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Basic Econometrics in Transportation  PrProblemoblem ooff EEstimationstimation  Point  Interval  Estimation Methods  Statistical Properties  Small sample  Large sample Amir Samimi  Hypothesis Testing

Civil Engineering Department Sharif University of Technology

Primary Sources: Basic Econometrics, by Gujarati and lecture notes of Professor Greene

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Estimation Point Estimation

 The popu l ati on h as ch ar acterist ics:  For sim pli city, assum e th at the re is o nly o ne u nknow n  , parameter (θ) in the PDF.   Develop a function of the sample values such that: 

 is a , or an and is a .  Get a slice (random sample) of the population.  A particular numerical value of the estimator is known as an  Hldbihlfi?How would you obtain the value of its parameters? estimate.  This is known as the problem of estimation:  is known as a point estimator because it provides a single  Point estimation (point) estimate of θ.  4/22  5/22 

Example Interval Estimation

 LLetet  An inintervalterval betweebetweenn two vavalueslues tthathat maymay includeinclude tthehe ttruerue θ.  The key concept is the of of an estimator.

 is the sample mean, an estimator of the true mean value (μ).  If in a specific case = 50, this provides an estimate of μ.

 Will the interval contain the true value?  The interval is a “”  The degree of certainty is the degree of confidence or level of significance.

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Example Estimation Methods

 Suppose t hat t he d ist ribut io n o f he ig ht o f me n in a popu lat io n  Least Squar es (L S) is normally distributed with mean = μ inches and σ = 2.5  A considerable time will be devoted to illustrate the LS method. inches. A sample of 100 men drawn randomly from this population had an average height of 67 inches. Establish a 95%  Maximum Likelihood confidence interval for the mean height (= μ) in the population  This method is of a broad application and will also be discussed as a whole. partially in the last lectures.

 Method of moments (MOM)  Is becoming more popular, but not at the introductory level. 8/22  9/22 

Statistical Properties Small-Sample Properties

 ThThee statstatisticsistics fallfall intointo two categocategories:ries:  UUnbiasednessnbiasedness   ˆ is an unbiased estimator of θ if E( ˆ)     Small-sample, or finite-sample, properties  Bias  ˆ  E( ˆ)   Distribution of two of θ:  Large-sample, or asymptotic, properties.

 Underlying both these sets of properties is the notion that an estimator has a probability distribution.

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Small-Sample Properties Small-Sample Properties

 MinimuuVaacem Variance  Linearity  An estimator  ˆ is said to be a linear estimator of θ if it is a linear function of the sample observations.

 Example:

 Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE). 12/22  13/22 

Small-Sample Properties Large-Sample Properties

 MinimMinimumum MeanMean-SquaSquarere-ErrErroror  OOftenften aann estestimatorimator does nnotot satsatisfyisfy oonene oorr mmoreore ooff tthehe desdesirableirable  . statistical properties in small samples.  .  But as the sample size increases indefinitely, the estimator possesses several desirable statistical properties.

 Asymptotic Unbiasedness:

 Sample variance of a random variable

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Large-Sample Properties Large-Sample Properties

 Cons iste n cy  Cons iste n cy  ˆ is said to be a consistent estimator if it approaches the true value θ as the sample size gets larger and larger.  A sufficient condition for consistency is that the bias and variance both tend to  Unbiasedness and consistency are conceptually very much different. zero (or MSE tends to zero) as the sample size increases indefinitely.

 If  ˆ is a consistent estimator of θ and h(.) is a continuous function:

 Note thhihat this property d oes not h hldfhold true of the expectati on operator E;

 . 16/22  17/22 

Large-Sample Properties Hypothesis Testing

 AAsymptoticsymptotic EffiEfficiencyciency  AAssumessume X wwithith a knownknown PDF f(x; θ).  The variance of the asymptotic distribution of  ˆ is called its  We obtain the point estimator  ˆ from a random sample. asymptotic variance.  Since the true θ is rarely known, we raise the question:  If  ˆ is consistent and its asymptotic variance is smaller than the  Is the estimator  ˆ is “compatible” with some hypothesized value of θ, say θ*? asymptotic variance of all other consistent estimators of θ, it is called asymptotically efficient.  To test the null hypothesis, we use the samp le information to obtain what is known as the test statistic.  Asymptotic Normality  Use the confidence interval or test of significance approach to test the null ˆ  An estimator  is said to be asymptotically normally distributed if hypothesis. its distribution tends to approach the normal distribution as the sample size n increases indefinitely.

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Example Confidence Interval Approach

 From the p rev ious e xa mp le, w hic h was co nce rned w it h t he height (X) of men in a population:

 Could the sample with a mean of 67, the test statistic, have come from the population with the mean value of 69? 20/22  21/22 

Test of Significance Approach Errors

 State tthehe nullnull hypothesishypothesis H0 aandnd tthehe aalternativelternative hypothesishypothesis H1

 H0:μ = 69 and H1:μ ≠ 69  Select the test statistic  X  Determine the probability distribution of the test statistic  .  Choose t he leve l o f s ign ificance ( α)  Type I error is likely to be more serious in practice .  Using the probability distribution of the test statistic, establish  The probability of a type I error is designated as α and is called a 100(1 − α)% confidence interval. Check if the value of the the level of significance. parameter lies in the acceptance region.  The probability of not committing a type II error is called the power of the test.

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Homework 1

Stati sti cal Inf er en ce (Casell a an d B er ger , 2 001 )

1. Chapter 3, Problem 23 [20 points] 2. Chapter 4, Problem 1 [20 points] 3. Chapter 4, Problem 7 [15 points] 4. Chapter 5, Problem 18 (a,b, and d) [45 points]