Church of Ireland Parish of Crosshaven Baptism Register 1877-1917

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Church of Ireland Parish of Crosshaven Baptism Register 1877-1917 Church of Ireland Parish of Crosshaven Baptism Register 1877-1917 Baptism date Birth date Name Fathers Name Mothers Name Surname Residence Occupation Comments 15/08/1877 02/07/1877 Ernest Francis William Francis William John Charlotte Jessie BARKER Camden Terrace, Crosshaven Captain R.A. 19/09/1877 22/08/1877 Margaret Louisa William Jane ASHTON Camden Fort Corporal H.M. 50th 27/10/1877 06/10/1877 Douglas Francis Hugh Edward Cullet Annie OSBORN Camden Terrace, Crosshaven Assistant Surveyor R.E.D, Private 31/10/1877 02/10/1877 Hannah James Charlotte Jessie HARVEY Fort Camden Sapper 18th Co. R.E. 19/12/1877 26/11/1877 William John William Rachel MURPHY Fort Camden Corporal H.M. 50th Regt 23/12/1877 04/12/1877 Elizabeth Mary George Elizabeth PALMER Whitegate, Co. Cork Corporal R.E. 01/01/1878 19/10/1877 John Robert Harriet LAKE Crosshaven Waterman 10/01/1878 09/11/1877 Mary Jane Thomas Margaret BRODERICK Crosshaven Constable R.I.C. 16/01/1878 30/12/1877 Elizabeth Anne William Elizabeth JOHNWOOD WILDING Crosshaven Private H.M. 50th Regt. 06.03.1878 17/02/1878 Amelia Thomas Charlotte Elizabeth DAUNT Myrtleville Gent. 04/03/1878 03/03/1878 George Hodder Thomas Anna Matilda HAYES Crosshaven House Gentleman Private 12/06/1878 02/06/1878 Frances Camfield John Selina SULLIVAN Bayview, Carrigaline Confidential servant 03/07/1878 31/07/1877 George Arthur John Clara WHALLEY Fort Camden Staff Sergt. R.E. 07/07/1878 10/06/1878 Margaret Anne Thomas Charlotte BOARDMAN Fort Camden Sergt 1/22 Regt 31/07/1878 01/06/1878 Mary Ellen Terence John Norah CONNELL Fort Camden Capt 1/22 Regt 01/12/1878 28/11/1878 Leah William Sarah Annie HOLME Fort Camden Sapper R.E. 11/12/1878 17/11/1878 William Thomas Thomas Emma Jane MEDWAY Fort Camden Sergt R.E. 22/02/1879 07/02/1879 Jane Thomas Charlotte Elizabeth DAUNT Myrtleville House Gent 09/04/1879 15/03/1879 Charles Patrick Robert Harriet LAKE Crosshaven Waterman 23/04/1879 07/04/1879 Richard Thomas Anna Matilda HAYES Crosshaven House Gentleman 23/04/1879 31/03/1879 Frank de Winton Samuel Thomas Elizabeth Edwards HARMAN Templebreedy Rectory Clerk in Holy Orders 10/05/1879 06/05/1879 Mary Samuel Thomas Mary DAUNT Myrtleville Carpenter Private 30/07/1879 10/07/1879 John Arthur Patrick John Arthur Clara WHALLEY Fort Camden Staff Sergt R.E. 20.02.1880 02/02/1880 Nina Elizabeth Bullen John Henry Sarah Jane DENNIS Crosshaven Waterman 09/04/1880 30/03/1880 John Bernard Thomas Charlotte Elizabeth DAUNT Myrtleville House Gent Private 16/04/1880 21/03/1880 Bessie Thomas Henry Bridget CAMPBELL Fort Camden Sergt R.E. 16/04/1880 03/04/1880 Percy James James Kate SPENCER Fort Camden Gunner R.A. 02/05/1880 30/04/1880 Louisa Aaron Selina ROGERS Crosshaven Coastguard Private 02/05/1880 30/04/1880 Aaron Aaron Selina ROGERS Crosshaven Coastguard Private 13/08/1880 29/06/1880 Arthur James George Janet Elizabeth PHILIPS Fort Camden Sergt Major R.E. 20/08/1880 21/07/1880 Anne Jason Fanny BIRD Seamount, Currabinny Farmer 17/09/1880 01/09/1880 William James Charlotte HARVEY Fort Camden Corpl R.E. 15/10/1880 22/09/1880 George Edmond Sarah BENTLEY Crosshaven Coastguard 01/01/1881 14/12/1880 Bessie Maud Thomas Charles Leslie Mercy MIDDLETON Crosshaven Corporal R.A. 06/01/1881 12/12/1880 Huntly Arthur Huntly Hill Mary Georgina WALSH Crosshaven Major R.M.L.I. 21/01/1881 `22/12/1880 Mary Anne Ellen William Mary Anne IVES Fort Camden Corpl R.A. 01/02/1881 01/02/1881 Eliza Jane Margaret Jonas SMYTH Gortnanoon Farmer Private 01/02/1881 01/02/1881 John Margaret Jonas SMYTH Gortnanoon Farmer Private 18/03/1881 16/10/1879 Emily Ellen Adolphem Frank Emily Harriet BINDEN Fort Camden 2nd Corporal R.E. 25/03/1881 27/12/1859 Cornelius Jack Mary STEVENTON Fort Camden himself a Gunner R.A. adult baptism 06/05/1881 01/04/1881 John Abner John Maryanne GODDARD Fort Camden Barrack Sergeant 13/05/1881 29/04/1881 Emily George Bessie PALMER Crosshaven Corporal R.E. 17/07/1881 02/07/1881 Percy Fleming Wesley Robert Lauder Hannah Hickson HILL Crosshaven Accountant 29/07/1881 17/05/1881 Ernest Alexander Fanny M'ADAM Crosshaven Sapper R.E. 19/08/1881 25/07/1881 Arthur Ernest James William Ellen BRIDLE Crosshaven Chief Officer Coastguard 02/09/1881 05/07/1881 Edward Harwood James Frances Annie BACON Fort Camden Sergt R.M. 16/09/1881 09/08/1881 Jane Thomas William Jane CLARKE Fort Camden Master Gunner Private `16/09/1881 21/08/1881 Judith Elizabeth John Becher Fanny Louisa ORMSBY Currabinny Major R.A. 18/10/1881 05/10/1881 Norah Edward Elizabeth RILEY Crosshaven Hill Private H.M.L.I. Private Page 1 of 8 Church of Ireland Parish of Crosshaven Baptism Register 1877-1917 Baptism date Birth date Name Fathers Name Mothers Name Surname Residence Occupation Comments 25/11/1881 24/09/1881 Margaret Joseph Elizabeth BIRCH Fort Camden Gunner 11th Brigade R.A. 25/11/1881 15/10/1881 Albert Lewis Lewis Anne ELLIS Fort Camden Gunner 11th Brigade R.A. 23/12/1881 21/05/1881 Nellie Louisa Charlotte Walter Sarah BUCHANAN Fort Camden Sapper R.E. 30/12/1881 08/12/1881 Daniel William Elizabeth MCDONALD Crosshaven Chief Boatmas C.G. 30/12/1881 18/11/1881 Lucy Thomas Norman Mary LEWIS Crosshaven Boatman C.G. 05/01/1882 09/12/1881 Susan Rebecca Robert Harriet LAKE Crosshaven Waterman 05/01/1882 25/11/1881 Allan Nelson MacInnes John Allan Eliza Anne ROBERTSON Crosshaven Staff Surgeon R.N. 24/02/1882 01/01/1882 David John John Emily DOVE Fort Camden Gunner R.A. 27/02/1882 26/02/1882 Lavinia Jane John Henry Sarah Jane DENNIS Crosshaven Waterman Private Buried 21 March 1884 27/02/1882 27/02/1882 Olivia Sarah John Henry Sarah Jane DENNIS Crosshaven Waterman Private 01/03/1882 09/02/1882 Thomas William Thomas Francis Charlotte Elizabeth DAUNT Myrtleville House Gent. Private 04/03/1882 29/09/1881 Emily Robert Emily MAGINNES Fort Camden Sergt R.A. 28/04/1882 06/03/1882 Lucy Margaret Aaron Selina ROGERS Crosshaven Coastguard Private Buried 21 March 1884 28/04/1882 07/04/1882 Thomas Jason Fanny BIRD Seamount, Currabinny Farmer 21/07/1882 29/06/1882 Robert Harnett Thomas Anna Matilda HAYES Crosshaven House Gentleman 26/09/1882 26/09/1882 Martha Samuel Thomas Mary DAUNT Myrtleville Carpenter Private 29/09/1882 29/08/1882 Joseph Clement Thomas William Jane CLARKE Fort Camden Master Gunner 29/09/1882 27/08/1882 Leonie Ruth Thomas de lae Haye Frances Isabella BROTHERTON Marine Villa, Crosshaven Lieut. R.E. 13/10/1882 26/09/1882 Henry Arthur Jonas Margaret SMYTH Gortnanoon Farmer 28/10/1882 24/10/1882 John William Selina CARR Gortnanoon Farm labourer Private 17.11.1882 25.10.1882 Alfred Edmond Sarah BENTLEY Crosshaven Coastguard 01/12/1882 06/11/1882 Ethel James Emily CHALMERS Fort Camden Sergent Major R.E. 22.12.1882 07/12/1882 Catherine Matthew Caroline COSGROVE Fort Camden Sapper R.E. 16.2.1883 14.1.1883 Susan Frances Kathleen James Clifford Lydia PARKER Fort Camden Bombardier R.A. 15.3.1883 25.1.1883 Eleanor Camden Henry Letitia PULLEN Fort Camden Co. Sergt 2nd Worcestershire Regiment 13.4.1883 16.3.1883 Mary Laque Joseph Eliza BLUETT Crosshaven Coastguard 10.8.1883 18.7.1883 Ellen Thomas Mary Jane CARTON Crosshaven Constable RIC 07.09.1883 31.7.1883 Arthur William Robert Harriet LAKE Crosshaven Waterman 23.11.1883 09.10.1883 Henry Charles Henry Rosina OLIVER Fort Camden Gunner R.A. 14.12.1883 20.11.1883 Thomas George Thomas William Jane CLARKE Fort Camden Master Gunner Private 14.12.1883 20.11.1883 Ellen Thomas William Jane CLARKE Fort Camden Master Gunner Private ??.01.1884 ??.01.1884 Elizabeth Jason Fanny BIRD Currabinny Farmer 15.03.1884 03.03.1884 Jane Thomas Francis Charlotte Elizabeth DAUNT Myrtleville House Gent. Private 04.07.1884 02.06.1884 Annie Mary Forde John Rebecca BURKE Fort Camden Private 2nd Oxfordshire Lt. Infantry 11.07.1884 14.06.1884 Annie Elizabeth Thomas Norman Mary LEWIS Crosshaven Boatman C.G. 27/07/1884 01/07/1884 Annie Josephine Joseph Eliza BLUETT Crosshaven Boatman C.G. 08/08/1884 23/07/1884 Lydia Thomas Ana Matilda HAYES Crosshaven House Gentleman 08/08/1884 03/06/1884 Olivia Mary John Henry Sarah Jane DENNIS Crosshaven Waterman 08/08/1884 12/06/1883 Minnie John Lavinia BATCHELOR Crosshaven Bombardier R.A. 31/08/1884 12/08/1884 Walter William Alice GRANT Fort Camden Corporal R.E. 19/09/1884 16/07/1884 William Jonas Margaret SMYTH Gortnanoon Farmer 03/10/1884 09/09/1884 George Richard Henry Rosina OLIVER Fort Camden Gunner R.A. 22/01/1885 27/12/1884 Annie Maria Thomas William Jane CLARKE Fort Camden Master Gunner 14/02/1885 09/01/1885 Samuel Coe Thomas Mary Jane CARTON Crosshaven Sergt RIC 18/02/1885 16/12/1884 Beatrice Annie John Lavinia BATCHELOR Fort Camden Bombardier R.A. 18/02/1885 29/12/1884 Samuel Richard Robert Harriet LAKE Crosshaven Waterman 13/03/1885 11/02/1885 Kathleen Dora James Emily CHALMERS Fort Camden Sergeant Major R.E. 10/04/1885 18/02/1885 William Croul Aaron Selina ROGERS Crosshaven Coastguard 15/05/1885 10/04/1885 Mary Elizabeth John Sarah GOOD Upper Fountainstown Farmer Page 2 of 8 Church of Ireland Parish of Crosshaven Baptism Register 1877-1917 Baptism date Birth date Name Fathers Name Mothers Name Surname Residence Occupation Comments 15/05/1885 13/05/1885 Arthur Samuel Mary DAUNT Myrtleville Carpenter 07/08/1885 20/07/1885 Henry William William Selina CARR Gortnanoon Farm labourer 28/08/1885 06/08/1885 Walter Victor Jonas Margaret SMYTH Gortnanoon Farmer 11/09/1885 01/09/1885 Percy Charles William John Kate Eliza TRILBY Fort Camden Sergt R.E.
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