Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-04-15
.IATS. rATS. rt' .laa,.. TI 'Is, .. ,h ZI ••• .u 'lo ..a,1o P'~ ••• ,.... .aOCI88&D rooDS. It, .. ....,.. CI 'It ...,.. XI .all.. IUGAa. be... '00' .t.mp sa ••11. ,., lin p.aD". 8HOE8, ...... lb •••• Cloudy • Ia.. ,. I. I •••• I ••' 1.'eflal•• I,. GA80LINE. 1$." eup••• I ••• lor ,.., ,.110 .. aD. 8-8. B-7. C-8 a.d C-l ..II. lor fl.. I.n.... rUEl. OIL. p.,I.. • •• IOWA; Cloudy and rather '.. r.... fl.. c...... •..•. .... 'aat ,.ur'. ,.rI .. THE DAILY IOWAN c:ool. 'n .... ,I •• I .... Iowa City', Morning Uewspaper Pello ~0Jn. FIVE CENTS .... ANOCIA-rU ..... IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY. APRIL 15. 1945 VOLUME XXI NUMBER 172 a, Of 'itten I bee 1 the • • I es rom Ines Jl M. MIt I Ninth Nabs 'Gray Fox'- ABRAHAM LINCOLN, 1865-FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT, 1945 sent_ Nazis Open !d in Nation Pays Von Papen Uni Last Tribute Arlillery BI.asl' d in PARIS (AP)-Franz von Papen, "I wish this war were over." ry of the gray fox of Nazi diplomacy "So do eleven million other " the and a notorious international fig ghter ·To guys." replied Sergt. High G. FI'ed Againsl Ninth Roosevelt u~e si nce he W!\li kicked out of the erick as he led away the man who United States in 1915. was cap her has been named in countless un. Simple Ceremonies tured in the Ruhr pocket by the United States Ninth army April 11. contirmed rumors as a would-be Tank Divisions Lock German Commentator peace negotiator. Held in White House allied headqua~ters disclosed last 1'-38 night.
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