Catholic Charities of Southeast

Friday, September 11, 2020 Virtual Quarantine Edition

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September 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

As we gather for this year's Annual Celebration, I want to begin by extending a word of sincere thanks to all of you for your dedication and commitment to the work of Catholic Charities of . On behalf of all who have benefitted fromCCSEM over the years, I express my deepest gratitude foryour generosity in providing the support and resources that are needed to undertake this great work of charity which we do together as a, local Church.

As witnesses to Jesus entrusted with unleashing his Gospel, we have committed ourselves irrevocably to the work of giving witness to the power of God's mercy. Every Catholic is called to become a witness to God's everlasting mercy and thereby unleash the Gospel to everyone they meet. I am grateful that through the works of CCSEM, God's children can come to encounter our Merciful Father, to grow to trust in his loving providence, and to be formed and inspired to bring His message of mercy to their friendsand neighbors.

With best wishes forall those involved in the work of CCSEM and asking God's continued blessing on all here, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ,

The ost Reverend 1YJ1· v iguc;iuu Archbishop of DetroitA- �

UNLEASH THE GOSPEL 12 State Street, Detroit, Michigan 482263 -1823 I 313-237-5800 I CATHOLIC FUNERAL & CEMETERY SERVICES

Be at rest with the family of your faith HE IS RISEN!



IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY TO START PLANNING 313.651.7676 | Holy Sepulchre | Our Lady of Hope | St. Joseph Holy Cross | Mount Carmel | Mount Hope Saint Joseph Prayer

Saint Joseph, Patron Saint of Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan

The following prayer invoking Saint Joseph’s intercession was composed by CCSEM board member Fr. Jeffrey Day, Deputy Moderator of the Curia: Good Saint Joseph, just as you protected and watched over your adopted son Jesus, we ask you to watch over Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan. May our works of mercy be an extension of your loving and compassionate arms to the vulnerable in our world today. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

5 ( 24 8) 87 9-100 0 69 5 0 RO C H E S T ER ROAD, T ROY, M I 4 80 85 W W W . P ET RU ZZELLOS . C OM


Our Sponsors






 Holy Name Parish Birmingham


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8 Thank you To the following table sponsors who graciously converted their table purchase to a donation. We are grateful for your support!

Beth and Hank Beadle

Bodman Law

Dawda Mann

Dr. and Mrs. Duane DiFranco

Mr. and Mrs. David Hines

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maher

Malta Medical and Dental Clinic

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Orsini

Dr. Dale and Annie Propson

Paul and Jennifer Propson

Sacred Heart Major Seminary

Ste. Anne de Detroit/Most Holy Trinity Parishes

Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish

St. Irenaeus Catholic Church

A special note of gratitude to Joanie Frink and the Rosary Makers of St. Clement of Rome, in Romeo, for the blessed Rosary donation.

9 Deloitte supports Catholic Charities of SE Michigan 2020 Annual Celebration Stronger Together!

Dan Maher Retired Partner Deloitte Tax LLP 200 Detroit, Ml 48243 As used in this document, HDeloitte" means Deloitte LLP. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. +1 3133963273

Copyright Q 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. [email protected] Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

10 September 3, 2020

 Dear Friend of CCSEM, Ɖƌŝůϯ͕ϮϬϮϬ  I welcome you with joy and gratitude to our annual ĞĂƌ&ƌŝĞŶĚŽĨ^D͕Celebration in support of Catholic Charities of Southeast  Michigan. /ǁĞůĐŽŵĞLJŽƵǁŝƚŚũŽLJĂŶĚŐƌĂƚŝƚƵĚĞƚŽŽƵƌĂŶŶƵĂůĞůĞďƌĂƚŝŽŶŝŶƐƵƉƉŽƌƚŽĨĂƚŚŽůŝĐŚĂƌŝƚŝĞƐŽĨ ^ŽƵƚŚĞĂƐƚDŝĐŚŝŐĂŶ͘Our mission is: “compelled by the love and teachings of  Jesus Christ, Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan KƵƌŵprovidesŝƐƐŝŽŶŝƐ͗ compassionate,“ĐŽŵƉĞůůĞĚďLJƚŚĞ quality,ůŽǀĞĂŶĚƚĞĂĐŚŝŶŐƐŽĨ:ĞƐƵƐ professional servicesŚƌŝƐƚ ͕ĂƚŚŽůŝĐŚĂƌŝƚĞƐŽĨ^ŽƵƚŚĞĂƐƚ DŝĐŚŝŐĂŶand supportƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƐĐŽŵƉĂƐƐŝŽŶĂƚĞ͕ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ͕ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů to people in need. “ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐĂŶĚƐƵƉƉŽƌƚƚŽƉĞŽƉůĞŝŶŶĞĞĚ͘“  We have been called in the Archdiocese to Unleash the Gospel of Jesus Christ. One of the tĞŚĂǀĞďĞĞŶĐĂůůĞĚŝŶƚŚĞƌĐŚĚŝŽĐĞƐĞƚŽhŶůĞĂƐŚƚŚĞ'ŽƐƉĞůŽĨ:ĞƐƵƐŚƌŝƐƚ͘KŶĞŽĨƚŚĞŐƵŝĚĞƉŽƐƚƐŝŶ ƚŚŝƐĞŶĚĞĂǀŽƌŝƐĨĂŵŝguideposts in thisůŝĞƐ͘KƵƌĂŐĞŶĐLJƐĞĞŬƐƚŽƌĞƐƉŽŶĚƚŽƚŚĞŵĂŶLJŶĞĞĚƐŽĨĨĂŵŝůŝĞƐŝŶǀĂƌŝŽƵƐǁĂLJƐ͗ endeavor is families. Our agency seeks to respond to the many needs of ĐŚŝůĚǁĞůĨĂƌĞĂŶĚĂĚŽƉƚŝŽŶ͕ďĞŚĂǀŝŽƌĂůŚĞĂůƚŚ͕WƌŽũĞĐƚ,ŽƉĞ͕ĂŶĚ,ŝƐƉĂŶŝĐŽƵƚƌĞĂĐŚ͘families in various ways: child welfare and adoption, behavioral health, Project Hope, and  Hispanic outreach. tĞĂƌĞĞdžĐŝƚĞĚƚŽďĞƉĂƌƚŶĞƌŝŶŐǁŝƚŚƚŚĞ<ŶŝŐŚƚƐŽĨDĂůƚĂƚŽŽƉĞŶĂĞŶƚĞƌĨŽƌƚŚĞtŽƌŬƐŽĨDĞƌĐLJ We are excited to be partnering with the Knights of Malta to open a Center for the Works ƐŽƵƚŚŽĨƚŚĞĂƚŚĞĚƌĂůŽĨƚŚĞůĞƐƐĞĚ^ĂĐƌĂŵĞŶƚŝŶĞƚƌŽŝƚ͘dŚŝƐŝƐĂŶĞdžĂŵƉůĞŽĨƐĞǀĞƌĂůŶĞǁŝŶŝƚŝĂƚŝǀĞƐ ŝŶŽƵƌƉůĂŶŶŝŶŐ͘of Mercy southĞĐĂƵƐĞŽĨLJŽƵǁĞĂƌĞďĞĐŽŵŝŶŐƐƚƌŽŶŐĞƌ͘ of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Detroit. This is an example of  several new initiatives in our planning. Because of you we are becoming stronger. ƐAsƚŚĞ theĐŚĂƌŝƚĂďůĞ charitableĂƌŵŽĨ armƚŚĞ ofArchdiocese the Archdiocese we seek weto be seek an instrument to be an instrument of God’s lov ĞĂŶĚŵĞƌĐLJof God’s loveŝŶŽƵƌƐŝdž ĐŽƵŶƚŝĞƐ͘and mercy:ĞƐƵƐƚĞĂĐŚƵƐƚŚĂƚ͗ in our six counties.ǁŚĂƚĞǀĞƌ JesusǁĞĚŽŽƌƚŚĞůĞĂƐƚŽĨŽƵƌ teaches us that whateverďƌŽƚŚĞƌƐ weand do sites, for wethe do least for him.” of our  brothers and sisters, we do for Him. WůĞĂƐĞďĞĂƐƐƵƌĞĚƚŚĂƚLJŽƵƌƉƌĞƐĞŶĐĞĂŶĚƐƵƉƉŽƌƚĚŽĞƐŵĂŬĞĂĚŝĨĨĞƌĞŶĐĞ͊  Please be assured that your presence and support does make a difference! ^ŝŶĐĞƌĞůLJLJŽƵƌƐŝŶŚƌŝƐƚ͕  Sincerely yours in Christ, 

  ZĞǀ͘Rev.DƐŐƌ͘ Msgr.ŚĂƌůĞƐ Charles<ŽƐĂŶŬĞ Kosanke,͕ Chairman ŚĂŝƌŵĂŶ 

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12 Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan

BOARD OF Directors

PRESIDENT The Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron Archbishop of Detroit


CHAIR Rev. Monsignor Dr. Charles G. Kosanke

SECRETARY Dr. Mable V. Jones

TREASURER Daniel Maher

Board Members Beth Beadle Chris J. Liparoto David Nowaczewski Dr. Duane J. DiFranco Dr. Miguel Lis-Planells John Tersigni Michael Orsini Rev. Stephen Pullis The Very Rev. Jeffrey D. Day

13 When you’re ready to make a difference, we’re ready to help Merrill is proud to salute Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan.

Greater Detroit Complex Merrill Lynch Wealth Management 2600 West Big Beaver Road Suite 110 Troy, MI 48084 800.777.9413

Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (also referred to as “MLPF&S” or “Merrill”) makes available certain investment products sponsored, managed, distributed or provided by companies that are affiliates of Bank of America Corporation (“BofA Corp.”). MLPF&S is a registered broker-dealer, Member SIPC and a wholly owned subsidiary of BofA Corp. Investment products: Are Not FDIC Insured Are Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value The Bull Symbol and Merrill Lynch are trademarks of Bank of America Corporation. © 2020 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. ARBDWKSN | AD-02-20-0065 | 470945PM-0519 | 02/2020 About CCSEM “The works of Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan are the corporal works of mercy. We are not principally a social service agency, but an instrument of God’s love and mercy.” ~ Archbishop Allen Vigneron, President of Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan


Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (CCSEM) is a nonprofit human services organization” committed to respecting life and strengthening families. CCSEM annually assists more than 20,000 people through dozens of programs and services regardless of faith, race, culture, or financial wherewithal.

CCSEM was formed in 2013 by merging Catholic social services agencies in the region to sharpen mission focus, improve services, and reduce expenses. CCSEM is the Archdiocese of Detroit’s principal agency for works of mercy, providing help with life’s most challenging problems and the hope to overcome them.

CCSEM assists pregnant women, infants, children, teens, adults, seniors, couples, and families, helping all to transform their lives, relationships, and futures. CCSEM champions the dignity of each person and helps im- prove their quality of life by helping them realize their potential.

CCSEM’s governance board includes members from the six counties served by the agency.

MISSION Compelled by the love and teachings of Jesus Christ, Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan provides compassionate, quality, professional services and support to people in need.

VISION CCSEM strives to be the organization of choice for people in need, transforming lives, encountering Christ, and mobilizing hope in our community.

VALUES Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan holds foremost that all our actions and efforts will be modeled after Jesus Christ and in conformity to the teachings and values of the Catholic Church

Dignity of Human Life: We act with respect, kindness, and hospitality to all persons who come to us for assistance.

Compassion: We hold a deep awareness of the suffering of others, accompanied by the desire to relieve their pain.

Integrity: We can be trusted to deliver our services with conviction, courage, and transparency.

Professionalism: Our professional staff and volunteers conform to the highest ethical standards and quality of services measured by the licenses and accrediting of our employees and programs.

Transformational: We endeavor to transform the lives of the people we serve by tracking measurable outcomes of improvement.

For more information: I [email protected]

15 From the Community of St. John Fisher Chapel University Parish 3665 East Walton Boulevard, Auburn Hills, MI 48326 •

Congratulations on Another Great Year! May Blessings Abound to Build on your Successes!

St Andrew Catholic Community Offers Prayerful Best Wishes to Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan for their “Mercy in Action”

1400 Inglewood Rochester, Michigan (248) 651-7486

Rev. Msgr. Michael Hrydziuszko Pastor

Rev. Tom Wilisowski, CSMA Associate Pastor


ADOPTION, FOSTER CARE, SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT LIVING Our Adoption Services facilitate the process for prospective adoptive parents. Our staff also helps with searches for birth parents and adoptees. Our Licensing program helps make what can be a complicated licensing process easier so prospective foster parents can provide warm, safe home environments for children in foster care. Our Supervised Independent Living program helps older teens who have “aged out” of the foster care program, assisting these young adults as they transition to independence.

ADULT DAY HEALTH SERVICES We provide care during the day for adults with dementia and similar cognitive impairments requiring supervi- sion so caregivers can have time to themselves.

ALL SAINTS SOUP KITCHEN AND FOOD PANTRY Our soup kitchen and food pantry alleviate the hunger of persons in Detroit’s southwest neighborhoods and surrounding communities.

BEHAVIORAL HEALTH We provide mental health and substance abuse counseling services for children, teens, adults, couples, and families to help change difficult and destructive behaviors, improve relationships, and promote positive men- tal, spiritual, physical, and emotional wellbeing.

CRISIS INTERVENTION St. Joseph Center of Hope is a crisis intervention center that provides a supervised, supportive setting for individuals with substance use and co-occurring disorders. Individuals can stabilize in a safe and welcoming environment while being provided with assistance to enter a treatment program. Open 24 hours a day for individuals 18 years of age and older. No insurance or referral needed.

LA CASA AMIGA LEGAL CLINIC & COMMUNITY PROGRAMS We provide immigration legal services, support, and education to immigrants and their families, our friends and neighbors who are new to the United States. Through our dedicated staff, we empower our clients to enrich the community with their diversity, strength, and diligence.

PROJECT HOPE We provide support and resources, from conception through birth and beyond, to expectant mothers. At no cost to our clients, we provide supportive counseling, parenting education, referrals to community resources, needed items for infant care, and more.

SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS We offer three volunteer programs for adults age 55 and older to serve their local communities. These include the Foster Grandparents Program, Senior Companion Program, and Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP).



ZĞǀ͘ĞŶŝƐdŚĞƌŽƵdž͕WĂƐƚŽƌ ϭϯϯKƌĐŚĂƌĚƌŝǀĞ  EŽƌƚŚǀŝůůĞ͕DŝĐŚŝŐĂŶϰϴϭϲϳ Single gender summer camps for boys, girls, and parentchild/ weekends BOYS AGES 816- YRS: One -Week Camps, Two-Week Camps, High Ropes Camp, Horse Camp ϮϰϴͲϯϰϵͲϮϲϮϭ GIRLS AGES 816- YRS: One-Week Camp, Horse Camp ŽůǀŶŽƌƚŚǀŝůůĞ͘ŽƌŐ  

 ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Serving God by Serving Others!

“The fruit of love is service, which is compassion in action.”

Mother Teresa

730 S. Lafayette Avenue | Royal Oak, MI 48067 248.547.1818 |

18 19 20 About CCSEM Locations

LAPEER COUNTY OAKLAND COUNTY Behavioral Health Services Behavioral Health Services 700 South Main Street, Suite 211 1424 E. Eleven Mile Road Lapeer, MI 48446 Royal Oak, MI 48067 Phone: 810-664-4646 Phone: 248-548-4044

La Casa Amiga Legal Clinic & Community MACOMB COUNTY Programs Main Office 76 Williams 15945 Canal Road Pontiac, MI 48341 Clinton Township, MI 48038 Phone: 248-338-4250 Phone: 586-416-2300 Behavioral Health Services Adult Day Health Services 715 N. Lapeer Road 27113 Harper Ave, Suite B Lake Orion, MI 48362 St. Clair Shores, MI 48081 248-693-7526 Phone: 586-412-8494 Adult Day Health & Senior Volunteer Services 3300 S. Adams Road WAYNE COUNTY Auburn Hills, MI 48326 All Saints Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry Phone: 248-537-3300 8642 Woodward Ave. Child Welfare Detroit, MI 48202 17500 W. Eight Mile Road Phone: 855-882-2736 ext. 7 Southfield, MI 48075 Project Hope Phone: 248-552-0750 1234 Porter Street Detroit, MI 48226 MONROE COUNTY Phone: 313-961-6683 ext. 5 Behavioral Health Services Center for the Works of Mercy 25 S. Monroe Street 8642 Woodward Ave. Monroe, MI 48161 Detroit, MI 48202 Phone: 734-240-3850

ST. CLAIR COUNTY St. Joseph Center of Hope Behavioral Health Services 222 Colonial Drive 2601 13th Street Monroe, MI 48162 Port Huron, MI 48060 Phone: 734-357-8880 Phone: 810-987-9100

21 The Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament thanks you  for all the ways you  unleash the  Gospel in our community!

Mass: 11 AM Sundays; 8 AM other days 

! Best of Luck hello on your 2020 Annual Celebration! Jeffrey L. Zanetti, DDS, PC

31904 GranD river avenue (248) 477-1500 Marian is a Catholic college preparatory school for young women, farminGton, mi 48336 fax (248) 477-1569 sponsored by the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. www.ZanettiSmiLeS.Com 7225 Lahser Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 •

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Fr. Mario Amore

Fr. Mario Amore was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Detroit in 2015 and currently serves at St. Aloysius Parish in the heart of . In addition to his responsibilities at the parish, Fr. Mario also oversees the operations of St. Aloysius Neighborhood Services and St. Dominic Outreach Center. Both serve the needs of the homeless, working poor, and anyone in need of assistance. Prior to his assignment at St. Aloysius, he served at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Farmington and St. Hugo of the Hills in Bloomfield Hills.

Support Our Catholic Young Adults Mentor Tomorrow’s Leaders Invite & Attend

Contact Trey Bauman Learn more about us and our [email protected] upcoming events at Give Witness as an Financially Support Executive Speaker Our Mission

Contact Nicholas Langlois Contact Kevin Frantz [email protected] [email protected] YOUNG CATHOLIC PROFESSIONALS DETROIT CHAPTER @ycpdetroit 23 Alliance Catholic Credit Union proudly supports the great work of Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan.

A Str onger Communi t y. A healthier community.

Henry Ford Health System is pleased to support the Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan and their mission to provide compassionate, quality, professional services and support to people in need.

24 Time Talent & Treasure Awardees

Leonard R. Jagels Award (Outstanding Priest in the Community)

Fr. Brian Chabala Fr. Brian has been instrumental in the formation of Catholics in both the community of Rochester Hills at St. Irenaeus and St. Fabian in Farmington Hills. His efforts reflect the corporal works of mercy the Archbishop is calling everyone across the Archdiocese of Detroit to embody in Unleash the Gospel. From helping run a parish school, to knowing every individual’s name in the parish, to walking with hundreds of couples through the sacrament of matrimony, Fr. Brain is a pastor of the community and a shepherd of God’s people and we want to congratulate him on his retirement.

Outstanding Catholic School

All Saints Catholic School in Canton All Saints Catholic School has been very involved in our Adoption and Foster Care programs especially this holiday season. They helped coordinate the pickup and drop off of a U Haul of gifts to our Southfield location for the holiday season. These gifts were able to support children in need for Christmas and also restock much needed items to support our foster care children. The students and staff of the parish engaged with the staff at our Southfield location and learned more about the importance of our programs in the community. Thank you for exemplifying the corporal works of mercy and passing that on to our Catholic youth.

Time Talent and Treasure Awardees

Church of the Holy Family in Novi Holy Family has been a major supporter of our backpack program each summer that helps support hundreds of foster care and immigrant children. This past year, they were able to donate over 70 fully loaded backpacks to these programs. Their robust Christian Service Ministry is heavily supported by their parish with 7.5% of their collections going to their ministry and going directly to the community. Catholic Charities wants to honor the commitment of the staff and parishioners of Holy Family to their community and the corporal works of mercy.

Our Lady Star of the Sea in Woods Our Lady Star of the Sea has been a long time, committed supporter of Catholic Charities and our efforts across the Archdiocese of Detroit. From special drives and collections to being fervent supports of Catholic Charities Annual Appeal year after year, Our Lady Star of the Sea has made impacting the community outside their church grounds a priority. We would like to thank them for being such a committed and long time supporter. Without parish such as Our Lady Star of the Sea the efforts of Catholic Charities would be severely diminished. continued on page 27


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continued from page 25 St. Colette Parish in Livonia St. Colette and Nancy Ohman, their Christian Service Coordinator, have continued to expand and grow their outreach in their community through the Mercy and Action program sponsored by the Archdiocese of Detroit and Catholic Charities. This day of outreach engages thousands of volunteers across the Archdiocese of Detroit and St. Colette takes this very seriously. Nancy has engaged hundreds of volunteers with over a dozen different projects and embodies the phrase “mercy in action.” We wish her the best in her retirement and appreciate all the love and support St. Colette and this ministry has given and will continue to give to the community.

SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish in Sterling Heights Saints Cyril and Methodius, a Slovak Catholic Church, exemplifies the diversity of the Catholic faith with a vibrant community of many cultures. They have jumped in with two feet to help impact programs such as Project Hope and give back to their community. Erin Rybicki and their staff have made a commitment to the service of their community and partnering with Catholic Charities with our prolife and Christmas support programs. We look forward to more and more future partnerships with their parish.

Catholic Charities

for Your ServiceThank to the Communities You of Southeast Michigan Monsignor Thomas Rice & St. Thomas More Parish 

27 Providing care for today, Built on our legacy of service

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28 Auction Rules Michigan law requires Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan to assess a six percent sales tax on all purchased auction items. In gratitude for the many generous purchasers supporting the Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (CCSEM) during the Annual Celebration, CCSEM will pay the state sales tax rather than including the tax in auction checkout bills.

BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS AND OVERVIEW • Register your payment information through Click Bid using the link you received or at • All bids will be placed online through Click Bid. To make a bid, follow the instructions on the CCSEM Click Bid website at • The auction will close at 9:00 p.m. on September 11, 2020. All bids need to be placed before 9:00 p.m. on September 11, 2020. • The highest bid will win the item. Click Bid will alert you if you are the winner and your credit card will be charged accordingly. CCSEM staff members will contact all winning bidders the week of September 14, 2020 and mutually convenient arrangements will be made for you to receive your auction item(s).

ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE FINAL • In the event of a dispute, CCSEM executive leadership shall determine the winning bidder. • There are no exchanges or refunds on items. • Every effort has been made to describe items accurately; however, all items are offered as is and without recourse. • CCSEM is not responsible for lost or missing items. • CCSEM cannot reissue certificates that expire before use by winning bidders.

29 Join Us from the Comfort of your Home UN-GALA

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The Parishioners of the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica

“I will spend my heaven doing good on earth. I will let fall a shower of roses”” - St. Thérèse

Our Prayers and Best Wishes to Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan

Reverend Joseph Horn, Rector Reverend Joseph Lang, Associate Reverend John Kopson, Associate Reverend John McKenzie, Associate Christian Service Paula Dixon, Pastoral Associate

2100 W. 12 Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073 * (248) 541-4122

30 2020 Catholic Charities Ad Program.indd 1 2/28/2020 12:28:09 PM Special Thanks Thank you to our auction donors (As of August 27, 2020) Donors whose items could not be offered due to changes caused by the pandemic have also been recognized for their thoughtful intent.

925 Social Dr. Mable Jones Stephanie Acho-Tartoni Jungle Java Adrian Dominican Sisters Kem Krest Carolyn Anderson Kings Island Ashka Salon Rev. Msgr. Dr. Charles Kosanke Automotive Hall of Fame Colleen Lafferty and Maiorana & Partners, LTD Tim and Bonnie Ball LA-Z-BOY Sam Bellestri Left Foot Charley Blandford Nature Center Legacy 925 Bordine's Leon & Lulu BRONCA Dr. Miguel and Mrs. Irene Lis-Planells Father John Budde Little Caesars Dr. Burns at Walled Lake Veterinary Hospital Lone Wolf Paintball Camp Sancta Maria Mackinac Island Carriage Tours Carl's Golfland Manresa Jesuit Retreat House CCSEM Staff Meadow Brook Theater Chateau Chantal Mike and Jennifer Merrill Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix Midland Center for the Arts CJ Barrymore's MJR Digital Cinemas Lisa Codeve National Museum of the Great Lakes Ann Compton Now Plating Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurants Mike Orsini Tom and Sharyn Cousins Panera Bread Cranbrook Institute of Science Detroit Historical Society Pilgrim's Run Golf Club Detroit Lions Planet Rock Detroit Pistons Paul and Jennifer Propson Detroit Red Wings PRP Wine International Detroit Repertory Theatre Father Steve Pullis Detroit Tigers Purple Rose Theatre Company Rottermond Jewelers Douglas J. Aveda Institute Royal Park Hotel Dow Gardens Donald Sayles Mike and Korin Drilling Joe Schotthoefer drybar Sculptures by Timothy P. Schmalz Emagine Theaters Seasons 52 English Gardens Sloan Museum at Courtland FireKeepers Casino Hotel Somerset Inn Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn Splash Universe Water Park Resorts Fraser Tea SpringBrook Gardens Gardner White Furniture St. Francis Retreat Center & FaithFest 2020 Go Comedy! Improv Theater The Westin Book Cadillac Detroit Golden Gift Jewelers United Shore Professional Baseball League Grand Rapids Escape Room University of Michigan Athletics Grand Rapids Public Museum University of Notre Dame Athletics Urban Air Geralynn and Reinhard Hurt Water Works Theater Company Inn at St. John's Jennifer and Paul Wenson John Ball Zoo Wines for Humanity

Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan also would like to thank the committee members, staff, and volunteers for their efforts in making this event a success. 31 For full details and to place a bid, please visit the auction website at

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9 - Women's Shinola Watch 108 - Detroit Historical Society - Friends and Family Membership Women's Shinola Watch "The Canfield" Mother of Pearl 32mm 1 year Friends and Family Society Membership to the Detroit Donated by: Paul and Jennifer Propson Historical Society. Your Friends and Family Membership includes membership benefits for up to two named adults and unlimited 10 - Shinola Men’s Watch free general admission for all named children under 18 years and Runwell Automatic 45mm men's Shinola Watch living in the same household. In addition to priority ticketing Donated by: Joe Schotthoefer for our most popular events, discounts on facility rentals and reciprocal membership at over 200 history museums nationwide 11 - Custom 20x24 Family Oil Portrait through the Time Travelers program – you also have 2 FREE single Classic Portrait Source "Oil Painting Masters" portraits are painted use guest passes to use each time you visit our museums. completely by hand in oils on artist canvas. The client will have Donated by: Detroit Historical Society a portrait consultation with the artist to plan the background, clothing, and style. A sitting will be scheduled in the studio for 109 - Dinner and a Comedy Show reference photographs. Our skilled artist creates a drawing for 2 prize tickets each redeemable for 2 tickets to any show approval and then paints the portrait. (Redeemable for 4 tickets total) and one $50 gift card which can Donated by: Donald Sayles be used at 6 different restaurants. Donated by: Go Comedy! Improv Theater 12 - Basilica of Sainte Anne de Detroit Tour Tour the historic Basilica of Sainte Anne de Detroit, the second- oldest continuously operating Catholic parish in the United States. 110 - USPBL Grandstand Tickets Pastor and Rector, Monsignor Charles Kosanke, will host your 4 United Shore Baseball League Grandstand Tickets for one game group of up to 8 people for lunch or supper, and personally tailor at Jimmy John's Field. your tour of this beautiful church that was named a minor basilica Donated by: United Shore Professional Baseball League by Pope Francis earlier this year. Tour and meal to take place at a mutually agreed upon time. 111 - Wines for Humanity - In Home Wine Tasting for up to 18 Donated by: Msgr. Kosanke People #1 Wine sampling certificate redeemable for a 6-bottle in-home wine 13 - Golf with Msgr. Kosanke at Detroit Golf Club sampling for up to 18 people with a private wine advisor. Enjoy a round of golf with Monsignor Charles Kosanke, CCSEM Donated by: Wines for Humanity Board Chair, at the exclusive Detroit Golf Club. You and two friends will spend the day with Msgr. Kosanke on the green! 112 - Wines for Humanity - In Home Wine Tasting for up to 18 Outing must take place by October 31, 2020. People #2 Donated by: Msgr. Kosanke Wine sampling certificate redeemable for a 6-bottle in-home wine sampling for up to 18 people with a private wine advisor. 102 - A stay in Detroit at the Westin! Donated by: Wines for Humanity One weekend night stay, valet parking, and breakfast for two in the Boulevard Room at the Westin Book Cadillac Detroit. 113 - Timothy P. Schmalz Sculpture Donated by: The Westin Book Cadillac Detroit When I was Hungry & Thirsty Sculpture. Inspired by the Gospel of Matthew 25:40, this sculpture is a visual representation of 103 - Derrick Rose Signed Jersey Charity. It tells us that we need to see Christ in the poor and the Signed Derrick Rose Pistons Jersey with certificate of authenticity. hungry and that we should see our acts of kindness to them as Donated by: Detroit Pistons kindness to Him. This solid resin-stone cast is coated in a realistic 104 - Blake Griffin Signed Basketball bronze finish and is mounted on a solid matte black base. Timothy Blake Griffin Signed Pistons Basketball with certificate of personally sculpts every original small masterpiece complete with authenticity. Prize includes the display case. his signature or monogram. Each replica is detailed by hand to the Donated by: Detroit Pistons exacting standards of this modern day master sculptor. Donated by: Timothy P. Schmalz 105 - Purple Rose Theatre Tickets & Dinner Enjoy dinner and a show with this package! Prize includes 1 gift 114 - A Night in Troy! certificate redeemable for two tickets to any Thursday, Friday, or Enjoy dinner at Season's 52 in Troy and an overnight stay at the Sunday performance at the Purple Rose Theatre Company and Somerset Inn. This prize includes a $52 gift card to Season's 52 one $50 gift card which can be used at 6 different restaurants. and a gift certificate for the Bed and Breakfast Package at the Donated by: Purple Rose Theatre Company Somerset Inn. This package includes overnight Accommodations for Two either Friday or Saturday night and Breakfast for Two the 106 - Golf & a Night Out - Carl's Golfland & The Inn at St. John's following morning. $60 Carl's Range Card. Redeemable at the Bloomfield Hills location. Donated by: Seasons 52, Somerset Inn One night stay in a deluxe guestroom at the Inn at St. John's. Donated by: Carl's Golfland, Inn at St. John’s 33 Silent Auction Items

115 - Grand Rapids Activity Pack! 124 - Prince Fielder Package Keep your trip to Grand Rapids busy with this activity pack! 4 Prince Fielder Signed Ball and Prince Fielder Signed Game Used General Admission Passes to Blandford Nature Center, 4 General Bat. Prize includes the display case. Admission Tickets and 4 Carousel Ride Tickets at the Grand Rapids Public Museum, 1 Gift Voucher for 2 to the Grand Rapids 125 - Notre Dame Signed Football Escape Room, Two complimentary 18-hold rounds of golf at Certificate redeemable for a Notre Dame Football Autographed by Pilgrim's Run Golf Club (Monday-Thursday, not including cart fees) Head Coach Brian Kelly. Football will be mailed to the recipient's and a $50 FireKeepers Gift Card. house after the event. Prize includes a display case. Donated by: Blandford Nature Center, Grand Rapids Escape Room, Donated by: University of Notre Dame Athletics Grand Rapids Public Museum, Pilgrim’s Run Golf Club, FireKeepers Casino Hotel 126 - Traverse City Wine Weekend Enjoy a weekend of wine tasting in Traverse City with this package! 116 - Camp Sancta Maria 2021 Boy's Summer Camp Prize includes a Chateau Chantal gift certificate redeemable for 1 $200 gift certificate towards a Boys’ 1-week or 2-week Camp VIP tour and tasting for 6 people and a gift certificate redeemable Session in 2021! for a tasting for two with a meat and cheese platter at Left Foot Donated by: Camp Sancta Maria Charley! Donated by: Chateau Chantal, Left Foot Charley 117 - A Day in Midland! Enjoy a day in Midland and then stop for dinner in Frankenmuth 127 - PRP Wine In-Home or In-Office Wine Tasting for 16 People #1 on your way home! Prize includes: Certificate Redeemable for an In-Home or In-Office 8-bottle wine Two 1 day passes to Dow Gardens tasting for up to 16 people. A voucher for 4 adults and 4 children to the Midland Center for Donated by: PRP Wine International the Arts 1 gift certificate redeemable for 2 Frankenmuth Family Style All- 128 - PRP Wine In-Home or In-Office Wine Tasting for 16 People #2 You-Can-Eat Chicken Dinner. Certificate Redeemable for an In-Home or In-Office 8-bottle wine Donated by: Dow Gardens, Midland Center for the Arts, tasting for up to 16 people. Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn Donated by: PRP Wine International

118 - LA-Z-BOY Gift Certificate 129 - Amusement & Water Park Package One $599 gift certificate towards the purchase of a LA-Z-BOY Looking for something fun to do this summer? Win this prize and product. receive tickets to two fun attractions! 4 full day water park passes Donated by: LA-Z-BOY to Splash Universe Water Park and 2 Single Day Tickets to Kings Island. 119 - Date Night - Rock Climbing & Movie Passes Donated by: Splash Universe Water Park Resorts, Kings Island Enjoy a fun filled date night with this prize! Prize includes 2 adult 130 - FaithFest 2021 Family Pack of Tickets with Parking starter packages to Planet Rock (must be 14+) and 2 movie passes FaithFest Family Pack of Tickets with parking included. to MJR Digital Cinemas. Donated by: St. Francis Retreat Center & FaithFest 2021 Donated by: Planet Rock, MJR Digital Cinemas 131 - 925 Social Corporate Event 120 - Gardner White Gift Certificate One gift certificate redeemable for a Corporate Event. This prize Purchase new furniture with this $500 gift certificate to Gardner includes space and 4 hours of activities for up to 40 people. White. Schedule 2 of the following activities, plus 1 go-kart ride. Available Donated by: Gardner White Furniture activities includes bowling, ninja warrior, dodge ball, laser tag, football bowling, and archery tag. 121 - Austin Jackson Rookie Package Donated by: 925 Social Signed Austin Jackson Rookie Ball (authenticated) and Austin Jackson Game Used During Rookie Season Bat (authenticated). 132 - Corporate Team Building at 925 Social Prize includes the display case. Gift certificate redeemable for one Corporate Team Building Session. This prize includes up to 4 hours of activities for Corporate 122 - Miguel Cabrera Signed Baseball Team Building for 10 guests. Schedule 2 of the following activities, Signed Miguel Cabrera Baseball. plus 1 go-kart ride. Available activities includes bowling, ninja warrior, dodge ball, laser tag, football bowling, and archery tag. 123 - Tigers Signed Baseball Package Donated by: 925 Social Signed Nick Castellanos Ball (authenticated), Signed Victor Martinez Ball (authenticated) , Signed Torri Hunter Ball, Vintage Tigers Pennant.

34 Silent Auction Items

133 - Urban Air - 1 Year Jump Pass 144 - Jim Harbaugh Signed Football Gift certificate redeemable for a 1 year basic jump pass, valid Football signed by coach Jim Harbaugh. Prize includes the display for one person, once a week, for an entire year. Gift certificate case. redeemable for $25 off an activity purchase at 925 Social. Gift Donated by: University of Michigan Athletics certificate redeemable for one go kart ride at 925 social. Donated by: Urban Air, 925 Social 146 - Jesus and Joseph Statue by Lladro Lladro Jesus and Joseph Statue. 134 - 925 Social Family Package Donated by: Mike Orsini 1 gift certificate redeemable for a Family Night at 925 Social. This is valid for 1 large 1-topping pizza and unlimited activities. 147 - Coach Purse with Leather Care Kit Donated by: 925 Social One white coach handbag with coach leather cleaning kit. Donated by: Kem Krest, Lisa Codeve 135 - Activity Pack - CJ Barrymore's & Legacy 925 1 $50 CJ Barrymore's Fun Card which can be used for attractions 148 - Car Care Package with Tire Totes and arcade purchases. 1 Gift certificate redeemable for 3 Go-Kart Help your car stay beautiful with this kit! Prize includes 2 car rides for a family of 4 at Legacy 925. 1 Gift certificate redeemable detailing kits, 2 Land Rover Pop Sockets, 2 California car dusters, 2 for $25 off your food purchase at Legacy 925. storage bags, and 1 set of four tire totes. Donated by: CJ Barrymore's, Legacy 925 Donated by: Kem Krest

136 - Manresa Conference Retreat 149 - Treat Yourself Basket Gift certificate redeemable for a weekend of midweek conference Treat yourself or a special lady in your life with this package! Prize retreat at Manresa Jesuit Retreat House. includes 1 gift card redeemable for a blowout at DryBar (Located Donated by: Manresa Jesuit Retreat House in Birmingham and Ann Arbor), 1 candle warmer with 8 packs or candle melts, 1 $35 gift certificate to Springbrook Gardens (located 137 - Paintball with Father Steve Pullis in Farmington), 1 $50 gift card to Bronca apparel company, 1 Alex Paintball for 11 with Father Pullis at Lone Wolf Paintball in Clinton and Ani Bracelet, and 1 decorative sign. Township. Included is a gift card which can be used to purchase the Donated by: drybar, SpringBrook Gardens, Stephanie Acho-Tartoni paint and a gift certificate to cover equipment costs. Donated by: Lone Wolf Paintball, Father Steve Pullis 150 - Gift Basket for Her Get everything you need to treat a special lady in your life with this 138 - University of Michigan Basketball Tickets package! Prize includes a $40 gift card to Rottermond Jewelers, a Two tickets to any University of Michigan basketball game vs a $25 gift card to Bordine's, 2 Chrysalis Bracelets with jewelry care Big Ten team. Two tickets to any University of Michigan basketball cloths, a $50 gift card for Ashka Salon & Spa, and a bottle of hand game vs a non-conference team. lotion. Donated by: Mike and Jennifer Merrill Donated by: Bordine's, Rottermond Jewelers, Stephanie Acho-Tartoni, Golden Gift Jewelers, Ashka Salon & Spa 139 - Audio Package - Airpods, Headphones, & Speaker Listen to all your favorite audio with this package! This prize includes 152 - Coach Make-Up Bag with Leather Cleaning Kit 1 pair of Airpod Pros, 2 wired headphones, & 1 Mini Hifi Speaker! One floral Coach make-up bag with Coach leather care kit. Donated by: Ann Compton, Stephanie Acho-Tartoni, Kem Krest Donated by: Kem Krest, Lisa Codeve

140 - Dinner and a show in Royal Oak! 153 - Boss Lady Gift Basket Enjoy a dinner and a show with this package! Prize includes two Gift this basket to your favorite boss! This prize includes 1 tickets to a 2021 Water Works Theatre Company production and a decorative glass bowl, 1 Vera Bradley Zip ID Case, 1 desk sign, $100 American Express gift card 1 magnet, a $25 gift card to English Gardens, and 1 $75 gift Donated by: Water Works Theatre Company, Maiorana + Partners, certificate to Now Plating. LTD Donated by: Now Plating, Stephanie Acho-Tartoni, English Gardens

141 - Frye Leather Ring Tote Purse 154 - Self Care Basket Frye Leather Ring Tote Purse. Treat yourself with this basket! Prize includes 12 Purelis Shower Donated by: Jennifer & Paul Wenson Steamers, 1 Lauren Conrad scarf, 1 knit hat, gift certificate redeemable for any service (up to $50) at any Douglas J Aveda 142 - Golf at Paint Creek Country Club! Institute Location, 1 Kate Spade pin, and 1 Chrysalis bracelet. Round of golf (18 holes) at Paint Creek Country Club in Lake Orion, Donated by: Stephanie Acho-Tartoni, Golden Gift Jewelers, Douglas MI for 3 with member Sam Bellestri. Includes green fees, cart, and J. Aveda Institute lunch prior to or after golf. Donated by: Sam Bellestri

35 36 Silent Auction Items

155 - Museum Package 164 - Jarrad Davis Signed Photo Here’s your chance to visit many great museums in this package! Signed photo of Detroit Lions player Jarrad Davis (#40). Prize includes 4 general admission tickets to The Henry Ford Donated by: Detroit Lions Museum or Greenfield Village, 4 admission tickets to the National Museum of the Great Lakes, 2 adult and 2 youth tickets to Sloan 165 - Matthew Boyd Signed Photo Museum at Courtland Center, and 4 tickets to the Automotive Hall Photograph signed by Detroit Tigers player Matthew Boyd. of Fame. Donated by: Detroit Tigers Donated by: Sloan Museum at Courtland, The Henry Ford, National Museum of the Great Lakes, Automotive Hall of Fame 166 - Jimmy Howard Signed Photo and Puck Photograph and puck signed by Detroit Red Wings Player 156 - Zoo Package Jimmy Howard (#35). Visit all of your favorite animals with this package! Prize includes 4 Donated by: Detroit Red Wings admission tickets to John Ball Zoo and a family 4 pack of tickets to the Detroit Zoo. 167 - Dinner and a show for a year! Donated by: John Ball Zoo, Detroit Zoo Enjoy dinner and a show for a year with this package! Prize includes a gift certificate redeemable for one gold subscription to 157 - A Night Out in Detroit the Detroit Repertory Theatre which can be used for two people Enjoy a night out in Detroit by staying at the Marriott and grabbing to see all shows (up to 3 times) for 1 year and a gift certificate dinner at Slows BBQ in Detroit! Prize includes a gift certificate redeemable for one free You Pick Two meal each month of the redeemable for a one weekend night stay at the Detroit Marriott at year, for one year at Panera Bread. the Renaissance Center (book by 9/30/2020) and $25 gift card to Donated by: Panera Bread, Detroit Repertory Theatre Slows BBQ. Donated by: Slows BBQ, Dr. Mable Jones 168 - Cosmetic Basket Treat yourself with this cosmetic basket! Includes a night cream, day 158 - Golf at Oakhurst Golf and Country Club! cream, cleanser, charcoal mask, lash intensity mascara, eye make up Round of Golf at Oakhurst Golf and Country Club in Clarkston, MI remover, vitamins, satin hands, travel size microdermabrasion, lip for three golfers (with Donor Tom Cousins). gloss set, a stand up mirror, and dove candy. Donated by: Tom and Sharyn Cousins Donated by: Tim and Bonnie Ball, Carolyn Anderson

159 - Kids Birthday Package 169 - Cabin Weekend in Traverse City Host the best kids birthday party with this package! Prize Come stay a weekend at "Grouse Shack on the Boardman," a includes 3 gift certificates for a Free Large Classic Pizza and 3 gift rustic glamping experience on the Boardman River in Traverse certificates for a Free Crazy Bread from Little Caesars. Prize also City, MI. Package includes up to 3 nights in a 100-year-old historic includes gift voucher redeemable for a Safari Birthday Party for up cabin, use of kayaks, and canoes (kayaks and canoes for up to 3 to 15 children at Jungle Java. people). *This is a rustic location with very few modern amenities*. Donated by: Little Caesars, Jungle Java Donated by: Mike and Korin Drilling

160 - Tea Time Basket 170 - Movie Basket Enjoy all of your favorite tea flavors with this basket! Basket Enjoy some classics and go see a new show with this basket! Prize includes 10 boxes of Fraser Tea (various flavors), a tea strainer, a includes an assortment of candy, popcorn, popcorn flavorings, tea diffuser, a teapot, and the book 'The Tea Girl of Hummingbird popcorn buckets, 2 movie passes to Emagine Theaters, and 4 DVD Lane' by Lisa See. movies (The Goonies, Howard the Duck, Rookie of the Year, and Donated by: Fraser Tea Heaven is for Real). Donated by: CCSEM Staff, Emagine Theaters 161 - Wine Rack & Tasting! Enjoy a complimentary tasting of Cooper's Hawk's most 171 - Soaps and Suds Basket prestigious wines and then go home and store your favorite wines Relax with this basket! Prize includes Aromatherapy Neck & with this handcrafted wine rack! Prize includes a handcrafted wine Shoulder Wrap, Turbie Twist Hair Tool, Dove 34oz Nourishing Body rack which will be customized with your color preference and a gift Wash, Instant 12 Benefits Healthy Hair Treatment, O-P-I Pedicure certificate redeemable for Lux wine tasting for four people which Soak, 'Endless Weekend' Body Cream, Glycerine Soap, Wet-n- includes a gourmet chocolate truffle. Wild Lip Gloss, Body Botanicals Lavender Bath Salt, Bath Puff, Donated by: Cooper's Hawk Winery and Restaurants, Adam Perry IPSY Peach & Black Lace Cosmetic Bag, Marc Anthony Grow Long Leave-In Conditioner, Verb Hydrating 'Mask', The Happiness in 163 - Golf with Fr. John Budde Between autographed copy, and Small Jar Yankee Candle - Fresh A round of golf (with carts) for 3 with Father John Budde at Plum Cut Roses. Hollow Country Club. Donated by: Geralynn & Reinhard Hurt Donated by: Fr. John Budde

37 Silent Auction Items

172 - Storing Somethings Basket 178 - Formal Fine Art Family Portrait with Amalfi Fine Art Prize includes CLC 16" Large Bigmouth Bag, CLC Kneeling Mat, An indoor family portrait session with Amalfi Fine Art. Prize Streamlight Stylus Pro Flashlight, Klein Tools 10-in-1 Screwdriver/ includes session and a 14" mounted fine art portrait valued at Nut Driver, 9.5" Channel Lock, Robertshaw 10-foot Retractable $1500 Tape Measure, and WD-40. Donated by: Amalfi Fine Art Donated by: Geralynn & Reinhard Hurt 180 - Mackinac Island Trip Package! 173 - Leon & Lulu Platter Use this package to plan a day on Mackinac Island. Prize includes 1 Clementine Hunter Platter "Baptism on Cane River." gift certificate redeemable for a 1 hour and 45 minute horse-drawn, Donated by: Leon & Lulu narrated, historic, public sightseeing tour of Mackinac Island for two adults and a $100 American Express gift card which can be 174 - Cranbrook Institute of Science - Family Science Day used to purchase dinner on the island Learn about science with your family and then go pick up a quick Donated by: Mackinac Island Carriage Tours, Maiorana + Partners, and easy dinner! Prize includes 4 general admission passes to the LTD Cranbrook Institute of Science and 4 gift certificates for Little Caesars redeemable for 2 free crazy breads and 2 free large classic pizzas. 181 - Prada Sunglasses Donated by: Cranbrook Institute of Science, Little Caesars Prada Minimal Baroque Sunglasses Donated by: Anonymous 175 - Overnight Stay & Theatre Show in Rochester! Enjoy a night in Rochester with this prize! Includes an overnight 182 - Winter Scene Wall Art stay at the Royal Park Hotel (expires 10/3/2020) and two tickets Bid on this beautiful piece of artwork, which depicts a winter scene for any 2020-2021 season production at Meadow Brook Theatre. (comes with frame). Donated by: Royal Park Hotel, Meadow Brook Theatre Donated by: Park West Gallery

176 - Pewabic Pottery Package 183 - Outdoor Scenery Photographs 1 one year family membership in the Pewabic Society and 1 gift Pictures taken by the Adrian Dominican Sisters. The package boxed 4"x4" New Detroit Tile depicting Detroit Skyline includes one image depicting a harbor and one image depicting an Donated by: Pewabic Pottery Irish outdoor scene. Donated by: Adrian Dominican Sisters 177 - Outdoor Portrait Session with Arising Images Bring your family or high school senior to an award-winning boutique photography studio, Arising Images, to capture moments that will become priceless memories for generations to come. You will receive an outdoor portrait session at our private 6-acre outdoor studio park, along with a 11x14 mounted portrait. After your session, you will be invited into the studio to view and order your images along with custom designed products specifically designed for your home. Donated by: Arising Images

38 Fund the Mission Child Welfare

Adoption, Foster Care, Supervised Independent Living CCSEM facilitates adoptions for foster children in situations involving the termination of parental rights. CCSEM adoption services include: • Information detailing the adoption process • In-home studies for prospective adoptive families • Consultative support and instruction for adoptive families • Assistance in providing required information to complete the adoption process, legal paperwork, and adoption supervision CCSEM also helps provide temporary homes for children and teens in the foster care system by offering resources and support to foster families. While the ultimate goal is to reunite children with their birth families when possible, foster families often transition to adoption. The need for more foster parents is great, with immeasurable benefits. Through CCSEM, foster parents receive: • In-home studies to qualified prospective foster care parents and prepare homes for foster care • Foster care stipend assists with offsetting the cost of foster care • Consultative support and instruction from licensed and trained professionals • Immense gratification in giving a home to a child in need • Pride in providing stability, safety, and support to a child in a challenging familial situation • Satisfaction in seeing the outcome of work and dedication in changing a child’s life CCSEM operates a Supervised Independent Living program to help teens transition to life on their own. Providers are needed to assist these youth, whether enrolling in college, entering the workforce, or pursuing both. CCSEM provides support and guidance on the life skills needed for self-sufficiency as well as household goods, small appliances, and supplies to help these teens become independent adults.

39 Trusted experts creating custom goodbyes reflecting love and life.

memorials cremation burial funerals

TROY • CROOKS ROAD between Maple & Big Beaver 248.362.2500 ROYAL OAK / BIRMINGHAM WOODWARD AVENUE between 13 & 14 Mile Vasu, Rodgers & Connell Chapel 248.549.0500 TROY • ROCHESTER ROAD between Big Beaver & Wattles Price Chapel 248.689.0700

Holy Name Catholic Church Msgr. John Zenz, Pastor

When visiting the Birmingham area, we invite you to join us for worship. Monday – Saturday: 8:00 am

Saturday: 4:00 pm

If you are searching for a local parish to call Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm Confessions: 3:00 pm Saturday home, we encourage you to consider Holy Name Catholic Church.

630 Harmon ● Birmingham, Michigan ● 248-646-2244 ●


The Archdiocese of Detroit is thankful to Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan for the many ways its work unleashes the truth, beauty, and healing of the gospel in our communities.


Connect with Unleash the Gospel on social media for inspiration, resources, and community to grow further as a joyful missionary disciple.

Signup at @UTGdetroit |

41 During the 2019-2020 academic year, Sacred Heart Major Sacred Heart Major Seminary Seminary celebrates its Centennial of Catholic education and service throughout southeastern Michigan. For these is proud to support the Catholic 100 years, Sacred Heart has served the Catholic faithful Charities of Southeast Michigan’s through the formation of priests, deacons, and lay leaders. Annual Celebration. Visit to learn more.

42 God’s blessings upon Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan and on all those you serve!

May the Lord continue to bless the ministry of CCSEM!

“For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, A stranger and you welcomed Me, naked and you clothed Me, ill and you cared for Me, in prison and you visited Me.” (Matthew 25:35-36)

Congrats Fr. Brian on being honored as outstanding priest in the community!

43 44 45              ­­ 



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Community75x10.indd 1 47 2/17/2020 9:41:58 AM