SJB Planning Planning Scheme Amendment Assessment Report North Road, Ormond Development August 2016 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 6 2.0 The Subject Site and its Context 7 2.1 The subject site 7 2.2 The surrounding area 9 2.2.1 Land to the North 9 2.2.2 Land to the East 9 2.2.3 Land to the South 9 2.2.4 Land to the West 10 2.2.5 The suburb of Ormond 10 2.3 Opportunities and Constraints 11 3.0 Planning Controls 13 3.1 Existing zoning 13 3.2 Existing Parking Overlay 15 3.3 Existing Heritage Overlay 16 4.0 The Draft Planning Scheme Amendment 18 4.1 What the draft planning scheme amendment does 18 4.2 What is the appropriate planning mechanism to provide for the requested variations? 19 4.3 Which Scheme provisions require variation? 22 5.0 Strategic considerations 23 5.1 Why is the draft planning scheme amendment required? 23 5.1.1 Background Information – Scheme Amendment GC30 23 5.1.2 Draft planning scheme amendment 23 5.2 How does the draft planning scheme amendment implement the objectives of planning in Victoria? 24 5.3 Does the draft planning scheme amendment address potential environmental, social, and economic effects? 24 5.3.1 Environmental Effects 24 5.3.2 Economic Effects 25 5.3.3 Social Effects 25 Existing population demographics 25 Forecast population growth 27 Existing community facilities 27 Capacity of existing facilities and planned improvements 28 5.4 Does the draft planning scheme amendment address relevant Bushfire risk? 31 L1/80 Dorcas St, Southbank
[email protected] T 61 3 8648 3500 Melbourne VIC 3006 F 61 3 8648 3599 SJB Planning Pty Ltd ACN 007 427 554 Table of Contents 5.5 Does the draft planning scheme amendment comply with relevant Minister’s Directions applicable to the amendment? 32 5.5.1 Ministerial Direction on the Form and Content of Planning Schemes 32 5.5.2 Ministerial Direction No.