For Talk on Kashmir Literature, Art and Music
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iM n g e Daily Net Pteaa Ron The W eathw F o r A m Week Knded Foreewt of D. B. WeoAicr : DeoenAer 1, m » Fair aad eool toalglit wBb • 13,852 foe M e toniebt, low memr Member of Ale AnOt TMediqr moiniiig beeomlag Hoieen of ObeulsAoe w r and nod. hlefa ta A m OQe. Manchester’ " A City of Village Charm \TOIi. LXXXn, NO. 54 (SEETEBN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER S, 1962 (OUoABea AdrerAAac im U) PRICE FIVE CENTS Pravda Reacts; Hits Manchester's United Fund poal? 1107,000. When? Today through Dec. 12. Benefactors ? American Red Cross, Boy ^outs. Child Free Trend in Arts Guidance Clinic of Manchester, Children’s Services of Connecticut, Diocesan Bureau of Sodal Service, By PRESTON OBOVEB < “It b theb duty to support all Giti Scouts, Manchester Memorial Hospital, Man MOSCOW (A P)— Pravda, progressive talent b art,’’ Pravda chester Public Health Nurses Association, YWCA. tihe Communist party paper, conUnued, "to sti^engthen the con Distribution of funds? According to the respec nection of the men of Uterature tive needs of the participating aifencies as deter pressed s broad-scale attack with the life of the people, with today on liberal tendencies in Communist construction, to de mined by the fund’s board of directors. fend consistently the Communist Pledges? Payable weekly, monthly or quarterly For Talk on Kashmir literature, art and music. The party organ echoed Pre ideology, to fig^t with Irreconcill- anytime before Dec. 1968. mier lOiruahchev's criticism last abiUty against the lack of ideo Contributions deductible for income tax puruoses? week of abstract art and included logical content, agabst any devb- Y es. music and literature. tiems and hesitatians from the main line of development of our “The pseudo Innovators in paint arb, the art of people construct Ayub Khan ing and m i^ic,' under the pretext ing communism.’’ o f' arUstic search and all^edly Ibmvda's campaign appeared to daring avant garffism, deviate be a firm official reaction to what tram the traditions of realistic art United Fund Begins Asks Parley seemed in recent months to be a and betray these traditions,’’ the Ubendbing tendency to Uterature, paper said. music and art. “ The pseudo innovators unthink Last week, Khrushchev stamped By D ec. 9 ingly nm after Western fashion, hard on abstract art. At a smaU Drive for $107?000 engage in pitiable imitation of the private show he said the palntera corrupt formalist art of the bour who pursued it were sick and _ NEW DELHI, India (AP) geois world which in its nature their work looked like the splash' The United Fund of Manchester^ Manchester Memorial Hospital, —^Prime Minister Nehru said b deeply alien to the world out togs of a donkey’s taU. look of Soviet man.” line, today launches ib first fund $34,616. today there will be no restric Another special article ' drive—a personal solicitation cam- The paper restated the policy denuied “the inordinate and Manchester Public H ealth 'paign to $107,000 to benefit Nurses Association, $5,753. tions or preconditions in the on art and literature that has pre- thoughtless passion for foreign forthcoming talks between In Tsdled in Russia for most of the nine participattog agencies. YWCA. $4,257. The drive will continue through Soviet period. In recent months there have ’The operating expenses of the dia and Pakistan on Kashmir. Wednesday, Dec. 13. campaign are included to the in Answering questiens to ParUa- ' ‘"The cohesion of all talented been a number of Jats concerto A tota l c i 193 volunteers are in dividual goab. ment, Nehru denied there was any actiye forces of literature and art on the radio, and fmelgn and So volved to the fund’s four divisions, Matthew M. Moriarty b general contradiction between hb Nov. 80 on the basis of the principles of viet Jass orchestras have toured initial gifb, employes, business Socialist realism, on the g^eat the country. Recently the Soviet chairman of the drive, and Atty. statement on toe subject and hb and residentital. clarification Dec. 1 after seeing Ideals of communism, b the first composers union devoted most of James M. Higgins b president o t ’Ihe agencies which will bene British Commonwealth Relations task of creative unions,” it said.' its annual meeting to a study of the fund. H ie dlvbion chairmen are fit are the American Red Cross, Robert J. Boyce, initial g ifb ; Ever' Secretary Duncan Sandys. Pravda cafiad on the youth Jass. Pravda branded Jass as Boy Scoub, Child Guidance Clinic leagues, the people, ..the party, the American and bad. ett R. Kennedy, employes; George The prime minister said both of Manebestor, Children’s Services H. Marlow, business; and Mrs. Ev the Indian and Pakistani repre press, radio and tdevblon to sup-1 ---------- of Connecticut, Diocesan Bureau sentatives wUl have complete port that iwlicy. (OonAnoed on Page Ebilit) erett Keith, residentUto of Social Service, O bi Scoub, Man “Give the United Way” b the freedom to express their opinions. ----- ' --------------------------- ---------- chester Memorial Roi^tal, Man slogan of the fund. —^Presldmt Mohammed Ayub chester Public Health Nurses .Asso- “Hie United BNind of Manches- Khan’s govenunent b requestiirg dation and Y W C A .. India to set a date for talks on The individual goab' of each (Oonttooed on Page Five) Kashmir by Dec. 9 «t toe latest, President Awaiting agency, approved after budget Pakistani papers said today. studies by the fund’s S7-member in L o n do n. Commonwealth board of directors, are as follows: R cta tion s S e c r e ta r y D uncan American Red Cross, $20,709. Sandys said on hb return Boy Scoub, $8,074. France Shuns from India and Pakistan today he Labor Strife Report Child Guidance Clinic of Man b confident there b nothing to chester, $12,607. Children’s Services of Connecti [/.Sw Plan for rumors that Pakistan b about to sign a nonaggression pact with WASHINGTON (AP)—PresldentOnational Aaaocbtioa of Machto- cut, $6,903. Diocesan Bureau of Social Serv with China, nhd, although that Kennedy geb reporb today from bb , AFLrCIO, called off ib walk' Bl o c N-Force rumor has not been denied, I am out at the government’s request ice, $4,603. two Taft-Hartley taw emergency Oiri Scouts, $8,029. Firemen remove body of Mrs. Ida Thconas, 58, from ruins of tenement building destroyed by lire absolutely ccmfldent toere b itoto- ’The report frbn the Lockheed ing to It,” he told newsmen at boards he named to stopping PARIS (AP) — BYench Foreign Sunday. The Uaae also took toe life of a 60-y^-old man to the stuooo butotoig at 64 Tremont emergency boanP b expected Ixmdon Airport “I feel that thb strikes by East Coast dock em SL to Anecmta. (AP Ptontofax). simply to recite A negotiating Mlnlater Maurice Couve de Mur- rumor of a iKmaggresslon pact ployes and Lockheed aerospace deadlock. It b strictly a formality vUle, whose government wanb to between Pakistan and China has w ork ers. that, under the taw, will enable Pilot Wrote In another development related make France an independent nu Thant Challenges West been very unfortunate.” the government to go ahead with Sandys, who had talks with gov to a majoi'- tabor controversy clear ;power, poured cold ^ ter Peking Jeers application for an 80-day court in ernment leaders in both Indb and chiefs of the, five operating unions About Peril today on the idea of an integrated BALTIMORE "(AP) — U State N ew s junction barring a furthw strike. European nuclear force. Pakistan, said he tried to help on the* nation’s railroads The time lag will enable gov Thant, secretary-general of gathered here for a huddle to de Couve de Murvllle •-* addressed As Tito, Nikita the United Nations says Westi^it them toward dbcusslon of toe dif ernment mediators and the spe l^blators from toe seven nations ficulties between them. termine their next legal step to cial board headed by Prof. Ar At Idlewild em leaders have not respond Roundup fighting worker layoffs threatened of the Western Eurmiean Union, ed to a change to the jwllUeal “I think the opportunity for a thur M. Ross, iUrector of the convened to dbeuss Snnopean de by the carriers. University of Callifornia Institute WASHmOTON (AP) —A ntaga- Schedule Talk climate of the Soviet 'yhlon. settlement of thb very difficult Of the three disputes a raiewed fenses and toe possibility of such "Western leaders saw the dispute about Kashmir b better of Industrial Relations, to try. new stoe article by a pilot killed to me an integratedi-nuclear force under strike by the 60,000 dock workers peace movea abltoer crash Friday at New MOSCOW (AP)—President Hto world as a battlefield between tium it ever has been,’ 'he said. mpears to be the nu^t imminent. eonunand o( toe North Atlantic ;/tw o antagonistic systems, Fire, Crashes Kill “It has been improved because Tmk’s ItUswUd Airport deplores T r e ^ of . Ytopudavla, a Communist with *1110 workers ended afi' earlier (CViaABiHd M ilage JBlW he caOed the narrow saf(' «tmng TnwjtyfiHiit Qyertones, head miUtaatly expressing theprto- Four on Weekend of toe external dtmger. It makes sMke after the admtolstratian cm ' m a rg in ed today for MoSoow^^ talks with ctjrieabrgood aad evil,’’ Thant nonsense of defense against China ‘ Oct. 6 obtained an aOKlay Injunc to antt aatlanai nuetaar said Sunday. to be wasting one’s forces guard SSbm Ab UoM Capt. arms devekqnoent' pngrams as Soviet Premier Khrushchev ac tion under the Taft-Hartley emer 3 .