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Prafulla K Swain1, Bibhuti B Pradhan2 1,2Department of Management, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan, Bhubaneswar, Odisha Email: [email protected], [email protected] Prafulla K Swain, Bibhuti B Pradhan: Public Private Partnership in Indian Railways -- Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17(6). ISSN 1567-214x Keywords: Contract Values, Economy, Indian Railways, Public Private Partnership

ABSTRACT This paper analyses the emerging scope of procurement for a Public Private Partnership to grow India's rail industry and economy. The direction & mechanism of collaboration & institutional firms, based on rules of the government. In India, the economy has grown rapidly following economic liberalization, with foreign and private investment being introduced on friendly policies. Governments around the world were working on innovative approaches to fund initiatives, develop facilities, and provide services in a dynamic global setting. It includes coordination & collaboration for mutual advantage can be categorized in administration as collaboration among individuals or companies within private or public-sectors. Mostly in developing markets PPP has major benefits with few to no drawback (new money, technologies, strategic experience, and exposure to international markets in inexpensive contract). The goal of this paper is to explain the position PPP plays in growth of railways. Work was focused upon the details, obtained through several relevant resource.

1. Introduction In a solution to infrastructure shortages and the need to refurbish current public systems, PPP schemes have arisen all over the world since the 1990's. Many of the countries (emerging markets) have started investing in development programs with national and foreign partners. The direction & mechanism of collaboration & institutional firms, relies on rules of the government. In India, the economy has grown rapidly following economic liberalization, with foreign and private investment being introduced on friendly policies. Most areas of

5337 PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020) infrastructure have earned large quantities of investment. In view of the evolving demand for public utilities, the natures of procurement mechanisms and strategies are established as a backdoor to policy expenditure constraints. The Indian government is reportedly targeting for GDP growth of 7 percent. The GOI therefore focuses on the creation of supporting instruments and practices to promote private-sector contributions for growing economy by 9% GDP, which implies that govt. wants a tremendous modern, better infrastructure (rail, ports, & communications). Best policy for developing and reforming Indian infrastructure is thus permissible and advanced foreign direct investment (FDI) and PPP [1]. The Indian railway is among best railway networks. That was only program that generates service under the Railways Ministry of Single Government Agency (MoR). For last 150 years it has led to the growth of the technological and economic environment of the world. The history begins with April14, 1850, The 1st railway network built between Bombay to Thane and travelled 49 km. Currently it operates 9k trains to transport more than 19 m travelers a day serving about 7k stations throughout the middle east. It has a range of 44 km and has reached a small number of countries like north Korea, China & the United States. Rail services with 1010.08 million tonnes' load condition. It is analysed in 2 sections, as the history of Indian railway development: a) after independence and b) colonial-period railway [2]. A public – private partnership (PPP) termed as govt. agency or private company enterprise financed and run by a government arrangement with single or multiple firms. Often such frameworks alluded as P3, PPP, or P3. It applies to a every strategic relationship among the institutions of the private as well as public domain, primarily directed at funding, planning, developing and running facilities and services in the state. Such PPPs are targeted at meeting the twin targets of fast growth and profitability sustainably. Pressure to reform the traditional public procurement paradigm emerged originally from worries about the amount of public debt, which rose exponentially throughout the 1980s and 1990s macroeconomic dislocation. Governments around the world were working on innovative approaches to fund initiatives, develop facilities, and provide services in a dynamic global setting. Initially, as one-off agreements, most public-private arrangements were signed independently and most of this practice started in the early 1980s. UK launched first comprehensive plan to encourage public-sector partnerships [3]. The Government of India defines a P3 as a partnership among the agency based on private sectors (an official organisation in which 49% or more of a capital is with the private partner(s)) for the establishment & service of public-sector properties on a commission basis for a provided span of time (settlement term) & for that the private entity is stakeholder. In the 9th Program, the union government proposed an infrastructure budget of $310 billion. The P3 model is the foundation for large infrastructure construction ventures throughout Maharashtra (over 40%) in the Indian state. This pattern was followed in 2001 by other states such as Karnataka, Gujrat, Madhya Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu

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too. Table 1 illustrates about the state wise project details in India that includes the range of values of the contracts [4]. Table 1 illustrates about the state wise project details in India that includes the range of values of the contracts. State Name Total Up to Between 120 to Between 241 to More than Contract Projects 120 CR 240 Cr 520 Cr 520 Cr Values Chandigarh 1 70 - - - 70

Bihar 5 88 - 800 1178 2066

Assam 3 52 324 - - 376 67940 Andhra Pradesh 89 1,343 2,186 7,111 57000 Goa 1 - 210.0 - - 210 Chhattisgarh 3 65 298 400 - 763 Delhi 12 86 100 720 11000 11906 Jammu and 2 - - - 6,412 6412 Kashmir Gujarat 53 300 2,121 4,233 34000 40707 Haryana 9 120 150 250 10,666 10986 Karnataka 102 1,113 1,876 13,123 28,345 44457 Jharkhand 8 130 540 300 600 1570 Madhya Pradesh 82 1,899 3,867 3,278 5,689 14733 Kerala 30 348 216 1,435 20,343 22342 Meghalaya 2 - 230 - 540 770 Orissa 25 230 200 1,356 11,540 13326 Maharashtra 58 799 2,899 2,420 39,345 45463 Punjab 26 700 1,532 472 502 3206 Puducherry 2 - - 400 2,897 3297 Sikkim 22 145 530 2,620 13,502 16797 Rajasthan 45 599 760 1,132 12,460 14951

Initially the trade by railways started during 20th century at portion of colonial era. The central demand from London to construct Railways in India came. There was not a single kilometer of railway track until 1847. (IR)'s invention and innovation originated from the UK, so it could be defined as: “Britain in nature, Britain in form, and funded by British entrepreneurs, designed by British engineering, operated by British-railway workers, the British-Army's right arm, the British-Indian Empire”. Any of UK government's main reasons for building Indian rails could be defined as: Commercial Interest of the British:

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British managed to provide their manufacturers an unlimited stream of raw material. So via infrastructural innovations, which were intended to serve their purpose, they entered Indian life. India has been a raw material outlet for the British garment industry & a lucrative market for its products produced in factory [5]. Motives of Military: The need for such a railway network was felt owing to the need for change in trade and troops movements, which was of primary interest to government of India in Britain. The scenario of Indian facilities has become a problem of Asian & global shareholders associated with investment in Asian construction projects. Indian construction view is reflected thru the analogies of infrastructure development ratings taken with south America & Korea, implying that this country has a bit of a way to go if it reaches its peers in infrastructure. The rating of the countries in the development of EIU Infrastructure shown in table 2 [6]. Table 2 illustrates the rating of the countries in the development of EIU Infrastructure Year wise India China Brazil Ratings (Out of 10) 2002 to 2006 3 4.2 5.2 2006 to 2011 4 5.2 5.8

The Public Private Partnership Process:  In order to take the required decisions for the preparation, production and implementation of effective PPPs, the method could be narrowly splitted into 4 stages: design process, recognition stage, selection stage & contract control & managing stage.  Stage 1: Identification of PPPs includes tasks such as strategy formulation, pre-feasibility review of projects, quality & value research, PPP adequacy tests & organizational approvals to continue improving PPPs [7].  Other crucial aspects are also involved which are stated further.

PPP Plan to generate a steady pipeline of PPP projects: For utilizing existing resources and bridle new speculations for more prominent productivity, the Government will draw up a vision and strategy folder over an amount of time for each chapter that characterises the work of private & open collaboration. In the light of a pre - determined & planned degree of transparent government to be made for each financial period, various offices would draw up a yearly PPP Plan that will recognize a rack of tasks spilling out of the general aim & indicate the degree of private venture for every undertaking into framework [8].

Pre-achievability investigation:

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That is embraced through task advocates to survey expansive reasonability of each venture imagined to be secured upon PPP. Recognizable proof of major hazard aspects for venture will likewise be embraced for setting up possible expense & income surges of activities.

Money-Drivers value: Quality and value assessment assumed a critical job in deciding between prioritising investment and in assessing and applying the transaction strategy judgement. This extends specifically to annuity-based instalment systems, where a scheme is required to evaluate whether it is the correct course of acquisition provided option of increasingly conventional obtainment draws near [9]. 1. Incentive for Money (VFM) examination will be attempted to help major choices. Within start, VFM investigation will be attempted to build up whether to build up a task as a PPP venture. In this way, the VFM examination ought to insist whether to grant a PPP agreement based upon offers got. A VFM investigation is generally prominent after organizing a PPP by contrasting a shadow offer coming about because of the money related examination with an open area comparator (or costs if there should arise an occurrence of ordinary acquisition). (A concise VFM note is outfitted) [10]. 2. VFM investigation ought to be led for each task so as to find out If the Plan received as a PPP is in a way provides great benefit to the free component for cash. VFM inquiry will be undertaken irrespective of whether there is a need for financial aid, as costs may be compensated from client fees (since there is a duty to ensuring that client fees are fair & appropriate). 3. VFM evaluation is founded upon effectiveness investment funds which could be acknowledged through using private segment administrative aptitudes, mix and collaboration between the plan, assemble and administration activity, ideal hazard portion, entire of life costing, advancement, centre around yields and a strong serious procedure to inspire the best offers [6]. 4. It is perceived that data accessibility is an imperative in the definition of VFM examination and furthermore that parts have various qualities that impact the VFM results. The open segment substances, either legitimately or through organizations, for example, Cells of PPP, is drawn back components for production of a data base that will encourage activity.

Conformance with State and Sector Legislation: Prior to organizing a PPP venture, one appraisal would be completed to find out if private investment in the conveyance of an open assistance is admissible for surviving enactments. On the off chance that the equivalent isn't permitted however it is esteemed reasonable to receive a PPP structure, appropriate alterations/revisions would be made to the enactments [11]. Adherence to Processes: notwithstanding the over, a venture would be esteemed reasonable for PPP, just if dangers could be designated in such a way, that amplifies the partner benefits and the actualizing office resolves to stick to the procedure of improvement, acquisition and post grant administration of the

5341 PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020) undertaking. On the off chance that an undertaking is found not appropriate after the PPP reasonableness evaluation, the actualizing organization would consider elective techniques for taking up the task including EPC contracts, corporate support, network cooperation, and so on [12]. Phase 2: Development Stage covers venture arrangement (counting specialized attainability and monetary reasonability investigation), venture organizing, planning of authoritative reports and getting of undertaking clearances and endorsement. During this stage, exercises would be embraced with the accompanying goals: a. Articulate extent of venture, executing office's prerequisites and presented jobs/obligations of the gatherings; b. income framework was powerful & feasible upon task life; c. Guarantee that fundamental dangers are characterized & properly distributed among associations; d. Guarantee that legally binding courses of action and documentation precisely mirror the extent of the undertaking, jobs and commitments of gatherings, execution gauges, observing game plans, reformatory arrangements, announcing prerequisites, contest goals component and end game plans just as and viable post grant administration systems [13]; e. Find out that authoritative game plans are allowable under the strategy, lawful and administrative system; and f. Set up partner purchase in and responsibility is guaranteed all through the procedure; As a component of the venture advancement exercises, executing offices would embrace studies and examinations identifying with specialized, showcase investigation, monetary, legitimate perspectives, with the help from counsels/experts any place required. The yield of the task improvement exercises, to the degree doable, would be made accessible to the likely bidders during offer procedure. A portion of the center exercises basic at this stage are examined underneath [14].

Economic, Affordability, Financial Intervention: i. To frame ventures ideally, executing office could assess undertaking from a monetary point of view (to discover whether the task is justified – open need), at that point whether the venture creates positive incentive to the private segment (budgetary reasonability), lastly find out whether characterized practical PPP was good as compared to traditional obtainment or which of the characterized suitable PPPs is generally alluring (VfM examination). Every one of these investigations would be founded on a similar valuation approach – computation of net present worth where future advantages (incomes), & prices (capital, M & O), are limited to mirror present worth [15]. ii. Monetary examination could frame a major contribution for choices with respect to (general society) requirement for a venture, and would include, notwithstanding the incomes and things that have budgetary effect, other outside expenses and advantages to the partners, whether or not they have any money related effect. The future monetary advantages & prices would be

5342 PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020) evaluated & limited utilizing a rebate provide grades that mirrors precise danger of tasks [16]. iii. Money related examination would survey whether the undertaking creates adequate incomes for the capital suppliers to produce a worthy pace of return. The future money related advantages and expenses (as far as incomes) are limited, utilizing a markdown rate mirroring the expense of capital, and which likewise considers the precise danger of the task. iv. Reasonableness investigation, as for both the executing office (viz., submitted and unexpected liabilities, for example, land procurement costs, restoration and resettlement costs, annuity instalments, the board expenses, and so on.) and the probable clients (duties, client charges, and so on) would be a basic determinant notwithstanding the VFM examination, on whether to take up the venture on the PPP mode. It is likewise a viable device to build up the sensibility of suppositions fundamental the budgetary investigation [17]. v. Bankability evaluation would likewise be done to survey the obligation administration capacities of presented venture framework. A proportion of income accessible for obligation adjusting isolated by the measure of obligation administration is a key measure to evaluate the credit value of a task. Within event that examination recommend that the venture isn't bankable, the actualizing office should seriously think about creating credit improvement instruments, for example, suitability hole financing, capital award or support award, elective incomes structures, including shadow client expenses, and so forth. Similar improvement framework is encouraged via organizational & legally binding arrangements. vi. Present advances, ensures, another legal & authoritative liabilities & unexpected liability influence monetary assets of task advocates & could be thought of while organizing PPP agreement [18].

Incentive for Money evaluation: A comparative (as embraced for monetary & budgetary investigation) strategy could be used for inherent worth & contract exists. The potential gains & costs of using PPP into correlation by regular acquirement were evaluated & limited utilizing markdown rate mirroring deliberate danger of venture.

Management of Risks: i. The Govt., via actualizing offices, will distinguish various sorts and level of dangers during the task life cycle, and design fitting alleviation measures. The goal is ideally distributing the undertaking dangers, as opposed to expand their exchange to the private segment. The endeavour is assign dangers, considering the real worries of the partners, to the substance that is most appropriate to deal with the equivalent [19]. ii. Throughout the usual course, the accessible section does not run the risk of providing poor shoulder capabilities in the secluded location. In any case, hazards that the open segment is increasingly skilful to alleviate/hold up under in the typical course of its business, for example, guaranteeing accessibility of unrestricted land for the undertaking or acquiring obligatory clearances of

5343 PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020) administrative specialists before initiation of the task, would be held by the open segment [20]. iii. The allotment of hazard will be revered in the agreement record and under typical conditions will not be dependent upon change after the honor of the task. Legally binding documentation would give sufficient security to loan specialists for non-commercial threats associated with big control, structural adjustments, termination of contracts, etc. The agreement would likewise endorse the key execution pointers and yield boundaries to guarantee that the conveyance of administrations follows with the yearned levels. iv. To guarantee that the ventures fit in with the core values, The Govt. has notified the framework for the selection, Assessment & Authorization of Ppps in the Public Field. Technique cherished in these rules will keep on being watched for all focal division ventures. States are urged to set up a comparable instrument [21]. v. State, where appropriate, will develop structures for periodic surveys & redeployments of dangers which couldn't be moved to whole legally binding time frame.

Research Questions: What are the effects and significance of PPPs on Indian infrastructure programs? What is the meaning of public-private partnership and how it is analysed in Indian Railways? 2. Literature review Literature on public-private partnerships is increasingly new, but the fundamental concept isn't new. That was utilised from 18th century even in nations like Europe & Russia. PPP definitions vary from country to country but are fairly similar, PPP is a mechanism in that the private industry offers government-historically made construction materials & services. Thus, World Bank states "there is no clear globally agreed concept of what a PPP is." Some literature has been published regarding influence and effects of PPP on host countries, however. Many researchers concluded that public and private involvement has a significant outcome to developing countries' economic performance and efficiency throughout development. Yet others claim that PPP framework helps govt. to target limited public money upon fields that aren’t protected by PPP programs or that rivalry & private sector regulation of capital markets render major sources usage more effective [22]. The term Partnership involves coordination “to work together” and for mutual advantage can be categorized in a public policy as collaboration among individuals or companies within private or public sector. Mostly in developing markets PPP has major benefits with few to no drawback (new money, technologies, strategic experience, and exposure to international markets in inexpensive contract). From the observations one cannot claim that only PPP projects had positive and successful impacts. This depends on the time frame and manner in which the proposal is executed. There are plenty of obstacles to economic and regulatory conditions in developing countries. Often these barriers may cause unnecessary negotiation process, and challenges may arise

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in the long-term project. Sometimes the firms to take part in abusive behaviour, which means the project could be cancelled or monopolized. Therefore a lot of research on past successful projects is needed for the successful implementation of PPP [23]. PPP isn't really unique to India. Mumbai and Thane were among the first private firms, the Mumbai Tramway Company was one in Mumbai, the Great Indian Peninsular Railway Group, the power production & separation firms in Calcutta & Mumbai, both of them were fresh in India, and the Great Indian Peninsular Railways was a big operator. Since the opening of the economy, cautious and tentative efforts have been made in India to invest via PPPs. Most PPPs were restricted, even so, to the road industry. In general, under any of the following circumstances, government authorities may consider PPP arrangements. Where: It is not possible to provide the project with public sector financial resources or expertise alone. A private investor will boost the efficiency or standard of operation of the public sector alone. A private partner would be able to implement the project earlier than if it were involved only in the public sector. The participation of a private partner is supported by users. There is a chance for future private partners to compete. Inclusion of a private investor in the procurement of a project may not involve legislative or regulation restrictions. The project costs can be recouped by implementing user fees. The idea provides creative possibilities. There is track record of government-private-sector partnerships. Chances are there to foster economic development [24]. 3. Methodology Design: The entire Indian transport network was tailored to the economic growth needs after political freedom from Britain. The entire transportation procedure has been geared to requirements of industrial & moving individuals from one part of the country. As an initial stage, the government was directly responsible for all railways in India (See Table 3). The first changes to railway track growth in the Indian market are shown in this stage of the Indian government. Table 3 illustrates the growth mileage in the state railways along with the date on which they were put down to direct management of Govt. Railway Name The day on which the Mileage railways were under the authority of Central Govt. of India Bikaner State Railway 1 May 1950 880 Dholpur State Railway 1 May 1950 52 Jodhpur Railway 1 May 1950 810 Nizam’s State Railway 1 May 1950 1364 Saurashtra Railway 1 May 1950 1354 Railway 1 May 1950 70 Gaekwar’s Baroda State 1 May 1949 740 Railway

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Rajasthan State Railway 1 May 1950 190

Sample: The central government has agreed to create a smaller number of railways with the goal of achieving uniformity in operation and increasing productivity and efficient and more effective use of the railway properties. As a result, it was agreed by the Railway Board to include the state trains in 6 zonal railways (See Table 4). Table 4 illustrates the regrouping of 6 Zonal railways which were agreed by the railway board to include. Central Railway Founded by the agglomeration of Great Indian Peninsula Railway Group, Scindia, state of Nizam, and Dholpur State Railways on 13 April 1950. Mileage along the route was 5442 (8746). Northern- Established on 13 April 1951 by merger of the East Punjab Railways, Railway the state of Jodhpur Bikaner and the East Indian Railway divisions of Moradabad Lucknow and Allahabad and the Western Railway segment of Delhi-Rewani-Fazilka 5000 (8959). North Eastern Established as a part of the western Railway portion of Assam and Railway Oudh-Tirhut Railways and Kanpur-Achnera on 13 April 1951. In 1957, the North-East Railway was split into railways of the North-East & North-East Frontier (India, 1986). Southern The Mysore State Railway and South Indian Railway were established Railway on 14 April 1951 by the agglomeration of southern Maharashtra and Madras railway. Mileage for the route was 6025 (9768 km). Western Railway Established on 4 Nov 1950 via the merger of Baroda, Mumbai and Central India Railway Group, Jaipur Railway, Sourashtra Railway, Cutch Railway, Rajasthan Railway, and Jodhpur Railway's Marwarpulad section. Mileage Path was 5351(8677). Eastern=Railway Formed on 13 April 1951 by the merger of Bengal-Nagpur Railways with East-Indian Railway parts not transferred to Northern Railway. Distance was 5774 miles (9014 kms).

Data Collection and Analysis: Since of the complexity and geographical variability of nations, the five zonal schemes divided the eastern railway to the south-eastern-railway & north- eastern-railway to the north-eastern railway frontier up to 1950, 8 in 1951 and 15 in 2004. This shows that there is growing demand for railway in the Indian transport market. Nevertheless, before Indian became sovereign, international contractors were tasked with the bulk of manufacturing and design of rolling stock and facilities. Indian railways operate within the core economic sector. This also has a fairly significant influence on the transport industry, but the technology alone is not enough. Automobiles were not effective in substituting railways as a means of historical transport, Bullock-carts, & waterway-network (inland). Railway investment as a proportion of overall infrastructure expenditure has dropped dramatically. Railway expenditure as proportion of

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transportation domain expense utilized around 52 percent in the 6th Plan (1990-95), but in the 10th Plan (2008-13) it has decreased to 40 per cent. Table 5 illustrates that railway-sector overall in GDP (%) growth has falled on Fiscal year 2013-14 Sectors 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Railways 1 1 1 0.9 0.8 Water 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 transport Services 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 incidental to transport Air transport 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

Road 4.7 4.6 4.8 4.9 5.0 Transport Overall 6.4 6.6 6.7 6.7 6.7 transport

Table 5 illustrates total Growth rate in the transportation system declined in fiscal year 2013-14. Thus, expenditure in the mining industry is needed for the development of the railway sector in GDP. Indeed, the everyday increasing population needs safe transport by train. The level of traffic in India is very large as per global standards, the high urbanization network is defined in several ways.

Fig 1 shows that the intensity of traffic can be comparable to many developing countries and demonstrates the enormous need of transport expenditure in India

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Comparing the intensity of traffic with international countries from Fig.1 it is shown that the intensity of traffic can be comparable to many developing countries and demonstrates the enormous need of transport expenditure in India. Public Private Partnership Evolution: The Indian government has confronted a major financial shortage over the last one decade. The central government's shortfall ended in 9 per cent of GDP. State spending was restricted by the Budget Act and fiscal accountability, so the government started to restrict state involvement and opened the door to new solutions for private sectors like FDI and PPP in infrastructure finance. Public Private Partnership Models in India: In developing countries the PPP models have gained greater acceptance. Commercial capital projects have been slowly growing. In India, it does not have any single usable PPP in the process of introducing PPP which can meet all the requirements and parameters. The models are used in relevant situations, such as socio-political, financial, and socio-cultural backgrounds. With many programs the State strongly supports PPP. The assessment process for the PPP projects has been simplified to ensure timely project review, reduce gaps, follow foreign best practices and establish continuity in recommendations for the system (See Table 6). Table 6 illustrates several types of PPP models in the developing countries Modified Design-Build agreements Contract design-build advantages in form of cost and times savings, effective risk-sharing & enhanced standard. - Compensation and fines related BOT (build-operate-transfer) Frameworks Many popular types of PPP framework utilized approximately two-thirds of PPP projects in India. - User-free BOT Framework: small to large energy and transportation PPP (airports, road & port). - Annuity –based BOT framework widely utilized in sector / projects not intended for recovery of costs such as industrial, metropolitan, safety & knowledge Performance-Based-Management/maintenance This approach contributes to increased contracts performance being promoted in a setting limited by economic capital supply. Sectors such as sewage, road protection of solid waste collection water source etc.

Public Private Partnership in Indian Railways:

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Governments around the world are focussing on innovative approaches to fund development investments in a dynamic global setting. Most of the world's leading countries use PPP as a positive tool for adding to their domestic economy. Effective transport by rail can be a major driver for economic growth and development. Railway PPP will offer investment incentives, increase operational performance and modernize infrastructure. Therefore, the large aspect associated with private sector involvement in IR is via the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) framework for economic development and productive investment. Since 2002, Indian railways have carried out 9 PPP projects composed of 5 Special reason conversion gauges & two New Line initiatives, and one purpose-built Company in collaboration with various clients performed four Gauge transformation strategies., and two pending New Line ventures are Krishnapatnam Railway Company Ltd. Participation in the private sector demonstrates that much reform is needed in the Indian rail sector. In fields such as catering, car owning, leasing and specific projects for rail services, IR made a variety of attempts to link private sectors. The priority areas include high-density network-investment in capacity construction, technical upgrade of infrastructure to boost performance , productivity and raise peak train speed, the usage of digital technology, increasing operational protection through removing over-age infrastructure through the Special Railway Safety Fund, mobilizing additional capital via public-private participation. IR has the policy of extracting resources to the fullest degree across PPP areas. Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance department has established railway projects that is partly or completely introduced along PPP road. 4. Results and discussion Public private partnership has been increasingly important as a means of addressing the growth of Indian railways. Currently the Indian Railway has no set statutory laws and regulations. It often changes the manner in which State governments operate. Some of the mentioned IR bottlenecks may be addressed in other points that are as follows: Institutional bottle necks: Several state-level PPP for solving the issue of road- blocks because of shortage of adequate enabling PPP legislation. The administrative issues might describe major procurement cost changes, programs that could contribute to lengthy delays and, in certain situations, project cancellations. Consequently, no simple route map for implementing PPP in IR is created. Organization bottlenecks: The new trend of Indian railways PPP is still not well known at the state level, both officially and privately. A PPP can only work where compliance on the part of the private parties to execute the contract is enforced by the government. Incompleteness of contract: The theoretical and methodological degrees of contractual incompleteness have been one of the key vulnerabilities found. The long life and difficulty of the

5349 PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020) bulk of PPP ventures may be abandoned. Political environment, pressure from corporate monopolies and dysfunctional relationship arrangements may be a justification to leave a project unfinished. Therefore Indian railway has the tremendous potential to alleviate poverty and build incentives for both investment and jobs, leading to the need for significant reforms in the Indian economy. 5. Conclusion Indian Railway has been through a constant modernization phase with some reasons triggering pause in this cycle although others assisting to grow. Earlier government policies certainly had toll over rail transport growth. Sadly, government policy FDI & Public Private Partnership PPP has prohibited Indian rail industry from connecting to international technologies. The British colonialism accelerated the growth of rail transport in India. Throughout the building of Indian Railway the private relationship has already been established. Even the national spending was not enough to lay train tracks to India as a whole. The State thus implemented a strategy to regroup the fragmented Indian railroad under the single control of the IR. This policy has been adopted by government to expand the railways and become significant mode of transport for the socio-economic development of a welfare society such as India. Policy of Govt. has made a change, promoted economic development and minimized deprivation by encouraging international private investment and involvement in all the infrastructure sectors. GOI therefore considers that PPP plays a substantial role as a tool to support investment and operational efficiency in private sector supply of public services and assets. References S. S. Nanda, “Infrastructure Development in India : the Role of Public-Private Partnership,” Int. J. Core Eng. &Management, 2015. . P. Narwal and E. A. Ahlawat, “The role of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Indian infrastructure development,” Acad. An Int. Multidiscip. Res. J., 2016. M. G. Sharma and S. M. Sharma, “Exemplar for PPP initiatives on Indian Railways,” Int. J. Procure. Manag., 2020. M. G. Sharma and S. M. Sharma, “Exemplar for PPP initiatives on Indian railways,” Int. J. Procure. Manag., 2020. R. Gangwar and G. Raghuram, “Framework for structuring public private partnerships in railways,” Case Stud. Transp. Policy, 2015. B. B. M. Keers and P. C. van Fenema, “Managing risks in public-private partnership formation projects,” Int. J. Proj. Manag., 2018. L. Velotti, A. Botti, and M. Vesci, “Public-Private Partnerships and Network Governance,” Public Perform. Manag. Rev., 2012. I. Demirag, I. Khadaroo, P. Stapleton, and C. Stevenson, “The diffusion of risks in public private partnership contracts,” Accounting, Audit. Account. J., 2012. S. Ismail and F. A. Harris, “Challenges in Implementing Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Malaysia,” Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci., 2014.

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