For the Year Ending December 31


THE SCHOOL REPORT For the Year Ending June 30 1959 Digitized by the Internet Archive

in 2010 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries ANNUAL REPORT






For the Year Ending- December 31


The Reporter Press Canaan, New Hampshire TOWN OFFICERS Term Expires Moderator, Daniel A. Gosselin 1960 Selectmen, Charles L. Tupper 1960 Isaac H. Sanborn 1961 Henry A. Laramie 1962 Town Clerk, Herbert E. Walbridge 1960 Town Treasurer, Manly A. VVilmot 1960 Tax Collector, Gladys L. Ibey 1960 Overseer of Public Welfare, Florence Tupper 1960 Highway Agent, Harry B. Biathrow 1960

Health Officer, Rufus J. Bruce i 1962 Police Chief, Francis LaBounty 1960 Trustees of Trust Funds, Nellie L. Pierce 1960 Chester Beede 1961 Herbert E. Walbridge 1962 Library Trustees, Mary Hewitt 1960 Mary Laffee 1961 B. Wayne Campbell 1962 Librarian, Nellie L- Pierce Auditors, John H. Noonan 1960 Roger Cattabriga 1960

Rep. to General Court, Isaac H. Sanborn ' I960 Supervisors of Check List,

' Clarence E. Arnold 1960

Arthur W. Blain . 1960 Robert H. Hewitt 1960 Cemetery Agent, Robert Turner 1960 Justice Municipal Court, Joseph F. Vinciguerra Fire Wards, Donald A. Crate 1960 James A. Reagan 1961 Charles H. Carroll 1962 TOWN BUDGET COMMITTEE

Term Expires

Harry Hazen 1960 Harold O'Dell 1960 Ernest W. LeBlanc 1960 Arthur Blain I960 Helen Goodwin 1961 Ann Tarney 1961 Richard Hodecker 1962 Roger Cattabriga 1962 Robert Coutemarsh 1962 Selectman Member, Isaac H. Sanborn

School District, Thomas J. Lorden Precinct, Charles H. Carroll


Francis LaBounty, Chief

Special OfBcers Richard W. Bryant Mrs. Irene LaBounty

Harold Hayes, Jr. William S. Shurtleff Henry Laramie Kenneth Shurtleff Eugene F. Lorden, Canaan, N. H. Sidney Davis


Frederick Sanders, Chairman 1960 Harry Hazen, Secretary I960 James A. Reagan, Treasurer 1961 William Dunham 1961 Francis LaBounty 1962


Real Estate :

Warrant For Town Meeting-

L. S.) State of New Hampshire

To the inhabitants of the Town of Enfield quahfied to vote in town affairs

You are hereby notified to meet in Whitney Hall in said Town of Enfield on the eighth day of M^arch next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, to act on the fol- lowing subjects:

Article 1. To choose by ballot to serve for three years, one Selectman, one Trustee of Trust Funds, one Library Trustee, one Fire Ward, and two members of

the Recreation Commission ; to serve for one year, one Treasurer, one Clerk, one Tax Collector, one Highway Agent, one Overseer of Public Welfare, one Police Chief, one Cemetery Agent, two Auditors and such other ne- cessary town officers as are required by law to be cho- sen for the ensuing year.

Polls will be open at 9.30 A.M. and will not be clos- ed before 6.00 P.M. Articles in Warrant will be taken up beginning at 1.30 P.M.

Article 2. To see if the town will vote to author- ize the Selectmen to borrow money in anticipation of taxes, the sums so borrowed to be paid before the end of the fiscal year in which the debt was incurred.

Article 3. To authorize the sale or lease of any or all of such parcels of real estate acquired by the town through Tax Collectors' deeds for non-payment of tax- es, or any other deeds, and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to execute and deliver, in the name of the town, suitable deeds or leases of such real estate, sub- ject to such conditions or restrictions as may be voted by the meeting. Article 4. To see if the town will vote to raise the sum of $3,000.00 for State Aid Construction, to receive the sum of $6,000.00 from the state, or act thereon.

Article 5. To see if the town will vote to raise the sum of $1,010.70 for Town Road Aid and to receive the sum of $6,738.03 from the state, or act thereon.

Article 6. To see if the town will vote to author- ize the Selectmen to take from the General Fund the sum of $600.00, to be placed in Capital Reserve until such time as the Board of Selectmen may have the op- portunity or occasion to expend all or part of such sum in the development of or acquisition of other rights to the George Pond Dam.

Article 7. To see if the town will vote to adopt the Budget and raise or appropriate the various sums recommended and posted by the Budget Committee, or act thereon.

Article 8. To see if the town will vote that, if the purposes or objects, hereinafter designated, for which appropriations for the year 1960 may have been made have not been fully accomplished during the fiscal year, then the funds so appropriated or unexpended on the unfinished portion of said object shall be placed in a Capital Reserve Fund dedicated to the purpose or ob-

ject of its conception until such time as the Board of Selectmen, acting as agents for the town, shall have the

opportunity or occasion for t*he fulfilling or completion of/or for the purpose or objects for which said appro- priation was created.

The especially designated purposes for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1960, are as follows: The net earnings of the town trucks, shovel loader and grader, derived from highway appropriations for re- placement purposes, and also any unexpended highway funds.

Article 9. To see if the town will vote to abandon the highway leading from Route 10 to the former Wil- fred Chaloux buildings, from a point fifty feet norther- ly of the present Bruce B. Johnson residence to the for- mer Wilfred Chaloux buildings.

Article 10. To see if the town will vote to discon- tinue, subject to gates and bars, the highway leading from Winship Corner to the Grafton Pond Road in Graf- ton, known as the Pinnacle Road, from a point fifty feet south-easterly of the Winship buildings at Winship Cor- ner to the Grafton town line.

Article 11. To see if the town will vote to discon- tinue, subject to gates and bars the so-called Fuller Hill Road leading from the westerly line of the Shaker Hill Road to the Shaker Boulevard, so-called, from a point one hundred feet westerly of the Erwin Bessenreuther residence to the easterly line of the Shaker Boulevard.

Article 12. To see if the town will vote to discon- tinue, subject to gates and bars, that portion of the highway which runs from the westerly line of Route 10 to the former Methodist Hill schoolhouse, from the en- trance to the Kate Bloomberg buildings, formerly Mar- shall, on Methodist Hill, to a point one hundred feet northerly of the former Bert Merrihew farm buildings.

Article 13. To see if the town will vote to discon- tinue, subject to gates and bars, the Goodhue Hill Road, so-called, from a point one hundred feet westerly of the Charles Garnham residence to a point one hundred feet southerly of the former Goodhue buildings.

7 :

Article 14. To see if the town will vote to accept

$100.00 from Mildred J. Smith as a trust fund, the in- come therefrom to be used for the perpetual care of the Henry Smith lot in the North End Cemetery.

Article 15. As recommended by the Budget Com- mittee: Section A. To see if the town will appoint at this meeting a committee of three or more members, to be known as the Enfield Bi-Centennial Committee, to serve without pay in arranging for Enfield participation in the 1961 celebration of the Bi-Centennial founding of towns in this area.

Section B. Contingent upon the adoption of sec- tion A. of this article, to see if the town will vote to raise or appropriate the sum of $500.00 to be made avail- able to the Enfield Bi-Centennial Committee as needed in their work, with the proviso that any unexpended por- tion of this sum at the end of the fiscal year shall be placed in Capital Reserve dedicated to the purpose for which it was appropriated until such time as needed for that purpose, or until the Committee's work is ended, or act thereon.

Article 16. Pursuant to a petition of ten or more legal voters : To see if the town will vote that dog own- ers in the Town of Enfield shall not allow their dogs to run at large, unless in custody of a person and on a leash.

Article 17. To see if the town will vote to accept $100.00 from Perley G. and Rose M. Ward as a trust fund, the income therefrom to be used for the perpetual care of the Perley G. and Rose' M. Ward lot in the Lake- view Cemetery.

Pursuant to a petition of ten or more legal voters

Article 18. To see if the town shall vote that the : :

Members-at-large of the Enfield Budget Committee shall be elected by the Town Meeting by official ballot system by plurality vote, commencing with the Town Meeting for the year 1961. Pursuant to a petition of ten or more legal voters

Article 19. To see if the town will vote to rescind its adoption of the Municipal Budget law as provided by Chapter 32 of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated so that the Town of Enfield shall no longer have a Budget Committee. Article 20. The Main Street Bridge, near the post office, having now been taken over by the New Hamp- shire State Highway Dept.

To see if the town will vote to authorize the Select- men to use the balance of the Main Street Bridge Fund now in Capital Reserve, to acquire land now owned by A. Caplan, and a part of land now owned by Herbert

Neily, if available, in order to develop a Parking Lot be- tween Blacksmith Alley, so-called, and the river, or act thereon. Article 21. To hear the reports of agents, auditors, officers or committees heretofore chosen and pass any vote relating thereto.

Article 22. To take any vote or transact any fur- ther lousiness that may legally come before said meeting.

Given under our hands and seal this 12th day of Fel)ruary, A.D. 1960. charles l. tupper Isaac h. sanborn henry a. laramie Selectmen of Enfield True copy of Warrant—Attest CHARLES L. TUPPER ISAAC H. SANBORN HENRY A. LARAMIE Selectmen of Enfield Enfield Town Budget

Estimates of Revenue and Expenditures for the

Ensuing Year January 1, 1960 to December 31, 1960. Compared with Estimated and Actual Revenue, Appropriations and Expenditures of the

Previous Year January 1, 1959 to December 31, 1959.

Estim'd Actual Estim'd Kevenue Revenue Revenue Sources of Revenues Previous Previous Ensuing Year Year Year 1959 1959 1960

From State: Interest and Dividents Tax $2,500.00 $ 3,399.77 $ 3,000.00 Railroad Tax 529.75 Savings Bank Tax 150.00 Reimbursement a/c State and Federal forest lands For Fighting Forest Fires Reimbursement a/c Old Age Assistance Gas Tax

From Local Sources Except Taxes: Dog Licenses 550.00 Business Licenses, Permits and FiUng Fees 100.00 Fines and Forfeits, Municipal Court 200.00 Rent of Town Hall and Other Bldgs. 250.00 Income from Trust Funds 100.00 Duncan Fund Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 6,750.00 Sale of Town Property Withdrawals from Capital Reserve Funds: Civil Defense Equipment Fund Pickering Hill Fund Main St. Bridge Amount Raised by Issue of Bonds or Notes: New Truck and Plow 5,700.00

From Local Taxes Other than Property Taxes: (a) Poll Taxes—Regular at $2 1,250.00 1,242.00 1,242.00 (b) National Bank Stock Taxes 30.00 30.00 (c) Yield Taxes 200.00 252.49 200.00

Total Revenues from All Sources $12,080.00 $24,538.37 $15,428.90

Except Property Taxes 72,277.95

Amt. to Be Raised by Prop. Taxes 56,349.05

11 Actual Appro. Approp. Expend. Recom'd Purpose of Expenditures Prev's Prev's by Budg. Year Year Comm. 1959 1959 1960


Town Officers' Salaries $3,426.25 $ 3,426.25 $ 3,426.25 Town Officers' Expenses 1,700.00 —

Public Service Enterprises: Dam Cemeteries Airports—Lebanon Airport

Unclassified: Bi-Centennial Celebration Fund Advertising and Regional Asso'n Employee's Retirement and Social Security

Interest: On Temporary Loans On Long Term Notes

Highways and Bridges: Town Const'n—Culverts and Bridges 2,500.00 State Aid Construction Town's Share Sidewalk Repair New Equip.—Truck and Plow

Payment on Principal of Debt: (b) Long Term Notes (c) Payment on Capital Reserve Funds—Fire House FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE

Town of Enfield NEW HAMPSHIRE

in Grafton County

for the

Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1959


This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is com- plete to the best of our knowledge and belief.

January 30, 1960. CHARLES L. TUPPER ISAAC H. SANBORN H. A. LARAMIE Selectmen MANLY A. WILMOT Treasurer : —

TOWN OF ENFIELD ASSETS Cash In hands of treasurer $24,353.80 In hands of officials Highway Agent 500.00 Overseer Public Welfare 300.00

Civil Defense Fund Unredeemed Taxes: (a) Levy of 1959 State and Town Joint Highway

Construction Accounts : State Aid Construction 21,427.34 21,427.34 Capital Reserve Funds 4,138.95 4,138.95

Long Term Notes Outstanding: Truck and Plow Note to be paid from Equipment Rental 3,600.00 3,600.00

Total Liabilities $50,274.39 Excess of assets over liabilities (Surplus) 17,349.15

GRAND TOTAL 67,623.54 RECEIPTS Current Revenue

From Local Taxes: Property Taxes— 1959 $191,358.48 Poll Taxes— 1959 1,242.00 National Bank Stock— 1959 30.00 Yield Taxes— 1959 252.49 State Head Taxes at $5—1959 3,710.00 Total Current Year's Taxes col- lected and remitted $196,592.97

Property Taxes and Yield Taxes Previous Years $274.83 Previous Years 179.54 454.37 Poll Taxes—Previous Years 148.00 State Head Taxes at $5—Prev. Yrs. 530.00 Interest received on Taxes 62.53 Penalties on State Head Taxes 76.50 Tax Sales redeemed 1,755.95

From State: Interest and Dividends Tax 3,399.77 Railroad Tax (1958 paid in 1959 529.73

17 —

Savings Bank Tax and Build- ing and Loan Association Tax 220.52 Reimbursement a/c State and Fed- eral forest lands 317.66 Blister Rust Refund .20 Fighting forest fires—Forest Fire Repayment 472.85 Reimbursement a/c Old Age Assistance—Refunds 435.33

From Local Sources, Except Taxes: Dog Licenses 617.99 Business licenses, permits and filing fees 188.25 Fine and forfeits, municipal court 486.00 Rent of town property 713.00 Income from Trust Funds 113.70 Registration of motor vehicles 1958, Permits 73.58 1959, Permits 8,562.61 1960, Permits 35.12

Receipts Other than Current

Revenue : Temporary loans in anticipation of taxes during year ——

New Trust Funds rec'd dur. year Bailey Cemetery Fund 100.00 Withdrawals from Capital Reserve Funds Pickering Hill $565.95 Civil Defense 52.97 Equipment 292.88 911.80 Sale of town property— Dwyer Estate $61.00 Carlson lot 50.00 111.00 Town of Canaan, Rogers Fire Refund 72.00 Town of Hanover, Refund to Fire Department 60.00 Police Dept. sale of Sup. 24.65 Refund from Civil Defence 6.40 Head Tax Previous Year 5.50 HighAvay Department Oiling Drives 334.06 Salt and Iron 7.00 Receipts from Rental of Town Equipment 7,752.25 Sale of Cemetery lots 125.00 Over payment of interest 4.16

Total Receipts Other than Current Revenue $80,474.33

Total Receipts from All Sources $296,260.96

Cash on hand January 1, 1959 29,398.68

GRAND TOTAL $325,659.64 PAYMENTS Current Maintenance Expenses

General Government: Town officers' salaries $ 3,426.25

19 Town officers' expenses 1,492.08 Election and registration expenses 119.06 Municipal court expenses 400.00 Exps. town hall and other town buildings 2,149.15 $7,586.54

Protection of Persons and Property : Police Department Recreation :

Beach 1,600.00

Public Service Enterprises :

Cemeteries 620.53 Lebanon Regional Airport 500.00 1,120.53


Damages and legal expenses 73.88 Payment Advance to Overseer of Public Welfare 300.00 Advertising and Regional Assoc. 200.00 Taxes bought by town 4,658.62 Discounts, Abatements and Refunds 37.99 Payment to State a/c Yield Tax Debt Retirement 71.35 Employee's Retirement and Social Security 547.38 Total Current Maintenance Expenses $5,815.34

Interest : — —

Indebtedness : Payments on temporary loans in anti- cipation of taxes 65,000.00 Payments on bonded debt — Bridg-e Note $5,500.00 Grader 2,500.00 Truck and Plow 2,100.00 10,100.00 Pay. to Cap. Reserve Funds Fire House $ 500.00 Cemetery lots 125.00 625.00 Payments to Trustees of Trust Funds (New Funds) Bailey Cem. Fund 100.00

Total Indebtedness Payments 75,825.00

Payments to other Gov. Divs. State Head Taxes paid State Treasurer 1959 Taxes $3,128.50 Prior Years 999.00 4,127.50 Taxes paid to County 6,513.05 Payments to School Districts 1958 Tax $18,000.00 1959 Tax 101.252.15 119,252.15

Total Pay to Oth. Gov. Divs. ' $129,892.70

Total Payments for all Purposes $301,305.84 Cash on hand December 31, 1959 24,353.70

GRAND TOTAL $325,659.64

22 :



Town of Enfield, New Hampshire

January 16, 1960

To bal forwarded from 1958 $ 29,398.68 Received during 1959: From Selectmen 86,845.34 From Town Clerk 9,309.30 From Municipal Court \ 486.00 From Tax Collectors 199,620.32

$325,659.64 Paid out by Selectmen's Vouchers 301,305.84

Balance in hands of Town Treasurer $ 24,353.80

Respectfully submitted. Manly A. Wilmot Town Treasurer


Audit from December, 1958 to March 10,1959

Harriet Stevens, Tax Collector

1957 Property Dr. Uncollected $276.27 Interest .96

1957 Yield Dr. Cr. Paid Treasurer $ 5.00 Uncollected 53.43 58.43

1958 Head Dr. Uncollected $615.00 Added 10.00

Penalties , 11.00 636.00 Cr. Paid Treasurer $110.00 Penalties 11.00. Abated 10.00 Uncollected 505.00 636.00

1958 Poll Dr. Uncollected $176.00 Added 4.00 Interest .06 180.06 Cr. Paid Treasurer $28.00 Interest .06 Abated 4.00 Uncollected 148.00 180.06


March 10, 1959 to Dec. 31, 1959.

GLADYS L. IBEY, Tax Collector Added 1958 Head Tax Dr. Uncollected 505.00 Added 35.00 Penalties 42.00

1956 Yield Tax

Dr. 1955 Yield Tax Dr. Uncollected 38.40

1953 Yield Tax Dr. Uncollected 73.49

1952 Yield Tax Dr. Uncollected 145.26



As of December 31, 1959

A'lonroe Abear Georgianna Dunham Dora Austin Rita Edwards Harland Barnes Harry Guerin Charles E. Brown Ernest Guerin Rachel Brown Robert H. Gardner Madeline Clough Eureka P. Gardner Robert Clough Margaret M. Holt Clyde Chapman John^ohnston Marjorie Chapman Mrs. John Johnston Clinton Chase, Jr. Lena M. Judd Earl Dyke Herbert King- Sarah Dyer Sylvia King Jessie Eastman Dorohy Kilton Norma Fisher Joseph LaCroix Henry L. Fellows Darla LaCroix Mrs. Sylvia Grey Stanley Moulton Arthur LeCain Betty Moulton Violet LaFountain Elizabeth Nichols Brenda Mulherin Roland Nadeau Chester Morse Beulah Nadeau Willard Meyette Raymond Pimer, Sr. Jack MacFarland Elroy Pollard Silvagene Morse Gladys Pollard Ethel Paradise Ethel Paige Richard Paquette Jos. R. Pac^uette, Jr. Norma Richardson Alarjorie Paquette Esther Randall Percy H. Raymond Mrs. Muriel Stewart Delia Raymond Thomas Serard* Roger Reed * Ruth Sturlaugson Susan Reed * Herve Pilotte Bert Rogers Roger Leroux Mrs. Bert Rogers Leo Maxfield Phyllis Stone David Dunham Gertrude Slack * George R. Bean Lawrence Sousa Lena S. Bean Vivian Sousa William Bennett Ross Seymour Pearl Cross Virginia Seymour Elinor Cantlin Lucille Taylor John Chapman Lance Underhill

32 Ruth Underhill James P. Slack * Winnie Valia Mae Thomas Allen Burpee Zelma Kidder * Theresa Burpee Vera Barnes Percy Sanborn Lois Devins Alfred Bean Kenneth Devins Mrs. Alfred Bean Evelyn Green Alberta Clough Ernest H. Green Sarah Nadeau * Mary Goodrich * Adelard Nadeau Yvonne St. Jean Mildred Therian Edward St. Jean Effie Jennings Alice L. Tucker Nancy Merrihew Norman Sturlungson Raymond Pimer, Jr. Mrs. Pearl Cross



As of December 31, 1959

Monroe Abear Victor Goodrich Dora Austin Mary Goodrich Harland Barnes Charles Heath Charles E. Brown Lee Paradise Rachel Brown Edward St. Jean Madeline Clough Yvonne St. Jean Robert Clough Thel-lna White David Chase Roger J. White Clinton Chase, Jr. Mildred Therin Marjorie Chapman Sarah Nadeau * Clyde Chapman Adelard Nadeau* Earl Dyke Alberta Clough Clifford Dyer George Bean Sarah Dyer Lena Bean David Dunham William Bennett Edwin Eastman Allen Burpee Jessie Eastman Theresa Burpee Henry Fellows Alfred Bean Gerald Grey Mrs. Alfred Bean Arthur LeCain Pearly Cross Violet LaFountain Mrs. Pearly Cross Brenda Mulherin Fred J. Cantlin Patrick Mulherin Elinor Cantlin Ethel Paradise John Coleman Chester Morse John Chapman James P. Powell Georgianna Dunham Richard Paquette Harland Edwards Norton Richardson Charles R. Gardner Norma Richardson Harry Guerin Thomas Randall Ernest Guerin Esther Randall Robert Gardner Mrs. Muriel Stewart Eureka Gardner Thomas Serard * •Rita Edwards Vera Barnes Robert M. Holt Beatrice Borry Margaret Holt Richard Borry John Johnston Kenneth Devins Mrs. John Johnston Lois Devins Lena Judd Ernest Green Herbert King Evelyn Green Svlvia Kinsr

34 Joan Kidder * Phyllis Stone Elmer Kidder Louis Stone Harland Kilton Gertrude Slack * Dorothy Kilton Lawrence Sousa Joseph LaCroix Vivian Sousa Darla LaCroix Ross Seymour Stanley Moulton Virginia Seymour Betty Moulton Albert C. Taylor Arnold Marek Lucille Taylor Elizabeth Nichols Lance Underbill Dana Nichols Winnie Valia Roland Nadeau Effie Jennings Beulah Nadeau Zelma Kidder Janet Pimer Thomas Laro Raymond Pimer, Sr. Nancy Merrihew Elroy Pollard Harrison Merrihew Gladys Pollard Raymond Pimer, Jr. Bernard Paige Mary K. Rayno Ethel Paige Edward R. Roberts * Jos. A. Paquette, Jr. James P. Slack Marjorie Paquette Norman Sturlungson Eva Roberts May B. Thomas Percy Raymond Raymond Thomas Delia Raymond Mrs. Sylvia Grey Roger Reed * Willard Meyette Susan Reed * Jack MacFarland Bert Rogers Silvigne Morse Mrs. Bert Rogers Gordon Clough Percy Sanborn Ruth Underbill


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Details of Selectmen's Receipts, 1959

Received from State Treasurer Forest Fire Repayment $ 472.85 Savings Bank Tax 220.52 1958 Railroad Tax paid in 1959 529.73 Interest and Dividends Tax ^ 3,399.77 Gas Tax Refund 317.66 Old Age Assistance Refunds 435.33 Blister Rust Refund .20

$ 5,376.06

From Other Sources : Harriet Bailey, Care of Cemetery Lot 100.00 Bicycle Licenses 21.25 Pistol Permits 17.00 Beano Licenses 130.00 Gage and Johnson Town Fund 113.70 Town of Canaan, Rogers Fire Refund 72.00 Sale of Cemetery Lots 125.00 Rental of Whitney Hall 521.00 Storage, Enf. Ctr. Fire Station 50.00 Rental of Town Hall 142.00 H. B. Biathrow, sale of salt and iron 7.00 H. B. Biathrow, Oiling drives 334.06 Over payment of interest,' refund 4.16 Refund insurance. School Dist 110.36 Refund insurance, Precinct 32.46 Refund from Robert Turner, Over payment 14.75 Head Tax, previous year 5.50

38 : : :

H. B. Biathrow, over payment Dump gravel 20.00 Town Clerk, refund on Auto Permits 19.50 Forest Colby, refund Town Poor 63.44 Refund to Fire Dept., Hanover Fire 60.00 Francis LaBounty, sale of supplies 24.65 Sale of Qwyer Estate land 61.00 Sale of Carlson Lot 50.00 Return from Civil Defense 6.40

$ 2.105.23

From Capital Reserve Pickering Hill Fund 565.95 Civil Defense 52.97 New Equipment Fund 292.88

$ 911.80 From Highway Department For Rental of Equipment 7,752.25

$ 7,752.25

Loans Received

Truck and Plow notes 5,700.00 Temporary notes, in anticipation of taxes 65,000.00

$ 70,700.00


Town Officers Salaries

Charles L. Tupper, Selectman $ 718.75 Isaac H. Sanborn, Selectman 656.25 Henry A. Laramie, Selectman 656.25 Herbert E. Walbridge, Town Clerk 125.00 Gladys L. Ibey, Tax Collector y 500.00 Manly A. Wilmot, Town Treasurer 218.75 Florence G. Tupper, Overseer of Public Welfare 187.50 Daniel L. Gosselin, Moderator 31.25 Clarence Arnold, Supervisor 37.50 Arthur Blain, Supervisor 37.50 Robert Hewitt, Supervisor 37.50 Nellie L. Pierce. Treasurer of Trust Funds 125.00 John Noonan, Auditor 25.00 Roger Cattabriga. Auditor 25.00 Charles H. Carroll, Fire Ward 15.00 Donald Crate, Fire Ward 15.00 James A. Reagan, Fire Ward 15.00

$ 3.426.25

Town Officers Expenses

General :

Town Reports - - $475.00 Telephone 170.50 645.50

Selectmen : * Postage $ 70.97 Office 15.75 Printing 69.59 Supplies 43.11 Transportation 81.00 Travel expense 4.55

40 Deeds, searches and transfers Trustees of Trust Funds: Bond $ 29.70 Deposit Box 5.50 Postage 2.09 Telephone .68

Postage Repairs to furniture 22.57

Enfield Fire Department: —

Contractors' equipment 191.25 Buildings and contents 264.15 Additional premium from Audit 63.42 2,874.75

Municipal Court:

Salary, Judge Vinciguerra $300.00 Salary, Probation Officers ^ Clarence Shelnutt, 6 months 50.00 Patrick Walsh, 6 months 50.00 400.00

Blister Rust:

To State of New Hampshire • 200.00

To Capital Reserve:

For New Fire Station Fund $ 500.00 Cemetery Fund (from sale of lots) 125.00 Cemetery Fund from Harriet A. Bailey, for perpetual care, Ernest O. Bailey lot. North End Cemetery 100.00 725.00

Town Trucks, Shovel and Grader:

Gas, oil, supplies and repairs 3,757.43

School District: 1958-59 Appropriation $ 18,000.00 1959-60 Appropriation 101,252.15 119,252.15

Damage and Legal Expense, incl. Dogs: Dog tags and supplies 23.88 Quit claim deed and release from Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Putnam acct. widening Baltic St. 50.00


44 Health Department: : : :


Plymouth, N. H. January 5,1960 Selectmen Enfield, N. H. Dear Sirs

The following is a report of the—activities conduct- ed by the N. H. Department of Health, Bureau Public Health Nursing, for the town of Enfield for the year

January 1959 to January 1960. Please have it printed in your town report. A Pre-school Dental Conference was held June 3- 17 at the Nurse's room at the school. Mrs. Marjorie Plaisted, Dental Hygienist of the Bureau of Dental Ser- vices was in attendance. This was for children 3-6 years of age. There was a total attendance of 69 chil- dren, their teeth were cleaned and they received four fluorine treatments. Forty-seven mothers attended and received instruction in care of their children's teeth. This program was sponsored by the local PTA. Three Salk Vaccine and Immunization Clinics were held at the Enfield School on the following dates : March

19, April 30th and October 29th with Dr. Dinerman of Canaan and Dr. Churchill of Lebanon in attendance, as- sisted by School Nurse, local nurses, local committee for clerical assistance and eight girls from the high school. The number and type of immunizations given are listed below

Salk Vaccine Total number shots given 785 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Under 5 years 42 31 47 45 5-10 years 23

10 - 15 years 15-20 years

20 - 40 years

46 40 years plus 26 11 9 44

Totals 152 78 149 406 Other Immunizations Triple Toxoid (Diptheria, tetanus & Whooping Cough) 1st 2nd 3rd Booster Under 1 year 12 11 3

1 - 5 years 19 16 5 20 5 - 10 years 26 14 6 35

Totals 57 41 14 55 Double Toxoid : :


1959 Annual Report

78 Criminal Cases as follows

Stealing: , 1 Speeding ^ 42

Reckless Driving Death resulting 1

Improper Equipment 1 Failure to stop 2

Unreasonable Noise 1 Grossly Negligent 7 Crossing Yellow Line 4

School Neglect 1 Illegal Parking 7

Boat Reckless Driving 1

Dog Nuisance , 1

Money obtained under false pretence 1 Leaving truck 2 Illegal Driving 2 Cases filed 2 Special Sessions 2

78 29 Small Claim Cases as follows Cases heard 28

Calendered for 1960 - 1

29 29

Total number of cases for 1959 107

' Total Fines Imposed $1,825.00 Total Small Claim Cases 7.00 Fines Suspended $ 90.00 Time Served in place of fines 500.00 Paid Motor Vehicle Dept. 720.00 Paid Public Utility Dept. 18.00

48 Unpaid Fines 18.00 Paid Town of Enfield Criminal Cases 479.00 Paid Town of Enfield Small Claim 7.00 1,832.00 Respectfully Submitted, To the Honorable Judge of the Court.


To the Honorable Board of the Town CHARLES L. TUPPER, Chr. ISAAC H. SANBORN HENRY A. LARAMIE

ARTHUR E. BERGERON Clerk of the Municipal Court

49 :


Judge Joseph Vinciguerra Municipal Court Enfield, New Hampshire

Dear Judge "--

The following is a report of the State Probation De- partment records as related to the Enfield court for the past year, 1959. New Cases, 1959 Investigations Juveniles 3 Investigations Adults 5 Visitations Custody 3 Number of cases handled in Enfield in 1959 11

Number of cases on Probation in Enfield in 1959: Adults 7 Juveniles Custody cases from Enfield in 1959 2 Custody cases continued from past years 5 Sincerely yours, CLARENCE B. SHELNUTT Probation Officer, January to June

PATRICK J. WALSH, Probation Officer, July to December

50 The Court wishes to thank the following Law En-

forcement Officers and those directly connected with it, for the wonderful cooperation they extended during the year 1959:

Francis T. LaBounty Chief of Police

Charles L. Tupper Bail Commissioner Arthur E. Bergeron Clerk of the Court Richard W. Bryant Game Warden Leon Connors Motor Vehicle Inspector Harold M. Morse Corporal, State Police Harry M. Coleman Trooper, State Police Clarence B. Shelnutt Probation Officer (Retired)

Patrick J. Walsh Probation Officer (New)

Court Sessions will be held in the Whitney Hall every Wednesday from 4.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.



For Year Ending December 31, 1959.

Campbell's Service Station, gas & oil $ 10.95 Enfield Garage, gas and oil 2.00 James Reagan^—welding •^ .75 F. A. Fogg, supplies 14.75 Arnold's Service Station, gas and oil 4.25 Savage Arms Corp., parts 8.53 Dulac's Woodworking Shop, lumber 52.80 Lyle Clough, rent of mower 20.00 Robert Turner, rent of truck , 50.00 Donald Marek, labor 3.30

Paul Campbell, labor .. 16.50 Selden Lord, labor 12.45 Stanley Charbono, labor 28.50 Larry Lord, labor 102.00 Robert Turner, Labor 279.00

Total $605.78 Less Reimbursement of Fogg bill 14.75

$591.03 Received from Trustee of Trust Funds $248.02

Expended on private lots for which money was allocated 248.02 ROBERT K. TURNER Cemetery Agent


Annual Report - Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 1959


Tan. 1 Cash on hand $ 134.82 Check returned 4.21 Apr. 20 Selectmen 500.00 May 26 Selectmen 500.00 Oct. 5 Selectmen 600.00 Dec. 31 N. L. Pierce, fines 33.91 Trustees Trust Funds 202.61 Sale of Books 8.00 Juvenile Non-fiction 285

Total 5023

Borrowers Adults 275 Juvenile 190


The Library has again been the recipient of many gifts of books and magazines. The Librarian and Trus- tees would especially like to thank the Daniel Camp- bell family for their generous gift in memory of Mrs. Annie Foster, with which the Library has purchased a valuable reference book. Such Memorial gifts are a wonderful way of perpetuating the memory of a rela- tive or dear friend and are most welcome to the Library. Some six hundred books have been classified and cata-

loged ; the library has subscribed to nine magazines and an additional two hundred pamphlets have been made available to our borrowers. This year the emphasis has been on adult books while next year a larger per- centage of children's books will be purchased. We have greatly missed Miss Susie Eastman whose illness has prevented her spending her usual hours in the Library. We were also sorry to lose Mrs. Jeanne Saben who has been our card typist for several years and who is now with her husband and son in Florida. Our sincere thanks to Mrs. Ann Tarney and Mrs. Gladys Ibey for their loyal and efficient service in this Library this past year. Respectfully submitted, Nellie L. Pierce, Librarian

Trustees :B. Wayne Campbell, Treasurer Mary C. Hewitt, Chairman Mary K. Laffee, Secretary

54 : ::


Overseer of Public Welfare—Jan. 1, 1959

to March 10, 1959

Received from Selectmen Old Age Assistance $973.18 Paid State of New Hampshire $973.18 Town Poor Cash on hand 1.00 Received from Selectmen January 15



Moneys Received 1959

Balance from 1958 $ 44.52 Received from town, May 5 800.00 Received from town, June 3 800.00 Sonny Hayes (slide) 5.00 Philip Boisvert (damage) 10.00 Mrs. William Bailey (donation) 1.00 Hartford Elks (donation) 50.00 Resucitator (donation) 8.70 Parking Collection 45.50 Clothes checking 2.80 Muriel Jondro (donation) 1.00 Charles Carroll (donation) 1.00 Copeland Rebekah Lodge (donation) 2.00

$1,771.52 Contributions other than money Mr. Roland Gaudette (labor) Mr. Charles Carroll (labor) Mrs. Ruth Campbell ($12.82 light bill for July and August.)

Expenditures Paid: John Tucker, equipment $ 75.00 Fred Fogg, supplies 103.78

R. J. Seery, bulldozer 56.00

Louis Stone, labor - 10.00 Ernest Butman, labor 61.00 Grover Cole, labor 113.40 Harold Warren, labor 204.00 Minor Cochran, labor 46.20 Alfred Pillsbury, labor 3.75 James Reagan, labor and welding 10.00 Willie Dunham, labor 1.00

57 Frederick Sanders, labor and trailer 9.00 Lawrence Quimby, labor 6.00 Dulac Wood Working Shop, material 800.00 Francis LaBounty, gas on Comm. business 5.00 Mrs. Violet Merrihew, sewing curtains 5.00 Manly Wilmot, printing 26.50 R. Gaudette, elec. supplies 15.15 O. A. Ranta, resuscitator 34.50 Gilbert Shovan, labor 12.00 William Lowery, bulldozer 39.00 Manly Wilmot, pictures 2.50 Carl Ryea, rubbish removal 34.00

Total Expenditures $1,672.78

Balance in National Bank Checking Acct. 98.74


During the year the Commission has built a bath house and concession on the shore of the bathing area at the cost of $1,241.50. This is somewhat higher than was anticipated but we feel that we have a very good building and it should fill our need for the future. Some more bulldozing work was done on the beach area and with the placing of a few more railroad ties plus chang- ing some that are already in the bathing area, work should be pretty well done.

It is the hope of the Commission to do more work during 1960 on the parking and picnic area, such as building toilet facilities which is a job that must be done this year. Also changing the road over so we can have a much better entry to the parking area. It will also allow us to enlarge the parking area. We would also like to enlarge the picnic area and put in more tables. Many times this past summer the tables were all full and people were waiting for them.

58 During the season we experimented with charging for parking, the results were very good. The few times we charged for parking $45.50 was collected. There were some who found fault and objected but the ma- jority were willing to pay and wanted to know why we had not done it before. In the past the Commission has made arrangements to store the tables and barrels and ^ other equipment in different places. During the hauling back and forth, some equipment became damaged and had to be re- paired. So, this fall Ave decided to leave the tables and equipment in the area and see what the results would be. If not favorable then we can go ahead and find some place to store them in 1960. The Concession was turned over to MjTs. Ruth Campbell on a trial basis with the understanding that she was to help keep the area picked up and as clean as possible. Also, to generally surpervise the area and see that the regulations were obeyed as much as pos- sible. A very good job was done.

The development of the area is not going along as fast as we would like, but when you take into consider- ation what we had two years ago, and what we have now, we come up with a very satisfactory feeling and we hope the Towns people do also. Our sincere thanks to those who have given time and money and assistance to the project. If we have forgotten to mention anyone who gave us help in this report, we ask their forgiveness and our thanks to them. Respectfully submitted,

Enfield Recreation Commission Frederick E. Sanders, Chairman Harry Hazen, Secretary James A. Reagan, Treas. Willie Dunham Francis LaBounty


We had one forest fire in the town of Enfield in 1959 during the dry period in April, the only period with any

real fire danger during the year.

This fire had a total suppression cost of $945.69, one half of which was reimbursed by the State, according to their standard rates.

There was no question that this fire was started by a discarded cigarette from a passing motorist, and as the most of you know, it caused several hours of hard work on the part of many, to bring it under control.

I wish to thank the citizens and visiting guests of Enfield for their good judgment and extreme care used in their burning operations in 1959, also the Town Offi- cers and Deputy Wardens for their help and urge their cooperation in 1960.

Number of permits issued 270.

DONALD A. CRATE Forest FireWarden


Salaries, Fires and Labor for the Year

Ending December 31, 1959.


Received from Selectmen $ 809.50

Disbursements Donald Crate, Chief $ 110.50 Lawrence Goular, Asst. Chief 38.50 James Reagan, Asst. Chief 47.50 Clarence Bailey, Secy.-Treas. 56.50 Henry Laramie 23.50 Edward Chouinard 23.50 Richard Shurtleff 20.50 Verne Merrihew 28.00

William Hayes, Jr. 23.50 Richard Hall 31.00 Wilfred Blain 32.50 Webster Hill ' 25.00 Tom Ibey 11.50 Romeo Deneault 16.00 James Lowell 17.50 j. Francis Kelley 22.00 Francis Ibey 28.00

Fred J. Cantlin 26.50 Robert Turner 26.50 Archie Ruel 29.50

Richard Dow - 26.50 Edwin Gardner 17.50 Frank Dyke 19.00 Robert Green 22.00 John Blain 16.00 Edgar Bill 23.50 Robert Oharbono 19.00 Carl Ryea 11.50

61 Extra Call Men Norman Neily 6.00 Robert Gaudette 6.00 Ronald Lower 4.50 $809.50


Jan. 1, 1959 to Dec. 31, 1959.

Enfield Center Fire Department

Edwin Huntley $ 20.00 Joseph Paquette, Sr. 18.25 Harold Arnold 17.50 Edward Poire Philip Jackman 9.00 Edward Hollenbeck 12.75 Carlton Roberts 8.00 Donald Patten 2.50 Robert Clough 18.25 John Tucker 16.00 Clifford Dyer 5.00 Daniel Fox 3.00 Oscar Bailey 7.00 Roger White 8.25 Fred Demers 10.25 William Dunham 14.50

Reserves Richard Paquette 7.50

Joseph Paquette, Jr. 1.50

Clinton Chase ^ 3.75 Roswell Reney Roger Reed 3.75 Warren Proctor 1.50 David Roberts 1.50

Total $189.75

62 :

SCHEDULE OF TOWN PROPERTY Town Hall, Lands and Buildings $ 2,250.00 Furniture and Equipment 300.00 Libraries, Lands and Buildings 25,000.00 Furniture and Equipment 5,000.00 Police Deparment, equipment 500.00 Fire Department, Lands and Buildings 4,300.00 Equipment 7,750.00 Highway Department, Lands and Buildings 5,200.00

- Equipment 30,000.00 Materials and Supplies 500.00 All Lands and Buildings acquired through Tax Collector's deeds A. H. Truell, Gove Lot 100.00 M. Ouimby - Davis & Truell lot 50.00 Land acquired through Gift, Heirs of George W. Dustin— 16 a. on 25.00

Land acquired through purchase : Land near westerly end of Shaker Bridge 500.00 Old Town Dump, abandoned 100.00

New Town Dump ' 600.00 Lockehaven Cemetery addition 300.00 Lakeview Cemetery 800.00 George Pond Dam and Water Rights 400.00

Total $83,675.00 AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE We have examined the books, of the Selectmen, Town Treasurer, Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Overseer of the Poor, Fire Precinct, Road Agent, Trustee of Trust Funds, Library Trustee, Cemetery Agent, Municipal Court and Recreation Commission, and find them to be properly vouched for and correctly cast. JOHN H. NOONAN ROGER CATTABRIGA Auditors.

63 I

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For the Year Ending December 31, 1959.

Date Dec. Report of the Trust Funds of the Tovv n

Date of Name of of Enfield, N. H. on December 31, 1959

PRINCIPAL Bai. New Gains or Losses Dec. 31, INCOME Funds on Sale 1959 Amt. Exp. Bal.

200.00 7.05 7.05 100.00 3.64 3.64 100.00 3.64 3.64 200.00 6.05 6.05 Split 3 for 1 mak. 9 sh. 512.34 28.35 28.35 100.00 3.52 3.52 100.00 3.52 3.52 200.00 7.05 7.05 100.00 3.52 3.52 100.00 3.52 3.52 Split 3 for 1 mak. 9 sh. 512.34 28.35 28.35 200.00 6.05 6.05 100.00 3.64 3.64 100.00 3.52 3.52 100.00 3.64 3.64 100.00 3.52 3.52 100.00 3.64 3.64 100.00 3.52 3.52 Split 3 for 1 mak. 9 sh. 512.35 28.35 28.35 87.65 2.63. 2.63 100.00 3.02 3.02 416.00 20.67 20.67 50.00 1.67 1.67 Split 3 for 1 mak. 6 sh. 342.04 18.90 18.90 84.66 3.08 3.08 1,050.95 37.09 37.09 1,050.95 37.09 37.09 Split 3 for 1 mak. 30 sh. 1,874.35 94.50 94.50 327.32 11.95 11.95 Split 3 for 1 mak. 27 sh. 1,681.29 85.06 85.06 125.39 4.57 4.57

Split 3 for 1 mak. 12 sh. 672.33 37.80 37.80 931.71 33.40 33.40 8,943.75 8,943.75 123.75 450.75 450.00 123.75 3 shares, 59.03 2,074.85 73.61 73.61 Cash 12.04 Split 3 for 1 mak. 9 sh. 513.81 28.34 28.34 Report of the Trust Funds of the Town

Wm. Gage Fund Town PurposesMascoma Sav. Bank 38.87 1884 Johnson Fund Town Poor Sugar River Sav. Bank 300.00 1914 Barnes Fund Oak Grv. Cem. Mascoma Sav. Bank 250.00 1924 Huntoon Fund Oak Grv. Cem. Mascoma Sav. Bank 100.00 1945 Sweeney Fund Oak Grv. Cem. Mascoma Sav. Bank 100.00 1918 Webster Fund Oak Grv. Cem. Mascoma Sav. Bank 100.00 1915 Williams Fund Town Cem. Dartmouth Sav. Bank 300.00 1930 Andrews Fund Town Cem. Mascoma Sav. Bank 100.00 1959 Ernest Bailey Town Cem. Dartmouth Sav. Bank 100.00 1902 Mark Burnham Town Cem. Sugar River Sav. Bank 100.00 1955 Bucklin Fund Oak Grv. Cem. 3 shares AT&T 512.35 1955 Chase & Heath Town Cem. Sugar River Sav. Bank 100.00 1940 Bartlett Clough Town Cem. Dartmouth Sav. Bank 100.00 1954 Wm. P. Clough Town Cem. Dartmouth Sav. Bank 100.00 1939 Sinclair Fund Town Cem. Dartmouth Sav. Bank 100.00 1930 Smith Fund Town Cem. Mascoma Sav. Bank 100.00 1956 Elbridge Truell Town Cem. Dartmouth Sav. Bank 100.00 1957 Alfred Truell Town Cem. Dartmouth Sav. Bank 100.00 1936 Willard Fund Town Cem. Mascoma Sav. Bank 100.00 1959 Lockeh'en Cem. Town Cem. Sugar River Sav. Bank 1959 Lakeview Cem. Town Cem. Sugar River Sav. Bank

$17,544.52 Capital Reserve Funds:

Civil Defense Fund Sugar River Sav. Bank $307.46 Main St. Bridge Fund Dartmouth Sav. Bank 783.35 New Road Equipment Fund Sugar River Sav. Bank 285.01 Whitney Hall Fund Sugar Riv. Sav. Bank 583.08 Bog Road Fund Sugar River Sav. Bank 333.77 George Hill Fund Sugar River Sav. Bank 546.66 Pickering Hill Fund Sugar River Sav. Bank 546.66 New Fire House Fund Sugar River Sav. Bank 1,012.25



This is to certify that the information contained in

this report is complete and correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief. January 20, 1960. of Enfield, N. H. on December 31, 1959


Split 3 for 1 mak 9 sh.

25.00 100.00

$9,618.75 Annual Report OF ENFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT

Enfield, N. H., 1959

The School Board of the School District of Enfield is continuing the policy of presenting to the School Dis- trict each year the financial report of the receipts and ex- penditures of the department and an estimated budget for the operation of the school for the succeeding year. These documents, together with the report of the Sup- intendent of Schools, constitute the School Report to the Enfield School District.

Thomas J. Lorden 1962 Thelma Cattabriga (Mrs. Roger) 1961

Frederick S. Merrill 1960


Treasurer Dean E. Williams Moderator Daniel Gosselin Truant Officer Francis T. LaBounty District Clerk , William F. Lapan Census Taker Ruth Campbell Auditor Chester Beede Auditor John Noonan Nurse Shirley T. Olson Superintendent of Schools Arthur E. Pierce


Brenda Aldrich

Sandra xA-iitilla

Raymond Bill Joan Chouinard Richard Denault Gail Fairbanks David Jenney Nancy LaMott Carolyn Lower Bertha Ruel April Roberts Nancy Rollins Carol Sinclair Terry Smardon Shirley Thomas Jack Welch Ellen Wescott Lloyd Wheeler

81 : :


of the Enfield School District

For the Year July 1, 1958 to June 30, 1959 Receipts Federal Aid National School Lunch and Special Milk $ 2,259.13 State Aid Foundation Aid Building Aid Receipts from Refunds, Double payment, "In and Out" Transactions Between Districts, etc. 59.01

Total Gross Income Transportation 10,445.53 Tuition 2,655.62 Special Activities and Special Funds 400.00 School Lunch (Federal and District funds only) 2.759.13

Total Auxiliary Activities 17,589.24

Fixed Charges: Retirement 4,785.52 Insurance, Treas. Bonds and Exps. 1.176.56 Total Fixed Charges 5,962.08

Capital Outlay:

Additions and Improvements to Buildings 2,426.17 New Equipment 852.55

Total Capital Outlay 3,278.72

Debt and Interest:

Principal of Debt 5,000.00 Interest on Debt 1,632.00 — 6,632.00 Total Net Payments for All Purposes 129.562.61 Cash on Hand at End of Year (June 30, 1959) General Fund **2,094.68 **2,094.68

Grand Total Net Payments 131,657.29

**This balance is not actually on hand but will be received after July 1, 1959.

Explanation of difference between net (actual) expendi- tures and gross transactions. Total Net Payments Plus Cash on Hand June 30, 1959 131.657.29

84 Payments Refunded or Returned, Pay- ments Made on Centralized Purchas- ing for Other Districts 59.01


*Hanover, $4,094.29; Lyme, $601.51; Orford. $609.83; State, $2,500.00.

85 :



Cash on Hand June 30, 1959 (Including Building Fund) $ 2,094.68

Total Assets 2,094.68 Net Debt (Excess of Liabilities Over Assets) 62,405.32

GRAND TOTAL 64,500.00

Liabilities Notes and Bonds Outstanding 63,000.00 Amounts Reserved for Special Purposes 1,500.00

Total Liabilities 64,500.00 GRAND TOTAL 64,500.00 TREASURER'S REPORT

July 1, 1958 to June 30, 1959.

Cash on Hand July 1, 1958 $ 1,735.71 Current Appropriation $94,135.85 Received from State Treasurer State Funds 27,702.25 Federal Funds 2,259.13 Received from Tuitions 2,474.51 Rec'td as Income from Trust Funds 147.84 Received from all Other Sources 125.01


Total Amount Available for Fiscal Year 128,580.30 Less School Board Orders Paid 129,621.62

Balance on hand June 30. 1959 (Deficit) -1,041.32

July 7, 1959 Dean Williams District Treasurer


This is to certify that we have examined the books, vouchers, bank statements and other financial records of the treasurer of the school district of Enfield, New

Hampshire of which the above is a true summary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1959 and find them cor- rect in all respects.

July 10, 1959 Auditors: Chester A. Beede John H. Noonan


Voted January 14, 1960

Days Per Running Period Total vSchool Open — Wednesday, September 7

(Teachers on duty Sept. 6)

Teachers' Convention — October 20-21 31 31

I'hanksgiving Vacation

Close — Wed., Nov. 23 at 12:15 23 54 Open — Monday, November 28

Christmas Vacation (6 school days) 20 74 Close — Friday, December 23 Open — Tuesday, Januar}^ 3

Winter Vacation (5 school days) 34 108 Close — Friday, February 17 Open — Monday, Februar}- 27

Spring \'acation (3 school days) 42 150 Closed — Tuesday, April 25

Open — Monday, May 1

Memorial Day Vaca. — Tues., May 30 21 171

School Closes — Thursday, June 15 12 183

(Teachers on duty June 16) ro

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July 1, 1958 to June 30, 1959

Beginning Balance—July 1, 1958 $ 53,21 Receipts Lunch Sales—Children CO K o


K :

To the School Board and Citizens of Entield :

I present herein my annual report for 1959, my sixth annual report as Superintendent of Schools in En-

field. In preparing the report I have used freely from material submitted by Mr. Richard S. Lovejoy, Princi- pal, in his annual report to me. NEW PRINCIPAL Mr. Ralph L. Staples, after two years of good ser- vice in the Enfield School, resigned in July to accept a principalship of the high school in Charlestown. We regretted seeing Mr. Staples leave but all wish him ev- ery possible success and happiness in his new position. We were very fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Richard S. Lovejoy, as successor to Mr. Staples. Mr. Lovejoy has his Bachelor's Degree from Colby Col- lege and his Master's Degree in Education from the University of Maine. He has also done study at Bos- ton University. Before coming to Enfield he had thir- teen years experience as a teacher and principal, his last principalship was in Alton, New Hampshire high school. He left that position to go into government Civil Ser- vice. During the war he was a captain in the United States Air Force, serving largely in the South Pacific. In the short time that he has been in Enfield, Mr. Love- joy has already demonstrated that he is an able leader and educator. OVERCROWDING The overcrowded conditions of the school became increasingly acute this year. The line-up of classes in the early part of the year was as follows

Mrs. Lapan Gr. 1 31

97 :

Mrs. Tibbetts Gr. 1

Mrs. Beede

Mrs. Allen Mrs. Armstrong Miss Jondro Miss Bond

Mrs.Tarney Mrs. Allen Mrs. Cobb Total Elementary

It soon became apparent that the situations in the fourth grade and the seventh grade were impossible from the point of view of effective work with the pupils. In order to correct the fourth grade situation, the class- es were lined up as follows be more effective teaching. The change seems to be having beneficial results, although double grades are not desirable if they can be avoided. In order to alleviate the situation in grade se\'en, Mrs. Lovejoy was employed on a half-time basis. This made it possible to divide the seventh grade into two sections for some of its work. There is no question but what the needs of the pupils are being better met. This division of the seventh grade presented difficulty in find- ing rooms in which to hold the classes of the extra sec- tion. The difficulty was resolved by using the home economics kitchen, the home economics room, the com- mercial room, and the laboratory when they happened to be free. It was also necessary to schedule classes in the gymnasium. Every room in the building is now used almost 100 percent of the time. Obviously, the rooms enumerated above are not particularly satisfac- tory for regular classes. This is particularly true of the home economics kitchen and the gymnasium. From all of the information that we now have, the situation will be just as bad or worse next year. This overcrowding and the potential future overcrowding has been emphasized before. I sincerely hope that some- thing may be done in the near future to alleviate the situation. COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL

I am pleased to report that the State Department of Education has approved Enfield High School as a comprehensive High School for the school year 1959-60. The report from the State Department emphasized, however, that Mr. Lovejoy should be a full-time princi- pal in a school as large as Enfield's. At present he is having to do some teaching. We are getting approval at present by having one of the other teachers assist in the guidance, testing and administrative work that Mr. Lovejoy would be doing if he were not teaching.

99 Two girls are having Latin this year through a cor- respondence course from the University of Nebraska. They wanted the work to better prepare them for a school of nursing. The course is approved by the State Department.

National Defense Education Act

The equipment that we have had to assist in teach- ing of science, mathematics and foreign language has not been adequate, especially with the increased empha- sis in those fields. We are glad, therefore, that Enfield has appropriated money to match dollar for dollar the funds allotted to us under the Federal Defense Educa- tion Act. These funds enable us. in effect, to buy equip- ment for fifty cents on the dollar. We are getting equip- ment this year that will be of great value. I hope that we may take advantage of the same opportunity in 1960-61.


I want to pay tribute to our custodians, Mr. Will- iam Shurtleff and Mr. Sidney Davis. They do well the regular work of custodians in keeping the building clean and in good condition. Furthermore, they save the School District a substantial amount of money by doing a very considerable amount of painting and other main- tenance work.

Professional Improvement

I want to commend the following members of the school stafi^ for their professional improvement work. Shown below is what they have done during the year.

Amy Bond History of New H. Ply. T. C. Teaching Acad. Sub. to Mental Retarded Keene T. C. Student Teaching with Mental Retarded Keene, T. C.

100 Overview of Mental Re- tardation Keene, T. C. Martha Armstrong School and Community Health Boston Univ. Lila Cobb Courses toward M.A. Univ. of N.H. Ruth Davis Workshop-Home Econom ics Education Keene, T. C. Shirley Olson Health Education Boston Univ. Red Cross Standard First Aid Course Boston Univ.


In concluding, I want to express appreciation to the members of the School Board, and the members of the school staiT for their cooperation and help. Respectfully submitted, Arthur E. Pierce Superintendent of Schools SCHOOL DISTRICT WARRANT STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE

Grafton, ss School District of Enfield

To the inhabitants of the School District of Enfield

qualified to vote in District affairs :

You are hereby notified to meet at the Enfield Vil- lage School, Enfield, on the Seventh day of March, 1960, at seven-thirty o'clock in the evening, to act upon the following subjects:

Article 1. To choose by ballot a Moderator, a Clerk and a Treasurer, each to serve one year; and a member of the School Board, to serve for three years.

Article 2. To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Officers or Committees heretofore chosen and pass any vote relating thereto.

Article 3. To choose Agents, Auditors or Commit- tees necessary for managing District affairs.

Article 4, To see what sum of money the District will raise and appropriate for the support of schools, for the salaries of School District officials and agents, and for the payment of statutory obligations of the District, and to authorize the application against said appropria tion of such sums as are estimated to be received from the state equalization fund together with other income ; the School Board to certify to the Selectmen the bal- ance between the estimated revenue and the appropria- tion, which balance is to be raised by taxes by the Town.

Article 5. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Two Hun- dred Ninety Two Dollars ($1,292.00) in order for the :

District to avail itself during 1960-61 of federal funds to be distributed under the provisions of the National De- fense Education Act, Public Law 85-864, and to author- ize the school board to make application for, to accept on behalf of the district, and to apply against this ap- propriation any or all grants or other funds which may now or hereafter be forthcoming from the United States Government or from the State of New Hampshire under the provisions of the National Defense Education Act.

Article 6. To see if the District will vote to au- thorize the School Board to make a further study of school building needs, and to enter into contract with an architect to secure preliminary sketches and estimates, said contract to obligate the District to employ said ar- chitect as the architect for the building if it is voted within two years.

Article 7. To transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting.

The polls will open at 7 :30 p.m. and will not close before 9:00 p.m.

Given under our hands at said Enfield, New Hamp- shire this 15th day of February, 1960.


A true copy of Warrant—Attest



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Prevention is Everybody's Business

The year 1959 was fortunate from a forest fire standpoint. New Hampshire had the best record in the nation. Fewer acres were burned, suppression costs were substantially reduced and damage ^o woodlands held to a minimum. The record resulted from a combination of favorable weather conditions, an alert warden service and a cooperating- public.

Yet, despite all this, there still persists a disturb- ing note 58%, or 6 out of every 10 fires in 1959 were caus- ed by careless smokers and debris burners.

10%, or 1 out of every 9 fires was caused l^y chil- dren. Careless, indifl:'erent, thoughtless and independ- ent minded individuals and failure of parents to properly supervise children and keep matches out of their reach, annually cause these unnecessary fires which cost large sums to extinguish and cause extensive damage. The elimination of these three causes of fires would radically change this picture. The rules are simple

1. Before burning, secure a permit from your

local forest fire warden—the law requires it. 2. Be sure to properly supervise your burning. 3. Make certain your fire is DEAD OUT be-

fore leaving it. 4. Don't throw lighted matches, cigars and cig- arettes from moving vehicles—use your ash tray. 5. Don't burn at home—Use your town dump and save yourself much possible difficulty, both personal and financial. Number of local fires— Number of acres burned—43 Number of permits issued —270

GERALD S. GROSS DONALD CRATE District Fire Chief Forest Fire Warden INDEX