. ,V J Tully. G. Direeta'r of Ceremon.ies,: , lY. illr Sam I Blair. G. SlIp't of T'Vorks, IT. Chas W Fairbanks',] ,Esq. G. Sword Bearer, i-V. Mr Pa'ik . Me€]k•. G. Pursuitoant, 'w.' :Mr ThosAnderson. Grand Tyle]', W. 1'I'lr Geo. Anderson,jr. G-rana, i'Stewards, Brothers John 1V1eGregor W. S. Murison, Henry Eager,' Jas W Johnston, jr. and Geo Fraser., I I ST. ANDRfCW'S LODGE, No. 137, held at MasQn's Hall, Halifax, 011 ':the .first TuesrJay in every month. VIT. Masler, Mr John Ca~lpbelJ.! :Treasurer, Mr Jno Richardson. !Sec'y, Mr C H Rigby. I i ST. JOHN'S LODGE, No. I87,.held, at Mason's H~Il, Halifax, on thel first Monday in every month. W. MasteT, C E Di!rill)r, Esq. 1rea-: 'su're'I', Jas Forman, .il·. Esq. Sec'y, Robt F(.reman, Esq.' 1 Ii VlRG1N LODGE, No. 558, held at Mason's Hall, Halifax, on Ihe, :'/ourth Monday in every month. lV. Master, John McDougall, Esq'j' ';Treasurer,.Jno McGregor, Esq. ~ee'y, W L Muris:m. Esq.' _" I: j ROYAL ~TANDAIlD LODG~;, No. 564, held at Mason $ Hall, Ha}n3x, "on the second Tuesday ill every mont.h. -vF iVIaster, Mr Jobn \Vier.~; "Treasurer, 1I1r \Vm Thom. See'y, Mr Patk Meek . ,; ! ROYAL SUSSEX LODGE, 1';0.70,1, held at Mason's Hall,Halifax, on;' I the.fi'l'st Thursday in every month. liF. N[aste1', :.vIr. Wm D Cutlip., I Treasurer, !VIr Wm H Tully. Sec'y, Mr Jno R Willis. .'. : . .. ST. ANDREW's LODGE, No. 732, held atSydney, C.B.onthe Ihira:j Tuesda!Jineverymonth., '. ,I U,NITY LODGE, No. 836, held at Lunenbmg OIi the first 111und,,!/ in, :every month. ' , '.i ; ~r"IlION LODGE, No: held at New G!asgo'K. il : ST. MARY's LODGE, No. held at, Digby. II NEW CAJ;,EDONIA LODGE, No. held at Pictou. I' ZETLAND.LoDGE), No. 891, held at. Freema:n's. Hall, Liverpool, nil: thefourt!! Thursday in eVery month. lilT. Master, Snow P. Freeman,; Esq. Senior WClrden, Dr. J. F. Forbes. Jimio'l' liITarden, Mr ,Wm: j,KnaUf.' TI''!asu'!el:, Mr. :l!~d\'lMcp:ll1ald. __ §,!~y:,Mr LE!.,vis K_qau.t.J """'f! --5H r--'-'- v$] _ n ' 'ffllV?! t4EC&CCiE _.Ui ... tMWTal3..... _. ------~---.-- 90 , BELCHER'S FARMER'S 1852.!

i HIRAM LODG8, No. , held at Yarmouth, on the fi1'st Monday, ,in every month. ._ r ANNAPOLIS LODGE, 1'; o. held at Annapolis Royal. W. Mastel', :James Gray, Esq. ! SCOTTISH. I PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE, V,NDER SCOTTISH JURIS- I DICTION. i f ! Provincial Gtand Master, R, '\iV. Hon Alex Keith. Deputy Grima· 'Mastel' R. W. Wm Fraser. Substitute G.M. R.lV. JOG Richardson'! Senior 'Grand Warden, R. W. J H Crossl{lll. J. Grand Warden,; R .. '\iV. Wm Walker. G. See'y, V. W.George Fraser. G. Chaplain, I V. W~ Rev R Arnold. G. 'l'rcasui'er, V.TV. EDodson. S. Grand :'Deacon, W. ------. J . .Grand Deacon, TV. \Vm Twibill.' 'Grand Jetqelle·r, TV. ------Grand BiUe Bearer, TV. Mr J. Reid. G. Stewards, 'Jas Williamson, Thos Heeg. Grand Sword 'Bem'e'r, Mr Jno Grant. Grand Tyler, lV. Mr. '\IV Striekland. !' I THISTLE LODGI" No. 3~:;, held at EKchange Masonic Hall, Halifax, on t.he· second IVednesd(fY in every 'month. R. IF. lVIaster, E. P.: . DeBlois, Esq. Trca.~, John B Fay, Esq. See'y, Mr S. Nicholson.' ! ACADIA LODGE, Ko. 3,15, held at Ex(.hange Masonic Hall, ootiJe, thi1'd Thursday in every month. R. lV. Master, Mr \V m 'Valker. ,Treasurej', Mr. '.VIIl Edmonds .. Sec'y, Mr. E. J. Lordly. i BURNS LODGE, No. 352, held at I\laHfln's Hall, Halifax. on thefirsl .iWednesday in every month, R. n~ Must",., 1\1r Geo Glazebrooke .. 11t'easure1" Mr J. Fortune. Sec'v, 1Ilr Geo Gordon. ' PROVINCIAL. I GRAND RO·L-l.L ARCH CHAPTER. , For the City of Halifax, and Province of Nova Scotia, hnlding! ,under the Supreme Grand R. A. Chapter of Scotland. : .: ME. Companion, Mr J no \Villis, Provi~cial Grand Superintendant;' M.E, C. Mr. Wm Johns, Deputy Do.; M.E.C. Mr Wm f,lillard, P.G. '2nd Princip. H.; llf.E. c., Mr \VIll Fraser, P. G. 3rd Princip. J. ; M.E. C., Mr Geo Fraser, P. G. Seribe K ; M.E. C. Mr . .J H Cross-' kill, P. G~ Scribe N.; Ji.E. C., Mr Edgar Dodson, P. G. Treasurer;' . M.E.C", 1\1r F. Traunweiser. P. G. Jeweller;, M.E. c., Mr Wm' Fraser, jr. P. G. Hecorcier; ""i.E. C., !Ill' ------P. G. : Marshall; M.E.C., Mr Saml Blair, P. G. Sword Bearer; M.E.C.; Mr Geo Brown, P.G. Standard Bearer; l'J..E. C. ~Vlr Adam Hunter, :P. G. Architect; M.E. C. Mr Juo Baxter, P. G. Janitor. ,I ·ST. ANDREW'S ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No. 5.3, HOLDING VN­ : DER THE SUPRElVIE GRAND R. A. CHAPTER Ol? SCOTLAND. i I jll.E. C. J no. Willis and W m Millard, Past Principals; 11lLE. C. W m' .Fraser, 1st PrlOcp.Z.; M.E. C.'J H CrosSkill, 2nd' Do. H.; Ji1.E.C., . E~DeBlois,3rdPo.J.; C. P.Meek,·ScriheE.; C., Gllro\vn,1 Scnbe N.; C., W m Johnsloll, Treasurer; C. Geo Shinno~, Ist.P: Sojourner; C. Francis Meacham, 2nd Do. ; C. RobtPayne,3rd Do j' ! C. J ~~~~~~Jani_tor. ,. ! .. ~-----.------.,-' , "&alii.' WEB£) sa:ms u:e

11852. ALlIIANA.CIL 91 , - i-----~~----~·--~------,; I St. John'sPl'iory, or Encampment of Knights Templars, lwldi1~g I' I under the Supreme Grand COncl(Il'e (if Scotland. i' .1 Fra. Hon. AlexKeith, MostNoblePrior. Pta. MrJno Richardson) Sub-Prior; Pm. MrJno H C"osskill, Mareschall; Fm. Mr JnoWier,' ]Hospitaller. Fra. 11r Saml Story, 3rd, Chancellor. Fra. Mr.Wm, 'Fraser, 'Treasurer. Fra. Mr ------Secretary. Pm. Rev J: ,cr. Twining, D.D. Chaplain. Pra. ;'IIr 'vV. D. Cutlip, Chamberlain; ,Fras. Messrs. L. J. Morton and F. Traullweiser, 4ides-de-Camp; 'Fra. Mr Jno Baxter, Guard. i ,I .


!i Right lVO?·thy Grand PrOL'incial Deputy,foT the Pmvinces of NOVO... , :8[;vtw, New Brunswlck, Pnnce Edward Island, and IVewfvundland. .. Elbrid~eGerry Fuller, Esq. D.M. Right Hlm·thy Past Grand, Rev Alex. Hichborne, P. C. R., Grand Install ill 0' Officer. i i ACADIA LODGE, No. 26, P. O. of O. F:-Odd Fellows Hall, Ex­ !ehan,g-e Buildin,Q's. OFB'IDERS-C. H. Hamilton, N. G.; S. C. \Vest, !~,V. G.; Peter H LeNoir, Recording '::;;"c'y: D W Ross, Financial " IJ 8ec'y .. \V M l-Iarrington 1 'I!reasu'rrr; V\T F I(night, vYar.,. Sydney: ~TlIrner, Con.; E~,w Joyce, O. G.; Th(~~ ~b~ott, J: G.; W. J.; ~IWlllJams, R.8.N.G.; Joseph VV18r, L.,:.cv.G.; Wm Ackhurst'i ~ R,' 8. V. G.,: Robt B0il:ke, ~ 3. V. G ... li,,,bt Forman, R. S. S.; E.,' ~.Creelman, L. S. S.; Jno Campbell, P.O. " ~!=--==-'cc=-====,===co =occ -_~=cc.--=--=====._c=-cc=--= : II Staff" 01' the A~'my in. Nowa §cotia, I .'Under the Command of His Excellency, Lieutenant General,! 'Ii Aide_de_;~~:~~:H::~:~~:Y~~~~I~; ~~1:~:8I~: ~~~-:: Ii

Asst. Jl1ilitary Secl'eial"!I-Capt. Thomas BOllrke, 34th Foot. Ii" '1 Dep. Quarter JVlrtster Genl.-Lt Col. John Bazalgette, unlltt. , '/ }1Ic!jol' of Brignde-Major Samuel Tryon, 1tnatt. II , Dep. COlli. Gentrttl, Pras. W. A. C. Major, Esq. I .Asst. Com. Generals-JoseJ!h Will. Wybault, "Vm. Henry: IDrake, and George Shepheard, Esqrs. i ·1 Dep. .Asst. Com. Generals-Ja~ Lane, H. W. W. Plant, Douglas 'B. Clarke, J as Bell Lundy and Robert Booth, Esql's. i Dep.inspector GenemZ-Wm Munro, Esq. I Staff Surgeifn--Jno. Donald Esq. . , 1 Staff·./1sst.' .Surgerms-Wm Munro, M.n., N. Colin McKenzie,:, nI.D. and Fras W. Knox, Esqrs. I Comman4t;mt--Lieut. Col. Jno Bazalll'lltte, D. Q. M. G. , Town Aiijutant, Sy~ney, C.B., ~t. Edw. Sutherland, h.p.

~,;,,--·n·I -triiiC_r;=;=';;rn.:;-;:;:;:;-iP;;;;..;;a;w~_-···:-c··--·· .------.,----: 92 BELCHER'S FARMER.'S 185~.1 ------i , : ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. , ,I Respect'ive Officers.--Commanding Officel' of Royal Arlillery,! 'Commanding Otfit:er Royal Engineers, The ::ltol'ekeeper and, I Deputy StorekecJle~. , Storekeeper's Departrnent. - Stonkeeper, Henry Ince, Es~., Depuly'Stm'ekeeper, C. H. Fife, Esq. Clerks, W. H. Tapp,'. Isaac I:l.ii(by, Wallace Porter and T. B. Harvey, Esqrs. Asst.: Cln'ks, L1e\velyn Poole and E. V. Raines, Esqrs. FOTernan afi' Carpentei's, Mr. C. N. Fife..rltrrnanrer, 1111' R. Foley. Gate' Porter, Mr. J. COl'lnack. Storehousemen, )l.Iessrs. A. Beecher und, C. Grant. Messengers, J'dessrs. J. Todd and A. Kelly. !

1 I !. ROYAL ENGTNE:ER DEPARTl\'iENT. i Cornrna11,rling o.fficer, ROljnl Ene:ineers, Lt. Col. H. J. Savage.i CleTks oj Works, T. F. Hanlon and James W. Shirras. Foremen oj Works, Me8"·8. Cbas.,Goodyear and 'rhos Rees. Senior Clerk,: "Thos Goudge, Esq. Clerks, Georj!.e J. Cre,~d and Alfred Jenkins,: Esqrs. Fore:nan oj Cltrpenlers, MI'. J. McKenzie. ,.Master Smith, i:il'Ir. \Vl1l Gossip. Messenger, MI'. \Ym Pickles. i BARIlACK DEPARTMENT.-BuI'Tllck Alaster, \Y. J. Chetwynd,: Esq. Barrack Se'ljeants, !\1es~rs. "VITI Litt.le, JI10 Forhes, and J no Shean. BmTllr;/c Serjeant at T¥indsor, James Irons. '

Commandanl-Lt. Col. John Bazalgetle, D. Q. M. G.

Royal Artillery. 2nd Lieuls. R. M. Par,OI1, Colonel. I The Royal Arms C. B. LeMesurier 2d Lieut. Sir Jas Dougl".,', and Supporters, F. G. Griffin E. L. Band K.C.B., It.gen.' ,with a Cannon Surg JasS Little Scarlet-.facings Lt. Cols. ! "Ubique," 'blue, facings:red. blile velvet. D. Alex Cameron, I'l ~~~r Q\~~ f~su~i ROY~-~/1~inee>"s 42nd R;;~11I igh- Ch. ~~:;:~~~e i Gloria dueunt Th~ Royal Arms land Hegt. D. Frazer ,; below It.. alld Supporters, St. Andrew, G. B. Cumberland' ~ a 1I/.e im- . ; Lt Col with Cannon," Nemo Captains., Browne 'Willis "Ubique" pune laccssit." Tho Tulloch, m.' ove,' the Gun, The Sphinx. J. C. Macphenon Capts dQ F an uo 'as et "Egypt." ~Han. R. Rollo , .Ina McCoy GloTia ducunt "Corllnlla." A. Cameron i ~rancis Dick below it. i" Fuente. i B.lI/. Drummond ,t-I.P. NelVlon Lt. Col. d'Onor" I Ch~. Murri\v :H. Aug. Smyth Hen . .Ino. Savage "Pyrenees" ,G. 'V. _'Jacquarie, l.~t Lieu!s. Capt. " Nivelle." , A. C. C.mpbell i II, L. F. Greville P J S Barr» " Nive." i J. H. Daniell i JJen. L. Balfour /1 1st Lis. "Orthes." iT. H. Cockburn i, IW, II. Good- Arthur P. Smith "Toulouse." i Lieuts.! B. enough Jas T Burke I" Peninsula." I A. Pitcairn, adj. ' J1!'Y:n~:~1. _"V'~l!'e_~d w_!,. _Heygate! _ '_'_"r~terloo." IA. Ramsay . : ~ ,::;p,.:.-n -'-~---'-'----' .-.--- .. ALMANACK. 93 _____~ ______._~ ______- ___ . ____ I 'Jno W. "Vedder" Sur. J McGregor Captains. E K Jones II I burn, S. .I1.S. WMM. DMuir, Rob C,olvill "Vm R Annesley' ·Hon. Geo H. E. . J II Ii i Grant. d. pm. R H King , Mcl.'a'ki Ensigns. IA. iVi. Chi"holm Facings blue. row Ingram R F Holmes I ·G. 1. Menzies ' I.aac Moore O. Barwell Can·" -======IG M Gowan ·iCha. C. Graham - Marc A Obert non, S. i JWPowlettOrde 97th (Earl OfUl"IJ Hutton Ern R MackesYI' :R A Fraser ster's) Regt. J D Brabazon Matt Brinkley I' IJ C McLeod L HNa.ll , IRC Cunninghame "Q1.'O Fas et E C Legh Edw D Nares .IJ E Paterson GZona ducent." ,Fowler Burtoll n. B Ingraham I w L Macnish . Colonel. I Lieuts. Henry Currie I. I E·nsigns. S2r Hen. Fret!' ir. iH. MOAtgomery Bouverie, K.C. Thos Bigg., adj. Pa'!!. Geo. Griffin~ 'J Drysdale, d.adj B. G.C. M.G., S M Hawkins. .I1d.J. T. BIggs, it. tl ,Wm J Robertson It. genl. A R Harenc Q.M. J.Desmonu fl 'IW C Ward ED Harvest Sur. Hen Downs,' ~ J G Campbell Lt. Cols. J F Ferris M.D. III 'Geo Fraser H F L~ckyer, [-I S J Vicars Hen C Reaue" ~D D Fletcher G HutchIson '1' Venables .I1.S. J. Ewing II Jos C R Grove. Majm·s. Ie H Lumley C V Cay I !Poy. J Wheatley. Hon H R Hand JL W Reynolds '.I1dj. A Pitcairn,lt cock H G Woods Facings .ky blue., ·!Q.M. E Paton Aug F. 'Welsford T E Jones ! , ------1 i Tile Navy. ------11 i ~ ICommander-in-Chief on the North American and "Yest India Station, ~ His Excellency Sir George F. Seymour, ]{t. G. C. H. Yjcel'~ Admiral of the Blue. !i I Commodore, ...... Peter 1'1cQuhae, ~ I Secretary to the Admiral, Wm. D. Jeans, Esq. :i! I Do. to the Commod01'e, T. Grieve, Esq. ill' i[ Flag Lieutenant . .... Algernon F. R. DeHorS8Y· Ii,

" OFFICERS OF H. M. NAVAL YARD, HALIFAX, N.S. I~ Storekeeper, Alex Eliott, Esq. Clerks, J. Pnnchard,. Chas Lil Hill, and Chas H. Rigby, Esqrs. Gate Porter, 1'11' Edw Fryat!.ll IMessenger, Mr Jas Henry.

H. M. VICTUALLING YARD, HALIFAX, N. S. Storekeeper, Alex Eliott, Esq.

NAVAL HOSPITAL, HALIFAX. Paymaster and Pursel' in Charge, Jno N DeVries, Esq. 194 ~~--~---- BELCHER'S'";;;;;'~ER'S_~~ ___~~~~~1852'i

IALARM,26. IPay"'1aster

:Additional - Geo F. A. Drew I Chaplain - Rev Fras Hannan I ,I Jas Sproule Paymaster q I Jas L all ',,: . Jus Ldburne I Purser S Y 'I (Bermuda Hospital) lvIot~ -- f2nd ,Wos[er - HeLlry A. Martin lASS!. Surg. W:Addilional - 'P. R. C.'O~li.llgWOOd IAdditio1lal Jas Campbell, I i:Clerks, - .Tos G. Hoffman- Wm Cra,vford I I Henry S. Pawe .Tno Murpily 'I Gel) F. Grigor 12nd Ma.~trr W. H. G. Willson Addil;o""l Aug P. Mugford I ,DEVASTATION,6. Paddle Wheel, Wrh G. Aldi"i·ch ! Steam Sloop. 400 Horse Power. Clerks - Geo T. :Har~is ,Commander - Colin yr. Campbell Edm A Rowe I . iLieuts. -- Thos Tickell " , . ' . .Ina v'i NewnoJ"t INFLEX..rJ .. flLli:, 6. 'ParIdle W.1ieel ' , BIust"r - .Tno Way , Steam Sloop. - 378 Horse Powe:f. 'Sw:!feon - Wm T. Rogers C01Tl.?nmlde>· - Peche H . .0, ke l rl Paymaster ')' (W B P . -. Liwts. - ' - Fras l\leynci! ' i ~: P"'-8e,' \ m . ealce Wm R. Hobson I ("lticf Eili;inecr Geo iH. Burt JJ,/Strr - - . .Ta, Pyper c1Iales - Rich Horner Surgeon - Geo Doal, ': .1 no Jenkins PaY171aster' <). I A I ~ Tb , 'V. B. Alexander -Purser S rt lUi' u .. omas I '1,'1 "ura- W. B. C. Christy ChiefBn"inee,.Ge~' Tucker j"'-,-,'-"; U CJ' '-' ~! Lien, - Isaac Hearnden Asst. Sll1g. - Geo A. Hallioll _ I ~ 'EXPRESS, 6. Bl'i~·. i KITE. 3. Paddle Wheel Steam' ; Commander Wm P. Pearl Vessel. 1.70 Hm'se Po·wer. [ ! Ltculs. - *A.llgusllls ~ll1l('r Bermuda. I Wrn G. Scovell NETLEY,8' Outter.' Geo'Richards " n'ndet to Cllmbala.nri. I :BUT{.(eon Jas "ivcn, M, D. PERSIAN, 12. Sloop.! }I,late -- WIn I-lewett Commander - Thos i'llilcheU I .I Paymaslc1' cr I Jno D. Panninter LieHts. - VITm K. 8u.11 I I, p,tr8e;' \ JIlO E. Doran t I,J1ates - A. G. Bl'fIaclhead .~[asteT -- Wm F. Hains I W. 0 Hanhury ISUlgeo" Oliver T. Miller 'Asst. Sure-. Ed", Laucy Papymasle,

lUHitia of" NOl'a Scotia. Commander-in- Chiif.-His Excellency Lieutenant General Sii JOHN HARYEY, K. C. B. and K. C. H. JJ"d d C a ~ Lieut. Col. Edw. Cunard, 2nd Halifax Hegt. t e8- e- amp'j SCapt. John H. McNab, N. ~. 1\1. Ullait. Pa'!jmaster-General.-Lt. Col. Andw. Richardson, unatt . .!ldJutant General.-Lt. Col. Edw. \Vallace, unatt. Quartel'·Master·General.--Lt. Col. George N. Russell, Ullait. IJI1.ajol' of Bri{

; Sur. Jno Mltcllell .!lQd) ':GChp"p~an, R r ' , R' t" .!ldj R Stone, cpt, , . I,' J>J. "" 1 UT y.l tng 8 eg s. IQ )fl J no Ros" I ,-- , ,c,ur EhJa" PurdYI 1st BATT. SUl'JnoPrimrose i Gtty{Jbar~ R,egts . .. 'L{ po~. ____ ' --:-= i btBAT1, I 211d B. ATT, I I . '" ' . I Lt. Col. I ,",t Col,. . ""'Jojors , D'g0y, Regts. tHon.RM CUller Geo Kmg. '.Tno .\Yells I' ht.BA:rT. 1 .Major ..Madar ITim Bamabe Lt Col , I .- J J EMu rsball IHe,~ry Purd>: i.R d; H GesnaVlsooi_ .' ./1, ---'--'-!lSiew.aH,~ ~I ." .. , . S111" SNfitchell I 2nd BATT. 200 BATT. i 2ila BATT. I. : Lt Col, 1 Lt Col 'I Lt. Col, ! PqrrsbiJ'ro' Corps!joseph Crane ~ ISam DOllcett :IIon. WIlham F, it {'a I. ! )flajar I' .:Major ' 'I DesDarres . ,1J,as ljtatchf~:4 IJno Fuller ~,:, ,samu,el.camPbell/ i.!ldjJiloForbes.I' ·.Maj~r . .R~iC.I~~a?dcPtlj/djHBarr . I ::Q' .•AI, J B:Archl,IJe.~e LewI" iP.IIl Jno Fisher Q.M H Barr, Jr. , il'·. bald ,. 1.i1~J C. E Ratch'IQ"l~ J LLOCkhfJrtlsur H D Ruggles Surg Hen El!JPt.1 ford, cpt: .. Sur,vVB 1.'17 eb. ster . I !------.!l S ;IE L Brown .' i--- . . ,'. =..==, . ", . ' . Shelburne Regts. I Syd'i'lcy Regl~ .. I Hanls. R~KtS., '.' --.- BATT' .,.. 1st BATT. I 1st Jl.\'\:l'l~. Srd BATT, lst .• i it Cnl.· Lt Col. Lt, Col. Lt Col . IJon ,CornelIUs :11~!n9 M.onro n A McHeffey' Crane WhIte 1~;---'--.~~------""i---2"-~iW£Et r--- =iiJS75SY--,a;. ,.,d·· • C'··.... "., ., 1852~ :98 nELcHER~S, FoARMER S I I May'or, I Queen's }legt J'du,jors 4th BAT'!:: I I Jas S Thompsen' LtCul IWm Holden Lt Co , Peter Strum! Jno !lIItKillnon Jas '.I1dj I GEnslow'I H D:,wolf' " . Mh' r I "'I, 'QJ}[ Ahaw Bar-I' .I1"~ors .lid) M Schmldt'D :11 r tl '(elay' .Ton Dewolf Sur J Steverman on, c eo. I ' '1~:Iat P"rkH , . , I 2nd BATT. .lid} W Freeman, - -- , j p.il'ISPFreeman 2nd REG~. , I! Lt Col IQ M A Cowie Cape lJnt,?n., i \V B Saraent , ht REGT lst BATT I l.I1dj Jno "Sargent I ' Lt Co~ i .,IQ.M S 0 Doane ILunenburg Regs 1st BA T:r IPeter de Cartere! i' I I IstBATT Lt Col i ' ' ' I Lt, Col " Chas E Leonard I--~--- :YarmO'llth;;R,egt'iHon W,,: Rudolf, ,.1Ifajors 2nd BAT'll,' I lst BATl. I MI1:7 ors H 'w Crawley Dt Col I Lt'Col IHenry p,,:ner Saml Plant N H Martin' I IAbram,L~nt ,C"p'er Oxner .I1dj S Rigby, cpt .7Ifajot , I .~~a)or i.l1dj G T ;Jplffi'!llH> Sur Thvs E JeanlJno Cameron JMcKlnnon Q M D S Grant " I ! l.I1d) D Van Nor-I Sur G Jac()bs .~---"------, den, cpt I I 2nd BATT ' 3rd REGT. ! I,QM J V N Hat-, 2nd BATT Lt Col Ist B.~T:r i i field ,. I ,Lt Co.! Saml GArchibald, Lt Col i ,Sur G JF ar!"h IJno Hecl,man .Major' IHon \'V M cReel! !.I1S,JCFarl~h l.I1dj HErJ1'I'CPfIJonJ0ne. I IQ oM A Gaetz,lt .Ill' J S 'th . 'I' 1'J • no ml QMD McRae, It, '>nd u 'T ! -- A1 r 2nd BATT. 3rd BATT I I ~ .ID • ! Lt _Col , Lt Col ! .Major. Jno, Bingay IJno H Kaulhack 3'd B 'Henry Tayler , "JPM'II t I ATT j .Major . l.l1d) ,I er,cp I Lt C l ' G B ·Van Norden:P.ll1 ~~n] Ow(~n:rlp II Clark: --'---- !.!1d) (Sur E'dw B0lmanl . 4th REGT. Q M Jo~ Tooker, ----',-. -, - j Ma)or " , I,PJUWH Keating' 4th RA1"F JnoScott lst BA1T. i: Sur H G F~rish ; Lt (Jol' !.II~j G If Gesnerl' Lt Col '.11 S J B Bond IJno.Creighton [Sur H B FOI'man,Nat Clough I ' i HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, i I Since the fOIe-g(}ingwas put to press., the Legislature has: beer. calIp.U together, and the fo)w,~mg Officers have- bee/! ch~se,~ ;- ' I Speaker ... WILLIAM YOUNG, Esq. I j, Clerk, J'osel~h Whidden, Esq.. ~s8l. Clerk, H. C. D. T\Vining~ U Esq. Chl!platn, Rev J. T. Twmmg, D. J). Sergeant at Arms. IGeo R, Grassie" E5q. .!lsst. Sergeant at Anna, MI". Philip' iBro~vll' .'I:Iessenger, Mr. John Fibgerald. . ... _. _,Ill ALMANACK. 99

iNational:======,1 Loan Fund Life Assuranoel

:1 EqUilableo::::u:7.:~=P:~:~.f ~ndon'l

;1 LOC~LDiREGTORS. I 'I Lif~ D1lpartIllCQt. , " : Fire Department.! [1'. R. GRASSW, Esq. (Chairman), JAS. TREMAIN, Esq. (Chairma\l) 1 JOHN STRACHAN: Esq. Hon. S. 'CUNARD,' , , I ~'HOS. C. :KINNEAR, Esq, THos. C. KINNI!lAR, ,Esq. I iHon.. S.CUNARD. ,HEI;IRY PRYOR, Esq. i :IhlNRY PRYOR, Esq. JOHN STRAOHAN, Esq. I I P. C. HILL, Agent for Nova &otia., I i HEADO~'Fl(JE~Halifax Dank Building. i The foHowing Genllemeq are Agents for bblh the above Como; ~~: I II ,An'lUlpolis, Alfred Whitman,Esq" M. P.P, II Amhe1'st John D. Kinnear. 'Esq. I' Bridget;wn Silas L. Morse, Esq. I, Digb-y Henry Stewart, Esq. I' J[~nt-l,ille B. H. Calkins, Esq, i: Lunenburg " C. B. Owen, J!:sq. I Liverpool Robert Roberts; Esq. Nictall.X David C. Landers, Esq. Pugwaslt and Wallace William Cooper, Esq. - RietQ.u Clarence Primrose, Esq: Sltelburne Robert Thomson, Esq. Sydney, Copo Breton Peter Hall Clarke, Esq. Truro, John BlIrnycat; Esq, WolfVille John W. Barss, Esq. Wind.sor Monson H. Goudcre, Esq. Weymo1,oCtlt" - , Colin Campbell, fr., Esq. 'I Yarmouth, " " E. W. B. Moody, Esq. I I Pamphlets, and all tbe neoossary Blanks, also every informa'tion,~ ~ to the rales both for Fire andL,ife, given by applying to any off ,the above gelltlemen. ' ,i ij_~~_~a~,_~~~!~~: ______~ ____ ,______"_ I 100 lIELCH ER'tI,FI\ R'MER'S lSB2.


:1 A. & _W. MACKIN!.!A.Y r I , , '", - .', B' "'QT{:S iHA:T'E eo.~STitNTI;Y ON HANDi' Jr.' LARGE' kssrht'tMENT' OF V107X ! ; AND ST A TIONEllty: CONSISTING OF 1 iWRITING PAPERS~viz, Pot, Foolscap, Quari~ aDd }1'dliq Pbst, Demy, Medillni and S.uper Royal, filled, apd ,plain, N'ote Paper" I black bordered ann pHlln., "'. . i 'ENVEWPES-OffiCi3,l Let,le, r,' ,Note no, n" adhesIVe and TJlam-: BLANK BOOkS-Ledgers, Day Books •. JOllrnals, Memorandum j Books, SCHOOl. STATlONERY, WRITING INKS. , l IMAPS, CHARTS AND NAUTICAL WORKSr I Seli()o'/'ltlld other Hdo~, among which are the follow'i'ng :, !Bibles,''I'estainents. Prayer Books, SCIE~cE-rntrodl1ctjon to t"eSciences.: ,Psalms, Hymns, Paraphrases, &c. &c, Laws of i'l'latter and 'Motion. Me: I SCHOOL BOOKS. . " chanics. Hy1raustatics,Hyaraullcs, iMurray's, Mavor's, G"arpenter's', a~d nnd.PneumatIcs, .Astroh<1m~. Elec- , other Spelling Books "trlclly. 9h~m.l~!rJ: -New 1 :eahS,f'1" IMurray's and Lennie's Grammar I by Dr Wllsoll. AnImal PhysIOlogy.!;;, McCu'Liocli's Fil'SI, Second and Thir.d,: ' Vegetable Physiology. 1 I Books of Reading, . , iHistory of Greece. ,History of Rome' iMcCulloch's Seril'S'of Lessllns' ifIis_t'!T1" of Ihe British Empire i !----Course of Readin a IWrIllllg-Plam, Current· hand and Or-! iLeitch'sJuvenile R!1aqqr . ~ namental; !lye]ve . .prep8!l:fd C(!PY-j Holdsmllh's HlSlory ofEne:land,Romel Books (post 41,0. sIze) each , I alld Greece, Hurker's Philosoph)' iGeographical PrImer ' ia-IagIlall's Ql1estioM, Blake'S Philos·'School Room l'rIa£s of Engbnd, Ire- 'I ophy , . II land, Scotland, Europe, Asm,'Pales- iW~it?'s Universal History , tine, N. Ame.rica, and Africa, mount- , ,lSwlft's FIrs! anc;tSeeond PhIlosophy ed (5 feet 2 m. long by 4 feet 6 m. ,!Chambers' Educational Course-viz. I broad1, each "DIRECTOR lE~-ln. f\iht TreatIl.'-ent un'ISChOOI R90m l'>Iap of~be He'. rnisj'lheres,! ,i del'. Two' ears ofAg.c, Infant Edu' mounted ""(5 feet2 In. 100\g"' byA feet! i calIOn frOll;Two to SI1,YearsofAge 610. broad) "I ' ,ENG1,ISfI - FlTst Eook of Reading. School Atlas of Modern and Ancient SeCOll(! Book 0f.'Ueadinss·. !limp'l~ GeOgraPhy"COnSiSlingOflhi,rly.four/1 I Lessons In ReadIng. RlIOIments all 4to maps 'I Knowledge. Moral Class-Book. 'Primer Atlas, consisting 0{1 -110 maps , 1ntrodllcltoo ttl Composition. GramJLalin, Greek and French S(l.hoolllooks, i mar, Two Parts, each. Etymolo~YI A L so:" 1 IARITHMETIC AND !Vil )1'. will be constantly ,uppl,ied with P!4N.O FOR1'Ef:;. from the: ~est maQllfa~t9)"ie~ in l~eUniled Slates. Also 3"cxlcnsil'eassortmeul of alii' ,the mosc'fasfii{)nabie' Piano ForIe and Sac'red MUSIC, Instruction ·and Music iBooks. . , ! i He respectfl1l1ysolicits'li sha're of p,,,blic-plttrpna,;ge. P~rtieular attention' ;pald to ordf)T.s;frOm the. cOl1ntry. ,,' '" - :.' . ,. . I, i BRANClI~S AliDAGF.NTS.-St, John.~,NclVj.{)undland, C. J. Wylde;: iCharlat(q,(owTi, 1!. E. 1., Henry Stamp~r; IJ,ennud(f,' Wat.son &1 Jatnes; SydnEY, ,c. fl., Hllgh Munro;' Windsor,D. E. :G.eldert;; Picton, Roderick FInse-r; Lunenbw'~, Henry S. Jost; Liverpool,1 Edward Smith; Chester, Geo. Richardson; Gltysboro' Isaac J.i WYlde; Lond

: IWn~!~ington. . " I' • :1 "Passengers for ALEANY, TROY, SARATOGA and BUFFAI,O, will'. : leavl) in "arne Trains, viaSpringfieltit, arriyjn~' in Albany at 5' 'undl 1.:}Q 'P.M., Troy at 5.:]0, !Inti Saratoga at 7.:;0 P.M. ' l .' E. G. FULLER, AJ!ellt. jl, O.iJiCf.-Am. Book 81,,*. ~~----:-F~VY;-:"'J4llll awvrJiil!l;;pa('Iii: . P[liJ'~~;'-Xj¢mrr~ , .

-~I ' ii02 BELCHER'SFAR'r.IER'S 1852.' ------1 Line.! 'Boston-&lNew York Rail Road I ,- VIA· Worcester lind Norwich,' and by Steamer np the Sound. I -LEAVE BOSTON AND NEW YORK DAILY AT 4 P,M. Fare-Cabin - $ 4.00. , - 'Steerage 2.50. I E. G. FULL~R. Agent.,! Qtfice uNhe .!1m. Book Stor,e} , .', I' ,~1'/~:, FARMER'S OWN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.

GE)neraI Office-American Book Store.

Tile Washington ConntYllutual Fire Insurance COlnpany.- : POLICIES RUNNING FIVE YEARS. I[With • Guarantee (apilai 01 more than $400,000 i E. G. FULI..ER, 1' FOR NOYA SCOTlA.1 -J GENERAL AGEI-;T, ':D, E. GELJlERT, Winllsor. RODERICK FRASER, Pictou. I I ivv. P. MOFFATT, Amherst. LAWRENCE HALL, Annapolis. HENRY S. JOST, Lunenburg. S.B. CHIP~IAN, LawrencetovvJll~ , H. HYDE, Truro. A. S. HARRIS, Sbelhnrne. 'I' l. W. H. ROWLEY, Yarmouth. JUlES A. GIBBON, Wilmot. I I,i C. J. WYLDE, St. Johns, Newfoundland. ,: A U ERIC A N ART U N-Io~--- i Office at the American Book Store. ! : FUI.LER, Hono7'Ory Secretm·y. : ! ,E. GERRY i LOCA~. AGENTs.-'-Mr. Roderick ,Fraser, fic/au; Mr D. E. Gel-! ,d, ert, V'hndsor; Hugh Mu, nro, E, sq., Syd:n.ey, C. B.,. Edwartl:SmiLh.' I Mr. C. J. Wylde, St~ Jost, Esq., Lun,enburg; Lil'erpooZ; H. S. i ,Johns, Newfoundland.' I ,! c'-' _. ___m __ ----:::.., ..-- -~-w--- .,p.:;.-;;:;.------I---.---~---- <1852. AI,MANACK. 'I Express, Agency.

~nd General Forwarding and Commission Business, \For the transmission of Parcels of eyel'Y description, Specie, I' ,&c., &c., collacting accounts,&c., &c. i I ,PRINCIPAL OFFICES AND AGENTS. CHARLF.S L. S1'IIEF.T, Prince William Street, St. John;' J. R. H.'\.LL, Railroad Exchange,Court Square, Boston. ' LONGL'EY & Co., City Exchallge Bllildiri!!" Portlal1d.' RiCHARD THOMAS BL'CK, 49 South John Street, Liverpool. GEORGE AI,FRED BUCK, 52 \<:astcheap, LondQn. "VA'l'SON & JAMF.S, Hamilton, Bermuda. C. J. WYl,llE, St. Johns, 'Nelvfoundland. STRINGF.R & TOWNSEND, 222 Broadway, Nel/; York, . .FETRIDGE & Co., Boston., ..



,i N. B. T" avoid mistakes-all small Parcels, Bundles, 01' Freight, intended' (01' this Express, should be addressed in full, and sent to ei.tller of the a.hove! ,:Offices. . . I ) Office .ltt th~ American B?pk Store 31,35 and 361 I-Jollis ~treet.~ :1 Hallfax,N. S"'" E. G. FULL.ER. I :1 • ilc-----~~-~~ANGE OFFICE. I


"ANTED, Am:~~:,::::,,:,~:~::i~~~;:~~ :::::'. I';;=--~HIx.------5.$. ,..!L4( ------rio~ BELCI-lE,I).'SF,,\,Rl'IIErt'S 1852.: : I _____, ______' ______'_' __ "_ I I - I I The Star LH~ -As~ur~nce: Company of London. I, , -CAPITAL, £100,000, Sterling. I " -, I, I NINETY PER GENT of iIlhe Profits rliv,irledam.ong the Po/icy: holders, entitled to l'artlclpilte. The Bonus declared in 1848~ !1l[J:lOunted t.o 62 per cent on premiumsJ>aid in lhreeyears, and' 'it is expected ,thoRe il'l 1853, will at least equal the forlller. The: 'class of persons hitherto insured in the" Star," being generally: lof the C(Iost regular liying, the avel'l>ge .of, deaths hus been' imuch under w,hat W:f\S allowed .f\>I'. The assure!;! have libertYtd ;r ass ,anll, repass froln this Prov-ince to,Eul"(lp!: lit, ~II se;lSO!lS pf! "ithe year in firs~ class vessels, freaor extra char gil.. T~Je rates: ,',are as low as III any c;>t.b,e.l' respeilt?,ble Comp~ny m F-ogllln,d;: the general regulations und conditions formed upoq -prillcipl;esi ' 1of equity and li.qt;rality. s.o as!p encourage assllran~ce al)l.()ogl;llli I'd asses of the communIty. ,',' ": ' I Annual rates for assurance of £ 100 for life, payable at death'l \ ',oLthe assured: , ; , , " c' i _~~_~,-- L=~~:·~.!:~F'Ti~_J __ "'ITH_OU:r-P-&,;-;-i::j:;;:- ! 20 I £ 1 17 4 I £ I 15 252- 272 - 0 1 30 I 2 8 9 -j 25 10 35 2 15 II ,2 12 tj ,I 40 3 4 11 3 1 0 {50 I 4106 -I 452 \: , \ GO 7 4 9 6 14 ] 1 ------~------~j ! The attention.of the Puhlic and particularly of We!:leyans i~' reque,sted to the above higb)y favorable conditions, pri~ileg-esl ~ ,aml rates, and a~ a life Policy cari onlX be obtained whell in the, ,enjoyment of h1Jalth, life being uncertain, delays rire'dangerous.i no time therefore so favorable as the jll"esent. Prospectuses and, ,all necessary hlanks, with Medical Fees, furnished J!,'ratis by thel Agent at Halifax.' DAN1ELS'f'ARR .!J~ent ,I n. BLACK, 1\1:, D., Mecl'icdl Examiner. -,. -' to , s. 1 ------.------~------iTrenton Fire ~!1Su.ralloe C9;npan, ~f i' Trenton,",~w ~e:rsey.· -I , .CAPITAL, $185,OOO-SAFELY INI'EsTED. , . ~ 1. Continues to take risks on Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture ,:and Vessels .on (he Stock~-at very moderate rates .of premium. : DANIEL ST ARR, , _ .!Jgent. l l1.;,---ot.------::..~...!iI"er --s :Ce¥f' T",.;==-..--;:;::;:r-::;z::n;;:;.-~- __ ·___ I li852-.------'---~~~AII'A,CK-.------105, I ------,'---'---,- ~HE' ~ntnmUL LIn A~~nRAN~~,~~M1Aml~f ~mNBnnGH. I ' CAPlT AL,'£500,000, STERUNG. ' I NOVA S cnTIA BRANCH, I HEkD 'OF'FlC.E~No. Hi 'Hollis Street, Halifa.x, N. ~. I Annual Rates rur Assur'anc'e of £'100, paya.bre Ht deOl.th of tbe jAssured : ", AGE. WITHOUT PROFITS. I WITHPUOb·,!'i·S. 1-"--"25 £119' 8 'I £2~-'- i ,30 2 5 2 :2 9 .4 I 35 ,2 11 IO 2 III 7 i 40 "3 ' 00 \' ~ 5 {j I ,50 ,4 ',5 3 4 J~1 0 i ' 6'0 ,:!: G 14 11 7,7 , I ! The Assured 'ha\'e permiss!ion to pass and repass from lhl," iPro"ince.to any European Port, at ail Sert80ns (If the year; and' [w,ithi'11 any part of North America, to the,Nor~hward'or38 d'cgl:ees; lof North lati tude, but not to the \Ves't wUl,do.f Mis~i~si ppi River,:' 'and they may resid,rin any partn'ithin the llbol'eJil)1its, WI'i'Il'"~ iouT EX'I'RA CUA,RGE. . , 'i I The General Regul,utions and: Concliii(ms have been formed! iUPfJll prin'c:i'ples 'of fai,rness' andliberalily, so fie to eo:colltage! iAssurance among alt, cla~B~ of the,collllllunity;' "l'be Ratcs'are:'! ;the same as in, Great ~nla'tn, and formed 'on :1Ie 'mo~t, ~brrect:~ ,observatIOns wlndl eXIst as' to the Vlllue;O,-r'J'Ife. Poltcus are j :iS8lud without the expense of Siamp duly." . I~ i 'rhe Board of Directors in '1~~li-fa)x, are empowi,I'ed ,to 'aicepti' p reo ;;, ;,;~:;;~:~~i~;l~:;?J~~~~ :;';;N~;:";~~::"'" ,I Hon. ALEX., KEITH, JAlHE~:;lTtl:WA,Rl'" Es,q. " I L~:wls BI'.I~S, Esq. " Ii M:mlcAL AIJV1SIi:R, ALEX. F. SA WERS, ~l.D. Esq. I: Agent and Sec~etarY., : I,MATTHEW " H, RICHEY E>;Q.. 16' HOLLIS STREET" Ii AGEXCIES. 1: Amherst, R. B. DIckey, Esq , Li-oerpool, Jnn H. Frfema(l,'Rs.q :~' Annapolis, ~---;t- Es,,! Lunenburg, G~o p, Solomoll"E,,! :~ Arichat, Clias F. HarrIngton, Es~ ,PiN(u, .IallieS Crichton', E~q" 1~ Bridgetown, -,---- E"q ,ShelbU1'ne. Cornelius [VVhile, Esq ;1 Chariol'ieto!on,2 E L d" 'il E ::,yrllle:lj, CI,Ia,'i E. Leonard, Esq ',:~ . p'.E, I. 5 . Y lar, sq. Truro, A. G, Archibald, g"q . i~ IDigh'y,.Jas A. Dennison, Esq' Yt117lWldil,'H. A. GraDtbulIl,Esq, IS' I, 'rab,lea of Rates, forms ofPrOPO",a;lS;, and ever,Y oth, erin, formation may, :i~ 'l'be'0Jta'Ined on application :t any of the He.~d .offices; 10 B ollis ~lreet :' br at any bf the Agents' Omces, out of HalIfax. " I J HALIFAX, N. S. MATTHEW H.RICBEl>, :J.ig~"t. I , ------:---:------: ·r;:;..&m-,n;;;;,;;;;;n,p,-:.w=-- --;-y- -iTJiiiHiia.iwos='ii5i-:::=i- it.:. ~ BELCHER'S FARMER'S 18M!'. j .. - ---_.. _---_.. ----- IUnited Kingdom Life Assurance Company, of London. I CAPITAL,£l;OOO,OOOSterjing. ANNUAL INCOMP., ana £100,000 STERLTNG. I I, Division, of Profits.. I i Two-thirds of Profits di,ided eyery 5 or 7 years amongst the: participatillg class, from do,te of Policy. . I f Bonus J841, gave 2 per Cent per annum on amount of Pohcy.~ ,I po. 1847, .'.' 2:1 '. ,," ,. I;. ".. I I ocr Persons Insuring thiS year will be entitled to partIcipate! :in the next division of benefits in 1852 or 53. ! : Agencies are established at:Edinburgh, GlRSgOW, Dublin, New/ !York,Q.uebec, St. John, N. B., ftllfl Halifax, N. S. i • I AGENT AT HALIFAX, ALEX; G. I"RASER. I ! i\~EDICAt. On'lcER, HON: WILLIAM GRIGOR, M. D. I J! The high estimation in which this Company is held in Great; ~:[lritain is,e\'jnced byJh,e grent increase of its business. and thel, :hitherto unprecedented division OjP1'OjitS, ,gl"anted , the .!:lSSUl'cd;I' :I.:Whilst the IlUlilerou.s highl. y respe,ctable Perso'ns in this city al­ .,ready participating in its Sllccess, hear ample testimony' to its, ::Illerits. Applications are strictly·confident.i,al. ' I " The proposals are forwarded by Stearn Packet to Board of!! I,"Directors in London, .and the a'cceptance or rejection of the Risk, : 'adVIsed by return of mai.! immediately following, thereby affording! 'the greatestpossibIe despatch. ", , 'I:, 'I No ext.ra charge for crossing the Atlantic' in mail Steamers or "jfirst clasR ~ailing vessels, or tnlveIling liS fil' sOllth as :~6° ,at any',; 'Iseason of the year. , ' i' , A few eXilmples of Premiums; and Bonuses added to Policies, ~of N, ova Sc<)tia, from their dattHo Dec. 3 L1847, are here giycn :_i.' ·1' D t e 1'_"';/ R~te 1,,'0 001 '-.' B· / Amountstg. " :f " ~~ .()~ g~:31 :'~'I add~~t~o secure,don l ~. Pl' Ibi.,lfJ PremIUm 2w~ --.s-J~ PI" Pohcyat I I o.'~: -e:;. ~er:ellt. l-e~rj) ",::0:; 0 ICY gIg. 31 st. Deer. 1847. 1:-:l31i I £.. d. £ Y'.~~,I'I £ 8. d. £ s. d. , July;30. 20 1 18 8 600 1L u 146 0 0 746 0 0: '[I 18:37 I ' ' ! : iJune 30.']8 1 ]619 800 ]06 180 0 0 980 0 0 i il 18:38 I I~" Ii Octr. 1. 22 2 0 3 1000 9 3 200 0 0 1200 0 O! I 1839. ' INovr.15- ]9 5 50018 '8811 61588 14 ('j : 1840: 2111 H'I I May l:l __ ~~_~_...2_1L_r.2.~ 7 7i~]~.Cl.Jl.~~~L_O~.~ I I When Insurance is for the whole Life a credit is allowed for' 11alf the Premium. f{)r first 5 years. ., , :, Rulesjof th~ Socie!y! Blank Forms of A pplieation"and all inform~tion 'rone' inected lberewttli, [urDlshed by the Agent at the office of Yeomans & Fraser, ;oppo.ite the Commissarip.t. ' " 11 I 49 Bedford Row. 'ALEX. G. FRASER, Agenf.. I!,: _,,== _ .. ' __...... " m. 1ii 1852. ALMANACK. 107;' --~------_I, MERCHANT'S AND TRADESMAN'S JI, M U T U ALL I, F E ASS U RAN C E SOC lET Y "

CHIEF, OFFICE-u, Chatham Plac~, BiackfriU'rs, London. I" : I 'NOVA SCOTIA AGENCy-Office opposite the upper side'ofPtovince Building.:, I : I JAM~S. W. JOHNSTON, Jr., Attorney: at Law, Agent. ! I ' , . ' 'j i, ' ,:", .'.,' ,','0,", • I, I The prInCiple of l\Iutual Assurance, on whICh thlll Society IS' , fon;l1ed is' now aclolOwled'ged to be the most fafr, just, anp equitable,:' towards the assured, AND 18 THEREFORE THE ONE WHICI{ THIj!, PUBLIC I ,OUGHT TO SUPPORT.

I 'Advantagcs otferetl by this Society. I, I Policies indi~putabie, except in c~ses of Fraud. , i An ample ,securIty Fund, In addition to the Accl/mulation on,! Premiums. II I Tables prepared as low as consistent with safety. ![ I The whole profits divided amongst the Members. ! The Premiums of ~fembers reduced every three years, 01' a Bonu~ added to the Policy., " "," , I i Assurances on a, Single Life-Joint Lives and Survivorship8. '

'I Assurances may be effected for £50 and up''I'ards. I , Policies may be made lluyable'to the Assured on attaining- the :r.es~ :pective Ages of 50,55,60,65, or to the Representati,ves at deatll, if:; ! that event should happen before the time specified, i , Endowments-Sums of MOMY or Endowments may be sec\Il:ed, i,.,forChil?r.enattheA!l'eof14o~21Years., i,;,: : :., I' I AnnUities-Immediate and Defen'ed. .. "I Policies 'purchase~l, or new P,olicies granted,. wi(.h!Jut"'lIe.l'.ayl'lttl~t: I! of any further PremIUms, and the Assured entltled to part1elpate III I, ! the profits. I' 'i Premiums may bepaid Quarterly, Half-Yearly, Yearly, in one" ': sum, or on the Ascending or Descending Scale. " ! . i i Credit Sy~tem-Olle half of tbe' Premiums may ~€main Ilnpaid fur': I the first five years. iVhen ,~ve .years Pl'emiums,have been paid in .,flllJ, the policy may ever ~(tel:war:ds be kept in 'force." fly paYI>lent each year of half the Premium. .. I i Policies on the Life of another not f01feitedby .1heparties going ,beyond the prescribed limits. The' validity of Policies assigned :guaranteed. " , '. ,'.' I , ,Whole-iVorld Policies granterl. ' ;', __ [: .', ,i I Four-fifths of the value of a Policy of five YElars' stan.iliog will be, I 'advanced on the Security of th,e Prlicy. I' II No, personal ]j,abi.Iity to the assll,re(l4 '//,1. 'I No Entrance Fee. , ,", ,. " . ,I ,! Prospectuses furnished, and ~very inforinatioii aff9r:ded; at the of/ic9. : of the Subscnber. , ..' , . '. f J. W. JOHNSTON, Junr., Agent. I

EZa?';r~--·--::------::--·-~--"------.------~ ------'-----1 110$ BELCHER'S FARMEI\'S Hl52~

I BOOKS & ST.t\.TIONERY! !' . - -Paper Hangings, &0.' , I The subScriber lids received by the" Mic--l\-lilC ", from Glasgow,1 lau 4recE'!nt arrivai&Jrom the United States, a large.s.\IppJyip-lhe abo~ei

;line, ~iz: ! ; • ;" .,.- , '._.' I I Printi

:and low prices. , JAS. _PONOI'lO~~', I' _ t No. 30, IIolhs Street. ------','I: :oiWSON'S MAP OJ!iN'ov-A SCOTIA' ,'~\'ND PlUNCE ,EDWARD ISLAND. '. ' 'I i Coloured Outlines, 28. fid. Full coloured and yarnisbed on' roLLers, is. 6d. In Poc)l:et Case fot· Travellers, 58. Si:;;;e 1!:)x24, III . '\1' , I"" , , i Geography and Natural History of Nova Scotia;! I " , "Second I:j:dilion, ,revised and enlarged. ' -PI-joe l,s.3d.~Sl1iIed W accompanyll : ,t'"," ~he abov~ J.'t1ap.." " ;I', I (1IlTHE HA.R~iO+iIGO:N, I

'!i " Th- " H(I ~ltIOFl,D." - revlsed . and ('nlarged. Pnce 58. Ir :~I', Sold, by the,Publishe;'s, J. Da\~so~.Sj Son, Pictojl; ,C. H,: i.Belcber, and A & W. MucKlIIlay, Haldi\x. . I "I--~--~~~hDr;gs ~-({M~i~mes. -,-, -.1 -'! Ex '_' Moro Castle" from Lon~oll, and St~a!)1er " AIl)ericli ",l ll:om LIverpooL-The Sub~cribershave received II full snpply of : GENUINE M.EDICINES-ALso,-Spiees, Paints, Dye$, Scent-: red Soaps, Perfnmery, Combs, Bl'flshes--':-Oils and Pomades for ,th.e Han-Eau du Cologne and other requisites for the Tpilet- :,W,lt.h a comp,le.t, e as,sortn~ellt,of,.IIpprOVed PATENT REMEDIES, , wlu£;b are offered at prl(~es unsu-rriassed for cheapness II) Halifax . • :l\leUIC}),,l W!lrehoU~e, ~pp,o~ite th.e P,rovince Building. 'i • i_~___ . MORTON & CO. I l --.. ------~~--.-.--- HAl.IFAX.O ANNAPdt:is: i I I'h\ily to tHld from KtlRt!v'iHc.. , :' 'l'hrde timeR in t1le'week to anti from A:hl1f1polis. I Leaving Hali/ax every morning t~,~ ~ o'clock. I

I ~BAVES H.U,,~F"X I i Everv morning- for \Vindsor, Wo'lfville and Kentville. [ nn Monday, \Vednesaay and F'riday mornings, for'Vinusor 1 'Ker\tville, Bridgetown·aml'Annapolis.· . , ! ~ For Iialifax every nlOrning .flf\er the arrival ' L' 'Windsor' of the Coaell ftoth"J{ent\'IHle. ' l I eaves :Por'Ke~~vitle~Q,d1\nnapolis every afternoon' I aftedhe arrivat of the Coach from Halifax] I ' , " '." ' ,', ,,;.," ,~,,' , " \,et"'es Kentville,S,r.,~;' r~,~~~~rl:, t~~a 1,1\~:S~:;?1~~~~:I~~ a!I~'1 'I" ," '~'iJ; Saturd~y!rnorn\~gs at tlQ,~cIQck, , I , Leaves Ann'lpolis for K~ntville( V\Tindso'r'and HaliCax, 011' !l\lohday;W'e.dIl?silily aiHI 'friday morriing8 atG o'clo~l;:: I Ii" " I ! Pa8senger~ booked, ahd! ticketed tbroug'h from Halifax.to St.I' John, N. B., Portland, Boston and New Yorkdllther by VVlIldsor ,0r Annapolis. ,'" _ I i Ol'FICE-No. SJlojlis Street, near the J~~usalem "Yar\l~v.u~e1i C. H. BELqIEI'!;. ' :------~,'-' I

:1 II' ., WILIJ.AMGR-AN~T,JRI J i c .,j! lOllk5tlttt &.5latiulltt·.; '1 ! 37 GEORGE ,STREET, Nellj the :Market Squaro .. -- ~~~\~~'~~h~~1 i' '.

·-·~-·~_:~~~__w_H~;;=_~~~~~ P' ~I_ 'llO BELCHER'S ,F:ARMER'S ... 1852.11 ~U'U~(H!!~~~ M)u~·1

HALIFAX TO TRURO AND PIOTOU. j ! ! I.eaves Halifax for Truro nnd Pictou on the Illornings of rTuesday,Thul'sday and Sat~l'(laYI_ by first Steamer for. Dart­ moulh. , Returning leaves Plctou'on Monday, Wedlle~d(\y and Friday mornings. . l ! The Mail Goaeh (car~yin.g passengers) ,lea,'es Halifax fo~ Truro aRd Pictou -on Mond'ay illld ThUl'tiday at 1:2 o'clock, noon j: and for Truro, Amherst, and St. John, N. B. on T,ue'Sday andi 'Saturday at)~ o'clock" noon, Returning from" anives at,1 :Halifi,x on Monday and 'l'hur~day at ~,:30 p.m.; and ,un Wed· !nesday and Saturday at 1 p.m. I OFFlcE-:-Argyle Street, upper side Grand Parade, Halifax. !------.--,-,'-'--' ------'-'-"-, ---- I C. H. BEL'CHER, i Bookselier, Stationer and :Qook-Binder, , ':a:~LX:FAX. N. s. ' " 'OFfERS FOR BALl! AT TIlE LOWES!' 'RATES, I ~uil1s, Pc.s, W"fers, Sealin!)'Wax, Penknives, Writing and DrawingPaJlerS;j ;Visiting and PdQ-ling eUHIS, V\7 ater COiU,Ul:S in hoxes or Single Cakes,1 :Oil Colours in Tulles, l\1-cGuelp, Asphaltum, GUlIll'liotl; Linseed, Poppy and; i~ut Oils, ~Iastich apd Copal Varni.h, DI'awil,lg Pellci4s, Cba)ks, Crayons and: jStump<, Port Crayons. Prepured CUll vas anq MiiILoarc\s, and every requisite ifor Oil and 'W:ller Colours. Check Books; Bills of Exchange Bouks, Bills" ;R;eceivaLle- and, P~y~blre Books, ~rissue PH per Letler Books. ' i ACCOUNT BOOKS. I

! BLANK BOOKS BOUND '1'0 ORDER. II ! Book.Binding, in all its branches, executed in the neatest manner. 'i BflIs of Exchange and Lading; Attorneys', Magistrates" Probate and, [Commercial Blanks. -- " -" " i ,-----.------', ,I I, JAMES BOWES & SQN', CARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTERS, 'lBOOK, I 6 !$ "I l13'aA.~~~ @t'Lw~, MIlA. tk ~(>~b {OfFce. \ N. B.-~Bper ruled 10 order by Machinery. P, 'rinlers' ClISes at Manu"1 ' acturer's prices, 7s. 6d. per paIr. i1852. ______.~I::'!ANA~ ______J_JIi

I·.·, ,.. ' INDEX. 1 :Abniv~rsaries'and Feast. 3 County of King'.· 70 ,Attornies andD.rristers· 381---- Anila~li. 71 'Acad"mfes and College.'. -.13[---- Digby _ 72 :Abdi

j---- Reg. and Statl'IlCs" o· 37 Connecticut Life As';urarice Co. 50 :Borristers and Attorniesj - 38 Carpenter's Society ,,0

1----- Society - 0 ~ 41 Cape Breton Circuit 70, 1Baptist Education Committee _ 44 Corporation of Ealifa - 83 1--- Ministers 51 Dalhousie College,'Hx, 4~ j-.-- Missionary Boards 52 Dio>esan Church Society 47, i--- Free Christian Min. 531 Dartmouth Steamboat Company 56 !----- Will Ministers 53 ----- Mechanics' Institute 1)7 iBa:nks in Halifax - 571----- Agricultural Society 87, IGhronologicaf Cycles 2 ----- Common,'Truslees of 67" :Ca.Jendar Pa"e. - - 6 to 29 1----- Fire' 'VaIden. 87, iComm'rs IlIdi'an Affairs S7 ------Company 87, j----. Provo Penitentiary - 37 ------Engine Compy 87 'J--__. Province Notes 37 ----- Street Comm'rs . 8'\

f---- Sable Island 0 37 ----- Tru •. .:if\Valel"Lols 87, ,1---- Light Houses - 37 ------Burial Ground 87: i-· __-' Gov,!. Hou.e and { Ember Days· 2' ,I • Prov. Building 5 37 Eclipses - • 3

i---- Poor A'ylunl, Ex. 0 56 Explanation of Calendar page. 5i 'Court of Ch.ncery 41 ------, Signals at Cita- { 6<)1 '__ Supreme 42 . del Hill 5-i ,__ of Error . 42 ExecutiveCollncil- -- 33 1 ___ Marriage and: DiVorce 42 ~Iectrlc Telegraph --- 36' .1 __ Vice AdmimltY· - 42 Eagle Lile Insumnce Compy, 58 :.ICog.well Scholar"hiI? - '- 43 Equitable Fire. Ins. Company - 59: :iClergy Establi.hed Church - 46 Eastern Circuit • - - 65 ' ~ Rom" C"b.J;. Cb~" ,8 ""m~'. C.r,"d~ . 6 '0" , olonial Church Sodety - 47 Financial Secretary'. Office 36: : ongregaljona~ Union of N. S, 53 Free Church College 44 : ounty of H ahfax -- ~ Q4 ----- Home Mi!sion 45

__ I Colchester -- 65 ,-- Synod 49: ---- Cumberland 66 -- Dis{)u8t!ibll Club 611 ---- Pictou - 67 Governor ofNo1a Scotia S3! ,--- Hants • 69 Government Offtces and Officers lIfjl !1 ------_ --.-.------:--.-n==;,J 112 :ELCFlER::-FARM;;:n ALMANACK. 1~1 (GOrham COll~~e Liv-erp~~~ 45 Officers ~f Enginee: Departme~;'"92: H-ou.e of A.serr:bly • 85 anq, 98:--_- Royal Artillery • 92 H-alifax Grllmmar School . 46i--~---- F:n/l:II'leers " 92 :-'-- Gas Light Company 56:---- 42nd HIghland. Regt. 92 :--- 'Water <;ompany561---- 971h Regimer,t, ',-, 91l. . '~-.-- Dispensary', 561---- Naval Yard"Hx. 1.' 93 ,-,,-'-- Fire Insurance Compy. -591---- Vietualling 1!llrd,. -, f)3 ·'·-'--TemperanceSociety • .. ·61;---- Naval·Ho~PJlal' .-·~·98 i-,--·-· Mechanics' I~.litule • --611~-~- oflheNa~~ 94 :-,--.------,- LIbrary -61,------,-, Mlima .96 ',-,-~. Library, " ',,' . ···--·6l;Odd Fellow., Order of ... • 91' :,-'--'-- ~gricultura]SO,cie.ty,.'62i,p,l'allet", 8,i('(n, 8. of the '. - 2 , '--.- CorporatIOn ,;c ___ ._. 831--_ Morntn/l:and Evening 4 '-.-- Fire Wardens ; __ ..• __ 85Po,t Office, Halifax 30 & !"ti' ~'-,-.----- ~ngin_e Compan,Y~' 86iP~ovincial Secretary's Office, " 86; -,----,- Axe .iuran,c\l In •• COlli. 513 ,Hi!!"Nand Society c 60!Pbrenix Fire In •• COIIJ!>'y ,-5l) ; Iri~h Society· ." 6olprotection,Fir,e.ln8tlraulte Com. 59' .T ~dge" Supreme Comt· _ 42 Rogation Days • , .. _ _ 2 "King's College, ;Winq,.or 4?iReeeiver Gen~rar" Off;ce ~ • :~~,' , ;-.----.- ,AluH1l11,', ): 48 RetITed Members of. COllncl! .-- .,,~ 1 !Lngislative, Council .. 34:Ro.d, and Distances , • -_-.86, Lay A"oeiation oCtile 'church ( '4918e.oon8, beginning.nd I,ength -of-- 2 '. I' ,of Scot~anq, .. -' ISurv,,-yor.,G.eneral~" Office· .--_. :')6, ,L"'llle~an, Church, Lunenburg ·-53 Sup. at St. .Paul'" and Scatterie 37 ,lLiverpool an,d L.olJ~oIJF. & L. 1- 591~t .. Mary's.Colleg,-". Halifax " '451,: Ii . Insurance Company __ -5- 1--,,,-7- Temperan,ce Sbciety '6[, ~;;\fini,jers Church of Scotland ···48,St.John's ell y, M€Il's ,Hel As •. 49 ;:----, orthe F~ee Chll"ch -- 491~ociel~ for E~anA"' Micmac I-nd;-54,: , ~'-;-'---PJ,e'bJ. Chur'ch,-N.-8c 50I!'i.tar I.. lfe & l'lf~ InS,COl'\p'y _ .&1): )I1.e ,'chaff!. ,'s,~n,d,' Tr~deSjn"n",? 5S,Sc..ottiS,'h E,cqU~tab.le.. 'Life ,A. 9%--.. 801":;3,:,; ': .MIJ!oal Life As .•. Soc'y ) :SI,Geor{-!:e's So.clety 'oj -, .59'j >vJerch~llt's_Signa.ls, Halifax '. ,~d 64.. ;Sal'ing".~jjJ~k, Ha\Jfax ". . 5ti'" 11;'\!asonlc JJfHlges_ - ~ - • 89:~Shore ClrCtlit I . - _ 73 'l,N ova ficp!i., B"rri.~t'er'" S,oCi,et.y :-1.1 ,is,,t.a.ff of the AnnYin. .rrova,sco, l-ia--, 91 1,', ~;-,---; - Rible SOG·jet-y--- -- 53)-:-.--_-- Militia., j J -' ';".' 96 i.--'-,--~'Sabhalh Alliance !:i-lITreIlton Fj~e & Lffe A"s. Cotn •. 5.s:; ~ :-,------Marir,e Ass, Co. '59iTcmperance HaiL Company ,._.. 6.l: ~:----- Un·ion Maririe) 59 Unil'ersaJi&t(,;hurch,Ilalifax_"_.53"· C!·" li;". Campy. \ . Union l\'1utIra),:J:JifeA~s Comp'y. 5~ ',1"-'-'-, --7""- Philanthr,OplC Soc. 59 -,-.-. Ma.rine, I.".'.uranc.e,Cotn.y .59 t;c-"-'_':""'- Benefit Building So. 61 United KiJ)(l:!to(O .Life Ass. Com. 53:, ':--~"-'- Horticultural Soc. 62 'V:olfvill!l:~c~demy • • 44 '. '1---:-:------. Militia" ~'. , '. 96 Weslq.n Acarlemy, Sackville,.'45:: iNatio)!,l S~hooJ, Halif.)x" '. 4f) --~lIL, l\-1issiollarie$ .' 51:" ,,--:----:-- Loaillcund Life As. S' y 58 -'-----.- Mi.~.ion"ry Soc. .i, /iI, ":'INqrth British Society - . 60 Wa.bington MUluaIFirelns--Co.--5S, i pffi.cersofI.mp.ost and EXcise,H, x, 36j\Ve8tern CirClt