Seminary Ridge Review is published twice a year by the Seminary Ridge Press at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. SEMINARY RIDGE REVIEW ISSN 1526-0674 SPRING, 2012 I VOLUME 14, NUMBER 2 © 2012 by Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. Subscriptions are free to libraries of theological and divinity schools and to Luthern Theological Seminary at Gettysburg alumni/æ. Individual copies are available for $9 per issue (includes domestic postage). Contact: Seminary Ridge Press Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg 61 Seminary Ridge Gettysburg, PA 17325 Seminary Ridge Review is a scholarly journal offering perspectives which highlight the history and theology of the Lutheran Theologi- cal Seminary at Gettysburg, eastern Lutheranism and issues that emerge in the cross-currents of theological and cultural debates. Editor: The Rev. Dr. Brooks Schramm
[email protected] Editorial Board Member: The Rev. Kathleen Reed
[email protected] Managing Editor: The Rev. John Spangler
[email protected] Book Review Editor: The Rev. Dr. Maria Erling
[email protected] Design & Production: Katy Giebenhain
[email protected] Printed by The Sheridan Press in Hanover, Pa. Typeset by Phil Wolfe Graphic Design in Hanover, Pa. On the cover: Martin Luther: Hier stehe ich (Martin Luther: Here I Stand). Detail from Ottmar Hörl’s installation of 800 Luther-figures on Market Square in Wittenberg, Germany from August 14 to September 12, 2010. Photo by Christoph Busse, courtesy of Maisenbacher GmbH. CONTENTS 1 Being the Church Among Atheists and Agnostics: Rebuilding Lutheran Ministry in Luther’s Hometown of Eisleben Claudia Bergmann 12 Lutherans and Catholics in the Homeland of the Reformation: From Bitter Battles to Dialogue and Common Witness Günther Gassmann 26 Sermon for 2011 Luther Colloquy Worship (Psalm 46) Dirk Lange 29 Ad Fontem: A New Trajectory in German Lutheran Baptismal Architecture Scott A.