w. \'>r^.

FRIDAY, JULY 11, lis t IkQy NetPra PAOETWELVB * tka Waak M iOmurl;(ater Enmfus liriraUt M y IE ISSI TtmUf claudy. w ana aad J SUa aftenman aad taalgkt. A daufhtar, Undo Dianna, waa tho event. Judges were ManrUn 10,342 bom Wadnaaday at tha Hartford WirupparSeld, Jana Burr, Ann ifa - ReceiTing Stolen iimtrfapBtrr ■Ma tkaadandMWMS latar About Town Heads Committee Youth Parades Hoapital to Mr. and Mra. WlUlant riae Henoea, Osthertaa Hayes, WU- HARRIETrSlEANTY SALON avaaing. Wara. Baumvartal o f Cryatal atraat, Bnglaan, Ray Blaneo- G o c k U Chai'ge It Manchester—’A City of Viilage Chsarm John Dawart at 4S7U North Watharsflald. Mra. Baumrartal AtWestRec Charlaa 'DMpliiian. Next weak'a aUMt, onllaUd In th« Air waa the former Mlaa Ellaabath evanta am tha ptaygrouada will ba s n iH T — GToaa of lUghlaad Park. toumanMnt amak. NoUed by Court m ciNin m. S S e e WodnMdny and haa b«en k d varM a g aa Fagia I ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, JUL^ 19/ 19S2 (TIN PAGES) P R IC I PIV I o m m u aaaignail to Bumpttm A F Baa«, Vsrions Prises Awarded v o ^ i j q a . n o . 24 7 OoMTB, N . T. Thoaa mambara o f Oiuaappa The caae of Ocihardt B. Haaainl Lodfa, 8ona o f Italy, who For Best DoUs, Bikes, Bchoenewolff, 3«, of SB WethareU CMomMa BotttoaUo o f M Rua- are planning to attend tha coming atraat, charged with receiving Air-Conditioned aaU Btroat, kMol daaeinr taachfr. n ald Day in_Watarbury, may Carriages; Winners Court Cases stolen property In connection with Sought After la In Naar Toilc, to continua har tact John DaQuattro, vanaraMa, hla pureftasa o f a tape recoraer U N Renews atwUaa. for Uekata. One hundred nnd Sfty p le y Four caaaa were dtopoaad o f in stolsn from the Coburn and Mld- ground children gathered at the Town Court this morning. Judge dlebrook brokerage office last N o aarrtoaa w ill ba bald in' tha For Your. Comfort Andaraon-Bhaa Auxiliary, No. Weat Bide Ree laat night and pa John S. a, Rottner presided and March, waa nollad In Town Court Southern Senators Faee Fight Obvanant-Ooncragational Church, 3040, VaUrana of Foralgn Warn, this morning by Judg# John 8, O. ‘Old Baldy’ Sunday, bacauaa o f tha Oanaral will hold the uaual aatbaek party radad thair doUa and dacoratad Proseeutor John J. O’Connor pre- Rottnar on rocommeliidaUon o f Oonfaranca at OMmwall Hilltop. at S;S0 tonight at tha poet home, carrlagaa and bieycla befora' tha smUd tha eeaea. Prooaentor John J. O’OoiuMr who Dr. WUIlam Ward Ayar of Naw Manchaatar Oraan. Piiaaa will ba Jildgaa to win n variety o f prlaaa. Ruaeell T. Corcoran, M, o f B told tho court there was no proof Hill Attack York aty, outatandln* radio awarded tha winnera and rafraab* Moat children ware the winnera Fim raft drive, arrested yabterdey Bchoenewolff know tho racoidar ptaiaohar, wlU apaak at both tha manta aanrad. of evanta atagad on the varloua waa stolen whan ha bought it. 11 a. m, and 3:M p. ro. aarvicea. by Patrolman Joseph SerdsUa on O'Connor told the court there By TIIB ASSOCIATBD FEBSS Covanant church parlahlonera are playgrounda during the weak ef a speeding charge, was fined ISA South Mathodiat Bpworth wheel and doll ahowa. Richard must be actual proof, according T k ^ supported United N » argad to plan to attand ona of Reymood J. Menard, 15, of 1543 to Supreme Court Interpretation. From Benton on Lieaguera w ill go to Miaquamicut y waa tha marahal o f the pa­ tlons infantrymen fought thaaa aanrloaa. beach, E. I „ fo r an outing Sunday. le and the Judgea awarded the Mein street, Hartford, arreatod Knowledge that the Item was be­ Tha mambara will attand tha • prtaea to the M low ing: Wadnaaday by l A Raymond F. ing offered for a price far below through'furioue artiUeiy fire n a offloa o f tha Town Court m. aarvice at tha church', and Orfffin on a apaadlng eharga, waa its value haa been iwld tnsufflcient today in a renewed drive to o f Manchaatar ia eloaed on Batur- Prettleat doll, linda Moore; Mg- fined |15. for a canviqtioa. leave at 0:80 /rom tha Mary wt doll, PatW Dtekaon; saaallaat dislodge the Communists daya and will remain cloaad aa Chaney lib ra ry .' Harold Friedman, 41, of 3300 In a algniad atatament to police, long aa court la on aummar aaa> >11, Valeria Ford; moat nnuaual Park Beat, Bronx. N. T.. amotad Shcoenewolff stated be agreed to from the northwest slope of Good Samarium Mon. Jay K. doll, Cheryl Oibaon; bast doeomt- and charged with peddling goods pay |10 for tha Inatmawnt to a “Old Baldy," in western President Bunaat Rabakah lod ge w ill meat ed bike, Shirley RabagUno; beai without a llosnao, torfaltod a 130 chance rrquaintaace he me» Korea. Jay K. Rand o f 41 Cobum road Rule Revision Monday evaning at B o’clock in deoomted carriag*, Judy Som bond. local grin. _ Summer Sale ' ImtM fronUtna rajrorts aaid Uia Odd FaUowa HaU. Diatrlct Deputy has baan apointad by Preaidant mere; moat colon' In Moomtad WUUam B. LaPalmo. 40. no cer­ Police era searching for araat o f Uie hill waa a no-man’a Gets Angry BftLCH is Your Mra. Bamica Oox w ill make har Frank Sbaldon nnd tha Board o f bike, Clifford LeuUnbech and the tain addreaa, wag convletsd on a on the basis o f a partial idantUlea- laaE Tha Chlnaaa wara raalMlng mnelleat bike, Kenneth Reynolds. official vlaitatlon at thla tima. Diroetors of tbo Rotary Club aa vagrancy charge and aentenced to tlon by Schoanawelff. Tha auapact aarealy. Mambara are reminded to turn In Following tho awarding of tha 15 daya In JalL is bellarod to have left the state. Tha dawn attack opanad a third chairman of tho Waya and MOana prlaes pppalolaa w en givap to all MEN'S SLACKS Is Demanded their minatura. coin apnma. if day o f bittar, raln-dranchad Bght- Over G O P they have not alraady dona ao. eommittaa. Ilndar hla diraotlon, conteatanta by tha Racraation da- big fo r tha hlU west o f Chorwon. Following the buaineaa aaaalon re- tha Rotary Club Mtnatral Show partmant. -Mora than 75 roaeU- REEHMaMUNVipES $tJS Faar aa akells Waehlagtaa,. Jalr Chicags, Jaly 1 9 M A V " 8 ^ WilUaai Bantoa ef Caaaadlr f raahmanU w ill be aarvad, by Paat w ill ba organtaad. ton and paranta gathered to aao From postUona on "Old Baldy’a’’ Noble Orand Bthal Aapinwalt and Rand haa appointad tha foUoW' aorthwaat alopa, tha Rada Friday P rraMent. Tri— aa, fldhtlag mad eat Biavad today to wraat froai ooatkani ooMtMa the OHbNNk har committee. ing chairman: Arthur Banaon, RE8.$Ug$4MaM$51S VALUES SMS pourad an average o f aevan shall, Philip Murray ef (he a t OOP Ooagreeannai; parked ap tor woapoa tliey kavo uaod ta kUI f « d ^ dvit rii^ta U D a ,^ program; Aldo PaganI, refrtah a minute at Allied poalUona—ona CIO puffs an hla dgaretta July IS ta laava the haapital taday. Ho dtaiaiidod that Doaioenitie pktfona draftora call apaa- Harold Hllla, Jr., aon o< Mr. manta; Jay Rand, tickata; and B. o f tha haaviast OonununlM ar- ■a ha taika with athw Mbac Ma4- Hla aagry mead Wha nader- tho Soaato to r t ^ Ito rulao ao a fliibastor caa ba aM dA M. Buah, publicity and advertli- REE SSM a if SMS VALUES SMS ara la OUeaga. Numeraua labor BETTER DERL and Mra. Harold HUla o f MH tlUary pounding, of the war. ■eared by a proaaiae to tell the Aasailing tha RcpubUcaag, ho 1 ia a atatoMtat Oardan drive, left laat BundM for lag. ConatttuUng tha “ataga or- Keopsdkc FronUlna oftlcars Mdd UN sol chlefa raaehai thp city yaatariay vatara "how the RepubHeaan ganlaatlon” are Benjamin F. Cre- dtara ran Into Bra almost aa baavy —afl aaeUag a velee la the roa- trlbutod iu advane* to RttrsaMut m POHTIflC DERIER a two waeka atay at Camp Wood' daaoe when a wen-heeled lobby- In their civil righto ptank of< ------atock, TMCA camp in Woodatoek horo, produoar; Norman Walt, aa- REE SSASaM sun VALUES SS.1S Saturday whaa they attacked ventioa'a .ehalee af a Damacratle lot pipes * tana.” Mataat producor; Sharwood Robb, preeUeutlal candidate. two weeks ago, tha Rapubllcana VaUay. from tha hlll’a southeast stops. Traiiiaa • algnad hut alght a the same old Up aervtoe to naraonnol and eaatlng director; POPULAR Tha battle has baan raging bill Inaraaatag Saelal Security Herbort Bwaaaoa, aeeneryanem dlroc'dlrec- REE SliSaM SSJI VALUES SMS Ideialf of equality under law CpI. Oarald Chapdalalna waa ■Inca 19 p. m. Tkuraday, whan tha baUeate by 549 mllllea doUara a hut conspicuously ignore the can­ D em o crat! promoted to hla praaant rank on tor;r; H a m Maldment, coatume dl- Chinaae opened up with a scraach- etoc; lOarl N. Fumy, property yaar, Bat ba dadared maaeuver- cer o f the nilhueter imbedded with June 1. Ha ia the aon o< Mr. and roetoC; CHOICE RM.SSJSM4 SMS VALUES S7.1S Jng artillery barrage and Red In­ Stevenson’s la g by the AnMrtean Medical their aid In the Wherry rule.” Mra. lidward Chapdalaine o f 101 directorrector; and Dr. Andrew Thomaa, fantrymen assaulted the height Aaaeoiatlaa’a lobby had Impair­ mako-up director. n n ^ r einar of Red tank Sre. Bhnple MhlaHty WHEN ITS Spruce atraat and haa bean ata- •Y ed "laauraaee protecDoa for mtl- Under thla Banato nils, naiaed From Statl tiofiad in Koran with tha lin t The date for on oariy fall pro- Both AlUed and Commumet big lloaa a f disabled Amerteaaa." duetkm w ill bo announced later. REE SMS aM SIMS VALUES SMS for the late Ben. Wherry tC TIME TO EOT Marina Dtvtalon ainca March 10 guns have been Bring ever ilnce. ‘No’' Boosts Aad be laalsted "tUa victory Nebraska, it takas a veto of 54 thla yaar. (N a f AB By 5 p.m. yesterday, the Reds fo r the lobby, at the peopio’e o f tha 56 aaaators to end "a taika- T o E ntrai^ had unleashed 10,031 artlUery aad eqpcaae, was aeoemplialied by a tllOtl.** ' ' mortar sheila. Other Stock great majority af RepubUeana Benton propoaed ” a Senate rule STATIONERY ioauaMsataa 34M5 MEN'S WOOL SPORT Win HIO Post tho H Hoaae.'m m ." Traffic whlaacd by as Mrs. Etta Jenker, n yn -t‘ ~g aaalnrtet, atipged to eemtert and piatoet K n . which makes it passible to put an Hgrtford. Joljr It UTHRoVlmURMCE Mto4M ^ rf The Oiineae won their hold on * Fover U faded Caalmlra Garcia. 57, a pedestrian whs waa tajared at an ealt ■( the WeByweed Fraeway ta Lily 19— 1 waa lay kWMva, and It utaH'kofkG' that problem 'if arose, baltsvtng The 45 erew meaUMea aad nine*—— ——‘ hs isn't in ikiri. RE8.I2.S5 VALUE NOW n i l ing issue e f prisoner exchange. ft ef the Beeial SMurity Icglela- be “Madame Veeps" are In­ touch and gn at-the mSMSh •ny tyM aeddcnt. Yat, It with the merchsndiee . . . I Another secret session waa sat for that it never would. , <) peaasngera drifted through foui:^ has Mm I Is aulfiitjr coaifortiiiff to Jnet dedded to hoy n Hotpoint Parket 11 a. m. tomorrow. • ^ , These and other declarationa The ME sue ef SM the Preei dia Edwards of Maryland and foot swell# for tioura bwor4 twa ting ap "McMikiai ocean Uiiero and ooast Guard Father of Girl know yon won't go boated, Automatic Washer from ABC from dictation R E I. ISIS VALUE NOW ItA I However, newsmen got the Im moved atfvensoB into the • back­ dent aeted upoa while away Judge Sarah Hughes of platform eommittoe, to fM4 d hiadqaartaii. Ha bi APPLIANCE instead r to data tima. ground and gave Impetus to the Texas. plana# aavad moat o f them from call a eaueu# o f U f an accident to a vhdtor, (Oeatlaaed ea Paga Nlae) what seamed at first almoet oar- solution. . radaanian or employee kap- Color fast, (OMttnuad ea Paga Five) active drives being, put on by Both are experienced politicians Lost at Camp I f harmony movaa fall, Dixie soon after it arrivaa la RE8.ISJ5 VALUE - NOW $1.11 Barkley, Senator Estes Kefauver —and so the bobby pins may fly . tain daath. A GGtXMld dMlIiU'lGU tHU perni on year property. marcariiad, Deaaoerato who M tteriy tm m t o f Tsnnesaee and Senator Richard Mra. Hughes who worked her Four still waro aRaalng. federal intorventlon in the field of washabla. B. Russell o f Georgia. way throu^ Georga Washington Burvivaro Aro Blghtoi Youri IfT black, REQ.I5JI VALUE NOW $1.11 Joins in . Hunt racial retationa must doetda Lie Is Charged Veep Stroager Grave Reports University with a Job on the Searching through the gloom at whethar to aurtender or hattia it navy or Barkley waa emerging from ad­ Washington,. D. C., police force. tha dark, foggy Atlantic, the ree- ,LaksvlUe, July 15~(ff)-Mlaa-' out on tha convention fleer. charcoal gfay, vance maneuvering before the Is a former member of the Texas cuere aighted eurvlvors by the RE8. S M I VALUE NOW $M I On Eva Peron State Legislature and Judge of ing (^nnle Smith's father teoli to Nortberi) Democrats, Jed by (HARK^W.l&THROP SlMt 10-18. By Auto Union opening o f tU* 31at Democratic eerie glow of the burning aSIp and such men aa Sanators Hunmhroy New EnglanE convention Monday aa at least a the Mth Diatrlct Court of Texas the elr himself today to aid In REAL ESTATE rinoe 1935, by the bright flares dropped fiom o f Mlnnaaeta and Lahmaa o f New RE8.I7.5I VALUE NOW $5.11 temporary refuge for eome dele­ Are Revealed plane# droning everlMad. the search for her. York, claim enough pladged votM INSURANCE In Waterbury gates who want Bteveiuon but al­ Was Oa Paper State poUee at. the Canaan bar­ Woods in most despair o f getting him. Mra. Edwards was on the staff Sw iftly they arere takta aboard to write a tough ctvU righto ptank. W20^84-IOOl.CENTER V the liner Gripaholm, a one-time racks rtportod. that Petar Smith, They are openly taunting "the Waterbury, July — When The vice president ia regarded Buenos Alres; July 15—(/PI—The of the Chicago Tribune for 33 15 years as reporter, society editor hospital Ship during IVorld W ar waolthy Sundanea, W yo„ ranehtr DUtacrato” to accept It or tshe a $5.98 the president o f the Plume and as acceptable to aU elements of condition of Eva Peron, critically had chartorad a plana at tha G riat walk ao they did four yean ago From ^^lyne^ the . party, including rebellloue ill w ife o f Preoldcnt Juan D. Per­ and woman’s paga editor. Her by­ II. Atwood Company told striking line aa India Moffett waa well- They were treated by the Grlpa- Barrington. Maas., airport. at the PhUodelphta oonventlon af- ^ Q % OFF POLO SHIRTS employes In a letter that the com­ anti-Truman contingents from the on, today appea^-ed grave. Smith, who arrivad hara lata Ur a aearing floor bottle. Boston, July 15— (# ) —I r h I r NI * South, northern advocates .of a Official reports from the pres­ known throughout the midwest. holm's doctor and then moved to AB Sfawa aad Oalara pany hpd offered to give them an Since her second marriage to a a Ooaot Guard cutter, the Macki­ ytatorday whila Stata Poltee, Civil McOormoA, House majority Id camp fires were haSaqM G 11-centa-an-hour raise, he uttered strong civil rights platform aad la­ idential press office said Mrs. Pe­ A ir Patrol and atr-oea raoeue leader and aaaeoned by many sim­ Maine and MeW HampeUre w a a il bor laaders who want to play a ron showed some improvement af­ nac, which raced to the acens of a "dellberaU Ue,” a union of­ (Ooatlnned ea Page Twa) the disaster from lU nearby patrol tanas from Westovar Field, Moss., ilar aerapa then, told n p orten : today a t a hUataripg haal dominant role In selection o f the ter a aerioue turn for the worse Sroned above thla aorthwastern held Ita grip en Mai# n t ' ficial charges. nominee to oppose the OOP’s Oea. poeltion. "I am men bopoful that tba The approximately 399 Plume yesterday. The early morning bul­ Connecttcut saarch araa, eould not platform reported to the conven­ tha eighth raneewiRta w y. ' <• SWIM TRUNKS Darlght D. Bhaenhower. letin aaid she waa "resting quiet­ Meantime, the 5,000-ton Block ha raachad by newsman. H ie ban was Impeakai beeaima 4 t ‘diene and Atwood employes who have But Barkley U 74, years Gull burned on, shooting fiama# tion Iw this oommittee will be ap­ been On strike from the braas ly " at S a. m. (D BT). A state polica spokesman oald proved. Common oenae would call tbs parched condltiaai a f waan Rayon Jersey Dresses But Argentina government of­ Labor Wants far into the skies. that Smith haa takan quartsra REESMSVALUE NOWSMI fabricating plant since June 38 (Oontlaned an Page FHa) fdr unity." lands in tboee statJa. O ffiaM a ficials appeared downcast and She was carrying 500 tons e f here to direct, the search fbr hta PabSo Honringa feared spread of fbraet flrea urMaR got loU of mall yesterday—first gloomy. Peron, himself, stuck by naphthalene from Bremen to Mew a letU r from Prealdent Thomaa To Say More 10-ysar-old daughter, but had aot Maanwhita McCormack aad hta already have blaekaaed wllo n u f i K M i n i J, Bosk, and Uien one from the bedside o f bis wife, who fought York, atored In maUI dnima. notiftad them where they are. areas. REE SS.1S4MI VALUES NOW SEAS a. beside him through the battles of Napbthalena U used In making Mra. Halen J. Smith who ta di­ eommittaaoMn pusbad ahead with Thomas J. Cooke, International public haaringa on other pbaaaa of Tha prolongad hot, dry M a B .| | » Representative of the United Smarl Blnl hla six presidential years. dyes and sxplosivas. vorced from the child's fathsr, a la tareataalag ereps. Twa agp Groups of anxious Argentines About Politics The ship had radioed the Coast son o f a formar goVarnor o f Wyom' tbanew party platform at U n. m. » 3 .9 8 ; REE S&7S4SJS VALUES NOW SSA Automobile Workers (CIO). e.d.t. today. They Hated m on and o f tha three riormal apidpl*# , Bosk’s letter, informing the formed outside the Iron fence sur­ Guard bars at 11:33 p. m. (d .at.) Ing, returned to the home o f friends hay erope la faorad toot Hrwk Lomloa. July. 15 (P)-- 81f rounding the PresidenUal Palace Chicago, July 19—(ff)—Labor loot night that It was In troubla. at Oreenwrich after spending 46 thea 40 wttoeeeee for testimony strikers the plant would stay on elmoet as many different sub- gardeners In eastan Miles U m o w a olMirman o f the in the Palermo residential sec­ union leaders feel they w ill have Tblrty-aix mlnutaa laU r it said hours In the search area, police REESMSVALUE NOWSMI closed "until enough o f you indi­ i#CtS« ' (M c le n a Britlah Overseas Airways tion o f the city this morning. They a lot to say about the Democratic ■aid. « an Paga Flas) ... ■ N > : . ■ I (/ V-Neck, elastic waistline, cap sleeves. In eyelet Jersey cate you want to work,” said Corperattoa, eeked a pilot to were kept moving by squads of (Oanttnaai en Page Five) A ir asarcbers quit yasUrday at McCormack said hta oommlttoa among other things that the com- bay a parrot for him la Africa. reinforced police. nominees and platform but the dusk whan ground visibility waa need not nacb Its declelon until REE SMS Md SMI VALUES NOW SMI |>any made the 11 cents offer at next Monday or Tuesday, ahead and duco polka dot. jersey. Colors: Black, navy, green, TIm pilot dIE aad gave the The diagnosis of Mra. Peron's facta aeem to be against any "clear daatroyed, but thay cetarnad to ’ a negotiating eeaslon July 15. Mrd n Nttle coachlag, so that Uiness haa never been officially It with Sidney” situation like the the search today deapito haavy M the Wednesday deadline for pre­ beige, pink, white. Sises 12 to 20, 16V^ to 22>A. REESSASVALUE NOWSill "DeUberate Ue,” said Cooke, as- oa Its' arrival la Loadoa It disclosed. She underwent a'm ajor party's 1944 convention. cloudinaaa and tha threat o f rain. senting the new platform to the tertlng he waa at the negotiating The late Sidney HlUntan. aa Lieut. O a m u n Avartr, eom- convention. could eay: operation laat November after an Humphrey, who led the auoeeoa- Bulletins ^ •ssaion and that Boak wasn’t axaminatlon by a New York can- chief CIO pollUcM strategist In News Tidbits mander e f the CenaanI W ra c)cka July I W hite Sale "The company mada Bo offer e f "MORE PAY FOB AIR 1944, was ctmited with being that froathdAPWifSB REESSMVALUE NOWSMI CREWS.” CaiM froai AP Wiras ea Page Flea) Z :9C Green Stamps Given With Cash Saks U cents an hour, or any other (Centinaad aa Page Two) conventlon'e big wheelhorae. It (( an Fags Viva) « Increase,” Cooke wrote. was said, and also denied, that the REESMSVALUE NOWSMI He further asserted that an 11 late roesident Franklin D. Roose­ ONE K IL U O D f ORAMM Extra Special! aent o ffer wouldn’t end the velt Instructed politicos to "clear Rad Cross plana to reptaca its MIddtoHald, July I5 - NATIONALLY ADVERTISED pany, steer through next week's Demo­ approval on hla nation’s new Ha said it provided an 11 cent In Splendor at Helsinki cratic convention a- pair of can­ premier, Ahmed Qavam. To End Steel Walkouts niae retroactive to Oc^ber, an didates foi* Prealdent and Vice Film actress Mary Astoria THE REAL MoOOY REESSMJAOKEn ' m mm additional annual increase of four President and a platform friendly (Mary, regarded 16 years ago as DRIVEWAYS Regular 89c yard cents, a coat-of-Uving escalator to tlie aims of labor unions. too hot for public consumpUon. to dam • Jafy 15—(ffl— A $ * Z . 9 9 Helsinki, July IS— — k.which pt id high 10,900 flnn- But, while a potent force, tha or­ WMWng^. July tGGT RM NGEB^ Mndh e ' alause, "a good pension plan” and Tba aa aa deatroyed by eeart otdar In Lot ernment officiala atrivinf for Jo)m R. Steelman, acting -chief S M S w fliM I a modified union shop. gigantic ISth Olympic games marks (338) on the black market ganised labor contingent reallies Aagalea.. . . Voles of Amartea hiU moMItaer, and governmant pro­ ■at off In tka MafrepeMlaa Hw> opened today before a seUput for eeata. Uiere w ill bo plenty of ether Uag 47-day atael alar laat aigM wkOa Jefcna#' back at Moscow’s criticism of Chi­ ■trike studied s'n ew eetaure plan duction and defenoe offldata. CUSTOM BUILT 36 in. Preshrunk - Pemnanent l a w fr o m RAIHeOATS ...... WaUrbury, July 15—(J V -A crowd o f 70,000 adth Soviet Rus- Norman C. Armltage, veteran, people trying to elt in the driver's cago politTcal conventions with "C ry" Eay, aab dngar. waa on SAve youk u today but retolnad hopa they SetauM on April 8 tka atoge, drlvtog an iilk a ilil' ■trlka o f some 5,999 braaa werkera ela taking part for the first tima. New York fencer, carried, the seat. mock auggeatlon that I Prealdent Truman aeisod the In­ AB a t tba BcovlU Manufacturing 0 ». Baventy nations paraded 5,870 American flag. CIO President Philip Murray, might profit from two-party sys­ would not have te use I t 4455 paraaaa tote Ika etoeal MttfrGY 1g Bm ImN dustry on April 5 under hta ckektog aad gaeptog tar air. ^ Finish - Fast Color c m e r y k A S S RUIN here has gone Into the hands of athletea and 3,000 officials in a The parade followed the alpha­ rushing here from hla Pittaburi^ tem. claimed Inherent conetltutlonal GARAGES fantastic splash of color around betical order In Flnnlsli, except PhlUp Murray, CIO and Steel­ U. S. popuIaUon totala 156 J64, workers union praatdant, was re­ powers. Two months later, on BODY n FOUND (OMthraed en Page Five) the red brick running track and tliat Greece, os always, came ^lenthmei en Fage Twe) • ■■ o f June 1, Ctaneua Bureau June 3, the Supreme Oourt in a onto the emerald green turf at first, and Finland laat as tha home ported eoUdly backed by bla lleu- HartforC JWr » (ff»- A JOE DeMAGGIO BELTS eaUmataa . . . Praaident Truman tenanto in hta refusal to oompro- • to 3 opinion held the aelBure Easy does H with Scoffs Helatnkl’a modernistic stadium. team. This brought the Nether' ■ l^ a legUlation under wlileb unconatltntlonal and ordered the karge werfcar kaa taand Rto NO MONEY 36 MONTHS SUITING The games warn proclaimed lands Antillaa next' after Oraece mtaa further on the demand for a b o d y o f a aaaa akani 4S anthCrabgrass compound East GermaiiE'Set Tehran Is Rocked etatee may withhold etato laetmi union shop—a form o f eomputaory mllta returned to private owner- V open by Juho K. Paasiklvi. presi­ followed by Argentina. Russia— taxes from pay of federal em' dent of the Finnish Rapubllc, and wlilch la Neuvostollitto In Finnish unlontam. ■hip. yeaterday. DOWN ployee. IS union source aaid the wage- A great deal ef groundwork TO PAY BOYS' SWIM TRUNKS Anti-Church Drive tbs Olympic touch atop the sta­ was midway In tha parade, and the By Violent Riots Walter Wa dium's slender 340 foot tower East German parliament an policy committee might ask Mur­ would be necrecary If the govern, MW dtod at United States—Thdysvallat ,— at ment did decide to attempt eetaure RIG. S1.7S YALUl ...... NOW $1.17 burst Into fiames—kindled by fire the very end. Just ahead of Fin­ nouncee it w ill break o ff summer ray to ratraea soma o f tha ground drowatof. SAVE'"’^ 15%-ORDER NOW ^ yard Btrlin, July IS—Iff)—East Ger- relasred across Europe from sacred land. Tehran, Iran, July 19 —tff>— receee to vote on bill to ha has givan up tlirough eompro- of a email part of the Induatry un­ 0 * w auny, foUowing Die lead of other Mount Olympus In Greece." Fellew Pretoool Violent riots eruptad In Tehraa to­ statoe In Sevlet sene and reptaca mtae and take ■ new pMtIon even der the 1545 Selective Service act. NEW BR ABMY RIG. S2.2S OEd I2J9 YALUiS NOW $1.10 them with "dtatricU.” . . . Supreme The Dafenas Department would WE HAVE THE PROPER EQUIPMEMT aoviet satelUt^ appeared today Stage Is Bet The ceremony followed the rigid day as supportera of ax-Premiar farther away from tha industry's Barite. July Mohammed Mossadegh demon­ Electoral tribunal of Ecuador for­ sIgihL have to place direct orders with OEd KNOW HOW scun REG. $2.59 YALUE teeeaeeeeaeee ta be embarked on a menacing Thus the stage was set for a Olympic protocoL President We are not allowad to advertise tha name of this wondarftil w it- . NOW $1.93 drive ag^hut the church. dramatic sports rivalry between strated against the appointment mally proclaims Dr. Joaa Maria The atael induatry appearod to ■truck plants. I f these were not Paasikivi spoke tha simple words, be Just aa firm. In Chicago, Clar- DONT DELAY ^ C A U TODAY lag which ia uaad for doatns o f purpoasa. Drowaa, aklrts, sport Spraadar • CrabgroM taccaaAi^ gaad The centroUed eastern press as- Russia aad the United B ta^ "I declare the fifteenth Olympic at new Promier Ahmed Qavam. Velasra Ibaira presldent-atact af' filled wlthlfi a apeclfied time, the ketwsMi 15 aad 55 to aailad what it called "unhygienic arhich up to now has dominated ames at Helsinki open,” and First fragmentary reports said tar completing official count of enoe B. Randall, praaident of the Preddeat 'could setae the mUta. IMW adray CM kapat elothao, children’s wear, draporiea, bedapraada. slip eovaia, ate. grataa* thiiva. votes coot In Ecuador’s Juna 1 alec- Inland Steel Company and a lead­ YOU CAN ALWAYS DO iUSINESS WITH COTTON PUliOVER SWEATERS $1JI aad unworthy condlUona” in vaca- the games since their founding gt f,500 Danish and Swedish homing at least seven persons were bay- The aeiaure provision o f tha Bed OerasM Anagr ’D m IrragulariUaa ars so alight we'U wager you'll have a hard Thraa ar faar waaUy SCUnJaps a«ar> tlon. ing ^keChiaa for the induatry, Salectiva Servtca act was not de- , m if. 0E75 Vahm tton camps conductod by church Athens In 1556. plgoons circled up as artillery out- onetted in fights. Mo)>s shouting time finding them. About 13 colors. caaw daawa OalgraN el medaU aaaL affielala, both Protestant and Tile two great powers hava the aide the stadium boomed a 31-gun "death to the traitor Qavam' Dominant Liberal party o f South ■aid ^'strong public opinion” Is algnad to deal with daadlockod wTVGv pw ffirara irafNiMfivi OatboUc. biggest teams—334 American ath­ salute. roamed the streets. Korea nominates President Syng- urging hta company "to stand fast iM or diaputea. Nor did the goV' 400 m ft - Tfe 1350 ag B • SI.9S Officials of the aewapaper Ete- mea Rhe# aa oandldato for re-elec­ and not sign a contract that will sjiimaat consider It a practical a.'Vir Grtm Stamps Given With Cash Saks Tba press propoatd that police letes and naarly 400 Russian. Each Next the torch was lit, following S500 s« ft - SSM OOD SIZES IN BOVr SHOES Pr.$li5 ^ camps for vtolatiou of la represtntod In the 17 Olympic which maaaeii chidrs sang tha laat, wMch oppoaed Mossadegh tion, despite a masoogc from Rhae prevent a non-union man from ■pluUon at'''tkaIttaM o f the first C O L L A nt regulations .hafora iports, except fqr field hockey. Olympic liymn composed fo r the reported an estimated 300 demon­ saying be does not went the office working." DD'iiiirt. a Mm a* Imm waadlag, laaOie ar maeag. thar 'nre permitted to o|)erate. The parade o f athletes around occasion . by Jaakko Unjanuu strators stormed the building and a | ^ . . . MinneapoUa Star says The poaaikta aatauro o f a por­ But tba diortage o f defenaa CONSTRUCTION CO. .rabkareiad-SrAS $ ltS » West Germans tnunadlataly vtewod tha running track to take up p o ­ Arehbialiop Umari Salomlea pro­ attempted to set^lt on fire. John L. Lewis reapanelbta for tion o f the Idle mllta under Um ■tael is becoming ao acute the gov, Newspaper workers l)attled with changing viswa of Sen. Richard SelecUve Service act was re- crameat may feel compaltad to uaa 249 the klaa aa an opening wedge to tions In solid maases o f color ' nounced the benediction, and hind tboir flogs, waa aecompaniad Ruaeell, Georgia Democrat, rs- portadly Ukan ondar actlva coo- lh«.DM HAUea sideratiin BROAD ST. 2-5224 LANSEirS FEED & HARDWARE n ‘ by chaaia from tho crowd, soma o f (Oontaumd on Paga Thraa) (DenUnaea en Page Faar) gafding Thft-Harttoy ' MowersQUAit .nLam ; i M e : .

\ '-1

#s"' - wj v . e . i . ' '

■ UNCHESTtl BVENW G HERALD. H AN GBESltB. COHN, SATURDAY, JULY 1 9 . 1 > 5 2 ^ J U B M V m MANGHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, JU LY 1 9 , 1 9 6 2 PAGE win two mar* b u m > Ikay will ba I 3...0AYS — 3 tha viator*. l^uth Coventry Labor Wanta ^ BTABTINa BSodmlle NcWCSt, VP ANriad DAB Brtdga Steel Seizures Olympic Contests Maakbara from Mabreo of CM- Mr*. P iiia i UMI* STATE r TOMORROW THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB onal Hanry Champion Chapter, Covaotnr T-Sm To Say Mor^ Schiavetti"Pagani Wedding DAB,----- who attend • dad th# daaart TAOCTMtR :• • • to ‘3B* Blataoa Are Threatened Open in Helsinki ^mplete Rummer Work Candidates bridge pai^ Wodnasday at S ears' P avillloon. n . Bast HsmpUm, included Bav, Baginald A. Merriflald. About PoKtics '• AvAM • •Otn* YanrS Churches (Osnitonag fraas Pago One) Mr*. Albertkibart W. HIIMng.ng, peat ra- poa^ of the Second Oengttgor (Oanwimad from Pag* One) Ytvo Rockville gant. and Mr*. Oartrud* M. tonal (Jhurch in North Coventry, K fraui Pbgu Gaa) OuriWr Ohuiuh ♦ th* act to aa affort to gat at least Heikki Savolalnan, vataraii Pinniah Hougb, Mrs. John A. Markham, wiU return to hla naUv* Bngland horaaman, took th* oath on behalf 9 dO ^ , J u ly iS-tSp#d«n~«TY*lwl*UoiB of Uio Oiiliaion Op m H Mlaa Marjorl* H, Martin, Mis* for a month visit. H* left Bng CBBaid a M aom* critical types of stadi back' staal strtka talks to.Uk* oart in Oaetohp of th* world’a athlatas; M o S tia o Hlgkwoy crow* who op* 8cilptur*».r iShM) Ann* CUik, baridaa MlaT Louis* land in IJJO. Rav. Merrifleld wlU pra-convantloN eaafaM N|M nawu- Into production If thla longest Oath la PrahsnaeeA kt* tit tho Town of Vonwm or# SuwUy, July 10, 0 P- pubHe HoUlatar, Mrs. Chari** N. Pill- leave Naw York Septambar 17, to Sunday Sarvtoa, July 33, U:0A Dian tkat h* didn’t Mpaet any a. m. atrtk* to th* atoal tpdustry’s his­ W* awaar that wa wUI taka BiplotiDK tboir ouminor work o n ; locturo, "Trolntnt ^ lldron for state dapartmenl aaacuUvs, a rnora,. Mra. Bvaratt B. Pertar, vlalt four brother* and thra* ^ word from Praaldant Truman.on part to th* Olympic gam** to fair EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT a S n ond a*ot Holn otreota tn^Ufo^ -onowor# on how to Oo lt| has bean an acUv* party workar. who, though not mambara. Hk* to ter* and other retaUvaa through­ •unday, July SG 1BS3. Sunday School 11:00 a. m. tory continues much longer. hear labor riumld turn Ha atraafth. a M. White, praatdant of Rapub- compeUtion, r*rt>*Ctlng the regula­ STARTING AT 8 :1 6 S H A R P a o ^ l o . *0 • dolln^uont woiM. Sh* ta now Vico chairman af th* pliky card*. out the country. Ho alao plana U Mprray said Truman waa "a g:00 and lArtW Wedmwlay Bvaning Maatlag tions which govern them and with Democratic national commit ta* ‘Thara war* fiv* tabiss In Praludi 1:00 gC m. • Ue StaaL said to Clavaland he was Bort of on ooroomont! Suntloy 4!1» p. m., otudy tour Scotland bafor# returning friend of all Uhor. not only of th* amasad at th* report another sals- Um dasir* to piurtlelpato to th* 2 0 REGULAR GAMES — 8 S P E P A L S and director of th* woman’s dlvt- Playara aam* from tbo urt October 33, from South Hampton. CKy* and added h* had no infor­ "Fountain Bavaria" ...Platohar Raadlng Room Hours: trii* spirit of sportamanahlp for on. Hymn— Tuaaday and Priday 13:00-4:00 ur* Is being eonaidarad. tSotSu «Tm y/ Th^cuujto^^^^ ‘•ruinr p^n- town* of tba chaptor. Bast Hamp­ Rav. Marritiald left for Cnnodn mation that Truman would giv* WUUam J. Grad*, praaldant of tiM honor ot our countiir and for las In Thia Judgment Pariod.'’ NalUiar wnmap aapaeta to -win ton. Coicbastar and Habnm in 1330 after aerving four year* th* CTO th# "word" on what way "Lord, W* Com* Bafor* Thaa p. m. tho glory of sport." before thta ofroimont woo *r< th* nomination. Bach Shieartiy Now" aDykaa Wednaaday* 7:00 p. m.-7:B8 p. th* National Aaaoclatlon of Manu- nagud, mointolnodlaimainea -ou.»South atreat ^ il''*;” ’J ," J v A chol braaiM from Poeotopaug and seven months in the British to go. facturars, laauad a atatsmant In Novar boforo hava ao many ath- i .tMfiiia «n* company booh studia* buld at SI saya abo la making tha rae* In tha Lah*. oa tho shoraa of which th* Army during World War 1 d u rin x "1 should aay th* CIO and Ka Offartory— m. lataa from ao many natlona vied and part of Vamon avanua. wn-, ^ atroM »*ww.riiia asr Intaraat of furtharing woman’s "At tha Brook" ...... Watson Th* public la cordUlly Invitad to Oiicago that "on th* *v* of tho d*r tta agraamant now In #«sct Orchard aroot,atraat, ftockvUlo. JOT pavUlkm la loeatad. kept th* play­ which time he served In India and dalagataa wlU mast and diaeuas th* Damocratio convention the Praat- Uqrathar on Um fields ot sport. At OoMand atroot. Manehoator and p o litical pregraea. ara comforUM*. Priaas war* taken In Palaatine with th# Allanby candkUtas ami iaauas and maka up Seripturo—luko IS. ' - attond our aarvlcaa and ua* our London to 1348—th* biggest th ^ two straatp *r* m alntal^ IS aooomory Ploco. ISanehootar, But each, caught up in the q*nt allows his datarmlnatlon to by th* city*# PnbJIS Work# ^ hoam by Mr*. Joha A. Markham Army. Ho was M active ministry thair own mind.’’ Murray aald. Sermon— Rsadiag Room. immas.up to than—thara war* 4,- Pirat Urtfeona growing axaitament aa tna Demo- wMm T wo Prodigal Sons" "Ufa” will b* th* subject of the satos property balongtag to thou­ parttnant. Tastarday th* high* and Susan Paadlaton of Hebron. In CMada until 1330 when he This appaarad Intended to cou- sands of atockholdor* In on* way .00 compaUton, 1,704 laaa than Th# momuif worailp aorrlco cratle eonvaatlon naar*. Is^uat a Mra. Sophia Starr and Mr*. Orac* vay tha Impraaslon that organisod Jay Bbaraol* Praacbliif Laaaon-Sarmon for Sunday. July her*. way erawa matkad. the ftraaU win bo bold at S a. m. tomorrow ram* to BangaC, M*.. to recM v* or another.” . wM wkiu itnaa la acomrianCa hit hopeful*■— Oarpantar of Bast Hampton and kia thaoioKical training. Th# lat­ labor wasn’t gatttag convention Antbam— ' 30, 1083. Mm guidon Ih s t la Avery Brundag* of (Chicago, wUh aormon by Rar. Brie O. P arm ar Cl ubwi from Ravototion 31:8, 7. "1 wUl "W* hxvh now baan aavarai newly alactod (H^plo prssidant with th# motor Mlaa Margarat Bunyon of CM ter part of September, Rav. Mr. ■ignala from th * W h it* House and "Lord, for Thy Tsndar Marelaa montha without staal production Brandt, paator of ConcordU Ui- Judge Hiighaa, peat prapidant of| chaatar. would vpu tU own convicUons. Sake" ...... Parrant gtv* unto him that la athirst of and th* ftrat Amarioan avar to hold driving program. Both Mreat* tharan Cnureh of ManehaaUr, Merrifleld w ill have complatad 30 bacaua* of tb* Praaidant’s refusal had ‘ bean previatialy honed ,aad tha National Padamtion of Bual-I Daaaart which praeodad th* Nalthar th# CTO iior APL haa Hymn— th* fountain of tba ivatar of Ufa Um high post, warned agatort "gt- flaeat P i years of activa ministry in CkmadS' froaly. H* that ovoreomath shall to us* tb* provlaioiM of tb* Taft- gantloiami'’ to hla apsach of aocopt- miad. The j^ -’roui^ m m naa* and Profeaalonal Woman’* card playing, conalatad of aand- and thb United SUtea com* out for any candidataa, but T h ara's a Widanaa* in God’s Hartlay act,” Grad* conUnuad. B a r. OaoTga B . Higgtna of V a r Ctuhs, haa tha endoraamant of wlehaa, smau cakaa. and lead tea. want a platform committed to re­ Mercy" ...... Tourja* inherit all things; and 1 wUl b* ancs, and th a n Is a strong move givan to both Orov# and non Cantor wtu- ba th* guaat Rav. Mr. Merriflald w ill uka aa "Doaa Mr. Tniman want aU*L M ^ straata by tte .StaU High* repraaantatlvaa of that organisa­ Mio. Albert W. Hitdtng. past pealing ah* Taft-Hartlay labor act. Poatlttda—"Sortie" ...... pubols hU God, and b* ahaU b* my .aon.’ control of th* industry, or Is he bndar way to cut down the pro­ praachar on Sunday, at S:SO a. m. tion of llg.dM women, eatiraaaad ragsnt, and Mlaa Marjort* H. Mar­ hie aarmon topic hare at tha It supporting civil righU lagialatlon Salaetiona from th* Blhi* to' gram boforo Um 1080 gamaa In' dapartmaiit .lias w^vad at th* Varnon Mathodiat Church, a. m. aarvlcaa "Asking and Oet- tlytog to buy votaaT” dslboume. muSh favorobl# prala* f»wn .H*# at Its .'racant eonvantlon, for her tin, furinahad tranaportatlen for and ganarally andorsing Naw Deal elude th* Toniaudng: "And this to Ten* NaWamen Th# paator, Bar, Carl W, Saun noAUnstlon on th* Democratic { laeiU playara. AhouiihouT SW Ung." Sasaiotta of Sunday SchooL prinripios. Naath Mithadtri Ohwwh bf* atarnal, that they might know Tomorrow atarta th* oompatltlon M klanu of this araiu darn, i* now on vacation. Christian Bndaavor Soclaty and Prio* BUblllsar BllU Arnall told to track and ftald—th* central tich at. aUaad aa procaadA t« go Into tfi* But while publicly uncommittad. •ummawKtma WBMri McLmighlin, Itiulatar the* tha onlly tru* God. luid Jaaua a news oonfarane* yeiXarday th* Caught Baa* ^ Mlaa M ary A. S baahan Nuraary School an tn racaaa un­ th* union landai* talked of Harri- rn»k€mm Oirrriattv* paasagaa from th* aport of Um gamaa—and th* whole, Mlaa Mary A. Shaahan, St. of «J 'Thla organisation Hkawla* an- ebaptar tsaasury. goveramant "vary daflnltaly ra- vast show anda In solemn care-' doraad th* nominstlan on tha Ba- A ToilAd Oouaty 4 -H til Saptembar. man and ^anaUr Bata* Katauvar Joined In Worship by tha Second Christian Sdanca taxtbook, “Scl' pudlatoa” any offer mad* to tb* atraat waa p *c^ Spring atroat. dt^ aarly thU ily Mrs. Btnlly Parrall, wlfa of Ser­ of Tannaasao aa their favoriU ean- ON THE SAME SHOW Congrogatlonal Church. ano* and Health with Kay to th* monlaa in th* aam* stadium on ]S.fpM baa* fmday. , rnomng at tha Boeknil* Oty oubMcan ticket of San. Margarat maatlag win ha bald Priday, steal Industry of a price Incraas* Sunday,. Aug. 8. Chase Smith as vie* PreaMtontPrealdent I SB, at T:SSO0 p.m„ at th*the bom*boi of geant CharUs L. Parrall and didata*. Thay aald thay would like Dlvln* vWorahlp, 3:S0. Scripturoa," by Mary Baker Eddy, higher than an averag* ot 33.84 a •nJbiuw. whiali walgh^ IH Hoapitai. > Glenda Parrcll, ag* S, hla sUp- to seat a tiekat combining both U W t SHirtbr «a IMS Mm Nrar PooB. C i I h U i -Protud*— ' incln^ tb* foUowtog (p. 410): potSids. waa caught SnJpii# Sh* waa bom In Bockvill* But that mdvamant died a-borit- Lorraine and Robert MeOatchay. ton. r t M w m riu m v A L ing whan tha Junior Senator from Barber HUI road. Bast Windsor, to dsughUr, of Germany, left July man, ragardlass of which boadad "AUagratto .Uggtaro” (Suit* Thla la Ufa atarnal', saya Jesus, Minutes Uter, Arnall called rs- L a i a ^ ^ y o g n iy M oKh 1«, liTO. th* daughtdr bf 11 from Rotterdam, Holland to tha ticket. ArAaaqua) ...... Holloway —la, riot shall bs: and than b* da- In Spanlah. Baatar Bunday Jama* and Margarat CrawMy Maine withdraw to permit tha which Habron S-B Ohib mambara Thay regardad Kefauvar as » portara back to hla office to modi­ oallad Pascua da Floras, or fooft unaalmoua naming of San. Rich' and alt otbara mtarasUd In pig maka thair home In the United' Hyrrm—"What a Priand W# Hatv* Anas ovarlaattog Ufa aa n praaant fy hla aUtamant by aay|ng >>• •the aaeondtuwM cMckan bar* Shaahan. ’’ BUtaa with Sergeant Pairall’a niccaasful campaigner who could tn Jasua" knosriodg* 6f hla Patber and of of tho flowars. florida was ’ ^TSSSirad by th# VSraojJ Sh* la aurvivad by on* itlaea, nrd Nixon of OtHfornin. railing ar* cordially Invitad. A make It tough for Don. Dwight D. U lK knew nothing about any previous named bacaua* Pone* da La „ Mannwhlla, n group of Domo- damanstration will ba gIvan by paranU, Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgt P. Soprano Solo—Mr*. Dawn CMrIaon himself,'—th* knovriadt* of Lova, pries offer which might hay* bean _ • Oongragatlonal Oiurch Mra. Margarat Wlltay of Bock n r r e ll, Sr„.and family of South Elaanhowar, and Harriman aa tha KjeiiAeMi*im Scripture Laaaon—Luka 13:18-11. Truth, and Ufa. Thla la Ufa mad* hU diacovary of th* area on |b * held on the church ground# viU* and a aaphaw, Prod Sboahi eratle women, moat of t|iam torrslna and Bobart ahowteg bow candidaU aunding for tho Roo^ mad* to th* industry to eompan- Hcrm’i Mudlo. bast to wauh. cHp, and prapar* Covantnr. Mr*. Parrell and her OBartory—"Andante" .. .Moriaoo atarnal; that they might know lEastar day. MKRT— ELWaW Y 0I:K 4IRW EIJRIIt evening, with sarringa at S of Hartterf pariancad party Matkara and valt-Truman prihciplaa Hkad by th* BNDS TODAY a “SCAmAMOUCHB" CaoMnaotai Show sat* for wag* boosts damamlad by MRS. RIO SCHIAVETtI haadad by fon^ Bap, Mary T. tb * show. rin g . daughter w ill dock at Hbboken,- Hymn— Thaa, th* oply tru* God, and th* union’s 680,000 baalc ataal T o’clock. BOy Jonaa. ratlrad KIM Shaalun was a mambor of N. X, Saturday, at I a. m. Thay union laadara. “A Chdrg* to Kaap I Hava" Jasua ChriaL whom Thou hast nxlanalon poultryman of Slorra St. Barnard’s Obureh and tha Norton of Naw Jaraay, dscldad to Norman UtUn aaeroUry of tha workers. bask India BdwardA OannseUcut Swtna Orewar* As- ar* making the trip on the Neiuw SPECIAL KIDDIE MATINEE TUESDAY AT 2 P. M. Sermon—"Man! Thy Soul" aanf." . A top govarnmant official, who Mill Florence Lorrato* PagarJ,4'WhUe acceaaoriaa and coraaga of wlB b* In charga of th# harbei^, Ladlas Auatllary of th* Anetant Amaterdam. Saraaant Parrell will pink roses, and the brida-groom’a Ahout to purehOM a diomond? Whon you Ordar of Mibamiana, Tha Conrad Hllbon Hotel had aoeUtlan wUI b* among thoaa PBBSBNTINO 3 WB8TEBN8 apd CARTOONS Hymn— rafuaad to permit use of hi* name, daughter of Mr. and Mra. PraiKls ^ ^ Baka’ ' ‘ w llli J 80 chicken* at a Oma being leave Germany MMday with the “My Soul, b* on Thy Guard" told a reporter th# facta concern­ L. Pagan! of 170.4 Bpruc% atraat, mother wore a print dress, navy ba£*eu*d In a large outdoor pit Th* funSral w ill b* Tboaday at b ^ y swapt out tha rsmalna af BaHan Oangragnttanal Ohntck acceasorioa and whit* rose cor- eoAM to our Boro w o toN you oxoidly w hat S:ld a. m. from th* Butk* l^maral Bapimilean Mtaratur* bafor* they Craig Bowlay of Amaten, who U. S. Occupation Porces after D aata-M illM 't Hall R 0 Y A N E R 8 I RENE AllTRY pDstIud*— ing tba pile* offer ar* theae; bacam* tha bride of Rio Bchlavat- aractad on th# cpurch gwnda. three ycara and five month* aerv- "Final*" (Suit* Arabasiiual Bav. Arthur A. WaSaea, Mtototar 1. Btaelman and Roger Putnam, t< ton of Mr. and Mra. Emilio aag*. They asslatad the bridal It S p, m., th*r# w lll^ aquar* Horn* and at S a. m. from St. war* aatUttf up handipiartars an injurod on* of hla ankles racaht TeOand IbniptiM' In "Bon On Texas Moan" I hi ’Troll Of San Aatade" JauMs W. MeKay, yovougM th know. W o don't moko oxtraY- Barnard’s Church. Biiriai will b* )y with an ana. Is racovqring. Tha ic* there. Mr. and lira. Parrell. HoUHolUwy head of tb* Bconomic Stabilisa­ SchtovattI of 307 Hillard itraet, party at a recepUon for 100 guasta daanlng on the lawn at th* laft Of a main floor with a Mg placard Sr., with their son, Davl^, and Madera and OM Paabian Orgaulat and Cbatr INraetor In a double-ring ceremony per­ a t noon at th* VPW Home, Mag ADoUf ogonl dohiM aa to sizo ond quoHty^ond at S t BamaM’a eamatary. ‘India For Vaap." Thay quiddy aecldaot happanSd whil* h* was Donolag tion Agency, committed th# gov­ thtf church, with mualc being daughtar, Mary, will meet th* arnmant to X pric# tocraxa* of formed by Rev. Georg* P. Hughea cheater Green. funtJahed by N afr* Sawmill Gang, catling hours ortn bo Monday got buttons and badge*. on a e*mp«Ug« trip. Dr. Irvtng Every Satnrday NIgbt! OfcuMh of thaN a Sunday. Jvdy 30— H ton*i^ o^ridlculomly^low. prico''lMot. from t to IS p, m. at th* funaral Priadman of OMhaoUr took wlfa and daughter of thair allghUy more tlixn |8 x ton at a in St. James’ Omreh July 13 at When the couple left for a wad M /V PQidAQUlD wel-kpown orchealra which pUy* n o y bad a farmal opqniag yaa- and brother. g i33 3* U rit r. M. 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 10 a. m. Paul O isteU t played ding, trip of unannounced daatina- horn*. tarday witb nawaraalA aw rU tum - aavarai stitchss to cloa* th* wound. Preluda: "Daap River” Negro White House maating last Satur­ Ftem Hew tasdee IMS A I t Thofo Oft no borBoini in diomendt. duanS the season at th* Vernon Trinity Lutharan While th* Parrall family la in Jama* B. BcU, Paator day With three axscuUvs# of. U. 8, the traditional bridal music and Uon, the bride was wearing i I* Hall. The lawn will b# ad out eandldata la a naw baL who Bod Oroaa Blarta 8pirlti|DL PmmMaahMaiM------Tha church aarvicaa w ill h* hold joqkad at a Mg baniiar, and who Habron mambara of tb* local Naw Jarmy, another aon, Blac- Steal. Arnall waa In (jonnectlcut accompanied tb* soloist, Mias Ann grean, shear draas with whit* ac (OayllqktSaviafrkB*)' 1 off and aenta w ill b# pro- tronie Tachnlclan Gaerg* P. Par- Sunday, July 30: Hymn I “Thara’a A Widanaaa In DeUa Per*. Gladioli and gyp- ceasortes and pink rose coraaga. Parry LnUirop 'l* chairman at 10 a. m. at th* Trinity Luthar* humanly Umitlad ‘I'm afraid Tm branch of Ui* OolumMa Rad CMaa Gpd’a Meroy” for the weak and. rA B IS (Q aad lar day *1 lasn* an iy) an ahureh. getting ‘vaap fSvar',’’ rail, Jr., will b* arrivlag aom*-. a Am-CONDinONBD • 3:30 a. m. Sunday School and r Stoaiman and Putnam mad# srplilla decorated the altar. They .will make their homt for Wo do. iwwovAr, toy ih iii No ono effon th* general committee.. The ChapUr who ware elected at tb* Solo: "How Lovaly la Th* HaiM Of The bride waa given jn mar- w n C D A Y B ______Tha Man's Club of tha church Thar* waa th* usual eonfualen, annual meeUng held tn Columbia, whar* la New York for a SO-day adult BIbl* claaaaa. Ood” ...... Loughborough thair pric# offer, which la more the present with the bride’s par­ public Is invited to both avanta. It will bold a plenic Sunday after' laav* with hla parents, who plan 10:48 a. m. Morning Worship. than 33 over th* maximum allow- rlsKe by her father and was at- ents and racalva their friends aftsr ILOO stw wap ZL*9 A T. sim JiMBonda them wo do ond, hov- Is lo t noceaaary |o aactna tickats ----- cigaratt* amok* — plus cigar Included Dr. (marie* M. Larcomb EASTWOOD Offertory Solo: "Evmtog and at th* Chart** Schuta eot- amoha, for among th* m idgs-waar- ' at chairman, and Bav. Harold B. to join him that day. Sermon by fh# Pastor. *d by sUbUlsatlon rogulationa, to ten'led by her sister, Mre. Bllxa- July 26. imiDAYS « HOWlATt _ in Idvanca for either event. ALL co a /m SHOW! 6:30 p. m. Mm Young Poo- M orni^* ' ...... Stickea beth Tracy, as matron of honor. ing Noeod your trust M m , Snlpale Lah*. era war* aavarai man. Andnd nmaybe Kean aa aarvie* chairman, an of- CJovanlry Volunteer, PIr* Com­ Solotat: Mlaa Mary Provan th* ballaf that th* industry and 1240 OM wap 9340 A T. Bi ess* of rain the barbecu* w ill comas th* ravohitlen in which man pany 1 defeated Baglavill* PIr* Da- Tvoiraa , MsnLnnB ple’B aarvlc*.' the union actually hod reached Bridesmsils were Miss Joan Mayo bakoatponad to Saturday evening, flea which h* haa held for aema VB c s n u i mBTBicn 7:30 p. m. Th* evening sorv- Hymn: "Jaaua, Saviour Pilot M*' and Miss Patricia Christensen of Spaatal B. T. Eaejajmr doNor for doNor,'^you'll Mombara of Tankar Trib# vot* ha their wives aay. Savarai time. Mr. Kean may b* caltad up- partsMut softball team 13 to 3 In BMh ■•#••* AH. K*se»ar Sermon: *Tn Dimgar On The Sea” final agraamant on a naw c Maadaya (aaaapt haUdays) UM Ju M SS. of Bad Man and tbalr guaaU w ill of thea* praaant war* huabanda of a laagu* gam* Thuraday night at Ic*. (During axtromaly Iwt tracti Brewster, Mass. got your monoy'a worth. T In Court Monday to aid aarVlc* man In .any of weathar thla aarvlc* will b* held Hymn "Eternal Father Strong To tMdMMdmilMMaMlaadea t 3JL go to Booton on Sunday to nttond woman workar* for India, their problama, to locate or other- Eaglavllle. Tb* local, team will ''S c srld t "R n n e h o Sava” 3. Ml# higher price offer" waa Arthur Baronousky was best Eft Slfii Stnritt N*« MMh Mead Mw4ay» M3 art. Bowall W. Wright, SS, of Bol th* Ctavaland-Rad Bod baashan play Columbia Piro Department In th* lower auditorium.) definitely contingent on such man and the ushers .were Stanley Judge Huj^to_ got Into town wiae aaaiat In case* of missing A n g e r N otorhnM " Poatluda: "Marchs H arotquo” • Commerds] I^ttorlng All Pam fadade PadMst Yaa tnd Lake read, VanKri, will ba a. The trip erill ho mad* by during th* nay and roglatarad at team Wednaaday at 3:30 p.m ., at Yha Weak Satot-Ssens agreement and was not to b* mad# Sombric and Daniel Sullivan. prBMntad In Bockvill* City Court ralatlva* or earing for displaced th* Plains Athlstle Plaid In South 4:«*-a!*k Wednaaday, 7:48 p. m. Th* • Silk SercoQ Process bo o m d b t e a m ih ip u m z . m e . KT* an outlying hotaL Sh* bad dUn per eana lltk-SiM-tiU aTlctsl untU a new work contract The bride’s gown of sheer white oniMSnday. charged with aaaault O ovantry. mld-waak prayer maattog. marquisette waa designed with a CMUal WlMri. New toaSl. Oma. cutty getting a room at th* Conrad Th* OoiumhI* chapter, organ- WM KgnGd. P rin tin g 3. O. 3m I4» 7(1. Naw Uadm M*I3 with Intent to commit murder. Hilton but by night fall sh* and a a SUN.. MON.. TUBS, a Wadnaadxy— A maattog of th* ZIeu Bvangelleal Latherau Church 4. Arnall was Informed by long basque bodice trimmed with lace * Wright waa arrested Wadnaa* Inad during World War I through Otoftena AH Colar Show •m d al board wUl foUow. • Neon Service * faSr oo-work*rs aaeurad small un- efforu of the late Mra. Pannie O e^r aud BM Streeta distance telaphona Saturday night and round jeweled neckltn*. H |e day when ba.vriM discharged from B ik e ^1iS I Impraaaiv*npreeal qiurtara. LYDIA lAILEY Bev. Paul G. Proliepy, Pastor of th* decision-hla aupcriqpa had ■kirt terminated In a cathdral th* Norwich State HOajdtal, Dixon Welch, lU first chairman, la Argentine RepoPt ED TOMCZUK Soouta Up a Ann* Prnnda. Dal* Babertaan South MaMn flat Cburch Mtoa Marion A. ETdla, Orgaalat made. , ^ train. Her veil of allk iUualon. Tel. Manchester 8269 wiser* b* haa hern under treat' PA O ’,, , , , S , — ALSO — D ^ lto Arnsll's ststemant yea was edg^ with lace and draped want and obaarvatlon aino* March 222 ‘ OolumblA Habron and Andover. Mala Street aad Harttard Band July 30—^Mm Sixth Sunday after A fte r 5:30 Moo** ...... S .000 biography and tbought up a atagan I Dr. Larcomb’* elactlon mark* th* Grave on Illness •VAUFOBNIA OONQUBBT” Bav. Prad P. Bdgw, Mtototar tarday that Ui* Industry would be from a tiara of orange blossoms. EDWARD J. and brought to Bockvill*. Judge ih a apIna-tlagUag riath In to match thair eandtdata’a initials Cornel Wilde, T. Wrigbt Trinity Itmitad to th* avarag* 33.84 pric* She carried a colonial bouquet of B m rt Pigaoit sat bond* at IJS,* W ith first tlm* a chairman waa setact- p*MT P. Smith, 9:00 a. m. Sunday SchooL ning rally, th* bung a IS-T of 8 TH—"Soeur* th* Hemaland." ,ed from any of th* three towna (Oanttaqaad from Pag* One) Amaiaata Mtototar hike, it was conaldared certain white roses and gypsopMla. OOS. In iM fauttjM hondSi,jyrigk , BiaUacMSDon tha ScouU Tn an as- (Note: Sunday School conttouaa that when th# long contract dead- The matron of honor was POLOMSKI wA taWM to 'r^knd JiR'. R M boaldas Qilumbia. Herbart A. Fmnca, tJurtMigh this mmUi, but thara will l■W■llRt...3 llV•A3 MITNS 3 INCI I9 A0 citing UttU Laagu* gam* last Mrs. Kau HarriB of Amston. car and tumor spaelaUat, Dr. Mtototar *f Muato lock la broken the .Industry will gowned In nils green net over taf­ elrimod by Mr. Wright’s wife that night hafor* a Ihrga and neUy Hugbaa la a native of Baltimoraj b* no boa transportation aarvlc* b* allowad a price boost of about feta, with, matching stole and hat, he!tried to poiaon her last March, and Mr*. Edward* llvaa at Har­ who racantly obpervad her 33nd Gaorg* Pack. until Saptembar.) iMfleliBK CMStMCtBP BMI 9Ei MAW m a ir ______crowd. In th* big ifirth. th* flka birthday, la spending ,a month or Har laat public appaaranc* waa QlastoiNry Thtator Sunday, July 30 38 a ton In the Intaraat of resum­ and face veil held In place With a at which Urn* he waa committed aant lltnian t* tha Plata with alvan wood. Tb* judS* haa thraa digrai*. 10:00 a. m. Dlvlna worship lad ing production. Aoral band. Her colonial bou­ SHOE REPAIR to Norwich. Th* grraat at tha India’s formal education andad BO lai SL Johnabury, VL at bar huaband’a Inauguration for 3.00 and 10.00 a. m. Sarvicea by Divinity Student Carl Graas- aeoring, although thoy eouM pro­ 'BetUamui Diirb* baa ba*a d(a-' bia second term aa Praaldant Jun* "CARBINE WILLIAMS" Preluda, "Lento” 1 ...... Franck quet was fashioned of orchid sweet Ldbop C # B tn w fB P Stat* Hospital waa made by duce only two bnaa.hlta. Pour with high school. Jama* Stawnrt DAN01N6 TONlfeHt. aar, Jr., Providanca, Rhod* Island. peas, white carnations and gyp- Oonaty Datactlve Arthur A. Koes rhAfgad from the HartfOM Ho*- 4. Although ah* was raportad 111 Hymn. "Pof th# Beauty of th* 7:30 p. m. Zion to a church of tha walk* off DIek Jordan and a cost­ piUI where he was traated for prior to tn* Insugurstlon. no sn- Barth” ...... I>to sophlla. and Deputy Shariff Montagu* ly error pavad th* way for th* Mg f e a t u r in g Intamatlonal L u th e ra n Hour T E L 9 0 4 4 spinal trouble. * nounCamant ws* mad* until July "JUST THIS ONCE" •Anthem, "Hear My Prayar. O broadcast In 86 languages, over Grange Notes The gowns of the bridesmaids Whits, who made the original In uprising. Peter tAwford, Janet lAigh were Identical In design to that vaatlgatlen In March. Jack Rowley of Amaton, Who 3. Ood” ...... Arcadelt 1,100 atatioiu to United Stataa and U UIPIT Chunky Bobby Paganl managed Hebron waa racantly ^schargad from th* SInea than Presidant Paron hsa Leo Watts •ChUdrsn’s Storv worn by the honor attendant but $ to m « C o b b . Valsn Ssrvtae to dual Hapten and Jordan an avan SUNDAY and MONDAY (Janada and in BO-Tarrltoriaa and S. aervica, m Oarmany. Is back csneallod *11 sppointmanU except MODERN. .POLKAS Bacramant of Infant Baptism Poraign (Muntiias, and locally Ml* Varnon Grange picnic will of orchid color. Their orchid face .On Sunday, July JO, at .10 a. m ., terms up to th* fatal alath, but y. "BANCHO NOTOBIOUS" veils were caught to bands of tha third In th* sarlaa of aummer 'Ai^voraarT* at work at th* Beat Hartford those concerning th* moat urgent and BQUAMC QANCINQ Offertory Solo, “My Soul Doth over WONS every Sunday evening b* held on Sunday, July 37,^t the If LK IdO nf’C with tha sYaaL taaU af vtatory and atsta bUsInaa* to b* with hi* wlfa. and "WHEN I OBOW UP". Thirst for Ood” (from “Th# home of Ur. and Mra. Charles Sowers, and their colonial bou­ union church strvieaa will b* hald tha aavan run lead la th* last of It waa a yror ago, July 13, on Pratt and Whitnay plant. at 7:80. It la announced that Habron’a. Diplomatic and social functions HolyfUty’') , ...... Gaul Beach, Bolton road, Varnon, and quets were sim'Uar to that of the MAttwff 0 THE at th* Mathodiat Church. Rav. Bd* th* irtntag. h* mowad tb* ScouU Parmsra’ Plaid D^. whan about Late Shaw Sat. and San. Nighta vdn A. Brooks will ua* aa hi* aar- hsv* virtusUy halted In Buanoa Ample Pree Parklag ★ H N E P O O D Harold Baglln, tqnof wUl begin at 11 a. m. with the din­ matron of honor. Alraa. Foreign Minister Jeronimo Hymn, "H* LeadeUi Ma” VenM« Mathodiat Ohnreh ner being aerved at 1 p. m. con- The bride's mother was attlrsd Mon theme "The Indwelling ★ LEGAL lEYERAGES CpriBt.” This aervloe will b* th* RMnortno told the new U. 8. Am­ AdnIU BOe—Children 33e H* Laadeth M* Bev. Osrt W. Saiuiera, Mtolstor sUtlng of hot dogs, hamburgs, in a tight blue lace dress, with UUrd on th* larger them* "The bassador. Albert P. Nufar, yaatar- Barmon, "Th* Darkest Chapter of corn on the cob, clam chowder, LAST ^priyy i Concept of Jeau* probably day that no data had baan aet for th* Story" .. .Rav. Percy P. Smith Sunday, July 20, 0:80 a. m. soda and punch, and ic* cream. Mgg**l crowd that aver found Its | chairman. Bala Sehralar; co-chair­ hla aecradlUtlon bacaua* of har Hymn, "Spirit of God” Moracambe Rav. Gaorg* Higgtoa of th* Oon- An entertaining afternoon has JackI* H ill contributed a triple lllnaae. Postluda, “Grand Choaur” gregatlonsl Chui^ Varnon On- 'On SundSy, July 37, tha union and Dick Jordan a ringing douM* way to Habron. b*ing about lO man, Oardnar Q. Shoray; pub­ bean planned with swimming, Television •irvleas w ill hagla at th* Bockvill* licity, Mra. Shoray; aacratary, Dashaym tor, will occupy the pulpit. Miss enrds, relay races, and other In a losing causa: Although th* Umaa th* praaant population ef| nO fU N B DOGS MILE ' "Omittad at th* eight o'clock Baptist Church, whar* Rav. Por* fielding waa aomaUma* spotty, ria th * town. M r*. <3 iarl*a P. Miner; traasurar, Maijort* Stephans will b* acoom' gamaa. Muaser, paator of tha Union John B. Horton and hi* brother. Mr*. ClSranca B. Porter; dlraetora, AIB-CONDinONBD OAK GROi service. paalst for th* hymns. If w* have rainy weathar, th# error* being eommittod,. thara NOW lEWG OPENED AT adongragatlonat Church w ill preach Hobart H. Horton war* hoata to Bobart H. Horton, Mrs. Jaoa* A. Dog* air* not- auaceptibi* to Ivy picnic wUl t>4 held the following war* aavarai baautlful running poiaoning. At time* they may S TECHNICOLOR HITS! AIR-CONDITIONED Z Z Z Z Z Z Z z d . oa tha aublact, "Th* Ooddaa* of nutfiald catehaa mad* by both th* crowd, and th* dotng* that Hllla, Douglas M. Pallowa, LeBoy OeneardU BvangaUeal Luthataa Sunday, Aug. 8. Thara wiU b* U b a rty ." want on on that farm warq euch B. Klnnay, Sirraho A. Scranton ahow symptoms like those suf­ Trease signs posted for those who are not aide*. fered by victims of poiaon Ivy. but Be Csria Church TERI’S > Th# members and friend* of th* xik* lie * __ _ aa to b* almost unbaliavahl*. and Mra Richard M. Grant. familiar with th* plac*. MockvUla Baptist, umon Ccugra- an n H po A I dogs with such aymtems appar­ "Scarlet Wtoter aiM Gardau Straata Bolton dearance Bton* wall* war* buried. Mg A nger Tba Bav. Brteb Brandt, Pastor Wopping gatlonal and Mathodiat church** wen. rt ...... 1 i S s I 0 stonas war* ramovad. swampy lot* ently ar* victims of hlvaa. th* Dari* Mohr DTtaSa Wapping Grangers, their fami­ apd vlaitora of th* community ar* Juitan. ta ...... I I I t i 1 same kind of hlvaa from which hu­ li**-tiM Ivan Beckivltb, Organis* and Beauty Salon war* cleared up, buahaa war* cut TSL lies, and friend* a n Invited to the lavltad to woriStip with tha ehuroh- down Hk* magic, th* procaaa of mans suffer. Myitery Ride Tuesday. Yourtg and Lake Aniston Oe Is Charged STAtE THEATER lUILDING 0* in thaa* union aarvlcaa. Irrigation waa demoMtrstad. until SAT.i A an al KMs* nawsi old will have fun. CAtEPUUY RESTRICTED p in t OangregnUonsI Church af “■Hara al Praak Sswas” la Sunday, July 30, Sixth Sunday Th* Board of Selectman _hav* wiiMi.r If .1 ...... 4 I a 1! 1! I 0 1 I th* tsa ownaraowner* acarcalyacarcaiy rqeogntnadrooognisan Tm>alml.r, reawdr - CsHeea. after Trinity. T ack a box lunch or buy your (TO OONPDBM WITH BUtLOOfO .CODE) Vamoa Ceator iuuni.''lb ...'...... I 1 * 3 * 11 thair own proparty. Joturi B. Hor- By Aulo Union —N.B.— announcad that they will bold reg­ food at our destination. Bring a t Th* morning aarvlc* of worship 0:80 a. m. Worship sarrica; r?5*. rt ...... • J . J J ^ ^ I t o n Obaarvad hi* w th Mrthday "LrSla UaUer" 3>aa ular meattogs twio* a month hare- littl* spending money with you. vflU b* hald Sunday at 10:Sg a. m. July IB in X quiat why, at his real DANOINI TONiaHT •'Jaia aa* Saart" wHa j Hymn: "Every Morning Marcias wlth'aarmon topic, "Th*'Christian Totals i u't ii 'tl *■ ‘ ■ (C I Pag* Om ) Ba Caemr Naw” aftar rather than monthly, as has Plan to'be at the Wapping ? dance known ' as tn* Governor Cy>mmunlty Houae at 8 p. m. or Neighbor." Th* nawly erganisad 1 I. a a Patara mansion. Mr. Horton, hla rvonnHif w n onv vi Sermon "Alive unto God” been the custom. Maattog dates Closed Mondays It choir Is now singing during th* courts, with th* company Hymn: "O Bleiaed Sun Whoae at tha Broad Brook Mill at 8:30 brother and slatar, ar* giraat- MOOBBN. POLKAS u K ar* sat for th* first aad the fif- p. m. Mrs. Elsie Hall, lecturer, ka morning worship.p. ‘n ia r* w ill b* graat-grandnaphaw* and niac* of charging '’thraau of violanc*’’ in SQOAKB DANOtNQ Splendor” toenth of the month. It either n‘ nurnary claaa for the can of th* former governor. John Hor­ CIO union pickat acUvitlaa. Hymn: "Thou Art Om Way, 7>> date falla on a weekend, the reg­ aasurea all a good .time at this Salt small childran. Scovll aaaka aa Injunction from • NNE POOD Another Improvement gala affair. DURING JULY AND AUGUST ton’s wlfa I* th* former yivtan Thoo Alone” ’ ular meeting will be held on the ‘ Th* Board of DeOcona and Daa- rflSk.V::::::::: i i 1 j ] ? Ounmon Plaaa Ctourt Judg* Wal­ HUlatown Lajol* of Hartford. •UOALIEVERAOES Monday • Priday. Paator Brandt following Monday. Th* action was 17 ia. AM ral e^naasaa will meat July 38 at 3 p. SBh*>l Budget ter M. Pickatt raatrictlng picket- will attend tha Summer School of taken to give opportunity tor dta- The regular meeting of Hllle- n*. nt th* horn* of Gaorg* Th* Anal work on th* school in^prttTitlDii Om United Lutheran Synod of cuaalcm of town nfflars more fre­ town Grange No. 87, was held Inr l^kar. ToUlt M 7 I t| I - 1h* United Automcbll* Workers Danclag Bvary TIMraday, Orange Hell July 10. Hobbles, Hk* budget for th* coming year was Friday and Saturday Night New York and Naw Kn^and, at quently with the iSelectmen alt- Wat M M 5 211.15 . Tha adult choir rahearaal wilt ba ftnlshad by th* Habron acboot union unO), danytag th* chan**. Lake George, N. Y. Por a paator’a ttog aa a board and to faclUUte were cxhibted'snd discussed dur­ hald Thuraday at S p. m. Anyone Added ing Um Lecutrcr’i program. Plans T«o-b**e htU: Joraes, Mtmhy. board at Ifa Wednaaday evening Is ordarad to app*4ur In court July ■ervica call at the parsonage. the handling of th* aami-monthly v^o would like to sing will b* wel- Tki««-»sw hit: HUI. Mm m tolls; tft to qhow eauaa- why aa Injunc­ R tf’t RtStM UDt were discussed for the mystery eame. PeiasIiTTH*ptos I. Joraes 4. •trlke- maating of th* alamantary acboot payrolL 20 la. A M ra l out*: PaSMl A Jort.*B A HIU olf: building. Tho aum of 138,183.33, tion ahouW not b* laauad. OAK 8TBBBT Aaseaaor IL Piarc* Herrick has ride Tuesday, July 22. Tickets are ,A special meeting of th* church Heptos rfo r 7 run* tn 4 Isnlna*: Jor. Tba brae* fabricating plant haa BL 31ary*B Bptoeopal Cburcb on isle from Um lecturer, Mrs. hM bomi called for Priday, July 3ft. 4*n 4 for 7 run* In t Innlsfe*. La*lnt waa approvad by th* board aa be­ ■ ...... r " AT announced that Bolton is psrtlc- ltch*r-r Joretn. Umpir**: WtaSu*. ing awed for to Uka car* of baan cleaad down sine* Jun* 3t by Church aad Laeuet Streets Evelyn H. Coughlin, end there are Wat 117.12 SOUS by tb* Board of Truatao* at ft p. a atrth* over a wag* dlaput* and The Bav. Alfred U WBUama, pattog tn th* Hartfod. Assessing ■till a few available. Members If You HaRdle lloRty n).. In the pariah roomt to act up­ Eoeltrh. school axpanaaa for tho year. Thla Association comprising, about 14 howavar, must b* approvad by tha other Issue*. Sector who are going will please meet al on rapolra under eonaldaratlon for , — ------' , ;.....t - ■ Tha company comnlsin* tha towna. Other towna Includ* H art­ the Orange hall at 8:30 p. m., the Board af Ptnaae* bafor* being la- .The Bev. JaaMs S. Nelli, ford, West Hartford, Glastonbury, th* parsonage. union has baan vtMStlag a com­ Emeritus bus will leave from there at 6:48. You Htei A ChtekiRS AecouRt 21 fa. Gratlay T Jahavoh'k WItaeaar* D. of 1. Schedule gaily accaptad. Th* town will b* pany-union pickatliw agraamant Bloomfield, Newington, Maachas- The snpual Orange picnic was 'The following la a achadul* of MrttaUy ralmburaad by th* aut4. MILLER’S The Bev. Jehu J, Jehueou, tar, Simsbury, Windsor, South nag^atad June 30. 'fh* complaint discussed, but no definite place Wat 42t74 S5S.M d ra Chartaa N. PUImor*. th* aae- Windsor, Bast Hartford, Berlin, e^nts for Jehovah's Witna****: asks th* equrt to name th* num­ The 6th Sunday after Trinity— was decided upon. The date of the . . . s checking account here, at The Man­ • Service masting tonight, 7:80. Chicken Barbecue raUry, waa unable to aut* d*8-, TODAY And TOMORROW Farmington and Wethersfield. ONE OP THE MANY REACHES AT nitaly just how much this will b*.‘ ber of pickats th* union may u*a • a. m. Holy (jomraunlon. O la- picnic Is Sunday, Aug. 10. There chester Trust Co. Kingdom -haU, 41 Orchard atraat; and to specify how thay ahali con­ Taasarrewt "Painting the brant. The Rav. Wilfrid L. Gracn- The association meets monthly will be t.o regular meeUng on the MSO p. m., Thaocraetle Ministry S t Margar*t’a Clrela, No. 330, Tmo Habron boya ware named OauUnuaua Pram 3n. July 30. f J m M AlICBBRttt EVENING BXBALD. MiMCHESTES, CONN, SATURbAY, JULY 19, I ttt F j o i n i w i

too war, ao an wi d ioo of oar] and far tho oftno pfoairyaHan mf| Local C ad^ i U m d ^ o t r r Plan Chaimes Tree Swallowing Tombstone ^Obituary mandtoip and foopaot'far Cblan h|o own talanto. TImto la npu find Copy of1889Herald, D em ocrats Stevenson’s ] UN Renews aa a natlen. Wo ntfotlatod ttooo light to tho world iNto ^RadhandTV^ T e i e v i d o n Ending Cbursi C nttltt0, ffnU H a of twtatod wroohago. F or C hurch rtghia la Motoeoo a lone tono afo, Shows Manchester of Old a ‘Old Baldy’ Desths tn a from tto Sutton of Moroooo, to* From State ‘No’ Boosts fora My Pronto protoetoraU wfto Httblsrd, PontiHo.-^iiMia dtouad a Buaihar ef ”tiaenM ta-to Second CongregHtioiial r Natan ootabUitod. Wo maintain that a y MAinr tatxami _ • Wtlltam F. Notan, T8. fatoar of Wa a n indebted to Ifn . M m (they dMaT aae ^ uwrd Descon st Camp ttoy aro atUI lofaUy oalld. Connecticut _ _ JMa er ema epartaMaUi. To Entrain Has B hsIiioib M eeliiigy Other Stock Hill Attack Mrs. Cheater D. Froanua of IM rtdtoea ef Boltea. tbe termer Branford atroot, died at Bt. Ftm - ROTC in Ai for tto modom Moraoeana Agalba Wflght ef tMs tawM tor Committees Report Page OM) iPigaOua) fagoO M ) « ala HoiMtat to Hartford Thuroday thoy .toy* tootr obJacUon to our Y a n k e e toar pagae fnoa a yellow, tattarad « « might;ht alterafter a^ brief * lUnoio. Ho ro* Huoo local cadoto arm Pnweett P. Little, Jeeeph JPoM* Jamas H. Wright of North Bhn ■ p o ^ rtstito, to t ttoy do not aditlea of the "M aaebaitarBa^ nwa. Lsvl -S rak e^i^lA 4 u u r — toe saerat aaai ■toy aldod ot US Uanmoofo otroot. fully gotag tola toftllM l > HaUasa day Karald" of AprO li, UM. Wa Bomtoatteu undauMtadly will be aldar Utaa Praoldmt Truman, who Hartford, and wm a rotlrad depu­ ontouoo about tovtne tto yroneb By A. a . a eblL K m lUaeuaaad then, whether ar net aay stn at was alactad madaratar af repartodly has told frUndo bo ta end In a day ar two. too Ordnaaoo Rocorm alwaya wtHiaii m A j tdum ef cleH led 1^ toe buatoasa maattog hrtd last This spo^U oft WM toucbao ty ohiof of too Hartford Ftro Do- bo tto onoo wto aro oarrytaK too dadrtmia a n naehad. qiuttoMMoattoo ho doooat wMt Traialag Corpo Siiwumt rm r- The Herald ter the roaaea that an the Mto Wnnem H. off whaa Brig.. Oan. Wllttato P. partmoat. I eooa asaiaot ttonf to tto tatorna* Nermnlly, ODuneetleuVe eepeu fuse wetft deemysd hi the fin of McMahon wont ba with too night la the vastly of tho Socend to bo carriod out of too WMto inatod Nattana Com- Ho WM bora ta County Itooeem* AbordaM Pravtag Oreuad, tional OBort of Juatteo. Tho at of a "famclta sen" cMdIdeto for | IBM which nvagM Tbe Herald S u m of Ben Ami. dslagatlou, although ha Is cue of Coagngatlcaal Church, ealiad tor Rouoo la ft ptoo box. oa; Irrtaad, Sopt , l$t$, oad gut: two wftgoae la gooi Doopito Barfcloy'ft ovldonooo of ikaamM, rotuood to die* 18 They ar* Joseph J. BdMaril, I Koroeeana umat to to eomplotoly the proetdeney la aay aauen buUdlM eu Hilliard street aaer tha daiagataa Kept to Waahtogton too purpeae ef haartog nperta af cuao avaa tba ataaeaphars during td Uvod ta Hartford 44 years. Mftto. first pubUMsd aa a waaHy ttca, BulUblalor farm pttrpeoM" by lllnirr ha. and Ballay hrtd aav* tha varlM eemmittaaa appoiatad robuot hoaltli. many drtegatao fort At tha ttais al Ma reUreaaeatl Hr. sad Mra Jaaaph HqStaiS frao of rraaoo. Than, proa oenraatlen ef either party la earn •ntt CHastonburyaarenwen tekM hta nomination would bo regarded tha'M minute aaaataa at PMipua- te OetoMr, UBl. Tha HarsM ba* e m trtaphona oonvanatlcna dalto. at a prSviaua maattog to aaran Jom. from the Sspartnlaat ta 184$, haj lU ably, ao My froo nation would, thing of n perfunotnry geataro.| ■vtm.caa. as a aftral wiikly to UBB. aad tan ef. Then won eorramead- Hla vote at the oonmntlan win oatlmataa aad dataila cf the altan* by too public 00 too ortoetton ef a WH toft oldaat MUva matobar ta PontlUa, soa of Mr. n « NeramBy, It oorma m e r ^ m .a rum. tnts to Olaatoahunr pwp » r..» > t ba cast by Ms alternate, Stanton p u ty carotakor ta M olootion too Nuckoto had dnetlftid pravtaw thoy would WMt to and our opo* a dally la IBU. Uona and Improvamanta prepoaid ■aaalona m hurinaaallka and do* point of aarvlaa. Ha had ham a ^ Ctamant PonUIlo at m T al____ daWeo for paying come tribute to* I It la totenet6« to haar how Otoetoabury, South OUrtenhury, Orlftia of Now CanMn. former tor too ehureh building. boBMorata fear thoy cM't win. vanoad to toa Mat of Uilnl deputy atraat; aad Bayitaid J. DaaeM^ dal prlvtlocoa. deed to n natlm ooa, a* on whatoar altoar aids had aakad Ma taavM hla wtfa, Mra Norm Tim otodaBto aro among SIT oift^ kind of pilrllogo wa liava votun' nmeh mere tmportaat purpeae t o e a . read, "The OMUrt sole of aUpe at puaaga on tba oonvmtlen apaelal partmant aad BoUdlag Bupoctar wlto too ouggeatlon last night JiirdM Notaa; taro daughters, ef Pout etnot, Me aeqtond fnm tba Methodlet Churd» took plan to tarmUtata the ftaerooy aad make lago-otudiat ROTO aeon tn m ML that of krnpmg toe sttoe'a mtee la her metiniil granfaiiithir, Mn. whicb was due to pick up peaaan* DavM Chambon la regard to fln- that TnuBM rooeartdor hta doei* rtdo Mra Fraamaft; four atatea Um Distrtat st C d r—'^ ‘ tartly aurrondorod otaawbora, and fooorm for too "peyahelegleal me* I last Bsturday afternoon. The bid* ptocflng the boUar room with as* ■lea ogolaot running again. pubUe the dlaeuaatoaa too kind of rl(ht wo know, In our gen at various atopa batwaan ■tator. a half alatar, aad sight aad HawaU, who aro toklqg meat'* in toe oMmaUen. then. dtog waa net brisk end m m ot itamtord and Hartford. It leaves bastes shaatlng and maktog other rtvo otttdy ta army arrtft toarto and prlndpla, no nation toe aUpe aold w en Wd off -by toe b en at S:0S p. m.. and pcoeaada changes to mast the praoant fin In M open latter to toe Prart - t taota, dnn. ftad piyaloal roally tror doftonroa Indda too tor ahiy arrivad, tha datagatos aba»* beeheeae. eaee the preparty ef tbe oM eetapMte. at .Met yaar’a to Chicago by way cf SprUgflrtd. ■tanSuda. Tho haMtox dent, tiM Baltimera mayor aald ha DUlea's FpiMtai . ■eralO Photo n o rtudoata ropraooat W A wmmtn « r rltory and aomoifnty of m * den thair "faverlto sear m swiftly ’'^Stbrtl. Woodtotdga family, auty aftUan pHoth*' ______- ■ Maas. eensiats of a coal boUar with had found ‘'nothing but laadarlaas Eastern Buys aad tadvoraraas. and ahfuptly m thsy aaa, aad Chaiek Oaotom At The Obamd ■tofcar. nad the advMtogaa of een- floandarteg" atoea m arrivad hare Don't look for toa hWKtan part of tola Bast Oamatary tombatona •:U a aa, wlto a artonm raquiami ottorfi at Manehaator Omaa. ‘ baMnd tha traa: It Im't there. Tha mMumant wm plaoad thara tUlo ftnd Hul arc rtndMta.i sematlmaa without too mush rd* Itoa HtMtoea sad her baabead> We decldod "rtlpe" meant pews, In Chicago It wUI ba'quaitand varsloa to m off boUar, avM with aa a dalagata thraa daya ago. Maas ta S t tawraaea %yTPPn 1 tooftta« UalvaraltytfmiMMmll ^IM aaawor oooma to bo that gold for Ms own faaHngo. wmMn,«B(^no_ftna, wMah daddid tornfiatah the plaaa af net wemen’e ganuBts or eatongs addltlenal axpaaaa tor ^ 1 , Ha aald R had hacema clear to soomUbm la toft early ItOFa apparently (tha data ta partly obacurad) New Airline Ohuroh at f o'oloek, touial wU| bo fnm piMts, aad wen sun of it at the Conrad HUton ^otel. a con* b im A t forth aalmatad dlseuaalon. when tha traa wm a sapling or non-anatent. Over the dacadM tba Diaaon attanda A marl eon poUey haa, In tola la* may la tha praeam, have baguft ‘ furnlta n , aad to tba precfn n* vaniant spot stoee the hotel also Mm that "aoao of too ladlvdual tartudo laatttata. taka tha prasldancy sarleualy. nMvad a aUrrerad deu. Tha glaia whM wa eanM upon a space admr- The Job of fin prooflng wUl bo eno candldatoo cm wto Without a long, tree grew aad wrapped Itaalt arouad Um atona. otaaoa, waddod Itaolf, tomporarlly uaement ef Maneheater'a North houata oonvantlcn haadquartan of tha first to rseatva attantlen. CoIoniBl Airlines Sold Camp Ma 4, USWV. wlU moat ai Oa July 81, at looot, to too walfara of too aad tha woedan baekh« had ad* and tha "McMahon for Praaident'' hard fight wMeh could opU^ tha TT t m I ^ toa atal a l . gates alwaya dsatly liiBMi laeae at cm tima, Mathodlst Church, rtgaod M a M en CftMoroeme pxrtjT.** toe fuatral hama Suada: ‘ Amorleana who aro in Mordcoo, oemmlttae of Loran DadU, V. C. haadquartan. PurUUontog tha targe Sua^y After Split Goneendag a. m., for too oanm ft ^'£.1 caxip wlto toa rstam oft ■aitlai tHA. a a d ^ premtMal etoadbys. Then's Just one apparent dnW' "Tlw party aad toa country at ”*''daatatatortr lMnNa. toa aaallint toomaalyaa of ttoir opo* Tehran It Rocked to pravaat tha Carter and WUUam H Hibbard, to aebool room for at laaat six addi­ tola particular, daagaroua tlma, Blonde Grabs Lawiaaea'a Holy Name Sarta^ ta prspara far thair StataP aMag toe affaet that "tha annual aala of back to tola arrangamant. Rapub- tional ctaoncoaM wUl nieaarttata a Compelliig Offers WlU meat a t fttlS s. a t tba dal privllogo, and, undar that K- Net only did they Had licana reported that during their aood contlnuMco of your loader' The St sSOstts. Abont M w U H The Hsnld ef abovi vtotaM hat a ■aato at too church would take ehanga to the alactrical ayatom. aMp," ha told Truman, adding: . rorttattaa ^ to a .Bisary. Mlirtenad ta naralt oaH-to •poelal priniaga, dotag a niahing This parfuaetory, strataglc raa* I By V iolent R iots rtaee that afternoon a t 4 o'clock." convention competition for apace r n d McCurry pnaaatad b lu o ^ ta Olympic Stage Nftw Tork, July 1 S-«P)-A tor* espy ef the Harttofd Ortauat, to the Conrad Hilton elavaten was For too oako of too party, too duty. bualnoaa with which ontorprtaOra ttoa was an thora was gotag tot plaead thrtr by the erigtort ewa* w e reeen that aU churehee tor- pcaparod by Bobart Oordoa wMch” countintiy aad tha world, 1 oak you bulant chapter tn too hlatoty of bound by Proheh or IforoooM hft, erlgtoftlly, to th* "MeMfthM| rly sold too pews, .;aad too terrific. eaU tor raloeatlca of tha praeert Doctor Coloatal AlrUaM appaatad at M « 1 fnaa n g a One) era bekwhana units, Inataltattea of to make youraolf avaltabta for ro* BtaMC BIchard MURTm . lawa cannot hopo to coropota. It la Praaidanr* BMmfttaat Me iKhy parlahleaen bid ca toeao Two prominent OonnocUeut nomination. Tou aro badly German Beauty Qad In aad today after toa dUaatora voted July 1* whleh toft CoaaaaUeut dalagataal in toe center of toe auditorium. Damoemta w an conapieuoua by iSvM^rtwr Ulumlnattog units ca SSrlSS.'TiCSSU! ■ 4S A re Reaened. too foot that thoaa AmoricM buai* thr Tnoh aad toeetd reeks, brleke cnaaelag through the pegas wa tha platform, salt Ughta airt o t ^ BOOdOd.” to sail too company te Oaptata Hi* w en to go to tha DaaMcrftUe N v ijrS jftM e, w an aetVy to ftod ao parBaaols or Now toot ntt aonto a n ’frae, or their'nbaanca from tha Chicago* Thort woo no ovidoneo, however, Flowing White Robe Says at NSW Hftvaft. •HaapBiJ lataj frW i Aai B tntftr IntoiMct noaa oporationa aro ao gtamoroua* Uoftal OaamoUon. end hatamen fnm m ailelal n to er too esponaao a n covered by bound party. Naltoar national naeaaaaryniraaatiT chaagaa to moat ooda die lUckanbartMra Haafatx Air* Thufalay ovaatag- vrta JM* y-itoesby Ibair. "dbouto” as wa n f tr to them spaetitoatloaa ^ that toa Praoidaat would hood My Volunteers Speech Unoa Waraheuaa Potat and Imd ^ Ill F reif^ler ,T9«n to to two oumtoto ly auceooaful, and ;ao much of Thft UhMSft ftf BiBftior Brian I uafteiehod huUdlag. Tha fight a today, gtvlag tbs eomtoga aad go* pladgae saA crtlectione, back aaato commlttaaaun Paul R. Connery of ouch pica. * By unaMoMuo vote, too Cfttartal m m McMahan hoa ahaagftd an tMa. Si an at a pnaUum. Uadtot ms lo­ Norwalk nor national eommlttaa* (Kt of toe mamban have vlrttad Foods at High Purtaa Oaatoat Mxployad at toa SaiMiMm New] lii too atUtoit of Oovonier A4Ui throat to Pranoh and natlyo ttonod M bear baton pellee end togs of' the ‘ ftCftaehaaUrtf in ehureh— tn tola and Other towM Thomao J. Gavin of Ka Hrtalnkl. .July 1»—{F>—A beau* Oaa towoaaa HMaot st Oatrt boord yootorday aoooptod Ittckaa- Engtaad ThlsphoM Oa. M a i oporationa, which baa lad too Than a n so aaMMr ftanlHcui _ , SSSium thaoo day*; aad ameog the ad* cal pastor to Jokingly eautien Ms womM Mary Plynn of Southing bMkoite effor to ooMro too alr* rtirm iim . tto MM w ton tr reparto ahoat thia ffibaaft toaf ne| i*a«sneaa Uilea. seidien drove off tbe domeaetra* cMUMfatlon to "Come Berly aad ton was rtactad a dalagata or al* to datannlna- tha advMtagae of City, Tniman'o eonvantlM alter' Oful girl in a flowtakr white •pllcar. l^onch to taka I)m mot Ur to too toni varttoan wo w an unabia to find tha new folding doara, obnUar to nato, oald ho olroody hod roeolvod By EDWIN P. dOBDAN. M. D. Uao'o ooaoUi on too MOU of two aWHMito « n Mtotatoto If UMjr number of bullouaa frua tho fan* fa^wFjjbty. My dai^ huainaaa nadar the old Qet a Xtock>k Seat."Seat.' tarnata, nor did either of them ar* robe ran around tha track at tha ■haroo of EMtem otook for each Ha WM a vaterM at World War aiftBdaiiii H D ' latomatlonal Court atoTa cant effloa om allay wMa* Six took 10 dAtloM lx only grocery itenuI we could tiM,— iastallad m EmMuel lAitoar* InstrucUons on how to vote on tho Written tar NBA Barvtoa n . havlag aarvod m a.aagtata ta iMfe toMr toto. tba equan eppaeite the ParUaiUBt naaMO today. Than wan a sur* The I naga to go m a guaat. M'a new parish houaa, and on mo­ Brat noailnattoB ballot. Opening of tha O l^p lc Oamas to­ three Colonial rtiaraa I, aad that rtt iHf Wo may bo legally corroct. apraad faan that it lo af a natan piialBg number af Hartford aad find wen from twtwo OUetonbury Both a n diia to bo nrtaoad aa Tha ooqraga which soma people too Army with ton 4 lr* 9 lv ^ na loftt.'ar huiSad.. '.'t- 8 vlrtito. to to M t to«««tolr toM m an aarlous thM hao bean admit* | buildtog while armored caib pdt* tion of Mra. , Richard Nlaaa It was Although Gavin would not name day tiwA tried to harMgue the Oolonta)^ugmnar diroetonoiioaw and ateek aad had spent a motahs ovarstaa T hat wo auppooo, urtlt bo dotar* OlastMbary firms and prof ( advartleere. One rood m - follows: mamban of the national commit* voted to ptaica m order tor thaaa show pute tha raat of us to holdani pravleuato sen apUt ’ Oiaal nsH d Boftswr -i.|' f -t ^ otIoiRyt to dw ynotoMM tad. Thaao faaia, which win abvl* nUed other parts ef the capita B in r U t BUIT'BR BUTTBR. We tea. Connery by John H. Oeldan, toa ohjaet ef tha Prasldont'a po- crowd ef 70,000 batora aha wm He wftaa nwmher 01 toa Araay end I mlnod by tho court But too apoc' BrlOe. Then wen uaeoafimed r^orts *' mM who bought advartlalii4 doors In time ao that they may ba UUert aSacUons, San. Bumat R. ■hams. A corraapoadant writes lata quarraUng fa tom M* WHhte l i : , ■ft Moy to t rftUMi toovtognliic eualy obtain untU toe raappoar*! m; and the “cu n all" proper shaU for a few days sail butter Now Haven Democratic laadar, Iastallad before Sunoky artiool hauled away. twam rival etfaraare from Eastern NavyChto a of AmortoM Mtoroata hold* aaao of a oompiotaly haaltby r that the neMee had find over the for 3Sc a nound. Bema ef the bast Moybank ef South 'OaroUna told that ba hM spent SO years to tha hta wife, ha laavaa n j p w w ara-niiw ita'te'l ip ta to Ootofto totooHtowor. not I'IK Oeaeaiirt. hoade of the erewds sad used te u ttu A many of tha patent niadl' and Mrs. Plynn by Mrs Dorothy •esslons n n raaumad to tha fan. a reporter ha was Infmmied by Fuintah police aald tha tall, and Ha Mg oompstitor, Natlaaal ing apodal prlrllogo, and onpMt tor dispels them, a n that 1 Afreet. ctoaa of that tlBM w an exploited. butter mak4rt In town n n giving Battt of New London, former Boimdprooting the calling A Martos Corps and ta now home Alrllnaa odijr ftoMWW to ftoro hto voto^t- MeMahan’a meat vtoereiw days of I A^uaead. reported the me toeir butter. 1 am a UtUe omr- what ha ragardad os ft ^ raUabta blonde, blue-eyed girl WM' from Ing It la notorioua faahton, la not /eMSw. seetlen of tha eM*tal, a Wo read to largo that State Rapraosntativa aad. vlea- the large veatry waa the s u b ^ aouroa that the Preoldant had tab- Weat GerniMy. from Korea with a condition dtag* Tha Colonial dlroaion In a ram too hrato-jrttaiwtd: tM » fft«nr, to t tocMifto to ftcroM pvono M nunlyMOVM 1 feaUMr. "Beautiful Wamm AU Uaa PaaiTa etocked and gtm my cuatomers chalrman of too state central com* M n o« MMqr tMiitft. And to good for AmortcM foroign policy, Under thatfTWffwfit of toSsa faan, streaghatd ef tfneuiligb suppwt, uf much dtacuaalor,. Mr. Knofla AveraU Harrlnwn of New They did not Identify her. The Booad M gout. show of una-.-"nilty rajoetad Na* al omtasiand laaiMd.1 iTMita fttar. White Olycartna for the Com* too opportunity to lay in a stock.'' mlttaa. dtaptayad aample titaa or squarea police aald she had nrtthar paai- Ha writes: ‘T am aura you cm ______art aMtast AndhM etoir to t Wtot to toeektor Ito to in any oaao. Bvon If wo win In too the amod la wMeh thetho Oaaaaetlsut w u bloiM eft by odSicB. plaulcu aad Skla." Thna largo Tha ether grooar aavartlOad Cal* Toik. undoratand my disappotntmant to Uoaal'a lataat offer, w im ontallod OmtaraitaHatoU'n iMtt^ . ^ dalagaUon la going to Chicago to I *t l r »ab»ay, PoUee oftletals admitted than of the matartal uaed for tola pur­ Harriman, campaigning t a g ­ port nor identity papers. to oxahango new $11 Wtadaar HlUi' a alsUr, Mra A. court toft day will coma whoa am lUTlaw the ^ar* eaught our attmUen. aad ifonla esMsd goods aad dried peae but which should bo traatn find I have the ‘ ton of tto yN ddmay ItMdt Itor propose him n r tha pnaldtaey ts a nawillaa. ran "dtaordan to the city" but fruits Tha only price named was out support of the TrumM "Fair A police apokasmM told nawB' I oenvortlMa da* ■innsto PataMT M M a ^ ; and Mto wftk nftfttoaeod nypratool of Bitrrandor our Motoocm prlvilogoa lauaad "gaaarany it la nadar e«t* wa toundjhsy wan for "Paahtor's with flre-raatatant paint, aecw - Deal” program, aaema to have man: /• Uka to eontlBuaI OB the aotlva Hat.” J P~ tlixrs Pi vaaUy dUfarant tlwa It might ham PeaialM fhmotto nhliMn. tho O nu Hair axtra quauty craara sugar In rasponoa to thta wrltor'o ro* S T ? ^ aavaral ntasM aad naphouta j •ft ttoftlo tod ftf toanu noturt aalunumy. Aa for PIraneo, bean. It toksa m a aanumantal t n l ” earn, IS caaia par can.” which la n Crash Victim ing to the buUdtog tnapactor. TM mado Httla imprtot jUiua far on ‘‘She Just auddanly want nuU." stock. Funonl oorvlooa^wUI ha Qavam, a vataran rightist pell* Produear." Whalhsr by use of these tUaa tends to not only Police aald whanaha wap taken quast tola column ta devoted to a oitoBd diltoototily fttooot four can haaton that pr ooaaa, If aha chanctor, la wMah tha tribata to ■pitta C - Merecith Intmt, than wu m odltorlal lltOa lowar toM today's canned coavantlon .dalaaataa' dlaciaalM of gout. Gout attacks lUckonbockor todoy loouod > at 8 p. m. at too wlahat by gtvtng Moroooo tho la lieMahoa lavnivod Is real aad sin* tielan, took over from Moeeadegh corn. deaden sounds but raaulta In a Baokad By N. T. away she aald "I only wMtad to atatemont sailng too Baato FtawrS otroot. Btalnr ■ ^ S^- ..a ■toft to tto druto Hoooo. Tto I ftalatday at Pssristsnis Thuraday aad said he would eeek on tha aama page aad a Jake Still Critical Ugh tar, mon cheerful ertUng. My a greeting.'' man much more often HUl. wlto hMM ta $UM HWUi l & j 4m m it eon bayoad aay baalaaaa af poUU* Mil SxktaitM. The only advartlaament of a Ha hM tha public baeklag cl Colonial wUl nmiH toto dftoi ontto lip wttb tton, to t cal stntagy. •K S S s a f r i a r y oottlemeHt of the Brit* They a n In uaa In the South Mato* With arma outspread, too tall, man. It saama te run to aoma greatly oxpoindod oorvkM- to too mortal Park, Rooky Hm Undar tha capUoa. "A : . ay or daaee waa ene'by toe D n- raw York's datag^o". *•/ O lv i^c <>•«*•• »« famiuoft though 1 ^ to^to* not yot OftiidU tip with H ew sM lt would ho to ham m v I lah-lnatoa eU d l f t ^ Ba warned Headed Oembia^' tha writer matie Ctah cl the Teung Men's A Qtaatonbury man who crash' odlot caiurch.' ;tata CbalrmM Paul B. Fltapat- ohapely girl ran Mto tha ...... and wlU aloe oHmlnato too iftondo BMy marat too fMftal euftaUmaat ef the vigor with he would take atreag actien to landed hla Ught atogta-asater ptana Brlacata Httckn track from m entryway, kamo tonl^irfmta T to^f rtoloOk tt eould ba maintain order hi the eeuatiy and plorad tha fact that so many CatoeUe AeaoeiatleB a four act Otoar Items of Improvement rlck, and ocattorad aupport from oaomo unllkoly tW iweh activity lant In OoTomor wMeh MeMaben eould fuaeUon a under 40, and aumy drama antltlad, "A Sttuggla tor In n hay ftM h P ^ t h Covantry, ■oma other waotam and nortoam the aama one through wMch a few and Sunday from 8 to S p. m. Finally. M too Seme truffle rnmandiera ham OM bea nallaad by raeftIUng tbal wftAy- »rwi Partied up Mo waratog with the Thuraday waa raportod as stlU on won propoaad by varieua mam* minutes earlier the famed Flying | oM«Cmo«Mo yvoa-too'ooaom Ido la obdoualy Ooetiw ^^ isM {hM M, gam avldiBca of Ufa and Ubartyt" It waa to be ftXtXIa 5S „„ eonm up with toe eonchiaion that vigor which has lU ftiiu^hod Me] gS 8g-g?!ff Totttber vnth am et ef several Hatieaanat dem* approannlnt haMasaa "If praaantad in Apaira Open Reuse tha critical list at Wtorttam Com* bars, including raloeatlca of tha Fltapatrick, who has hsan Finn, Pawo Nurmi, had canriad eneo in food ta Uholy te hrtag oa L ^ BMrgar. ho oald, wMI ,llnk Mra NoStaHooMaR^ _ auare found • la : th a t If ha la going to to eareer.>. oonaeeaeutOMiaeetteut hadb m a taatola m ef oxAtfSlbfi. 3 C T ,Jrow grew tsaa," ba opiiiad. muaito Memorial Hoirltal by au* kitchtiL the Mcred fira of Olympua for toe en lOotontal'o praoont routoo from Mra NrtUo NoonM B ;! ^ ft atauhed hjr toair moroaa make the host drlmra. It m he fin t eaatpMgnftd for of- MoMMStfli fnlStd tlM nxUdxy* In toe north oeeion of too town, gardod M likely ta awing to Stov- $T| Hotto sum atroot. m im r s t Into ftu sar gaS ^ • a aandiiitlen, ho whnto to taka They era tho boat drlmra thair hair grqw aaon, they •mX ititf In Ghtttty Hxlly ’xn4 tlM thoritlas than. n waa voted that A oommittea ansoa U the UUnota governor lighting of toe gftnMs' torch. t- •!,«.. wha ere ___ ^ I Moatroal aad Ottawa to Now Teak flee, with oenM of the meet oen* MexeTtKi Muxtry*t MlUim-M- coastatlng of Sherwood Beware, The loose, wMte robe wm ap­ tnm ThomM J. Smlto, ftod . Thftiwprtvfteg 1 tt In tha way arhtoh wiu proamt earn would ba aupnmaly happy." leodiim tela wnO taikan by tha late Gilbert B. WUUama, M, of Oraat eould bo coaxed into n raoaMva WaahtagtoB and Nbw cauae, they ham b*on taught aiatent, hard*Mtttng fflaearHena ____y t l u BMUrti*fttB oU toduatry kwt Tha cembiaa rafarrad to P. J. Tuohay, who peaaun ed great Swamp road, was riMhad to tha ■art Butler and Mrs. A. L. Poet mood, was retorted to fart Itoat parently deelgned to look like an lIl*{!Lt^1l!f2?2i5'llieriSv^Mnft!i aartWaaklMtaB to Itannuda tag at MaaOlMotor Mamorlftf 1 te toft fata f t M II ad lla top vahm. in torma of to da apmathlag, they just keep M issue- that ef leelatlenlaai Ktiaale Hear. yaaiv-a mom whleh taua him aup* praaant toe eattoiatae far altan' M dent Greek cuatom. It clung to pltaLMtaL FuaFuneral arrangitaenlft ard a.QoaMlewk whaa flm gaatlauMa, aU.uadar 45, natural dramatic talent. hioapltal autfaring Intarnal injurioa HarrimM baa Juat as good a "***lwlto BooUinSighto to Mtaml. dhftdeas of onaaaoa ac too ph on dotag.lt, the right way, with' ever glvaa la a ihedeni eampalgn.i ' pert fMm mMy Natieae|lata greupad togathar at om and of and cuts on hla face and right knaa tlons to Alfred Lange, chairman chance M any otoar candtdata If her figure m she rM around the taaamplatA lour, ttay ■a daaoht. want to run; wo hb^ He was hardly to Me seat in Wash* I It] But tha eu flew wMek totaled M taMft pnftaattog to view flm aM after hla plane crashed Into a atone of tha Board of Trnataes, ao that track aad up- liRo toe speaker's Thoro am many ‘“ ^ 1 potato, tons "rotatatag toa klatorto frout toft sUfttafiMFi out bolng eaMly dlatroetod from It mini on tone a year under Brltiah toa convention davrtopo into < a •bout g ^ Acuta attack; ofJfa | Sginfotcg SowSf tmSIo huttt m oilNlo.' But If bo la going to run, Ington befon he undertook tho tog haada. propnaa tha dlseuatfcu waU in a ttrtd an Rucker road after portions cS toe sum of $10,000 maratooa contest. stand. watar • feat kilftta. H m highly totoUlgeat tmagtoa* dwlng and not pnolaely eroam* Liaiaalag. diroetloa dwtodtod to n tileklt of a "haM headed eluV hfthad.tdedto make a fereedland' •.voted at a June IT toasting of tM Thara aha paused a momen t' to d t a o M - ^ to-occOT a i^ o f te n ^ oompmMs over a poM- hft wanfi to tnn In n oartaia way. msrf aestonment ef taagltog with end the Ion of ' royaltlM U m Haw T6fk cMiliMtaa wm In I HMem«s> Um pereen, ea too other hand, RMmhar .af tha rtub to ba piadiad faifTwiniania aald toe *«Hllne ofj'ehurrti, ba made avaitabla talking la tarma of a peartMe 10 or catch her breath. TIm raln-soidtad ta t^ 3 of mom OwiSOrwe." •■Man to one amy ho doao not fcenator Itobort A. Taft to a pro* wages tor InnlM werhere te toot tho airtuo cf oemo advar* Mi ptana had failed. Tha light naadad. spactators ware puaalad but allaat. keepa thinking of'otoer things, longad foreign poltay iomo dtbato, | nearly bankrupted the natloii. moraballota on tha prartdaattal ***” * ** **"* ** The Colontal board dootarod ta a d M ftawm. That la ao Proddant ttytog to vary the driving rou­ Used madlum, tha result to ha ra* OsnMDf'CoaqpBMrfdi ptana bounced acrosa the bumw TM group voted to adjourn un' ‘nOa girt laaaad toward the micro- It. < vmrei farm R atarta oud- atatanMat that "toa MhUe hanaftt Funoml oarrtaqe to . Ho debated euceeaefully with 1 Offlelals nt Btotont 1M« the pettod at a laMthly dtonar. Tha surface of the' Held tor about MO tn nidny availing, July >0 at 8 nomination. . .. pboiMO and aald In GartoM: a'a hwApidMd protogo. tine, and turns Into a HahUlQr on had no one does that without I “ iS m TI newspaper plMt itbrtf vras undam HarriDMa hlmaalf dented after middta' f t the lu S t tataSwUMi.bft A. ptame ft « awwew f t f ^ UnnHHi lijffi, aditatlal elosad wtto tha Arthir Drag S lm i yards before striking the waU and o'clo^* conferencea with Kefauver that "Frianda of mine...." thahoaTof Um romoo f t too two oompmilM Bftot Hartford, w to jte the highways. work on aad off tho fleer. the Air, aged but a oopanto phetomqtolc that "baihan a n tooktag forward rolUng over, coming to mat aeroas After toe daUbentlona tha An Olymptc ostctal nm out and fVoin that ha laapod into mas* I •eetten was wreched. BUM per* My "deal” wm in the making. He ty tS. "a" i!?:i!a.g!SKy..ja! MartfOeS HimpWal T M a a d a r |^ * WlNto fan, and probably toM him Vision which la too good and to a beam la hair loeterere in eon* tho street. WlUtams had taken off mamben gathend to the primary bagaa tuggug tag, wIS bo hrtd MaaW a t 1 1 ^ . an sad oaor aihoo Btovonaon luw Ury of tho stOftt eeawlax and Im* I seas warn Injured In tha fighting eequenee." from Bnlnard field Juat prior to room for a social time Md ra* said they dtacusaad ways to keep in Ungllah: ' luurtly wakaa too vlotlm from a I fee hvoly Is a hendleap, toe. Thea portent laoua of our timaa, that of | wtBwaiha hut no daatliB waeft lanartad. the convention on a course where sound alaap. SoaM- f t tooM ■t iho Nowklrti and Wdltooy Fua* M «| fftttog ao If ho thought toot af tba aE The Joke er eennadrura n a nka too engine failure. ^ frashmenta by mamban ef tha "LadlM and ganttamim...." oml Reaw, SIS Rumoldo avanqo. you spend meet of your driving atomle aaergy. It ' " ' Other itl*Meuaaiih pm this: "What Mad of stork Tha field is owned by Michael Women's League of tha church. It would do "what's right and A police apokaomM said aha ar­ have had an acute attack daoertba ■pMi amotoOMlhlag ho noodad to that IM waaI elldavor to ace hew tm* w an also raportod to ham I libariu.” toa aanMtloa M that f t a rad-hot Cokmtal______atoeklioldora wW ^ Ha wm ampleyad KtWwr UnM Aotioliig tolage whleh dia* u rkhew . bald-headOd man pnfert" Dswonsayk. Dtwonsiyk, who saw rivad In Finland two days ago, iMTt. artMd te vote ca too mftgar f t aad WbRaev aad taavua wae tsnta.dW. « « • o ft toa pocUnt tho Maue would be, aad la*VK il McBwlUlgaa. "Dea't Mew. rm tha aeddant, rushed to the scene If there wm My coalition of coming by way of Stockholm. pokar prytag tha too Joint apart. f t how Mo toaet your attentloa from the jejk ghM btohMlf to it befon olbon f—MooBlh Wockan at tha eltya mala caMa not iMUd^repUed SquIdUg. "What THE OFFICE OF forcaa, Kafauvar*a frianda t h o ^ t Ha aald aha spoka German, Bng- Tbafa ta a chronic form r ' ff?!**^* ^*^*^**"9*—»]ntaeaa aad aephawo st Mouohartar. without life rtflA' T m n m who lo now bit In hla car and pulled WlUtama from ' akto* ■•P**®^* I Ma aloe laavaa a rtotar, W agalbat him. which probably at hand. Vtaian just good enough eld. but tho m en ImportMt tribute efflee want an a two hour atilko ktodt" ‘^Hair mlaiiig eterles of to" wnckage. W oods in D anger It ought to be behind the ‘nn - Itah and Swadtah. dtaaaaa, often ealiad gouty The Btaok QuB, w( to that ha could not ham survlvod holding UP all news dtepatchaa. eouroe." DR. NELEBER She wore m axpanalva wrist- ritta, la thta otaga, eryatalf t - l S i a l ------je a n tf to d mrt f t OoateoeMlL N. M In New Tafk . yiiaoao •tovonaon vary much and to fellow tha road Itaalf, but not u I i»r PiffiME. s P in companlee from Coventry nestee senator. They oqntanded good enough to pick out n pratity tha toaua It ha had not worked at ufdarr Nlaht Oaaatog Phaty of RMto and WUllmantic wen summoned From Dry Spell that he ta making considerable watch. ■ubotancaa ealiad urataa, made f t ftdto him that one phaao of hta It predtgioualy, with tlmliaa pur* Dag Chaws Naasy Parutfag the epaee ads stin fur­ 100 EAST CENTER ST. headway: that he will hold a good After tha questioning by police, tha proftKta f t purlaaa, which are D enton to Fight face on too etdawalk or In a pi i^W 6lf|- HHatteaaigUm Prsw Aatbw U ^ ^ ^ U a d i M bacauaa of too danger of fin from praoont In aoma foods, are daportt* ' * MOt Iff o M oftrfttogy hoa werhod out well suit ef tna apadnl knewlodgao to' ther. wo leuad whan Mn. A. B. WILL BE CLOSED too plane's gaaoUna, spUtad in the taad over Ms nearest rival on the ha said aha would ba takon to a AMda fram hla ro Joetlon of tho ing oar—thnt's the Ideal agulp* votvftd, aad with tlralaas par* M Wllpflt hay field. Page a) flrtt ballot, aad. rack up. a oub- hoopttol for obaorvation. ed ta or near toa Jolnta. Soma* Filibuster R uling £ aeuthaoat ft Moutnuk NHB^ ment auaUon of thooe whooa eonvleUon Utsa-via-winic-i>iihii< blla fttrtita ' I b an that win rtww Mythtof havlag a Her short and sudden np]ppaar- Umw tooaa «daportU roach which JuU Into tlft aM fbaoa ProaigMit Truman, FROM JULY 21 TO staatial Incraaaa on tha second. 'funaral haasa after 7 pas. today. This la mpposed to apply had to bo obtained baton the found n large onmlopa aad atattol tag" U bar satta have auffarod heavy loaaaa of anoa barely dtaturbad tha solnlamn f t >im‘a eggs. toa auatommoat tip ■ftfttoaoHi doao not wMt to on. baoio dvllton oontral of our atomic UiftiP ^^¥ ic - Hanrwaed fanaeiaai A ailkwora must mak ehawteg, aentUrtog |U 0 la Tha mUltoary hualnim Is praeUeal* Backera of Ruaaell countarad Olympic optnlag earemoay. , If gtvoa at too beginning f t ad. Itta rtwit 7S drivtog, but Wo often wonder If It OrehMtra. AUG. 2 com, potatoaa and cabbage- with tha prediction that tho _____ ru geO M ) ftw tho oonrontlon m too oandl' Ufa could be ostabltohad. SOO.OOO tu n s In splaalag . PeUoa warn aalM iftid tha money ly axUnet now for m todmdual. It G am bler Costello Tmparaturaa have raackad toa One ftflctal mniiigfod too whole •ttack, certtaono or A C m may I a Brauton Rsal doean*t apply to the whole busl' Ua haa hsM a ftohtor..tor, shrewdahrowd I eecooiL and the threads from , waa nturaad to Dr. >L L. Bdgu, la h— atinliiftla'hj fltaui Georgia candidate—now . openly off with: ward off tha davalepmmt ft the j .y. fqr x atreag etvU rlghta I Mda latataL d m of My party faction. Hla do* Xatitr Caaat m ld ^ s daily Unoa July 18 and bidding for Truman and labor Hospital Notea as ef life, toft. There, too, the la hto ealaeUoa of toiSa and ayta. dd eoeaeae would reach oomp' who Jaet tha anmiopa oa the suaot New Terk or ether larg* ouatua W ants New T rial tna Beaten Waatoar Bureau aald sdda a Uttla salt aad pepper uid toa awalling. H mss sub- ktaalda At dnwBtlw hfti oBh not to run and hla dodro to but alwaya talBng, aad affsdlm, uS t-W ricIC-Tt* WUUaaa alaC Or- arouad tha world. a tow days prevleurty. Scxxxta]^ Hi§ clxnlflGd sdSi support after having entered the te tha soup." 1 Sincm fmqumUy sawn te d ^ | ta ^ baniod,ndytagrtitn individual who keepe on toe road little rrtlaf could ba axpaetad ba* race M the Mtl-admlnietratlon iMaXlX Va4xx •raoaaaaaaeaaeUA rm In tho boat way, if h* haa to. In n way which could only coma ebtatra. fom next Wednaaday. tha attack rather than atop platform committao aad ta toa | efrofto s m s p«D aro oaafly laoondlad. To hoop out without too much Hmly InUraat fn m M ablo mind vigorously ap* U iii-—WTlO-MWa New Toik, July l»—(ift—Gam' candidate of the south—ta gaining togathar. ADMITTITTSD T ttm D A T WM ftaauiunf la tha tandaoapa, Wtthout toe The Hartford waatoanaan, strength rapidly. eonvantion. Mfs. Daretoaa Maanaquaa. IN o f the early phaaoa ef too eon* piled to tha problem Involved. '-WTtC--NtwSt^jalc. Mar Prank Coatrtlft schadulad U after raportlng that yesterday was Ethiopians D rink Acuta gout, howavar, can "Lai ThMi-WaBf toa dlDfeet' much mental activity, without too Whta tha ffttan ^ - ba Jailed next week on n contempt Leomta otroat; Praatao Tremftir, , -eMment ' * ^ nthWinI to amid being bedraggled almoot toa hottaot July IS toa city If eoutharaara want to batt toa I Narto Mala atraat: Rahacaa much Imagination, and without af aaeh n nma aaaaa of Oongreea charge, moved ypster* 471 Bar orew w m ah KdntaNN. IS«-i by the proeim of eenvantten dead* tba apportiwity to m r trlboto ever axparlaaead, wtoM hta brow G a s a s M e d ic in e | Uon to ilrii^conditlona. eonyanUon m Ihsy did four yaara| Bristol. Bolton; Mra. Tnibalmlna cludiBg toa rtrtppar, n iJtat too far-seeing a vMon ooems, aa trinf g^pbcMta. day for a new trial. aad foraeaot that f m mere days ■go, Humphrey said, "thaa let , 0g Ridge atraat; Marla Capfito which la laovltablo, la to ■ ‘ ■ Costello's motion. Glad with tha of ftO-pluB heat Md high humid' A boutTow n Bottom From Fnrtnea Sara*ta , _____ <• slintagy which effira tho promtoa a rule, to nagoUato . the read Court of Appeals, pamtta Mm te Those wiM have tha diaaasa are than walk." Jamas. 185 Paikar atraat: Mra IlmnM Are Btafttag Ufa with fewer nujer aeeldanta aft OMoago, a r i g l a a f l y lamaln out of JaU until toa Court Ity could ba axpaetad. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia— gpasraUy raquirad to refrain But tha aoutbamara. have aaoM Mahal Wood, 87 New stroat; Don­ A CBMt Ctaurd filer, L t iWMftMt* • i t , tho eanmatien may, after T s S S T Tastarday's maximum wm M. Ralph Norton, aaemtary-troao* Ethtopiana drink gaaoUne to ths al ald SlmmoM, 883 ichert atraat; We were roedtng' a poet the tatod to be Mstbar ptaaa af of Appaata ruM on tho motion. It mlaaad baliig a record for toa from moat alcahoUe Uquom and good nssons tor h o p ^ for O. Fintan ft Oak Park, m Ttaif * It haa tayod with all Ito routine paaahig straftagy, new praadsas Costello said In hta motion that urar ft tha Norton Elaetrteal In* point thft tha Mbdatry of PubUe from foods which contain a high peaceful•toMpieaslaa ***•••.^ Joseph Soslto, Baft Haittard; G tf ft toe tliut to fly ovor toa vuaertc other day, a peat giftad artto to* data by one dagraa. Forty-savan ■trumant Co. ot 71 HlUtard atraat, Health ta reallp atarmad. Aadaraoa, Manehaator; Mra. Ida I to tho point ef daapolr. to baosna. aai to racetm fnm Padaral Judge Sylvaater J. Ryaa'a iraara ago tha mareuty Mt 06 on WM hoot to hta ampl^aa st a proportion of purinaa, . such m | One of toa Irndtoig caadidatta ■old ftaiiMo ware bHndtag ftvftq- Ip a froah now taco with telUgenee aad Imaginntiea, end tha oaavmtiaa Itself, a heart* charge to the July In the gambler's "GaaoUna la Polaon and inftam- sweetbroada, liver, kldnsya, squab for the prartdaattal nomtaatlon la._—LaMcntagna. ^ „South .u . Oovantry; u __ - - ft AON feat ta toa ftr. " * he, from hie own tattUectual for* fait axpraaaloa af i trial last AprU "rirtually amount­ 18. day's outing at Oosm Beach Wad mabla and should navar ba drunk and calva’a tongue. San. Richard B. Ruaartl f t Oaov- j Mrs. KatoarinaK ^ a r t Vaughn, »T Morse “Tha ftamM "Vara * ■re ef aedan^cn and tho ‘Tha temparatura aMddad to a naoday. The plant.. wm closad meat of iinheppineee aad diacoa' toward a whale a n a aad a ed to a direction of n verdict of fn place of BMdlehM," toa Ministry Indaft, there are other fcMda I gla, an outspoken foe f t "eempul* orange color rtMotiag up .rtboft IRI natlenmtlrrlng ap WiMto OMMfa •il^WONft—Radio Careltra. guUty." comparatively cool M after lata for too day so that all tha work­ declarsA The warning branded such M pork, baaf, veal, aauaaga, sory, JaU-aaatanea" fadaral action a d m it t e d TODAT: RaadaO of » foot high." ho ooid. iMie ef M authentic draft tent, waa dilating, for a loag oeriea afternoon rtwwers, but than itart* ers could attend the annual aflalr thoaa who "pwrauade otoara to Brawn, M Sprues atraat. ‘ a^cSSaMto. U m jury found Ooetrtio guilty togathar. ' ' ' ' f t flrti I on racial probiaaM.^ WM otae a heavy btaok onMlM to^ q Tha t wo auapoct le tho way of UnoBi M the happy oetate ftvEi itaS T rE i. af contempt of Congress for Ms ad up again. Also, too ahowara ad­ drink gaaoUna and thoaa who al­ which may also ba taboogor f vic­ XDRrkxMx of DISOHARORD YESTERDAY: roaelMd about 1,000 f o o t ^ * ^ ^ the individual vMw Juet plei ded to toa humidity. low thamaalvaa to ba so Mrs- AgBM SkarlB, N Hyde Her mtaolon ovor, too B xeoSb a^ Mormoea plaaa to ham It conm East G erm atis Set nfusal to answer soma quaotlons 'Not so good, not so good at th e Auxiliary Police wlU meat tim of gout bacauaa of the rata* I Ruaaall aupportor, aald ta aa later* nnUer-ef-factly through Ufa, he* t to him during Ms appaannea ■uadad'* fta ertminata. Uvely high amounU ef purine toft view that ha baltavaa nraat atraat; Hobart Bncklay. 41 penr an Amortean Export Ltaa mutt to hbn, U It muot come to hlai. (on the Senate Crime Inveetl- all.” aald Hartford County Farm at tha Finlay atraat range for UT' Tha dauira for gaaoUni m n po­ they contain. atraat; Mn. RMbal RuaU, GUaed; roaumod hor eonrao for Brtntft Ing diatraotod la no directloii, and C Bureau Agent WUUam L. Harris, gat practice at $ p.‘ m. Monday. tion la due to tha wldaspraad Eth- provtalons f t too 1S4S wt A Me eaae, a genulna roluc* A nti-Church D rive gatlng committee. Thara la a question, howavar, could ba oecaptod wRhout a floor Winiom B. Brown. IS Ford atraat where aba haadad y a f tw ^ tMM to ran,' and the crafty not wondering, toe much, about Sereaede. R3TM sentenced Ooetello to 1ft Jr„ whan aokod what toa hot lopaa custom Of eating raw meat. whether our Marina friend can Pater Xaptsraa, 50 Bpruea rtraot New York. Tho Oosst Guard wlrqlQ waatoar waa doing to toa cropa. Mambars of the Goiman famUlM Thta, in turn, hM cnuaad tha peo­ fight Maivta Oottln,. 07 Mfthar atraat a’e etratogy ef building up his ultimate deetlaatlen. When he BMiatr- months in jail and fined Mm safely resume tha aetlva duty la My avant Ruaaell SMpport* her a tributo for a Job waU wondared. ha tuned to a Mmplo (C lOaat iwe heoadm- $5,000. But toa Orcult Court of It's fina for com and tobacco, In town are In Garden City, Long ple to be widely affseted with par- which ha Ukaa so much with corn- Nlcota Delta Fan, IS Oettofo It WM toa aaeond dtaaatof kbn ifore K comas to Prormn. but hard on otoar crops. Island, today for the wedding of ■aite stomach worms. a n and those ft tiM deean ether ■treat; Mra. Bvrtyn Lomftart.Td ■a toM a year sit Mentoxta* faith, whleh he accepted as all the .tea'e earner. AppMds In n pravlouo ravlaw ra* plate tack of danger from other avew'M er potanUal candldatae, are in M eeay harmony. Not does out the camps, nstrict ducad the fine to $3,000 wMIa up- Tha waatoamwa, predicting ThomM J. Gorman, aon of Mr. Tba Health Mlntatry racommsnds attacks ef ths disaaso. Garden street Point. . „ ,rf* iting to run. ho la alee playing answer ho had a right to aaek such activity to tha favored i hoUUng tha santanca. heat for Gve mere days, didn't'say arrt Mra. MIchMt Gorman of 773 • aubsUtute made from barrlaa for are not anxious te F*t iavolvad DISCHARGED TODAT: DOB' 45-foot ftahtag vsMal. know. subsatvlaat " f ^ CamiM Teuth*' ------laae. Main atraat, ftnd Mtaa Patrlcta A. in a furious atruggta toft asight gama which would make the ti: Kewe. what to ei^act after tost gaaoUna addlcto. aid Slmmena. IBS Bissau atraat Prtlean. capatsod a artla pfftoaaiT We left off reading' the poet bO' irgmlaattea. Bear. m a r u k d in b e d Do you suppose R could get Richmond, whleh tekea ptaea tola lose souM dalagatos. Praaton Trombly, 471 North Mata from Montoak laft Sept. 1 worth meet to him. The attack ca tha eampa, kaewn| hotter? • afternoon at 4 o'clock In St. Anna's N ui’se Shortage Still aaotbar factor is tha ptany it 45 paraene to toair Saftknt. fore he came out ef Me a t^ throughout Ctormaay for yean ___ the arnd, Of eourae, OonemI Bisenhower Bertferd JeiM tdift Bamtoga Sprlnga, N. T. (#V- Church, Garden City. B irds T errorize _ WT aoma oeUd aouto »*— ■ axn«nb i r t h TODAT:xvwjxx. **A son to »••.Mr. Mtowi parMiaa ware aavbi, unee had a semowhat elmUar state •nvy to a atate of recondUatton Meal chlldran's vacaUoa apoto, oil* fi' ftt^ Aftar two pravioua wadding post* S h u t s M M H U n i t "»*ght wind up m the Republican ang Mrs. Victar Squadrite, 10$ with hla own tormented fate, but Biaxad ft weak ef thrsataalag gaa*{ Ooel Blaere. ponamanta, Cpl. Floyd Wood waa •..sauacr iTm^rnna Oita tUna SUHtofttag Colaman read. uf mind. Then the bug caught up turea aaclft Polalk Father Joins H unt N ew ton R esidents Gan. Dwight D. Elsanhowar. wUh him, aad he want la tightlag. we wppoee he wUl attutn such Tha Ooaununlat ragtoia refused _ haadad homo recently with two M oving M eteorite Dog Saves Store ^ reeoncUlatiaB. when wa retun. ClMMn otrvlcainen buddlaa to gat married Due to tha critical ahortaga f t I Humphrey and hta group have CMfta ■a had to, or porhapa bo counted to gnat tnval pamato tor S.000 j SraS. WhM thair car ovartumed aad F or M issing G irl graduate nursing personnel at tha...... I listedfour four "mintmum "mintmum petata' petal Monday, Pre-natal f t S a. m. out. Mit in tho Damocratle eon. Tot la hla time, as tn ours, tho Pretaatonts to visit West Oar*| landed toa proepactiva bridegroom Seen Last N ight Newton, Ia.-HF>—Dive-bombing Moachaatar Memorial Hoapital a civil rights plank. Tuaaday, tonaU and adenoid f t From Night Fi^C pareaatoga of cmek*up on the many for tha LditharM World PM* i**^The Air. bluetayo aro torrorialag Um people during . the summor montha, tha- ~Thoy Incluo ‘ Ida: "Equal $:80. wntloa the aituaflea U dUferont antlon at Hannover la August to the hoiT{{*I- Pagaosa) ft Newton. s. road of Ufa la much higher m wa Ml aflaraei. U m coia^ decided to get mar* « Burlington, Vt.. July 1ft—UT)— Board of Truateea hM found It particlpaUon" for Nagr Wadaawtay, Heart f t 104S m. •aOu menu no danger of My A nUy of the ■oetanst Unity re Berta Bear. lied Mywny Md the caramony Savaral youngsters have been naeaaaary to curtail the uaa of the otoar miaerity groups; equal Job I by appolntmant only aad Wall OantraUA HL-OV-A SoutoatR oaity mrdlct of any Mnd. No one go up tha scale of intalUganca and (Oeaamuatot) Party ( t ^ ) ad* said that although the five planes U m aky above thla Lake Cham* badly frightened when they were ofvertualty, wWeli prehahly j Bisby at the T from 3 te 4 p. m. niinota oeupla wouldn’t part nm r. waa hrtd tn toe Saratoga Hospital plain city w u 'Ughtad by n flary bads In one aacUon f t tha hoapi-. o l^ lo gelag to bo nominated juet Imagtoatloa and awnranaaa. And vtaeod a demand that activttlaa ef wItoji|(atoodist pastor offidatiag covered a SOHmilea-aquam area, "bussed'' by tha Jsya end wm ^ -,^ 0 0 «f sp- msana a 'federal computaery am- Friday, chaat f t 9 a. m. by ap- with a Oog they onoa triad to gt*C on both reads, tha madam high Protaatont study groups In the ■ter. and with toa bridegroom In bed. which included part f t aouthwaat' object—possibly a metaortta—last jevaraly acratclMd by r.pM t«l ^ ploymtnt practlcas aommiarten; j peiaUnant only and WaU Baby f t •way and catadnt . T bepanaa Stamnaen haaga back, ■ovlat Bona ba curtailed bacausal ode from Leaiqa. am Maaaachusatte aad aastem n l^ t. No damage wm caused but The Louta Troya f t Ptacimovv way, aad tha highway of life It It Leke Sw tuber* The beat h im hod a patch ov« one .-..1 J , .w. This unit of 34 bods hM novor •nU-lyncb lagtalaUon; tho hoapital from 3 to 4 p. m. not at laaat for a aumbar of bal. they “apraad enemy propagMda" New York, no trace f t the girl awltchboarda of tbs Burlington Police ^ e d two of the btaft completely opened for use treatment in the armed aarvicoa. vtita credit Fritata. a S * y e a ^ aalf. It would aaam that aonw spa* aad waakan tha puMhra “raadtosaa eya toa raauR of abroalOBs auffarod in the accident. The third soldier, WM fouad. Fraa Preu and police taaadquar- Md to o u ^ at f t t a ^ wjr* sinca Uia renovation ft the build- Yesterday more toon BP Patotsia E ft Na Tape Splta Md otoar smsimy, cial dUdpUn* •heuld be in order— to daftad tha hemaland," All aaarchera have bean able to tara were flooded with talaphone nesses offarod ouggaatlena for saving toair greeary store aM ^ Party beaa Walter Ulhttcht la n I I ProeresL who waa more aSrlourty in ju ry ^ *"* st tack of personnel, fto a u c Tftkfls Us Tn Court that tha Individual should say irehk of uic Air. waa to bod la toa aaoM hospital dovaiop ta that tha girl wM aaan caUa ninga. Newton photogrmphM. was | Hower,r, 17 bads on thft floor, in- vota-gatUng pUaka. OsntrftU, m.—un—The poUto bapa toair Uvea. . A night firs •tarnly to hlmaalf aomathtng Uka sweeping blow at all danomlaa* of HaSe. "daflaRaly tliamMng n rtda” on AU the Inquirare agreed the ob­ pleki^ elMrrtaa pad m tafuriated 22JII7wMdi two-bed rooms nn-J Dr. Harold Uray and Elino Ke- lortaga misda Ban Bucheia worry broke out bi a mechanical ttons, told U D ccafanaa acme* U: .. Itallea Life. room oe CpL Wood. ___ U. S. Route 44, haU a mile west of near Frltala’a rtaaping apft. tfo and Urn Frtndi ora curlona tola: lerltaUea te Lean* ject—moving waft to SMt—cams r .r f t h a d Wm. twice on ?rtvlS rooms have been tn -lae per. speaking for the Atlantic about toe mMy vacMt apacaa In thing nmst ha doM about atudmt Lakavllla Oantor and about a mile from toa New York aide ef tha Jannlnga kUlad toe bird with M sines r __ __ February, 1963. Union committee, aakad toa party hta potato patch. Ha dug- down want to toair bod aM they M HIdl onandee la the caae now "X wUl curb my wandaa while paeton a tradlttonal part ef the Irel of . and n half from Camp Staana on ■Ir piatol. Fritota barked unto Uwg got batoio tba totomatlonal Court of taka about ft:S0 p m. (a. a t.>, It U hoped that aU of tbs bade to can for "a oonvanUon f t data*, to aaa why hta oaad had net aant on dangaroua ourvoa: I wUl not facultlee of both Preteetont and Uidft-^ "edlev ' Personal Notices Indian Mountain road from which ovor the city and dtaap on n East wlU bs availabis again gates ft North Attaatlc Damoc- up My plMte. Ha found nuuiy pe* •ad tavoatigftad. N rtftbw ie; Astiob a t The Hague. The issue allow my Imagination to latarfara CatheUe eehoolB. UlbcMit ■ha dtaappaarad Wednaaday. m krtpnd carry to» fire s*faty afta l^ j.. these young men, to their lecturfto I paarad Into tha ansL on or about Sept. 15. raciaa to axplors practical tftoas M targe ban eggs. New M Hm opeelel rtghta Americans with aoma mattar-of-faet require* b Masdrisa Tba camp U operated by tha Some daacribad It m a "baU ot Flier L indbeigh’s ef revising the North Atlantic ha's wendariag U a new tepISM to their anideat gnupe had un*{ ; Baila to the fV WestCiMStar, N. Y, YWCA where BIrto Baeerd E iftaa*** >9* to m Is Woeoee, iighu which the meato damaadad of m ; I wUl aato dermlned 'The nedtoeee tor our mother, fire.” A Bumbar aald It wm Treaty OrgMtaatlon. potato hM bean davalepad by ■ ■ - ■ .-.um; la lovlna _ BwmorT • of, a q^aam an aald Um girl « Long Beach, Calif. —GB— Ra- They aald R should ba quirk ft natun. Vtondh Maiming KereecQ as their to know, but net too mudi; I wlU tonae.'' LUe of the Barit w—, 'ifary Mowllaer Wlttner, who t h o ^ t to have baaa a "Uttla white, otoara daacribad it m rad Item s D edicated New Tack—(FV—Th* The regime hM opaaly accused I MaMdawar July If. IMl. •nd raiabow-celorad. tisad railroader Georgs Ruaaall. sconemkMd, more affaetiva la pra- emn proin tm ati. aay we should analyaa, but not stoU wkUa doing homartek." 7t,' hM goM Into the Mimal bua- vantlag another WarM War and In Boar VtaHs New City meat f t Hartto. awnaapM i ■as poftoaaa. Thaaa rights, churchmen cC h av l^ sutpicieua ■^■ p p SeUal Alwaye remambtred. CoBBla, wbq had no money, wm In South Portland, Ma., two man quaaU for ceptoa af Jn tlt 1 ao; I win priao vtaiaci. but not to eonnactlona with "AmericM end reported aaabig wbat they coUad LittlaFalta, Minn.——A smaU inaaa. accord with toa fundamanUl prtn- FMtaaa. CaUf.——Bartdanta *topitulotlaito" exempt Amari* U Mr. and Mra Rtdiard F. Pelowltaar. draaaad in a rad Jacket, blue aborts On hta acre ft land. Ruaaall ctplM ft govarnmant Which nave ft Fontana ware proud whan toair wamad rialSinta . tha point of blindnaas to the raaU* British agents” to the waet TM| and blown shoes when last seen. "a Mg rocket” muoaum containing hclrtooma of ■broM to apply for- Oft|po hi Mofaeeo from Fraach ar ty ef the moment; I-wUl dream, ehurchee nnm dMdad i t Um Chariaa A. L inw rgh family rataaa turtlaa. ftMasMta, aqulr- miada tha United Stftaa city WM laoorperatad raoantly, but b IfCMMriSBI rata, paacocks and even a raccoon. Md fraa." ■omatWag happanad to dampsn tores wortta imsAnmn MMoaeita Juatiea, aad gim them but not ca the read." ANSWER (XMIINO BANDIT hM bean dsdlcatad In tha old Lind­ togpMepoato.* _ bergh home here. The collection MMy f t toa oalmata ware given toair ago. HWpciailago ef eperatlag p ret^ It la not too much to aak of tho la memory of our father. Alexander New Laadoa, July IS (■>-- Nawart Market It aaonM n SOfi-peuad Aa avarago f t l,SMi MltataStay? who paaaed axay July M Agiima* PaSoa today aoogkt a calm, includea the famed fUar's tey sol- to the former railroad niM by eartUkatM hM baa* 0 • « • nndar'Iaaas to their own. unusual spirit, tha Mghsr order of Ptiht auoeaaMul uaa af a pan' 1*. IMl. wavy kalrad bandit who swift­ dlara, fiahing tackle, famUy china friends. Tha groateat f t o il' Ortantal bear hadn't heard about toa taeer* Ttofr are eapitulatlene ef i 1 la axpaetad ta aa- Tha raocooo, TOotola, camo^to markaU, China, wm toa last to peratien ardar and wandarad into tha bureau weakly. Tba; being to tanas of maxtal laugina* ehuta la a daaoant from a mavtog Hla taoe wa sooa afata a |^ aae, I w tttta U daya whatoar ly krtd-up toe cashier f t toa and carved items. A dantagad tora from toa aseuntrtna. aaqilir aa heavy R aeta " stow tond we deniMdea aad i alridaM wae auda la IPIb by Tha taea wa lovad ao well Garda Theater la bread day* wooden '^ropeUar la hung on one tha Ruaaall backyard after a ooBM within Um range f t Waatom Urn and spiritual aqulpaiMt, that we oaaaot aader^^d It bow. Mutmiar wIB aaska Ptam com meres. aceordlBC to the N Sharttra . difuUaa shat R a x to torsa woaka toms-

N r A O I ' S B MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 1^, 19S2 M A N C H lSm IVENINO HERALD, M ANCHESm . COMM, SATURDAY. JULY 19. 19M lii-tliifiii'orw -■ -■ I II- ^ n ull I I iiiiini.iWKi.iniBiiMi ■l■ll■l■l ip;« i ■III 1^11 Ill i.i— I I ■■■HI .11— 1 ...... —— ______OUT OUR WAT BT J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE w ith - MAJOR HOOPUll DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE -• . -Ri-v- M10ywOMCN -THT SkS EVER(jEAO u<3ESET , OUS fitUSAT MATOsiAL TO SUVA EPCaoy FILUV, to ProvloiM Puiado OAME l» RUtMCP/ HO FEIEMOS tlFT,. nilEOif lEOIfSiOB Sense and Nonsense | |Aircraft and Hamilton Battle for Semi-Pro Crown Toni OAUOHTeE OF OLD SOR5E. O J E o p TMEM'lftTAKIM' i VO U C O M S W i t h a . ; Tbo toochor hod oifeod hor claao Ifqn—How did you aueeood In X'- ESTHETIC PANCIN AN- j •*'i II ii'^---- t)RtfADMAOOHT/—TAKidid to wrlU o ahort oompootUon on gatting your orifo out of tha habit TH-majorette o t h e r f» A oauf^JAj -, ,sst , — TMe TEAC I to the UTTpeot liquid, which tuma dark when you aay boforo I pronounce aontonooT Mate" wnah In it" - Priaenar — Only ona thing and In Gontests-to Date U W W u tn d l i n N M M t , that la that 13 ahraya waa my un­ ! g f e L < L . ^ ~ iSPatiM Tha auparatltion that it'a un- lucky number. In thla eaaa It wna StfocU oa 13 jurora and one Judge. Win HamUton ragaln tU ataU*,him bard. Ooaeh Coach FsngrataFi foolo IP S y m M fo r lOFfer off (comb. U Ccnmaiiy hicky to light throe dgiutttaa on man, a ouro- •.i form) fd O n th o ona match probably originated iit haaabalTuUa It won la 13M and [ Owna ta hla monay-i 310od of lovo Marriago la Ilka playing tho than loat.to.Mbodud laat yaarT Or. flra eempaUtor, who has tho ox- ■boHorod lid o . tha aalaa dapartmant of aomo wlU a now, flrot tune winner ho poritnea 'and gentralahlp to di- 93 A n ITRodoetor ^ 4TGuU-liko bird match company. horaaa. Tou never canan toll what i piniMde 23CapM crowiiod, mooning P ratt A Whlt- roct HamUton to winning waya. M M mtal J R 43 Bulgariaii oota two bucka will bring you. SWANT MOKTND epponont ro- M i m n 3 4 y y M iy ! focuHioo H nay? Nina Innings or.mors wtU 90K m ( tPT.) ___ 3 0 a ty In Tho Boogy—I undoratand jrour boy doelfio both queottons when the BMUna a mjraCary to ovoryono on- 99Uttle fPNofoUvo W i Nrthorloads la graduating from cdllegt in Billy —But, darting, why are you toamo oeUldo m tha finals e< tha copt Oooch Johnny Rooar. The ODoodo T •3 Nolo of Juna. Haa coU^a dona him ao dlstmatT L>aat n l^ t you told oami-pro teumamont a t ML Nohe Aircraft haa tha boot pitching 43 Body of wotor Giiido'o oeolo much goodT aw thoro woo oomethlag about nw thla aftomoon at S o’elook. corpa It aver had. In fact, ao **£*L__ mniip 43Famiiilno SIBurmoao Woogy—r n any It haa Why. you could l&vo. This ahapaa up aa the amot ox- strong that aomatlsMs thoro lan't efftrvMBWt isseeJ oppoUation coUago haa mada our boy orar. Uny—I know I did, but you W lntaadM i w o o d ip ^ dtlng ftnaM stnea tha tounamoot anough work to go around.. May- A » hOvv OtACB Boogy—,1 auppoao you can apw t It. waa inaugurated boro throe years bo it will bo Iggy MUlor, who waa n M e ra niUoiwl 1 r 1 r 1 r hardly roeognlaa him now. TD^SPREAO/ M F Ia fiit (OMNh. r r r ago. Two aoporata toama undsr invitad on the trip to Kansas with , 6 0 0 D Woogy—No, It'a woraa, ha hard­ A cborut girt woo tolUiur .the ona hahnor, tho United AlrOroft HantUUm two oiaoem bock. Thon fwm> r ly raoognlaa ma. Cluh,' and ahootlng.for tha ontlro J* JIM aod w w~ other girlo about hpr . btnhday again, OoOch Rooar haa boon no- AirOUNDi ^ -Ml party. marhUo in the Mg one Two of atgning tha big enoo lOeontly to bruMh f Mr. Juno-Wod— .What'a wrong Chorua glri—Tou abould hava tha otaU’o top non-pro cluha. right-hander Gharlto Koblinahi, W Z n rM k tiM with thla caka, dtar? It taataa aeon tho caka! It waa maTvaloua. squaring off agn)aat oosh othor MNTO 7 ■ gritty. who loamad his loaoon orttb Rl- C laaa! H I.E O N A R D r ’Tboto wera aavantaan caadlaa on for tho NaUonal Baaobon Oan- mlra la tho Baotom Lsagua. Bob '4 i Mra. Junc-Wad—Don’t be aUly I t grooo crown and tho oavoiod Ooeo- Aadrowa of no-hlL no-run fame, MMimk P i darlliig! Tha racipa call# for Oola trophy. Than foltowa a.ahot Tharo'waa a ailanca among tha oarvtng up two no-hlttors. could Bnipli MBoetrMod thrao whola egga and I guoaa I girla. Ilien ona repUad: George Hwaa Bat ■araM Iwwla a t the Rhode loUmd ehampo In a bo tho ehotea In bock of tho Mg pwUelo didn’t got tho thallo beaton up dna Chum—Sovontaon candlaaT ^gl two out of throe gamoo anough. throe oro Tad Mrosowskl, Boh W B odm m What did you do—burn tham at aoriaa for a kpot In tho national^ Brteadn and MaU WaUaco. dilbm ilo both ondaT toumoy a t Wichita. Kanaa% nw t Oppoaing baekatopnora wiU ha Vorm Boucher of BA’s S llairm II 1 Poopla who travel in elrcloa oro month. WaUy WlMwIm for HamUton and 94Kiodoffwofd the onoa who run around too Tou can^t oxpact a profaaaional YMR RTAQR .UI MBT. bringing Tom Bargamlal or BUI Padarow •M IT much. politician to make up hla own bad Trust Scores 9 to 5 togothor the finalists who never ski for PAW. Soloeting tho .Air- Wcnkkboollo # and than lit in I t Ho'a moro llholy pt. Urod of p l a y ^ one aneUm. craft mneld .poaes no proMsm. H itter at M oriarty’s, W ins 6 - | n ^ Id D tivol A groat big lowalung ear draw to mako up hla own bunk and than They havo mot five Umoo proM' for Coach Rosor has gone eoneU- fT Cotton fbbric up to tha curb whara a cuta Httla Uo out of It. euaty thU oaaon-r'throo timaa In tently with Dick Fol^ at flrot, working girt waia waiting tvr tho tho Dusty Lahguo and twice In BTANDINOB f ...... Y n m o A L r r ir tho locol Twilight L eona. The Joo Tripp and Ralph Sehumoy i hua A gontlomaa atuek hla neck . Artlat—Oh,' Judith darling, I Upset Win over Bees aroiund oooond end Chertio Maa- Bldgea ...... lA itId o o f i out and aald, lova yra, I adoro you. Airmen hold a ona gam* >oeS «»v#r m r I urok over a t third. Hamilton aoo9a^h««eooe Beat Outfield in te thoir arch-rivala Two of tha thrao clotMna Ha—Hello. Tm drivlag aouth. Modal—In tha first placa, you RAW. •9*«O0C»aV9Oe * r r ^ y n io n She—How wonderful, bring mo don’t love me. And, In tha aocond - BTANDINCMl claolMo in Durty LoogUo acUvity BUI LaoSors Of Showboat Porter r back an orange. tho R eaorm on oonquoioo oonquo^ thauw will be a t tho mitlal each for Ham­ eaeoe9»>9»««'2a« placa, my nama lan’t Judith. V MorbutjKa eoooBoeaof Producing for 4For«taa raoo 1^" Brown and'Baaupra 4 Premo, loot time being, Tuooday Uton. D m root of tbo infield finds n LOCAL night, and tho winI an but clinched Dick Vtalng a t socend. Hot LoerU AND HER BUDUIBS fBofora CARNIVAL BT DICK TURNER Naasiff Arms ...... i eovortng snortetop and Ed Ku- Norm Boucher tamed Mortarty Spooky .A rt IN -a Manehaatar Trust .... i tho UUa In tho TwilightTwilight Lsaguo By JACK HAND ATNlghod 139 1-3 tbo toama havo split In two oUrto kulHa on third. Brothora • to 0 aa he leorod a no- TZ First National Bank .. i Aaoeoloted RtoiB BboPM Writer 9 1-9 inehooi m m M viiua.*.wii>« Tw« Twwaei'» H IX O H 9 SIDE GLANCES BT 6ALBRAITB SPORT CHATTER and will moot once moro. HamU­ Outfloldoio for tha props are ML Bo-nui victory ever the Goo- Goaty BUngol got tbo hMoa Brooklyn, contlni •RAUilRI T«D tm S«LM K >*. VT'ft A fiva-run ftrat inning gave ton la In second place whUo PAW Rad Jacko, dharlio McMoano, Rat. men ot Mt. Hebe lost night. One lough with hla syriog troMteg National's . w*a'' M r R FMO WWMO holds down third spoL Bolduc, Chartio Jaaloob and Oltnn boss!: R ltte lM I^ fi-E EARL W. YOST Manehaatar ’Trust a C to 3 win Thoro U no lovo loot botweon Ftandors. It wUI ba Sam wyUo, of tho omoUOst ereords of tho yoor wUnoaood the pHctNr'o droom " I ^ got tho hoot outfteM in tho s tra lg tt. ttipe- ■ BportoBdItor over Brown and Baaupra last the clubs. What one g au tho other Johnny SotegnJ and Paul CIchen tooguo.’*^ throe arrofoand night at Charter Oak Field bafors wants. Hamilton won it two y^r* as gordon tenders for tho Airmen, game. Bouchar ovoitMO a touch OlevoIORd nubodJip to lodga on snethor run on ’ * < m ., ago and want to Konaos, PAW ri wUdneao In iho SiBt innmg and ■) I Ots'.j a good ciWd In an Alumni Little holding loft-handor Rod Amlden ohjMtkML yoiatliig to Ite Dote Rriond, FitA’rr AND WHTTNBT haaiBoya wUl ba fingarprintad. ’Tga orants to win it and alao show Us for plneh-hltUng duty. then went on to fan tho Mdo In the MitchoU-Lorry Dehey*Moity Simp- (t|M nliaf League game. 9»*nt Hagadom wares In tho national ovonL ^ ^ ■AMnurON wlU havo throe •oeend. _____ ion trio. Yonkoo l o u wondtrod *? captured throe of four pravioua i Lagion haa secured a bus to trana- Thoro romaina little doubt that ninth deciaions thla aeaoon against Ham-1 port the boys to Bristol to m o r^ mada his first' start for the ’Trust pltetiors In tha buUMn—Dick Fite- f i v e m e n B B A O m n hoao If Stengel hod toifottea Joo Dl- Mliy ! i Uton. ’Tha rival United Aircraft ■ afternoon for tha playoffs. Tha Cbach A rt Pengrata of HamUton potrick, Joo HOborf and Bd Donoly agolnat Boucher. Ho loouod four Magglb hod rotlroa Bvon Stongol wUl call upon his aoo. Ooorgo -*«nd Jacko can go to tha hill If uralko, tire In tho opMUng frame, 'ookontd oad- traded tern. of Ma •aw . baseball' team*.'clash tonight at bua'will leave the Legion Ho im a t Swan! In on effort to halt the win­ teifi oror Mt. NebO at 6; o’clock in lhe.;flhals 11 a. m. Gama time la 1:30 at needed. and one man raochod on aa arror outllaM crop—Jaokla Jeneos and who waio ih^' Halts Leaders ning ways of tha Alreratt. Lofty No tw o tesms havo come down by Jimmy Ortffm. Bouehor stn i^ Arehte Wlteon--wlt)i Mtehor Bpoe of the 1983- Conneotlcnt oami-pro | Mussy Field. Coach Wally Fortin ‘'.•HlZM swan haa compUad one of tho the Uao moro ovonly m o tc M 'm out five. It wan the tMrd win In Skoa to WaoMagton to got after Iwii tournament! Hamilton won tha {plans to start Pete Man^^gm m most impronrtvo records w toum­ tho finals. Thara la power in each seven otarte forihe M ai^ Btfoot- of tiuw ardwqJn 1030 and after defeating the hill with Harry Griswold ftold help from Inr Neron. gin n o w ------Rhode Island In the' bl^Ute play- I catching, oy pUy hero. In throe yoaro ha has Uneup and plenty of strength on BUT TKE AVBBAOBB show won atvon gamoo and lost but one. tha motmdv-.X>ofonso la a strong old Coao waa pretty ciwo to tha eilt went on to play In the Na­ Whan HainUton eoppod tho crown print aneh'cM boost of. truth with Ms flmt claim about j r s 2W sejaLtLauteStisu tional Toamament in Kansas. IN THE EVENT OF BAIN to­ Hall of Fame oft MSB ------/ night the sUte semi-pro baseball In ’fiO, Swan poatod all four vie- United Aircraft can’t loot, but tho claao of Mo Now Tdrit Tohkoo A I > 'E Y Wronr Wan tortoe. Lost year ha split In two a division thoroof will bo champs outflold. romp ovor the BY V.T.HAM UH RAJLPH SCHUiqEywlt» sliiftea *] BiJ) kriefly before doming Hhme. Etching start of tho season last Slnunarman Chuck Btrim and Hewla Judson -Bmaltey ihr|M9A night in the Roe Softball League MririL lb hold tho chamns to alK hite. ToiB driving komo thfc ■OIXBR AN0 (uy v^en Johnny Frlngle and Frankie’s • M m er’8, 8 -7 OleksInakI, ■a ...... 1 6 i 2 i 1 Gorman, eallaa up from Ifanoao 1 ^ the Ti downed Miller’s, S to 7. Both garowUc, Of the Aircraft InHelif U-the vet- Okannk, c ______City ooriy this nrook, won Ms aoo- w tra hard 'Up i ahm Joe TTipp. ’The aecond-aack- Chag and Pringie went the dis­ DaUdul. If ...... I and game vrith roliof help from thoir exhatilUfi tance. Klaln. 2b ...... ;; I1 hil0 2 I t i «ur gain. er appears to impmva with age Husky Johnny Pringle In .tha and baa been the malngtay of R fiK i: «ton blaatod 0101101000*0 Leu gMbted and Cjosch Johnny Roier’a inner de­ BOBBY LaFRANOIS of Man­ YESTBROAVni RgMULTB Outlastp Chagnon in Brtaolo, mokihg Ma first atert in aiNotend had fense this-season. Joe is the em­ chester waa defeated by Ray BU- otaia *...... 21,• 0 u a 2 13, montha, for a 9-3 ;deeUlon that 1 T ew a a OML sa BaalaHi.. Rec Softball Contest eor* by Innings; wtULBoUfia at(: lows of SUtUburg, N. Y., yester­ kept tho Rod Box 4 1-3 gamoo bo- i • h » ^ e.A. w*iwii*«e»k..»< ployment supervisor at PAW. Hartford 4. Scraeten 3. BA's oo: (BH* ITA.I>kilN. F 4UI«,%!< HpwUiiiig Of A«*I m ______BV RUSS WINTERBOTHAM day in the Wethersfield Country Albamy 4. R ^ ln t »• . . .IBuna...... batud in; . Kavan* l•e* t.ees-« I, Berih. Mm the Tonka. Club 'Invitation golf tourney. La- Quent Hngodorw :btn*ctady Y BMOlr* 4. STANDINGS arltlln. BooelMr. Pw»' DBSPITB MARTY MARMtNnB vofiiir * "OgiMy, can’t you Icmm to Ju«t clear your threat inotood BEOOND ROUND of play hi infhamtoii Sam Jonfa dt ^munmcMmemmwn, lEfRomiM X nir4»uw /:1 A t t m t Francts lost by a 3-up m a^n. W , Thraa-bea* hlia: daoparata uao of S3 players, mm m u . . « 0 A 4 ... of bcllowinx ’WHAT’8 €K>INQj^HEREr ** the Alumni UtUe Leaghe will get and pitched alx-hit baU. Hank e had CINTMU kJ veVEMiw vw m ^ MCMMr **My wife may ka a Httla turprlsad ta ta t you—but Just underway ’Tuesday night. BUghtaan Brooklyn f. P ltU b e ^ 1 MUler’2 ...... 7 baa**: gtavans,’ short of the looguo roeerd, hlo BL rooter of tM r AtAaCME ANPCWOf^f ...1RI- ROdcy/HEf ON PRO ALEX HACRNEV of the Zatkowski started for the Be St. Louis 7. Boaton i. * , Frankie’s Drive-In ....7 ..TOO DoiibU ^ Louia Brouma loot to Woahtngton, ba pallaiit and ilia'll gat^raoanollad to HI" games wars scheduled in each and wUdnsea led to his removal Phitodalphta 7. analnaatl k .M7 on baaas: club tiHKBdBB to< j« .m a ;4 N P m cm iM c tm m h EOMWOOLL B U G S R U N N Y Country Club will take part in the N*w Tork-Chlcafo, poatponad. Mason’s ...... g-5. on a IS-Mt attack that In- round. League members are Nss- In the third.' Kenny Irish and AOO on balls: Ciudad thpoa ringtoa by Janaon. flrot boaoman BIU < OUfOAMOA sUr Arms, Mancheatar Trust. First throe-day 18th -annual Connect!' Aaaariaaa DecTs D rive-In...... ,i4 ■trlks-outa: _____ f t m r m m cut Open Golf Tournament start' CharUe Keeney followed on the Naw ' Chicate k Center Springe...... > .333 Wild pilch; Bouebtr. Ua iplrae: Pbalpa Art HoutUman anappod a bins- rocalted aftar tha PITNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER r o s i s s s a r National Bank and Brown and mound m that order.. Det .illadalml* 1. .000 and Welch. game loaing Streak so Detroit and ochaduted to i H P M W t Ing at the Hartford Club Sunday. Bat v-taraloBi 2. Green Manor ...... 0 o o r o v a t n : MVMCHTWT' Beaupre. ZatkowekL usually a control Wat .jin k Birunita k odgad.PMla4olphte, 3-1. with tho Rrick nited ha caa'i •UJMNNK/ pitcher, didn’t have It aa ha walk­ istorneMsoSi FmnMo’a Drtv*-D puahod acroM ara while the Oaamen lest tbolr helpJp of 0 ...... Walt Dropo’o fourth Inaiag Ul J:l8l:l5 p.B. m. (aj.1(a j.D >:SlO lUtOW’N AND BBAUPRB cop­ Montraol I. O tttw ^ Olio run In tho aovoftth Inning laat righth game against two wine. hotno run. Boforo the fame, they In^Jsns-Rod, B e * _____ ped 'honors in tha West Side Rec ed Lou Gagnon. Quant Hagedom Baltimora 4. ■pitotticid 0l A1 ■urewise wont tko route for MAJOfi LEAGUE and hit Mylee Blardi with a pitch Othar lenaa poatponad. night to brook up o 7-7 bad aa official wolgh-tn for little uled f tr ’ i j e r . y ^ ^ Midget Baakathall League last Moriarty's and waa touehsd for BoMqr Shanta, tha A’O Ho can't otait. in> the flrat atansa. Ronnie Brault STANDINaa and boat leaguo-loadlng MUtor'a winter and the Bees’ entry in the singled back through.the middle Roataurmnt $ to 7 In a Rac Boftball eight sofetloo, four of them ■ for Alumni tittle League this season Laagua contoat. Tha wlnnsra came extra boass. Tho winnors did all “"TT hold down first place. Ronnie. for two runs. Bob Pearson’s m- L Pot. OBL their sooting In two Innings, tho field out and BiU Adam’s fielder's Albany 20 142' — from boMnd scoring runs In tha Daigle coached the, cagere while odd innings, turn in tho first, two first end four, scoring throe Umoo Cards Defeat Dodge, Nino Boggini handles the diamond By The Associated Preoa choice teUied Blardi and Brault. Oastlnt 9 In each. HfttlBMl Lbbcm Norm Hohenthol threw mto cen- llnabamton in tho third, throe in tho fifth and Bine. Battlnf >- Addit. ChkBjo. .131: Mu- ■ebanaetady S 8 2 k Hartford High soeoud booomon V . ‘ . terfleld In an attempt to get Klmlra _ ona In tho oovonth. . - - Billy ■tevana got tho BA’a flrot >.// •Ul. 8t. Louli. .331; Lockmaii/ Ifpw Adams going to eocond and BUl Serantoe 8 ilH BIG JOHN PBXNOLE outlasted Tie fot^Ameri / WAIXY FOBTIN has been con- TorV. .314: 8Uutbt«r. ft. Ijovto. .313: Hartford 42 .424 17H Jerry Chagnon on tho mound os run when ho homerad loading off netted with Manchester Amertesn AtYrFi]. ChlcRRo. .311. came ell the way for the fifth WlUlemaport M .24t 24 tha first. Ho sent o Mbs drive down Tho Short Cat BY AL VERMEER Rum — Lochmin. Nfw York, tnd each team rapped out i2x hite. Laglon basabaU teams for four lUBlBl.^ St LOUU, 33: RoblllBDB. marker. Zatkowski haJ control L Pet. OBL Pringlo wiffod ten batten during the light field lino th a t’ ohlMOd hanfod out twis lilta smsOM During tha TB46 and 1947 _irooblyo. M; IUmp. iM^klyii, End trouble again In the third and New Tork u .n e — the contest whUo UmiUin aU of off into foul territory and rated RBO’a, ItaThuTOfiMiW r ""ive TOLD VDU A ' campadgna he assisted Ed KoVls HPinuR. St. LouIb. M. - gave up two more runa and waa Boston 27 .W 4U away from Vie T afgart. Btavona Tanksoo ,..9 3 .900 In the firsi .J(fiuPM, on DOZEN TIMES,, 2 b J l Rum Batted In — Sauer. Chtcajo, derricked m favor of Irtoh. Afaer dayelsnd 20 ,U2 iW Mincr’o hite to singlea. FranMo o Cardlaalo ...... 9 9 .900 doubte to cantair ohtf .ii . sr/cz A CQAA and then took over the main reins 7^: Thomaon. New Torlr 41: Hodgaa. waablccton 2S .Ml 214 third boaoman Cutho ro t tha Mg seorsd standing up. Jim Griffin A/MNAN rrw TOO In . 1951 and again this season. Brooklyn. M; Snider. Brooklyn, and Irish twirled two acoreleae frames, followad with a oingla amt Fraddlo Dodgora ...... 3 3 JMW more on hla triple to tiglrt Z O V O H M K / HOT -rcuNorr SlatlSbter, St. Louia. S3. Chleikso U . « 714 Mt off Chagntm, drilling out a Keeney camp in and gave up ski Phliidalptala 41 .tu liC thrett-run homer In the fifth. Chag­ Booth tripted Mm home. Booth Rod Sox ...... 1 9 .390 third bmlRg. w ith OiOa oconLUad Stlla — MualaJ. St Louia. 104; Lock gle runs m the sixth and seventh. St. Louia 22 .222 ll up a t 9-4 Uia dlMHHM to NOT TfMWMY MASON sponsors and man. New Tork. 103: Adama. Clncln- Detroit 22 27 .122 24H non struck out six and allow ^ one scored on o singl* by Dave Reed. ndii. anr.‘ Schoandlenat. St. Loota. Vt\ Two hits, a walk, an error and A walk to 19-yaar-old eatehar Jimmy BockwitlL colorful Car­ push kema anotkar rptflRWPtoo In OKACTWT, performs with the Mason Wood­ Sauer, Chicago, and wmiama, Naw BsUeesI other extra baae ML a dou^ off tha fifth on a walk, a»)aS |^ two CHca.. working- entry in tho Rec Softball a wild pitch gave the Beea two W L Pet. OBL the bat of FranMe’s right fielder Nick Kobaek Initiated the fourth dinal southpaw, pofeted Mt fourth Tork. 33. * Brooklyn 22 .722 - for the BA’s. Johnny McEUIgott with a well ringlaa, a wild pitch, «l Laagiie this season. Tom is also Horn# Runa -- Sauer, Chicago. 31 runs in their half'of the first. New Tork 22 .224 • Ray McKenna. win of tha oaosen Hodgea, Brooklyn, and Klner, Plttf' Hagedom settled down after the 21 .HI 11 <4 followed with a sinfM. Both nin- itehod 7-4 victory over tha Yan- of stolen baaaS, T kalri a basketball player and has been h u ri» 14: Thomaon. New Tork, S3 St. Louia Cutko, ^cKenna and ahortetep nera moved up a htuM whan John came homa la tha atoi a member of the Laurels for the rocky start and pitched one-hit Cbleean 41 .02 UVl Tony Cecero passed FranWe’i u^ oos teat night at Momortet Rlold. Oordtm and Hatbewa. Boaion. 14. Phlldaipbia 44 .412 It Dstedul bohbted' tha ball. After CBy winning, tha Cards moved Into a stolen baas and an 2 past oevenL eOsson*. Pitching -i* Roe. Bmktyn. 7*0. 1.000 ball unUI the sixth. Three einglee Boston 424 24 set wrln-accounting for seven of Jim Fox poppad up te ssceiid. Tha Tanks, who-got twiu Hkam. New Tork. 10^ Braklna and two Trust bohbles produced Cincinnati 11 the Drive-Ui’a right rune. Cutto a two-way tie tor fint place In Brooklyn, 3*3. -.ttl: Rack. Brmkiyn, Plttabursb S 14 Boucher hit a grounder to short, hiU than tha wlnnartf. *eoil m CA VIN1NG, Hamilton sec­ 4-1. .300; Labine. Brooklyn, and wll three runa. 8 and fint baseman Vincent were scoring Kobock. Wlllte Oteksinskl eight aafafies for four raao- . ond bagsman, expects to enter the helm. New Tork. 7*3 .773. IRISH FACED the loaers at the L Pet. OBL the only playen in the game to thrriv high ovor flrat and McElII- four markara ware metqofiAM tka Strlkeouta — SpahiL Boaion. 101: Hofltrcal 27 .121 - collect two hite apiece. VWV - H ® * ‘|' I' I* II 'M ' I' *' armed sai^vices next month. Dick Ruah. Chicago, and Mberta and Sim* plate with two for four. RocMAbr gott nounterod with Boucher tak­ Red Bird Win second stanaa on fdui* R M •{• jt ' ' ' ", I la, a graduate of the University of rnona. Phllacelplfla, ll: Surkont. Roe* HaachMtar Traal (•) U41 .124.214 I2'4 niA N K IE ’B WIN put Miller’s ing soeoud. Griffin hit a two-out knoefuf. a otoloRfiaao, R Mt firto- ton. and. KIsell, St. Louia. 81. ** AB R H PO A K y-r*eu**, - [j aaaurancs of first place tempo­ . Connecticut. Amarlaao Laagae oront .ill I triple to doop center, oondlng Cardleal* 17) man, and an oirdfA^fi 4r»wA Batting -** Goodman. Beaton. .348: Oaenon. a* ...... I 1 « 4 4 I ?Balljibor* .442 1214 rarily out of the way. The league’s Bouchar home with the final tally. AU R H PO .A B Gordon U4Mr Mtlhit_____for brat r tW tefc CAJ VAIN BASH Woodllng, Near TOrk. .135: Fain. Phil­ HaseOom. p '...... J 1 2 1 S ? BufMn ,447 14 pace-setter’s ara a half game ahead The Window BY LESLIE TURNER TRUMAN OOWUES. president Blardi. *b ...... 0 I S A 2 1 Sprllngflcld .422 I4H BOUOHEB BBT THE BIDE He«i*.(. el ...... 1 I I e 1 a ara as ha got fkro fingtes'iaH of the Hartford pounty Sports­ adelphia. .333; Kell. Boaton. .330; Brault. ef ...... 2 1110 1 OtUWt .412 IT<* of second placa Frankie’s with ona down In order In four of the a«vra •ackvltb. p ...... 4 11110 drove in ona run. TOOW )P^NOri •WT. **Ho Bihto ovory ohM in tho oeW *eitieed— Maatle. New Tork. .313. Pesraoe, 11 ...... 4 0 1 0 0 1 gam* jret to play. rtnUy. Sb ...... 2 2 1 0 1 1 MOCUA .■UTT^WANOPTRMtr HN TOOK TUB KSV AMP WBHMM O N il ANMOPT men’s Clubs, Inc., is assisting in Runa—Barm. New Tork. <1; Mlno- Adama. 1b ...... I 2 0 4 0 0 TODAY’S OA3IRS inningf. His only trouhte cam* In Abram*. Sb ...... 2 6 1 1 4 0 MORIARTT .9m m * \mXM itCINt McKtfl YOUM \ THKTjP MnWENT WORK. LOCKNP the POOR! PONTi WHOP PTHAL n U M NOnOK M. C. BliOSSRR nitanglng' the first major sports­ ao. Chicago. 5t; Roaen. Cleveland. 63: Ma.vhrw. rf ...... I 1 1 1 « 1 Decl’a wUl fumUh the opposi­ the first' When two kralko oand- Slahar. as ...... 2 8 8 1 1 1 face Ralrfiald MariNtt CUJ CMWHilTIRlOl XU PUIODA Avila. Cleveland. 17; Jooat, PhUadtl- rrrbcit. 2b ...... I 0 0 0 1 0 Batters tion for the Restaurant nine In a wlchod around a sacrifice and a Hovartb. rf ...2 8 1 1 e 8 y^ttkT iPNHTSP ON MBOOW OLP 3DPT PIT ITOKEi KOONTZu MMT IP MMMW mpM ^ men’s, show In Hartford In more Scranton at Hartford tt p. m.) Pockelt, r . 1 0 0 I 8 6 NaUonal Laogtw' M » TOP OMR f>Nt«T ONE XNS« POKMlMeO TOONERVILLE POLKS BY PONTAINB FOX ^ A 6 u r ROCMO TV«r ^ Bo k ncior phta. 64. Cburllla. c ...... 0 0 0 2 1 0 benefit gam* for Hippo Corranti wild pitch put runners on oecoeid o p p r m u m b m THIN m i . W A S to w ID OF Noae THousA ■' ------' M . thsin a decade. ’The evOnt la listed Runa Batted In •*• Roeer. Cleveland. gchtntetady at Kknira Wslaon. lb ...... 1 0 0 1 8 6 morlal RMId at IhSO.' U’' WHPTRE» :«M l fUMAMKMPl ANPNB L STIU. GOTIA WOAtc / 6 ^ 6 w a l t o u . Jan. IT through Jan. 23. 40: Dmpo. Detroit. 63: Roblnaon. Chi­ Totala ...... 5 “i "2 M 1 1 Binghamton at wUllamapon. on July 39. The latter team* fought and third, but he fanned Burowtec HubbarO. If ...... 1 1 8 8 8 8 TOaOMN HAVEN'T A a U S W H I S K Y b i l l ** W o RTLB HAJMSMOCI cago, and Doby, Cleveland. 64: Berm Only game* Khedulcd. to a 3-3 deadtoek last week in a and get Johnny Okaauk 'on a m i r w m New Tork. 64. gam*' In which Correntl was alde- ground ball that Rex mad* a Totala ...... 22 7 a 11 f 2 BAN6 UTTUB JDWMV TIERNEY Hit*—Fox Chicago, llS; Robtnaoti. Cblotgo (Plere!*loIT at' New Tort Dailaar* 441 o u i s t o e Chicago. 104: Slmpaon. ClevelanS, 107: Sweat, cl ,.. (l^rgtn 4-2*. itnod with an Inlury to his left arm. beautiful atop ef la the bolt and Oavcllo. e . 1 CTO Nine - and to r Mg nsrVoa'as mascot of the American BofSlnl. 2b .. hriiwlt (Hoeft l-ll tr Phlladciphit Mllltr’B (7) TTr..... I Roaen. Cleveland. 100; Avila. Cleve­ Irlab. p. at .. AB R H PO A g thraw Okanuk out On* man (tear, lb o m i u p ; Legion Juikitfr baseball team. He land. and Jenaen. Waahlrgton. M. (gelMlb (4-2>. reached second thareafter. R. Hollaed, p. rt Uvtha son oFiRay ’Tierney. Jim'i Home Runa — Berra. New York,-SO; Batkowakl. 2b. Clereltcd (Wynn 10-2) St Boston P. Pbllllp*. lb ...... * ! 1 ! * " Hcyart, rf ...... Roaen and Doby. Cleveland. 17: WerU, Potcy. ir. aa. (Hudson 7-21. P. Correntl. lb ...... 1 0 0 2 Booth had a triple and double Marrrr. aa, ^ elder hroO^, JUnuny pitched for D«troi:. and Crmlal. Phlladslphta, IS Hobcnthal. e 8t. Louis (Madison 2-1) at Wsahinf- I.*bled*. rf ...... 2 0 j 1 to lead the BA attack- Griffin had Maltcmpo. tho Legion .a year Ago. PUrhinc — Stunts. Phllsdniphia, IS Solonioii. lb . ton (Marrero 7-4). Chsenow. e 2 1 1 1 a single along wHh hla triple. Lalar. D t. ,t«J; tUachi. New Tork. 10-2. .n t; Plckral. It ... L. Day. I f ...... ! ! ? 2 Compoaae.. lb Curry, rf .... NsUssal Carlson. 2 b 'm -» ;v ’ J 2 tie a U EO IO N gim iORS will pracUco 8h*a. (vaahlajrton. *-2. .Ill: Bain. New ...... J 2 2 2 2 0 Brooklyn (Labine 7-2) at Pittsburgh Kin*, aa ...... 2 1 i J Lanac, If . (3ts*. an. L l > u 6 Tork. t-a .n t; Dorifh. ctilnre.' I-L Keer.ey. P ... (PIcher 1-11. Gordon, te ...... - *22? a—vanazi* BalllnSbjri, p tonight at •: o'clock at the West .714. Phlladelphli (Blmmona 2-2) at Cin­ McCarthy, r ...... 4 0 0 2 Scotch Foursome S. HeHaBd. ■ '"I* * a ' Side Oval. In the event of rain the Strikeout* — Sbants. PhiUdelphla, Total, ...... !...... cinnati (Ra'flansbergar 10-71. Pediumn 7b ...... 2 8 1 2 M: Rejniold*. New Tork. 'M; Pierce. Score by Innlnga; . New Tork (Kaam 10-2) at Chicago Jaara. «f ...... 4 1 1 1 TotalsTDIKU r'a a . a a * a a . a a a 22 4 f It 2 2 wUl botfi -hh Important meet Chlceso. n : Gercie. Clereiend. IT; Me- Trust ...... ,,,,,.....222221 I —2 (Hacker g-ll. a—Ran for tana* In lat. Ing at the Logioif Horm nt 9:30. Dermott Boeton. TT. BCM ...... 2 0 0 2 0 2 2-2 Boaton (Jaster 1-1) at ,8t. Louie Total* ...... M 7 t 21 I 2 At Oiuntiy Club Run* batted In: Abrams 4. Otrallo. Runs batlct; In; Bmul*. .2. Adam*. (Braxte 2-21 night. f*rankie'e (i> Gear, Coitmpoaao. Two-baa* hll: ■« ...... vr/r-l'-l 0 Msyhew. Hobcnthal. Bolomob. gtnicn ■BMraaUeael M. Pringle. Abramr. ‘Ihrat-basa bit: Abrams. . T i t v r IN I Otuwe et Montreal. Bolduc. 2b ...... A mixed Scotch Fouraome Tour- Btolan ba**«: Haarltt 2, Abrams, Hub T h is Ih H ow It I s bases: Sweet. Irish iT Zstkowiki 2. MrKenne. rf ... Corcoran. BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY Poley. Solomon. Ptekril. Blardi. Dou­ BuffalO'Wt Toronto (2). nament. spoiuorad by the Wom­ bard. rUilay. Backwltb. Lalna. Gaval- Lanall. ble play; btkow akijo Boggini. Left Rochaatcr at Byracuae. Cutko. 2b en’s State Golf Aaaociatton, will lo. Laft on baa**: (terca 2, Tanks t. lamoBoce, p m t • OKAKPHu. nr XNMDHWJRjNr. on bases: Trust Brown I Baaupre Bprlogtield■ at BaltfJtimore. Ocerc. ee ...... S u as on balls: Backwilh 1. R. Hol­ * ".'.'.V,^ \* AAPTORPCRAAV POM P ElAOftMTBR IP 2. Bases on bslls. Hagedom 4. Zatkow. Oatrvul^ cf .... be played at Manchester Country land. a Marrar I f. Holland 1. Strlka- Totals. WM.. aki 2. Irish 1 Keeney 4, B t^e-ouu; Vlncant. lb .... Cluh on Sunday. euU; Backirlth 7, R. Mollard A Mar- POAIA AUWIOAOR A STOCK €AR Braaauafcas. lb rtr 2. 8. Uollaod 1. Hite off: A Hot- Haeac* Hagedom 7. ZalkowekI 4. Irish 4. PUCKIR iV A NO^OOeO Besainl. If .... *11118 te one of four major land 4 for 4 run* In S Innlnga: Marrer JaLMCORONARPM«R._ Keenev 1 HIU off; Zatkowski 1 for 7 J. Pringle, g .. Paternostro-mostro- cf runa In 2 1-2 Uirtngsi Irish 0 for 0 tournammte planned by the state 2 for 1 runa la 2 Innlns*; 9. Holland Lanat,1A' as © l-J runs In 2 2-2 InnlMS; Keensy 2 for 2 Sports Schedul^ group each year. The oUien ara a a tor t run In 1 Innlnt- Hit by pitch- Totals ...... 21 I 2 21 7 1 *r. by: Bwknrlth (Lain*). Wild L*a*ti«, r RACES runs In 2 Innings. Hit by pitchsr: Zat­ Score by innings: , Pro-Lady teuraey, the State Tetlahaolv.- < kowski (Blardi 2). Wild pilrhes; Hag- plubaa: R. Holland L Marnr. Back- Saturday, July 19 Champtonohip and the Senior with. Loalflf pUeh«r; Mtrrtr. Um- Con*, 2b .....a.. FEATU RINe edorn. ZatLowski. Losing pitcher. Zat- Moriarty’s v*. Fairfield’s •— Miller s ...... 2 2 0 1 8 8 0—7 Hlgrina. lb kowakl. Umpires; Karr and Portia. Runs batted In; King 2. Lebisds 2- Ctempienahip. plrr*; Bnufl and GrOe*. Scerar: Moecac, If. 23 LAP MODIFIED—25 LAP SPORTSMAN Time: 2:K. Memorial. - Orrintl. M. Pringle. McKsnns. Cut­ The S(N>tch boll te open te wom­ Larebaraou*. TImr; 1:22. Sahraarta, 2b...., Hamilton v*. Aircraft. 8—Nabo. ko t. Oatroul. Two-base UC: McKenna. en not belonging to state if they PsIovaM. rt EVERY SUNDAY 8 P. M. Msuday, Jaly 31 Home' run: Cutko. Stolen baats: Phil­ the rad hot American little Ridges va. Aircraft, 6—Nebo. lip*. Besainl. Saerlfie**; J. Piingl*. will pay the fee to obtain a state Lragua race with tha Tanka^ Totals ....r..,,' ADULT flA S—CHILD 59r TAX INCL— FREE PARKINO m illps. Correntl. Lebledt. 0 » . l>ft handicap. The groups will too off Beckwith, who haa boan setback Zion* vs. Second Congoa, 9:18— on baa**; Pmnkic's I. Miller's 7. Baaaa Bunday aftanioonE a t ; Memorial. on balls: j. Pringle 4, Chagnon 2. a t 13 o'clock. only once this year, want tha dte- FILMMAMERAS Strlke-ouU: J. Pringle 10, Cliagnon S tanca and althfmgh ha waa Ugffod a t the Oval tka PLARH BULBO. CA8B8. Auto Parte vs. Legion, 9—Me­ 8 t AnA's Of Bpr morial. RASY WOBROUT* for eight MU. limited tha Yanks MOVIES. PABT8 WUliam R. Engpin. naw NaUon­ to four runs. Ha struck out seven Naaaifft va. Flrot NaUonal, 9— ' DRAWN. J Charter Oak. al Lea^e umpire, 2vas born In 8t. New Yerit—(NBA) —A apaady and WBlkad only ona. i i s s ^ Po'— 72 ^iail'iinn plainViiio"' Louts Mo., huLeall* Palo Alto, cut, in herae raelnff parlanea, to a BIO BIM9BT ABBABU lad Hkf Now Tork—' (J ArtiMr Dnic Starts C rater Springa vs. Dscl'a, 9:19— raring, poriUens are < Chartor Oak. Calif., hU home now. fast worlout. RadUrds’' MtUng attack os M


tar Sslo 7t Wiatoff—R9rI E9toto 77 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER CONN„ SATURDAY, JULY 19,/C 9W it w S a lB n V • , ' - C APS OODB SCARBOROUGH ROAD IVANTED—Your property to *slL P resid en t Iteltnbte ,buyers wnlrimr with cask 41 H ossdioy GosRs 51 II S u u B t r Ho for Mmt Wt Ws havo throa vary dsoirahla for four. Sve, aix, oev« room sin­ AotomoMlw for Solo 4 Bo r rHioo O f f o r o i I t K d p B lrlB t Nearing' eomplerinn, six room leaps Cod homes for sals In Man- Colonial. Large living room with gle and two-famUy In Manehee- Manchester Directory p o i n t e r p u p p i e s . Pedigreed. DAMAGED A WEB HIT LARGE Maple Duacan Phyfe 'Ta- SRVEN-ItOOM OOTTAOE at Gets Angry DOOMS OPBNCD. keya Sttea, MATnUDBS. four old BMttrtooea KnoOwood Erach, Saybsook, lehsster. Two o f thaaa have aix ftrsplaei. dining room, lavatory ter, Euiton, Coventry and Vernon. GET BETTER VALUE ON coftea. vaemtai alaaaan, .Irosa, etamiaed and remade like aaw. Beet biiatlng end field trial ET MT TRUCK DRIVER Me, 3 extra lOavae. Maple Queen completed raoma, ona haa a ga- Classifiid Anna CChine Cloeet. Telephone juncUon Ssacrest and BouUt Cove I and Mtehan with Geneva caMnete FInnnem errangsd. Howard It guaa, e u .. repaired. Bkaara, ca p Jonea Purmltura aad H ear Mood. Roaoonobly prteod. Tru- Good as new—lOOW guaranteed Irago. Wa hava one Caps Cod of and Farmlca epunters. Large back Hastlnga Phone 3-1107. A BETTER USED CAR aaon OOwlos. 71 Hudson stroet 2-3892. raada. Scraensd porch, oloelric kaivaa, mowera, ate pot lata ooa- Ooverlng, M Oak. TeL S-104L 3 COMPLETE ROOMS kltchan. Avallabla balanra of Iflvs fbilahod rooms that Is brand perch, three . hedreeme end tile Over GOP Aivertisemmts AT ditioa fo r eomiaa neeSa. BraMS- VERT NICE FURNITURE OOMElNA’nON Oil aad Gee July ..and Auguat May tw assn nqw. Thsas ara fbM homaa fai nira bath with Formica hnUt In vanity OON81DBR1NO SELUNO Of Business TROPICAL PISH — New ship­ leeatlona, fatriy prtead to Invtte YOUR PHOPERTY? CLASSIFIED ADVT. waite. aa Paarl atraat. ment Just arrived. Kelly's Aquer- with a Kitchm Range, Motorola ear weak ands, or phoM 3410, Man- an second floor. Plenty of cioseta tram Page One) jo u r InspacUon. Large le t Without ohUgntieii to yo«,.«m « DEPT. HOURS i 4 a LCH PONTIAC, Inc. H o r t fB t M t l fcim, 39 Eunset street. Open 'til "WESTINOHOUSE" radio, good condition. Phone ehester. CARPBMTBR wUl frama unSnlali- «rtS apprniae or mnko yso n gwh fram hie sffloe, iaeriaass sM 8:15 A. M. to 4:S0 P. M. ed uptUire rooma Reaaenakla. 9., REFRIGERATOR 9976. COVENTRY LAKE — Kaep.eool Far Infermetlan CaU offer lor property. See ua ktosn PIRBT AND Baeend asortgagee ’'BENGAL" COMBINATION ARTHUR A. KNOFLA age aad earvivere Mearaans hen- 1949 Pontiac 2-Doop "t." Hy- Oall ^ 3 f l . and eoUseted on water front you ariL bought for our own account Pak. RANGE STS Main St—R at 1931 ERNEST RITCHIE eiita by aa averaga e( SS a d ra m a tic. Four-room furnlahod cettago. All Phono 9X73 saeath. It mahea eettola la- ASK FOR COPY CLOSING TIME WINDOW SHAPBS made to order conSdentlal service. Maaeheater POR SALE — Pedigreed Silver ‘nO RO r’ WASHING MACHINE BENDDC EOONOMAT — Like J Phona Offlra S440 BuUdei> BRAE-BURN REALTY Parataa Kitten. TeL 3-0109. New. $100.00. Phene 3-4419. convaniencaa. AvallaMs July 19th ereaam la the ariah— m haffefito Service Car FOB CLASSIFIED ADVT. 1948 Pontiac 2-Door, Hydra- ead InaUlled. Venatlan blinda InvaataMnt Corp., 917 Mala I’ll eell It to you cheap through Idth, Auguat 3nd Kvaidngs 3-0039 or 3-4tTt Carter Offers atreet Phone S41C Yes, on low friendly terme Phent 9173 or 7379 FOR QUICK RESULTS In eelllng imdar the rallraad retirasaeat ALBERTO VO-5 m a tic. aad eurtala rode. 34. hour eervlee. thnnwh 31st Phono Ckrvantry eystraa. MON. THRU FRI. EeUmatee gledly stven. Pagan If not rrady I’ll store It nOcBDIATB aoCUPANCT -• your property eell Suburban PoaKry sa4 Bafsliqs 43 Msdilafry aad Tools it 7-0829. THREE-BEDROOM COpa Cod. Realty Os., Realtors, 941 Main "Tlieaa ta creasee haoaasq * f- Tree Surgery Before Trip 10:5« A. M. 1948 Pontiac 2-Door. Stand­ Window Shade Oe., Route 44 at Free of charge until wanted. Hsw, Ranch Hoau, 9 raonw (9 Living raom srlQi flreiUnce, cahr, feeUva far the seealh af aagiMnS- lA N O U N HAIR CONDITIONER Bolton Notch. Plioaa 3-44T3. Hdp WsRtsS-^FMRals 85 BROAD BREASTED bronxe tur- IP YOU WANT A BARGAIN USED ,RBX Cement mixer, hey- bsdrooms), within 9 milea Of Air­ streeL Can S219. SATURDAY f A. M. ard Tranamislaon. last kitchen with dining art' her aad will add to the toSfyMi Are you having trouble with the 1 AT THE WANTED —Plam country worn heye. Pnean froaen- Ready any CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELT loadar, rakes, aide rahaei mow- Waatod to Boat 85 cra ft and on Conn. Os. bua Has. garage, outdoor flroplace. ’ WeU SELLING T Save the bOtper, treu- at amre than 4 l-f mlllien peeple Ara you puaalad over brown RKPRIORRATION SorNca, eom- time. 3 tot 33 Ibe. SchauMe TUr- MR. ALBERT. HARTFORD 6-0359 , coltlvetors, plows, harrows, largo living room with firsplace. aew drawtog heaelUa fram thaaa needles In your green ahrubbery, electrical ayatem ta your oar. M L O W C O ST aaerclal aad domaade. Baa aur an to take full charge of email THREE OR FOUR room unfurn­ lendseapod. Near school e Ms and annoynneee of trying to so. tha Don Wmia Garago, 18 TOtni COOTBEATION WILL cottage for one lady. Muad like hay Perm. MS Hitlatown Road. a f t e r 7 P. M. 49-4890 sprsadtrs, tractors; caterpUlsr Bassmont garage. Hot water bu*. Oall Owner, l-9tt3. sell It yourself. Let us eeeume over the ahrtveltng of the leaves W APTUOIATBO TRANSPORTATION ^l^lay o< goaraatead naad refrtg- ean he seen any 33. Bim^clty squlpsaant Tsnna. ished apartment wanted by OR some of your shads trees T Mata atreaL can take caw at your doge. 939 meatbly. Boxer Parm hsat eU bumar. Full callar, fully your keadeehea. Cell the Ells- needs for you. WUUa offers com­ atora O t o ^ H. WlBlama AaM; Day Or Evening Dublin Tractor Co., North Wind­ mottasr and aduH daughter. Phona iMt^tad. Salt price 313,800 with HARTFORD — 4H-Reom Brick Both syetems Inernaaa tram Host of us hevs sxpendqd suffi­ 1941 Chevrolet 4-Door. at Vernon. Telephone Rockville Artldas f«r Sals ' 48 3-2039. . werth Mitten Agency, Renitora, plete electrical eervlee on your, elatee, SdO TaUaad Turaptke, 9-9034. ham Road. WUUmanUc 3-3317, . itowa payment a t 91,900 to 93,000. Apartm ent AvailnUe about Sept. 999 to m a maath tha aaasaat cient money ta getting ahrubs end DIAL 5121 1987 DeSoto 4-Door. Manchaatei PIm m 3-S9S8, afghU A—U -H —Er-R—T—>—8 10. Doom payment required only n pereaa eaa eani wllhaat hw- traoa etartsd around ouT’ borne* car right at hie garage. You ROYAL AND Smltk-Ooroaa port­ 43 AQyn Street. Hertford 320 REWARD— Wanted S or 4 Tbs Alien Realty Oempaay, Reai- need not welt for your work to 89 Esst C«nt*r Strtft TMl. WANTED—9 young girl* to train tero, 190 Csater atreet Mehchee- 91,009tollJ09. Balance Hka rent. iag hie lasaranee heaefIL In nd- se that we do not feel we can af­ able end standard typewritera. Open any evaiflng ^ appointment WaatcA—To Bay 6S room unfurnishad apartment by ditlen>B sraashraeeeemhare eel f toethe anramd ford • to have- them die, hut ere be done elsewhere or shipped Into BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. for prase work. Apply 394. H ert­ All BUtkas of adding machines rallaUa working eoupla. WUl ter. Phone 9100. Tlw Allen Realty Company, Reel- t t f s l NtoicdB Hartford, end you can. get the L o o t Olid F im b 4 FLOOR PBOBUEM8 aolvad With tore, 190'Oenter street Manches­ fareee aervtag treat-am IN I helpleaa to diagnose the trouble. ford Road. sold or ranted. Repeira pa an WE BUY and asU good usod fon l- WANTRI>—Uaad funiltnrs. tin- radaeorata If nacaaaary. Plaaaa toreugh lOU wlU reeelvo the asms One dependable eervlee oo 1165 Conter StM anehaatar llaotauB, aaphalt tna eouater. tuis. eomblnathm raagas. gas ter. Phone 9109. AT A COURT o r PROSATff If you ere having trouble with UOBT — LAdy'a wallet In Wool- Expert workaaaaablp, free eatl- makes. Marlow's. tag room, bodroonc, kitekan or CaU 3-3381. CAPE COD, Bln Anlehed roema, ■t MmehMter. withle eeC for the earn* iimaleyawnt credit under ahruba or traoa, why not tele­ your car’s electrical eyetem at the w ortli't nr on Mtln nUtot, Ttiur«> s h i r t p r e s s operator. Five day rangss and naatera. Jonea Furni­ hot water heat taro full tile VfoRay ' P h on a 2 -4 6 4 8 matea Open aveninga. Jonaa Pur- entira houashotda. Ltt its auks 9-ROOM RANCHES -'(9 OllUict of Mencheeter, on the It-.h Car __ Serial Security luauraace phone 7N9, the Carter Tree Ex- WlUla Garage aa you do on all DON WILLIS Ony. rindor call >*8033. Re­ week. Experianra aot necessary. LOAM, Dark rich cultivated Grade ture Store. Id Oak. Phcsie 3-1041. WANTED—9 or 4-Room Unfur­ bathe,’ screens snd storm win- of Julr. A. O. IMS...... other msehenidal work done here. I Open Eveninfs Until 10 P. M. atturo. O ^ atreat. Pbane 3-1041. Apply in person. New Model you sa offsr. n o WoodRiod. rooms) TO BE BUILT. Within Praeeat. JOHN J. WALUnTT. eystcue that was granted sarvtee- pert Co., and ask Mr. Carter to ward. No. 1, 99 cu. jm rd. Grade N a 3, t ^ n s 2-8154, t nished Apartment or house with doers,' near nehools and storss. —M la WerM War IL ' cell at your home? Mr. Cartar la So, If tha generator, aUrter, igni­ Laundry 73 Summit street S-PIBCB LIVINO ROOM SET stove and refrigerator, by young 9 milea of Aircraft, located Ju4s«. I SCHOOL BOSm <— \laed rord. U O H T TRUCkHn O—a i m rub- 93 eu. yard. Delivered in truck On burUpe. Ck^ 9999 bstweea 3 * » r - of TlmaUiy F, Foley An laereaae at 3M mlllien dal- axperienced In all types of tree tion or the entire lighting eypt*"* GARAQE HIGHEST L o s t — I'a b s b o o k n o . 03s m . load lots. Screened aaiid and ell 3-piera chrome kitchen set. 7 1/3 couple with small child. CMitral- and 7 p. m. haw highway end .an Conn: Co. Timothy Foley. leU of HiMheeter In of your ear Is giving you trouble, Chevrolet, Dodge, Studebaker, blah removed. Phone 3-3991 or RELIABLE Olrl for stock room. bus Hna Hot srater heat, full oet- eel4 dletrtei. dereeeed. lare a year la federal coatri]^ ■urgery and le well qualified to Kotlca if hereby (iven that Paaa DIamond-T —1000 and up. Aleo siae* stone'deltuared. Order now. cti. ft. Coolerator. Zenith wringer B o m b * Wtlhovt Board 59 ly loeatcd. CaU 4393. tteae to the statoe will make It take your ear over to the Don IS MsIr SL Phont 2-4531 Book No. 03SM taauad by The 3-9991. Including pert time counter work. waahing machine.. All brand new. lar, basement garage, rile bath, Uson espllcetlon of . Th*...... Mencheeirr clear up any trouble you may new unite 94,400 and up. Oall 3- 9H day week. Steady employ­ Nuaadorf Oonstroetlon Co. Phone NEW HOMES. Two and thres TniM Campeny- cuminletretor. prey peeeible te Increase aaeletoaee have. Winia Garage for 'a complete Savlnof Bank of Ifancheftor haa UNOLCini Reumanu 90e aquara 340d. Excellent condition. Inquire 433 ATTRACnVB Room for couple, WANTED —- 3 or 4 PurnMiad bodroosta HaUin Brothers. 3- fully Inauletad. Large lots. Sale In* for authority to eell eyrUIn real paynranto te Sve mllHea de- check and repair Job, right •" the PRICES 3SST. ment. Nupieroue beneOta. Apply 'complete light housekeeping fa­ Room* by young atora exseutlve aatxle pertkuiany deaerthed In eald There ere many Wnde ahd typeo I f f e N W i i g Ir ■ .bean leet-and application hai yard. Aaphalt tUe. wall covering. Broad street, after 9 p. m. 9111. pries only 3Hto9, with oaly peadeat ehUdrea aad aged, bllad garage. In person only. Menchaetar Coat, cilities avsllablc. Cbntral loca­ and wlft. No chlldrtn. Excellent $3,000 down. TIm Allen Realty 'apniloellon on tile. It le of rpray that are uaed on traea been made to aald bank for pay­ 1341 CHCVROUrr. IM t Ford, Dona by rtlinbla woU-tratnad . ORDRRBO:—That the forasolns ap- and dUaUed .riUaeae now ro- end ehrubliery, e lio on lawns,'- Before aUrUng on vour vaca­ . M KII SiRVICI For ment of the atnotmt of depoatt. Apron, Towel Supply Oo., 73 Sum­ 60% OFF on famous make Bet- CpBIBINATION tion. Mra. Jsrome, 14 Arch atraet, references. Phont Mr. Oddi, AVERT STREET, South Wlndoor Company, Realtor, 190 Center llcatlon te heard and determined at IMO Pord, IMT Oldamebile. men. .A ll lobe guaranteed. HnO eclvlag state help. Hm lacreaaea some ef them harmlees and aome tion, have you given thought to mit atreet. tariea. Written guarantees. 91.00 first door. 3-4993. —Just evsr ‘ Manchmter town atreet, Mancheeter.’ Phone 5109. te Frobate aftlca In Mancheeter In having a really good cleaning Job Rags, Serofi Mfftal ■ Thaaa pre-war care are In top UnotauK Cb;; 9« Oituga etreet down, 91.00 weekly. Caleo Serv- A neeld Dlitrtct. on the Itth day of July, aoMuat te about N a month for of them extremely hamerdous for Prfffft liMl ANgBmfffif roUNO Bnall Black Dof with condition and ready to go. Phene 3-4*39, avenlnga tlSd or HEATER ■ FANS line. High elavaUen with . good A. O. INI. at ten n'clock In the fore­ chlMrea aad N a mouth for the dona on the cooling oyatem of whlU pawa Owner mw have TWO WOMEN for laundry work. Icsnter. TeL 4104, 4109 or 3-0990. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ENGINEER, w ife, tWo ehUdrsn. 10 BIABS STRBBT — Move right noon. and Ibat notice he siren to all an untrained person to use. Just Prioed to eell today. Oenter SIOS. Apply in peraon. New Model view. Owner has aecepled poet' teat, the Freatdeut said. your car? Thoro.Purge, tha gen- by paying for ad. Call iOPTi WerellO.OS — NOW 31S-M ROOM for couple. Light house­ desire to rent two or throe-bod- tlon out of state and offers for in! Attractive six-room home an perMn* Intcreeted to aald eetate of the Truauw colled I he nraaaure a what kind your lawn or trees may tla ataam clsanlng that tha Don G ffMfffl Rtpolr Wffrii bVsMKwb Motor Balea 4dl Mein atreet. Laundry, 73 Summit street. LOAM POR BALE, 910 per load keeping facilities avallabla. Pri­ room house or apartment In quiet street. Let 90x130. A gded pendency of eeld application and the rsquirs is a matter for a person a n t i q u e s ReSniabed Repiairtag Excellent Selection of Srat time for early occupancy this lime and place o f hearln*' thereon, by leglataitve ariilevcmfeit far chalr- Wlllla Garage uaee. looaena dfirt. delivered. Call 719b between. 9 vate entrance. Inquire 107 Ma­ Manchester or vicinity.’ Call buy! Cell MedeUne Smith, ReeL puhllehins a copy of thla order In trained in thie field to decide. If PCfBomlo 13S0 OH XVROUrr. Btylellne de­ dona an any turaltare. TIamann, CALCULATOR OPERATOR and S. * spacious home on half acre beau­ aiaa Doagi)teo (D„ N. C-), of tha ecale and rust, allowing tha wa- . Csit OY Writ# luxe tudor. Redle, heater. Beauti­ l i t Bottth Mala atraat Phone PORCH AND LAWN ple atreet. Manchester '3-0391 tifully landscaped plot. These ter, 3-1043 or 4079. aome aevipepdr harln* a cIrtultUon In Houee l9aye aad Means CMsrnlt- it is a poieonou* spray, the Carter tar to circulate freely. Ihua keep' Wanted for payroll office. Phone PURNTTURB aald (.lltrlet. at leantrut fivenve dayaaeye beforeneiore Tree B xpirt Company Ilf equipped ■nm BMkPBCT HUI lolii^ for ful black Sntah. In eneellent eon- 4170 for personal Interview. MAKE MOWING A PLEASURE.: 9 COLB snikB T — Large Room DOUBLE OARAGE SPACE, vl- grounds should capture the atten­ 11-13 w i l u Am s t r e e t — V a ■the day of laid haarlns.Marins, to' appear If tee who Is ratlriog thla year. He tag the temperature of your car young Children will reopen Mon­ dtOon. Hurry. Douglae Motore, 93 down; 93 woekly. Buy the new tion of Garden Club member*. they eee caiiae at aald eald time ' and place credttod Deughtoo with leading te uae this spray without eoffet- always within a safe margin. Once HIGH GRADE POWER BURNERB and Rente twin beds, twin cloaeU, light elnlty of Etdridge and Main cent. Two fouy-room flats, flre- and be heard relativelatire thereto, and Ing harmful reaulU, and you will O StR IN SR Y day, Bept t. TraneporUtlon SU Itoln atreet. worceater Power Mower. Pe- CHAMBERS housekeeping privileges. Couple’ streets. CsU 9988. Benson's, Summer bouae to rear of grounds plscs each floor. Separate hot make return to thla court. the right agmlaet the' provWea you bave had the cooling ayatem Bumara exneetly EXPERIENCED SALESLADY- find it eftiqlent end safe when of your car cleaned with ataam, fumMiad. Mra. Lola Tybur, direc­ mous Hriggs-Stratton motor. FURNITURE or two ladles. Reference*. Call inc. haa loft; concrete door, and very water furnacea Cell Madeline JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. which drew Ida fire. PRINTING Deni era In Wnato I tor. Phone S-.ST67. ItST OLCSMOBItB SUDAN. A eervi eed. Lnt ua aetvtea and ra- Hours 1 to 9:30. Apply Man­ Phone 4104. large atone Sreplato- Dwelliag has Thla, he aald, auppoaedly pre­ they uae IL ' you swill raally know and appre­ 113 BUSELLffC. good clean ear. Written guaran­ pair your waRilat maohina or re- chester Public Market, Bakery At the Oreen evsnings or phone 2-3794 after 3 Smith, Ranltor, 1-1843 or 4979. * AT A c o v n r o r p r o r a t e held 'The proper equipment ie also fireplace in living*room ead etone t l Meneheder. within tnd for the served aa ladIvIdual’B Inauraace ciate It* thorough cleaning ac­ JOB AND COMMERCIAL iA U J U tiy s Drivlim School Man- tee. Buy It an yaur owa terme. m gerator. Metre Barvtca. 3-OSSt. Department. BOLTON — Building stone and p- m. Dletrtet of Mencheder, on the Kth day rights U the event o f dIaaMUty, important in using aprays and tion. Driva over today and hava Open 10 A . M. to 0 P. M. Fhmu snd Ltnd for Sslo 71 Sreplaee In' Sniahed reereetkM FIVE LARGE ROObfS' tot water PRINTING cheater'a .oldeat 'Aiouaanda of Caleo Servieenter,’4194. flagstone. Boltoq Notch Quarry. ROOM FOR RENT to married roSeto, attached garage, emeatts heat, lot 79 X 103. Over-aiBed ga­ of July. INI. hat was eae la which *N)eagreae most eaeeotial too. for without the It dona and then climb the atae)P COMPLETE Repatra by Stuart It IMMEDIATE PLACEMIU4T Phone 3-0017. Stanley Petnode. LARGE TRACT OF LAND, suit­ PrMent, JOHN J. WALLETT, tohee away with ane head what right type of sprayer you will sat gradaa, no matter how hiro aeddeht free InatnicUon bouraj Evenings 7:30 to 8:30 couple or two glrla. Two mtnutaa driveway, 290-fcot arteelen wen, rage: 179 Autumn' street. PhMS Judge. Ffompt dad Efficient Frinttng Hundrada of Mtlafled atudenta. IMl OLDSMOBILB Super 99 Se­ Woleott on waahing mechlnea, Three women to work four hours able for building. Route 44A, Ee‘Mte of Clifton F. Brown, let* of It appears te give with the find the eprgy used will not give the mercury eoe'ra, with sMurande dan. Radio, hoatar, Hydramatlc. vacuum cleeneni, motore, aaaall per day. Write Box S, c/o Her BUNDS POR SALE Apply at from Main atraet Call 2-1614 or new OOO-gallon septic teak sad 3IM . ef All Kinds Por appointment telephone S'! THREE-PIECE Living Room Set, North Ooventry. OaU Arnold drainage bads, ecreena, storm Mnneheder. In eald DIdrict. deeedwd. ether." proper remiiu. Proper apreying that your ear will not overhaat. Beautiful green. Like new, 9T00 appUaneea. Pick up ead delivery. xld. No. 463 Beat Oenter street. Tel. 939.00. Phone 2-1409. Inquire 47 OOttaga atroat The tdminidrdor hevins exhibited S346. Buck, 0:90-0:90 p. m., Ooventry wlndosra end weather stripped NEW CAPE COD aingle. Six large hie edminidratlon eeeount with aald The Frealdeat aaU thU was will save your iMiahas, else It will Important Indeed la leaa then new, Dougtae Motore, A-1 repair. Belea. ISO Mala 3-1246, Msnebeeter, Conn. 17 Carroll road. dene hy mahlag the previslea front-ami alignment. eaperieUy COMPETENT Reliable Women to BEAimFULLY FURNISHED 7-0815. doom. Price 317.800. Henry Ite- rooxts i.nd gereje. Completely, ■date to thla Court for allowance. It prevent t'le dUeaas from spread­ COMMUNITY rRESC 399 Mam atreet. Pkona SS97. la purporlM y begTa July I, 1959, ing to other healthy buahea. before a long trip. Tha allghteat help with housework ead chil­ USED WOOD STORM IVIN- Larga Front Room, 4 windowa, cott Agency, 309 High atraet iasulsted, rile bath and levxtoryt ORDERBD that the N*.h day of Oer. Ne. Mala and Ne. School WANTBD-Rld# to Wllllmantle, FLORENCE Electric Range, three EASTERN CONNBOnCIlT — beautlf-il oak flooring, immenra Mil adding a aeatefice su.vtug >1 Trimmlnr and pruning trees le deviation, not to b# aten by Juat c l e a n u s e d c a r s dren.' Tmo hours dally, mornings. douUa rlosots. Muat be seen to W eat Tel. Memheeter 9993. July, IMl. at ten o'clock, forenoon, at Streeto — Telephena 9137 arriving at T a m. ca n M 9M . super speed eurfecc ur^, plus bo appreciated. Ideal for two Just luted SOO acres (approx. 100 closet spece, ertaalen well, oil the Probata Office in the Municipal will ceoae te he la effect sa also not n-aii.irle task, Indlscriml looking at tha edr whesla. can ASHES AND Ruliblab removed. Write Box R, c/o Herald. choose from. Buy now and get convenient well cooker. Gener­ Building In aal<. Manchaater. be and AT people. Private entrance. All clear), barn for 00 head, good kANCHESTER-olRoom Dwcll- hot water beet, on but Une, near June M . 1999. nets pruning end trimming can and will uae up literally h u n d ^ Phone 3-3711. eat for winter. Drive over to 38 ous side oven, ample storage 9-room house. Going farm wlUi tha aame Ir eaalsnal lor a haarlns on The Freeldeat aald that the LOWER PRICES WANTED—High Sohool girl to oonvenlancea,. 101 Chestnut Ing (3 bedruoBM). Oil burner. University of Oonnectlcut end tha alloaranea o f aald adminlatratlon ruin the ehepe of e tree- end for of miles of good driving rubber AatmaoMIds for Salt Bilyue road end taka your pick, space. Formerly 3219.90. now stock and equipment, 140,000.00. arcount with aald eatate, aacertainment Heuae nammlttee heeded hy Utoqa Insxptrierted in climbing end. by th time the iinevsn wear Written anaranteae go to beach for -month of August while they lest. Nash Sales. street Largo tot. City water Snd rawer. WllUmsntic. Price 117,900. Pt- $199 wfaile they last. Watkins Terms arrsngsd. Several other of kaira and order «of diatrlbutlon. and Denghtoa reoemmeaded that ran alro be dangerous. Ths Carter ahovra pn you r tlrad. It la too lata. 1990 OLDSMOBILB ' M" deluxe I 1963 DODOB SEDAN HoRMhold Sdnicds to help with light housework ead Good location. Occupancy about nenciag arranged. E C Nork, (hla Court direi-te that notice of the aged peraon* whaae dUahiSty 4-door.. A thoroughly excellent I PRACTICALLY NEW Outdoor 4- Bros., Inc., 939 Main street. DOUBLE ROOM wlUi private en­ small and large farm s to 400 Sept 1.. Down payment about 038 Main street. Hertford 1-1479- Ume and glae* aaalaned for aald hear Tree Expert Company hts li­ It . takes hut a short tlma to hava 1990 PLTMOUTH TUDOR OffdrdR IS-A cere of three-yeer-old child. acres. Wellss Agency, Coventry. had forced them late early re­ this checked at the Wlllla Oarage JONES' aUtomobUa, Por thie one eee Bob I 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN ' Please cell 9739 between 9 end Ught Door, H4” X 2’ 8% " X O; 7 trance. Gentleman preferred. 33,000 to |9J)00. Thrms on bal­ 9-4909. la* ba sivah to all peraona known to censed and Insured tree surgeons MAPLE DOUBLE BED with Near Cheney Mllla. Phone 2-0899 Tel. 7-9972 or 7-7801. he Inlereeted therein to eppeer end be tirement he permited te have and you will aava money by hav Visit Jenaa Fnral- Oliver, Oenter Motor galea. Mein | 1947 CHEVROLET TUDOR TFEAVlNa of burns, motb holts 11 a. m. Call 8933 between 4 and 9 p. in.. Spring. Electrolux refrigerator, ance. The Allen Realty Gompany, b«ei4 Iherran by, puhllehins^______a copy to do this work end the cost I* a any time. MANCHESTER—0 end 9 Duplex, ...... vsr.\ their benerite recomputed so Ing It dona. Mra and Fleer Cov- atreet 1949 PORD CLUB COUPE apd tors clothing, boalsry runs, 940. Call 7709. Realtor; . 190 Center atraet, Man­ of thla order In eome newepnper her- that test tiroa eeuM ael count modest one. If you wish, ths Car­ WANTED — Dental AealsUnt. good eonditiea, large lot, nice lo­ In* a circulation in adld DIdrict, at ter Tfse Expert Company will Wopi tlrae are pqor economy «Hng Stare far 1941 MBRCURT ULUB COUPE handbags rspaiisd, aipper rs- chester. Phone 9100. lead f i v e ------.ayn--- before - —the dey of aald against them. and often are a real danger. The Instmaunts lotadi it Im> Buy A "Ond Owiwr Csr^ Lew Down Peymenie plaesBssnt. umttuUas rspalrad, State qualifications. Bxperlsnca Bosts and Acc99Sori9s 46 BABY SPINDRIBR; Like new LAND SURVIYING cation, priced right. Shown by heerln*. give you sn estimate on the coat Large Aeaertment ROOM for Gentlenuui at 272 Main MANCHESTER—Raack home (80’ appointment only. The Blleworth Mil Geta By Don Wlllla.Oarage has thora hraiT Eeey Torma men's shirt eollert rsvarssd and not nsoostary. Write Box B, Used only few mootha. Save at JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. While the Mil paeeed the of any Job ]rou bave In mind, duty, durable Kelly-BprlngOeld of Fine Fleer Oov- ■fnacn oa ffor trisf ilu» E a s y T orm a c/o Herald. street. Gall 4071. X 99’) wUh cellar and etUe, 9 bed­ Mitten Agency, Hea|tore, 9930. simply, call 79N for expert tree rsplaesd. MdHow'a UtUe Msndlag OLD TOWN Sponson Canoe, with Brunntr’s, 998 East Center Edwoed L* DoviSi «lf* AT A COURT'OF PROBATE held Heuae June 17, eu Its aec oud tires In all alaes. Thay arlag. Oah Us ter rooms, Uvlng room with irepUce, at Manrheder. wlthla and tor the trimming service. CALSO BERVICENTBR Shop. sailing aeceasortca. Phone 2-9724. street Open evenJuga. MANCHESTER — O-Reora try, the FresMreit said, . *Tbe ry Edison Batteries, Ito to^ ry Begtoterad Land Survsyor kitchen, dinette, aide porch off liv­ D idrlcl of Mancheater. on the leih day Americau Medical Aaaertotlou — Batinuite. ■1990 Chevrolet 3-Dr.—Radio, heat­ 43a Center street Hdip Waat9d~51al9 88 Apsrtnonto—Flsto— 18 Froetor Bead MaBchaatar ing room overlooking brook, hot Type Houec with gertge. Large of July. INI. that you can (Jeoend noon to start er, black. Low mtleago. Telephone 4194 or 3-CSa« PLAT PDflBH HoUaad wtadew UNPAINTBD BOATS—12 ft.. 14 3-PIECE UVINQ ROOM SET in Preaant. JOHN J. WALLETT. lehhjr had eerempHslied what It your car all year around. With PURKITURI STORK ehadee mads to measure. AH good condition. Call 7458 after Tenosionto 83 water baseboard radiation witb Ipt. Located in axgilient redden- EXPERIENCED Mast cutter ft., 340 and 389- Old Town 12 ft. TsL 70U tlel aectiMi. Dowff payment re- Judta. ’ wanted Just the earoe." He aald Slate to Present good tires, a nsw battery and your Dna Bneksr, Frep. 194d Chevrolet H-Ton Plch-up— 1941 BinCK SEDAN — Radio, BMtal vaaetlea Minds at a aew 9 p. m. ^oil btisner, nil copper ptumbing, Eatate ot Erme H. Brown, lete of the mouth’e deUy W the Henee wanted for full time work. Apply end 10 ft. flat bottom. Sponson, S ROOMS. SECOND Ooor apartit quirea N.OOO. For further Infor­ Manchedcr. In aald Dla-.rlct, deceaaed. brakes adjusted. p)ua a s t ^ I Oak Mn Mancheeter, Cenn- Clean. Low mileage. heater. Dyne-flow. Extra claea iam price. Raya asade w ^ you lAundry tubs, hatchway, comMna- created such a altuattea that the FbaneS-1941 Popular Pood Market. 974 Mein tbs safe canoe. Sea Worthy Skiff. GENERAL ELECTRIC Mot-Point 'inent with heat, hot water, elec­ mation call Owner, 3-1403. The edmlnlitrator having exhibited Kiddies' Matinee cleaned radlatof, the - Willis Oa- 1940 Packard 4-Dr—Uray, haatar. Car. T ele^ en a 93*4, wait Mariow** 99-pound car top. 12 ft. V bot­ tric range, refrigerator. For rien aluBilnum acraens and atorm hla adminidration account with aald Senate could act before adtouru- ra«a will hava your car all aat for atreet Refrigerator, Was $399.09; Sale windows, lot too X 180; with shade aatata to thla Oourt for allowance. It tom decked runabout Freeh end middle age couple, no children FOUR-ROOM BRICK Cape Cod. la. ment oaly by dispensing with a carefree vacation—play safe, 875 Msin BW—ToL 24514 1947 Dodge 4-Dr. Deluxe Sedan— 1949 DeSOTO d u b COupe, good WANTED —An AssUtant office- 9219.00. L sft Hand Double Door trees. Price 314,000. Henry hearings. Faced with the Medl- AM lo, haatar, green, aean car. salt water flahUiK equipment and or pets. 3100.00 monthly. Write New vseenL Oarage, full died ORDERED that tha Seih day A apecial treat la In atort for stop thsre today. J condition. Leaving for eervlee. FlorlstB—Maraetfw II H ot-Polnt waa 3439.09—3100.00 man. Experience preferred but Box D, Herald, giving fuU in­ ’ cott Agency. 9983. dormer. An excellent buy. T. J. July, INI. at ten o'clock, forenoon, at ral Anaeriattou’s demand te ha Uanehsater’a youngest set of Complett LmndscRpint Oall Hertford 4-19M after 9. lures. Gator l>ost trailers, 389.90 for yotir old box—3339.09, 7H the Probate Office la the Municipal heard aa the dIsahilUy prevl- 194S Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan D e lu x e - bM ^iO LI BOUQUETS — Freeh- not eseentlel. Apply In person. up. New and used Outboards. formation, references. FILL Crockett Agency, O ffice 5419. BuUdtog In eald Mancheeter. be and moVle-goera this coming Tuesday FIHboatering S fr v lc d Radio, heater, fog Ughta, back-up foot International Harveatar Re- MANGHESTBS^GRBEN AREA— siea, the Frealdeat aalA the 1M9 WILLT8 JEEP, four-wheel ly cut. Choice varieties. Wood­ Boland Motors, 399 Center atreet Tradsa accepted. Sales and Serv­ Immedlete occupancy. ’ Laiffe Evenings 2-9918. the lame la aaaignad for a baariag on when the State theater will pre­ A U M A sn o r lighto and aignal IlghU. Gray. frigerstor, regular 3229.00—Sale tha allowaaci of aald adm lildrallon Senate eemmittee derided to The term "Allbuster" originally Shru&p->Cedsr Fences drive, completely racondiUoned. land Gerdena. 198 Woodland ice. Authorised Evinrude dealer. Ranch Home with S bedrooms, account with aald eetate. aacedalnmenl sent a Kiddles’ Mstlnse st 3 p. m. WANTED—A-1 mechenlc. Steady 9189.00. B rjnner’a ,, 998 Ikut Bnrinaho LoestioBS FOR SALE MANaiBBTBR — Looking for drop It rather than aehednle AdulU should also enjoy ths pro-' was a name given to those free­ 1991 Plymouth* Cranbrook 4-Dr. Call 3-9749 or can be eeen at street. Phone 9474. work under One werkiag condi­ Ed’s Marine Service. 10 Whitney Oenter street Open evenings. large livtag room 'with fireplace, of heira and order of (.tdributlon, and time eeaaumlng hearings whlrii OmamdnUL Shad# and SEWING Baden—Radio, haatof. dean street East Hartford. First For Rent 84 a buy? flew aiiout this?* Cepe thla Court dirccta that notice of the gram of westerns and cartoons. booters that plundered the coast Itoaaetto'a Farm, 91 Lake atreet. tion*. Apply In person. Boland CAU Beaement garage, hot water )llege,” an ekeiting new RRd REMOVAL aatlnuitas. worth street chor Foot fanes. Residential, Congreas next year will override FUNERAL HOUR aea Oormaa Motor Salaa. Boiek rak>eet. Easy terms. Douglas Carden— Parra— Dairy ONE GIRL’S Birdseye Maple Bvaa. Mxaeheoter SS77 Realtor fence. Immediate occupancy. convenient to bps. etorea, achool. to ’’MafeyanUa’’ Olnaee aehAtl picture, wilt be shown Wednesday Motors, 999 Msin strset. EXPERIENCED Turret Lathe Op­ Owner transferred. Price 913,500. taxthooks U going to ktll Chinese the foolish ebjectlona ef the Have year tree* pruned and Ideally lianted i Salaa - and Servlea, 319 Mala Prodoets 50 Bedroom Set Namely, one dou (M iss) Muat bs seen. Vernon 9-9161. through Saturday. Virginia Mayo L. T.W O O D removed by iteenacd and ta- atreat Phone 3-4971. Open eve- erator and screw machine opera­ eiser, A Henry Baeott Agency, Msnehae- culture. medical lobby and put a proper will star in this movis. away from M* fe 1990 Pentiae Club Coups Chieftain R o o ft a f 1 8 -A ble bed and sprli^, drei W a l t o N LO^O. GRANT The Federation of Chinese dlaaMllty provlalou la the Uw." Bured tf«a eorgeona. nlnga. tor. Part and full Ume nights. dressing table snd seat. CtU ter 8999.- LOCKKK FLANT fare. Dtettnettra Serrien- M - Like brand new. ROOFING—SpeclellBlng In repair. Call Dean Machine Product*, Inc., RIPE Na t i v e t o m a t o e s for M Office Managw Lots tor Sal* 78 Schools U to appekl to the Chinese In ths Himalaya Mountsins 0180 between 0-7 evenings. X , Aaaeelato In Bnlas A MKAT HOUSK era Fnemiten. PETE DANZIOER‘8 Personally Ing roofs of ell kinds. Also new 292 McKee etreet sals at C7 Florenra street WITHIN 89-MINUTE DRIVE OF I Chamber.of Commerce to convene birds exist on dead grasses blown 1990 Chevrolst 3-Dr. Fleetline— even. Manchaater SlOO HARTFORD. Only $900 to 31.000 FOR SALE or exchange. Urge a meeting of leading Chinese eaeo- 01 BISSELL ST.—TEL. 94M aelected uaad cars at d a rk s Fully equipped. roofe. Gutter work. Chimneys Thrifty Stwing For Girli among tha rocks and lichens KEEP ACQUAINTED CARTER TREE M otor Sales; 901 Bread ‘ atreat elaened, ropSirsd. 30 years’ ex- WANTED—Cleaner for woek ends HoBsehold Goods 5i dosm payment buys 8 nad 4-room shaded building lets at the green, cUtlona, guilds, and cultural or- growing on atone. T. P. HOLLORAN 1990 Plymouth 4-Dr— C ent he j In Hemeo* a t y . Subnriwh and Farms Blnea l i l t " winterised homes. Priced from ganliatione to dlacuse the matter. Open evenings 'ill 0. periencs. Free astimatse. Call at Circle ThMtar. Apply -lack 947 9laln Straot HxrtferA 3-7884 — Evanlags, Msnchestsr S199 Wm. Kenebl. ^ o n e 7779. EXPERT CO. Fnneral Wrantor compered anywhere. Sanson, .nanager, at S^to Thaa- 3 FT. G. M. FRIGIDAIRE Good '38,800 te 37-900. Furnishings In­ Howley. Maneheeiar 0991. DESmARUB Home site*, half PHONE 7 0 5 I m 9 CHEVROLET Stylallne da- Tou’ir Never Buy A Dud ter. condition. Phone 3-0276 after cluded. Balance like rent Quick C. 8. McHALB. Jr. luxe 4-door. Radio, heater. Color 9 p. m. 17 Pearl street occupancy. The Allan Realty I sere up. Black road, electricity, Bkiobirds And Rosot " *--- ‘ ^ If You Buy A Car Prom Bud telepbase, natural ahade, high to maroon. In nice cendltlon. Easy R9BttRt—P1«RlMRt IT EXPERIENCBO Truck Drivers, . Company. Realtore, 190 Center | 179 Crater BL terms. Dougleat Motore, 993 Main. 1940 Dodge H TCn Pickup—Priced ever 21 yearn Apply in person. ROXBURY M rcet, Mancheater. Phone 0109. catkm off Route 9. North Coven­ to ean. C O. LORENTRBN. AlteraUone, Carlson A Company, 44 Stock try. Fred Miller, OovAntry 7-96U. 1049 CHEVROLET 3-Ton Truck 1940 Chevrolet Station Wagon copper water piping. New work. place. N o tic e yi>ORENCE STREET — 9-Room Good condition, good tires. Writ­ 34-hour service. Maneheetor 3939. Single, ftraplaee, oil heat, tile LOT FOR SALE — KnoUwood Good Urea and motor. A roal HOMES Beach, Saybrook. Nice location, ten guarantee. 9909. Beay terms. bargain at 9136. Zoning Board of Appeals hath, good le t 311.000. 8. A. MMI0HE5TEIPS Caleo Servieenter, 4164. EFFICIENT Plumbteg aad heat­ Saksaes Wanted '38-A In accordance with the roqulre- Off priswoM Street Berahler. Phone 3IN. one Nock from -beach, 40x110. 1941 Plymouth Club Goupa—Ra- ing- Plugged dralna mechlna ments of the Zoning Regulationa ’ In GUstonbnry Sacrifice. Owner. 3-3(MA I 1990 CHEVROLET8, DeLuxea. built motor, cleaned. Phone 9497. MAKE 330 DAILY — Sell lumi­ FIVE-ROOM COLONIAL — Five A Sfffvicff ' FINEST REPMR nous name plates. Write Reeves for the Town of Mancheater, Two to ohoooa from. Bob Oltvar 1941 Pord V -g Tudoev-Jat Mack, conn., the aUmlng Board of Ap­ Expandable Cape Cod years old. Oarage, targe Pr^ . ^ ____ , _____ — -a m CO., Attlsboro. Moan Pres aaim vats owner. Inquire 190 Oak | KOffOTt FrOffOrty PffT BRIO 7 9 ' O f SERVlOE always baa C9ievrolata. For tha good motor. / HBATING Pram A to E C peals will hold a Public Hearing beat m velu*a atop at Oenter version burners, boUer-burner plea aad details. on Monday, July 38, 1952 at 8:00 Liberal Tenns StreeL ANDOVER. BOLTON, COVEN­ Slacffrity on Washers, Tossttra, M otor Salaa. 461 Mein etreet. Alao Sevaral Good *37, ‘S i and 'S9e units, oomplate haatlng systam*. P. M. in tha Hearing Room of the TRY — Oottagsa, water front F -W Irons, Rowinf Msehianih Priced To Sen All work gusrsiitead. Time pay­ ADVCRTIBING m a t c h e s —Sell Open Dally 1 P. M- to Dnrk MANCHESTER— SIX ROOM where Fcmooal 1949 CHEVROLET COnvarUble. Amaslng Designs! 20. 30, 40 and Municipal Building on the foUow- Single centrally located tllAOO. and overlooking lake, good buys, Consideration Vacs, t t c . , ments errangsd. Morlerty Broth­ larga salaetlon. WeUaa Agency, A real sporty Car. Por this one ers. TsL 0190. .840-tlfht bopk matehss. Bigger Ing applications: New six rooms, two unllniahed, Is A Tradition a tee Bob Oliver, Center Motor George W. Barrett for perml*- ahed dormer, fireplace, hot water Ooventry. Tel, 7-M73 or 7-7901. BUD MICHALAK PLUMBING and beating. Furn Spot Cash Comm.; Every buel- ■ton to uae portion o f basement o f heaL brick front 313,000. Six JOHNSON PAINT CO. i s Woodbdds* Sitoet ABC Seles. 461 Main atraat The Working Man’s Friend acea oU burners and boUera. Earl r is prospect. Repeats. Start dwelUng for office quarters in complete rooms, oil heat. Ore- 4Q0 Mam Street 1038 PLYMOUTH Busineas Coups HARTFORD ROAD USED CARS uit exp., men. women; full, connection with occupation aa a pUee, garage, combination storm SnlmrlNui f«r Ssld 7l 599 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER APPUMCE 00. Van Camp. TeL 8-9IM4. C.d&ma*nf4r...^naai*7ya^ Alro Becker Bros, upright piano. At The Caleo SteUon At 1^ . time. Buy Nothing. Sales building contractor; also sign 1 COOLING sash and doora. Vary good ^ ANDOVER-lmmadlaU occupan- 2-1575 21 5UFl9 8 t BoUi in good condition. Phone Hartford Itea'd PLUMBING and haatlng, apaelal- kit furnlrthed. Match Con>- of ■q. ft. in area for •ame. at 68. cation. Occupancy on cy, 4H roema. fully Insulated, oil -r-T*-— — TT7 7909. ta rcpaira, naaodallng. eop- Horton Road, Residence Zone A. •18,000. . Coventry, new 1990 CHEVROLET Balalr, radio, America, Dept. PQ. Chicago 83. ataam hssL garage, large let, psr watsr piptag. aaw edastruo- Alme LeTulippe for permiision room * on maUi highway, 99,41)0; lake privUegae; N.900. Coventry 1050 CHEVROLET 3-Door Da haatar, two-tona gray and blua. to erect a buUding, 40’ x 80', ap­ BREEZES CevoRtry, fourreenu 94^00; Im- Poaltivriy ilka new. A raal knock­ tloa. Tima paysMats iarraaged. 7-9900. t Luxa Stdan. fully equipped and EdwarC Johnsea. Phona 0979 or Help Wsnt«d—. proximately 480 feet from street mediata occupancy. I have three MANCHESTER fully guaranteed. For the beet out. Douglaa Motors, 999 Main sA ve youR M sle o r P m b s I9 87 line tor the storage .of equipment 4'hedreem hemea priced at 31*.' street. 0044. SOUTH WINDSOR — Ranck In value see Bob Oliver, Center uaed In connection with landscape INVITE 900 and up. For appointment Houee, six rooms with garaga; FRAMING Motor SKlea, 491 Main atreet PLUMBING and hearing rapalra. MAN OR WOMAN to learn wool gardening, at 780 Vernon Street, plaaaa call Howard R. Haatlags, preasing Manchaater Claaners. lot 100x309. Oonvenlant to Ham- CRAeGRASS RUIN Pictures Mounted sad Trailcn for Ssk 8-A New and old work. Copper tub- Rural Residence Zone. 8.U 07. Uton. Madeline Smith, Realtor, 1051 CHEVROLET Styllne De- In a apeclalty. Ed Tanner, 0747. 98 WalU etreet. Phene 7394. Framed -i- Old FrsaieB Lase Tudor Sedan. Black. Low Rlcherd Langdon tor permission SOC-I^M Oapa ne bath. OH steam heat. Porek ever- tions and color chart. - SSOO iq ft - 15.95 Cofumbiff Ricyclffs radio, heater. Mack. Loral owner. 3% Rooms, teUat, insulated— Send 2Se In coins, your nfime, ad­ Sue Burnett (Manchester Evening YfflapbonB 72M Excellent throughout See Pete Phone 4009. o'clock noon until t o'clock P. M., A. ASHFORD looking lovely ehaded yard. Sale PnhitiBt-"Papcrfnf, 81 Towm o f Mancheeter for extan- 33.300. dress and tba Pattern Number to Herald! 1190 Ave. Americas, Naw J iM i IPMAMRI Mrii* ptay #1 lawii wMdi«t. fMdtof er fwdisgt U. S. and Goodyffor Tirfft at d e rk e Motor Selca, 901 Broad for the purpose of making an en­ price 319.500. Bxcl’jsive with 5 Rooms, oil hast—34,369. 1945 HARLEY-DAVIDSON m idon at permlaaion to erect addi­ Anne Cabot (Manchester Evening York 39. N. Y. 3t»f*y it—1 ceeitrectlae, r.teir Mred - 32.33 tttJO . street Open evenings tU 0. FREE E8TIMA'•TBS. ■ki tarter rollment of the electors who are Elva Tyler. 2-44M. 4 Rooms, atoto read, 3 acra*, Send 28 cents today for your Rffpalri Sffrvicff torcycU, model ’’49." Inquire 29 entitled to vote at the Primaries tion to achool building which wiU Herald), 1190 Ave. Americaa, New Expert Dry' ^ painting. Havo U T d ne new. HEW 6-ROOM Two-Story Stogie. pend, brook-37JMI0. York so. N. Y. copy o f Basie Y'aahlon '92. It ahowa Aecfftsoriffs 1090 CHEVROLET Stylellne de­ Siuiset street, or phene 9709. none 3-lSas. in-the Town of Manchsster, and ba located closer to atreet Une and LAKE, Inc Hob water heat, fireplace, til* Over 160 Other Uatinga Anne Cabot’s New Album ef you how to make your wardrobe 180 Spruce Street luxe d'.ib COupe. Radio, baeter. for the purpose of making such closer to South aide Une than do double duty with economical. JOHN S. WOLCOTT & SON Beautiful bUck finish. In txral Wanted AntoB ■ PAINTING aad paperhangiag. changes In the enroUment UsU last regiUarionf allow, at 349 South ARTHUR -A. KNOIUL bath, extra largo lot; quick oceu- Some On O. L Loane grand deaigna. plus exciting fea­ 180 MAIN 8T „ MANCHESTER PHONE 8597 Phone' 2-0659 C leaning Salaa Agent noacy. 118,600. S. A . BMChler. PTELLES AGENCY tures aad a gift pa( ing. CaU cuff, 3-439t. Dated, July 15. 1963. tend thla hearing. TeL Idanehester 5440, 2-0938 1949 CHEVROLET S-4 panat piicea. Cell Doe or Nelaon at Donald Hamingway ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Office at Lake Good oondiUon. Pnea 9390. PrI' Tdwn Motore, 48 Weat Center Edward F. Moriarty WUUam H. Stuek, Chairman TeL Storra 9-3907 oxtely owned. CkU 3-0939. street or telepkoae 8667. Read Herald Advs. Itogtatran of Veters • George H. Mmriew, Becretory SATURDAY. JULY p A Q K tm r Avmitu Daily Net hm sSaa l T h s W a B th e r Pyr tha Waak Em Faraaral of U. B. WantlMr 1 July It, last Bhawara aad thuadsfileri■a to> 10^13 Bight. Obalar. Tnasday mat About Town Thumbs Ride • hawars and thasttn aC tha Warmer. Heard Along Main Street at t BuaMt Oouncll, No. 45, Dofro* M o^ckostor-^A City o f ViUago Charm •r PeeohonUa, win moot Ifondsy To Town Jail . O C o v M k M 5 p. m. in Tbikor hoU. It io And on Somm o f Manehmor^o Sido Stnot$t Too kopod thot tlio offlcon wtM wore A Hartford man who PULVERIZES POULTRY MNURE VOL.LXXI,NO. 248' an Paga 15) MANCHESTER. CONN„ MONDAY. JULY 21.1152 (TWELVE PAGES) P R IC E F IV E not MMUd ot th« rofu lor tnatoHO' thumbing on Center atreet early Uon win roport ot Mobdoy’o moot* Plane rer Pool aeuperetition and myatery that aur- tni:. Other important buoinooo Weekrday obeervatloa fOr Bat- rounda thle dying mammal. laet night hitched himaelf a ride to will bo troaooctod and a oedal urdw: Tbere^aoema to be more We beard that the eiaiater rep­ the police atation, and after failing It te k « two thing, to k w . Jortb^on timo wtU follow. ewimmtaig poola thia year than utation given the bat la entirely to ahow proper gratitude toward hot aununtr Bonths, w a ter and so I ,?Ltion of our ever before. Do you Sad that ob* undanerved; actually, the malign­ hia boat, waa forced to take i yo« aprinkla your lawn, g iv e it a wefl. ed creature la a boon to agricul­ Andoroon*8hoa Aualllary, No. aervatlon rather earth-ehakingf walk down ataira to the ceU. pnhrariaml poultry Banure, then wet the ^ t046, hao oot tho daU of Tuooday, Nor Then try thie. ture. It can pick up inaecta on tha We're talking about the back­ wing and In caaaa where a bcalthy- Tlie Mtch-hlker, Jamea W. Pink This tr c a t B c n t win p rom ote a July 9A for a ohoro dinner at Wll* ham, IS, of 35 Seyma atreet, Hart­ aaalBilato and hold the water and nutrients w h ich ^ to yard variety that homeownera can aiaad colony o f bate inbabita a Draft Stevenson Move earn Ptor, Bavin Rook. Nomboro ford, waa picked up by Patrolman planning to go aro roquootod to Mild thamaolvea. And they're do- farm or cava, you ean be aura that th o b a s is of food turf g row th . Drive over and g e t^ ing it everyday. A drive through the bug population In that area ia Primo Amadao and brought to the this hmg-lasting, economical fertilizer this weeiL moot at Oio VrW Homo at 5:50 atation where lie tuaaled with of m. Rooorvationo will elooo tha eountryaide will prove that oonaldeirably d 1 m I n I ahed each night Amadeo, Patrobnan Frederick t Onday ovonlng, Thooo Who point. Tadford and Capt. William Barron bavo not already olgnod up aro Of oourae moat of the poola are Brother bat can cover aa much not elabornte affaire eritb tiled aa 155 mllea ia a ataigla night for a wtiile before the patrolmen ROOIR OLCOTT urged to contact Prooldont Doro­ locked liim up. Telephone 7853 thy Wolnoclunldt, (Nro. W. 15. and bottoma and chroma while out on theee iaaacf-catcbTng 40S West Center Street handraiU plua a epringy diving eapedltlona and few reeoedad In.* Ha waa charged with aaaaidt. 12 Killed as Quake Rocks West Coasts Shatters T&wM Klolnaotunldt, Bolton Notch) oo reelatlng arraat, and recklem uae that tranoportation may bo pro- board for the more hardy uaera. atancea have been aet down where of tha highway. Amadeo reported On a recant eacuraion we counted the bat actually eauaad any harm v t d ^ , that Plnkham had been thumbing tf- no laaa than Sva poola, three of or damage to man. We agree that a ride on Centew atreet near Ol- them in tha oopatruetlen atage. there may have been aoma eaaee tr Mr. and f t n . Thomaa A. Hooey, cott drl've-and that aa each car Rnsgell Boosters Arrive fH^MiGeorfia Two In active uaa. None coat over of unpleaaantrlea; dying bate In a approached, lie would walk direct­ of 95 Indian Drive, thilr dai^tor 9500 ta build. churrii belfry or getting Into a Lola, and alater. *Mlaa — *•-laolHaoel Hoe , . ly toemrd the aide of tha car forc­ Murray Says Steel Fear Many Thare'a no myatery about how it bedroom aim awooping around ing the driver to awarva Into the Loud Ovation are on route to Wichita Palla, T « ' ia done. Moatly by doing your own long enough to aeora the dayllghta Do You K^OW— aa. to vlait their eon, Allen, who oppoaito lane. labor and aklppi^ the eapenaiva out o f the women o f tha houaa. Beh^aBug Amadeo reported that when ha la with the Air Porce, ataUonad But on the whole, tha average Injured in at Bheppard Field. trim that adda up the coot. Lat'a Hero ia one of the many lllua- aaked the youth hla age, he aaid take one pool aa an eaample. Am erican brown bat la more abi' er the grown-up veraion of every 14, and when aaked to give hia Yon to o enm sov* BWEty by RfftriBR yow Blocked Strike End trationa from our photographer'a miaerabte little wireworm that ~ ' ilot ia on nad agalnat than a alnnar. new book on ahooting big game name, he replied it waa hia bual- lOtUaloEOpticdCo. For Membera of the Army and Navy makea life' unpleaaant for the naturally eloping ground. Hia WeU, that'a. what our fr|pnd with a camera. T)w book, which neaa. Mountains Club win meet at ^ clubhouee bouae, which fronU on a main clalma. gardener. Plnkham ia in cuatody under would praaa tom orrow n M t at dJlio and motor wildlife wliard Bob Nauman ex- Pittoborfhp July road, re<|ulred only a three-quarter pecta to complete after two more 9200 bond. S o r o k o a t U e Im O pfiedit tb* bM fia — President Philip Murray Convention H«ll, Chicago, July 21—(4P)— ^Tha to Roee Hill fiineral Home, Rocky Addreaa, Plaaaa! Stool Strikaf Murray aaid that on Juaa 50. San Francisco, July 21— foundaUon. The end waa built up picnic eeaeona, ia called, "Com­ .tb* CIO United Steelworkers opened their Slet nationsl convention today and gava mj HUl. to pay laet reapecte to m m w to torreapond with the grade.* Overheard: Peller complaining mon But Seldom-Photographed Juat bow bad ia thia atoel atrike, the Bethlehem Steel mea raturaed (8 P )— An amateur radio mes­ Hart, WM waa a member of the anyway T How many local people charged todky that the steel ing ovation to Gov. Adlai Steveneon, the man who 'Ihua ha aaw the poaalbiUty o f dig­ that hla houae la no located that Snaiwing Beetlea of the Connecti­ Status of Farmer and "both expresaad considarabla sage . r e iv e d here said at dlub. ______. be paya taxaa and Mila In t h m are waiting on long llata for new induatry rapudiated a atrike diaappoitttmant that the other steel doesn't want the party’s presidential nomination. . > ging a almlliar pit for a pool, and cut woodianda." can and muat alt back to await AE v»9ffc‘UMMaf UaiM Optkd Co. b least 12 persona were killed the eaae with which It would drain different naai4w communltiea be- AKbough Nauman prefera to aettlement which he worked companiee had rtfuaed to aecapt C3ieera roared up from the delegates nsrirad int»3iti^| the outcome of the atrike and the Seen as Barometer what they hallevad to be a aoiuUon by today’s earthquake in the toward the natural alope. of boundary Hne oomplica- anap the woodland creaturea in delay before thoae new can will out with officials of Bethle­ arena whan the lUinoia chief executive took, thg raUuilik] Give Bridal Parly Bo he, hla wife and two ohlldren tlona. And he thlnka he haa their natural liabitat, thia hand- of every aqwet of thia altuatlon.'' town of Tehachapi, in aouth troisBMt aome duffer with the genial amile atari rolling off the aaaembly linee hem Steri (Corporation las\ Murray addad: what-ordinarily would be a routine welcomint ap'aC T *i^V (boya aged 14 and 17) atartod to to be delivered T Ckivcntry, July IS—P o r m e r em California. Almost all It Waa plain that "Draft Stoven-o' ■' ' . ' *•'; < work. And don't let anyone kid A little boy in Philadelphia can la the aubject of a atudio portrait, Como io md lm ,M r . Chrbfooioo od|m t June 17. 'Thay atatad thoy had boon ra- F o r MIm S k o n e tk i We wondered at thia when, dur­ U. 8. RepreeenUtlve WUham M. pudiatad and told ua thoy fait a buildings collapsed, the re­ •antlmant ran atroBg among you about the volume of work finally toll the oenaua ta k en o f Chptiturad alive when ha attacked ing tha Tankae-Cleveland doublo Mttiray told tha USW'a 170-nan • > ' the mure that he baa a native a dill11 pickle which waa part of the c. Middletown- waa guaat fioo of cborgo. daap Sanaa ot humiliation.'’ port said. The hospital had to many of tha omb and women who thare’a plenty of it. But Anally header Thuraday night, the an' apaaker at a meeting ia Oom- wiMIo-poUey eommittaa U ut Praa- by next Friday will toek a man Derla A . BkoneaM, daugh­ they had what amounted to a bole atato after all. licnic repeat of the Leonard Nieae nouncar put in a plug for tliree' Maat Ih O P t* YYhIte of Rapubllc be evacuated.! R ift H m phlld waa bom thia week to 'amlly of Manchaater, tho beetle : unity Hall yeaterday, aponaored to contest with GOP nominee ter of Mr. and Mte. Joaeph A. 10 feet deep at one and and 5 feet daya of racing in NWark. He aaid by tha Democratic Town Commit­ StaaL j^m w uriy had urgad tha Murray said that on June 5, Tha town is tha alto of tha Dwight D. llaenhower for the at the other. It waa 15 feet wide Mra. Leona Olaaner of Bellmawr, waa caged in a uaed Dixie cup and atoal oOamnita to aecapt auggas- Preaidant Whlta of Rapublie mada Callforaia women's priaon, which ■koneakt of 57 Hawthorne rtreet, N. J., while la an ambulance en- tranaported by native huntera there would be thrlUa fo r aS. iO' tee. A candidate for the Demo­ Bstlon'a top offlee. and 40 feet long. After thia orator eluding atock can and midget ear cratic nomination for Oongreqa tlooa mado by Whlta which Mur­ ■avaral union shop auggaaUona haa about 400 tnmatas. waa honored with a bridal abower routo to a Philadelphia hoapiml. It thitnigh the traacheroua torrltory Tha radio meaaaga aakad that The appiauae ran for aix mln- IntRittiki' waa dug (he traa ua) the reat of racing. But wp nearly fell out of from tha Second CWigreaalonal ray though could hava lad to a which might have boon a baato for uUo and waa ealmad SnaUy by a Wednaaday evening at her home. the operation came amoothly and ao happaiui that when the birth between Tha Herald office and a the chair whan he mid, aa an add' ■aitlamant aatUament but tha Industry ra- mobila kitchen units ha sent from took place the ambulance waa on point in the wooda.Juat aouth of Dlatriot, the former oongreaaman U n io n O p t ic a l Co. raquast from CSiairmaa Frank -B. Bakeraflsld. Earlier maesagea Moatoaaaa were her atater, Miae with leaa grueling labor. ed attraction, new cam right out apoka on the proaperity of the Baporta Oa mrikh fuasd to eonaldar tham and White MoClnney of tha BsUenal oocn- the Delaware River Bridge and for Colcheater where tha monater waa of tha ahowroom window would be *■ disappeared from following nes^ from a mobUe amateur radio sta­ Ulalne Bhoneakl, and Mra. Prank The aidaa and bottom o f the pool 95 houra iw one could atato defi­ taken. farmer aa an economic barometer Tha potent waga-poUcy commit- mlttoo for the delagatoa to. ra- were covered with wire maah and uaed In new car ratoa. for other aactora of the population. 641 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER TEL. 2-3128 tlatloo meetlnge. tion said tha women’s priaon waa Bbukla, who ttaad a d o e o r a j^ nitely the atato in which the, child Nauman who perfected the taa was callad togather to htar untenable and that Unto ware •train'thair anthualaam and let on thia waa applied aeveral ooata Taking new can out on a track He aaid that a bankrupt farmer' The union emm requires mem- tha convention get on with Ita aehema of piak and white. 'Hm arrived. tocimlqua by photographing foot- and whacking them around in Murray’! rapert on tha 60-day benhlp In the unton as a condition needed to shelter Inmates and oenterpieoe ofthe buffet t^ le waa of waterproof cement like a finally tho hoepltal director cannot purchaae and pay for walkout which haa Idled more than butlnaea. Chlchgo, July 21- heavy atuoco. Over thia waa laid printa in tha alnk of a Maneheator racea certainly doean’t aound like producta of our manufacturing in- of amployment. Aa outlined by prison personnel. • a large, white ahoWer cake, aur- ruled that the baby waa bora in home—prlnta rrauted to be thoae an economic way to get um out of IJiOOjBQO and to give tha union Murray, Whito’a proposal would The radio message quoted Lee ~ MgbIIi RfoUu BimiIg 1The firsi ^ * ' gaounted by a bride doQ. . four ooata ot thick roofing paper Pannnylvania. duatriea. Although Om necticut ia chief aome guidance on future of a miniature dlawackua—aet up them, particularly when many peo­ a manufacturing and commercial have allowsd.employea to with Marrin, head of the Red' Ooae Moot of tha aouthem delagatoa within Tha bride-olect waa and then more cement waa applied, atrategy. finally it waa painted. makeahtft atudio while Mra. ple aro looking for that now car center, (3tron aaid the purchaaing draw from the union after a stat­ unit at Tehachapi. The town Iwa a —backing,Sen. RuaacU o t Goorgia tioo iK-tht- with a eboloe ooUecUon o f No Bbaw Leonard Nalae and her little they ordered a few montha agO' power of the farmer ia reflected in Tha oommittee heard Murray ed time. population of about 1,600. for the nomlnatloa—remained in fid gIfU by the amR^mately 6« Thia la fUled ^ throwii daughter. Laurel, looked on in ad­ BUY vention, cropi in one and of a garden hooe Patrolman Joe H)linakl of tha On the other hand, they e ^ theta the "hum” of the factory. •ay that nagotlations with Vlca Turaing to the most recent Red Cross headquartera here their seats during tha otandlng ______atoala and frianw at, the party. Maneheator police force waa on miration. Praaident Joeeph M. Larkin of over the letting the water run aU night are more eOra on the roada than White House prodded negotiotlons .aaid a short wave radio riroult waa Aa axaiheraat baad of Oeorgto delagatoa to . BBtBlIa ovation for Stevenson.. k t o BkoneriU and William Baa-, Mala atreOt duty yeatorday after­ He covered the aeat of the chair ever, but it la aafe to aay aome of Bethleham aad .Bethlehem coun- held during the poet week-end being opened between thq town of Stevenson got another Mg hand tionsl come Theresa a drain at the alope end with clean white paper, and beam­ aiad algos booatlag tho eoadidoey of their etoto’a V. K Beo. far tka fd rty ’a »>sal5Mrilal ton of thia town will be married with an ordinary turn-plug. Whan noon. A large line of youngatera thoae can ahould have reached ' ael John Morae produced a “mem­ with Larkin and Vlca President Tehachitoi and San Francisco, and by Oav. ■atama Tahaodga (batleaa, right at tha end ef hla spesrtl. ^ h a iFodan eOntt formed ootatda the BUta theater. ed two atrong llghta down on it. orandum ef underatanding" in nomlailloa oo .arrival la Ohieago. Tho delegotieo woo in i t Bridget'a Churoh on Bator- thia ia taken out the dirty water the Junk man long ago. MEMORIALS John A. Stephana U. 8. Steal, should be operating by 10 a. m. eariler. ■ a M SaiAad b y bfa w tfJ aad Ma BMthar, minoto delagatoa wavad thair ban- JuMi Auguat t . Patrriman HlUnaki noticed the Nauman attached the camera to which the eteel company axacu- Murray said" (p .d L ) eeotor who had arrived o b ftto oeoveottes nara and aoma ot tham ahoutod, Golden of New ruahea from the pipe Into a ape- tripod and t^ ted and turned tlvea "auhatantlally accepted the Mrs. Fataadge. (AF Wlraphoto). rial channel and from there to youtha bad atraggled all over the "Again wa dlaoovarad tbara waa Short wave equipment waa "Wa want Itovanaon." ganlaatkm cl etreet and aaked that they form it until it waa focuaed on a apot GALL SM I union ahop.” flown to the area from San Fran­ dry well. Certainly thare'a nothing While people who had occaalon ASK FOB OF PROVEN no h ^ of any aatisfactory aattla- But aa tha oonvantlon got off to ad. iMwover, i a atralght line and atand near the in the middle of the paper. to travel along the main atom yea­ Murray aaid lArkln and Morea ment o f tha vartoua Itoma.*’ cisco. and farilltlM for setting up ■Urt, tho srhola proapaet na to enouglr to j j PpH ee ArrestB | very elaborate about thia pool and "Now," Naunran explained, yet the fun it glvaa man than bulldinga ao that podaatrlana could torday noon, amufgled up to the ROY KNOFU took tha qiamorandum bafora tha canteen there also waa going 9 Escape Jail eandldataa and' platform waa hlgh- The "now the trick ia to get the aub- bulldinga on tlie Baat aide of Main other major producera with the my family.’’ Week-end qtt*' week-end Man Seoul, Korea, July 21— (A>)— ^United Nations in fa n ti^ en “Hr sgBs TSBoltbit^roa t)M efcMl ohaatar raaidenta pack up and tried to trap It with glue.'He ooax' — A Non. Uha thera muat bo many tnjurlaa. hard today to have tha Demo­ aoat^'riKlhraagh-aOeel- m ipat m ad, he cajoled. He wae firm. After today drove Chinese (Tommuniete off the creet of Old Ba|dy Two tunnoia, uaad Jointly by tha •B lha Itm Boar. A Jailer strike, Prstt snci WhiUiey ford' head for tha ahora or tha lakea cratic national conveiltion Aa to candldataa. it was wtda-. State CMtral ( or tha woodianda to enjoy tha oool he had laiMred alipoat three quart- on uie Korean western front in the wake of a tremendous SoutharB PaciSe and Santa Fe rail­ choose a new deal-type presi­ waa tied ■•, aad the Airersft will be forced to re­ A friend who Uvea up Oaveatry era of an hour and poured out gal- A^anchester Memorial Co. fiad dawa n e ataira. opan. Flva liopafuU wars working Sees GeUsh EMolaS ' WB OABBT AU. brieaii and to rriax. barrage by artOlery, tanks and warplanes. Geh. Mark roads were blocked by caveins, dential ticket and platform. duced sirersft engine delivery UMDOrO nAN M way had ocoaaien tha other day to Mora oftan than not they lona of perapiratlon. Bob pinned FILMS A. H. AIMETTL Prop. Jonea raportad. alayar la liard for (he praatdential nomina- State Chairman JehB MJ) oomplath about bate in hla barn. Clark'S headquartera in Tokyo said' Leaders of both tha AFL and to Military eervicee am tloo, and thera were a doom "fa­ •aid he had hoard tha turn to work Monday morning the boetle’a tall down. BtlU tho DONT DEVELOPED AND HARRISON STREET— MANCHESTER tka bit «^ly conteatod height woat 1 ^ Ha added that the situation on Naataala, Jew 35. wha poUea aaid iMhar In g Slint Hla oomplalnt, atraagaly enough, foeUng aa though they had la ferorioua beaat pivoted and tho main highway between Bakera­ CIO have turned thumbe down on ■horten ita work Week for vorite oons" In tha field. poasible oppoaltlan to ' 4 waa that there were not enough of PRINTED of Chorwon was captured. But! K gxglo t lg>it|'algbg| three of tho candtdatoe, Vice -A, bored endleaaly over tha previoua aqulrmed. Thraw TIm m Aw«m fropt lljw dlajiatchee Indicated the' •sK dao K-rqpUKfgq^qj. Seld and the'(torart town of Mo- la lha undorwarid aharily after number of departments in Gov. Adlai atevensoo, of lUinois, Ho aBMilad: them. Por a moment we wore af­ Pinally there waa one brief mo­ Btffl ptarty of wem M flB President Alben W. Barkley and hla arraat loot Navamber. tha man who has said repeatedly "I fully expect that GoMmm^ 80 hoim . 24-HOUR SERVICE Croat of the hill waa a no-man’a' Javo, 'Which goes through Techa- Sena. Richard Russell of Gooqgia Auguat, William P. Gwinn, raid that our hearing bad failed .. Laat Sunday a raaident darided ment o f atlllneaa. The camera chapl, was ao bad that ambulaaeet Tha JMl la an tha U th. Itth be doean’t want It, was etU) get- be elected by tho delegMea." ^ that he really nmant he had too anapped. Film Deposit Box land with UN tioqpa dug in balow and Robert 8. Kerr of Oklahoma. general manager, announce! p a announced a e O m faW) ha wouktai’t maka thia miatake the creet. Forces During and aherilTs can were trying an Tho AFL and CIO men handling muiv of thoin. and. In hla axperlenoe, there ia a "I think we’ve got him," aaid A t Store l^ ra n ce i •• FBga Two) today. SB Pngo ) night to nama tha au« M O i m o r w L t he told ua certainly threw SAM YULYES A, U. S .'‘Eighth Army staff old joad through the hills. * the political maneuvera for their Tha cutback la working hours Conhary and Natlooal leaaon fan readera might loam Uie battle-weary hunter. officer aaid the hill deflnltoty waa "We don’t know whether we a lot of light on an otherwiaa dark The picture printed, raeearchera a BepeJring af tlm Bet- labor, groups have endoraed none wlU bagln attar tha plant raopana toawpmaB AOry FlyBit.oC i before you plan tomorrow’a ae- not aecurad. Parleyi^ Clark can get through there either," he of the other candidates. But thsy altuatlon. Like a great many oth­ tlvttlaa. went to work immediately to dia- BJaiADeM WhOo Tea on Aug. 11. Tha plant wUi ba ington. Both hava baan SE A T mm er city dwellera we had alwaya Wait. KEMP'S Aaaoriated Preea correspondent added. made it clear that either Averell cloaad from July 3g-Aug. 10 for a favor with tha party Thia gentleman decided to do oover what form of life had been George McArthur at tha front aaid One report to the aherifl's office Realtors Claim Ua S. Economic eegagm o m euppoaed that tha ordinary brown found. , 15 MAPU: 8TBBBT Washington, July 51—(F)—Gan. Herriman, Sen. Estes Kefauvar of vacation pariod. Inventory and ainct tbs admtiilatoalieB at 049* the aenalble thing and atay at tha caunese had not givon Up their ■aid "the whole town o f Teha- Tennessee or Gov. Adlai Steven' bat waa aometblng right out of home, relaxing In the back yard, Several houra of aearching gave Oppu Plret Narinaal Stove l^ k W. <3ark aaya the Reds have maintenance work. ernor Bowlea. "Draeula" and a thing to be fear­ Psrhtog Let. bid for tho vital hiU the/ wrested doubled their air-ground strength chspl li ■on o f Illinois is ths man thsy "In order to avoid ths wide- Thara appaaiad to ba Bg $12 95 M uo and eating hla maala from china ua tha anawer. A rare and faaci- from the AUiaa laat Thursday. He Pressure for Health b Good, ed. on tho ^ In g’ room table. There natlng inaect T No, a aimpla Slat­ In Korea during the truce tallu but TRo qoalia'boas felt generally w ant apreoO lay offs, urhloh havp oc­ alUon to tiw alaetl•toettOB a f Ml OmAlXJBD PBBB Our friend knowa bettor; in fact aaid (kinase foot soldiers were could not Buataitt a m ajor offensive through m(ie^*hf CMifornia. from All For Trunuui curred in so many Industries both of Naw Loadoa, would be no erowda, no eonfualon. observed sneaking back toward othy SatU u might even call him a acientlat no drownUig acaree, and no loat BALCH Is Your for more than two or three weeks. San Plonriaoo south to the Mexi­ They ate all-out, -too, for Prtsl- Rent Controls naUenal and local,” Gwinn aaid, "it Truipan Says vlca chilrmaa. Hnu Fl; a email way. Hla atudy of what the hill In the afternoon despito 'The Unitad Nations commander children. can border and Inland into Neva­ dent Truman If the name of the ia our intent to keep nil of our SUCCGMOY. tho bat can mean to tha average Intenao Allied fire. reasoned: da. iple at woric Insofar as poealUe Connaetleut dalagateA CAMPBELL No aooner liad ha eat down in The Eighth Army nightly aum- chief executive—who has aaid he Washington, July 31— (F) -j-A Washington. July 31—(F)—Free- farmer Ukea away much of the hU deck chair and Ut hla pipe than 1. Tlie Communists hava plenty Its strength In this century I won’t run again—ahould come be­ stratehlng out tha working of while, looked over the fletd AUTO SUPPLY mSry said "The enemy waa o f suppUea but arc in m ^ b la « topped only by the San Franciaco goveriiment reminder that com­ avallabla malarial. This ean ba ae Mint Truman saya that daapito candidatea for tba pi a relaUve breaaed In, hla famUy believed to be etlli In the imme­ fore tha convention. n BtBBBIJ, B T -J IB L . 51B7 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ moving them In face o i UN air quake In 1006. But In terms of In trying to put over what they munities muat act aoon If they compliahad only through a radue tha heavy dafansa burdan "our nomination agolBat tbatima behind him. and hla arma laden diate area.” wish to retain rent controls has "buelnaaa syetam haa baan doing MANOHBBTBB with buBdlM* attachs. - damage and kwa of life the Long regard aa a liberal party atand on Uon In houra, applying to thoaa they may bo released b y Sen. Allied Infantrymen, stopped cold 5. TIm AlUoa—without incra BeSch quake of 1053 was far drawn a quick cry of "preaoure' dapartmanU diracUy ooncernad." batter and our paopla have boon Mnfahon from tbelr pledge "Let’a have a hot dM roaat,’' GASH FOR YOUR 0AR~T0F FRIGE Completed pottages For Sale In eight earlier charges up the candidates and platform, both the vlaltor exclaimed. 'The roaat Ing thair numerical strength dur­ worse. It killed more than 100 and unions complained bitterly that from real mtato circles. Aasaont ta Vary living iMUer than .ever bafora." cast tbeir Id votes toa Mm. muddy hUI, reached the creet at ing the past year — have been caused 40 million In damage. And Rent SUbillxcr Tighe E. Woods WM- hftd. dawn. Thoy reported that tho past party pledgee have failed to Tha amount of raduction In Ha painted a glowing ptrfura Only should a ralaass A few houra later the gueata CAU AND ASK POR "DOC" OR NILSON OR trained intensively and Improved the 1925 Santa Barbara quake be carried out by DemocraUc ad- ■aid yesterday more than six mil­ tba nation's eeonomle hasHh In McMahon, BaUey told the ASHf=ORD LAKE AlUed barrage had forced the their defenaaa from front to rear killed 11 aad caused 10 million lion fapiilies face a atop hike in working hours will vary tlirough were gone and tlie unwilling hoot P H O N I 9SS7 BETTER DEAL Reds- to withdraw. The UN ministraUona. out tha CtonnecUeutJitonto of Pratt his mid-yaar ecbnomlc meosoge to gates at a cauctw laat AT PINEHURST eat down again and laughed good- to meet any eventuality. loss. rents unless local governments re­ (Tongresa. released during the aay thought ba glvan to troops than pulled back off the Aqueduct Unbroken And both .called for drastic quest an extension of controls be- aad Whitnay at Boat Hartford, naturedly at hla fate. ASHFORD—EASTFORD, CONN. "Tha enemy buildup haa been Southington, Meriden, and North week-end. choica candldataa. PONTIAC DEALER crest. . , quantitative while oura haa. for Selamologleta said only the feet party steps to stop Dixie demo­ fore a Sept. 30 deadline. Juat aa the pipe began to More than 50 UN planes raked crats In Congress from siding with Only one thing marred the wnoke evenly another relative TOWN MOTORS the the rooet part, been quallta- that today's shock centered in the Woods said experience with Prmldent’s otherwise optimistic (Oeotlaoid an Fogs Ollfuul tr Grit 4 rooms and bath, porcelain kitchen the hill with Saming gsaollne, tlye,” Clark said. "We are conS- lightly-populated mountains kept Republicans to block bills the la­ decontrol and the current housing » AeEeBli|srAUsr and we got the Impreaaion he rath After Noting. Subsides Two persens ora dead nod o»* er en jo^ it. could get up. the hUL" Weshlngton, July 21—UPi—Tlie from Washington to get local gov^ "overdose of sun” in Har­ million —UassB ot Changjin In northeastern Ko­ ravotutlonary violence flared, with rope, leaves Paris by air for Ath tion, real Income, living stand­ firmed report# rratiled BrtthO. peating. rea and two power plants In to |x>wer, had threatened Qavam A certain young clergymen— Oommunista strengthening Na­ with aasaarinatlon. Killing of eae.. Despite "an unusually high ards and savings have risen dur­ goverooeent effletala today that not In Mancheatai^waa reported with ' Borthw^ern Korea. tionalist mobs. Government forces, Premier All Raxmara in March, total of buainesa failurea which ing ths two years of Korean war- rioUng OMibe to Tehioa kM American eabre Jet pilots re­ No Refit Break^ in Sight were 58A per cent greater than eerioi^y weuai to have loot a call to a leading ported thev damaged two Commu­ with gun ahoto, tear gas, and bay- 1951, by a reUgious fanaUc was fare. church becauae while preaching aa oneU fought to keep control. powerful aid to the Nationalist in l e s i ’s initial monUu," Ituslness Further Inflation ‘ can and Beta, brahtor ef In o’e I IDEAL nist Jet fighters Sunday In a flve- in Connecticut was 1 per coot a candidate, ha pronounced a mlnute air battle near tha Man- Twenty persons ware reported drive which resulted in naUonali should be avoided"; a fairly BEFORE— atngla word incorrectly. “Klh doc­ killed In the bloody rioting. No of- xaUon of the British-owned Ang- On 10th Day o f Heat Wave ef last year during drat ■table price level is In prospect. U. S. SOOEES Hum tor, that waa a lovely aarmon you diurian border. ficUl reason .was given for Sve months o f 1952. The federal deficit for the fie- Hetalakl, July ANESITE DRIVEWAY Air fhree fighter-bomben sent lo-lranisn Oil Company's proper­ United Stotoe seared preached thia moraing," aaid Qavam's quitting but ^parently ties in Iran. Sgt. H. T. Strand of Bethany Hartford, July — (F) — Con-athe normal of 82. And for the pent slam today to the shot pot ef th* lady, "but If you will pardon me Foga Tw o) ho acted to stop bloodahod. Try to Scale Walto 21 Barracks, State Police, reports po­ (Continued oo Page Eleveo) (' Aa news of Qavam's rorignation necUcut started the lOUi day of 10 daya ths avtrags Umperaturs Olympic games. Perry OfBrtea^ for mentioning It, Itx effect wae A sinpk esn— 58S8—«nd the friendly route b a b wiB. SAVE 10% BY CALLING NOW Witnesses to the firing in the lice liavs lieen asked to search for Darrow Hooper aad Jtoa Foehek much Impaired by a little alip In spread crowds began marching to­ the current heat wave today with has been 90, eight degrees above James DeWitt ZeUff, Sr. SS-year- Parliament square said police and atm no "real b.reak” in sight from normal. finished 1-3-3, with O’BrtsB aftt You Invest m Pre Fabs pronunriatlcn; you placed tha ac­ be s i your door proBptly for Unndry or dry cleanins. wards the residence of former soldiers opened up with revolvers old W est (Theahirs farm er, carpen­ Eva Holding Own ttag a aew Olymple ieeotd mi cent on the aecolid ayllable ot the • MGHINESFREAD • WORK OUARWTEED Red Dean Repeats Premier Mohammed Mossadegh. the sbnormally high temperatures. In July, the weatherman asys, ter and liandy-man, who vanished and automaUc rifles as aome The U. 8. Weather Bureau at one day with temperaturea el^ t 11.41 amtora (57 Met 1A5 toelt* word 'obligatory* Inatead’o f on the Today's fighting broke out when demonstratora attempted to climb with Ms son’s wife, Teresa, 36, on e e ). . rt firat" (According to Webater, Make that call bow—or drop la and aave 10%.^ a crowd of aome 5,000 persons Brainard Seld predicted that today degrees above normal ia oonside^ night o f May 39. After Slight Rally 1 • FREE IRABING • TERMS ARRm EI Germ War Charge tho gates and walla. The soldiers and Tuesday will see the mercury hot. "When you get 10 such days, ------o-^ one ia aa correct aa the other.) tried to storm tho parliament fired into the air at firat in an ef Norwegian freighter Black Gull, PARTY POLITICS FAIL t '' Tha other imragraph referred to building. climbing up to the 90 or above then It’s really faiot." Investigate fort to disperse the crowd. When mark. And the humidity wUl lie New Haven and other aouthem inwidarlag ghoet at Mgfc eeae fire, Buenos Aires. Argentina, July The Hogue, The Ne aa inquiry into the aaaity of 1 0 % •FREE ESnilATES Chnterbury, , July 51— Wild disorder reigned through­ thia fallod. they threw tear gas. moves slowly under tow toward 21—(F)—Eva Peron, gravely ill July 31-AD Pwmdii WHtoto young hiaa of large property. SMT • EXFERIENGE Iff)—Dr. Hewlett Jolmaon, tta out the city. Oountlaaa numbers high. Connecticut tocalitiee were pelted One reported aaid at least 12 Any showers or thunderstorms by a sudden aad severe rainstorm New Tork and possible selvage... wife of Argentina’s President Dtera aBBoaaeed today Among the wltaeaaaa called wai Cash and Cany Green StUBps “Red" Dean of Canterbury, laat of demonstrators were injured or persons fsU to the ground after Mrs. Anno M. Easeoberg, assis­ forta to get Mur pofttee I arrested. In many instances troops we may get today and tomorrow that brought at least temporary Juan Peron, was reported holding SuS hia aohool prtneipaL When aaked • FOWER ROLLER SINOEim . Bight carried hie charges of ths first volley of shots. reapite from the iMst wave. tant U. 8. Secretary of Defense, her own early today after rally­ caMaet have fi " * if ha had formed any opinion aa to charged Into auiirinx crowds with will only serve to* cool the tem­ lean germ warfare to the Mobs of 600 to 700 converged on perature off temporarily. Thiq Cloudy ikies darksned shortly aft­ la greeted in Heidelberg, Germany, ing slightly over the weekend. they all favor I the atato of mind of the alleged canterbury cathedral, the fixed bayoneta. leaving bloody in­ 1^ 17-gun salute. A medical bulletin at la-m sald Buih-Rite Construction C o., jured behind. the Parliament square from morning at 0:30 i^n itarted to er 9 a. m. and the rain came in ? « « « * • ______. lunaatic, he repUad: "Oh yea, yaar-old main eeat of the Church various parts of the city for an Man in Salt Lake aty la hit there was no change In her condi­ can certify he ia u Idiot. He waa Beds SweU CrewSs fail In Hartford. torrents. hour after ths first outbreak, but That this month Is one of the Many thinly clad pedeatriana with 44,000-volt charge of elec­ tion in the lost 24 hours. Fears PAY glAee B 3 » 37 MARMJ STtER one of my favorite pupUa." elderly woman triod to "Death to (Javam,” H>e mobs H artford, Jaly 51—( F M W * shouted wUdto, venting their fury military police finally gained con­ liotteet Julye on record there Is unable to escape tha downpour tricity and Svea ta toll about It.. had been expressed for hei; life "I have met thia man," aaid a fojCauntltrtM bar tha pro-Oommunlat Daan ftosn trol. were drenched. ..Tha 35 Republican goveroora Friday after she took a turn for vat era Merdeeeo, 5S. TSL 2-0059 or 2-0727 lawyer, with extrema aeverity, 'In a at the new Premier's declaration no Aoubt, the Weather Bureau re­ DEn ■pcalring. ‘T ta ty you to ito Ja*® who playod such prominent role tho worse in her nine-month-old of Italy and BOW ef Meridea DE MAIO BROS. that a aattlement of Iran's long In the city’s main square out- ports. However, it will not know Ths storm lasted leas' than lialf 1 a great many plaoaa where I would Saj^plL” aha aaid, bniah- ftoed flASe to U. S. and crippling ril dispute with Brit­ aido the International (Table and until the end of the month whether an hour and in another half-hour in nomination of Dwight D. Elsen­ ilincae. MANCHESnt. CONN. be aahamed to be aeen myaelf SThi7krida. Then. In a 4^mlnute Telephone office, a crowd of 3,000 It was the hottest. the streaita and sidewalks again hower aa OOP presidential nom­ Yesterday, thousands of organ- Oeart today fo r HtoEal^ and then he pauaed and looked ’’aarmon, ho repeated hla rill^U M ain would be a chief aim of )iU tag the United Statao. ! CALL ANYTIME 7691 regima and that Nationalist vlo- ■warmed ever an army tank and Bight Above Normal were dry. There waa, however, a inee ate aaked for Ideas to iaad workera under the leaderahlp with aatonUhment at the amlllng 3 1 4 MAIN STREET S I 3 I en B recent trip to C5ilna he ■treogthsB M partisan laraigB I In daperted altmr tho gepo o o o it and Jury. lance would sot stop him. 8o fa r Uila month ths tempera­ 1 Today’s demoBotrator* •ottBood mm Fhgo T w o) ture Is running Sve degrses abova (OSBl OB Fagb Two) XCsBl em Pago Bovo mm ; J .( , A -. .-. ... , --7 ^-^ ■ ■ ■■■. ’ 1...... FRIDAY, JtJLY 11, Avstifeo Doily Net Pnaa Bar. TkelYeathdr PAGETWELVB Par tha Week BadM Foromtat at V. B, Wmtbar Bariaa 1> ■& ^ a tu l;(0t(r Etmtinjs IfieraUi 1 Jaly 1 1 lie s 1 I' . .: .k; srtJNmtly* rieadpV' aMM-aaE-JahOtl: ;;-ipi'XtftonMajii4 'iiaib ^'"7 M r A daughur, Uhda Diaiiin; :waa "the event..’ ""Judgea ireie’ Mai'ySn Ri^eivihg SColeh ” ‘ born Wedneeday at the Hartford Heads Gimmittee WupperSeld, Jane Burr. Ann ife - sM e thanderahowers Inter tSW AlboJitTown Hoapital to Mr. and JUn. William YoiilBTPitfaiJes HsMMfi, Catherine Hayes, WU- Maohar of tha Aodtt eveMag. Wnna taawiraw. BaumaarUl of Cryatal, atraet. n Englaen, Ray.. Blanco and , Goods Charge 1b HARRIETrS BEAUTY SAtOR Sauna af Cltaalalliaa Memchester^A City of ViUagoChmrm J MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY. JUL^ 19j 1952 (TIN PAGES) PRICE PIVX CINTS •jaicned to Samt>»on A T Baae, Vfli'ious Priises Awardi^ 'X3«iMvn,'N. • Thoae membaca -at Ohiaapea. ■'••'The .-•daae • ■■of'' Oeihardt -^E;- Maazlnt Ltodge, Sona of Italy, who F o r BkMt'|]i)oUbi, IBUk^ Scboenewolff, 38, of 68 WetIureU Oolambia BotUcimo of M tliii- are planning to attend tha coming street, charged with receiving .Mil atTMt, local danclnc teacher, Field Day In Waterbury, may con­ Carriages; Winners Court Cases stolen property In connection with Sought A fter' la in New Totlc, to continue her tact John DeQuattro, vanerable, hie purchase of a tape recoroer UN Renews atudlea. for ticketa. . ^ One hundreiT and Sfty play­ Four eaaea ware disposed o f in ■t^an from the' Cobum and Mid- ground children gathered at tha Town Court this morning. Judge dlebrook brokerage office last N o aerrlcea wlU be held'in the For Your Comfort Ander»on-Shea Auxlllaty,-.No. Wept Bide ftec last night aad pa­ J < ^ S. O. Rottiiar p fd d sd and March,' waa BaBed' tn Town Court Cbvenant'OongreKaltona! Church. 3048. Veterana of Foraign *Wara, thla morning by Judge John S. O. ‘Old Baldy’ Sunday, becauae the Oeneral will hol4.thc uaual aetback party raded their dolls and decorated Prosecutor John J. O’COnnor pre- Rottner. on recommendation of Conference at Ornrowell Hilltop. at 8:30 tonight at the poat hOma, carrtagM and bicycle before the sentad the eaaea. Proaacutor John J. O'Connor who Dr; Wllllera Ward Ayer of New Mancheater Oreen. Prisea will be judges to win a variety , of prtaes. Ruasall T. Corcoran, 34, of 5 told the court there waa no proof Hill Attack York" a ty . ouleUndlnic radio awarded the winnera and rafraah- Moat children were the wlnncra Foxcroft drive, arrested yesterday Schoenewolff. knew the recorder preacher, will apeak at both the menta eerved; of events staged on the various was stolen whan ha bmigtit It. 11 a. m. and 3:a0 p. m. aervicea. by Patrolman Joseph SardaUa on O’Connor told the court there By rmm A 8 8 OCIATBD PBBSS Covenant church parlahlonera afe playgrounds during the week of a speeding charge, waa fined 838. South MethodUt Epwprth wheel and doll showe Rlchapd must M actual proof, according urfed to plan to attend one of Tank supported United Na­ Leaguera will go to Mlaqiiamtein Day waa the marshal of the . jm- Raymond J. Menard. 18, of IMS to Supreme Court Interpretation. tions infantrymen foug^ on theae aervicea. Mach, a I., for >m outing Sunday. rade and the judgaa awarded tha Main street, Hartford, arrested Knowledge that the item waa be­ The meniMre will altend /Uie 8 prises to the following; Wednesday by Lt. Raymond F. ing o ffe M for a price far Mlow through furious artillery, Im 4he office of the Town Court Griffin on a speeding charge, was its value haa been held Insufficient a. m. aervica at tha ebufeh', and ,Prettiest doll. Uada Moore; Wg- today in a renewed ^rtire to o f Mancheater la cloeed'on Sa'tur- leave at 0;S0 /rom tM Mary fined 818. for a convictldn. dislodge the Communists daya and will remain cloaed aa geet doll, Patty D|eluon; smallaat, Chenyy Library. Harold Friedman, 41, of 2300 In a signed statement to police, Jonr aa court la on aummer aea* dOII, Velaria Ford; moat unuaual Park Bast, Bronx, N. T „ arreated Shcoenewolff stated be a g r ^ to -from the northwest slope of Good SamaiiUn •Ion. Jay K. dolt, Cheryl Olbeon; beat decorat­ and charged with paddling goods pay 810 for the instrument to a “ Old Baldy," in weatein PFesideht Sunaet ReMkah Lodga will maet ed bike; Shirtey'Rebaglino; Mat without a lleenae, forfaited a 8 ^ chance e-quaintancs he me» <** - Koreg. Jay S. Rand of 48 Coburn road Monday avening at 8 o'clock , in decorated carriager Judy-v Sem- bond. local grid. ' ffW fliM H H H Inta frontline reporta Mid tha Odd Fellowa HalLJMatrlnt Deputy haa Itaen apolntad. jby Prealdent mera: moat colors In daeorated William E. LaPalma, 40, no cer­ Police are searching for Uw ... . areat of the hUl w u a no-nuui’a Gets Angry Mra. Bernice COx will make her Kwhk'aheldon and tha Board of bike, ClUtord Lautanbach and tha tain addrasa, "Waa convictad on a on the hast* of a partial Identifica­ land. Tha Chlnaaa were reaUting BftLCH Is Your ■malleat. bike, Kenneth Reynolda. offldal vlalUtlon at thU time Dlraetora of ^ Rotary Clubraa vagrancy charge and sentenced to tion by Schoenewolff. The euspect Oercaly. MemMra are remlndad to turn In Following the awarding o f the 15 dayi in jalT la Mlleved to have left the state. MEN'S SLACKS Tha dawn attack opened a third their mlnature coin aprone. If chairman of tha Waya and Meana pria«i pppslclee ware glvep to alt day of bitter, rain-drenched light­ Over GOP Is Demanded they have not already dona ao. committee. Under hie dlrectlAn, conteatanta by the Recreation de­ ing for the hlU w eit of Chorwoh. Following tha bualnaM aaaaion ra- the Rotary Club Mlnatral Show partment. Mora than 75 Bpacta- RES. U I Mf 8C50VM.ua SMS tora and paranta gatbarad to aee 8 Pear on Shelle Washington, Jnlyi';|i0—(8 V - Chiamo, July 19— Williaa BMitani of (ToniMetlf freahmenu will be Mrved, by Paat will ba organiaed. , From poeitlon*.. on "Old Baldy’i " Prealdant Tnunan, I1j|^tlag n ^ cut BiOTcd todsy to wrMt from aouthtni Mnatom tho (iHInio. Nobta^ Qrand Ethal AaplnWAll And, Rand haa appointed tha -Borthweet -alopw tha -Bada -FVUjay her xommntMi— ^ tag'Cbstmian: Arthur - RPR M OOi OtW iiri TiiN VMVSS m a t■ ' poiiiad ah average' ieVeh alUiUa ' pmedea* nm r jsmwrw-iim 'a<'idt^ torwwpOR U ty ARV(l Ribd ttf timTMiHNa program; Aldo Pagan!, retreah' a minute at Allied poeitlone—one CIO paBe ea hta cigarette Jaly 18 to leave the hospital today. Ho dcnondMl that Dcmocntic plstfonu dm ftcN coll u m r Harold Hllla, Jr., aon o f Mr. manta;. Jay Rand, tlcketaf and JE. RES. $588 ariSCM VALUES 8CK of the heavieet Conununlat ar­ as ha talks with o^cr labar taad- W s angry mood Whs under- th« Soiwtk to 'roTlM tta rulM oo a fiUbuatOr can bo c m ^ and Mra. Harold HlUa of MH M. Buah, publicity an^ ndvertta- tillery pounding! of the war. ers In Ohieage. Naroeroue labor ecoied by a promlae to telt the ohiefs rearhed tkf etty yeaterday AMMlUng the Rcpublicaaa, he Said In & atatcaent d li. Garden drive, left iM t Sunday for Itur- ConatttuUng the "stage or- K oop.sdke Frontlino oSicera aald LIN aol voters “how the RepabHeaaa tributed In advance to newaaen: a two waeka atay at Camp Wood*- ganlaa{Uon''''are Benjhmln F. Cre- R E E 5CS0 M i 8C75 VALUES 8C1S diera ran Into lire almoat aa heavy —aU aeeklag a voice la the ooa- dance when a weU-heeM lobby­ nore, producer; Nom an Well, M ‘ U J A M NO ^ Saturday when they attacked venttoa'e ckotee of a Democratic "la their civil righto plonk' o f * — "" -i ' ' ...... ' . ft atock, YMCA camp la Woodftock ist pipe* a tana." two weeks ago, the Republicana VaUey. •(•teat producer: Sherwood Robb. from the hlU’a aoutheaat ajope., preaidenUal candidate. iraonhel ahd outln|r dlreCtofr; - Tmmaa - aigned last alght. n pay Uih Santa old lip aerriee to POPULAR RBU. 5780 aM$MI VALUES 5C15 The battle haa been iaging bUl lacieaslag Social Security tha Ideal! of equaHty under law CpI. Gerald Chgpdelalne waa K•rbert Semiiaan, acenen direc Blnce 10 p. m. Thursday, when the tor; H o rn MhUdment, costume dl benefits by 548 mlHIon doliars a but coiiaptcuoualy Ignore the can- Democrats pronKVted t6 hta preeent rank on Chinese opened up wdth a screech­ year, Bnt he declared maaeuver- rector:, yhrl N, Furay. property car o( the niibuater Imbedded arith Jun* 1. He la ^lia aon-eC^Mr. CHOICE R E E $880 am $9j00 VALUES $7.15 ing artinery barrage and Red In­ Stevenson’s Ing by the American .Medical their a|d in tiM V ^ r r y n d e" direcUm; and Dr. Andrew Thomas. fantrymen assaulted the height Mra. Bdward Chapdalaine o f 101 AsaoclatioB’B lobby had Impair­ Btaapto Majority- WHEN ir s Spruca atraet and haa been ata* m akM p director. • r imder cover of'Red tank fire. ed "lasBiaace pro^U oa for mil­ From State The date for an early fall pro- Under , thla lenato rule, namad tloned in Korea with the Firat R E E 58M ( M l 81080 VALUES $785 Both Allied and Communist big lions of disabled Americaas.” for the laid San. Wharry~^ Marine Division aince March I t ^ t k m will ha announced later. guns have been bring ever since. ‘No’ - Boosts Aad he iBslat^ "this victory THIE TO m Nabraaka, It UkM a vota of S4 thla ywax. ■' ------■ ■ fNoTiiB^^feaa)^ - By 6 p.m; yesterday, the Reda f» r the lobby, at thr-peoptota of tlftee SMilorB to •ad~’’a m ^ To Entrain ■ - A had unleashed 10,031 aril|flety and ei(penae, was aocoinpllsh^ by a thon." V mortar ahclli. Other Stock gn a t majority of Repnbileant Benton propoMd "a Senato rule oauAHS auf JOAce f t MEN'S WOOL SPORT Wla Hin Boat la tho Honse," Troffic whiued by no Mrs. Etto Jen^er, n pMeIng OMtortat, stoppsri to esMlort aad pretoct Mra. which makM It poaalbis to put- an Hertford, July 19-~ lummar wasrin^. serial dogffghts and two flgbter plete checkup, hie first hospltal- tha metiMxia used by the latter: bombers were -lost to Red ground wasn't going to bp seised by the lu tloa after more than seven Are Women . ..But" It waa Benton'a antl-flH- neetleut'a votoa untU ha relaaaM Thi» tlaavalati , fire. In the dogfights. Allied Sabre presidential fever which later years of the grueUag strain of Near York, July 19—<4 V -A (kmliig Irelcktcr Bpowei HiStar ptopoaal which caui^t moat them. Tint .waa takaa can of eg STRAW HATS overtook him—smacked down new the ataUj^venUon 1aa( ipaatL waffla piqua jets downed two Communist fight- the presidency. 49 Mraons overboard arilhout lifo- roUa 55 willoo-at oea loot alteatloa ln- a. city preparing fast attpmpfii frn nriMlf* an xplive Ghicagd, July 19— -(fl*) — A a knock-down drag-outirag-ow fight over AUAMratory coaf'drnn ....While • secrecy envelofwil Tru­ night, but 45 were pludied froM the rouhig- Atlantic in a m with tha taucy Refi.$f.l5VftUIE “ NOW $141 * ^ n the truce phase of active candidate. ' man's cholre ef a Democratic former policewoman is vying the civil rights pbuik Where they wlH go whfn. Korefn armlatlce negoUators met But as he has done before, the presMeaUal- nominee, he made with an exnewapRpprwoman Democratic taedera.fi|| a t r ^ U he raleaaN thaia, not convartibla coHar In their 13th straight off-the-rec- governdr left unSHed the eH i^ lii ae aacret of the kind of. cam­ **'y^Norw!jB$SB G iiii^ (tfi gllng to avoid aech e uftt, whl® delagotoe would tor. In i and contrasting Ria. H29 VALUE NOW $1jW otd aesaton today but there was hta wall of resistance against a paign ho wonto tavotad at the for the honor of being nomi­ night apHt Uu party. toBlated they dIM't' kiarir.’ . S a a s . divinf overboard after ita TiiitBb eoi^^itf napht f iping and bait, no Indication progreM was being convsntion drifft movamant.. AH RepubUeans in. a twO-page state­ nated “ Veep" on the Demo­ IdGGic T g BRgOgi If aUte ehatnnaa Jeim nilk made In eettling Uie truce block­ ha said was that he would meet ment aoeompanyinr the signing caught fire nad burned fiercely throogh the veeoel. lay knowa, and It may weU ba thid Everyone wsntR to nvoid “Oh, there’s nothing wrong wo pockats cratic ticket. The two would- Tha 49 erevr meeiban aad iHna ^ —------'------’— u ih y e f Utatt coafUtod R w>« REO. $285 VALUE N0W$M§ ing issue of prisoner exchange. that problem if It arose, believing of the Social Bseurity legtala- be “ Madame , Veeps” are In­ touch and go at -tha, inaMasl pnat. jMjloea, ha Isn't aeyuig. any tyM accident. Yet, It with the merchandlM . . . I in skirt. Another secret MSsion was set for that It navar would: pasaengera"(flrlfted through four< ilaltay haa been in Chtaege sat* Pariact dia Edwards of Maryland and foot aw»U« for houra hefora taro ais eountiog upon tha v a to w la nienty coaiforUnr to Just decided to buy s Hotpoint 11 a. m. tomorrow. Theae and other declarations The MIL one ef 384 the Presi­ 'MaaaachuMTta,. ehalratan the ting up "MeMahon for ftaaidiap ocMn Unera and GOaat Guard Father of Girl e t know you won’t go biuted, Automstic Wssher from ABC frotn dictation RER .IM S VALUE NOW $249 However, newsmen got the Im- moved Stevenson into the • back dent acted upon while sway Judge Sarah Hughes of platform eomihlttee, to find a hMdquartora. Ha ta aaqtoetad fk to data tima. ground arid gave • Impetus to the Texas. plained Mved moat of them from call a caucus of tha daiaggtliR it u seddent to a yJaitor, APPUANCE instsmir tOoattmied on Psgn Nine) what aeemed.;at firat alasoOt oar- •olution. ^ ...... noon aftor'It arrivee in CUeaga to*. trapdaaman or employee hap* Color fast, RE0.8$85 VALUE (OontlBned on Page Five) active drives being , put on by Both'are experieheSd pdlltlctant Lost at Camp If harmony roovea fiU, Dixie mareariiad, NOW $111 Barkley, Senator, Estes Kefauver —and ao the bobby pine may fly. tain death. Damoerata vriw bitterty oppoea morrow. A aacood chalea far tha pens on your property. of Tennessee and Senator Richard Mrs. Hughes who worked her Four atlU w o n mtaeing. faderal intorvantioa In the field W waihabla. B, RuaaeU of Qepjrgta. Tours in bfack, REO. 8588VALUE way. Uuwigk jCtaorga -Waahingtoo yi. Oiiwflvafa Sid Olghted. Joinsu iii^Himt rwetot f elattaaa '■■naaet daetoa N O W U Jii lie Is Chained Veep Stronger Grave Reports University with a job on the SMirchlng through the gloom of wtiethar to aurraoder or batUa It navy or Barkley waa emerging (rom ad­ Washingfon,. D. C , police force. the dark, foggy Atlantic, the rM- out on tha convention floor. Is a former member of the Texas .LakevHle, July lO -U V -M lto " charcoal gray. REU. $880 VALUE n o w H m vance maneuvering Mfore the cuera sighted aurvlvora by the Northern Deraocrata. tad by (HARIE^WI&IIIROP Sim 10-18. By Auto Union opening of tjie 31st Democratic On Eva Peron State Legialature and judge of Ing Connie Smith's father took to New England the 14 th District Court of Texas eerie glow of the burning ship and •uch men M SanatoiS Humohrey convention Monday aa at least a by the bright flaraa dropped from the air hImMlf today to aid In of Mlnnaaoia and Lahman of Now REAL ESTATE temporary refuge for some dele­ sines 1936. RER. $7.50 VALUE NOW$$.IO Are Revealed Was On Paper plane* droning evetbead. Uta search for her. York, claim enough ffadged votea INSURANCE / t M AI'LI SI M Af J' HI ' II « In Waterbury gates who want Stevenson but al-. State police at th* Canaan bar­ to writ# a tough clyll right! plank. Woods in Pesril most despair of getting him. Mrs. Edwards was on the staff Swiftly they were takln aboard^ v'V-v2 0384-100 E.CENTERi'f (he liner Grlpeholmr a onc-Ume racks reported that. Peter .Nmlth,. Thay ara opaaly. .taUbUliEJ.'Uie -.-.Waterbury, July. J.Str-M'lr^-.When .Uie vice, president Is. regarded, ... Buenos Aires..July 19r-r(*—The of the ^Chicago Tribune for 33^ years 'Si reporter, sdciety editor' lioe^ U I Jhip' durihg World "War Wealthy' Biindaiide; Wj^'.; riuielier DtelecraU" to atcapt It or taka a $5,98 the president of the Plume end as acceptable to all elements of condition of Eva Peron, critically had chartered a plana at tha Great Prom r^ihynesis the party, including rebellious 111 wife of President JuSn D. Per- and woman’s page editor. Her b"- II. walk aa t l» y dW *<>«' Y**” POLO SHIRTS Atwood Company told striking llne' as India Moffett was well- They were treated by the Gripa- Barrington, Ms m ., airport.' at tha Philadelphia oonventkw af­ 2 0 > O F F employes In a letter that the com­ anti-Truman-'Tru! continents from the on. today appei^ed grave. Smith, who arrived hare lato tor a aaaring floor battle. Boston, July 19— (F) —NmoUag • South, northern advocates of a Official reports from the pres­ kpown throughout the midwest. holm’a doctor and then moved to An StaM aad Cotara pany hfid offered to give them an yesterday while Rtate PoHCa, Civil MeOoraaack, Houm majority and camp fIrM were hoanad in strong civil rights platform and la­ idential preu office mid Mrs. Pe­ S(hce> her second marriage to a a Ooaat Guard cutter, the Macki­ 11-centa-an-hour raise, he uttered nac. which raced ;to tM scene of Air Patrol and air-aea reacue loader and M oaoned by many alm- Malna and New Hampahire waada a "deliberate He," a union o^ bor leaders who want to play a ron showed some improvement, af­ lanaa from Weetover Field. Ms m ., today aa a bitaterlag hMt wova dominant role In selection of the (OoBtlaoed oa Page Twa) . the dlsMter from He nearby patrol Uar aefapa lhara, to ld raportoia: fldal chargee. ___ ter a serious turn for the worse Sroned above thla - norUiwaetern " I am more hopeful that tha held Ita grip m New EtagEnd lie " nominee to oppose the OOP’a Gen. yesterday. The early rooming bul­ position. (k>nDactlcut March area, could not the eighth coaafcuitva day. The. api^oximately S00_Plumo Dwlgbt- D. Etaenhowsr. . Maantima.. tha ..fl.OOO-ton Black platform rep o rted -to-tha conven- SWIM TRUNKS and Atwood employes who have letin Mid she was- “ resting quiet­ be reached by newamen.....— — ^ n hir thla .mnlinrKee WHt b« ap­ - - Uta-bon waa impaaod ■ baaaaaa *ag' . But Barkley is 74^ six years ly" at 3 a. m. (DST). Gull burned on, ahootlhg flamea been on strike from the brass .A state police spokMman said proved. Common m h m would call the parched candition of laood* Rayon Jersey Dresses But Argentine goyemment of­ Labor Wants (er Into the aktas. that Smith has taken quarters RE8.8285VAUIE NOWSUO fabricating plant since June 38 (Continued on Page Five) fOr unity.” lands in those etatoa. Officiala ficials appeared downcast and, She was carrying 500 tons of here, to direct- the search for hta FubOo Heartaga (eared spread of forest fliwa whleii - got loU of mall yesterday—first naphthalene from Bremen to New a letter from President Thomas gloomy. Peron. .himself, stuck by lO-yMr-old daughter, but. bad apt already hava v'htaekeiied the bedside of hta wife, who fought To Say More York, stored in metel drums. notiftsd them where they are. Meanwhile McCormaek and hta areas. REE 8MS^jrU.UE8 NOW $185 I. S. Boak, and then one from Naphthalene ta used In making committeemen pushed ahead with Thojnas J. Cooke, International beside him through the battles of Mrs. Halen J. BmiUi who, Ja di­ The MolongadJiol, dry apallota, his six presidential years. dyes and explosives. vorced from the child's father, public haaringa on othar phaaM of ao ta threatening crofM; The aap* Representative o f the United Smart Bin! J Groups of anxious Argentines About Politics The ship had radioed the Coast thenew party platform at I t a. m. REE $ 175^ VALUES NOW $tU Automobile Workers (CIO). son of a fonner governor of Wyom­ ond of Uta three ikninal oununar formed outside, the Iron fence sur­ Guard here at 11:22 p. m. (d.s.t.) ing, returned to the home of frienda a.d.t. toMy. They Hated more Bosk's letter, Informing the hay cropa ta feared looL Thiaai London, July, 19—(4 V -*lr rounding the Presidential Palace < ■: Chicago, July 19—(86—Labor last night that It waa In trouble, at -Greenwich aftar apendlBg 48 than 40 witneasM (or tsetlmooy strikers the plant, would stay on almoat aa many different aub- gardeners in aaatern Mnanqbo^ ^EE8C50VALUE NOWl^ Miles Thomas, chair man of the In the. Palermo realdenUal aec- union leaders" feel they will hav'e Thirty-elx minutes later it said hours In the eeareb area. ^ I c e cloaed "u n til enough uf. you indi­ British Overseas Alrwaye tion of the city thla morning. They saM.------— »-• jer.U,...... (Melon cate you want to work," said a lot to "say about the Democratic' McCormack said hta committee (ChalltqiU eg gqge flee) .t.f CorporatloB, asked a pilot to were kept moving by aquada of (Oeattoaed oa Page Five) A ir searchers quit yesterday at r / vA'\ ' V-Keck. elastic waistline, cap sleeyes, In eyelet Jersey among other things that the com­ need not reach Its dedelon until R E E S C K mhI $580 VALUES NOW $$8$ buy n parrot for him la Africa. reinforced police. nomtneas and platform but the duak when ground vielblHty waa NS ^ pany made the 11 cents offer at The pilot did, and gave the facta seem to be against any "clear destroyed, but they ratumed to next Monday or Tuesday, ahead and duco polka dot jersey. Colors: Black, navy, i^een. The diagnosta of Mra. Peron'a bf the Wednesday deadline for pra- a negotiating session July IS. bird a Utile coaching, so that lllneaa haa never been officlelly It with Sidney" situation like ths tha aearch today desplto hMvy party's 1944 convention. Mntlng the new platform to the beige, pink, white. Sizes 12 to 20, 16V^ to 2 2 ,% . REES580VALUE NOW SCSI "DeUberate He,” said Cooke, as­ OB Its arrival In London It dtaclosed. She underwent a major cloudineae and the threat o f rain. serting he was at the negotiating The late Sidney Hillman, as Llaut... O s m u n Avery, com- convention. J-' —- - , could M y : operation last November after an Humphrey, who led .the suocaaa- Bulletins p •assion and that Boak wasn't. examination by a New York can- chief CIO political strategist in News Tidbits mander of the Canaan baiTiracks July White Sale ^ “The company made no offer 'ef “MORE PAY FOB AIR 1944, was credited-wltb-helng .that frooi tha AP Wiraa Green Btnmps Given With Cash Sales REESS85VALUE NOW SUE CREWE" Cuikd froM AP Wifos (OMtlaaed m Paga PIra) I I cents an hour, or any other (Oontlnoed oa Page Two) convention's big wheelhorae. It (OMtlaaed am POga Ilv o ) I increase,’’ Cooke wrote. > waa M id, and also denied; that the He further asserted that an 11 late Presldpnt. Franklin D. Roose­ ONE KILLRO Df OBAOM REESC50VALUE NOW $581 Red CroM plans to replace ita Extra Special!. •ent offer wouldn't, end the velt Instructed politicos to "clesr MlddhJtaid, Jaly 19--um—A a strike, and that the union would It with Sidney’ on convention paid staff members with velaateer aulemoMta earrylag (ear hold out for a contract compar- strategy. ,__ woriters at 26 veterans hospitals Govemment Is Stii’vinia; SUGHT-iiRRE««LAR$ ^ TB thil'glveh emi^Bj^ oTOie sts Open Bath AFCrxnd CIO 7«derrhope durtog naat oouplanf Months. . .. .- - Mattatuck . rvTw. to .tcam. together this year an4, Senator from Jran puts stamp of approval/'dn .’MS' '-natldn’e .-new NATfONALLY ADVERTtSEO psny, . - B^eer through next week’s' Derto-’ otoer.. --«r| ■ '^ W ia iff'ir prmridsd'kfr u-cant rig -'canventipn -a -■pair 'Of- ran-- ‘prwntovi'Ahmed gjavaaa..-.j. . ■■■ REa.|5JIM0KETS ndae retroactive to October, an didatea for* President and Vice P61m acireaa M e r y '’A e t o r ’e ^ THE BRAE MeCOY additional annual Increase of four Pxcaident. and, ai.plaUqrm friendly diary:, - regarded 16 yeaia agd aa Regular 8 9 c eents, a cost-of-Hvlng escalator tq the .aima'of labor unions. too. hot for public coneuipptlop. ta •.■aaZaa,-.'T--a(rijr.' - «Iause,"a good pensioa ptan” and Jtetamki; July 19—(F)r-^Tiia*whlch prld as h l^ ;a a 10.000 flhn- Sut, whils A potent,force,. Um or­ dasUreyad by eeoft Mder la Loa kome-made tear gas baaak waa $ M l a i r f $ 1l y N ^ gigantlc • 16Ui Olympic gamea^marks---- ' ($38)-on the black'market ganised tabor contingent reaHscs aril merit offldala striving fa r an aec n r to ther MawepaEtaa TlHW^ a modified union shop. Angclea.. . . Voice of America hits end to the erippHnr 47-day ateel mobillser. and govemment pro­ star last sight while Jehne# opened today before a sellout for seats. there will be plenty of other back at Moscow's criticism of Chi- duction and defense offlclata. CUSTOM BUILT 36 in. Preshrunk'- Permanent crowd of 70,000 with Soviet Rue- Norman C. Armitage, veteran. strike studied a new Mtaure plan . "C ry" Bay, ash alagwr. waa m S A V e y o u k IA W N from RAINCOATS a • • %j,0 Waterbury, J u 1 y^ la —(P>—A people trying _U> elt In the driver's eager political conventions with today blit retained hope they (Maure m April S ■la taking part for the Orat time. New York fencer, carried.' the teat. mock auggeatidn ' that Ruaato the stage, drtrlog aa eathoqtaf strike of some 5,000 braM workers would not have to use H. President Truman aelaed the In 4.969 peneos lato tha atraas AO tu rn FiMd at the BcovlH Manufacturing Oo. Seventy nations paraded 5,870 American flag. CIO Prealdent Philip Murray, might profit from two-party sys­ duetry on April 8- under hta athletes and 3,0(XI officials in a Tha parade followed the alpha­ rushing here from' hta Pittsburgh Morray Is Bached ckoUag aad gasptag far air. ^ Finish - Fast Color c m e o m s s r u i n here has gone Into the hands of tem. Philip Murray, CIO and Steel­ claimed Inherent oonatltuttonal GARAGES fantastic splash of color around betical. order in 'Finnish, except' U. 8. popblqUon totals 156894,- powers. Two months later, on workers union prealdent, waa re­ B(N>Y IS FOUND (Oenttnaed on Pag* Five) the red brick running track and that Greece, aa- alwayar came' OContlaued da Page Two) . eee aa of June 1. Census Bureau June 3, the -Supreme Court In a onto the emerald green turf of first, and Finland iaat aa the home ported solidly backed by hta Heu- HartforB My V JOE DoMAGGIO BELTS eatimatea . . . President Truman tenanta in hta refusal to compro­ 6 to 8 opinion held the Mikure barge werlwr has faoad lha Easy does it with Scoffs Helainki'e modemtatlc atadlum. team. This brought the Nether- signs legislation under which unconstitutional and ordered the NO MONEY UP 36 MONTHS SUITING The games were proclaimed landa .AntillM next' after Greece mise further on the demand for a body ef a oma ahao6 4S yaoi» Tehran Is Rocked ■tatee may withhold state laeooae union ahop-rS form of compulsory milta returned to private owner­ onft-Crabgross com pound East CermaiiB Set open by Juho K. Paaatkivi, presi­ follow^, by Argentina. Ru m Ib— eld Soottog la taxes from pay of federal em­ ship. % . dent of the Finnish Republic, and which la'NeuvoatoHittq in Finnish unlontam. river here jraatordagr. ployee. One union source mid the wage- A . great deal of groundwork DOWN ~ TO PAY BOYS'SWIM TRUNKS Anti-Church Drive the Olympic touch atop the sta­ waa midway in the parade, and the By Violent RioU ExoMlaer Waltor Wa cw* ^ ■tast German parliament an­ policy committee might aak Mur­ would be necessary If the govern­ aaM the ama Mad af dium's slender '240 foot tower United States— Yhdysvallet — at ment did decide to attempt seizure REG . $ 1.75 VALUE ...... N O W $ 1.17 burst Into flames—kindled by Are nounces it will break off etimmer ray to retrace some of the ground arowaiag. the very end, just ahead of Fin. of a small part of the Indiutry un­ SAVE "'^omo^RDER NOW ^ yard SCUTL Berlin, July 19—tffl—East Ger­ relayed acroH Europe from sacred land. Tehran, Iran, Ju ly^l9— * i, .wytri" J wlratarrvrteMaad •tbrtodliFiqr''am* o f dafcflM CONSTRUCTION CO. .tvbbwaNd-srjd Ham Waat Germans finmed(ately vlewied the " running track to take tip p<^- itjThbtahop Lbitart; Salomtcs’ pro­ attempted to setfit on fire. L. Lewie for Ben. lUchard Selective Servlbc act ammMt may f ml compoUad te u m 249 tha Idas M an opening wedge■ to tionaa In adlUfmaMea-solid .maaees-of of colacolor be­ nounced the. benediction, and Newspaper ..workers battled with changing views of hind. their flsi^, waa accompanied Ruasell." Georgia Democrat, » - ( poitodly takM undar « x v Isidanitlon after a White House (OM ttoaad aa Paga Sfeiw): BROAD ST. 2 -5 2 2 4 LAISEirS FEED & HAIDWARE by cheers from the crowd, aorae of (CMtInaed m i Pag* XhrM) (Conttawed ea Png* Wtmr) gardlng Taft-Haittay law. 34 DEPOT SQUARE i T E L 1400 , 4 - t

■J ' .-W-v* .y, 4^3 fL .-.3J : ■ 1. - f

, K\ •„ alANCBXSTBB IVENIM G BKRALD. 1IANCHESTEB. COWN^ SATURDAY. JU tjf J19. 19ti2 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN-, SATURDAY, JULY 19,; 1962 PAGE THREE win two mors gnmss thsy wtll he N ■5SflRaas9naBttt»if»''.;.3«.r.c: ■fil-wafT:,*: 3 — D A Y S — 3

Members from Hebron o f CSr*. Mrs. PaiSM Uttio STAT T O M O flR O J W onel Henry Champion Chapter. SchiavettiJPagani WeHcIing an d HAVY CL Coveotrv 7-Sm “A Open in Helsinki Complete ^mmer Work, Da R. who ottendedled th(Iht daaert . . . U The Rtetous Are Thi^atened Candidates bridge p a r^ We^exday at Sears' TOGETHER Racy Fawilest MH Pavilllon; Bast Hamptmi, meluded Rsv. Reginald A. Iforrifleld, About Politics AGAIN • ■Of Tha Tear! Mra. Albert W. Hlldtng, peat re­ pastor of the Second Oongrega- (CaattoBed frsm Pag* QBe) (OanttaBOg fr*as PBgB Oaoj i On Two Rockville Streets gent, nnd Mre. Gertrude M. tjonsl Church In North Coventry, ...... ■■■■■'""ly...... (CMSttoM4l freae Pagn Om ) Are Women Ooutor Oougiegattoaal Chnreh 4 ■.... . *W «*oe. .Seqlety. „. the act In an effort to got at least HeIkkI Savolsinen^ vsteran Finnish * ' Hough. Mm. John A. Markham.^ will return to his naUve England borMman, toOk the oath bn'bsfialf « a n cnHWrtirawMi. Mies Mai'Jorte H. Mirflh, Mis* for a 'm6nih''ri»Tl. '^4 I*ft,' Eng­ - C3UNrk T^BlM paai. TWhliiaii' " Museule Temple aom* critical typas>of aledl back' steel strike talks to take part lii Dorethy W. Ptaao, of, th* world's hUilstss; -- T w i S t ^ Highway craw* who op- gcrlptutaa.' ” , (Ceeitiooed from iPagu Om J| Anna Clark, .^bealdaa Mlae Lmitae land In 1630. Rev. Merrifield will Into production If this longest pra-convenUon confaha, told newa- Sunday Sarvlca, July 30, 11:00 Oath la Pro4H>MBoed •rfte In lha'Town of Vernon are gunday^^July JO, * p. m. public Hollister, Mra. Cherle* N. Fill­ leave N«w 'York September 17, to men tkat he didn't expect any MiiiMtor St. Educattos strike in th* stesl industry's his­ ' “ W* swear that w* will take lecture, ‘Training Children for Stdte depertment executive, ehe more,,. Mrs. Everett B. Porter, viilt four brothers and thrde pla­ a. m. cofcplettng thafr aummer work on wbrd from President-Trumanion tory dopUnues much longer. part In th* Olympic game* In fair EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ' / Oaova and Kant Main atreaU in U fa" anawara on how to do It haa been an active party worker. whio, though not members, like to ters and other rrlativea through- Sunday. .Tuly 30, 1603, Sunday School 11:00 a. m. . competition; rcxpMttng the regula- how labor should turn ita strength. “ Pat and Mike” 6:00 and 10:00 Wadnaaday Evening Meeting C. M. Wbits, president of Repub­ - STAR'nNC. A T -8 :1 5 SH AR P city of Rockville. In a delinquant world. She le new vtce c h a lre ^ of tlM piM carda mit the country. He also plana to Murray said Triiman wna "a tione which govern them and with flunday 4:1S p. m., atudy of Democratic national hemmRtoe Preluded t 3:00 J*. m. • lic Steel, said In Cleveland he was Thta . ia paH o f an. afreamant Thers ware fiva tablen in play. tour •• fU-otland before returning friend of all labor, not only of the th* d**lre_to partlelpat* In th* 20 REGULAR GAMES—S SPECIAfllS the June I ttbM Of T h e ' Wateh. and director of Uie women’e diW- Playera earna from tke three TOuntaln Revarie" ...Flotchor Reading Room Hours; amased at th* report another aeis- miw In Ita aacond year hetween b eto ^ r 33,. from Bouth Hampton. CIO’’ and added he had no Infor­ ura la being' cohsidered. triie apirit of apottamanehlp for tower"; aiib|aet, “ Flaing Daatln- alon.'X ’’ towns of the chapter. Bast Hamp­ Rev. Merrifield left for Canada Is a film you’ll like! - Hymn— Tuesday- and Friday 13;0(M:00 th* honor of, our countty Xnd for Uiii .atate and city. The aUta. mation that Truman would give p. m. William' J. Oreda, president of iea In Tlila Judgment Period." Neither woman expecte to win ton. cmebeater and Hebron. in 1630 after serving four years the CIO the "word" on what way "Lord, Wo Como Before Thoa th* glory of eport." before thia agreament waa ar­ Now’’ ...... Gykaa Wednesdays 7:00 p. m.-7:88 p. th* National Aseoclitton of Menu-, r a n t , malnuinad Bouth atreet Wadnaaday, July IS. • p. m., the domination. Rarh Xlnraiely A cool breeaa from Pocotopeug and seven months In the British to go. , > Never befora have so many ath­ company jMMk atudlea held at 4t aaya ehe le making the race In the Offertory— .. m- facturers,- issued a statement In Lake, on tha ahorea of which the Army during World -War 1 during " I should say the CIO nrid Ita Caiicsgo that ‘‘On th* *V* of th* letes from so many nations vt*d ihV\m em *enr'iyw*"n Orchard atreet, airaei, Rockville.nocBTiiia. t%l eat of furthering women'e pavilllon I* located, kept the play-- which lime he served In India and delegatea will meet and discuss the "A t the Brook'* ...... Watson The public'll* cordially Invited to togsthsr on the fields of sport. A t lUcal prograe*. Scripture—Luke 16. attend our services and us* our Democratic convention the^^preal- lu lJ ^ ^ tu r o ^ tn S S ^ a r r ^ n a ln t1 etraat. ManchaaWr and era comfortabla. Friaes ware taken In Palestine with the Allenby candidates and iaauae and make up 4*nt shows his determination to London In 1648— tha.' ' b lig e il Rut each, caught up in tha home by. Mra John A. Markham Army. He waa Mi aeUxe ministry their own mind.” Murray said. Sermon— Raadtog Room. :am*a up to then—thec* were 4,t growing excitement aa the Demo­ *Ths Two Prodigal Sons” "U fe " wini>* the subject of the M is* property belonging to Uidit- * ^ - 7 “ “ ' 3 £ v^ 3 ^ and Susan Pendleton of Hebron, In Canada until 1630. when he Thia appeared intended -to con­ . , . 1- 06 competitors, 1,764 less than cratic convention neare, la duet a Jay Ebcrsole Preaching Lesson-Sermon for Sunday, July sands of stockholders In on* w ay JS^w. nSKpJh, S~2'-n“».'K ':f«'T C 't«S Mrs. Sophie Stnrr nnd Mra. Oraea came to Bangor. Me,, • to- receive vey the ImpnMsion that organised or another,.'’ . her*. w iu whiu llnea In accordanca bit hopeful. Carpenter of- Bast Hampton and bis theological training. 'The lat­ labor wasn't getting convention Antham— 30, 1683. . The golden Text I* Avery Brundag* of Chicago, with aermon by Rev. Erly O. "Lord for Thy Tender Merdea - from Revelation 31:6, 7. "I'w iU We have new been aeverai with the motor vahlela'a aafa- Pernter CJubwomon Mlaa Margaret Bunyan of Cdl- ter. part of .September, Rev. Mr. ■Ignals from the White House end months without steel production newly elected O l^ p lc prasldtmt Brandt, peator of Concordia Lu- Judge Hiighee, peat prealdcnt of cheater. would vote Its own convictions. Sake” ...... Farrsat give unto him that la sUilrat of and the first Amaricim aver to hold driving program.. Both atreeta tharhn Church of Mancher* Merrifield wilt have completed 30 because of th* President's rsfusal- had bean previoualy honed and the National Pederatlrm of Duel- Daaeert, which precadad the years df active ministry In Canada Neither the CIO nor A F L -has Hymn—,-:— —.. . , the fouatam .of the sratec ol.ilfe to use the provlstona of th* Taft- th* high post, warned against "gl- n ^ t Preacher freely. He that overconieth. shall gantlctsm" In hla speech of accept­ olled.^ The year-round caw neae and Prefeeatonal Women'e card playing, cnnalated of aand- and UP United Htatea. ... come out for any candidates, - but "Tbere's a Wideness in God's Hartley act," Ored* continued. Rev. Qeorge B. HlggKie’ of Ver­ Clube, haa the endoraement 6f wlchaa, aiiinTl cakea and Iced tea. want a platform committed to re­ Mercy*' ...... Tourjee inherit all thmga; and . I will be ance, and there la a atrong move given to both CTrove and Raat non Center aill he /the gueat Rev. Mr. Meirifield will uSe as ''Does Mr. Truman want ateel, Haln atraala by tha.BUta High- repreeentativae of that orgenlaa- Mra. Alhart W, Hlldtng. past pealing Jhe Taft-Hartley labor act. Ppetluda— "Sortie" ...... Dubois hi* God, and he ahjUl be my ,aen.'' control of th* induitiy, or ia he tinder way to cut down the- pro­ preacher on hiindayyat 6:60 a m. tion of I16JMM women, expreaeed regant. and Miaa Uarjorla H. Mar­ bla aermon tr^lc here at the 11 supporting clvU rights legislation BalsMIona from, the BHde In­ gram iM fon.th* 1686 gamea In w iy dapaitment .tiaa— aeeg^rad at tha Vernon Me^bodiat Chureh. a. m. services “ Asking and Get­ trying to buy vote*?" much favorable praiaa frofn the at Ita recent convention, for her tin, furlaabad tranaportation for and generally endorsing New Deal > auiNsoaoaa.caBaawaa clude tha ToUbwIng: "And this is Tells Newamca Melbourne. The paator, lU v/Carl W. flaun- noihtaatlen on the - DcmocrXtte looai playera About 6S0 waa re­ ting.” Besston# of Sunday School. prinriplea. .i/tmmrnmmemm Naith Metbadtot Chareb Ufe eternal, that they might know Tomorrow starts the oomjMtlUon yaaMenta o f thia area. dera, la how on/racailon. Price Stablllaer BHIie ArnalltoM .ticket. alised aa procaada to go Into the Christian Endeavor Boclety mid But white publicly uncommitted, w e e UWBK wtawirei Winard MeUxighUa, aftalster thee the onlly true God, and Jesus In track and’ field— IR* central CaogM Baea ' Mlae Navy A. Hheahaii Nursery School are In reeeaa un­ a news oonfsrsnes yesterday the ■port of the gamea-rand tha whole Thie organisation Hkewlae en- chapter tiaasury. the uijlen leaders talked of Harri- Correlative paasagee from the government "very definitely re­ r ^ c l a BckaW. 11. Mlaa Mary/A. hhaahan. 6J, of 4J til Septembey. man and Senator BaUa Kefauver Joined In Worship by tha Second Christian Science textbook. “ Sci' vast show end* In solemn cere- ■trtat waa pfwidly eahlWtmg a Spring atiyM, dlM aarty thU doraed the nomination on tha Re- a ToluKd OMiaty 4-H pig pudiates” any offer made to th* oubllcan ticket of San.. Margaret meeting win be held Frtdny, July Mra. Emily Farrell, wife of Ser­ of Tenneaew aa their favorite can­ ON THE SAME SHOW Congregational Ctnirch, enc* and Health With Key to the moniei In th* same stadium on iJdpoh baaa ITrtday. morning’ the RoekvtHa City geant Charles L. Farrell and didates They said they would like steel Industry of a price Increase Siinday, Aug. 3. Chaae Smith aa Vlea P r e a l^ t >6. at 7:60 p.iiUi at the home of Divine Worship, 6:30. Scriptures,'" by Mery Baker Eddy, higher than an average of 33.84 a The baaa, Hoapitaly Glenda Farrell, age 4, his atep- to seat a ticket combining both waa ciuight In BnlpHc But that movement died a-born- Lorraine and Robnrt McClatchey, M 4 M ’S Mvmay d# t m Mm Mrxr Door- E ib ik D li Prelude— include the following (p. 410); ton. gha I born In Rockvilla dnugfhtar, -of Germany, left July man. regardless of which headed ■‘AUerratto Leggiero" (Suit* Thia M Ufe eternal', says Jesus, FLOWER rSinVAL >4, llTd, the daughtdr of ing when the junior Senator from Barber HUI road. East Windsor, to Minute* later, Arnall cilled re- . In ..SnshWi. -.Bsalffr Autiftiy M - . ..1 ;MglS«::-...wltlidrpir 1MM6B . Mabrpit irJ I BHriRbiRrd AL ..from., RottaWuunr Hoffiuut, la . Ihf tlrkfl ...... TTMaUcenW' II.la Bstishell hai aniil,.than lto,4l*-: ponbriniiciK to’W* office-tonnodt- ihakr thalT TiblhK « thrU H ltW it ThiBy''fe|Wled kefauver -as ■ Hymn—"What a Friend We Have Shea everlasting Ilf* as a present called Pascua.de Flores, or ia ift aacond anstflil rhickOT^P ihan. unanlmoiia naming of San. Rich­ snd all othara mureeted in pig succeeaful campaigner who could TK i k Agour A S t k a n 'o e k fy hla atateihent by saying he of tha flowers. Florida waa so ard Nixon of GaHfornta. raiaing art cordially invited. A States with Sergeant Fnrreira in ' Jesus" , knowledge f>t hi* Father and of knew nothing about any previous beigia aponaorad by the w « o n le I* aurvlved by one niece. parents Mr. and Mrs. George F. make It tough for Gem Dwight D. Soprano Bolo^Mra Dawn Carlson himielf,-—the knowledge o f Love, named becaui* 'Ponce d* trail Oajtnr Oongragatlonal Oiurch ,___ Margaret Willey of Roek- Meanwhile, a group of Demo­ demonatrnUon wtll be given by Elsenhower, sad Harrlman aa the price offer which might have been mad* hi* discovery of th* area on Lorraine and Robert ehewtng bow Farrell, -Sr., and family of South RsCNbeMlOBlfn Scripture petooti—Luka 13:18-31. Truth, and Life. ‘This la Ufe mad* to th* industry to compeB- wtO beim held nVMg onta*a t ^ church m-- grotinda {vlUe and a nephew, Bred Sheehan, cratic women, moat of them ex­ candidate standing for the Rooee- llrnn's 6tudlo. Easter day. perienced party vhtrkara and boat to wauh, cup: and prepare Coventry. Mra. fTirrell and her Offertory/'Andante" .. .Morlsco eternal, that they might know sate for wage boosts demanded by M R !Y — ECIYWW Y O l'R .VRW KLBIKt evening,evenina. withWith aervinga at of Hartford. daughter will dork at Hbboken, velt-Truman prinelplaa liked by the . ENDS IO D A T • •‘SCARAMOVCHE" Contlnooos Show Thee, the oply. true God, 'and MRS. RIO SCHIAVETTI Mlaa Sheehan waa a mamber of headed by foriMr Rep. Mary T. the enow ring. Hymii— the union’s 660,000 baste steel ant t o’cloclc. Roy Jonea. raure N. J., Saturday, at 8 b>. They union leaders. Charge to Keep I Have” Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast Ion poultryman of St. Barnard’a Church and tha Norton of New Jeraey, decided to Norman LltUa aecreUry of the workers. “nalynalon are m.aking .the trip on the.. Neltm SPECIAL KIDDIE MATINEE TUESDAY AT 2 f . M. BHrinoR-T::!'Man! Thy Soul" sent’," . .' A -top government official, who Ml#e .RTorence t^rrxine Pager 1,4-white aucemOrles and corsage of in charge of the LadiM Auxiliary o f tht' Anelant baek India-Bdwarda. Oanpaelieut.Swtno Growers As­ wIh sociation will be among those Amsterdam. Sergeant FarreH Will PRBSENTfNO t WESTERNS and CARTOONS -fi'ymn— refusal to permit use of his. name, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Framls (link rbara, and the brlde-groo'm'a AkMt to purchoi^ diamond? Wh»n you .. w U R ^ chlckaiM at a tln^being Order of Hibernlana. , The Conrad HllUn Hotel had mother wore a print dress, nXvy The funeral will be Tueaday at barely awept out tha remalnp of leave Germany Monday with the "My Soul, be on Thy Guard” told a reporter th* facta concern­ L. Pagsnl of 176V4 Spruc% street, Si,o‘,svw *» ba^acuad in a large outdoor pit U. Si Occupation Forces after Boltoa CoBgregattonal Chureh acceaaoriea and wljite rose 'cor­ eoRM to our itero toll you oxoctly what. 6:16 a m. from the Burka f*uneral Republican literature before they Crnig Rowtay of -Amston, who D sa ae -M lllsr’a H all R0YH08ERS I RENE AUTRY Poatlude— ing th* price offer are,these: became the bride of Rto Bchlavet- arectad on the chuirh grounda three years and five months aerv- "Finala” (Butte Arabesque) Bev. Arthar A. Wallaee, MtaiUter U son of Mr. and Mrs. Bmllto se^ . They aaelated the bridal Homo and at S a. m,. from St. ware aemng up-headquarterx ew -Injured on* of kis ankles racehu ,----- Tellan* -Ttttnpikei— hi "Roll On Texao Moon” I In ‘T rail Of S4M Antode" gamea Wt McKay, 1. Steelman and Roger Putnam, yovought lb luww. Wo don't moko ojtlrav- 4 t « p. m., thtira Wlirbe aijuare Tcii there.'Mr', "and Mirs." Fftrrell'. tlollawy head of th* Economic Stabilisa­ Schlavettl of 367 Hillard street, parfF at a reception for 100 guests dancing on the lavra f t the left of Bernard*a Chureh. Burial will be a main floor with 0 Mg placard ly with an eae, le recovering. T5»e Modern and OM Fashlea Orgaatot aad Choir Dlreetor aooily at St. BernaWfa oemetery. nertHeni happened whiU be was Sr., with their eon,. Xlavld,' and tion Agency, committed the gov­ In a double-ring ceremony per­ at nooitAt the VFW'Home, Map- ogant ctoimi oo to liit otid quoiily^and thd' church, with /mualc being "India For Veep," They yilchly Dnoclag cheater Green. Maihsta caMlnf haura wHt be Monday got buttene and badgea. on a campaign trip. Dr. Irving daughter, Mary, wtll meet the ernment to a price Increase of formed by Rev. George P, Hughes fiMlehed by Naffa^wm ill oang, wife and daughter of their son Every Saturday Night! Chuseh uf the Nasareue Sunday, July 30— Ip St. James' CTtnrch July 13 at When the couple left for a wed- X^Hion ’oddji^rldkolouihr^lew^ prico'* IkHcot, from' a to 16 p. m. at tha funeral Tboy had a formal opening yea- Friedman o f Oolebeater took 6 :0 0 to ISdM P. 6L slightly mors than 38 a ton at a M/V PEMAQUID walRliiicnm wtdMBra. which pUya and brotheTr 466 Mala Street 10:00 a; m.~ Morning Worriilp. 10 Bv- m.. ...Paul Cheteiat played dlhg. trip of unannounced destina­ homa : ------wtanmramis. a wertufn- sevrianffitebci fb ctnaa the wound. Prelude: "Deep River" Negro White Hdttm meeting laat Baturr duZngtha a a g a ^ a t the"-Vernon Jaaea R. BeD, Pu tor day with three executives of- U. 8. the traditional bridal music - and tion, the bride was wearing- a ^r~Th«WBYriie1b«gciiii6 in dkwnoiidi. Trinity ImthaMMi ed out candidate in a new haL t^ o Rad Oroia Bleets While the Fsrrgil family la In SplrituaL h tm n s A U U m A ------k t t F * R Grange H ail./n# lawn will be The chureh aerviees will be held Naw Jerxey, anotbar eon. Elec­ Steel. Arnall wa* In Connecticut, accompanied, the soloist. Miss Ann green, sheer dress with white ac- fanhad off and aeata will be pro­ looked at a Mg bxnner, xnd who Hebron members of the local Hymni ‘There's A Wideness In (OoyUqM fovkif Tbrntt ■ at )0 a. m. at the Trinity UiUicr- branch of tha OolumMa Red Cross tronic Technician Qeorge F. Far­ Sunday, July 30: for the week end. Della Fera. Gladioli and gyp- cessorlea and pink rose corsage. vided. Parry Lathrop la chairman humanly admitted "I'm ofraid I'm • AIlLOONDrnONRD e 6:30 a. m. Sunday School and God's Mercy" FABES (Oeed tot day el ism* anly) an church. getting 'veep fever'.” Chapter who were elected at the rell, Jr., will be. a/rivtng aome- 3. Steelman and Putnam made srpliila decorated the altar, - They will make their horn* for Wo do, howovor, so)r ihiai No ono. ollort Of ‘ the gvMral committee. The adult Bible clasaea. Sold: "How Lovely Is Th* Hand Of The bride waa given jn mar- WBEEOAYI The Men'a Club of the chureh There wee the ueual <;onfuaion, annual meeting hrid In Onlumbia. whers In Neyr York for a SO-day God" ...... Loughborough their price offer, which Is more the present with the bride's par­ public la rnvited to both evanU. It will hhid a. ptehle Sunday aftar- leave with hla parents, who plan 16ri8 a. m ." HorHTng Woremp. than 33 over th* maximum allow­ rlatre by her father and was al- ents and receive their friend#.after flOO BOB way *L801. T. Aow^diaimo^ than Yvo do Bod, hoy* fa liot ftoeeaaafy jo aanfte tickata cjgxiiitte . .ifooke — niue cigar Included Dr. CharUM M. Larcomb EASTWOOD Offertory Solo: "Evening and noon at tha Charie* Schuta cot­ emoke, for among the Mdge-wear to Join him ..that-day.. Sermon by tha Pastor. ed by aUbillsatlon reguUtlons, In ten-led by her alater, Mrs. 'Elisa-1 }m y jg, BUMDAYS A MOW>AYB In adVMoe for either event. ss chairman, and Rev.- Harold R,- a u T c o l o r sH O w r 0:80 p. m. The Young Peo­ Morning' ' ...... Stlckes beth Tracy, aa matron o f honor. kig pioeod your fruit in ui, tage, Snipetc Lake. era were aeverai men. And maybe keah aa aervice rhalrmani im of­ Ctoventry Volunteer Fir* Com­ SoIoUt: Miss Mary Proven the belief that the Industry and I2.S0 eiM'W BF #3J0 R. T. I of rain the taarbectM will pany 1 defeated Baglevilte Fire De­ TVOXXJt < MAsaaNK ple's service.- Brldeamalla were M|aa Joan Mayo Go te Boalon cornea the revolution in which men fice which he haa held tor some DixTBirn Hymn: "Jesus, Saviour Pilot Ms" the union actually had reached Bpaelal B. T. getasBiy Crutoto doNoir for deltar/( you’ll be hbatponed to Saturday evening, Membera of Tnnkcyooaan THba partment aoftball teem 13 to 3 In ns rABUi 7:80 p. m. The evening serv. final agreement on a new con­ and Mlaa Patricia cniriatensen of vote ax their wivaa say. Several time. Mri Keen may be called up-' Bath Baesaa Art. BJaaeSr Sermon; ‘Tn Danger On The Sea” MaBdaya (exsepi heUdaya) 3336 ae. of Red Men and t b w gUMte will of thoaa preaent were buabanda of a league game Thursday night at Ice. : (During extremely hot tract. Brewster, Mass. got your monty'i worth. In Ceart Meaday on to aid aerVice men In an^ of weather thia aenrtce will be h'eld Hymn "Btornal Father Strong To iria u fddayi tnm Bsw Isedta t SM. go to Boaton on Sunday to attend women worker! for India. Eaglevllle. The local team- wjll “ ScBrlet ' ‘Rancho Save" 3. The higher price offer' was Arthur Baronoiisky was best, E i’t SigN Senriei Bowell W, Wrtgbt, 46. of Bol- their -probl’ema to locate or other- In the lower auditorium.) S(«s StoA Weed toandsfi »iH SM. the Clteyeland-Red Sox bnoaball Judga HughNi got into . town play Columbia . Fire Department Notorioiui’’ Poatlude: "Mafcha H e c o lttu a " deflhltely. contingent on «uch man and uahera jvere Stonley ■tdf 'tB *a"r«ad , VeraoB. win be wise - assist -In (wses of missing team-Wednesday at 6:30 p.nt., at Aiigol" ------the Week ., —, •-€4M(iin«r«ial I.ctt«rinjr Alt Aiiisrtoetodr FedSMd Faa garniame. Tha trip will be made by during the day and reglatcred at relative* or caring for displaced Saint-Saena a4(reement and was not to be niade Bombrlc and Daniel Sullivan.' pr«entied in Rockville Ctty Court the Plains Athletic Field In South S:l»-a:ie.til^ 4i4e-*itt Wednesday. 7:48 p. m. The • Silk Screen Process bo und STEAMMOF URES. INC. bua. an. outlying hotel. She had diffi­ pefeena (t’ftcial until a new wo^k contract The bride's gown of aheer white on>Manday, charged with aaaault Chantry. mid-week prayer meeting. marquisette was designed with a Csamt Wkeil. Saw tssesa. Cmm. culty getting a room at the Conrad The OolumbTa rhapler, organ- was signed. Printing a. O. Bss ISO -Tel. Be* tosSss S44M with hitent to commit murder, Staodlnga Hilton, but by night fall she and a e SUN, MON... TUBS. • Wedneaday— A meeting of the ZloB Evangelical LuthersB Church 4. Arnall waa Informed by long basque bodice trimmed with lace • Wright waa airaated Wadnea- laed during World War I through aiorion* All CMor Show efficial board will follow. • Neon Service ^ L Pet. few co-worker* aecured email un- efforts of the lets Mra. Fannie Cooper and High Streeta distance telephone Saturday night and round jeweled neckllna. TTje day when ha waa diacharged from d k a *, • h 0 J .OO® impreaalve quarters. LYDIA IAH.EY ' Rev. Paul G. Prokdpy, Paator of the decision his euperKjf* had skirt terminated In a cathdral ED TOMCZUK the NOrwls;h BUU Hoapital, Dixon Welch, its first chalrman,-ls Argentine Report Mlm blarioa A. Erdin, Organist Soouta • * wipw-e g -AM .Up want A couple .«£ porlrxita made-- up of the' three- towns of Anne Fraacla, Date Rohertaan ...... Beirth Metbedlet Cbuicb mads, _____•- train.,- Her veil of sUk Illusion Tel. Mnnehester 8268 wliera he haa l>Mn uhdar treat- Despite Arnall'a atatement yes­ PAO ...... 3 . m and eo-workero ground out a brief Columbia Hebron and 'Andover. —", — .ALSO — — —'----- Mala Street end Hartford Bo4td waa raged with lace and draped mint and obaervartlon alnce March, Mooae ...... t .006 biography had thought up x alogan Grave on Illness "CALIFORNIA OONQUESTT July 30—*f7ie Sixth Sunday after terday that the Industry would be from a tiara of orange blossoms. After 5:.10 and brought to Rockvilla. Judge Dr. Larcomb’s election marks the Bev. Fred F. Edgar. Mluletcr EDWARD J. With a aptne-l aixth In to match their candidate'! inltlaia Cornel WIMe, T. Wright Trinity limited to th* average $3.84 price She carried a colonial bouquet of Rcoert Pigeon, act bond* at ItA,- first time a chairman was select­ Percy F. Smith, 9:00 a. m. Sunday School. nlng rally, tha Blka hung a 14-7 of STH—"Secure the Homclxiui." Assoeiate Waister hike. It waa considered ' certain White rases and gypiophila. 006. In ^ fa u t t o f lNmda,.JVitgtt ed from ■ any of the three towns (Canttoined froin Page One) (Note: Sunday School continue# 6haTlaekw#oa the Icouta in an ax bealdea Columbia: Herbert A. Frauee, that When the long contract dead­ The matron of honor waa POLOMSKl wip talian to'Tolland to 'Holland Jan.Jal It ti Uirdugh this month, but there will J l WIil6l...3llVia3MITH3 UNCI I960 citing Little League game laat Jiif a"3SK Mrs, Kate-Herrin of Amnton. car and tiimbr epeciallst, ' Dr. Bfinlater e f Music lock Is broken the Induatry will gowned in nil* green net over taf­ eUfmed by Mr. Wright'a wife that night before a large and notay Hughee la a nativa of Baltimore be no bus transportation service be allowed a price booet of about feta. with matching stole and hat, he'tried to polaon her laat March, who raoantly obgerved her l3nd Oeorge Pack. until Beptember.) crowd. In the big aixth. the Bike and Mra. Bdwarda llvoa at Har­ Her lait public appearance was filMtoibHry TIiMttr Sunday, July 30 38 a ton In the Interest of resum­ and face veil held In place with a lHildiB9 CoBtraetor m i ft i MAIN STREn ...... v MANCHESTIR at which tima he waa committed wood. Tha judge haa throe degrees. birthdny, in .spending a month or 10:00 a. m. Divine worahlp led eent 11'naan to the plate with elven so In Rt. Johnsbury, Vt. at her huebend'e inauguration for 8.00 and 10.00 a. m. Bervlces ing production. floral band. Her colonial bou­ to ' Norwich. The grreet at tha acortng, although they could pro­ India's I formal education sndsd "CARBINE WILLIAMS" by Divinity Student Carl Oraea- quet was fashioned of orchid sweet Benjamin Burba hga bean dis­ bie Second term ae President June Prelude, "Lento" ) . Franck aer, Jr., Providence, Rhode Island. Labor Cofitraeler State Hoapital wga made by duce only two baee htta. Pour with high school. Jarnea Stewart RANCINR TONIRHT. Beauty of tha peas, white carnations ani) gyp- OoQBty Detective Arthur A. Koaa charged from the Hartford Hoe- 4, - Although she was reported III Hymn, "For the 7 ;30 p. m. Zion is a church Of the walk* off Dick Jordan and a roat- pltal. whara.he.waa treated, for prior to the InaugUrstlan. no an­ .. E a i^ ” ...... Dto sophlla. _ and Deputy Sheriff Montague Ip error paved the way for the Mg — — - PTATt’BINO : IntornatlonrU L^u t h a r a n Hour Grange Notes spinal trouble. nouncement waa made until July "JUST THIS ONCE” •Anlhem, "Hear My Prayer, broadcast in 86 languages, over The gowns of the_ bridesmaids TIL 9044 White, who made the original in- uprtelng. Peter Lawfnrd. Janet Leigh ...... Arcadelt were Identical In design to that veetlgatten in March. Jack Rowley of Amston, who 6. God" ...... 1,100 stations in United States and Chunxy Bobby PaganI managad Hebron Since then President Peron ha* Leo W offs •Children's Btory Venum a - worn by the honor attendant but Storrt, Cobb. „._..l7sl««B*nrloo...... tJAoagoees AwAsk wgs recently dischnrged from the Ckmada and In 86 TaiTitories and . canceHed -all apptdntmento «xe«pt SUNDAY And.l^NnAY, ■-■=“ ■■■'MOTOatN'.-i'POLllAR ..... Baerament of infanb Baptism i - The-Vernon-Qrange picnic will- pf’ Prelrtd-eolor..-‘Th*lP orohld. fac».' Oh Sunday, July M. at 1ft i m.. terme up to tha fatal etxth, but T5. -*."xerviev,-m Germany; - Is batlt "KANCHO NOTGRlOttS" Foreign.. Couhtrlea,' and" loimlly ‘Anmveraary* nt work at the Bast Hartford thoaa concerning the moat urgent and SQUARE DANCING Offertory Solo, "M y Soul Doth over WONB every Sunday evening be held on Sunday. July 37. at the veils were caught to bands pf tiM third in tha aeiiea of. aummer with the awaet taate of victory and and "WHEN I GROW UP" Thirst for God" (from ‘Th * flowers, and their colonial bou­ union church aervicaa will he-held It waa a year ago, July' II. on Pratt and Whitney plant. state busincea to be with hi* wlfa. at 7:80. . home of Hr- and Mra. CTiarlee the aaven run lead to the laat of ' DIpIbmatIc and social function* Holy City") ...... Gaul Beach, Bolton road, Vernon, and quets were similar to that of the at the Methodlat'Church. Rev, Ed. the Inning, he mowed the teoute Farmers’ Field Day, when about It la announced that Hebron's Late Show Sat. and Sun. Nights Win A. Brooke will dae aa hit ear 13,000 farmers, their famine* and Old Home Day wtll taka place have vlHually halted In Buenos Ample Free Parking ★ HNE FOOD Harold Baglin, tenor will begin at' 11 a. m. with the din­ matron of honor. down In eaey one. two, three order Aires. Foreign Minister Jeronimo Hymn, "H * Leadeth Me” ' VeraoB Methodlet Church ner being eerved at 1 p. m. con­ The bride's mother Was attired M«m theme "The Indwelling that eent tha partlaan fane home a liberal sprinkling of city people Aug. 16. Proceeds will go,into thr ir LEGAL aEVERAGES Oiriat." Thie Mrvice will be the visited the Hebron farm known na Old Home Day traaaiiiy to ba used Remorino told the new U. 8. Am- Adnita OOe—Children 30e He Leadeth Me Rev. Carl W. Sauadera MhUstor sisting Of hot dogs, bamburgs, In a light blue lace dress, with -apparently well pleaeed. Thia waa baaeador, Albert F. Nufer, yester­ Sermon, "The Darkest Chapter of corn on the cob, clam chowder third on the larger theme "The one of the moat exciting, gamea Horton Broihara' farm, of about for seme worthwhile town project .^rtetl« Concept-- o£„.geeu*J.^;y;jt^^ 300. aeraa- I t . *uaa- probably. .the D{flcers_^elected to serve are: day that no date had been *et for. the Story" .. .Rev. Percy F. Smith Sunday, July 30, 9:30 a. .m. soda anq.jiunch, jand Ice cream. hix eceredltatloa becaura. . d£, her " Mymn, "Spirit o f Cod" Morecambe " Rev. GXorg* Higgins'of the Cb’n- An entertaining "afternoon ha's' Jackie Hill contributed p triple biggaal crowd that ever found Ita chairm an, 'Bei'a VicKralar'; c'd^cAatr- ;On Siudey, July 37. the union way to Htbrofi, being about to man, Gardner Q. Bhorey; pub­ illneaa. Postiude, “Grand Choeur" gregatlonal Chui^, Vernon O n- been planned with swimming, and Dick Jordan a ringing double Deshayea ter, will occupy th* pulpit. Mis* eirvloea will begin at the Rockvilla In a loaing caiiae: Although the Umaa tha present population of licity, Mra Bhorey; secretary, cards, relay races, and other BapUet Church, where Rev, For­ tha town. Mr*. Charie* P. Miner; treasurer, IMMUNE DOGS •Omitted at the eight o'clock .Marjorie Stephens will be accom­ games. fielding wee aomatlmee apotty. ale AIR-CONDITIONED Bcrvice. panist for tbs hymns. g e t Muaaer, paator of tha Union errora being eonunltled, there John B. Horton and bla brothtr. Mrs. Clarence B. Porter; directoce, If we,have rainy weather, the NOW IBING OPENED AT •doBgregetlonal Church will preach Robert H. Horton wars hosts to Robert H. Horton, Mr*. Jess* A. Doga sift not BUBeCptlble to Ivy picnic Will b4 held the following were eeveral beautiful running poisoning. At times they may i 3 TECHNICOLOR HITS! AIR-CONDITIONED on the aubject, "The' Ooddeaa of outfield catches made by both the crowd, and the -doinga that HUI*. Dottgla* M. Fellows, LeRey Concordia Bvangelleal LothcM Sunday, Aug. 3. There will be Uberty.” want on on that farm ware fuch R. Kinney, Sirrene A. Scranton show aymptoms like tho*e »uf-1 V**aa« signs posted for those who are not aldea. . fared by victim* of pol*on Ivy. but i l>B Carl* ' Church TERI’S* • The membere end frtende of the SIk* lit) aa to ba almost unballavabla. and Mra Richard M. Grant. Bolton familiar with the place. BoekviUo BaptkM, Union Oongiw A I dogs with euch *ymtoma appar­ "Scarlet WIntor nnd Gtirden Btrwto Rtona- walls wsrs' burled. Mg The Bev. Erich BrnndL Paator ------^— Wapping ------l^tlonal and Methodlet churehea atone# were removed, swampy lota ently are victims of hives, the Aagel” Doris Mohr D'ltalla • Wapping Grangers, their fami­ and vteltora of the community are an. lb ...... aame kind of hivea from which hu­ Ivan Beckwith. Orgnnlet and “ Beauty Salon _ la ...... wars 'cleared up, bu*hea ware nut , ^ ^Choirmaster TU. MaachaXtor 68U lies, and friends are invited to the igvltad to'worahlp with the churoh- nsai. jsanl, a down Hka magle. the prooaae of Lie Is Charged mans s u ffe r,------______Mystery RideTuesday. Young and ee In thaee union eervicee. Murpay. r i xaT.i A Urvat Bid*' Xhew! STATE THEATER tUILDING Irrigation waa dtnMMtratad. until ■■Batara *1 PnaX J(bm*‘* la 3ld will have fun. CAREFULLY RESTRICTED p lrit OongiegatiMial CBurrh et Wllln*kl. (« 1 the owacre scarcely ranogntaed Sunday, July 30. Sixth Sunday The Board of Selectmen have Whwlkr. If ...... * » Tatoakeler. Ceawdir - Certeea. after Trinity. Pack a box lunch or buy your (TO OONFOBM WITH BUIUHMO CODE) Kk'eraea Oater their own property. Jobn JB. 'Hor-. announced that they will bold reg­ food at 6ur destination. Bring a The moriil moriilng aervice of worship By Auto Union 6:30 a. m. Worship service; •a». ::::::::::: i I ton obaervad hi* 3Ath birthday aesea* I ‘*i.reu Baii«r #i«* ular meetings twice a month here­ little spending money With you. vflU ba held Sunday at 10:46 a. m, 'July 10 In a quiat way, at hi* rant- DANOINa TONIfiHT ' mi4 Spa**" wits Hymn; '‘‘Every Morning Merriee with sarmon topic, ‘The Christian Tnl*t* t i t « t (Oeatlaaad tiWB Page Ob#) #14 Csauir New” after rather than monthly, as has Plan to'b e at the Wapping ‘ dance known a* the Governor (Community House at 8 p. m. or Neigtabor.” Tha newly nrganited r»hy. Jb Fateni mansion. Mr. Horton, hik pBBtMrfan I^B and Vi Sermon "Alive unto God" been the custom. Meeting dates Closed Mondays adult choir Is now singing during Hill, II, l a ...... 1 I I 1 e « the courta. with the Mmpany Hymn: „*‘0 Bleseed Sun Whoa* at the Brand Brook .Mill at 8:30 ■ y • brother and etatar, are great- 6IODERN, POLKAS and are set for the first and the- .fif­ p. m Mrs. Elsie Hall, lecturer, the morning wnralilp. There will be ^ b »riy. rf .;.V...... I ! I ! S « charging ‘threata. of’ riolehce" In Splendor” i teenth ce.tha month.. If. either graati^girandnephew* and niece of SQUARE DANCINO amurer'all ‘■“ food time at this a nursery class for the care of jthuTu. u ...... I 1 J I J i CIO union’ picket' activities.' ’ j Hymn: "Thou Art th* Way, To date falls on a weekend, the reg­ Sale the former governor. John Hor­ gala affair. DURING JULY AND AUGUST smalt ehlldren. IK t 1 ! ! i ! 2 ton's wlfa la the former Vivien Scovil seek* an Injunettoa from | •NNEFOOD The* Alone" ular meeting will be held on the -Th4 Board of and Daa- Wltnork. aa ...... I 1 1 * { 2 common Plea* Court Judga Wal­ Hlllstown Mlllksn. rf ...... j 0 t } t * lAjole of Hartford. • LEGAL lEVERAGES Monday - Friday. Paator Brandt following Monday. The action was 17 Irs Admiral chnaasaa will mast July S3 at 6 p. Hrpto*!. p. If a a 0 I 6 0 M m ol Bodgal ter M. Ptekett reetrictlBg picket- will attend the Summer School of taken to give opportunity tor dis­ The regular rneetlng of Hllls- ns. at tha horns of Deacon George mg activitiaa. the United Lutheran Synod town Grange No. 87. was held In TnUI* M T III r i The Anal work on the school ItoBcing Every Thursday, cussion of town afflsrs more fre­ ^ k e r. budget for'the coming year wa* The United Automobile Worker* New Yorl; and New Bn^and, at Grange Hall July 10. Hobbies Wat34M5 nUS The adult choir rahearaal will ba Friday and Saturday Night quently with the Selectmen sit­ Aniahed. by the Hebron ichool union I CIO I, denying the-cherge*. Lake George, N. Y. For a pastor' ting as a board and to facilitate were. exhibted ' and dlKCUssed dur­ held Thuraday at 8 p. m. Anyone E5*- ing the Lecutrer's program. Plans Two-ae** all*: Jftr4*n. Murpay. boau-d at Ita Wednesday evening le ordered to appear In court July xervlc* call a t the parsonage. the handling of the semi-monthly who would tike to alnig will be wel­ TarM-b*a* Ml HIIL S**a* as Wll* S3 to show cause why an injunc­ were discussed for the mystery come. P*a*nl i.. HattonHneo *. Jnrdta I. • ‘v|k|- iheating of the elamentary school Rai’t RwtauraRt payroll. 20 Irs Admiral out*: Pajtant f,'.Jon.*i» t , HIU---- building. The sum of 136,163,66, tion should net be leaued. OAK STKEET ride Tuesday, July 23. Ticket# are 'A special meeting of the church The braae fabricating plant has Bt. Mary’s -Bptocopal Chureh Assessor B. Pierce Herrick ha# on sale from tb* lecturer. Mrs. Hrpton > for T run* In 4 Innjna* i J.»r- waa approved by the board a* be­ announced that Bolton ia partic- has been called for Friday, July 66. don 4 for T run* ln.t Innins*. Le*lna been eloeed down elncs'-June 36 by Church and Locust Streets Evelyn H. Coughlin, and there are Wat 007s92 ^ SOUS rtea»r- Jordan. dJnipIr** W*ndu*. ing called for to take, care of patlng In the Hartfod Assesalng M the Board of Truateea at a. p. R a atriha over a wage dispute and The Rev. Alfred U WIHlanra ■till a few available. Members If You Hantflo Money in the pariah rooms to act up- ^ Co*l*ra.‘ ' ' school expenses for the year. Thia Association comprising , about 14 6 1 howavar. jpust be approved by the other' leeuea. Rector who are going will please meet at *Tha rfliapiBy rnmplaiaa tha towns. Other towns include Hart­ the Grange hall at. 8:80 p. m... the 'VeXfB'lirTmxB^ befdN biliti%i^ *.... .The Rev. James B>-Neill, ■ htparaonage. union haa been vloiaUng m com- ford. West ilartford, Glastonbury, bus. wl)i leave from, there.at.6UlS. Yon Nooi4 Chocking Aooount i1 in. Ordilty r I ieiia*ah*a Tniaeaata — - D« of L Schedule ggffirsAoeepted- -: Tka town wW .bp : Rector: IEiUHIton .-.v-r.-r-V: ^oonfftold;''Newtngton, 'Maneitos-7 The Bev. John J, Johnsou. Curate The annual Orange picnic wa# i a r ...-..^Xha-fcUoiKlBg. .nf, partially relmburaad by the state. A W a iJ & Z i .■Hmrau-«: asnnta for Jahevah'r WilnaasSa; Was decided upon. The date of th* . . . a checking account here at Th e Mari-' •Service meeting tonight, 7:30. retiuTv . was unable to elate ded- TODAY and TOMORROW ITie 6th Sunday after 'Trinity— . Farmington and. Wethersfield. b*r Of plckeU the union lu* . ... 6. a. m. Holy Ck>nunumon. .Oelc--. picnic la Sunday, Aug, 10. There " ONE OP THE MANY REACHES A t w > J(lngdem.18 . - and haa noted among" it* acHiiev- tOln.aC.Ae U K i AMSTON for the 1663 Tolland county 6*lt duc.t thtmualvtia, .wood, e-r...... -.r- second, Thursday, ..July 24, .as the -'" ajhodt.-'at^y of *TTie New'Wortd’ Daughters of laaballa, la to have Union oWcLala. meanwhile, ex- hwnti establishment o f ■ ihiiform Mystery Ride will take the place N Judging team as the result of 10 a. m. Morning. Prayer with Pay uinifies, taxes, merchants and COMPLETt PAdtlTIES POD a chicken barbecue. The date la aet praasqd aurprisa and denied that basis fo r'’appraising cars, dlscUs-' WHSCSstO ^ 395.70 judging on the recent 4-H dairy • sermon by the Chirate. of the meeting. The next regular shops by check. Make charity donations for Tuesday, Aiig. 6 at 6:30 p. m. there had been any . Incidents to Musical outline of this esrvicc: Sion of "‘veterans pt^lems, and of meeting of Hlllatown Grange will ROATING, RATHING, HSHING at Mra Edmund U Klely'a home, tour to North Stonlngtbn, Tbeea justify a eharg* of violence. problems created by the natural by check- bays are 2ave Lenefaky and Processional, "Holy Father, Great be held in Grange hall on Thurs­ V THE FIRST PEW MILES THAT DO YOU KNOW7 360 High street weat. Mra Kieiy , Th* company In Its complaint Creator" gaa pipeline inatallatton and by day evening, Aug. 14 at 8 o'clock, 17 in. R.C.a la vice regent of tha circle. Mra. F. Charlea Bchiolcr. The Inspec­ ■aid th* union repreaents 4,300 ef the tobacco industry. A meeting C HAVE SEEN DEVELOPED ARE PraacriptlonB Called Far and tion of the county team was based Sequence, "Thine' ’Arm, O Lord" and will be Youth Night. A CA N C E LI-E D CHECK is the best Dcli«4H«d Proniptly A t Na Ex* Lao Biuratt la regant. tu 6,400 employ** in two pUhU Offertory, "Softly and OenUy to be held In Mancheeter July 30 Th* flawing CHub met Monday COMPLETELY SOLD OUT! Mra John gkiba o f 60S Canter on age and acorea made In the "AlUfSON will be devojed to livestock 'ap­ proof of payment anyone has discovered. Was 040.70 320.50 ;tra Charge- county judging coaiteet. TTioae her*. • Jteua Is Calling" at the home of Mrs. Evelyn H. street haa conaantad to serve ai ItocesslonM, "Come, Labor On" praisal. Coughlin, 382 Burnside avenue, C A U 2 .fl1 4 chairman and will have the follow who went on the judging trip 4-H MeeUng Thh Is Your Last Chance from Hebron were Allan Ryeh- NoUcesF Hartford. .TTie- next meeting win . PINE PHARMACY ing asaistanta: Mra Edward Cav- North End Crash,. MERRILL General Oonvention: 'S u n d a y , A 4-H dairy fltUng and show­ be July 21. H 17 ]r. R.C.A. TO PURCHASE LAND AT CONNECTICUTS agnaro, Mra John Lappan, Mrs. ling, Harry and gave Lefiefaky, manship meeting will be held on tv -r a. .. I Charlea Bchrelar, Arthur Peri)am. Beptember 7, Opening Service, It haa been decided to send the Wilfred Vancour, Mra Anton Ka- Boeton Garden, 7:30 p. m. Sermon Monday, July 31, at 7:30 p.m., at lecturer, Mrs. Coughlin, to the LOOK AHEAD HNEST LAKE DEVELOPMENT nak and Mra BrunIg'Moakt.- - Varney Fellow*. Joyce Kinney, Results in Arrest the farm of Rae Peck of Mile HUI Wat 316.00 264.10 John ahd Mary-Moran, all of the by the Rt. Rev. Henry K. Sherril, Lecturer’s Oinference, with ex­ ONE MILE OP WATERFRONT LOTS esjaaa mssi Tha committee wilt endeavor tp Piusidlng Blehop. (Jet your reser- Road, Tolland: Demonstrations on penses paid, when It Is held at WITH MANCHESTER TEUST contact all membera peraonally. Hebron 4-H Milk Bquirta and — ON THE SAME SHOW — fitting, clipping, trimming hoofs ONE MILE OF lOULEVARD LOTS Myles Steven SiapUa, 48, of 14 .vations by phoning Mrs. Wm. Durham, N. H « on Aug, 25-28. E AU pricos IbcIimIo ootsMo In the event they canaot ranch - a their leadera Robert H. Horton. and toowillg dairy animals win The official judge on tha tour waa Main street; waa arrested on a Drannan 8973 or Gordon Fogg, There was a rehearsal for the ONE MILE OF LOTS IN A VIRGIN FOREST member, it la Important that all 3-1771. help prepare dairy club members "Square Dance Festival'* In onfoBBo insfedM oi 'Ifoui who wish to attend hand in their D. C Gaylord, extension animal vtpiatlen of rules of the road who wtU show animals In fairs lat­ hiiabandman. University 'o f Oon- charge yaaterday after an acci­ We etui need painters and Grange Hall Friday evening. The ototo solos Fen, COBiplotB names. -The aaact count la nseaa- handymen to assist In refurnishing er thia aummer. Don C. Gaylord, festival Is to be held at Storra A l loFs CNTt rtosoBobly aary and raservattona must ba in neetteut. dent at Oakland and North Main Bbctcnslon Animal Husbandman of witfi worrooFy. No Ex* TTia two boys above mantionad •trseta. which occurred, p


^ - ‘ 1- I . I.‘ v ’ -fc i •A^ '■J. ^ - --A.., . .V' isiti '■ ■ -/HL- y', -H- J —L X- -f- X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD^ MANCHESTER, CONN, SAtURbAY, JULY 19. 19B2 F A G I i m K fom M ANGHSarSl feVENINO HBRALD, MAHCHE8 IBB. COMM. tATURDAt. JULY It. 195« t . G a d M g — ..i._aX.-'-i il ■ ■• ’/•-* m n » ^ O b f t a m y Mindrtitp ond roopoot for CtolnA hto own talonta. Thera to nai WOK»>-MlA notion. Wo notetlAtod thtoo any light to tho world from I W D B C -l± Radio and T V WBAF—tM Televieion Ending Coursie Ctmtfn0 riphtoln Morocoo o lonf Umo o(0, maoa of twisted wroehag** WOOfC-lUM « m o ~ iw A Shows Manchester of Old For Omreh from tho SulUn of Morooeo, bo>, From State ‘No’ Boosts ‘Old Baldy’ D e a t h s a te H ublerd, PontiU o. foro ony Pronoh protootoroto w u .aestoa BlaX^ _ Second CongrcgBliona] Wimaaa F. NSloa y FaruAe. By MAST TATUM afbuM A______aumbar tenamante" to ootohllBiOd. Wo miUntola thOt ♦iiM-ymc-maiwa tm iM t! (thay idIdaT uaa the word William F. Nolan. 78, father of D e a c o n a t Wa are ladabted to. John rant; —>ai4mantel Has^ BttjdnewtMecftfaig^ Hill Attack Jgrs.. CtejMAr. D>. Freamaa o(_ i l l thoy oro- oUH iofOlly oAUd. Connecticut 3D£StoaSieS& BrtolUMi bf BOltan. th T ^rm o r .To Entr ain Other Slock Ao for tbo modom Motooconot Braiiterd Straat, died at Bt. Fran- R O nC ^ in A lftBw tlffr Agatha Wflgtot ot thto town, for C o m in d n c M trena f«ga 0 |H) eia HeaMtel ta Hartford Thursday flaetsl thoy hovo Uiolr objoction to our M tHtoad. four pogM from a yellow, tattered « ffpaa PAga Opa) convention of oithar Party to soma* The Otaatonburya were wall taken ,..em (alepHone oonvaraattona daUy. Ms nomination would te ragardad tte 'iS mtauta aaaaton At PAnipun- in Oetobdr, IMI, Tba Herald ba- ear# o fT h a ra were correspend- at a previoua matting to aacura jom, I front uta^parimant ta 1948, te 118 Homeatead street ;'C8aesa«t J. Ably, M'Ony froo notion would, thing of a portunotory gaaturo. eama a awal waakly la IBM, and Hla v ^ at the convention wUl asUmatea and datalla o t tha altors' by the pubHe as tha salactlon ef a waA the ta Bumtlda u d U. 8. Ainhaaeedor to Spain. Sherwood Bowers and WUUam PosalMy to offset this kind of void of prMaganda. SAtyrdAy Why do wo laolot upon trying KfS. M thto te aaid maraiy: “No oonunant.’’ ebiaf Fab. 3 ,1M3, and had Dean on son of Mr, , ond Mra. Maloobn Sbgr* him national haadUaoo, whlto It Iter of tho WappiBg. An Item In the East A total ot 71 delq^teA alter­ KnoBa had consulted Chief John attituda, Msjmr Thomas D’Alas- Farfe. old paper. Iho OlaAtor^ury news pitaMad ua; It Nuckois alae daellnod comment tte (ore# nearly 40 yaqrs. con of 38 Harvard road. to rotoin. In Morocco, Uio opoelol acobmpitohoa what to conoldorod a Otnivai. late Mr. and Mrs. WrIgM nates and guests ware booked feir Marx of the Manehastar Flro Da- andro, Jr„ of Baltimore came up Ha taavaa hla wife, Mrs. Nora Tho atudants arc among 117 < kind Of prtrtiogo wo hovo vohui much mero Important purpooo % 3ia. Aoaeaaead. raAd, "Tba annual sale of alips at pasaago on tha oonvontlon special partmant and BuUdtag laapaetor with the Buggeatlon last night on whathar sitter sMa hnd askod cf Psarl straat. she tha Mothodlst Church took place to tarmlnats tha saotdey and moke Jordan Nolan; two di _ tage-atudant ROTV man front torlly ourrendtrod oloowboro, ond that of hooping tha statoto voteo in bar materaal graadaiethar>T(iA. which waa due to pick up paasen- David Chambara ta regard to flra- that Trumaa raconaidar hla dad* side Mra. Froaman; four aopa. • Mateo, tte Dtstriot of Oohhnhft. fcearva for the "poyehetoglonl mor toot BAturday aftemoonv The bid­ gera at various stops botwaen! proottag tha hollar room wlth

te- ' .1 '■ N . PAGBKIMI MANCHE8TSR EVENINO HERALD. MANCTESTER. tJONN* SATljRDAY.^ 1952* — "' 7 ' ...... —t - X EMMflStorSKls TS Ba for, Sals ' 781 Waato»--Rea! Esma 77 . A- "N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 1», 1952 w a n t e d —T our property to e*lL - jC A vs oros,,-. J C A i m President •— --BJ- —«w08OTMa-U00QD- PCIHBlWC- I TBT fOMfa llVf» DttrDtTW TtNWw ■iW’T i Ail^lia!AT6FlfA" < I Cape Cod home* for eel* In Man- Colanlal. Large living room with gl* and two-family tn Manehaa- MATTRESS, Tour old mattreaaaa POINTER PUPPIES. Padigread. DAMAGED A WEE BIT LARGE Mnpta Duncan Phyfa Ta- SEVEN-ROOM COTT3^ at OCiOBB OPENED, kaya tttad, Knollwoad Baaeh. Saybcook. I cheater. Two of them hav* six firaplae*.' dining room, lavatory tar,. Bolton, Coventry and Vernon. Classified GET BETTER VALUE ON copied, «rap«uat elaanera, troaa, xtarUiaad and ramad* ^ .|lfc* new. Baal' bunting and field trial BT »rr T*ucK d r i v e r r .Me, a extra leave*. Maple Queen I completed robma, on* has a ga- Finances arranged.'Howard R, Anne Chinn Cloaet. Telephotia Junction Saacraat and South Cove aad kitchen , with Geneva caMnau guaa, au.. , nepalrad. Skpara, Call Jonas Furniture aad Ftoer blood. Raaaonably priced. . Tru­ Qood aa new—100% guarantaad Irage. W * have on* Cape Cod of and Formica epuntera. Large beck Hastings Phon* 3-1107-. ' A BETTER USED CAB man Cbwle*; 73 Hudson street 3-3833. road*. Scraenad porch, alaetrlc kflivaa, m e w ^ , ate put late coa- covaring, S3 Oak. Tat 3-1041. 3 COMPLETE ROOldB kitchen. . Avnllnbls balanca of Sv* finished rooms tkat I* brand porch, three . bedrooma and tile Over GOP Advertisemenb dltlon for eomins aeada. Braith- VERT NICE rURNTTURB July and AuguSL Jfny be aaen new. Theae are fina home* In nica bath with Formica built In vanity OOMSIDERINO SELLINa Of Business AT TROPICAL FISH — NeUr ship­ COMBINA'nON Oil and. Gas TOUR PROPERTY? CLASSinED ADVT. wait*. 58 Pearl atraat. with a ’■ Kitchen RAnge, Motorola car week ends, or phon* 8410, Men-„ location*, fairly priced tb inrita en second floor. Plenty of cloaeta B obBs—S tocks— ment ]u*t arrived. Kslly*i Aquar- [g o ^ InepacUon. _ ^ . ■ Without obligation to you,, w# (OeotiMMfi from Faso Oaa) BALCH PONTLAC,. Iflfc _ radio, -- good ;-gSwaa. -cheatax. — ...... ------DRPTiHOURS:- 4?A K P«N TB It WIOTnilfi* tfUUOIb- fiertRstes 81 bmii atTSuneet ateeet. -Open - 'ttt- “ WESTSMOHOUSB^’ wot appeatae or make ysn n -Suguat $nd ^ 7'| Bvanlnga 3-S08S or 3-3878 Phoa* 8173 or 7173 FOR QUICK RESULTS in eelUng uader the rallraad reffreaseat ALBERTO VO-5 matie. ' and eurtala rode. 34 Hour sarvlot. •treat Fhona 0413. Tea, on low friendly terms through 31at Phona Oorantry system. MON. THRU PRL Eetlagalaa gladly gtraa. rtfa n If not ready I'll store it nAfSDIATB OCCUPANCY 3reur property call Suburban Pott||ry and SnppBcs 43 Msehincry sBd Tsois 52 7-0830. - THREB-BEDROOM Cap* Cod. Realty Oo., Realtors, 541 Main "Thrw* lacrease*' beeemq ef­ Tree Surgery Before Trip 10:50 A. M. 1948 Pontiac 2-Door. Stand­ Window Shad* Oo., Rout* 44 at Free of charge until wanted. New. Ranch Home, 3 'rooms (8 livin g room , with fireplace, cab- fective fer the mealh et flqpleia- lANOI^m HAlR CONDITIONER Help Wsntcd—-F c b m Is 85 ■treat CaU 3315. Bolton Notch. Phon* S-44T8. b r o a d BREASTED bronxa tur­ IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN USED REX Cement mixer, hay- bedrooms), within 3 milss of Air­ last kitchen' with dining are* ber aad will add te tbo laeaihee SATURDAY t A. M. ard Tranamiaiaon. Are you having trouWe with the u t f I e key*. Frees frbxan. Ready any­ CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY loader, rakes, aida rakea, mow- Wanted to Rent 65 craft and ‘on Cbnn. Cto. bus line. garagCi outdoor flrej^ac*. '. Welt ef mere thaa 4 1-t mllllaa peepM A rs ' you ptmaled over brown RISTRlOERATIOyrsenddo, com W ANTED —Plstn country, wom­ SCLUNG? Save the bother, trou- electrical system in your car. .If en to tek* full -cherg* of email time. 8 to 33 lbs. Schaub's Tur­ MR. ALBERT. HARTFORD 3-0368 •rs, cultivators, plows, harrows, Largs living room with flrsplsce. lendacaped. 'N e a r achool aad now drawlag beaeflts fioas tbsea n*3dl*iir in your^green ehrubbery, LOW COST mercial aad dooMaUe, Ba* our THREE OR FOUR room uafum- bl* and annoyances of trying to so, the Don Wmi* Oarage. 18 VODB OOOPgBATION WP4- cottage for on* lady. Must Ilk* key Farm, 133 HiUetown Road. AFTER 7 P. M. 43-4630 •praadars, tractors, caterpillar Bassidsnt garsgs. ' Hot watsr bus. Chli Ovmer, 3-8933. ■ell It yourself. Let us assume laauraao* aysteass," he aatd. over the ehrivellng of the leave* TRANSPORTATION display oi guataataad'uaed rafrtg iahed apartment wanted by some of your *hado tree*! Main street, can take car# of your BB APPBECIATBO dogs. $S0 monthly. Boxer Farm can be seen any S3. Simplicity equipment Terms. , heat oil burner. Full cellar, fully your hesdselies. Call the Ells­ laereaae Neted atora. Georg* H. WiBlama Aapo- mother and adult daughter. Phona Both eyeteasa lacreaeo - Ireaa 'iMoet of’ us havo expended suffi­ needs for you, / Wllll* offers com­ 1941 Chavrolct 4-Door. , at Vernon. Telephone Rockvine Day or Evening. Dublin Tmetor Oo., North Wind- liuulatad. Sai* price $13,500 with HARTFORD — 4%'Room Brick worth .MIttsn Agency, Realtor* Lew vjj4w*tfi| clat«i, SSO Tallaad Tumplk*, Artfeks for Sislt 45 3-3035. , ApartaMnt. AvaUaMe about Sept. $30 to 310 a neaath the amouat cient money in getting shrubo end plete electrieql service on your 0-B088.‘ hnm Road, Willtmantle 8-0317. down pOyseent o f IS,000 to 18,500. 0380. car right at his garage. Yoti DIAL 5121 i l987 DftSoto 4-Door. Manrh**tai PiMn* 3-SSgS, night* A -L-B—E—R— 8 16. Down pairment required only a pereea eaa eara wHhaaf las- tree* started around our home* R Q TAL AND Smttb-Oorona port­ 830 REWARD— Wanted 8 or d Til* Allen Realty Company, Real­ need not wait for your work to Kwt Centor Stm L 7«tl. 43 AUyn Street;' Hartford $1,000 to $1JM)0. Balance Hk* rent. lag hi* lasursace benefit, la ad- so th*t w* do not feel w* c«n af­ WANTED—8 young-girlrto train able end Standard typewHtera. Open any evening by appointment room unfumlahed apartment by tors, 110 Oenter street, Msacheo- be done elsewhere or shipped Into for press work. Apply 384 Hart­ Wsnted—To Boy. 58 The Allen Realty Company, Real­ 3IUoa members of the armed ford to h»v* them die.' but *r* Lost and Pennd BALCH PONTIAC, IiK. AU makea of adding maehlnea rMiabl* working eouplA WIU ter< Phon* CIOO. Lcfsl Noticos forceo aervlag from 1347 Hartford, ,snd you can get lb * FLOOR p r o b l e m s SOlvad with, ford Road. WE BUY and sail good uaad forni- tors, 180. Oenter street, Manches­ hetplau to diegnou the trouble. linoleum, asphalt tUa eountar. aoid or rea^d. Repair# on all W ANTED—Uaad fumltura. redecorate U necessary. Pleas* threugb 1363 wl|l Aeeelve . the I f ymi *r* hevlitg trouble with asm* fin# dependable aervick on 1/3ST ■ l*d y '» wallet In Wohl- 116iir~Csnt<>c St.ManchaaMr tura, eomblnathm raagaa. gaa| CAPE ODD, Six Salihed rooms, ter. FhM* 5100. AT A COURT o r rnOSATB hew Expert workmanship, fra* eaU- makes Marlow'a lag roomT bedroom, kitchen or caU 3-2381. - . =- at MaiM-hMier. within . and tor the eain* employment credit under ahnib* or treu, why not tele­ your car's electrical eyelem at the worth'* or on Main atreet. Th>ir»- SHIRT PRESS operator. Five day rangaa and neatara, Jones Fuml- hot rrator hast, two full tils W ep^ Phona 2-4648 mataa. Opan' avaalnga. Jonaa Fur* entlN Kousabolds. Lst ua make e- S-ROOM RANCHES r Bed­ Dtatrtet o( Manrheater, on the 16*.h day the SOrlai Security Innumnen phone 7395. the CerUr Tree Ex­ Wllll* Garage aa you do on all DON WILLIS day. Under rail a-8#ja. Re­ week. Experience not ncceasary. LOAM, Dark rich cultivated Orad* tura Stora. S3 Oak. Pbona i-1041.1 W ANTED—S 'o r 4-Room Unfur- baths, screens and storm ' win­ (8 of July. A. D. IHA nitura. Oak street Phon* 3-1041. you an offer. The Woodahed. rooms) TO BE BUILT, lyithln Praaent. JOHN J. WALUnTT. 'syetem that was granted anrvicn- pert CO.. *nd **k Mr. Carter to other mechanical work don# her*. ward. Open Evehipsa Until 10 F. M. Apply In person. N eP Modal No. 1. IS eu. ^ard. Orad* No. 3. nlahed Apartment or house with dows. near schools and store*. men la World War IL Ro, If tha generator, atkrter, Ignl.- Laundry' 78 Summit street Pboa* 3-8153. . —'---- r— ~ 3 raliss of Aircraft, located near -Jodire.j - • call *t your hoifie? Mr. C*rt*r l* i aCMOOL BUSB» — Uaad Bord. piOHT TRUClf^O—Aleo rubT 33 cu. yard. Delivered in truck 3-PIECE LIVINO ROOM 8ET- stove and refrigerator, by young On bur Una Oqll 3SM batwaea 3 XatAta ot Tlmetby r. Toley aka. An Increase of 303 mltlloa dol- ■xperienecd In all type* of tree tlon/or the entire lighting ayetem GARAGE- 3-piece chrome kitchen eet. 7 1/3 hew highway end .on Conn. Oo. H IG H lS T tOST — rABSBOOK ,NQ.^ fiherrotetr P o d f * . dtudebakeff btsb tamevadi-Phena-l-aOO'l or load lot*. Screened'sand and nil coupla..wlth.amkJ.-cbUd. Oantoglr . •ad.7.-p...aa- Timothy.. YBI**^ UU.qf. MlUtfhwttfr !" Inn a yenr In fedemi contribn- surgery and Is well qoaHfled to o f j^ i r car le glving- you trouWa, Notice la hereby itlven ih it RBLIABtar OIrt fo r stoclr room, cu. ft. Coolerator. jSenith wiinger ly located. CaU 4302. biia Hn* H oi 'wattir heat, full cel­ a*M diatrtdt. dareaaed. 18 Main Si. Phont 2-4531 DIamond-T —1500 and up. Alee 3-3008. including part time connter work. alsaa atone'delivered. Order now. Hooiss W ithoot Bosiii' 89 Upon epollcallen At The Mancheatey tlons to tbo nUtes will mnke It clssr ' up any trouble you may lajhe yo\ir car ovsr to . the Don Book No. aaSSA Uaued. by The washing machine. All brand new. NEW HOMES. Two and threa lar, basement garage, til* bath, at.nilnia(r*tnr. pray new unlla $4,400 and up. Call $• OH day week.^ Steady employ­ Nuisdorf Construction Co. Phone Truat Compaiu'. ____ . . . possible to increane snelatano* have. imnis Gstogs for a cojnplet* 8*vlni:i Bank inf Mancheeter ha* LINOLEUM RatoaanU 00c square Excellent condition. Inquire 433 ATTRACTIVE Room for couple. WANTED — 3 or 4 Fumished bedrooma Hallln Brothers; 3' fully Insulated. Large lots. Sals Ins for authnflty to aell rertain real paymeati lo live million de- check and repair Job, right In tha PRICES joer. ment. Numerou* benefits. Apply 8403. eatata pertteUlariy deacrlhad in aald There er* many Wnd* and types SpfcidtilnG I" been lo*t and appllcailon Ha* yafd. AXpSalf tOi, wan eovartng. Broad street, after 3 p. m. Complete light housekeeping fa­ Rooms by young store executive 3321. price only $11,800, with only pemlent ebildrea nM nged, blind gsrs’g*. In person-only. Manchester Coat, cilities avdluible. Csntral loca­ end wife. No children. Excellent 83,000 down. . The AHbn Realty applloatipo on file. It I* of aprsy that ar# used oh trees - ' V F or been mad* to aald bank for pay' 1841 CHEVROUBT, 1341 Fortk Pone by mllable, well-trained ORDRRCD:—'•'hnt the forasnins tp- M d dhmbled .cIIIim ib now m- and shnibljery.'. slap. on Isw r-' Before eiartlng on your vaca­ I r a k i s i r v i c i Apron, Towel Supply Co., 78 Sum­ 00% OFF on famous make Bat COMBINATION tion. Mrs. Jero'me, 14 Arch street, references. Phon* Mr. Oddi, AVERY STTtBET, South Windsor Company, Realtor, 180 Center pllcatloh t* lUtard And dfiei'mlnM at anent of the amount of depoatt. 1340 Ford, 1387 OtfUmoblU in*n. . All Job* guaranteed. Hall ottvlng etnto help. The Increase# soma of them hsnnISBS and soi tion. hav# you given thought to mit Street. teriea, Written guarantaes. 81.00 first floor: 3-4533. — Just ovsr' Manchester town street, Manchester. Phon* 0100. the Probata offiee In Manchaater In having a really good cleaning Job Thee* pre-arar ear* are In top lAaineum Co., 03 Cbttag* straet aald DIatrict. on the 31th day n( jWy, amount to abont fS n month for of them extremsly Jtaurdoua ProEf Eod AllgEWR* RoigB, ScroR I T Q iia D - * Small Black with down, 81-00 weekly.. Oelso Serv- . . . ^ A r a R - r - F A N S - ^ Jlna - Uig)L.alaYatl(«L-wUh ...Rood. *,.B..4eM,.*tvA«a~«UUaak. l» ■ the torai BhlUren wad -$5 n-aMoth .tor- thn dak* --4Mt---1he---coolii>g.-.A9>XUU31-Pl. —eonditiea - and - - eeady- —t#— ■ -Pkana"'4;4^." ew ing s -3833^0*4 r o ;,WpfMEN ’IOf WrWhT 'wprtr jMir.. rjMnter:;T«c:aii*;^^^ ;-iaTOrajpcRn':vi9it~ 'n r5T -;Wlew. Ownar ban wfieapLed ;poa(r -n,‘SiraBPBraKffr;a-.;3C{iY4i. 'HIir ' ^noen.-ewd-tlnt' *otte*-be.-s*»eps to, eU W it; me reesident' aalfi. ah 'voriif car? "nimtwPurge; t*e ijeH- PHoed to aelt today;' ■ ' ''‘’‘'"I A ]^ y In", peradn. New Mode) In? Attractive sia-room bora* on peraona Intereated In aald eatAte of the ’ R t j ^ Y W o r R by paying for ad. CallI 8M7 Were 119 30 NOW $18.35 ROOM .for couple. Light house­ desire to rent two or tUreashsd- tion out of atAte and offers for Tnunan called the roeaaiirc a what kind your lawn or treu toay tig steam cleaning that the Don Motor Seles, 431' Main street - Laundry, 78 Summit atreat. LOAM FOR SALE, $10 per kwd keeping facilities available. Pri­ room house or apartment in quiet street. Lot 60x180. A gdod pendency of nald appllratlon and the ANTIQUES BagnMMd Rtpqlfilng first time for early occupancy this lime and place nf hearlnf thrrenn. by legMatlve achievement fer rhnir- require Is e mstter for a Mt*®" WlUia Oarage use*, looeen* dfrt. delivared. Call 7135 between Excellent Selection of buy! Medellna Smith, Reel trained In this field to aewfle. If 1300 CHEVROUBT Btylelln* d*- done on any fiWqtture. 'nsnuum, vate entrance. Inquire 137 Ma­ Manchester or \iclntty. Call 'spacious home on half acre beau­ ca ll publlahins a ropy o{ thia order In atan Doagbton (D.. N, C-), of tha acale and ruet. allpwing the w* ~ Coll or W rit* P en sn sh i ■CAtfcULATOR OPERATOR and 0. PORCH AND LAWN tom* nawepaper hnrtns a elrcultUan In lua* tudor. Radio, beater. Beeuti- 183 South Maln'atreal. Phene ple street. Mancheeter 3-0351 tifully landscaped plot. Thee* tor, 3-1043 or 4070. Henae Ways and Means Commlt- It la a poisonous spray, the/Cartsr ter to circiilat* freely, thus keep Wanted for payroll office. Phone FURNITURE said Uatrlct. at Iraat five dtya before Tree Bxp'-rt Company Is Mulpped THE PROSPECT Hill School for ful black Snlah. In excellent con­ ■aea 'x' MAKE MOWING A PLEASURE. grounds should capture the atten­ 11-11 w i l l i a m STREET — Va­ the day ot raid hearins. to appear l( tsn who Is ■wliring this yenr. He Ing the temperature of yotir cat 4173 for personel interview. I 3 COLE STREET — Large Room, DOUBLE OARAGE SPACE, vi­ they aa« caua* at aald time and place to uu thia spray wlthoiR suffer­ HIGH GRADE young children will reopen Mon­ dition. Hurry. DoUglaa Motor*, S3 down, $3 weekly. Buy the new cinity of Eldrkige and Main tion of Osrdkn Club members. cant. Two fouy-toom flat*, flre- credited Donghton with lending always within a safe margin. One# POWER and Rang* twin beds, twin closets, light and be heard relative therein, and ing harmful reeiilts. and you will you have had the cooling system GStRINtKY day. Sept S , Traaaportatlon . 33$ Main atraat. Worceater, Power Mower. . Fa­ CHAMBERS housekseplng privileges. -Oouple ■treetts. , C3II 3030. , Benson's. Summer bouqe.to rear of greunds . place each- floor. . Separate hot make yatum lo thla^yourt^ ■ : , .the fight against the provMoa ' Bumara elaaneS and] EXPERIENCED SALE SIAD Y— JOHN J. (VALLkTT, Jud*r. I which drmv hlg fIVe. find it efllcleht, and yhafe whsn of your car cleaned with stenm, DMiieM la Waala MBtotWi fumbdieil Mr*. Lola tybur, dlrac- mous Biigga-Stratton motor. FURNITURE or two ladles. References. CMI Inc, baa loft, concrete fitor!; aad very water furnaces. Call Madslin* PRINTING tor. Phon* 3-5707. 10S7 OU>8 MOBlUB SEDAN. . A •arvlead. US aarvtca aad ra- Hours 1 to 0:30.' Apply Man­ Phon* 4134.'' large stone fireplace. Dwelling has Thia, he Said, supposedly pre­ they uu tt. ' ' you swill toslly know and sppre- IBS BIKKEL Uyt!. T E U 5B73 good clean car. Written gtiaran-i pair your washing anaehina or rp,;] chester Public Market, Bakery A t the Green cveninga or phone 3-8734 after 8 Smith, Rssltor, 3-1043 or 4073. AT A COURT o r pRORATK held served aa tndUldttar* Insuranco The proiper equipment is also clsts Its thorough cleaning ac­ fireplace In Uvlng room and eton* * ( Mencheater. within and tor, the JOB AND COMMERCIAL B A U J U lb ’SD rlatM School. M a ^ tee. Buy It on. your owa terms. frlgayator. Metro Senrle*.. 8-OSM,] .Department. BOLTON — Building atone and p.-m. DtalHet ef Henrhesler, on the IMh day righto In the event ef dIanMUty. important in ualng apraya and tion. Drive over today and hav* Open 10 A. M. to S P. M. Fanno and Land for Salt 71 fireirtae* In finished recreatloH FIVE LARGE ROOMS, hot water chastar'i : dTdalt. ‘n to u a a iid rtrf f~Cal*o Sandcanter, 4134. flagstone. Bolton Notch Quarry. ot July. IM S but nms one In whioh "Congreso most euentlal too, for without the it don* and then cllmh the s t«*^ PRINTING 1 ROOM FOR RENT to married roOeia attached garage, ameeit* heat, lot 75 x 803. Over-etxed ga­ COlgPLETE Bepaito by Stuart R. j m M ED IA'rE PLACEMENT — Praaent, JOHN J. W a LLXTT. type of ephayer you will accident free InitrueUon hours, I PRona 3-0317. Stanley Pataod*. Evenings 7:80 to 8:30-^ — LARGE TRACT OF LAND, suit­ rage: 170 Autumn street.' Phon* Judge. taken away with one hand what right to: eat grades, no matter how him 1381 OLD8MOBILB Super 88 Se Wolcott on waahlag maehlnea, Three -wCmen to work four hour* couple AT tw o girls. Two ipinuteo driveway, 280-toot artesian well, Prompt 3ad Cfftrlent Printing Hundred* of aatlsSed itudeala. | able T o r building.----Roufe 44A, new SOO-gallon septic tank end 8834. Batst* ot Clifton P. Brown, let* nf It appears to give with tha j ftnd the eprey u*ed will not give the mercury aoara, with eaaurande dan. Radio, haater, Hydramatie vacuum eleanent, motors, amalll per Hojh' Writ* Box S, e/o Her­ BUNDS FOR BALE Apply at from Main straet. Call 3-1614 or Uancheater. In u ld DIetrict. deceeaed. ot All Kinds Tor appointment telephone 3- THREE-PIECE Uvlng Room Bet, North Ooventry. OsU Arnold drainage beds, 'screens,- storm ether." ' proper results. Proper spraying that your car will not overkaat. -Beautiful green. Uke new. gtOO appHaneaa. P ick . up and dallYery. ald. - _ N a 403 East Center street. Tel. ^47 Oottaga street. The. sdminlatralnr having exhibited Important -Indeed to proper — 3 3 ^ — -;------$30.00, Phone 3-1409, Inquire 6Buck,' 6;SO-3;30 p.- ra.,- Coventry windows and weather stripped NEW C APE COD single. Six large hi* adnilhlitrailnh Utrnunt with UId - The Prenideat aald this w a» will save your bushes, ele* It will leea then new,, Dotiglns Maters. A-1 repair. Salas. 180 Mala | 3-t343, Manchester, Conn. ■ 17 Cerroll road. 7-6815. rooms >.nd farads. Completely estate to this Court for allowance; It done by making the preyielnn prevent f.i# disease from spread­ front-end alignment. eepeclaUy COMPETENT Relleble Woman BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED door*. Price $17,800. Henry' Ba- QOMiiuiimrniEsrll 838 Main atreat. Phona 8887. targe 'Front Room, 4 windows, inaulated, Ul* beth and lavatorys la purporteiUy begin July 1, 1353, ing to other healthy bushes. before a long trip. The eItghUet hqlp with housework end chi USED WOOD STORM W IN ­ FLORENCE Electric Range, three EASTERN CONNECTICUT — eott Agency; 300. High atraet ORDERED that the W.h day of but adding a sentence saying It Cor. No. Main and No. Hchoel V A N T E D - Rid* to .Wmimantlc, | doubia rldaeti. Must be seen to beaulif'il oak flooring, immanca July. .1363, at ten o'clock, forenoon, at Trimming and pruning tree* Is deviation,...... not to be acen by jM*t CLEAN USED CARS dren. Two hours dally, mornings. DOWS — Large assortment to super speed surface unjts, plus Just listed 800 acres (approx. 100 W est Tel: Mani hester 3683. le car wheel*, can Htrseta — Telspbens 8737 arriving at 7 a m. . Call 3-1830. be appreciated. Ideal for two closet apace, arteaien well, oU the Probate OfUce In - the Municipal will oenae ts be In effect on also not n'Sli.irle task, Indlscrlml- looking at the car wheels, ASHES AND Rubbish removed. Writs Box R, c/o Herald. choose from. Buy now and gst convenient well cooker. .Gener­ clear), bam for 50 head, good BuUdlng in aali. Manchuter. be and up lltcrallv hundred* A t people. Private entrance. AU MANCHESTER—3-Room Dwell­ hot water heat, on bus tine, near June 34, 1353. nst# pruning and trimming can gnd will uto up llteiaiiv n u n o i^ Phona 3-8731. set for winter.' Drive over to 38 ous. side oven, ample storage tha aamt Ir u ilg n e i for a hearing on The Prcoldent u ld that the l o w e r PRICES . sonvenlences, 101 Chestnut 0-room house. Going farm with ing (8 bedruoma). Oil burner. University of Connecticut and the aliovranc* of u ld administration ruinmin the cliepe of a trea end fo r)o f mile* of good driving rubber ABtssBoMtes for Ssit 41 W ANTED—High School girl to BllyUe road and take your pick, space. Formerly $213.30 , now Houu committee headed by Writian Guarantaaa stock and equipment, $45,000.00. Large kd. City water and eewsr. Willimantic. Price 117,300. Fl- account with aald eatate. aKeriaInment those Insxperlerged In cIlmSMi and. by th Urns ths uneven ws*r go to beech for month of August while they last. Nath Sties. $138 while they last. Watkins street. of heir* and order/>f dlatiibution. and Doughlon recOiitmended that show* pn your tireii. it I* too late. 1350 OLDSMOBILE "iM'' deluxe Terms arrsiigsd. . Several other Good location. Occupancy about naneliig arranged. B. C. Nork. can etoo ha dangerous. Ths Carter 1M3 DODGE SEDAN HotwohoM Rcrfleafl to help with light houa*work And Bros.-, Inc., 933 Main street. . ■mall, and large farms to '400 thi* Court direct* that mtlce of the aged pemoa* whou dlubllity I t takes hut a short time to have 4-door. /A thoroughly axeellant 1306 PLYMOUTH TUDOR ear* of lhre#-y#*r-old child.- PRACTICALLY NEW Outdoor 4- DOUBLE ROOM with private en Sept 1. Down payment about 086 Main etreet Hartford I-147S- time and place awigned for aald hear­ Tree Expert Company hae li­ JONES' Offtrad IS-A trance. Gentleman preferred. seres. Welles Agency, Ooventry. ing be given to all peraona known tn hsd forced them Into u rfy re­ this checked at ths Willis Osra«a automot^e. For thle on* eee Bob I 1347 CHEVROLET SBDXN ‘ Plea** call 3785 betefeen 3 and Llght Door, I V ” X 2' 614'' x 3' 7''. MAPLE DOUBLE BED with / 83,000 to 88.000. Terms on bal 0-4303. tirement be permited. to have censed and Insured tree surgeons Near Cheney Mttle. Phon* 2-0590 Tel. 7-6872 or 7-7501: be Intereated therein to appear and be sod YOU win savs monsy by hav VUIt Joasa rurai- Oliver. Center Motor Bala*. Main] 1847 CHEVROLET TUDOR WEAVING of hums, moth holts 11 a- m. CUI 0333'between 4 end 9 p. m. Spring. Electrolux refrigerator. ones. Ths Allen Realty Company, heard thereon by publlaning a copy their benefits recompoted u to do thI* work and the cost to a any time. MANCHESTER—3 and 6 Duplex, of Ihl* order In tome newapapec hav­ modest one. If you wish, the Car­ Ing if done. ture and Floor Cov- strpOt 1343 FORD CLUB COUPE apd tom clothing, hoatary runs, 140. Call 7706. Realtor, 150 Center street, Man­ that lost time eoald not count Worn tires are pqor economy WANT83) Osntal .AsalatnnU good condition, .large loi, nice. lOr ing a circulation In aald Dlatrlcl, at ter T fe*-E xpert Company-WJH ariag Ktar.a ter 1341 MERCURY < ^ B COUPE knadbaga rapaiiad, aippar ra- chester. Phene 0106. ------— laaet five -.ay* hefora the' day b( u id against them. and oVien sHi a resl dangw. Ths IirntnimeBto Io u m A to -boe Buy A "Ono Ownor^Dwr" ;Low Down Payments State qualUications. Experience BoaW and Accemriofl 48 EASY SPINDRIBR. Like new. cation, priced right. Shown by heartrg. give you an eetimst* on- the cost Large Aibortmeat placamaat, umlManaa rapalrad, ROOM for Gentleman at 273 Main LAND SURVEYING Bill Get* By Don Wlllto.Oarags has those heavy Easy Tarma nnt neceaeery. Writ* Box B, Used only few month*. Save at MANCHESTER-Ranch home (30' appointment only. The BIlswoiTh JOHN J. W A U .E T T , Judge. of any Job yo\i hay# In mind, gin sero on our trlaT pfaub men's aWit colinra ravaraad and street. Call 4071. While the MH pawwd the duty, durable Kelly-Bpringfleld ot Fin# Floor C#V; Easy Tonpis raplncad. MarioWa Uttla Handing e/o Herald. Brunner's, '80S Bart Center) X 88') with cellar aad atUe, 8 bed- Mitten Agency, Kealtors, 3380. House June 17, en Its second simply, call 7695 for expert tree OLD TOWN Sponaon Canoe, With Edward L Davis, Jr. rooma, living room with fireplace, AT A COURT o r PROBATE held tire* In all alse*. They also car­ eriag,. oan Us fi Shop. street. Open cvenj^aa.______at Manrheater. within and - tor the try, the President said. "The trlmmln.! service. CALSO SERVICSMTER sailing, aecessortes. Phon* 2-9734. Registored Land Survejror kiteben. dinette, tide porch off iiv. MANCHESTER — B-Room Ranch DlJtrlrt,;>f Manrheater, on the Ifth day ry Ediaon Balterlea, lha battery Eatlmat*. 7 1300 ChaTTotet S-er-^-Radfe, hast* 483 Cantor Straat A p a rt nicn.to— F la t ^ - ' of July. 1363. American Medical Aeoaclallon that you can depend iroon to atari F LA T r iN U B HoUAkd Window HoIpWuito^Mglo 38 S-PIECE LIVING ROOM SET In 10 Proctor Road . Maaehaatar : Ing room ovsrlooking brook, hot Type Houge with garage. Large *r, Mack. 1/nv mUaaga.- Telaphona 4134 or 3-0330 UNPAINTED B0ATS~12 ft.. 14 .Ipt. LOcetsd in exgillent residen- Preoent, JOHN J. W A tt B T T , lohby- had aecompUehed what It vouf car ail year around. With niRMiTURI STORK shades mnds to maasur*. All | -good condition. Call 7458 after) Tcnenitiito “ 68 water baseboard radiation with Judse,- -— -- • 83CPERXBNCBD - Meat cutter t t , 145 and 805. Old Toiwn 13 ft. TH. 7613 Uel aecUon. Down payment re- waated Just the name." He- aaM S la te T O P r e s e n t good tires.-a hbw battery and your Dan Backer, Prop. / 134S Chayi^ et - H-Ton 1348 BtnCK SEDAN — Ytkdio, maUI vanatfu blinds at a naw 0 p. m. ^ell bumer, all copper plumbing, Ealal* .06 Erma H. Brown, lata of the month's delay I# the Honee wanted for full time work. Apply and 15 ft. flat bottom. Sjionson, 5 ROOMS. SECOND floor apart­ quire* .86,000. For further kifor- Manchrater. In u ld DIatrict. derraud, brskea adjusted, plus ■ steam M Oak St.. Misnelieetefi Codn, Clet^p^ t « w milaag*. heatar, Dyna-flow, Extra claim low priea. Kaya mada whlla you laundry tubs, hatchway, combina­ created such a eltuatlaa that the. PboB'e 3-1041 / Popular Food Market, 974 Main the safe Cano*. 9ea Worthy SkUf. GENERAL ELECTRIC Hot-Polnt ment with heat, hot water, elec­ melion call Owner, 3-1408. - The edmlnfatrator having rxhibned Kifklies' Matinee cles.ned radiator, the Wllll* Oe- IMO^ackard 4-Dr.—Gray, haatar. car. 'Talaphona 3834. wait MarioWn tric range, refrigerator. For tion aluminum eersens and storm hla admlnlatratlnn aernunt with utd Neuste could act before adjourn­ ra«* will have your car all sat for j street OB-pound car . top. 12 f t V bot­ Refrigerator. Was $299.05; Sale eatate to Ihl* Court for allowance. It middle age couple, no children Windows, lot 105 X. 100; with shade FOUR-ROOM BRICK Cape Cod. ment only by dispenoing with a carefree vacation—play oafs; 875 M uIr St^ToL »44l4 4MT Dodg* 4>Dr. Detuxe Sedan— 1343 DeSOTO Club Ooupe, good tom deuked runabout. Freah and 8219.00. L ift Hand Double Door trees. Price $14,000. Henry Be- la. WANTED —An AssUUnt offic^ salt water fishing equipment and or pet*. $100.00 monthly. Write Now vacant Oarage, full ehed ORDERED that tile 33th day nf hurtngs. Fac.^ with the Medi­ A special treat hi In atore for | (her* today JMtto, haatar, grean. Clean ear.' condition. Leaving for eervlea. florlgto—Nntntili 15 Hot-Polnt, was $439:95—$100.00 cott Agency. 8388. July. 1363. *1 ten o’clock, forenoon, at cal Asaoclatlon'e demand to man. Experience preferred but lures.^'Gstor lioat trailers, $88.50 Box D, Herald, giving full In­ dormer. An excellent )>uy, T. J. he Mancheater'a youngest set of Complett LamidsM! ping }3 4 i Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan Deluxe— Can Hartford 4-1333 after 8. tor your old box—$339.95. 7’.4- FILL the Probata Office In the Muntclpel' henrd on the dlubllity provi­ OLa DIOLI BOUQUETS — Frarh- not essential. Apply In person. up. New and- used Outboard*. formation, references. M.ANCTESTER GREEN AREA— Crockett Agenev, Office 5413. Building In esld Mencheater. be */id movie-goers thi* coming Tuesday Flllbuetortag Freebootoea Service Radio, healer, fog Ilghta, back-up I foot International Harvester Re- I he uhie la usigned for a huring on sion, the President uld, the- */' 1346 W tLLYS JICBP, four-wheel ly cut. Cholcs varieties. Wood­ Boland Motors, 369 Center street Trades accepted. Sale* and Serv­ Immediste occupancy. Large Evenings 2-5318. when the lltat* theater will pre- A U MAKES OP lighta and dgnal tIghU. Gray. ■ frlgerator, regular' $229,95—Sale the allowance of u ld admlniatratlon Rensle committee decided to eent e Kiddies' Matins* at 3 p. m. The term "filibuster" originally Shrubo— Cedar. .Fences drive, completely reeondttloiied. land Gardens, 138 Woodland W ANTED—A -l mechanic. Steady ice. Authorised Erinrud* dealer. $139.00. \ Brunner's,, 308 East Business Locations F O R S A L E Ranch Home with 3 bedroonu, scrnunl with u ld estate, aarertslnment drop It rnlher than schedule . M A N C ilB S n R Looking for of heirs and order of clatrlhutlon, and Adult* should also enjoy the pro­ was ■ name given to those free- .1361 Plymouth' Cranbrook 4-Dr. Call 1-I743 or can b* aean ' at ■treet. Phona 8474. work under An* working condi­ Ed's Marine Bervlce. 10 Whitney Center atibet. Open evenings. large living room With Rreplace. tlme-conaumiag bearings w-hich Omamentfil, Shade snd SEWING Sedan—Radio, heater, Clean j street, East Hartford. First F o r R ent 64 a buy? flowew about this? - Cape this Court dlrecia that notice of the gram of western* and cartoon*. hooters that plundered. the coast Roaaatto'a Farm, 88 Lake straet. tions. Apply In person, Boland CALL Basement garage. . hot water lobby '"rotild aol eaglneer oiil- EXPERTLY RRPAIjUD black. WE SPECIALIEB In roofliig and MARRIED MAN with car Inter- ALEXANDER only .$1 ,0 0 0 ,$*,0 0 0 -will 'nrplacf the acheduled show- ..M il..,,...... ' N ^ iit - Quality ' mml'-mted in- samtor-$** per week, "Chilstwiaa.-. Bnmneria.- .855-Eaat I space. -Apply "SS" Starkweather -$8,000'' tO“’$45B00 fiowR" TeqtihreO. <■*..*: ol«ul*t«ee...la. a*4d ..Btatidet,■--at rigM, -It -SCO* 4qp-sW*y'J^wl4Jt- Use - ' W PlUVroTei Xer(»''S-Dfrfietfan— THOMPSON OUTBGARD Runa­ diwn oAyreant; CaTrrh* inta- least five day* before the day of u ld 1 8 1 teriiili. Workmanship guaran- .Call 8393 after 7 p. m. Center street. Open evenings 'til street, Telephone 7088. The Allen Realty Company, Real­ help of a great majority Of Maroon, radio, btater. 1387 OLD8MOBILE Sedan. Nice bout Speedboat Trailer and Mo­ JARVIS CO. worth Mitten. Agency, Realtor*. heprlng. In the two- - western - features are UmpUd to setce upon: various tasd. A. A. Djon, Inc., 239 Autumn 9:00. tor*, 180 Oenter etreet, Manebes- JOHN J. WAI.I.BTT, Judge. Houu RepuhtlcoRA Roy Roger* in "Roll on Texas countries of Spanish America “ SIMEER • clean car In good condition. Call DUMP TRUCK DRIVER Wanted. tor. Call Wlndaor Lock* 2-7734. TE L. 4 1 1 2 6380. X They were perfectly Hilling 7408 after 8 p. m. ■treet '?hen* 4800. ter. Phon* 5105. Moon" snd Gene Autry In "Trlsl SOLIMENE, Inc. Also men es general conetruc- WHITE ELECTRIC Sewing Ma­ MANCHESTER — Vacant, clean, lo deny to mllHons'of American* chine, mahogany china cloert. j Read Herald Advs. of Ran Antone.” Urn SEWINl QENTSR 1347 CHEVROLET Club Omipe, FOR GUARANTEED Roofs that tlon worker. Apply 249 Broad Dismonds— Watchf MANCHEISTER — Expandable 4-room Cape Ond, finished attic the benefit* provided by this bill The two feature*. "Pat and Tek 7881 ot/ 3-8503 Mancheeter Dodgo-PIjmouth Cara Both reasonably priced. Call) Cape Cod with dormer, Air-Temp, Chine§e Worried In order to utlafy the ground-, You Have the Satlsfactlen ot 832 Main St. ToL 8181 black. Escelleht condition ■Uy on In any kind of storm, and street. , Jew elry 48 with large storage apace— 10x30 M ike" and "Talk About a Strang­ Knowing When Buying Vmir throughout. See Bob Oliver to-, guttsrs, conductors and roof rs- 2-9141. gaa furnace, gas hot water heat' ft. glanrad scieened porch. Alum­ ieu whim of a *peclal laterrst M in ch cster Job-Rste<] Trucka BXPERIENCKD Auto Body Msa LEONARD W. YOST. Jeweler, re­ er." starting Sunday until Tuea- Meat Here. It's Got to Be Good. day. Center Motor Sales, 401 patrsi Call Ooughlln 7707. the beat InveatmeBt la .the .world a .home,- a farm,, a bit er, oak flooring, til* bath, hatch' inum eoubinatlon. sdnilowa -and lobby—a _lql*y that purport o Apply In pareon; Olendet’s Body- pairs, adjiisu watches experuy. THREE COMPUTFE ROOMS of ^y>oiit Textbooks dsv - will begin ..at .fi;45 after .Jihe „ «34.Center Strert: MatirgtrMt. way, " firepiac*; c«>mbtnatlen door Aluminum awning*. Vene­ Io speak for, Mil 'liiireiy fall* to children's show. Spencer Tracy Know Your Moot Mool MANCHESTER — Roofing and Shop, Rockville. Conn.. Reasonable prices. Open dally. roodernlaUc torniture Ism then of land in the good old'U. S. A ." ' screens and atorm windows, repreunt the g ru t medical prn- TRKPRUHHiaz Phont 6101 or 8102 Mie year old. Moving to Weet tian blind*. Oarage, amrsite a-’ d Kathariie Hepburn ar# star­ Koop A«3|U3riH»oiNI 1301 OI'DSMOBILE Super D* Biding Ca. Also ail types of paint­ Thursday evsnlnga. 123 Sprues weather-stripped doors. All city Ringapnrf —HP) Chjnep* cdu- frmlon In the United Htateo," ring In "Pat and Mike.'! Safe Place To Buy Uaed Cara BXPBSRIENCED p l u m b e r . Ap­ Coaet. CaU for appointment) FRANK L. FINNEY G driveway, outdoor • fireplace, I-lxw Better fer I,aaa—Bay Luxe 88 Sedan. Radio, heater. ing and carpentry work. Guaren- ■treat. Phbna 3-4S8T. utUitlea. Built 1351. Lot 30 x 135 catora hav# expressed fear* that the Preoldcnt saJd. "She's Working Her Way An Yoar Meat A t The T# f. HOLLORAN ' teed work. Pkon* $-8933 for free ply Johnson A Llttla, 10 Wads­ Mencberter 2-1606. beatiUful ahrubbery, tree*. An­ “ I earnestly hope 'that the BBSrORB r o u Buy a used ear Hydramatie. Uk* new In every Aesoclat*' In Farms — with nice grov* and split rail chor Post fene*. Residential, ths Singapore govemment'a plsn 'mroiigh College,'' an exciting new j RRi/ REMOVAL Mtl mates. worth street. to "Mslayanlae'’ Chineae achail r^ingrrU next year will override FUNERAL HOME aea Gorman Motor Baloe. Buiek reapect. Easy terms. Dbugles Garden— Fann— Dairy ONE GIRL'S Birdseye Maple Evaa Maacheeter 8877 K G a l t O F fence. Immsdiat* occupancy: convsnient to bus store*, school. ^cture. will be ahown Wednesday Motors, Main atraet. - Owner transferred. Price $18,500. texthook* la going to klTI Clilnese the foolish objection* o f . the Have your tree* pruned and Ideany lecatad—aeB' Saleo and Servleo,^ 350 Mala 888 EXPERIENCED Turret Lathe Op­ Pradtieto SP Bedroom Set. Namely, one dou­ (Mlsa) Must be seen. Vemon 5-9131. through Saturday. Virginia Mayo L . Te W O O D removed'- by license and In­ street. Phon* $-4071. Open eve- erator and screw machine opera­ A Henry Eaeott Agency, Manch**' cultun. medical lobby and put a proper will star in this movie. away from tks bMy.$fcaiaBgb> 1900 Pontiac Club Coup* Chieftain Koofim— :— it^A ble lied and spring, dresser, The Fsderstion of Chinese disability, ptovIslon lB^Uie sured tree snrgedos. tor-^ Pact ju d full.tlnuL alights. di+eeing tab)* ' and - seat.— GfcU r - W a l t o N ..tor. 88$$,.:.;...... ______LOCKER PLANT terfc - DlaHnaWva ^itodsOi 8l36> ' 7 --Ukii' b'mnd',n#w. ' ROOFING— Speelallaing in repair­ CaU Dean Machine ProdurUt, Inc., RliPE NATIVE tOM ATOE^ for LiotB fo r Sale Y i Btdidoli Is lo ip ^ k f to'ih'|i'Chinese In the Hlinels.v* Mount elna S'186 between 6-7 evening*. 1 Associate la Sale* Chamber.of Commerce to convene A MEATHOUEE ■rn Farilltles. PETE DANZIOBR'S Paraonally ing roofa of . all . kinds. Also new sale at t7 Florence street. WITHIN 85-MINUTE DRIVE OF birds exist on deed grasses blown I960 Chevrolet 3-Dr. Fleelllne— 333 McKee street. Cvea Manchester 8180 HARTFORD. Only 8800 to 11,500 FOR SALE or eschtnge, large a meeting of leading .Chlneae iisSo- 51 BISHELL ST.—TBI-. 8434 •elactad used cars at .Clark* . Fully equipped. roof*. -Gutter work. Chimneys among the rock* end lichen* CARTER TREE down payment ktiy* 3 and 4-ropm shaded building lots ‘at the green clallons, guilds, and cultural or- Thrifty Sowing For GirU KEEP ACQUAINTED Mot'txr Sales: 801 Broad atraat cleaned, repaired. 33 years' ex­ W ANTED—Cleaner for week end* Hotwehbid Goods 51 growing on atone. OLLORAN 1900 Plymouth 4-Dr. -Cant be ‘‘SpaelaHtiag In Home* City, Subuibah aad Farms Since IBlIf* winterised homes, Priced from Wm. Kenebl. Phon* 7771. j. ganisatlona to discuss ths mstter. Open ayanlngs 'Ul 3. perience, Free eat I mate*. Oell st card* Thaaler. Apply Jack $47 Mala Street Hartford, 3-75S4 — Evealnga, Mancbeater 8100 EXPERT CO. _ compared anywhere. Benson, .nanager, at State Thea­ 6 FT. G. M. FR1GIDAIRF-. Good 18.500 to $7,500. Fumlahlng* In­ Howley. Manchester 0831. P H O N E 7695 1343 CHEVROLET Stylallne da-I condition. Phone, 2-0270 after cluded. Balafic* like vent. Quick DEfilRABLE Home sites, half C. S. McHALE, Jr. You'll Never Buy A Dud ter. See acre up. Black road, electricity, Biuobirds And Rotos tuxa 4-door. Radio, heater. Color 6 p. m. 17 Peerl street. occupaRcy. The Allan Realty Licensed Embalmsr If You Buy A Car From Bud telephone, natural Miada, high lo­ maroon. In nice ccndltlcm. Easy R o s tfa v — PtaM btRff 17 EXPERIENCED Truck Drivers, . Company, Realtor*. 150 Oentar 175/Center Ste PfeaM I terma. Douglas Motors. SSS Main. ] 1340 Dodge H Ton Pickup—Priced over 31 years Apply In person. street, Manchester. PKoim 0105. cation off Rout# 6, North Coven­ to a e l l ^ ___ C. O. LORENTSBN. Alterationa, _Car|aon. |(_Opmp*ny, 44 Stock try. Fred Miller, Cov*ntry 7-0058: 1948 CHEVROLET ^T^h Truck. 1340 ClMvroiet Station Wagon — copper water piping New work. plaice. Notice FLORENCE BTREET —: 6-Rootn Good condition, good liras. Writ-1 14-hour aervie*. Manchester 8383 Single, fireplace, oil heat, tile LOT FOR BALE — Knollwood Good tires and motor. A real HOMES Beach, Saybrook. Nice location, ten guarantee. ISBp. Eaay terms. | bargain at 8130. Zoning Board of Appcais WANTED bath, good lot. $13,000. fi. A. MANOHESTEirS Calto Servicenter, 4104. EFFICIENT Plumbing and heat­ Salesaien Wanted 86-A In accordance with the require­ '•'O ff .Griswold Street Beechlcr. Phon* 3303. on* block from beach, 45x110. 1341 Plymouth Club Coup# Re­ ing. Plugged drain* machine ments of the Zoning Regulations In Glastonbury Sacrtfic*. Owner. 3-2043. 1930 CHEVROLET8, DeLuxes. built motor. cleaned. I%an* 3437. M AKE $30 D AILY — Sell lumi­ -FIYE-ROOMrCOWWIAL — Five A Sffrvieu ' t HNEST REPAIR nous name plates. Write Reeve* for the Town of Manchester. Two to choose from. Bob Oliver Conn., the Zoning Board of Ap­ Expandable Cape Cod years old. Garage, large lot. Pri­ 1341 Ford V-8 Tudor^^st btock. HEATING 3Yom A to 2L Oon- CO., Attleboro. Mass. Free sam- BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE vate owner. Inquire 130 Oak Rooort Proporty For Sale 74 ' Of SERVlOE always has Chevtoleta. For the good motor. •' peal* will hold a Public Hearing best In valuqs stop at Canter veralon burners, boiler-bumer plea and details. on Monday. July 28, 1952 at 8:00 Liberal Terms Street. ANDOVER. BOLTON, COVEN- S in e tr ir y on Washers, Toaster*. Motor S a l«r 401 Mahr street Also Beveiel Good *37, ‘St and 'S3s units, eomplats hsaUng systsma. P. M. In the Hearing Room of the Open Dally, 1 P- M. to Dark MANCHESTER— SIX ROOM TRT — ^Oottegae, water fidnt Irons, Sewing Maehiae*. Priced To 8*11 AU srork guarantead; ^ m s jiay- ADVERTISING MATCHES—8*11 where Personal 1948 CHEVROLET Convertible. , Amaslng beelgne! 30, SO. 40 and Municipal g lid in g on the follow­ Single centrally located $11A00. end overlooking lake, good buys, Cofialderatlnn ^ Vac*, etc. __, ■ i : ments arrangsd. Meriarty Broth' ing applicatlona: large eelectlon. . Wellei Agency, • A reel sporty car. For thig.one Be* era. TeL 8180. ‘ 340-llght hoqU match**. ^ Bigger New six rooms,- two unfinished. Is A Tradition see Bob Oliver, Center Motor Georga W. Barrett for permla- Shed dormer, fireplace, hot watsr Coventry. Tel. 7-6373 or 7-7501. ABO Selce, 461 Melq street BUD MICHALAK PLUMBING and heating. Fum Spot Cash Oomm.; Every buel- aion to use portion of baaement of beat, brick front $18,000. Six JGHNSGN PAINT CG. is Woodbridga Straet The Working Man's Friend ac*a oil bumera and boilers. Earl r 1 e prospect. Repeata Start dwelling for offle* quarters In ■complete rooms, oil heat, fire­ 4Q0 AAein Slr**l,_^ 1933 PLYMOUTH Sustneks Cbttp*-{ HARTFORI>-ROia> UBED CARS -nit'exp., men. 'wwwcnrfaH . connection with occupation a r s place, garage, comMnatlon storm SubartaK for Sido 7S__ : 699 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER APPUANCE 00. Y in Camp. TsI. $-5144. ^/iLwxMlfr... . A l«» Becker Bros, upright.bU m I ----At The Caleo Station A t , I. . . time.':. Buy Nothlag'. Sales ijyuilJlaig contractor: also, sign 1 COOLING sad .doors. - -.VsTy-j^od A itpO V E E ** Iimnndtsts ..oCTupan*:; 2.1S7^ .SlMwl«a; •^-''' BOttr In > 6bd 'roBdlhofi." ’Phone*' "*•' ' ■ Msrtfowi - PLUMBING and kit " MitWt^ in'^ir** tnr same, at Oeenpki^' ...... - - . ' .'WW: ;Y ® 3 « YW e a n e r Bnmr ■'fc '~ m :o0iL;r-':"'e Brtiitr K-'' 'awr ""■Mx steam heat, -garage, large lot, 1 « 0 CyiEVROLET Bslalr. radio.' Alme LaTullpp# for permission room# ^ mala highway, 80,400; heater, two-ton* gray and blue. per water pi|»ihj|. new cooetruo- lake privUegSA $4,800. Coventry 1950 CHEVROLET 2-Door De- to erect a building, 40' x 00'. ap Coventryroom# 83JOO; Im- Positively Hk# new. A real knock­ tkML Tlm t paymenta arraAgad- 7-3800. , _ tuxB Sedh'h,' Ailly equipped 'and l BdararC-Jahnaaa. Phona 3373 -ar Jlelp Wanted-'*:^ _ : proximatety 460 feet from strtiW •' mediats-oceiipaiiejr- I have tbrs* y o M MANCHESTER tuUy':iroarBnteed. For the best! out - Dmiglaa HeitArs, 888 Main Mala or Faaala - 87 lint for the storagw .of-equtpinant 4'bedroom liwnaa priced st $13,- Street 564'3. SOUTH uriNDSOR — Ranch In value see Bob .Oliver, Center used In connection with landscape i N V l t r 000 snd up. For appointment House, Six rooms with gstogs; FRAMING MAN OR WOMAN to learn wool Motor S^le■. 461 Main street PLUMBING end heating repatra. gardening, at 780 Vernon Street. pleas* call Howerd R. Hastings, lot 100x?06. Convenient to Ham­ meemss m w Pictures Mounted and pressing Manchester CIsansrs, Trailers for Salt 8-A New and old work. Copper tub- Rural Residence Zone, 2-U07. , _ ilton. Madeline Smith, Realtor, 1951 CHEVROLET Ittyllie De- in a spedalty. Ed Tanner, 0747. 33 Wells street. Phene 7204. Framed — Old FraMo* Richard Lengdon for permission SOC;ROOM Caps Cod. earner lot, 2-1642 or 4373. { lyaxe Tudor f.edan. Black.- Low 27tFOGT U B E R T T TRAILER. Y O U T O Repaired mtleege. Like new. to e r^ o n c oar d.*Diched garage 85 X 145 ft. Aluminum comblns- Extras. Modem conveniencea Goiod con­ PAST, EFFICIENT SERVICE on at side of dwelling instesd of at COVENTRY — Beautifully land­ Easy doBS if with Seotts Prints and Oil PaintihgK Phon* 2-3T63. • Dogs—BIrda—Pets 41 tloir irindows and doors, Venetian dition. Reaepnebie. Cell 0838 alteration. Jobbing and naw weirk. tbs rear of dwelling, st 84 Lewis scaped 6-roora ranch style house blinds; fireplace; ideally situated. anti-Crabgrass compound F or Sale or S3 Pearl street. Permaglasa Gaa, Electric Hot BOXER-PUPS. $80 iip. Uma pay­ Beautiful IS IT HOT!! WELL SO ARE on 6 scree land. Winterised Street Residence Zone A. Gall Owner, 7383. Water Heater* sold and Installed ments. 30 head on hand. Box­ Aubrey Lengille for extension of throughout. Automatic hot water MO yrt. 1948 PONTIAC to settle an estate. | at raaaonabi* rates. 'Dme pay­ Dependable Qnalily — Serrire! F, R. Manninjt, 8146. 33 FT. HOUSE TRAILER. 1961 er Farm. Vernon. ' Rockville permission to conduct electric MANCHESTER — New 5-Room ’ boater, flreptace, 3-car garage. Albert NssfcewiU model. Complete. Call Windsor ments arranged. AH work Ashford Lake THESE VALUES ' utility ahed. Lake privileges guaranteed. SksUey Brothers, motor .repair shop at 231 North Rmich wiH be bulK. City aawar Two pretty outfits In one pat­ 38 Lockwood Street 1948 ENGLISH Fetd. Economy Locks 3-7734. Main Street. Business Eons III. 83$00. CaU after 3:80, Coven­ tern for your two to ten miss. A 1 Walnut Straet. Manchester VERY NICK cross breed puppies in and erator. Full cellar. Down pay- William H. Sehisldt* - T el. 2-1313 plus on tMa Job. Priced to sell. WlUism Watson lor permission A n array of Sornmor Spociah ia meoloot lo- try 7-7307. simple princess- lined aundress 2-8714. ■ 87 each. Zimmerman's Ken-' Ashford—Eastford. Conn. - ment only 83,000 aiMk sal* price 185 Spruce Street Tel. 8690 Bee Pete at CiarJee Motors. Phone Motorcydoo—B lcy^ 11 to erect attached breeseway and only 811.200 and up. The Allen with elmpte bonnet to match. And •2-2012. 801 Broad street. Open neis. La M* St.. garage to dwelling which wiU be c o t l^ wifliiK 20 imHos of Aircraft to BOLTON—New four-room home Radiant dlucbtrds and roses In It's a dainty party frock with the Juit Kotter lb* cteon, gromitor' SCUTl Booting— Bathing Realty Company, Realtor*, 180 with 100 X 800 ft. lot. Plaster evenings 'll! 9.| . 1348 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 74 Morliiff— Tm cktaf— located IS feet from rear let line cHooio from. Center street, Mancfiester. Phone colorful crossatitch create IxffuU- pert button-on 4op. porticlei. oyer the town with p Scoffs O.V.H. Excellent ihape, low mile­ (West line of lot) which Is 13 feet R s h in g walls snd ceilings, tile' bath. ing ' bedllnen designs. BUiebirds Pattern No. 8815 le a aew -rlte Spreoder - Crobgroit luccuatbs. good 1951 CHEVROLET Styl?lln* de­ age. t::aii 3-1403. Storsf* , , 86 B105. Priced at 89.850. T. J. Crockett BILL'S TIRE. MNNCHESTEN closer than regulations allow, at are a symbol Of happInsM and are perforated pattern In sizes 2, 4, 6, groiMi ffirlv*. luxe, tudor sedan, radio, hester, AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO.. local Notice 5 Jsrvi* Road. Residence Zone A. Lots carefuUy planned, wood­ HIBH ELEVATION AND UKE PORTER STREET SBCTIOH— Agency. OfMec 5410. Evenings aepecislly appreciated when em­ 8, 10 years, Size 4, dress 1*4 yards AND nice condition throughout. See 1948 HARLEY-DAVIDiBON Mod­ ed and laid out for your fu- Three or four weekly SCUTl-ingt ever- ana long dlatanc* moving, pack­ Electors of the Town of Man­ John Howard for permission to NiiM-room home. 1st floer: large 3-5015. - . broidered on gift Unens: of 39-incb; bonnet, % yard; top ' Honest Doug., Douglas Motors, el 125. Good eonditioa. See at tura plaasura aad comfort. cost* deeien Crobgroit of etodoff cost. DRYCLEENERS ing, crating and atorag*. Servlee chester. Conn.. ar* hereby erect buUdlng 28' x 50' to be used PRIVILEBES Uvlng room,, fireplace; dining Pattern N a 5343 contains hot % yard. REPAIR SHOP 833 Main street 50 Homestead street after 4 p. m. ANDOVEB. BOLTONi iron transfer (or 3 designs, materi­ "F o r this pattern.- send 30c In Price per single Ireofieerdi to a U parts of the U. S. OaU warned that the ReglaUAra of for the storage of trucks uaed in room, den, kitchen and lavatory. COVENTRY William H. Green, Prop. 93 W«Rb S t M 6187. HtrUord 3-1433. Veters of the Town will be In sea- conduct of oil business,-st 184 Sale prtcea from $8,500 ts $5A00 inehidlng fnriilahlng^ 3itd floor: five bedrooms and al requirements, atitchi.,Illustra­ coins, your name, address, sise de­ 400~tq ll • 79t 1250 sq h • $1.35 1 and 3 reoms srlOi bath ar lavataly and yarak. DOWIT bath. Oil ateam bMt. Porch aver 3 Rooms, flush toilet- 8L700. tions and color chart. ~ . sired snd the Pattern Number to 3500 ip ff - $3.83 Columbia Bicyciffs er, black. Local.owner. 8% Rooms, toilet. Insulated Sue Burnett -(Manehester Evening ^ Tnlnpbnnn 72M' Phon* 4303. o'clock noon until' 3 o'clock P'. W., 'A S ld F O R B - Send 25e In coins, your nptne, adr Excellent throughout See Pete Psfaittair>^Bpertaf 81 Artealaa water— nice trees. U. S. and Goodynor Tirnt at Clarke Motor Bales 801 Broad for ths purpose of making an *n- Town o f Manchester for exten­ Brice $13,800. EItoelualV* vritk 1340 HARLEY-DAVIDSON rao- sion of permisaion to erect addi­ 5 'Rooms; olt heat— $4,300.- - Ajyia Cabot (Manchester. Evenipfg atraet Open ^ninga 'til 3. jrBKB... ESXOtATCS. btterlar loUment of the electors who are Can for appoiatmeat aad i f yaw bring Urts ad wllk Elva Tyler. 2-4439. 4 RoomA ataU roail. 3 aeree. '"‘Se'nd^te J n t. today for your] Siwd, .Wri cwunwiton. rvkW drai - ^ $ « ^ "topcycl*: model "40.” Inquire 33 enUUsd to vot* at the PrUnartes tion to school bulldtng'which will H e r ^ ), 1150 Ave. Amerieae, New Expert Dry ainting. Hav* * tt dona new. yon nnefe buyer wW-taO a aradU af C203JM. York 80. N. Y. • mpy of Basic Fashion '82. It shoWs ' A c c M B o r iM 1300 CHEVROLET - Styleline de- Sunset street, or phene 0706. - >hsns 3-1S3S. In the Town of Manchaatsr, and ba loMted closer' to street Hne and LAKE, Inc; Hter tvatsr hast, fireplace,. tlM ■-Ann# ISafiot'* 'New Album of yotf! how -to mske your .wBfdtoba. --JO H N--S- .W O LCO rr..3i. SO M . lux* C I'^ Coupe. Radio, heater. for the purpose of making such clewer to South aide line than do double - duty with" economical, PAIN TIN G and paperhanglng. regulations allow, at 340 South ARTHUR A. KNOVLA bath, extra, large tot: quiek occu­ Boms On O. L Loan* grand d*atgn.a.' plus exciting fea­ Phone'2-0659 Beautiful black ftolah. hi' axcel- Waato6 Aatos ■■ ebangea In the enroilment llata last ture* and a- gift pattern printed in tlihe-aaving atylea. Gift' pattern 180 MAIN 8T., MANCHESTER PHONE 8597 . lent eaadition. Hurry. D ou |^ Interior and anterior. Cabinet Main Street, Residence Zone A A Salas Agent Tk* ALLEN REALTY GO. R m H o i s pancy. tl$,300. « . A. Sesohler. • WELLE* AGENCY M a to reyd ss 18 perfected.' Seaaion wiU be held at the book. 35 cents. printed inside. 26 cents. buUding and buUdlag ceatraet- the Municipal Building. . AU persona inUrested may at­ OUncheater, Conn. .183 CENTER STREET non* 3838. Caventry—TtL T-0873 or 7-7301 , Motors, 838 Main street . Tet btanchester 5440. 3-5838 CASli POR TOUR CAR! Top lag. CaU a iff. 8-4338. Dated. July 18. 1358. ' tend this hsarlng. MANCHESTER — THOtiB 5135 1340 CHEVROLET 8-4 panel. prkefc CaU. Doe or Nelson at ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Office st Lake Donpld Hemingway TsL Storra 3-2967 Good condition. Pnea 8300. Pri Town Motors, 45 Waat Osnlsr Edward F. Meriarty WllUam H. Stuck, Chairman ./I vataly owaad. Galt 3-9588. ■treat or iMsphoM 3557. . Read Herald Advs. I .Ragtatrara o f Votaga Georga H. Marlow, Secretary S iB ( I . ■/ ,' : .\.X ' \ 7-?>/' ‘i!'*' t' J . ■ N' ' -’•» A‘ ir '!(.'.' • k - a ..-r '

-i J SATURDAY, I \ ATtnca DiUy Nat Fraaa R u Tha Weather P A G E T E N Ferscaat of C. 8. Wsatiwr;] B:Mta .. liani:I)vater 1E.t»nitt8 1$rralh July 18, 1888 ■:3:?.-53gg04~wn It Shewera and Uiuadaratar 'About Town shewera aad Heard A lot^ Main Street af tha AaflH -HV Wanner. . ilutiMt CoundJ, No. 4B, P«rr«e Mahchetter^A City o f Village Charm •r. PocahonUa, will matt Monday To Town Jail at 8 Pi m. in Tlnkar hall. It la And on Somi o f Manche$ter*$ Side Streete^ Too bopad that th« officara who ware A ' H a^ord man who. waa PULVERIZED POULTRY WHORE VOL. L X X I, NO. 243 AgvaetlalBg aa Paga 18) MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, JULY 21, 1052 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENIV Bot aaatad at the regular inatalla- ^ euperetm en and myaWry that mir: toiHDhteg early: “ tion Witt report at Monday'a ipeetr 1 last night hitched himaeif-a ride to tng. Other important buaiheia Weeto-day obaervatioB for Bat r^^da thia flying mammal. will be traitaac'tad and a aocial urday; Thera aeeiha to be more beard that the alnlatar rep­ -to* polio* station, and after falUag It lUtc. two thing, to k«P Jtt.t*b*t^ time will follow. awimming poola thia' year than utation given the bat la entirely to show proper gratitude toward hot summer m on t^ water and so I our ever before. Do you And that ob- undeaarved; actually, the mallgar- his - host, waa forced- to take a you sprinkle yow tawn. give it a bght^PP«“ ‘ ^ Anderaon-Shaa Auitlllaryj No. aervatlon rather earth-rtiaklng T ad creature la a boon to agricul­ walk down slalrs to tbe cell pulverized poultry manure, then wet the ,vgtem to SM6, haa eat the date of Tueaday, No? Then try thia. ture. It can pick up inaecta on the 5lhis treatiiirat ^11 promote a vigorous rwt system w We’re talking about tbe back­ Wing and In caaea where a healthy- The hitch-hiker, James W. Pink- July S2. for a ahora dinner at Wil­ hiUn, 18, Of 33 Seyms street, Hart- assimilate and hold the water and nutrients w h k h ^ cox .Pier, Bavin Bock. Membera yard variety that homeownera can alxed colony of bata Inhabit* a build themaeivea. And they're do- farm or cave, you can be aura that ford.Nwaa picked up by Patrolman the basis of good turf growth. Drive over M K planning to go are requeated to Prlmo Amadeo and brought to the meet at the VFW Home at 8:80 ing it ayerydav. A drive; through the bitf population in that; area la of this long-hating, economical fertilizer this ween. the eounti^lda will prove that oonalderably d i m i n I abed each station Where he tuaued with p. m. Reaervatlona will cloae Amkdeo, ' -Patrolman Frederick Monday evening. Thoee Who point night Of courM moat of the pool* are Brtirother bat can cover aa much Tedford and Capt. William Barrim have not already aigned up are for a while before toe t patrolmen ROGER OLCOn urfed to conUct Prealdent l?oro- not elaborate . affair* with tiled aa 135 mile* In a aingle night locked him up. -. Telephone 7853 thy Welnachmldt, (Mra. W. K. aide* and bottom* and chroma while out on theee Inaeet-catching He, was charged with assault, 403 W8st Center Street handrail* plua a aprtngy diving expedition* and few recorded in-> 12 Killed as Quake Rocks West "Coast, KlatnachmtdV Bolton Notch) ao Teaiating arreat, and -reckless uae that tranaportatlon may be pro­ board for the more haray uacra. atance* have been eet down where of toe highway. Amadeo reported On a recant excuralon w* counted th* bat actually cauaed any harm vided. that PInkham had been thumbing no lea* than flve poOla, three of or damage to man. W* agree that a ride on Centear street near CH- them In the conatrucUon atage. there may have been aom* caaea - Mr. and. Jlra. Thomaa A. Hooey, cott drive-and that a* each car R ubrcU Booiten Arriva from Georgia Two in a ' The bride-elect waa makeshift studio while Mia.. ple are looking, for that new car atrategy. draw from tha union after a atat- unit at Tehachapi. The town-haa a backing (Ban. Ruaaall of Gaergia Finally It waa painted. Ne Show center, Citron aaid the purchasing ti(« to tha Mnweratie dgh with a choice ooU ectl^of b^hJJ: Leonard Nelse and her little they. ordered a few months ago. power of toe farmer is reflected in Tha committee heard Murray ad Ume. population of about 1,800. for tha nbmlnatlon—rramalnad In Thia pool i* filled by throwing BUY- ■ay that negotiations with Vice vention empped up to n y ful glfta by the “ In on* end of a garden hoa* and Patrolman Joe Hlllnakl of the daughter. Laurel, looked on In ad­ On the other hand, they say there toe "hum" of toe factory. Turning .to the moat, recent Red Cross headquarters here thair aaaU during tha atandlng relamla and Meadb at the party. Maneheatar police force waa on miration. are more ears on the roads tlum P i^ den t Joaeph M. Larkin of Whit* House prodded negotiations .said a short wave radio circuit waa ovaUon for Stavanaon. , over the etwtlon of » new B8r letting th* water run all night He covered the eeat of the chair Betoieham and -Bethlehem coun­ An axurhernnt band of fleergin delegntea to tlie Dipmer ratio nnObnal eenvantlon nnfiirla hMiMra William Dea­ There* a drain at th* aiop* end Main atraat duty yeataitory after' ever, but it la safe to say some of held during the past week-end being opened iietween the town of Btavanaon got anothar big hand tional oOmmltteemBn. ton of thU tcAm will be married noon. A larga line of youngatera with clekn white paper, and beam­ those cars.should have reached sel John Morse produced a "mem­ with, Larkin and Vie* President Tehachapi and San Francisco, and and signs boosting tha oaadidscy of their atata’* V. 8. Sen. BlehnH B i ^ ll* - * * * ^ at toa end of hia apaeeh. Tha ,Mra admlttod that soma w * with an ordinary turn-plug. When formad outatd*. the State theater. ed two strong lights down on it. orandum of understanding” In should be operating by 10 a. m. nomlMttM on arrival In OMengo. H w delegntton waa aaet by Oav. Barman Tahaidn (hatlaaa, right In St. Bridfet'a. Church on Satur­ thia i* taken out, th* dirty water toe junk mah long ago. MEMORI John A. Stephens of U. 8. Steel, eeater), who had arrived *n the eenveatlen seen* enrtler. Be W gnnhed hy M* wife and Ms mother, nUnoia delagatoa wavad thair ban- on had davaiopad to Jokii'il- day, Attittit«. Patrolman Hilliwki noticed the Nauman attached toe camera to which toe eteel company execu­ Murray said" (p.d.t) nara aad mum of . them shouted, of N*w Havan, the A p* ruahea from th* pip* into a ape youth* had atoaggled iatl over th* a tripod and twisted ami turned tives "aubatantiaily aec^ttad tha . Short- -wava - equipment- was Mrs. |nigm..ndnu^ _ ...... dial channel aiid Raiii there to a laawlated ■ GALL 5440 "Again-wa dlacovarad there waa "We want SteveBeen." „____ ^tien ekotoa- Tlmy. efaiUliaR* atreet and naked that they form it until it waa focused on a spot ' While people who had occaaion union ahop." flown to tbs area from San Fran­ But as tha eonvantlon got off cd, however, toat It wasn’t aarlM dry well. Certainly therf!* nothing ASK FOR OF PRONIN no hop* of any satisfactory sattla- a atmight line and atand near the in the middle of the paper. , to travel along toe main stem yes­ Murray aaid Larkin and Morse ment of to* varioua item*." , cisco, and facilities for setting up a atari, tha whela proapaet aiKto enough to give them eoncani. ...T very elaborate about thia pool and building* ao that pedeatrlana could "Now," . Nauman . explained, a cantssn there also was going ^ P o /lcc Arrcgfa | yet the fun It give* more than terday noon, jmiwgled up to the ROY KNOFLA took the memorandum before toe 9 Escape Jail esBdldaUe and platform The reports «r*r* that at Mh B paaa. 'now the trick la to get the aub- buildings on the East aide of Main other major producers with toe (OoBdBeed *■ Paga Tara) by air. Production ly uncartaln. two others would Uk* Um 38a compenaataa for the hour*.of hard While aaking aeveral young boy* iMt to be still for a aecond «n that Rescue crew* trying to reach r-Hd father and hta 86- work'lt raqulrad. - — - street, under to* awnings to avoid INSURANCE - A#--ta the— plstfortar'^-lt— t o Paul IL OMUMr/^-eC- were arraated yehter- to mova, one of toe Tada aald, spot." the bot sun, one woman saunter^ Of Every DeacrlptloB Dea SUPERIORITY tha stricken town of Tehachapi On I2tk Floor egata. as it ha* b e * B ^ yaera, a Norwalk, Nam*« as piiiiWBli Th* aam* pool, don* by a con ^'Ney l. How about taking, out your For the-next-hour spectatora On ittriadcation-count*; tractor'Woiild bav'a coat iii the along toe sunny sidewalk wearing' ARTHURJR A — fought againat-blocked roads and Morto-Bquth battled ovar "a v ll Golden opponent* were Thamas X gun and abowlng it to me." Hil- watched "The battle of Bob' and a heavy, dark woolen sweater to downed powef lines. N e a r H a lt Prank Ck\yrb*nalUa, the older neighborhood of 8800 to |1,300 de­ Righto." . Dodd of West HartToril SMT * Inakl atralghtened out th* line the bug," eometime called, "The keep out the heat. KNOFLA AGENCY Correctly dcri^ monuments are products of careful. Reports filtering Out of the lit- Wa—aa OI This aeclIoBm war tbraatoeed V1«mii)f RuUafig* 8f f M, and nnnk J. Urbanaltla pending on how fancy th* owner and went on hi* way. The boya bird—as the beetle saw it." ^ Allies, Reds in Struggle wanted it. It coat him about 8450 In the window of one store, Est. list intelligent stu^yi They have balance, distinction and tl* tnountain community pleaded Ntaa priaoH for e tlma tolm ek eut on tha o6n- XMdfi sought Um gul wW have to- wait until another Oertaia be had come upon a warm, colorful blankata war* of­ glgaiAlNBT. ^ fordoetore-and nursea euaag alayaa ___^ ...... _ A-t'Airtraft vantion 'ftoito et the -opeatog •■• nominaUon in 1848 vrittch LAUf kb plana to put up a pip* rare tropical insect myaterloualy meaning; theyhave brauty that will ciidnre. Candidliteg toy to ato a potieaman'a ravolver fered at cut prices, and In another Dial 8448 ar 8-4318 Fiaar break tmai IM r ISikJPier «a le in jxoenp ov*r eeatlng of ri' went to Chaqtaf them at the root awa at Middle railing, tandacap* the pool ,Mde* out of to* holater. grown up in Connecticut, Nauman window was a display of "Happy ta t)M Jeckaaa OaoBfar gall ta tumplk* Weat and HiHlard atreeU. (to prevent water eroalon) and Cutt^g Done In Oar 0 # n Shop From The For Crest of Old Baldy vsl from MiaslaetppI hava been mention*8 a* called Resourceful Robert by hla Little Cannibals" with little elM SherUTa Oapt. F. D. Jonea tn ,daswitaem Bwiaa CHg' aertjr BaaL HsNxItafd, Tmuw. 8tat cenvenUon leedera rapaat rivals for UM \ eract a diving board. But aa he Rough Stone To The Finished Memorial Bakerefleld, nemreat major city to ' Chicago, Jiily..2l-r (fl*) — DM Voo Bring the MuatafdT colleguea. used numerous meth-< on their tawny figures but rings taday. Bacauaa of mattrial abort- the iMma ovar for at laaat 84 in 1984. .: < aaya, "Right how it'* anough for ods to keep toe beast still. He in their •ara,or waa it their noses ? to* quake’s center, said: "It looks Labor'union chififg plugged PaUaa aaU aaetjrlaM tarehaa my famUy." Week-end after week-end Man Seoul, Korea, July 21— (/F)—^United Nations infantrymen agaa nauliinf i»0Ri tha i by * pragraaMlilft* Atttladgq rMMsnita^'IM 1 cheater reaidenta pack up and tried to trap It with glue.'He epax —A Non. like there must be many Injuries." hard today to have the Demo­ was«' aas8 -ta cag 4hra«gh ata*4 HepeMa ford aenatorud district *^ OM ed, he cajoled. He was firm. After today drove Chinese Ommunists off the e m t of Old Baidy Two tunnels, used jointly by toe doom aa tha 18th flaor. A Jailer •trika, fta tt and W h i^ y head for the ahore or the lake* cratic national convention A* to candidatoa. It waa wtd*' But* Oefltral eommlttaa. Bat or tha woodland* to enjoy the cool he hadlalwred.sigipat three quart- Southern Pacific and Santa Fe rail­ waa tiad up. aad th* prtaaaaia Aircraft will be for<»d > 0 re­ AAafiiJiester Memorial Co. —. on the Korean western front in the wake of a tremendous choose a new deal-type presi­ op*n. F1V* hopafui* w*r« working ~ " Mgwe OotRus' MRosGoR' ~ *'"37^** em OABDl Atx A frlahd who Uiiea up Oovrietry iraeaea and to relax. era of an hour and poured out gal- barrage by artillery, tanks and warplanes. Gen. Mark roads were blocked by jcayelns. fled dowa the atalra. duced aircraft engine>l^livery Niyay had occaaion tbo otbar day to lona of perspiration. Bob pinned ' A. H. AIMETTi, Prop, Jones reported. dential ticket and platform. Th* accueed alayer la Joadph hard for ih* pr«*td«ntlal nomiM BUto Chsirmmn John M. BalliF U A D O fa BBANDS More often than not they r*' ^ < L M S ' Clark's headquarters in Tokyo said i ' ' ------— —— ——— Leader* of both th* AFL and to Military serviCea and tIOD, and there were a dosan "fS' ebmplaiii about bat* in hi* bam. urn to work Monday morning the beetle's tail down. Still toe He added toat the aituation on Haataai*, Jr.. 85, wh* poUee aaid •aid he had heard th* talk about IlhT' y laplakiti; DOirT JffiYELQFmJNIX. CU) ,^ve.turned Jlmmba.,dqy^ .on jjjorten ita, worlklieek lo r yorUa, J9_to<^|lald______'11ftJBi(»"'toSy’ ^ ^ Tai'otlou*'^-"'''beaai""" 'p iv o te d a n d "' of Chorivon waa captured. But i J K |gs | fO|lh||k|l thf^aln highway between'Brt 'Arltar Brag SlifM waa there war* not anough of equirmed. Tkraw iM n Awsy PRINTED 0 threa of the cahBTdatea', " 'V'tce m i l i a r ~ Gov7 Adlai'StoymabiTH^ bored endleealy over th* pravioua r front line dlapatches indicated th* field and the derert towh of Mo­ President Alben W. Barkley and en£i “ in them r a mbmant wa war* af- 50 houra. Finally there waa one brief mo­ SttD plaaty of wear Mfl la jave, which goes through Techa- hie arreat laat November. — August, P. Gwinn, tha man who haa aaid rapeatodly ~t fu ii^ M ^ t that Oeldaa *86 raid haaring had failed iMoa tapaliag hera. 24-HOUR SERhcE craat of ;the hill waa a no-man’a Sens. Richard Russell of Georgia Th* JaU la ea the llth, 18th ha doaan't want It; waa atill gal be elected by the detegat**.” Laat Sunday A realdeht decided ment of atlllneaa Th* camera BicEBEBniai land with UN troqpa dug in helow chapi, was ao bad toat ambulataces that he ly meant h* had too snapped. and Roberf-S. Kerr of Oklahoma. general announced He announced a caucus for to* he wouldn't mak* tola mUtaka Film Deposit Box the crest. Forces Diiriiig and aherUTs cars were trying an The AFL and CIO men handling ny of thei and. In hla axperlenee, there la a "I think we've got him," said At Store Entrance (Oeatlaaai ea Page Two) today. (OaBltauad Pag* Eltv*a) night to n*m« to* suceasoon to BOO SITS OP What he toldxua certainly threw SAM YIILYES A. U. S.''Eighth Army staff old .road through to* hills. - the political maneuvers for their The/^utlMck in working hours Country and NaUona) Comiait- laaaon fou reader* might learn the battle-weary hunter. officer said toe hill definitely waa "We don't know whether w* labor groups have endorsed none a lot of light on otherwla* dark before you plan tomorrow'* ac- The picture printed, researchers e Repalriag of tha Bat- Parley: Clark wtu begin after to* plant reopens toewoman Mary Flynn o f BoutlM- aituation. Like a .t many oth- ter KIm Dea* WhD* Foa not secured. can get through there either,” he of the other candidates. But they on Aug. It. Tha plant will be Ington. Both have baan out at tivUlM...... ^... went to work Immediately to dis­ KEMP'S Associated Press correspondent added-....'. made- It clear-that «ither .Av*rell- SEAT COVERS ar ttty dwellera!■ wvx had'feme atwuya Thia gentleman decided to do cover what Tofni ■ of life had beCiT Walt...... Realtors Claim cloaed from-July-38-Aug, 40-for a IL Se Economic favor-wito.tha. party. OKXnniaaUon auppoMd that th*Ih* ordhmry brown 15 MAPLE STREET ~ "George McArthur at' the front said Waakin^on,'July' 21—(SP)—Gan. One report to the sheriff’s office Harriman, Sen. Estes Kefauver of vacation p a r i o d, Inventory and since the administration oi Gto- th* eenalble thing and aUy at found. the Chinese had not given up their said "to * .whole town of Teha- Tennessee or _ Gov, Adlai Steven­ bat. waa aomethingthing ri|m out of Several hours of searching gave Opp. First NatloBal Stora Mark W. Clark aajrs toe Reds have matntanance work. srnor Bowls*. home, relaxing in the back yard, bid for the 'Vital hill th e/ wrested doubled their air-ground strength chapi .U dowia." son o f iUlnois is the man they And Up "Dracula” and a thing toHM fear- and eating hi* meaU from china ua toe answer. A rare and faacl- ParUag Let. Pressure for "In ordar. to evold tha wlda- Health Is Good^ Th*ra appealed to be no ogpo^ $12 95 *d. from the'Allies last Thursday. H« in Korea during tha truce talks but The quake felt generally want. •praad lay offs, which havs oc­ ■lUon to tbe sMctioo of Mrs. Dsr- on th* dining room table. There naUng insect? No, a simple BUat- aaid CTiiiieee foot soldiers wrtc OfBTAUJa) FBEB Our friend know* better; tnMact would be no crowd*, no confualon. could not sustain a major offensive through mttieh -or California, from An For Truman curred in so many Ihduatriaa both oUiy BatU of New London, 8tati you might even call him a aci*ntia< observed sneaking back toward ■for more than two or three weeks. San Francisco south to the Mexi­ naUonal and local," Owinn said, "it Vic* chairman, aa Mrs. Flynn's no drowning acarea. and no loat the hill In the afternoon despite They afe all-out, too. for PresW Rent Controls T r u IV a n^Says In a email way. Hla atudy of wha .The United Nation* commander can border and Inland into Neva­ dent Truman if the name of the la our Intent to keep all of our ■uccaaaor. th* bat can mean to th* average 4!hlldr*n. Intense Allied fire. reasoned: No aoonar had he cat down in da. chief ^ecutlve—who has said he people at work Inaofar aa poaaiblc Connecticut deiegatsB, mOmr CAMPBELL farmer take* away- mnch of to* 4 - - - Tha Eighth Army nlg^Uy #>mi. r .' Hie' CbihmuhiaU have'plenty 'I TU siretigth in this century lx -Weshlngton, July -SI— by stretehlhg qat th* Amrking o f WaahtagtoiK Jitty 8L>-(ff)»;PcaM wBOe, 160K*d urar^ t t o " hlAdeck chair and.llt hla pipe than mery - said “The enemy wa* won’t run'again—iihould come be­ government reminder that com' Msnt Truman say* to*t daaplta AUTO SUPPLY a Vmtive breexed in,* hla family $ ~ $ $ $ of auppUea but are incapable M topped only by toe San Francisco fore the convention. .avallaUe malarial. Thia can ba kc- candidatoa for to* piealdaiRlsI 88 BISSEIX ST—VDU 8181 ^ j believed to be still In toe imme­ moving them In face ofH lN air quake In 1908. But In terms of In trying to put over what they munitlea m ust, act soon If they compli/lhed only through a reduc­ tha heavy dsfsnaa burden "our nomination againat th* tim* wmo behln^lm , and hU arm* laden diate area." wish to retain' rent controls has "busineaa eyatem baa bean doing MANOHBSniB with bu)_---- ^ „ attacks. damage and k>aa of life the Long regard as a liberal party stand on tion In houra. .applying to thoae they maybe released by Bmi. Bftaa Allied Infantrymen, stopped coW 2. The Allies—-without Ihcraaa- Beach quake of 1933 w a s far drawn a quick cry of "prsaaure' departmanta directly concerned." better and our people have been MCkahon from thrir pladg* to "Let’a tove a' hot d ^ roaat," GASH FOR YOUR OAR-TOP PRICE Com pleted Cottages For Sale In eight earlier, charges up the candidates and platform, both Ing their numerical strength dur­ worse. It killed more than 100 and unions complained bitterly that from real estate circles.' AmoaNt to 'Vary living better than ever before,’ east their 16 vote* for'Mni. the vlaltor eaclalmed. *rhe roaat muddy hill, reached the crest at Rent SUblllxer Tlghe E..' Wood* waa had. ing toe past .year — have been cauaed 40 million In damage. And past psrty pledge* have failed to Hie ampiunt' of raductlon In He painted a gldwlngmcturs of - O^y should a raleaaa cooM MMS CALL AND ASK FOR “DO C" OR NELSON OR djlwn. They reported that the trmned Intensively and improved the 1925 Santa Barbara quake said, yesterday more than aix mil­ the na.tlon'8 economic health McMahon, Baiiay told tha d4flk A few hOuri\later the gueeta Allied barrage had forced the be carried out by Democratic ad- working hours will vary through^ were gone and the unwilling hoet - ASHFORD LAKE their defenses from front to rear killed 11 and 'caused 10 million lion fapilllea face a step hike In hia mid-yaar economic m*eaage to gate* at a cauctw lu t night, wni , PHONE S557 BETTER DEAL Red* to, ■withdraw. Th* UN iTiinistratlons. ' rents unless local governments re­ out tha Cbnnectieut plants of Pratt AT PINEHURST aat down again and laughed good' to meet any eventuality. lost. and Whitney at East Hartford, Congrese, released' during tha any thought ba gtvaa to saeoad troops then pulled back. off toe "The enemy buildup haa been Aqueduct Unbroken And bo.th calle^ for draatic quest an extension of controls be naturedly at hla fata. ASHFORD—EASTFORD. CONN party atepa to atop Dixie demo­ Bouthtngton, Meriden, and North week-end. __ cbolca cahdidataa. Juat a* toe pipe began to PONTIAC DEALER crest. —...... ~ quantitative while ours has,~ for ' Selsmologlata' said only the fact for* a Sept. 30 deadline. Only one thing marred the More than 50 UN planes raked crats In Congress from siding with Woods said experience with amok* evenly another relative TOWN MOTORS .,.(.,1.1 I . • I '1 "U ll' -l‘*t the the moat part, hpen qualita­ that today's shock centered in the lOontlBBed OB Page Eleven) Pr«»id*nt'a otherwise optimistic (Ooatinaad on Page I »> Ollqaet er Oett 4 rooms and bath, porcelain kitchen the hin with flaming gaaoHne. tive," Clark said. "W a are eonfl- lightly-populated - mountains kept Republicans to-block bills the la­ decontrol and the current housing greeted him heartedly. Th* man 45 WEST CENTER ST. . / HENRY J. DEALER rockeU and" machlnegun Are. UN bor unions want enacted. One such report: Th# steel rtrik*. H* said brmight with him hia family and— sink. Interior walls finished in knotty outlook leads him to belisve rtnts it haa caueed "great damage" and tanka and arOllery blanketed the ' (CoBtiniied oa Paga Baven) (Continued on Pnge Two) piece of legislation la civil rights. would jump about 20 per cent on Sefattaf 8ii|erM* hot d ^ . pine. - Picture window, artesian well hill with acreechlng ehella; The union lesdeiii asked -the higher-priced homes and apart­ callad for an Immediate, negotiat­ A fir* waa kindled in th* out­ Chinee* Loaee* Heavy platform committee to come out ed settlement. Truman blamed door fireplace and more hotdoga water, large lot 60 x 140, Enjoy your ments and 60 to 100 per cent In Chinese caaualUes were report­ for repeal of the Taft-Hartley act, tlie lowest brackets if curbs are News Tidbits steel mansKement alone for the Bulletins were conaumed. SERVICES summer in a brand new cottage^ ed heavy but toe AUled officer told and to favor civil rights leglala- ooetiy tle-iip. Wa eaw our friend Monday lifted. I Betilei 3fe McArOmr: "We ean't get on the laseea Warning Called from AP WIn b . Theae are some of the highnghto froai the AP Wired Coateata morning and he looked tired. But That Interpret The Wishes * , Price |4,995—Terms Premier of Iran Resigns (Continued nn Page Eleven) aomehow he didn't look ao unhap­ hUl to count them." Paul O. Guthej'y, chairman of of hie message: Ctommunlst artillery fire was . » ‘ • T- -V — the ^altor*' Washington com­ '(■■r NaUonal output can be lifted py aa you might auapect. In fact Of The Fitmily OTHERS FROM 83,995 UP TWO DIE IN OEASH he told ua about hla "day of reat'*' heavy but did not equal the Red Treasury Balance mittee promptly Issued a state­ Fred Allra. wry-faced radio another 100 billion dollers.by 1950 J mortars and artillery so toe boy* ment warning against ‘‘preaaure'' comedian, I* reportad recovering (present fste: 340 bllHen). Foue — FSUa VUIage, July 81—4ff)— AaEaQIigorAloor and we got the Impreaaion he rath­ After ^oting Subsides Two prrsiaaa are Bead aad *•• eotild get up, toe hill.” Washington, July 21— —The from Washington to get localrgov- from “overdo#* of eun” In Har^ million civilian workers can get er enjeiM It. Red. fire, however, knocked out other ia lajnred eriUcaMy fal* 'X JOHN B. BURKE ARTHUR A KNOFLA, Sale, A«m~ posiUon-of. toe-Trieaaury. July 18: .ernmenta.to keep controls. .wlch, Masa -r. Paychologlcal war­ Jobs In. .addition to the ()2 *4 mil­ two of the eupportlng-UPT tanks. Guthery, of Chaflotte, N. C., fare ieCtlon of State PUIlce'De-, lion n,ow entiployed. ^ lowing a bead-oa ante- eraMt' T , . Root Boor k m ^ P lsn d - . ..SlUera.,.''.. Tehran, Iran, - July 21,— —-ysupporters of the former larmier. Net budget receipts, 8243,057,- E^ilf4 DORiWl -t o the ybttowad page* o f w part- Both aidaS'Cantlnued hurling, flf-. rremtef ’Ahmed (}ev8m-T«slgiMd NatimaHBt • -leener - Hhttismmed' 458.92” ' THiaget ' n , jt~t>epreaalo» ls-jawetdahl*:-:d*t»if^ o f "toe-Aprif 48,-1868^—Satwday ....llUaty.And-morUr .sheto^^t^^^^ to sop heavy-footed motorists ,(ng a_ defense buildup. Although Oniaainan,49, Of YoaheIrA W, Y i .a t .|dMm-.CTL>/BTORRs-»asBT_-' 'Mossadegh,~hut~.-iBsay..-JBcmbeci ■latll ,750,423 91 ;..ca*h,hslanct.. 88^ ,*aA.--.:-Beriiian-Oeainadl!*..e«'-INLr Herald, handled elaewhere In- tola tempon. , .> subddedT He gave up, after two of Oi* outlawed Communist Tudeh 719,513,437 13, ifrom burning up Oojd Star Memo­ some h*ve-fe*r^'etl**rwlaer"®rii«. KEMFSrtne: Take Route 44 Past WarrenvUl* and Watch For Our i Action across the rest • of the rial Highway, if ana is to judge man seld the record of eteedy BroBx, New York a ty . 3U*BittfoslKo paper, we found a number of It's. SO easy a m b u l a n c e , s e r v ic e .Signa day, hla attempt to form a govern­ party xwelled th* crowds. front wa* reUUvely moderaU. ment pledged to BQlvIng Iran’s oil AlrOgdy:^ the (iltiiFWitlonalliit by sigM. posted akmg. that route, grojvth since World War II prove* vr* - - amuatng fUlaza:*rOaa. «> "Q irrcct BiB , Anierican carlrer 'Planea Sunday Pi^4»'ta . ... Premuiloation’ ' ’ -and anothee on deadlock. Psii-Irsa peirty, - speerhesd of Ctom-'.'Mattbew’ B..'JBMgway„jiu- them wtongr: ■ . . r.: Loadon, Jiify''8l—4P>--4tIaoaM» hit Comniunlst power Intsallktlona Before Qsvsm gave up, nesr- preme Allied commander in Eu­ Despite higher taxes and Infla­ “Slipe of Speech’* are worth re­ when you deal •t Changjln In northeastern Ko­ drive to force Mossadegh back In­ Relief Oiity Timpcrahfg ^ firmed reports reached BriOlfc peating. revolutionsiy violence fisred. 'with to power, had threatened Qsvsm rope, leave* Paris bjr air for Ath­ tion, real Income, living stand rea and. two power plants In communists strengthening Ns- ena.. Despite "an unusually high arda and aavinga' have risen dur govenuneat offlctala tedsv that A certain young clergymen— with assassination. Killing of rloUng mobs la Tehran had not in Mancheater—-waa reported with * Borthweatern Korea.,. tionslist mobs. Government force*, Premier All Rszmsrs In March, total of bualneiu failures which ing the two year* of Korean war­ ’ American sabre jet pilots re­ with, gun shots, tear gas. and bay­ No ^Refil Break^ in Sight ware 53.5. per cent greater than fare. seriously wounded Priae* AE to have loat a call to a leading ported they damaged two Commu- 1951, by a religious fanatic was Bexa, bmhter of Iran’s ahqh. '< church becauae while preaching aa. onets fought to keep control. powcrtol Sid to the Nationalist In 1951’* Initial month*,'" busines:i Further Inflation "can and IDEAL nUt Jet fliHiters Sunday In a flve- Twenty persons wers reported In Connecticut waa 1 per cent should be avoided"; a fairly a candidate he pronounced a minute air batUe near tha Man- drive wiiich resulted in nstlonsii- U. 8. SCORES HIGH •ingle word Incorrectly. *'Oh do c­ kUled in toe bloody "rioting. No pf- xation of the British-owned Ang- On 10th Day of Heat Wave of laat year during, first stable price.level is in prospect. 'BEFORE— ehurian border. Helsinki, Jiily 81— word ‘obligatory* inatead of on toe Today's fighting broke out when dembnstrators attempted to climb with his son's wife, Tersse. 25, on, eo). Make that call bow- hic drop iii' and save 10%. a crowd of some 3,000 persons BralnaTd field predicted that today degrees above normal ia conaidarad After Slight Rally firat.'* (According to Webater, FREEBRADINB Germ War Charge the gates snd wails. The soldiers hot. "When you get 10 such day*, night of May 29, ------one .la n* correct aa toe other.) .-; •TERMOMRMNED tried to storm toe psrilsment and Tuesday wUl see tbe mercury fired into .the sir at first In an- ef­ climbing up to the 90 or above then It's really hot." Norwegian freighter Black Gull, PARTV POLITICS FAIL • The' other paragraph referred to building. fort to disperse toe drowd. When New Haven and other southern •moMeriag ghost of Mgk seas fire, 'Buenqo Airils. Argentina, July Hw Hague, *1%* Ne Investigate an inquiry into the aanlty of "a Osnterbury, England, July 21— Wild disorder reigned through­ mark. And the humidity will be 1 0 % FREE ESTIMATES • EXPERIENCE this failed, they threw tear gas. high. Connecticut iocalitie* were pelted moves slowly under tow toward 21—(*")—Blva Peron, gravely ill July 81—UP Prrariar young man of large property. (* )—Dr. Hewlett Johnson, toe out toe city. Countlee* numbers One reported said at, icsjili, iAtew.garis.and,|iaasMlf nsVeinir— >wiW’"'-‘bf-*'AigiMiWBa>a«i»a>aeaidasM d*m