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ISSN 1454-9174 ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PETROSANI MINING ENGINEERING vol. 12 (XXXIX) UNIVERSITAS PUBLISHING HOUSE Petroşani – ROMÂNIA, 2011 ISSN 1454-9174 EDITOR OF PUBLICATION Prof.dr.eng. Ioan-Lucian BOLUNDUŢ ADVISORY AND EDITORIAL BOARD OF MINING ENGINEERING ISSUES ADVISORY BOARD Prof. PhD. Eng. Viorel VOIN - University of Petroşani Prof. PhD. hab.eng. Dr.h.c. Andrei KORCEAK - Moscow State Mining University Russia Prof. PhD.hab.eng. Dr.h.c. Lev Alexandrovich PUCIKOV - Moscow State Mining University Russia Prof. PhD. hab.eng. Dr.h.c. Victor MARCENCO - Moscow State Mining University Russia Prof. PhD. hab.eng. Dr.h.c. Vladimir LITVINENCO - State Mining Institute–Sankt Petersburg - Russia Prof. PhD. Eng.. Raimondo CICCU - University of Cagliari - Italia Prof. PhD. hab. eng. Dr.h.c. - Technische Universitat Bergakademie Carsten DREBENSTEDT Freiberg – Germany Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Ventzislav IVANOV - University of Mining and Geology – Sofia- Bulgaria Prof. PhD.hab.eng. Zacharis AGIOTANTIS - Technical University of Crete – Greece Prof. PhD. Eng. Peter FECKO - Technical University of Ostrava - Cehia Prof. PhD. Eng. Victor ARAD - University of Petroşani Prof. PhD. Eng. Dumitru FODOR - University of Petroşani Prof. PhD. Eng. Mircea GEORGESCU - University of Petroşani Prof. PhD. Eng. Vlad CODREA - University Babeş-Bolyai of Cluj Napoca Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. C-tin LUPU - INSEMEX of Petroşani EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-chief: Prof. PhD. Eng. Ilie ROTUNJANU - University of Petroşani Associate editors: Prof. PhD. Eng. Ioan DUMITRESCU - University of Petroşani Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ioel VEREŞ - University of Petroşani Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. C. BĂDULESCU - University of Petroşani Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Tudor GOLDAN - University of Petroşani Editor Secretary: Lecturer PhD. Eng. Emilia DUNCA - University of Petroşani Assist. Prof. PhD. Eng. D. CIOLEA - University of Petroşani Editorial office address: University of Petroşani, 20 University Street, 332006, Petroşani, Romania, Phone: (40) 254/54.29.94, 54.25.80, 54.25.81, 54.25.82, 54.97.49, Fax: (40) 254/54.34.91, 54.62.38;, E-mail: [email protected] Annals of the University of Petroşani, Mining Engineering, 12 (2011) 3 CONTENTS ONICA I., COZMA E., MARICA D. - Stability analysis of the rock salt rooms and pillars of the Ocnele Mari Saline with the aid of the 2D finite element modelling ………………….……7 MARIAN D., ONICA I., COZMA E. - 2D and 3D finite element modelling of the Jiu Valley subsidence phenomenon……………………………………………………………………….18 BOYTE A., PREDOIU I. - Procedures and techniques for checking the behavior of mining construction executed in hard rocks by non-destructive testing……………............................32 LAZAR MARIA, ROTUNJANU I. - Geotechnical risks in sterile dumps construction at the lignite open pits from Romania………………………………………………………………..46 VULPE V. - Solutions to protect the empty interior slopes dumps with remaining gap filled with water…………………………………………………………………………………………..54 SOLOZHENKIN P., KRAUSZ SANDA - Study of sulphydric flotation reagents isomery………………………………………………………………………………..………..65 FILIP LARISA, DIMA N. - Using a fixed base in the pit at the junction ramp underground topographic elements………………………………………………………………………….74 FISSGUS K., MUNTEANU R. - Übersicht über das Galileo-System......................................78 ULAR ROXANA CLAUDIA, HERBEI M. V. - Minimum cost route solved with ArcGIS software............................................................................................................................……..84 CIOCLEA D., LUPU C., TOTH I., GHERGHE I. - Air Leakages Rate through Sealed Spaces………………………………………………………………………….……………….91 RITIU W.F. - Static And Dynamic Response Load Computation Own an Underground Construction…………………………………………………………………………………..101 IONESCU ŞTEFANIA - A methodology for the optimization of the thermal insulation dimensions…………………………………………………………………………………….108 MOLDOVAN L., DARIE M., BURIAN S., IONESCU JEANA, FRIEDMANN M., MAGYARI M. - Study of the common characteristics regarding the types of protection for electrical apparatus designed for use in explosive gaseous atmospheres……………………………………………………………………………..……117 4 Annals of the University of Petroşani, Mining Engineering, 12 (2011) MAGYARI M., BURIAN S., FRIEDMANN M., MOLDOVAN L. - Main factors which influence the design concepts of flameproof electric motors enclosures, in order to successfully pass the type tests in explosive mixtures of gases, and vapors with air………………….…..122 PĂRĂIAN MIHAELA, GHICIOI E., LUPU L., PĂUN F.A., JURCA A., VĂTAVU NICULINA, MUNTEAN BERZAN FLORINA - Innovative test methods for belts employed in the belt conveyors operating in environments with potentially explosive atmospheres..............................................................................................................................130 TOTH I., LUPU C., CIOCLEA D., TOMESCU C., CHIUZAN E., MATEI A. - Diminishing the explosion risk in hard coal mines from Jiu Valley…………………………….………………137 STARK A. - Modeling and simulating a virtual monitoring and automated control panel for the degasing process - Case study - the Livezeni mine…………………………………..………..147 MORARU R. - Developing a framework for behavioural change towards occupational safety enforcement in Romanian collieries…………………………………………………………..153 MORARU R.I., BĂBUŢ G.B., CIOCA L.I. - Key elements of health and safety observation and feedback programmes…………………………………………………………………………161 MUNTEANU R., FISSGUS K. - Indikatoren Für Die Beurteilung Der Nachhaltigkeit...........................................................................................................................168 BABUT G.B., MORARU R.I., BABUT MONICA CRINELA - Applications potentielles au génie civil des deux grandes approches conceptuelles de l’analyse des risques……………..175 BUIA G., LORINŢ C., IGNA L. - Romanian tellurium occurences case study – Podul Ionului waste dump…………………………………………..………………………………………..183 DANCI FLOAREA - Environmental air quality in Jiu Valley………………………………..188 IONESCU C., SBIRNA LIANA SIMONA, PROOROCU M, MATEESCU MONICA, MOLDOVAN CLEMENTINA, SBIRNA S. - Evaluation of the exposure to external naturally occurring gamma-radiation in Petrosani, Romania....................................................................197 MORARU R. - Noise levels assessment on Romanian oil drilling platforms in the Black Sea…………………………………………………………………………………………….203 STOICA (RĂDEANU) MIHAELA - Substantiation criteria feasibility of solid household waste management alternatives……………………………………………………………………...210 TĂTAR ADINA MILENA, PĂSCULESCU D., VAJAI GHE. - The impact upon air of pollutants from Rosia coal deposit…………………………………………………………….222 SMEU C.A., IACOB D, VOIN V. - Reintroducing in the economic circuit of waste dumps from Oltenia. Case study Negomir Valley waste dump…………………………………………..…228 DUNCA E., CIOLEA D., - Recherche sur le compostage des déchets verts et de son utilisation dans le rétablissement de dégradés par les activités industrielles............................................237 Annals of the University of Petroşani, Mining Engineering, 12 (2011) 5 CIOLEA DANIELA IONELA, CĂPĂŢÂNĂ CAMELIA - Study on the reduction of emissions powders - Mintia Thermoelectrical Power……………………………………………………244 CIOLEA DANIELA IONELA, DUNCA E. - Study on the installation’s of FGD - Mintia Deva…………………………………………………………………………………………..250 EPURE G.D. - Agrochemical study of inner dump material Tismana II…………………….255 ROTEA OANA ELENA - Site selection and characterization for CO2 storage capacity estimation……………………………………………………………………………………..263 CSASZAR T., VASILESCU D., BURIAN S., IONESCU JEANA, DARIE M. - Performing In Safe Conditions the Laboratory Tests in Controlled Explosive Mixtures ……..……………...272 Index of authors…………………………………………………………………….………….281 Instruction for authors…………………………………………………………………............282 Scientific Reviewers……………………………………………………………….………….284 Data base…………………………………………………………………….………………...285 Annals of the University of Petroşani, Mining Engineering, 12 (2011) 7 STABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE ROCK SALT ROOMS AND PILLARS OF THE OCNELE MARI SALINE WITH THE AID OF THE 2D FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING ILIE ONICA∗ EUGEN COZMA∗ DUMITRU MARICA∗∗ Abstract: Ocnele Mari rock salt deposit is among the main exploited deposits in Romania, with a balance reserves of about 4 824 million tonnes. The rock salt mining, actually applied in the case of Ocnele Mari Saline, is by small rooms and square pillars. The mine in use is confronted with the problems generated by the increased levels of mining, and the ancient part of the saline for the touristic use and other purposes. Therefore it is needed to be analysed from the point of view of their stabilities. The stability analysis of the rock salt structures of Ocnele Mari Saline using the modelling based on the finite element method is presented in this paper. Keywords: rock salt, rooms and pillars, finite element modelling, strain, stress 1. OCNELE MARI ROCK SALT DEPOSIT The researches – exploration workings of the Ocnele Mari rock salt deposit have been operating since 1952 and were enhanced between 1988 and 1991, leading to an assessment of the balance reserves of about 4 824 million tonnes (Almăşan, 1974 [1]; Cozma, 2006 [3]; Hirean & Georgescu, 2009 [5]). The Coceneşti mining field involves the eastern part of the rock salt lens of Ocnele Mari deposit. The deposit inclines toward the north – east with 21-17o. In the southern zone, the rocks layers thickness is about 20-50m, increasing toward northern part to 540-800m. The sedimentary