Tunderbolt Racing

Christmas Dinner-Dance ‘Vettes For Vets ?? Trivial Challenge


Beautiful Weather Leads to a Big Success at Last Weekend’s Heritage 11 Show!

1! November/December 2014 IN THIS ISSUE... Officers for 2014 3! A Message from the President PRESIDENT 5! 2014 Events Calendar Kirby Montgomery (804) 784-3173 6! Next Meeting Information [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT 8! Member Birthdays Bruce Griggs (804) 966-1915 9! Welcome New Members [email protected] 10! ‘Revs and Rumbles’ @NCM TREASURER JR Walker (804) 779-3169 11! Event Information [email protected] 24! Corvette in the News RECORDING SECRETARY 26! Corvette Racing News Margaret Wilson (804) 588-5735 [email protected] 29! Tech Tips NEWSLETTER EDITOR 31! The CCR Store Mike Starr (804) 527-0879 [email protected] 32! CCR Member Sale CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 34! Our Sponsors Donna Carr (804) 356-3550 [email protected] SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Butch Bateman (804) 550-0769 [email protected] HISTORIAN David Dolan (804) 346-5266 [email protected] WEBMASTER Rob Bickert (804) 920-4092 [email protected] EVENTS COORDINATOR Bob Brody (804) 405-1568 [email protected]

2! November/December 2014 A Message from the President

Dear Fellow CCR Members: This is our last newsletter of 2014! We customarily give the newsletter editor December off! Thanks for all the great work this year, Mike! The premiere event of our club, the Christmas Dinner Dance, is rapidly approaching! It will be held on Saturday, December 6, at the Meadowbrook Country Club. This is always a fabulous event and we have a fantastic band. You can read all about it (if you have not already) elsewhere in this newsletter. By now you should have received you renewal membership mailing, which includes your opportunity to register for the Christmas Dinner Dance. Let's get a big crowd to the dance this year! And let’s get those renewal membership dues in too (and please be sure to include all of your updated information too!). The November Membership meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 14, in the West End. We will hold election of officers that night, so please attend. One position, Vice President, has two candidates, so your votes are needed. If you are not able to attend this meeting, then please get the absentee ballot from our website, and mail it in to the club PO Box to be received no later than November 13th. We had some great events in October, and great weather for them! Danny Terry led the lunch cruise to Blackstone, Karen Dubosky and Bob Brody organized the weekend retreat to Smith Mountain Lake, which included the tour of the fabulous Sink collection of automotive memorabilia. And the rescheduled Heritage Show was held on a gorgeous Sunday, which was OD'd by Bubba and Donna Carr (and thanks to everyone who assisted with this event!). In November we have Thunderbolt Carting OD'd by Paul Murman, the VFW show OD'd by Bob Brody, and the Trivial Challenge OD'd by Paul Murman with some help from the "New Kent Korvette Kontingent"! Thanks to all of the OD's who throughout the year plan these events for all of us to enjoy! If you have not ever OD'd an event, have an idea and give it a try! On December 15, some of our current Board Members will officially retire from their Board duties; Bruce Griggs as Vice President, Margaret Wilson as Recording Secretary, Rob Bickert as Webmaster, and Butch Bateman as Sergeant at Arms. These folks have given years of service to the club, and we all owe them a great big thank you! So when you see them at The Christmas Dinner Dance, tell them how much you appreciate all they have done! By the way, Mike Starr is retiring as Newsletter Editor, but he is staying on as a Board Member and Webmaster (if elected!). So no heartfelt good bye's yet for Mike, but you can thank him too for his great job as Newsletter Editor. I would like to thank all of the members who are running for election or reelection of office; Mike Douberly and Rick Franklin for Vice President, JR Walker for Treasurer, Donna Carr for Corresponding Secretary, Peggy Maloy for Recording Secretary, Bubba Carr for Sergeant-At-Arms, Brandon Kindall for Newletter Editor, Mike Starr for Webmaster, and Dave Dolan for Historian. Also, while not an elected position, Bob Brody had kindly agreed to serve once again as our Event Coordinator! Thanks very much, your willingness to serve the club is loudly applauded! Of course I am running for reelection as your President. It has been a fun year, and if elected, I look forward to serving the club during my second term! Something new and different! The November after meeting party will be held at Mexico Restaurant in Innsbrook! Please join us for some post election socializing. Vamanos a Mexico! Arriba Arriba!

Remember, Save the Wave! Your CCR buddy,


3! November/December 2014 2015 CCR Executive Board Election Ballot

Office Vote Candidate President Kirby Montgomery

______Vice President Rick Franklin Mike Douberly ______Treasurer JR Walker

______Recording Secretary Peggy Maloy

______Corresponding Donna Carr Secretary

______Newsletter Editor Brandon Kindal

______Sergeant At Arms Bubba Carr

______Historian Dave Dolan

______Web Master Mike Starr


NAME: ______(Please Print) (SIGNATURE) Saturday, Nov. 1 Thunderbolt Indoor Karting Murmans

Saturday, Nov. 8 VFW Corvette Show Bob Brody

Friday, Nov. 14 Membership Meeting (West End)- 7:30 PM

After Meeting Party: Mexico Restaurant

Saturday, Nov. 15 Trivial Challenge Murman/DuBosky

Saturday, Dec. 6 Christmas Dinner-Dance Montgomerys

Saturday, Dec. 13 VA Beach Lights Danny Terry

Saturday, Dec. 27 Swift Creek Mill Theater Murmans

Friday, Jan. 9 Membership Meeting (South Side)- 7:30 PM

After Meeting Party: TBD

Saturday, Jan. 17 Phantom of the Opera Steve DuBosky

Saturday, Jan. 24 CCR Bowling Event Wilsons 2014 Events Calendar

5! November/December 2014 NOVEMBER MEETING Friday, November 14 at our West End Location

Our next General Membership Meeting will take place on Friday, November 14th, at 7:30 p.m. Come early to visit in the parking lot wit h ot her members! This mont h’s meeting will be held at the Markel Corporation Building in Innsbrook. The address is 4521 Highwoods Parkway, Glen Allen, Virginia 23060. There is plenty of parking available. Direct ions: • From I-295, take exit 51B for Nuckols Road South. • From Nuckols Road, turn right at the first traffic light onto Sadler Road. • Take the next left turn onto Sadler Place. • Take an immediate right onto Highwoods Parkway. • Take the first left into the parking lot at the "Markel" sign. The Markel Building will be directly in front of you. Enter under the carport on the right side of the building.

After Meeting Party The after meeting party will be at Mexico Restaurant located in the Shoppes at Innsbrook at 4040 Cox Road, Suite G, Glen Allen, VA 23060. It is just a few blocks from our meeting location at Markel. Directions will be available at the meeting. We will have a taco bar, chicken and beef enchiladas, beef and chicken burritos, rice and beans, chips and salsa, soda, ice tea or coffee. Vegetarian items available on request. All for $15 per couple, $8 single. Adult beverages will be available at the cash bar. What a bargain! There will be plenty of seating available as two-thirds of the restaurant will be reserved for CCR!

Vamanos a Mexico!

6! November/December 2014 OCTOBER MEETING’S BIG WINNERS Congratulations !!

50/50 Drawing Sue Ann Bickert

$5 Handshake Lloyd "Smitty" Smith

Dinner Ticket Vicki Fetzer


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to those members celebrating birthdays this month. May there be a shiny, new surprise in your driveway!

John Epperly 1 1 / 0 9 Tony Hosey 11/ 10 Ron Niedermayer 11/ 10 Frank Dunt on 1 1 / 1 1 Wayne Tilley 11/ 11 Mike St arr 1 1 / 1 4 Bob Brody 1 1 / 1 5 Ro y Bin g e r 1 1 / 2 2 Ric h ar d Or r o c k 1 1 / 2 2 Robert Marchese 11/ 26 David Viers 11/ 29 Bill Sprouse 1 2 / 0 3 Joe Morris 1 2 / 1 0 Warren Farrar 12/ 14 Ric k Fr an k lin 1 2 / 1 9 Bubba Carr 1 2 / 2 1 Erin Glenn 1 2 / 2 5 Callie Redf ord 1 2 / 2 5 Dan Baker 12/ 27

8! November/December 2014 WELCOME NEW CCR MEMBER!!

Bob Drake

Want to Become a CCR Member ?

In 1960, a small group of Corvette enthusiasts began to gather on a regular basis for fun and fellowship. The first official Club meeting took place in July of 1961. CCR is the oldest Corvette club in Virginia with membership approaching 400. To be eligible for regular membership, you must be a person of good character and own a Corvette. You must attend at least one meeting or event. If you don’t own a Corvette, an “associate membership” is available. Associates can participate in all events and functions but have no voting rights. You’ll make good friends, have fun and learn more about Corvettes. Club meetings are at 7:30 p.m. on the second Friday of each month. After the meetings, there is usually a party where you can enjoy socializing with other club members. Annual dues are $25 for pilots or $35 for both the pilot and co-pilot (includes spouse, or significant other/child). A membership application can be found on the CCR website: www.corvetteclubofrichmond.com

9! November/December 2014 REVS & RUMBLES @ THE NCM By Barry Roper, NCM Ambassador/ Lifetime Member

As 2014 draws to a close and the National Corvette Museum's Calendar of Events winds down with it, the staff concedes that a more demanding yet exciting year is difficult to recall since their opening in 1974. Every year, most months feature one or more events, some recurring and some one-time only displays, all designed to draw Corvette owners home while piquing the interest of visitors. However, 2 0 1 4 will go down in the annals of NCM history as a stand alone year given inclusion of the unanticipated February sinkhole drama occurring while the overriding focus was on hosting the 20th Anniversary Celebration AND at the same time trying to focus on the recent C7 rollout. Now as 2015 looms, we are looking forward t o anot her year of opportunities provided by the NCM to enjoy Am erica's Sports Car both in and out of the driver's seat.

Beginning w it h t he Novem ber CCR meeting, look for the stack of 2 x 3 1/2 inch glossy cards with a 2015 calendar on one side and the NCM 2015 Event Schedule on the other. Pick up one from the Sergeant-at-Arms table while you're receiving your ticket for the dinner drawing. Use the card to look ahead to the fifteen events slated for next year and then go to corvettemuseum.org to explore the details of the months' offerings.

To overview, notice that six of the events will involve Museum In Motion venues, one of which will occur at the Tail of the Dragon in late April. Also of note, is the uptick in NCM sponsored High Performance Driving Events (HPDE) now that the MotorSports Park is open in Bowling Green. The NCM will host HPDE there in April, September and November. Of particular interest to CCR members will be the HPDE offering at the Virginia International Raceway (VIR) in Danville in June.

Three big t icket it em s are also on t he list . In June, t he Museum In Mot ion w ill conduct a ten day tour to LeMans. That same month, the NCM will also sponsor two different European cruises with guided tours featuring onboard Corvette themed gatherings.

Rounding out plans for 2015 will be several recurring events including the NCM Bash in April, t he C4 Gat hering in May, t he NCM 2 1 st Anniversary Celebrat ion (in early Septem ber next year rather than late August for a change), and the always well attended Vets 'n Vettes in November. Check out the details online for this great array of next year's events and plan to sign up early for at least one if not more of these exciting opportunities. Support our National Corvette Museum at every opportunity!

10! November/December 2014 EVENT RECAP HERITAGE CORVETTE SHOW October 26, 2014 OD: Bubba Carr

What a great Heritage Appreciation Corvette Show!

We were delayed by two weeks, but it really paid off—we couldn't have asked for a m ore beautiful day! I thought I w as getting there early but arrived to the Heritage staff and early show participants. Bob Brody was already staging cars with the assistance of Danny Terry and some others. Heritage provided a great goody-bag and all the hotdogs, chips and drinks anyone w anted. A nd of course w e had Hallow een candy. Marcy Montgomery did a great job on the 50/50 raffle raising a total of $193.00. Cindy Goodwin won the raffle with a jackpot of $96. The remaining $97 went toward the donations for the Central Virginia Food Bank. In total, we collected $730 in m onetary donations and a box of canned goods. As they have in the past, Heritage matched our donation. The car show winners were as follows:

Class C5 Class C2 1st Place: Doug Johnson 1st Place: Bill Tresler 2nd Place: Ray Wells 2nd Place: Mel & Alice Rice 3rd Place: Bobbie Vayo 3rd Place: Freddy Tally Class C6 Class C3 Early 1st Place: Rickie Cox 1st Place: Tony Nardone 2nd Place: Bob Stevens 2nd Place: Gary Green 3rd Place: Jim Chesser 3rd Place: Dan Baker Class C7 Class C3 Lat e 1st Place: Bill & Lisa Butler 1st Place: Homer Crockett 2nd Place: Marcy Montgomery 2nd Place: Wayne Alexander 3rd Place: Brenda Tresler 3rd Place: Roy Binger Best-In-Show : Class C4 Bill Tresler for his C2 1st Place: David Goodwin 2nd Place: Steve Goodwin 3rd Place: Howard Mayhew

11! November/December 2014 Special thanks to all m y helpers: Mike Starr, Duane Maloy, Danny Terry, Don Miser, Kirby & Marcie Montgom ery, Bob Brody and special thanks to 'm y people' Donna Carr. Without their help, this event would not have been such a great success. Also a special thanks to the employees at Heritage Chevrolet who setup, prepared the food and chose our winners. Thanks, Bubba Carr

Here is a quick video displaying many of the beautiful Corvettes that were in the show- http://youtu.be/v9ZB9czUZeo

To view all of the pictures from the day, go to our Photo library on our website.

12! November/December 2014 EVENT RECAP SMITH MOUNTAIN LAKE & BEYOND October 17-18, 2014

ODs: Karen DuBosky & Bob Brody

The Weather Gods blessed CCR on our cruise The view from Mariner’s Landing to Smith Mountain Lake for a weekend of fun and fellowship. Mostly sunny and cool weather provided dry roads and great visibility for viewing lake and mountain vistas and fall foliage. After a pleasant drive from Midlothian to Huddleston, we checked into Mariners Landing and settled in. The Pot Luck Dinner was expertly orchestrated by Karen, in the Condo of the New Kent Contingent. We dined on sumptuous culinary delights of varied styles and flavors along with a few adult beverages while we enjoyed the companionship and camaraderie of CCR. On Saturday morning we wove our way through the countryside to Vinton for lunch, then on to view the Sink’s Chevy Collection. Dick Sink and his son Rocky, who started this collection many years ago, were both there to meet us and guide us through their amazing assemblage of GM memorabilia and vehicles. This collect ion is a challenge to describe: it includes old and rare cars and trucks ranging from a ’92 Camaro Police Car that was never put into service, and a fully restored ’58 Impala to a kiddy car styled like a ’53 Corvette down to scale models of Auto Show Displays. There are vintage signs, shelves of GM Manuals and Fact Books, original antique brochures and showroom displays plus photos signed by famous people. Display cases house GM t rophies, pins, jewelry, stemware and gadgets. And that’s only a few of the items in the first building of three buildings we toured. Following our cruise back to Mariner’s Landing we had an entertaining dinner at Heath’s Waterfront Grill, where Paul Murman led the toast to “the Best Damn Corvette Club… in the World!” Thanks to all you joined in for making this another wonderful CCR Weekend!

13! November/December 2014 ’92 Camaro Police Car

’’58 Chevy Impala

Kiddy Cars

Chevrolet Memorabilia

CCR Members at The Sink’s Chevy Collection


ODs: Paul and Gayle Murman

When was the last time you gave the Vette a good workout? Do you remember when the acceleration pushed you back in your seat, when you squealed the tires, when the “G” forces pushed you hard, and when everyt hing in your rear view mirror was getting smaller quickly? If it has been some time, I can’t help you with that, but I can get you the next best Check It Out: http://youtu.be/-WpTvVzqbBo?t=1m15s thing. That would be go-karting at Thunderbolt Indoor Karting. Their web-site states that, “As Richmond’s premiere destination for high- speed entertainment, Thunderbolt Indoor Karting proudly offers an extraordinary racing experience in a state-of-the-art, upscale environment. Our electric karts are fast —much fast er off t he line t han t he gas-fueled alt ernat ives, reaching up to 45 mph for an exhilarating ride—almost as fast as a Porsche 911. Combined with our brand new climate-controlled facilities and custom track, Thunderbolt delivers a premium racing experience you can’t get anywhere else.” “Reawaken your sense of adventure as you speed through our custom track, complete with twists and turns that keep you on your toes. Tap into your competitive spirit as you race other drivers, and challenge yourself to top the scores of Richmond’s finest. Make an entire lap around our track in less than 60 seconds—races are a total of 16 laps each, and last around 10 minutes.”

Date: Novem ber 1 , 2 0 1 4

Time: A round 6 :0 0 PM ( or lat er)

Dinner: On your own either before or after racing

Cost: With a minimum of ten racers; 1 race - $19.95 per person; $30 for two races; $ 4 0 for three races

Address: 1 3 6 5 Carm ia W ay, Richm ond, V A 2 3 2 3 5

Web Site: http:/ / www.thunderboltkarting.com

15! November/December 2014 3rd place trophies will be awarded. We will also have a ballot box for a Publics’ Choice Award as well as the Post Commander Award. This event is being held as a fund raiser for the Veterans of Foreign Wars so the VFW will be selling and serving hamburgers and hot dogs t o the general public; the Ladies Auxiliary will also host a bake sale during the event. Widely publicized within the Hopewell, Petersburg and Colonial Heights areas as well as on Fort Lee, we are still working on other fund raising ideas t o help w it h our effort t o raise funds for our veterans. The Hopewell VFW is a vibrant post that supports UPCOMING EVENT several vet erans’ programs, t he local community and the VA hospital. Events ‘VETTES FOR VETS like t his allow us t o cont inue our support of our nation’s veterans. The post also November 8, 2014 has a clubroom (bar) and all participants OD: Bob Brody are welcome t o enjoy an adult beverage if so desired. Wat er w ill be provided The Vet erans of Foreign Wars Post free to all participants. We hope to see #637 at 335 S 15th Ave, Hopewell, VA you at our event!! 23860, is proud to partner with the Corvette Club of Richmond in hosting our 1st Annual “VETTES FOR VETS” event. The show will be held on the 8th of November, 2014 from 1000 HRS until 1400 HRS, just days before Veterans Day on the 11th of November. There is no cost to the Corvette Club or its members to participate in the event. All participants in the event will receive a dash plaque. In addition, 1st, 2nd and

16! November/December 2014 UPCOMING EVENT TRIVIAL CHALLENGE Saturday, November 15th OD: Paul Murman

Are you smarter than a Mustang owner? Then prove it! On Saturday, November 15, 2014, beginning around 6:00 p.m., we will have our third annual game night . We will play a version of t hat popular game of t he 1970s called Trivial Pursuit. The goal will be to answer as many questions correctly within a specific time limit. Points will be awarded for correct answers with more points earned based on how quickly the questions are answered. Additional points can be earned for a variety of reasons only known to the OD and those who have attended in the past. The winner will be awarded the coveted “Smart _ _ _” trophy, currently held by last year’s winning team’s captain. So that no one person is embarrassed, we will compete in three-person teams. Teams will be created based on random selection. All questions will be selected from the “easy” category, except for the team that has Steve DuBosky as a member. His team only gets questions from the most difficult category. Following the agenda used last year, and, as is the custom in our club, a potluck meal will also be part of the experience. The location will be the clubhouse for the Brickshire Residential Community (which is near the Brickshire Golf Course in New Kent, not far from Colonial Downs). Each couple will pay $5.00 to help cover the rental of the clubhouse. Those who sign up will be contacted regarding their contribution to the potluck meal. This is also a BYOB event. While on the surface this may seem like an event that requires some measure of intellect, but nothing could be farther from the truth (I based my conclusion on those who participated in the past and their demonstration of trivial knowledge). It is an event that you will spend more time laughing than trying to answer questions. If you doubt me, ask someone who participated in the past. Everyone is encouraged to sign-up early and give fun a chance!

17! November/December 2014 UPCOMING EVENT CHRISTMAS DINNER-DANCE Saturday, December 6th OD: Mont gomerys

This year’s Christmas Dinner Dance will be held on the evening of Saturday, December 6. Once again, we will be at Meadowbrook Country Club (3700 Cogbill Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234). We will have happy hour starting at 6:00 p.m. with light hors d’oeuvres. The Christmas party has historically been a "dress up" event, with many leaning t oward t he formal side, so please dress accordingly. The cost for this year’s party is just $35 per member and $70 per guest. For the purpose of definition, a guest is anyone who has not either paid the $25 annual membership dues or paid the $10 membership fee for their spouse or significant ot her. Dinner will be served by the staff at Meadowbrook beginning at 7:00 p.m. We will have a marvelous buffet this year featuring some of the Meadowbrook Country Club's best select ions. Please let us know in advance of any medical diet ary restrictions. Don't miss CCR's annual gala!

2013 Dinner Dance

Menu, schedule, and band info on next page...

18! November/December 2014 Christmas Dinner Dance Schedule and Menu

6:00 p.m. Cash Bar House drinks $5.00 Premium drinks $7.00 Wine $6.00 Domestic beer $4.00 Premium beer $5.00 Sodas $3.00 7:00 p.m. Dinner Buffet Selections (includes warm rolls, coffee and tea)

• Tossed Garden Salad • Prime Rib Carving Station (slow roasted with au jus) • Chicken Cordon Bleu Chicken breast stuffed with ham and swiss cheese • Baked potato • Broccoli with lemon butter • Squash Casserole • ***Vegetarian Pasta Primavera • Dessert: Assorted Cakes and Pies ***Available for those with dietary restrictions: Vegetarian Pasta Primavera. You must call or email Kirby Montgomery ( 784-3173/ [email protected]) in advance for this selection. It will not be on the buffet. 8:00 p.m. Band music and dancing: The English Channel Band featuring classic rock More about the band... They play melodies so beloved, they’ve become anthems. Lyrics so meaningful, you quoted them in your friends’ yearbooks or recited them in your wedding vows. Guit ar solos so ingrained in your memory, you can still sing along with every note. Rewind to one cold Sunday night in February, 1964, with The Beatles’ appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. Soon

19! November/December 2014 aft er t hat momentous and magical night, the floodgates opened for the Ro llin g St o n e s, The Dave Clark 5, The Kinks, The Hollies, Pet ula Clark, The Who, Dust y Springfield, Moody Blues, The Animals, The Zombies, The Yardbirds, Herman’s Hermits and many others. So began the second “British Invasion” of America. But this time around, America didn’t fight the Brits. Instead, America’s youth welcomed them with open arms. This time around, their invasion was an overwhelming success! Thanks to the Brits, popular music and culture would never be the same again. Formed in 2001, The English Channel authentically & meticulously recreates British rock and pop from the mid ‘60’s to the mid ‘70‘s. Each song they play sounds “just like the record” and just like you remember it. The members of this band have a passion for this music and it shows with their energy & enthusiasm onstage. Every song The English Channel performs sold millions of records in its day and is someone’s all-time favorite. You'll hear lush harmonies, a tight rhythm section, shreddin’ guitars, rich orchestration and some songs you never thought you’d hear a band play live. People of all ages leave an English Channel performance happy and want ing more. It may be hard to sit still when you listen to The English Channel. You’ll wanna dance. But mostly you’ll wanna sing along, even to the guitar solos....and t hat ’s okay! Tune in to The English Channel. They’ll take you back to where you once belonged.

Click to listen to http://youtu.be/6HXxJ2RAm0o some of their http://youtu.be/ZivMMOut3lc music-

20! November/December 2014 UPCOMING EVENT 14TH ANNUAL CCR HOLIDAY LIGHTS AT THE BEACH Saturday-Sunday, Dec. 13-14 OD: Danny Terry

The Christmas Lights of Virginia Beach

Full details for this event are in the October newsletter….this is just your reminder! We will meet at 11:30 am at the Dairy Queen at Route 5 and 295 and depart at noon. We will caravan by way of scenic back roads to Suffolk for a pitstop at the home of Susan Jaworski & William Hardy. From there, we’ll travel to the hotel, check in and get situated before heading out around 5 pm for dinner at Rudee’s. Please make your own hotel reservations: 1-757-437-9100. We have blocked off 20 rooms at the Country Inn & Suites at 1801 Atlantic Avenue at a rate of $75 for reservations made BEFORE December 1. Sign the events book at the November meeting or call Danny & Norma (458-2190 or 731-4575) so we’ll have a good headcount for our dinner reservation. Miss this event and you will miss a great scenic caravan, good food and plenty of fun. Don’t forget your CCR name tags, Santa hats, club radio, bathing suit, dollar bills for LCR (left-right-center), $ for Texas Hold ‘em, and dancing shoes!


December 27, 2014 ODs: Paul and Gayle Murman

Are you looking to do something a little different on a Saturday evening? Then make a decision to join fellow CCR members on December 27th, 2014, at 6 p.m. at the Swift Creek Mill Theatre for dinner and a show present at ion of The Honky-Tonk Angels Christmas Spect acular.

Once again, due to the generosity of Mitchell, Wiggins & Company, LLP, we have gift certificates for twenty couples for the theater performance. Therefore, the cost to the first 20 couples who are CCR members, to “sign-up” will be $35.80 per couple, which is the cost of the dinner and no cost for the show. After the 20 allotments are used, the cost to attend is $116.50 per couple. Signing up for this event means paying Gayle or Paul Murman the $35.80 per couple no earlier than the club meeting on September 12th, 2014. The reservations are on a first come, first served basis. The Honky-Tonk Angels Christmas Spectacular: This holiday sequel to the popular show The Honky-Tonk Angels continues the escapades of three good ole country gals as they reunite for a Christmas show like none other. Songs include a Motown Christmas medley, country classics like “Coat of Many Colors” by Dolly Parton and comedy hits such as “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.” Check it out : http:/ / www.swiftcreekmill.com For any questions, please call Gayle/ Paul Murman at 748-7695. Swift Creek Mill Theatre 17401 Jefferson Davis Highway Colonial Heights, VA 23834


January 24, 2015 ODs: Graham and Margaret Wilson

(804) 536-6485

It is that time again ….CCR Bowling Event! Please join us at Eastern Bowl America Richmond, Virginia 23231 on January 24, 2015. We have signed up for 2 hours of unlimited bowling plus shoe rental at $12.00 per person. Please sign up to join in the fun!

WHERE: Eastern Bowl America, 5018 Williamsburg Road, Ric h m o n d , V A TIME: 1- 3 PM PRICE: $12 per person including shoe rental

23! November/December 2014 CORVETTE IN THE NEWS

GM warns Corvee drivers new valet mode may be illegal

By Shawna Ohm September 29, 2014 Courtesy: Yahoo Finance

Earlier this summer, General Mot ors (GM) came out with a new “valet mode” for its latest Corvette sports cars. Call it a nanny cam for your car or the Ferris Bueller provision (remember t his scene?) GM called it “a baby monitor for your baby.” Essentially, the technology allows you to record video, audio and driving data from the car when you’re not using it. Sounds great, right? With base prices starting at about $55,000, it’s no wonder GM is trying to help you protect your investment (after all, who wouldn’t want to take this so-called supercar for a joyride?) But there’s one thing the company may not have considered… the law. Recording laws (which would apply to any conversation recorded by the valet monitor) vary from state to state. In most states, only one person needs to consent to record a conversation or interaction (in this case, the owner). But in 11 states, both parties must consent (i.e. the valet must agree to you recording him/ her.) You may remember getting into the details of these laws during the Linda Tripp days. (She was indicted for wiretapping for recording phone calls with Monica Lewinsky without her consent. The recordings were made in Maryland, which is a two party consent state.) The latest Chevrolet Corvette Z06 'supercar.' Courtesy: GM. As a result,GM has sent a letter to drivers and dealers with detailed inst ruct ions. The let t er report edly t ells drivers not t o use t he feat ure, and if they do, to “obtain consent from the vehicles occupants.”

24! November/December 2014 CORVETTE IN THE NEWS

It’s not necessarily good news for GM. Not only has the carmaker had more than 50 recalls this year, it's also struggling specifically with the Corvette. While it hasn’t issued a recall, it has issued a stop-sale order on some 2,000 new cars to fix an airbag issue. Another 800 are “on hold” to check brake cables. It’s not all bad news, though. Corvette sales are heating up for GM. The company sold some 2,679 of them in August, a 300% jump from last year’s Corvette sales. GM unveiled a new, super-charged Corvette Z06 at the Detroit auto show this year. Not only is the seventh generation Z06 the first to offer a convertible model, it’s also the “most capable street- legal production Corvette” boasting more than 625 horsepower. No wonder owners might want to keep an eye on their vehicles when a valet gets behind the wheel. The “spy” technology is available in some other GM models (like the Chevy Impala and Silverado) but those vehicles don’t record data, just offer locks that deny valets access to the trunk, glove compartments and other areas. Drivers on the Tesla forum have appealed t o t he company for a similar feat ure on Tesla cars. Bottom line: Corvette drivers may now have bigger problems to worry about t han speeding.

25! November/December 2014


Source: www.corvetteracing.com

CORVETTE RACING AT ROAD ATLANTA: Action Express, Big Winners; Fittipaldi, Barbosa claim TUDOR Prototype title; Chevrolet is Manufacturer champion •No. 5 Acon Express Racing Corvee DP takes Prototype Team tle •Acon Express, Chevrolet also capture North American Endurance Cup championships •Gavin, Milner lead Corvee Racing GTLM efforts with fourth-place finish

BRASELTON, Ga. - Saturday was a landmark day for the Corvette program as Action Express Racing and Chevrolet clinched TUDOR United SportsCar Championship's Prototype titles, and Wayne Taylor Racing's Jordan Taylor, and won the 10-hour at Road Atlanta in their No. 10 Corvette DP.

Jordan Taylor took the checkered flag 11.062 seconds ahead of Joao Barbosa, driving the No. 5 Action Express Racing Corvette DP. Barbosa and - who drove with Sebastien Bourdais - had plenty to celebrate. The pairing shared the TUDOR Championship's Prototype Driver's title, and the No. 5 Action Express Corvette DP took the inaugural Team championship.

Additionally Chevrolet, Barbosa and Fittipaldi, and the No. 5 Action Express entry claimed the Manufacturer, Driver and Team titles in the Tequila Patrón North American Endurance Cup - a competition centering on the TUDOR Championship's four long-distance rounds.

"Congratulations to Action Express Racing on a fantastic day at Road Atlanta along with a great 2014 season," said Mark Kent, Chevrolet Director of Racing. "The team, along with their drivers Joao Barbosa and Christian Fittipaldi, recorded a clean sweep of the TUDOR Championships in the Prototype class by capturing both the Drivers and Team championships. They also captured the same awards in the Tequila Patrón North American Endurance Cup. These Championships are the result of the team consistently performing at the highest level throughout the season. Action Express Racing also contributed valuable manufacturers points towards Chevrolet's Manufacturer title in the North American Endurance Cup.

"Also, congratulations to Wayne Taylor Racing's Jordan Taylor, Ricky Taylor and Max Angelelli on their Petit Le Mans victory," Kent added. "It's a fitting accomplishment for the team as it competed in its milestone 100th race. It was a fantastic back-and-forth battle between Wayne Taylor Racing and Action Express Racing and to have Corvette DPs finish on the top two steps of the podium is a great way to close out the inaugural TUDOR Championship season."

The Wayne Taylor Racing victory was a thrilling one that featured a back-and-forth battle between the No. 10 Corvette DP throughout the race's second half. There were 22 lead changes with the Wayne Taylor Racing and Action Express Corvette DPs combining to lead the last 140 laps. The No. 10 Corvette DP led the final 64 laps and held on following a late splash for fuel with 34 minutes to go.

The victory came in the 100th event for Wayne Taylor Racing. It also came 16 years after team owner Wayne Taylor was the overall winning co-driver at the first Petit Le Mans in 1998. The Wayne Taylor Racing Corvette DP won two races in 2014; the championship-winning Action Express entry won three times.

26! November/December 2014 Corvette Racing: Solid Run to Fourth-Place Finish

In GT Le Mans (GTLM), Tommy Milner and Oliver Gavin posted one of their strongest showings of the year en route to a competitive fourth-place finish in the No. 4 Corvette Racing Chevrolet Corvette C7.R. The pairing led four times in class before just missing the class podium.

It was a remarkable charge from a ninth-place qualifying effort. Milner picked up two spots at the start and never fell back further than seventh. By the two-and-a-half-hour mark, Gavin was in podium position. He led for the first time about an hour later.

The No. 3 Corvette C7.R of Antonio Garcia, and placed eighth in GTLM after a promising start that saw Garcia lead at the end of his opening triple-stint. A quick stop for fuel and tires after the Spaniard's second stint moved the No. 3 Corvette from fourth to first in class.

After Garcia's third stint, Magnussen took over in the Corvette but disaster struck almost immediately. The leading group of GTLM cars left the pit lane at nearly the same time. But the pit exit was closed and a pile-up involving a Ferrari, a Porsche and Magnussen resulted in significant left-front damage to the No. 3 Corvette. By the time Magnussen came back around and the crew made its repairs, the car had lost four laps.

The 2015 TUDOR United SportsCar Championship season begins with the Roar Before The 24 on Jan. 9-11, 2015 from Daytona International Raceway. The first race is the Rolex 24 At Daytona on Jan. 24-25, 2015.



"The car was pretty good. We were sure it would be, and it showed. I was putting a lot of pressure on some cars and there were a lot of really tight moments, especially in traffic. I had to be both careful and aggressive. It was a very smooth first stint. In the second, I started to be more aggressive where I could pass two or three cars and got up to fourth. We had a really good last stop where I stayed in while coming in fourth. We went out in the lead and that was the first time we encountered the red light at the end of the pits. Kyle (Millay, engineer) told me right before we pitted that I needed to be careful with the red light, and I told him that I would take care of getting in the fast lane and he needed to tell me if the light was on or not. It's very difficult going from the pit box to the fast line and checking your mirror, and on top of that checking to see if the red light is on. I stopped but while I was sitting there I almost got hit by everyone - five or 10 seconds later I could see a big cloud of smoke coming at me. On the third stop we got unlucky because we were leading but was only halfway through a fuel stint."


"Leaving the pits, a bunch of us came out at the exact time so we were going down to the exit at the same time. Kyle (Millay, No. 3 engineer) was telling me over the radio that the pit lane was red so I knew I had to start to slow down. I couldn't see the Ferrari in front of me because the Porsche was covering him. And then I was going to slow at the same rate as him, and he seemed to be slowing down a little and I just followed him. Apparently he was still doing his belts so he just rammed the Ferrari and stopped right in front of me and kind of jumped sideways. If he had stopped there, it would have been fine and I would have slipped by. But he bounced out to the side in front of me and I collected him in his rear corner and did a lot of damage to the front of our car. It's so tough."


"It was great to come and finish the season with the team. I have had a lot of fun driving with these guys this year. It's a huge honor to drive the C7.R for Corvette Racing - a great experience. Obviously we wish we could have won the race today. We fought hard but unfortunately had the bodywork to repair early, which got us out of the game. So it was a bummer. I think we were able to shine at times, but at that time we were leading the race, and after that we were out of contention."

27! November/December 2014 OLIVER GAVIN, NO. 4 CHEVROLET CORVETTE C7.R:

"We had a lot of promise today. We led for some of it, which is good to do. It was nice to be running up front on genuine pace as well, which was good. It just didn't quite run for us with the cycling of the pit stops and we were maybe missing a little bit of pace toward the end. We just couldn't quite hold off the Porsche and Viper. But that is what we saw at COTA. That is kind of the story to the end of the season. But I am pleased that we had a strong performance, particularly on our car because it has been a battle this year. I'm pleased for the guys for us to have a clean race with no mechanical issues and a strong race for the No. 4 car and Corvette Racing, so I'm going to take that and carry it to 2015 and look forward and not back."


"The first stint was tough. We had made some changes from warmup. I thought the car felt OK but I had only done four laps and the other guys were a little bit apprehensive. The car was difficult to drive for the first hour but made some tire pressure changes and equalized them as well. It definitely put us in the ballpark as far as balance goes. The car seemed fast. Pace-wise we seemed OK. Then it was about staying out of trouble. Unfortunately we saw our teammates have trouble at the pit exit. We knew that if we could stay away from that, we'd be in OK shape. It was so close in GTLM and everyone was racing hard even though it's a 10-hour race. Things happen."

Release Date: October 4, 2014

28! November/December 2014 TECH TIPS By Butch Jones, CCR Member

C5 Rocking Seats

When the fifth generation Corvette was introduced it was one of the best performance values available and it still is today. There w ere over 2 4 8 ,0 0 0 C5 Corvettes built between 1997 and 2004 and a large num ber are still on the road today. As the miles and years climb there are some things that begin to show signs of wear. One of the most annoying for owners can be the “rocking chair” front seats.

This is the rocking back and forth of the seat during acceleration and braking which is caused by worn out factory seat tracks. There is also the possibility that the cast alum inum rear flanges m ay be broken.

There are several solutions to these issues. The first is to find a “good used” seat track, while these may fall into the “endangered species” category some may still be found. If one can be found the cost may be high due to its rare status and it may be on the verge of failure. Neither situation is considered optimal. The next fix is to buy a new seat track(s) from GM or a supplier (if you can find one). These can be had for several hundreds of dollars, and from my prospective not a real good option.

There is a third option and that is to repair the seat track(s). This is not an extrem ely difficult task but will require rem oving the seats from the vehicle and disassem bling portions of the seat and seat track. With that said there are two kits available for com pleting this repair. The first is the basic kit (Zip Products part # I-2413 left photo below) that includes the shim s to prevent the rocking and two Torx wrenches to assist with the installation of the shims. The next kit is the deluxe kit (Zip Products part # I-2 6 1 9 right photo below) that in c lu d e s a 1 re ar fl an g e an d a rivet elim inat ion t ow er in addition to the com ponents of the basic kit. The basic kit sells for around $25.00 and the deluxe kit for around $70.00. Each kit does one seat so if you have 2 rocking chairs in your C5 you will need 2 kits. If your seat has two broken flanges you will need two kits for that seat.

My advice is to go with the deluxe kit and replace the rear flange while the seat is out and you have gone this far. If you put the seat back in and the flange breaks the seat will have to come out and track disassembled again. These kits are available from our sponsor Zip Products and m any other Corvette vendors. So the choice is your fix those seats or just go on rocking.

29! November/December 2014 C4 Differential Service

The C4 Corvettes are also getting som e age; the youngest of them is old enough to vote, so there are some maintenance it e m s t h at n e e d t o b e ad d re sse d . T h is m o n t h w e w ill t alk about the rear differential. Chevrolet does not specify a particular service interval for the rear differential but they are supplied by the Dana Corporation. The Dana Corporation has som e recom m endations for the care and feeding of their axles. The follow ing are their criteria for changing the rear axle (differential) fluid:

1. If there is any possibility of water intrusion, change fluid im m e d iat e ly .

2. If the axle temperature spend a lot of time above 275oF (you spend a lot of time at the track), the fluid should be changed every 30,000 m iles. The set-up and bearing should be checked before each track day.

3. Under normal use the oil should be changed every 75,000 miles.

4. If you hear chatter (noise) coming from the rear axle, change the fluid.

Always either purchase GM fluid with the limited-slip additive or an equivalent fluid that meets GM specifications with the appropriate amount of additive with each fluid change.

While Dana says that the factory fluid is okay, a change to a synthetic would be good for som e added protection. The preferred viscosity is GL-5 75w140; however, a GL-5 7 5 w 9 0 w ill also w ork.

2014 Stingray Recalls

Here is a quick list of the 20 1 4 recalls for the Stingrays. Make sure if your car falls within the dates listed that it has had the recall procedure perform ed.

The first is GM Recall Num ber 14219 (NHTSA Reference # 14V299000) – Electrical Short Circuit Affecting Air Bags. A device called a Sensing & Diagnostic Module (SDM) senses acceleration and in effect deceleration. W hen it sees rapid deceleration indicating a collision, it sends a signal to the air bags to deploy. A n electrical short in the SDM w ould prevent the signal from being sent and thus the air bags w ould not deploy. V ehicles built from April 23-25, 2014 are affected.

Next is GM Recall Num ber 14240 (NHTSA Reference # 14V342000) – Sport Seat Side Air Bag. This recall applies to the Com petition Sports seats and according to GM the seats do not m eet initial specifications for injury protection related to an unbelted young child. GM recom m ends that until the recall is perform ed, owners should not allow sm all children to ride in the vehicle unbelted or in the passenger’s seat. V ehicles built from Novem ber 2 0 , 2 0 1 3 thru March 2 5 , 2 1 0 4 w ith the Com petition Sport seat option are affected.

The last is GM Recall Num ber 14302 (NHTSA Reference # 14V377000) – Rear Shock Absorbers. A w eld on the rear shock absorber could fail and allow the shock absorber to detach from its bracket and cause handling issues. V ehicles built from February 12 – March 14 2014 are affected.

As with any recall make sure you verify that your car is either involved in the recall or not and if it is get it taken care of as soon as possible.

30! November/December 2014 THE CCR STORE

Visor $12 Baseball Cap $15 Flag 1 for $13 Tote Bag $20 2 for $25

Long-Sleeve T-Shirts $20 (all sizes)

Towel $10 T-Shirt $16 (S-XL) Logo on back of $17, $18 (2X, 3X) T-shirt

“Corvette Club of Richmond” Window Cling $15

Jackets Club Logo Window Polo Shirt $40 $113 Sticker (Order Item) S, M, L, XL (2XL-4XL extra$) (Small, Round) (Order Item) $3

50th Anniversary Corvette Collage Twill Jacket Men’s Large $50

Contact: Nancy Harrison [email protected] (Front) (Back)

31! November/December 2014 CCR MEMBER SALE Here is what is currently for sale by members. For inquiries, please contact the member listed.

C5 Chrome Billet Badges $50 C5 Air Duct Bridge $50 C5 Chrome Gear Shift Knob $75 C5 Mass Air Flow Sensor $175

C5 outside tail light cover $50 C5 side and tail light cover $50 Chrome Tail light covers $95 Gold C5 Emblems $150

CONTACT: Paul Murman 804-748-7695 [email protected]

Caliper Paint Box (open) $35 Caliper Paint Red $35

CONTACT: Brad Brady 804-364-8330

[email protected]

32! October 2014 CCR MEMBER SALE 2000 Corvette Coupe, 4-Spd Auto, w/ Only Actual 35,000 Miles Color: Nassau Blue Metallic, Light Oak interior, Glen Allen, VA For Sale: $23,900.00 Interested buyers please call 804-338-1085, ask for Ed or email me at: [email protected]

Terms - verifiable certified funds. Owner has clear title. I am looking for a home for my C5 not just a buyer. Most legitimate 2000 Nassau Blue C5 Coupe with just 2 owners with 35,000 miles and this degree documentation.

For sale by the 2nd owner - purchased from the original owner w/ 2,011 miles on it • It has been garage kept, non smoker, no rain, salt or winter driving • Rare Nassau Blue w/ 851 produced in 2000 (Coupe, Convertible & FRC) • All service & accessory receipts ready for inspection in binders.

Options in Addition to Standard: Owner Added: • Polished Aluminum Wheels • West Coast Corvette – Chrome Dual Filter Intake w/ Conical AFE Filters • Adjustable Sport Leather Seats w/ Six Way Power • Chrome Custom CNC Machined Windshield Cowl – by Creative Engine • Passenger - Six Way Power Adjust Covers • Transparent Lift-Off Roof Panel • Front License Plate Bracket - Nassau Blue • AC – Auto, Dual Zone • Steering Column – Pwr. Telescope, • Rear License Plate Bracket - Nassau Blue Man Tilt • SS Insert “CORVETTE” Rear Panel (photo) • Performance Axle Ratio • SS Insert “CORVETTE” Front License Plate Cover (photo) • Memory Package • LED Tail/Turn/Brake Lamps – DOT Approved • Bose AM/FM Radio w/ CD Player • Corsa Performance Exhaust – Indy w/ Pro SS Tips • Fog Lamps • C5 Logo, SS Axle Plate • Chrome Lug Nut Caps • Rear Compt. Luggage Shade • Chrome C5 Logo Valve Stem Covers • GM C5 Front Cover/Bar • Parcel Net • Clear Lexan Rocker Panel Covers • Color Key Front Floor Mats – New in the box • Vette Essentials Nassau Blue - C5 Rocker Panel Logo(s) no longer available • Vette Essentials Nassau Blue - C5 Steering Wheel Logo no longer available Tires – Michelin P245/45ZR17 ZP Front • Mid America Custom Molded Floor Mats – Light Oak Tires – Michelin P275/40ZR18 ZP Rear • Nassau Blue – Radiator Reservoir Tank w/ SS Cap Wheels – Factory New, No Damage • Nassau Blue – Windshield Wash Reservoir w/ SS Cap TPS Sensors Replaced 2006 – Originals Retained • Nassau Blue – Radiator Core Cover w/ Torch Red “Caution Hot” Bilstein Shocks, Set of (4) • Nassau Blue – Fuel Rail Covers (2) w/ Custom Torch Red “CORVETTE” GM Replacement Hood Liner • Nassau Blue – Oil Cap New AC Delco Battery (2013) • Stainless Steel Brake Fluid Cap • 3M Noah Evolution 3 Car Cover • Roof Panel Sunscreen Liner • All Original Parts Retained for the Buyer


Zip Liaison: Ray Wells (804) 814-0905

Heritage Liaison: Bubba Carr (804) 356-8731

34! October 2014