Property of the Watertown Historical Society

The watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWa+ertown - Oakville TOWN Weekly TIMES Vol. "12, No. 574 Subscription Price, $3.75 Per Y Single Copy, 10 Cents November 27, 1958 George Fielding Eliot; Harry Schwartz Calendar of Events November 27 — C o m, m,u n i t y Town Meeting On $7,674 For Thanksgiving Service, 10 a.m., First Congregational •Church. Will Discuss Foreign Policy December 3 November ,29 — Reunion, WHS. Class of 1938. Copper Kettle, .'Two experts in the field of for- J Waterbury. Echo Lake Break Damage eign, affairs will 'discuss a current [ December 1 — Special Town, A special ,to\ n meeting' will be the Yaremich Estate on, French phase of American foreign policy.- I Meeting, • Town Hall, 8 p.m. See- held on Dec, 1 at 8 p.m. in 'the St. The meeting will also act: on in the second of this, season's Article. Town Hall to act. on the appro- the acceptance of Ellen Kay programs sponsored by Discus- December 6 — Democratic Vic- priation of funds for work and, re- Drive, Woodpark Drive and Sun- sions, Inc to be held. December 3 tory Dinner, V.F.W. Hall, 8 pairs on French St. and the brook crest Drive as public highways. at 8:30 p.m. in Gorton Swift Jun- p.m., necessitated by the break in the ior High. School, George Fielding The total amount of the expend- December 10 and 11 — One Act Echo Lake dam., and a ' proposal itures for the damages resulting Eliot and Harry Schwartz;, will be Play and Gay Nineties Revue the participants in the discussion. authorizing the Board of Select- from the flash flood is $7,674 sponsored by W.T.A. for benefit men to sell a. part of the 'real which Includes $4 ,,824 for con- Major George Fielding Eliot, of Scholarship Fund... Junior estate acquired by the Town from struction of the original wails on, U. S. Army fret,), is one of High, § p.m. French St. where the road was America's 'most influential mili- December 12 — American Legion washed out, $650 for dredging the - tary analysts. " Dr. Ha r r y "Old Timers Nite". Schwartz, his colleague for the brook between Echo Lake and, evening, has been for many years December 12 and 13 — Town Over 5000 Attend Steeie Brook; .$300 for engineer- the New York Times" expert on Players production, of "Bus ing plans to remedy the two Soviet political and economic is- Stop", Town Hall. French St.. walls that moved; $300 sues, By inviting both these qual- Opening Of First for excavation work; 1,900 for Post Offices Closed buttressing the shifted walls- ified, analysts for this one pro- It is proposed that this money gram, Discussions, Inc.. hopes to Local postmasters have an- Bank in Oakville be taken from the Capital. Reserve be able to present to its member- nounced that both, the Watertown More than 5.000 adults and Fund. ship a first-hand, view of United, and Oakville 'post offices will -be children attended the Open House States-Soviet relations from the closed, Thursday, Thanksgiv- celebration, of the first bank to The proposal to sell a part, of .men who know most about it. Al- ing Day, be established in. the Oakville the Yaremich property covers an though the program will center There will be no deliveries of around "The Soviet- Challenge", district, the Waterbury Savings O'id frame house and barn, with an, the exact discussion area for the mail and no window service but, Bank branch on Main St. corner acre of land. The Selectmen pre- evening will not be decided by 'the lobbies will be open unti noon for Davis St., on November 2. In- viously decided to sell this por- Maj. George Fielding Eliot, the convenience of boxholders. terest in this event was revealed tion of the tract which contains a participants until the last minute, when a line of persons extending total of more than 20 acres, as it in order that it may be of the Major Eliot began his career in, from, the bank's entrance to the would be expensive to maintain it most: current interest.' military affairs in 1914 as a. South School assembled before and is of no value to the town. member of the Australian Imper- Collection Stations the opening hour at 9 a.m. Sat- Selectman Joseph Mas I, at the ial Force in the Dardanelles. Re- urday, turning .after the war to his native [• selectmen's meeting 'Monday, said Reported Sale land, he was commissioned a sec- Established For Present at the ribbon-cutting that he had changed his view on. ond lieutenant ' in, the Missouri ceremonies were Fist Selectman selling the building since "the National. Guard,' and by 1930 had G. Wiirnont Hunger ford. Edwin ! property is close to the Main St. Price Of ^utoyre attained the rank of major 'in the Hospital Gift Drive C. Northrop, Waterbury Savings andWt would be foolish to get rid bank board, of directors chair- of any part." He suggested that U. S. Army Military Intelligence The Watertown Mental Health, Bldgs. $485,000 Reserve. He was appointed mili- man, and ..Robert H. Hall, mana- the house and barn could be' torn tary and naval correspondent by Volunteer Committee announced ger of the Oakville office. . down. Selectmen Hungerford and this week . that collection, stations Bavone said that it will require a If was indicated this week that the N. Y. Herald Tribune shortly Mr. Northrop said at the cerT- the buildings of the former before the outbreak of the Second will be set up in- Watertown and monies. "Thf* Oakville office o •vote of the town meeting In, order Autoyre plant were recently1 sold, World, War, and soon thereafter Oakville at several locations "to Waterbury Savings will provide to remove the two structures. by Ecko Products of Chicago, won, his present - recognition as an gifts for the patients at the Fair- comolete mutual savings bank owner, to the Sealy Mattress Co. astute and- challenging military •field State Hospital. service " to Oakville residents and its subsidiary, the York •analyst,. In -the'past twenty years. Mrs,. Ackley Shove, Jr..and Mi- with added convenience. Water- Coin m u n i t y 'Than k sg i v i n g Lounge Co, of Waterbury for Major •Eliot has also published, chael PiPri.rn.lo, co-chairmen of the bury Savinsrs has been serving $485,000. 'This report', however, nine books, His most recent: book, Christmas Gift Drive, announced many Oakville residents and our Service At 10 a.m. could not be confirmed. The new VICTORY WITHOUT WAR, 1951- new office will be pi ore access- 1958:,,, was' published only a, few the following locations ?s 'Collec- ible, makiner it 'possible for the purchaser has placed a deposit on tion, stations for the gifts: In The five local Protestant the buildings with Ecko in Chi- months, ago, and has been, the cen- bank to serve 1 many more Oak- •: Churches will! .loin for the annual cago and final negotiations are ter of considerable interest. Watertown — Compbell's Mar- ville rp-sirient'S-* ' Community -Thanksgiving Service scheduled, to be completed next ket, 1,79 Main Street; George's (Continued on Page 14) which will be held on Thursday, month. ,,- Dr. Harry Schwartz acquired, Market, 686 Main; Pik-Kwik, Nov.. .27', at 10 a.m.. 'in the First 'The plant was vacated, in 1956 the background for his present po- Park; Post Office Congregational Church. The Rev. and Ecko put the buildings with sition at Columbia University, Drug Store, 55 De Forest Street; Jackson, W. Foley of Christ Church thelf 200,000 square feet of where he took his B.A., M.A., and. Sullivan's Pharmacy, 453 Cast Is Announced will preach 'the sermon and music floor space on the market for and PhD... He was formerly Pro- Main Street. will 'be furnished, by the Fellow- $1,200,000. There were several fessor of Economics at Syracuse Fur Benefit Show ship Chorus, of the Congregationa- efforts by various Industries in University, and has served as a. In Oakville — Village Package al Church with Mrs. .Irving Akins the Naugatuek Valley area to pur- faculty member at Columbia, Store, 413 .Main Street; the Food at the organ. chase Individual building units of Brooklyn College, .New York Uni- Liner, 170 Main Street; and the By Teacher Group the plant and one industry made versity, and American, University. Falls Avenue Package Store 232' Member* of the cast were an-1 an offer' of $500,000 at the time. Dr. Schwartz has been writing Falls Avenue. nnunced this week for a pla\ and All of 'these proposals were about Soviet affairs for the New Mrs. Shove and Mr. DiPrimio re.ue to be staged b\ the Wator- Claim $17,500 For turned down by Ecko, York Times since 1947. He reads 35 Russian newspapers and are being assisted bl. a committee tn\vn Teachers Association for During this past year, the own- magazines .regularly, '' which he which consists of Mrs, Patrick. the benefit of the organization'? er was reported to have dropped uses as a basis' for his penetrat- Cassidy, Mrs. John Cassid> Jr | scholarship fund ' Blast Damage To the asking price to $750,000. ing columns and editorials, The Mrs. Harold Rich, Mrs. Clavton The one-act play " If Men However,. there were no takers at author of 'many books and. articles Towle and. Mrs, Hollis Wh.ilman Plaved Eridee As Women Do" Fish, Pond & Home this offer and, the company sched- dealing 'with the Soviet Union, Dr. and a "Gav Nineties Revue" will uled an. auction, .of the property on I : Mrs. William D. Starr, chair- be preserved on Perember 10 Schwartz wrote the standard text man of the local Mental, Health Dec. 2, The acceptance of the j on the Soviet economy now used and 11 at 8 pm at Swift Junior Albert Daddona, and Domenic Sealy-'York purchase offer elimin- Volunteer ••Committee, noted that Hifi:h School and Josephine Mango are seeking ates the auction sale.,- * (Continued on Page 14) the Christmas Gift Program is Thp Gav NineMes Re\ue wil' be a total of 517,000 from, Watertown now in its fourteenth ..year of dir°cted bv Carl Richmond and and Oscar F. Warner, landscap- "cheering the holiday for hundreds T=ahella Row ell of the Hi«h ing firm, for damages which they of mentally sick people," School Staff There will be a claim were caused by the dyna- Cost To Fortify Leaning Walls Put Suggested gifts -include any type number of specialty acts plus a miting of Echo 'Lake almost one short melodrama. Apoearing in year ago, acocrding to' papers of article which, some person can served on, the Board of .Select- 'mploy usefully or pleasurably. ••he melodrama 'will be Janet Marshall. Pat Piscopo, and Bert men. The blasting was done by On 80-20 Basis Subject To Town Vote Some suggested gifts for the 1,300 AJdrich of the Swift staff and Re- the Warner Company that had, men patients at. the Fairfield Hos- becca French of 'the Polk: School. been engaged, by the Town to emp- An arrangement has been, pro- and, 'the sub-contractor, McCleary pital are wallets, pipes and. smok- staff. ty the lake in preparation, or re- posed- whereby the Town would Bros, who assumed responsibility ing tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, moval of silt and dredging. pay about .80 percent of the cost Eilleen Craig ' of Polk School for the condition of the' walls at ne ckties, ac arves „ swea ters, (Continued on Page Fourteen) Mr. Daddona claims that he had, to remedy defects which appeared a meeting with ;' 'the Board of Se- (Continued on Page 12) two large fish ponds which were in the two new 30 foot walls built lectmen and 'the: Board of Fmance supplied by water from. Echo on 'French St. in connection with last Friday, Lake. He" charges that when the the recent repairs of the section 'This arrangement is subject to Junior High School Overcrowded landscape 'Contractor exploded 'the demolished by the Echo Lake the town meeting action on Dec. silt the' released water and silt flash flood.. "" The remaining 20 1 when an appropriation will be destroyed, a large number of 3 percent of the cost would be borne voted to cover the cost of repair- May Have To Go On Double Sessions year old trout. 8 inch, brook trout, by the contractor, Zappone Bros., Ing damages from, the Echo Lake 'There is a strong orobabinn | school would not onlv relieve the bullheads bass, shiners, perch, break In the dam. that the Swift Junior High School overcrowded condition at the pre- roaches etc. in his ponds. He Sam McCleary explained to the will be put on double sessions I sent high school and eliminate the claims it was necessary to re- Crooks Abandon A officials, "I guess the walls went next fall, it was learned this double sessions there but would move the destroyed fish .and re- because they were back-filled 4 or week. Superintendent of Schools also make available the present establish the pond, and that his Stolen Automobile 5 days ^ after ;they were done. Joseph B. Porter made the an- high school building for use as a' damages amount to $10,000. a, The_ failure occurred near the nounoementafter conferring thi= second junior his;h school Domenic and Josephine Mango footings. week with junior High Principal The enrollment- this vear at the claim that the explosion on Dec. Sumner Libbey. uinior hi^h cchool is 2-fS in the 3 1957 cracked plaster, chipped. In Unlikely Place Ellsworth Candee, finflhce 7th Fiadp :i<) in the 3th oade the stucco, destroyed the paint Two robbers who had, beaten and, board chairman, asked, "Were """We examined the enrollment any ties used between, the walls icures and. tried various combin- and 212 in the 1th grade making and cracked the foundation of his robbed a, local man and then stole ations to avoid it. but it apoeai -* d total of 667 puoils The ra*od j home besides splattering it with, his car for their escape, posed a, before back-filling'?" Mr. McCleary replied, "No. that double sessions is the onh capacitv of the school is 600 and j mud It was further claimed that real teaser for local police when sol 11 ti on."' the s u ner in tp n d en t extra classroom snace was ob- Mrs Mango sustained nervous they abandoned the stolen vehicle though it is' customary to do so. said. The Board of Education has tained b\ usina; basement areas shock from the suddenness and directly in front of the home of We probably tried, to complete the not yet vo*ed on the matter, he re- for home economics and industri- force of the explosion which pre- Police Sergeant Patrick Butler work and get. the street: open too norted. An enrollment of over al art classes. ' vented her from properly eating where it was recovered Monday fast.. The usual practice is to 783 students is anticipated for the The Watertown High School and sleeping for a long time. 'The morning. wait 28 days before back-filling. junior hie;h school next: school which has been on double sessions Mango's are claiming $7,500 for Domenic Pavone, 40, of West But there's a lot: of harrassment year which is 189 above the rated the past two years also faces a •damages. Road, told local police that he'"had in. that ~area and there was a lot capacity of the school. further increase in the school The plaintiff's have retained just arrived . home at about 11 of pressure on us to do it as fast Asked whether a new '' hie;h population there. The school has Michael V. Mansfield for their p.m. Sunday night and was enter- as we could. We Intended to do school would relieve the situation. a rated capacity of- 300 students counsellor. First Selectman, G. ing his home .after putting his car as good, a job as 'possible." Su'pt. Porter replied that .it is the and now has an enrollment of 4:50'. Wilmont Hungerford said that the in, the garage when he was at- The :two -contractors had previ- only solution, since under the plan It Is expected that there will be town, is covered by .insurance for tached by two .men wearing black, ously Informed the Selectmen that of the school authorities the con- over- 500 students next' September damage resulting from Echo (Continued on Page 14) (Continued' on. Page 14) struction of 'the proposed, new high. •entering the high school. Lake. PAGE 2 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.). NOV. 27, 1958 1 p. m. Mrs. Medina, is the for- Bank's Final Art Slow Open House For mer Loretta Liner. 'The Liners The final showing of art work have one grandchild, Elaine Bre- Polytechnic Institute, Troy, by the Waterbury Savings Bank, Property of the Watertown Historicalnan, who will, also be present Society. Rev. Will am Starr N. Y., will'" spend, the Thanks- Golden Wedding includes five oil paintings by Mrs. giving holiday with* their parents, Virginia Murray, ©f North, Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Erich Laue. bury. Bank officials noted that Is Guest Preacher Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Liner, extensive alterations of the bank's Lake Winnemaug .Road, will ob- Mrs. Covell Speaks Savings Street section, .are under- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgserve their fiftieth wedding: an- way and art displays will, have- to At Christ Church Mr. and Mrs. Frederick " Salis- niversary - November 26 th ^with be discontinued until they are bury of Candee Hill Rd. are •an open house at the home of December 4th At completed. It was noted that the vacationing in. Florida. their daughter and son-in-law, Bank P'.|ans to continue 'the dis- Mr. and Mrs. Roland. Medina, ChristmasLuncheon plays as soon as conditicis Mr. and Mrs. Earl Garthwait. Lake Winnemaug, from 5 to 9 permit. Beach Acres, -are vacationing for • Mrs. Murray has exhibited in two weeks in Florida. Mrs. Warren, E. Covell, of 'the Joseph, W. Valentine, Sunny .United Church Women of Connec- .New York, New Haven and .Bos- lane, has returned from the ton, as well as at •Brookfield Gal- Mr.".. and Mrs. Benjamin H. ticut, will, be the speaker Decem- World Congress of 'the Junior ber 4 at. the Christ Church lery in Brookfield, where her Lynn, Bunker Hill Rd., will, en- Chamber International . held. ~re- one-man, show was held recently. tertain on Thanksgiving Day Mr. Woman's Auxiliary Christmas j, cenly in. Minnteapolis, Minn. Re- Luncheon. Her work was a first-prize win- and Mrs. August Erling and presentatives from. 52 nations at- ner at a show in. 'the Mattatuclc children, Eva, Kenneth and Gar- The event will begirt at 11:45 tended the five day congress. Mr. a.m. with Holy Communion,. fol- Museum,. den of Bristol; Mr. and Mrs. Valentine is international director Raymond. Blum. and. children, lowed by the luncheon and Mrs. for the Junior 'Cham- Southbury Training School. The j Gerianne and Steven, and Mr. ber of Commerce. Covell's talk. i and. Mrs.. Edwin Toogood and .Mrs. Covell will describe the gifts " may be for children, or •• children, Carol, and Douglas of "ministry to children" in schools adults, but should, be clearly ! Sandbank Rd. Mrs. Arthur .C, Thomas, Hol- and hospitals for blind, crippled marked, so • that personnel -at the low Road, has 'returned to her or retarded children, and will school will know the contents Mr. and, Mrs. John F. Q'Hern, home .after a stay at ..the Water- show, slides about this work. without unwrapping 'them. of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., visited bury Hospital, as a, surgical- pat- Members of the Woman's Aux- Mrs. Raymond Bruuker is Gen- their son, and daughter-in-law ient. iliary will bring gifts for the eral Chairman of the luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. John F. O'Hern.Jr. of Stanley Place this week-end. Miss Judith Manning, a senior student at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, N, H., will spend the Thanksgiving holiday NEW HOUSEWARES WILL DRESS UP I with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. The Rev. William F. Starr, son {E. Morgan Manning, Belden St. of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Starr, -Bench Avenue, will, be the guest ! Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Ash- YOUR TABLE AND KITCHEN preacher Sunday at Christ Church j worth. 'WoQd.bu.ry Rd.. spent: the here. The Rev. Starr, who was < week-end with their son daughter recently ordained to the Diacon- , in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. ate of the Episcopal Church, is !; Ashworth, Bronxville, N. Y. FOR presently serving as assistant to the Rector of Trinity Church, Hart- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lynn of ford. Straits Turnpike are spending He will also be present to assist the holiday with Mrs. Lynn's at the Advent Corporate Commun- brother-in-law and, sister,' Mr. ion for men, and, boys of the church and Mrs. James Strockbine, New at 8 a.m., and, will, be the speaker Hampton, N.H. at the breakfast, following the service. Commenting on the guest Miss Joan, David, a freshman at. preacher, the Rev. Jackson W. Westbrook Junior College, Port- Foley, Rector of Christ Church, land, Maine, will spend the AND OTHER HOLIDAYS JUST AHEAD!! staled, "it is not often, that a church j Thanksgiving holiday with her has the joy of seeing one of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert young men enter the sacred min- Davis,, Street. MEASURING CUPS AND BOWLS istry. It is an honor to have Bill come back home on this First, PANS OF ALL KINDS " PYREX - ALUMINUM WARE Gilman T. Freeman, Porter St., Sunday in Advent." bagged, a nine point, 200 pound ENAMELWARE ROASTERS buck on a, hunting trip to Shrews- bury, Vermont. TIERED CAKE PAN SETS CANISTER SETS Comings & Goings Miss Eleanor Paskevicz of Wil- MEAD BOIES lEYEREWARE Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lovett-Jam- 1 son. Tall School, will, entertain der St. and Miss, Joanne Manning ' KITCHEN UTENSILS BASTERS LADLES STRAINERS their niece. Miss Re id a Ann, Ran- of Belden St., are listed for sec- kin, a student at Charles Ellis ond honors in the honor list for the first, quarter at Post Junior MIXERS ELECTRIC IRONS School, 'Newtown Square, Pa , College, Waterbury. during the Thanksgiving holiday. ELECTRIC COFFEE PERCOLATORS

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Starr • F L O W E R S • HOT PLATES.. — SHELF' LINING ' of Beach Ave, spent the week-end, FOR EVERY OCCASION 'GLASSES — CUTLERY — CARVING SETS' in Hull, Mass., as guests of Mr. — F r-e e Oelive r y — and, Mrs. Thayer Baldwin.,: for- .ANNETTE'S FLOWER SHOP mer residents of * Water town. Old Colonial Road —- Oakville 'They attended the Yale-Harvard TEL. CR 4-2770 football game in, Cambridge on (Launer and Annette Thibault) "Saturday. Mrs. Starr attended the college work conference un- der the auspices of the Episcopal KAY'S HARDWARE Ministry at Yale on Nov. '20. She JOHN G. O'NEILL is the college work chairman of MAIN STREET1 — WATERTOWN — CR 4-1038 I ho Woman's Auxiliary of Christ. Church. FUNERAL HOME PHONE CRestwood 4-3009 OPEN EVENINGS 742 Main St., Oakvtlle Jack Staver, senior at the Uni- versity of Connecticut, Storrs, is spending the holiday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, John Sta- ^g 1II1111IIII1 111 11 III II11111111111 III 1II11111 111 111111111111 fill 1111111111111111111H11111 III 11 ii 1111II111 III I If 111111 i» 1111111111II111 if I Itl III 111U11111II 111 1111111 111 111111 111 11111111111II li 1^ ver of Middlebury Rd. He is a member of the U Conn soccer team which has enjoyed an al- most perfect: season with* a re- NOTHING LASTS LSKE QUALITY cord, of ten, wins and a, single loss. The team, is be:>ni* consid- ...that's why we iiru/ iQCQ ered for national ranking. urge^ you to see JVC ff I # J j •Mr. and Mrs. John C. Crich. Colonial Street, are planning to spend the holiday at Sturbridge 'Village, Mass. 'Both Mr. and Mrs. Crich received ribbons from, the State Fair at Dallas,, ruff-.- Texas, and the Eastern States. LONGER T Exposition at West Springfield," HEADACHES Americas No.l Quality T¥ Mass., in, recent weeks. 'They SERVICE received the awards for Mrs. NO PRINTED CIRCUITS-iii tire 'Crich "s antique style netting, and Mr. Crich,"s fancy beadwork. H ANDCR-AFf £Q- "CHASSIS"'" *',.

Mis» Helen Stearns, daughter ssz of Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. j ~s ns Stearns, Taft School, is a mem-j1~ ..<««,«« mr ber of the freshmen, field hockey j as team at. Smith College. North- i rss hamton. Mass, She will spend | iss: the 'Thanksgiving holiday with her parents. ZENITH QUALITY TV $ 95 Atty and Mrs. Sherman R. Sla-, vin of Straits Turnpike will i AS LOW AS entertain Mrs. Slav in "s mother, Mrs. John B. Woodbury, and sis-! 189 ter, Mrs. John, Wood, of South i t> •te Portland, Maine, for the holiaay ,^= week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Erich Laue of Expert, Prompt, Economical REPAID SERVICE On All Hakes of IV. Plungis are leaving for Mainz, Germany on Dec. 6 by plane. Jsas They will attend to wedding of , == their daughter, Miss Eva Laue to I:— Dr. Ehrhardt Kamlah on Christ- ~ ntns Day and plan to return home ^*^ HILDEBRAND'S RADIO & TV for New Year's. Miss Barbara i :^E 1 |1JL*J "KJ AI kl 'Laue, a, student at the School of ~ IUOJ HI AIR CR 4-48 14 WATERTOWN' = nursing, Boston, University, and Peter, a student at Rensselaer iilllllllillllllllU Men Are Added To Rock, Mrs. Joseph Quinn, 'Mrs. 'TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN,.), NOV., 27, 1958 — PAGE 3 Miss Mary Waddle James Hosting, j. William Bask- Civil Defense Staff ing,, George Dietz, and, Walter Federal Lodge To Hold "Catholic Women Meet Property of the WatertownThompson. Historical SocietyThe December meetin g of the Ten new officials were made Annual Meeting Dec. 1 To Hold Meetings Also participating from, the Council of Catholic Women will part or the local Civil Defense Federal Lodge No. 17 will meet organization Saturday at a finger- Youth Groups will be Robert. Post, be held in, St. John's School at 8 On News Reading Lucinda 'Tracy, Margo Hart, Shar- on Dec. 1 at Masonic Hall at 7-30 p.m. Monday Night. There will printing and swear ing-in cere- p.m., for the election of officers, mony held at Town Hall on Tracy,- Nancy Korngiebel, Larry be a special program for the so- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgMenard and, Roberta, Kenneson. and, reports from, the officers and cial hour, and, the officers of the Sworn in as members of the committees. A, pot-luck suj per Civil Defense organization were These visitors will receive their group announced..the hope that a preliminary instructions on Nov- will be served at 6:30 p.m. The good attendance would be present. Christopher Dundas, religious annual meeting will follow at 7:30 "senices, Edward A Reit, Harri- ember ,28 at 8 p,.,m. p.m. son L Gray and John Bridgman Delphian Society Meeting industry, Menzo Preston, petro- The Siedu Delphian Society will leum, Wallace H Howe fiscal, Expresses Appreciation meet on Dec. 2 at the home of Gregory Pelhccione radiolog- Junior Red Cross Doris Borowy, secretary, an- Mrs. Arthur P. Hickcox, Cutler ical, William All man, operations nounced that the Sigma Kappa, Phi Knoll. H. Clayton Hotchkiss engineer- sorority of Watertown High ing; and John Desgardms air at- Membership Drive School wishes to thank all those The Ceco Realty Company, by tack warning who helped enable the sorority to Edward H. Coon, Jr., president, conduct a successful food sale re- sold a lot on Shannon Avenue to In Local Schools" cently. Christmas Party Alfonce Kontout, Inc. The Annual membership en- 1 rollment is underway for -the Planned On 9th American Junior Red Cross in the 'Watertown and Bethlehem, IN : Schools, according1 to Mrs. Jean, '€-ff"{JS ^ - I Watertown Branch) By Catholic Women D. Saltmarsh, Watertown, Chair- "The Watertown Council of man of the Junior Red Cross. I 0 6 3 Main S f . J. R. C. representatives in • each Catholic Women has completed ! school are .distributing pins and plans for their annual Christmas information to the classrooms. Party, which will be held in St. • GET INTO THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT WITH! John's School Hall, at 8 p. m. on The Swift Junior High Junior December 9. i Red Cross is making Christmas FRESHLY "GLEANED CLOTHES!! Stockings which,-will be filled by Mrs. " Anthony Gedraitis is PIIC K-UP A IN O D EL I V"E R Y S E R'V IC IE ALSO AVA i LAB LIE Chairman of the event assisted the elementary schools and sent by co-chairman Mrs. 'Thomas to' the Veterans Hospital in, New- CRestwood 4-454} Campbell. Other chairmen are ington for the first project of the year. Miss Mary Waddle tickets, Mrs. Edward Hogan; House committee, Mrs. Thomas A series of class demonstra- !ampbell; refreshments, Mrs. tions and conferences in news William, Scully;1 prizes, Mrs. Al reading will be held in, the Wa- Bernie; Penny Auction, Mrs. ter town-Oak ville Public Schools Albert, Collins; publicity, Mrs. Roland Beuavilleirs:; and raffle on ' December 1st, 2nd, 3rd and drawing, Mrs. Leo Fabian and 4th as a part of the in-service Mrs. Edward Ryan,. training program for teachers Mr. Joseph B. Porter1, Superinten- dent of Schools, and/ the school Methodist Church principals are in charge of ar- rangements.^. Miss Mary E Wad- Evangelical Mission dle, consultant from the Depart- ment of School Services, Wesle- yan. University, will 'Conduct the Begins Saturday at our 85th anniversary demonstrations and conferences The United Evangelical Mission Miss Waddle's services have being conducted, by the Methodist been made available by Wesleyan Church, will get under1 way here University in an effort to contrib- Saturday when the Rev. Alden T. SAVINGS CELEBRATION ute to the nation-wide demand for Smith, of Passaic, New Jersey, improved-,, instruction in reading and, the Newark Conference, will •WE SIMPLY HAD NO IDEA SO MANY THRIFTY FOLKS Wesleyan, is a nondenominahonal meet with ministers of the District... privately - supported university, On Sunday morning, the Rev. WOULD BE ON HAND TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OIF OUR founded in, 1,831, and located in Smith will preach in the local Middletown, Connecticut. The De- church and. will1 conduct services FREE GIFT OFFER. partment, of School Services of- there each evening at 7:30 p.m. fers its ' consultant sen ices to during the mission, which contin- If YOU were unable to make if, here's good news: school systems throughout the ues from November 23 to Decem- country, on a professional basis, ber 4. On Wednesday at 8 :30 p.m., without charge or obligation. a coffee hour will be held, as a, BY POPULAR REQUEST THE OFFER HAS ••Miss Waddle received, her B. S. farewell to Mr.! Smith, with the in Education from Wittenberg Col- public invited to all of these lege, Springfield, Ohio, her M. A. services. BEEN EXTENDED from Columbia University, and Callers who will be going out on, (until present supplies are exhausted J has done advanced work in, read- the 'Visitation Mission include: ing at Northwestern, University in Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Barlow, Mrs. Evanston, Illinois. Prior to Miss George Parsons, Mrs. Charles Waddle's association with the De- Seymour, William Johnston, Ar- Your choice of one of the partment of School Services, she thur Evans, Mrs. Philip Houghton, taught in the Xenia and Middle- Mrs. John Thomas, Mrs. Dwight gifts below town, Ohio, public schools. Goodwin, Franklin Wilson, James


GUARANTEED by the IMPERIAL MARK XE1 ••Art carved PHOTOFLASH CAMERA f«rmanenl HERE'S ALL YOU DO: Value Plan* Simply open a new THOMASTON SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT with At any time, yog can apply the' BERKSHIRE SET full cm rent" retail price (see $50 or more. If you're already a depositor, just ad'd $50' or more guarantee) toward a larger ART- $ 166.00 CARVED1 diamond 'ring at thou- to your present 'account. If couldn't be easier. sands of ARTCARVEO jewelers n q .1 g e ,rn c r-1. R i. ,n g in the U.S. A. : $150.00' — START SAWING TODAY— Circlet C U R R E N T __ DIVIDEND i


f. THOMASTON. . . . WATERffOWN . . Main Street — Watertown Open Friday Night Until 9 o'clock A, YEAR, ALL DEPOSITS GUARANTEED IN FULL PAGE 4 — TOWN TIMES .(WATCRTOWN, "CONN.), NOV. 27, 1958 curious call-note the big birds Janet O. Methes, of Harwinton, Anthony Fred. Caruso sold land mate: turfr-turk-turk. Thus the sold, land, on the southerly side of and improvements on the west- Property of the Watertownturkey is a bird that has virtu Historical- West .Road, to Paul L. Mer z Societyand. erly side of Carus o Drive to Ester S. Merz, of Naugatnck. Joseph, Dunphy .and, .Anne Dunphy, Times,, Inc. ally named himself. Office located in the Georges, ''678 Main Street, Water-town. For news or information call C Rest wood 4-1968. Address mail to TOWN TIMES, Box 888, Oakville, or to Box 1, Watertown, Conn. ; Publishers: Carl Loss, Joseph F. Smith Re-entered as second class matter Way 12, 1955 at'., the post office »t Watertown Conn. Original entry as second class ma net Jan., 13, 1948 at the post office Gakvilla i KEEP YOUR •Conn:.., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

families sitting down to a Thanks- giving meal of turkey. In some • HOLIDAY TIME. • cine ulot t day old schoolbook drawings there may be seen a turkey or two strutting in the background as if proud to have escaped the festive axe. But if times were so hard JCnd &he in the early colonies, where did HAPPY TIME the settlers find such luscious The Pilgrims would have been birds to feast on when they want- WITH ADEQUATE INSURANCE shocked to their shoe buckles on ed them? Were these fat, flavor- December 13. 1621. if they had j ^ merely strolling1 around known that their. tiny of thanks in the woods waiting to be shot was to become a yearly national for dinner1?' 1 holiday for they were dead-set a- ffainst. "annual" holidays, and re- To some extent this was true. fused to celebrate even Christ- The American woods were well- FROM inas and Easter,. filled with, wild turkeys. But • this VIA' is only part of the. complicated The- Pilgrims referred to the story. Some of the turkeys that religious holidays of the Church adorned colonial, tables may have of England as "'"'Roman corrup- come from English 'barnyard tions." They believed in cele- stock. Where, then, did the Eng- brating only when Providence lish get the turkeys? IF FIRE STRIKES YOU! granted them a, particular bless- The_ answer seems to be: from ing- The Pilgrims did, not have a, the Americas—a century or more No one ever expects a 'fire in 'his home! Are thanksgiving celebration the next before the Pilgrims. year. However, other New Eng- .'The English, interestingly en- you well protected against this Doss? land colonists picked up the idea ough, have for four centuries and held "thank days." usually a- raised two kinds of turkey: the round th" end of November. j Norfolk, which are smaller and The Pilgrim,' - inspired hoi- j blacker; and the Cambridge. id ay is .today a joyo/us family day, which are more colorful. • Now. celebration, with big dinners' and j these Norfolk turkeys look sur- 1 happy reunions, but the history of J prisineiv like the wild turkeys THE INSURANCE THAT Y.If • I.. Aft.* SELLS GIVES the holiday, in the United States that still roam a. few remote for- has been fraught with argument, ests in the Central United States, YOU the protection and security of the largest In 1789 a resolution was pre-.| between Pennsylvania and the Mis- son ted in the new Congress pro-;i sissippi River. and most outstanding insurance companies in tie posing that a, day be set aside to j! But' the Cambridge turkeys look give thanks for "the Constitution. | more like the "peacock"1 turkeys world . . . where prompt payment of claims, ser- Thn resolution was ' adopted, de- found in the American tropics : vice and .fair price go hand in hand with modem spite opposition by those who be- near the British Honduras-Guate- lirveri the Federal Government malan border. Early tropic ex- was meddling in a matter of I plorers took these toothsome business. If you need insurance of any type . . . concern to the in d i, v id u a 1, si a tes... j hi r d s to Ens! an d: a nd some other Thomas Jefferson, ignored thanks-,; voyager is thought to have taken V. I. A. has it, and Riving during his eight years in,'the northern variety there just office. before 1300 A.D. In, 1863 Lincoln proclaimed that By 1530 turkeys had, become so • • •' * & • • ••••#•••••••••••••• the last Thursday in, November pootilar that they were well est- would be Thanksgiving Day and, it ablished in, England. Some of the was followed each, year thereafter early V, S. settlers probably. YOU CAN SAVE by the President. However, some brou gh t d om est Ic ate d E ngl i sh descendants of the original New birds with them. UP TO England Puritans refused to ob- j But. one wonders, how did the serve the holiday, arguing that j turkey hanpen to become an Am- Ti i a, n k sg i, v i n g s h(. »j 1 d be ins pi re d, J e rica n dish at. Tha n k sgi v ing? Th e 20% by (he Deify, not by •politicians, f answer aeain goes back to Eng- Thc most, recent controversey land!,. By 1537. turkey was already arose when Franklin D. Roosevelt a part1 of "Christmas husband!le BY BUYING switcher.I the date fr om 11 i,e f oilrth i fare." and. it appears quite na11ir- OVER THE COUNTER tn the third Thursday in Kovem-jal, as Christmas drew near, for ber. He hoped to help business I the early colonists to select tur- AT THE ~ hy , making the shopping period j key for their first Thanksgiving • ••••••••••••••••••••"••••a longer between Thanksgiving and feast Christmas. This stirred a, . con- ., It is well established, however, troversy and three years after that this first famous American the change was made. Congress turkey dinner was not1 served with of f i c. i a, 11 y re s t ore d Th an ks g i v in g "imported" birds. The forests to the fourth Thursday. were still close at hand. For VALLEY INSURANCE AGENCY As for Mr. Drumsticks .him- dinner that day in 1621 the Ply- self- - where did turkevs "come mouth colony settlers had four 20 EAST MAIN STREET — PL 6-5293 — WATERBURY from? There is.*still a good, deal wild turkeys, shot in nearby of mystery surrounding the early woods., Automobile - Fire - Life - Home 'Owners -' Accident - Health - Bonds - Boats - Casualty history of I he bird. As for the name "turkev." Na- Workmens Compensation, Etc. School children gmtr up with a turnlists say the name did not firm picture in mind of Pilgrim' come from Turkev. but From the AGENTS FOR LLOYD'S OF LONDON

Farming offers, opportunity for .many youog people in Connecticut. CL&P has. an active Youth, Program, and. a plan •of cooperation with, 4-H Clubs. We work with Grange, UConn .and! others, tt> .help Connecticut farmers, 'and future farmers, 'be successful in their' work. Our. farm staff' of' eight .experts; helps fanners, increase production,, lower their costs, save labor and make better profits, through, skilled modern applications of electricity. .'This, like our service to industry and business, is. part . of CL&P's continuing 'and', growing effort to help main,-, •tain 'the prosperity erf die people of Connecticut; CL&P Service .. •. 15*811

Can YOU Win Mi* Jackpot on "WHAT IN IHt WOUft" Tu6«days at 700 PJH. on W¥ICW, OMBM! »? Property of the Watertown HistoricalTOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN Society, CONN.),, NOV. 27, 195 8 — PAGE 5 C^eorge's, illarkeis, cJ-nc. MAIN STREET WATERTOWN Open Friday Night Until f o'clock. Open. Sot. Night Until 6:30.

MAIN STREET WOODBURY Open Fri. Night Until 9 o'clock. Open Sot. 'Night Until 6:30. it All Grocery, Frozen Food and Dairy'" Features, appear- ing; in the last issue of the Town Times, ore in effect thru Convenient FROZEN FOODS Saturday, November 29th. . BIROS EYE P. G. A. CHICKEN, TURKEY or POT ROAST DINNERS -LB. BAG FLO EACH Birds Eye Peas-4 king size pkgs. S1.00 KAS DOG MEAL.. 25 LB. BAG MAXWELL HOUSE I Birds Eye French Fries - 4 pkgs, $1.00 Birds Eye Meat Pies 4 for $1,00 POFFEE ;-LB. TIN CHASE & SANBORN ' ] COOKIE DEPT. SPECIALS N. B. C. OREO' CREME LG. JAR SANDWICHES Ige. pkg.35" INSTANT COFFEE 95 KEEBLER'S f\f\ IMPORTED ITALIAN SALTINES Ib. pkg.29 £f- BURRY'S TOMATOES FAMILY SIZE TIN HAPPY FAMILY ASST. .. box 39- 25 SUNSHINE • f%Q BRAEBURN Graham Cracker Meal .. pkg. £jf EDUCATOR CHOCOLATE CHIP ICECREAM HALF GALLON COOKIES ...... pkg. OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE 2

•OOQOOOOOSOOOQOOOOOOOOOOfiOOOOl Q'ualtty KEATS SIRLOIN or T-BONE CENTER CUT ': AH PORK CHOPS L.85 STEAKS READY TO EAT, BUTT PORTION Ib. H A.M S LB. COLONIAL AA« C MACHINE SLICED SUCED BACON: U69 BROWN "N SERVE BOILED HAM SAUSAGE 53 ECONOMY PACK, ARMOUR'S STASTAR Mg* HOT DOGS PKO 49C Vi - 49" PAGE 6 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), MOV. 27,'105® now being held each 'Tuesday at ley S. Rasmussen sold, land, build- Mary A. Castelano, sold land, 7:30 p.m. ings and other improvements at and improvements on 'the Wester- held a meeting Monday -eve in the corner of Lexington .Drive and. ly side of Straits "Turnpike to BethlehePropertym News Memoria ofl Hall . the. ..Miss Jun e WatertownTraub HistoricalConcord Lane, to Merto nSociety E. John L. Laccone and Augusta M, By Paul Johnson 1 has returned to her home on Kas- RealtyTransactions Brown .and Olive V. Brown. Lacoone, of Waterbury. Senator elect George Angevine, A meeting of 4-H club leaders John, Dellanno, of Wolcott, and watertownhistoricalsociety.orgeve at the Con-jArmand J. DeAngelis, of Water- ENGINEERED orial Hall . . . The meeting is onesolidated school . . The meeting jj bury, sold land and improvements was conducted by Henry Krebser on Guernseytown Road to' Alice B. PLASTICS of a, series being held in, the dis- Roninger and Frank: H. Roninger KARPETKARE trict, and folks who attend will be and was one of a series on, the d Fk Ri AND invited to discuss any of the legis- subject of understanding your 4-H Merton E. and Olive V. Brown THE FAMOUS . lative proposals which may re- club members. sold land and improvements on, ceive attention, during the coming C h ristm as M us i c P r ogra m the southerly side of Walnut AMERICAN CLEANING METHOD!! session of the state legislature n<.fhi<.h«m rt,n-~i m..i, i. Street to Ann W. and John F. It is stressed that the meeting will nounceBethlehemd plan, Choras forl aClu, prograb has^nm of- Donuii of NaUBatuck. SINTERINGS be non-partisan in character and Christmas music to be' .presented Anna Kennis sold land and im- A, the attendance of people^from area on Dee. 19 at 8 p.m. at the Feder- provements on the southeasterly • Takes Only One Day towns is to be welcome' ated Church . ., . The group, which side "of Trumbull Street to Eugene WATERTOWN • Right In Your Own Honor Mrs, High am includes members from Bethlehem, H: Lamphier. A dinner in honor of Mrs. Anne and neighboring towns, will pres- Floyd H. Rasmussen/ and, Wes- INDUSTRY Home or Our Plant. High a mi, recently the Democratic ent "The Nativity" and other tra- candidate for the state legislature,, ditional Christmas songs and, car- The most satisfactory cleaning will be held, Wednesday nigh,tat ols ., . „ The event has customarily proposition we've ever come Daveluy's restaurant in Water- - been, held in the school auditorium,, acpossll It's speedy . , , It's town . . ., Attendance of all folks but because of the type of pro- THE " efficient and It's InexpensiveII interested is welcomed, and res-gra! m to be presented this year the ervations for the affair, which j uus e of orgagann musimusic was requirerequired PRINCETON CALL, OS AND WE'LL TELL must be completed this week, may • and the program has been sched- YOU ALL ABOUT ITII be made through any member of, uled, for church presentation, as a HEMINWAY the Democratic town committee or j result . . .••- Officers of the club any officer of the Bethlehem Dem- j stress that 'the organization is non- For Free Estinwit©$—• ocratic Club The dinner is to • sectarian and that participation, BARTLETT be served at 7:30 p.m. j and attendance of people of all KNITTING • Swimming Party | faiths is being urged There PHONE CR 4-1636 Girl Scout. Troop 1 will, hold a; is to • be no admission fee MFG. CO. swimming party on. Friday in Miss Ann Shipman is directing the place of their regular meeting, choral group. •which did not take place on Wed- Robert Doran has become Beth- WATERTOWN. CONN. MILLS, INC. ALLYN'S nesday as originally scheduled lehem's first Star Scout, with of- The troop will leavl e JohnsoJh n Mem- ficers of the Scout teoop happy orial hall at 9:15 a.m. with over his promotion . With Boy NYLON THREAD Cleaning Service Mrs. Vern Rand and Scout Patrol Scouting a, fairly recent advent on "Bob" Allyn ..Frank: Barton 1 in, charge of the arrangements the local scene the troop has been WATERTOWN . The troop is furnishing' a, de-handicapped by a, lack of rank 15 Echo Lake Road corated Christmas free for the among its members ,. ., . Meetings BRAIDED LINES Sunday School . classes of „ 'Christ of the troop, which have1 previous- WACERTOWN church in, appreciaton of use of ly been held on Friday nights, are the church hall by the troop for their meetings. UNICEF collections by the Girl Scouts on Hallowe'en amounted to] $14.09 and a check for this has j been, mailed headquarters at the, United Nations in New York jF The Troop birthday will be held, j Dec:. 17 with a Court of Awards j at which, badges and ranks earnedj since June will be distributed 'j Intermediate Girl Scouts have, started an "adopt-a-child-by-mail j program in conjunction, with the' Southbury Training School., % Th a n ksg i v i ng Service Annual union Thanksgiving serv- ice was, held Wednesday night, in the Federated Church, with the Rev. Nelson, R. Pearson, rector of FOR $9.60 A MONTH!! Christ Church the speaker BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS!! Pay a few dollars down the Afternoon, Worn ens" Association of the Federated Church made a, re- balance in 3* LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Bring your room meosiireniewtVand •cent visit to the Fairfield State see for yourself how tittle it costs to add color, comfort, smartness and charm fo Hospital, 'Newt own, where they your home for the festive days ahead!! wrapped Christmas gifts for -the patients . . . Evening Womens" Association of the Church, held a joint meeting with the Mens' .Fel- lowship at home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wildman. on No . 19. , - Mrs. James A. Benedict Bethlehem friends of Mrs. James A. Benedict were saddened at news of her passing last, Thurs- j day, since she had been a resident of the town more than 25 years ,! and had contributed much to the • Community and particularly to the • .Federated Church, of which she = was a trustee and a Deaconess • • . . . Her gifts to the Church, in- '• FIRST QUALITY eluded a pipe organ, given in mem- ' ory of her late husband An j excellent tribute prepared, by Mrs. j Anne Higham with, the assistance;' of Mrs, William H. Russell appear- • ed in last, Sunday's Republican. I EXPERT INSTALLATION Mrs. Benedict, who was 86 at ! the time of her death, resided on Green Hill id and her death fol- GUARANTEED SAVINGS lowed a long illness She was. the widow ot James Dewej Bene- dict, a ret it ed insurance execu- ti\e Boi n in Wisconsin Oct ' 21 1872, daughter of Zauhary and Susan iChubbock) Platt she is FREE ESTIMATES surv i\ ed b> a son, Stuart of Short Hills N J , a daughtei, FREE PARKING Mrs W Stanton Barbour, Mor- ristuwn N J , fi\e grandchildren and two great grandchildren ^ . Funeral s>er\ ices were held Sat- urday at the Federated Chuich with the Rev A H Kaufman offi- ciating Burial tvas on Monday in Gieen Mountain Cemetery, Bui- linton Vermont Mrs. Oldnch Foucek Mrs Augusta I S\ atekt Foucek. 67, wife of Oldnch Foucek died on "OUDAY Fnda> at her home on West Dr , Lons? Meadow Pond, following a long illness She was born in Czechoslowkia Aug 19 1891 daughter of the late John and Anna (Miejnek) S\atek She had lived in this country since 1913 BRAIDED coming to Bethlehem from New Yoik City two jears ago Be- sides hci husband she is sur\i\ed by a son, Oldnch Foucek Jr Faimingdale, L I , tuo daughters, Mrs Maria Fabhn, Long Island, and Mrs Ludmila Pia^/a Bethle- hem, and six grandchildren Funeial services were held on Monday. Officers of the Bethlehem Vol- unteer Fire Dept. and, members of the committee incharge of their re- cent dinner dance have ejfliressed MINORS VALLEY RUG SERVICE appreciation of the generous sup- perie ce ln Scfes

month with 34 ; children receiving gram. 38 Children Get medical examinations, A total of 334 nursing visits HE IE 5 WHY ZEN! TH .- OWNERS 'During the month of October the were reported for the month ol COMPARE! HAVE LESS SERVICE HEADACHES TE Tests As Well nursing staff of the PHNA made 5 October which, included the follow- visits to St. John's School. 48 ing cases: 4 visits to diagnosed tuberculosis cases; 9 to expectant children, received physical exam- NO PRINTED CIRCUITS! NEW ZENITH SERVICE- - Child Conference inations and complete examina- 'mothers; 26 to new mothers; 44 tions were given to 42 children to infants under one year old;; «109' Zenith 'TV Chassis have no- SAVER HORIZONTAL children, 1'to 4 years of age; ,26; Thirty-eight children received! 14 children were referred for printed circuits 'which cause CHASSIS dental care attention and one to children of pre-school age; 27; breakdown. Alt hand crafted for more tuberculin 'tests at the recent well to persons 21 years of age and • child conference sponsored by the child was given minor first aid. 1 O'p crating d e pe nd a bi lily - Miss Patricia Fee ley, supervis- over for health guidance. 4 to j Water town Public Health Nursing cancer patients"; 6 to cardiavas-] Association n.d all ,'of the read- ory nurse, also met with the Parents Association of St. John's cular disease patients; 4 to cere-1 SUNSHINE PICTURE TUBE 18,000 VOLTS OF PICTURE • ings .proved negative. Two other bral vascular accident cases 4 to,1 conferences were also held last lo discuss the school health pro- Razor-sharp definition be- POWER tween blacks and whites. Brighter, cl e a re r pictu res Gives more depth and near or far. No out-of-foe us dimension to TV picture. edges. Thank You, Oakville



HANOCRAFTED Horizontal Zenith Chassis USES NO PRINTED CIRCUITS for Less Service Head- aches, More Oper- Our Open House was a heart warming success, ating Dependability thanks fo the many wonderful people w'ho visited us 2CWTH EXTRA VAIUE FEATU*** and wished us well. 118,000 'Volts of Picture • Easy-Out Face Glass Power • Sunshine Picture' 1\ibe Now . . . rested and refreshed . .. , we're ready to provide ' Pull-Push/On-Off • SpotliteDial complete ""main office" Mutual Savings Bank services Control • Cinelens®Face Glass. • "Itane Control to our many friends and' neighbors in Oakville and surrounding communities. ZENITH QUALITY TV$ 95 As Lew As 189 WATERBURY SAVINGS BANK LOW" DOWN PAYMENTS! EASY TERMS! Mutual Savings Bank Service Since 1850' 10 Reconditioned Table Models and Consoles in excellent running shape § and same with new picture tubes OAKVILLE OFFICE .. 423'Main Street ANTENNA I Nl S T A Li AT I O N S Open Monday,*Tuesday, Wednesday, 9 a,., m. to 3 p. m. CHECKING - REPAIRING - TESTING 'Open Thursday, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. —.Open Friday, 9 a. m, to 7 p. m. CHESHIRE OFFICE, 190 Main St. • MAIN OFFICE.,, No. Main at 'Savings St. Mi JILL PLAIN OFFICE, 281 Meriden Rd. PLAZA OFFICE, 1,76 Chase Ave. VAUGHN BROS. T. V. F -R E E P A « "K, ING: A T ALL O F F I C E S 1125 Main St. —TeL CR 4-8737 — Watertown PAGE 8 —Property TOWN TlflES (WATERTOWN of, CONN.) the, NOV. 27Watertown, 11958 Historical Society TOUR watertownhistoricalsociety.orgTHANKSGIVING FOOD HEADQUARTERS-


x SARAH LEE CHEESE CAKE targe size eacl

Carnation—cleaned and peeled Snow Crop OF Seabrook Mk £^k c Shrimp Pkg. 79 Broccoli Spears2 4V Snow Crop or Seabrook Mrs. Paul's Reg. Pkg. ^^ H Fancy Peas 33 Sweet Potatoes 25' Large Size Tangerines Doz.

Hand Picked Macintosh Apples 4 Lbs Large. Solid Heads Iceberg Lettuce 2 Heads Large "Clusters Emperor Grapes 2 Lbs. U. S. Nlo. 1 Potatoes 50 Lb. Bag

We thank you oil from Waterfown, Woodbury, Bethlehem, Litchfield County and everywhere else you drove from to see us, for the wonderful reception you gave our new store .In Water- town. Our every effoirf for 'the fraud opening is our every effort' 'for daily service to provide comfortable shopping in the future. Our prices will always be low, our qualify always high; our personnel will always be friendly and helpful, our aim will always be to please. Come see us some more; you'll be happy to' make FIK-lWilK your store for all food "and household needs — 'both stores.


-«»«i • j TOWN TIMES (WATERTOffN, CONN.), NOV. 27, 1958 — PAGE • Property of the Watertown Historical Society USE OUR CONVENIENT watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWELL LIGHTED 150-CAR PARKING LOT fc**r i-w * PIK-KWIK YOUNG TURKEYS \ U. S. GOVT. GRADED "A" — READY - TO COOK — PICK OF THE CROP HENS8T016LBS- T0MSi6T024LBS- LB YOUNG FANCY FRESH GROUND Chopped Ducklings Beef 2Lbs- 'Educator N. B. C. Graham 5ALTINES CRACKERS l-lb. box Reg Size 29c each 37c each

MCCDI©!" InliK •Hi iii ill ill m>i IIII i/i? Sunshine Hyde Park CRACKERS ASSORTMENT 1-lb. box' " T2-oz. Box: 37c each 45c each CRANBERRY HOLSUM STUFFEPLACED D 0N ATRE E JAR 2 REG. SIZE CANS 37 Olives 29* UBBYS CHASE & SANBORN c ? LB CAN EACH Pumpkin NO. 2«/2 CAN EACH 19 Coffee - 79' CKOSSE & BLACKWELL MIXED" Fi pium orDateCan C NutS FANCY 1 LB. BOX EACH 55° Puddings 9' ' 49 PEPPERIDGE -FARMS C We also have a complete variety of dried fruits, and all the baking Stuffing BAG 29 < needs for festive holiday fixin's.


EM IN WAY PARK IA HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL! I ET — WATERTOWN IP AC IE 10 —- TOWN TIMES (WATEJITOWN, CONN.), NOV. 27, 1958 Local 'Indian, names 'been .given to New Markers For most .making them of' his- torical and educational, value such Property of the Watertown Historical Societyas Narragansett , Mat- State Trails - tabesett Trail. - Mattauck Trail, WATERBURY NIpmuck, Trail, and . New metal •signs -naming and The Connecticut Walk Book also GARAGE DOOR marking where Connecticut's includes information on points of Blue Blazed Hiking Trails start; historical, and, geological, interest SALES CO. watertownhistoricalsociety.orgat. or cross state highways have along the trails. Many of the trails 'been placed on the sides />f such follow the ridges of Connecticut's roads in recent weeks. • The co- attractive hills. TEL. PLoza operation of both the 'Governor's' office and the State Highway De- The Forest And Park Associa- partment was obtained by the tion secretary and, forester, A.W., Gonn.ect.icut .Forest And. Park Hurford, gives credit for 'the suc- 6-1485 Association, jn replacing old, cess of the 'trails program to the broken or lost," wooden, signs, -as volunteers, who have worked en- well as in placing signs in new ergetically and tirelessly for so 'locations, to inform, the public many years, . as well as to' the where hiking has been permitted countless number of property by .landowners. owners who have allowed the POOR MABEL 'Volunteers have established and public to enjoy their scenic now maintain the Blue Blazed areas. Relatively few abuses of 'Trail System sponsored, by the Cit- property have been reported con- izen's Organization incorporated as sidering the long time most trails LATE AGAIN the Connecticut 'Forest And Park have been used. Some trails pass Association. Some 500 miles or through state parks and .state' for- more of the trails have been, .con- ests. structed and maintained since the FOR ANOTHER project 'was 'started in 1929.. Maps Mr. Hurford states that one and descriptions o ' 'these 'trails, problem, ^volunteer trailsmen now as well,= as the section of the Ap- face in this growing state is that APPOINTMENT! palachian Trail crossing north- new housing developments and western Connecticut, are included new roads sometimes require in the Connecticut Walk Book. trails to' be"" shortened or re- This 'book is published, and sold, at located... He hopeg, however, 'that cost by the Connecticut Forest there will never be a time when, Everybody—her hairdresser, her doctor, her bridge club— And Park Association at, its officen Connecticut will be without its 322 North Main, Street, Wailing'- wild and- quiet places for man's is talking about Mabel, because she is never on time. Actu- ford, Connecticut. It, sells for 52. enjoyment, of nature and for the ally, it's not her fault . , ". the real culprit is that stubborn 50 per copy plus the Scents state exercise and pleasure of hiking'.. tax. garage door. The new 'roadside trial signs are oval with a, blue background Don't let your wife be caught in the same predicament as and white lettering'.. The Ap- palachian Trail has a white back- Range & Fuel Oil Mabel, Let us show you 'how a custom styled, attractively ground with green „ lettering. priced Ridge Overhead Type Door can be. installed on BARIBAULT5 your garage. •00 MAIN »T., OAKVILLE Ttl, CKoatwood 4-3284 or '4-1220'

RIDGE OVERHEAD DOOR SPECIALS Ler Us Estimate' 8" x T DOOR WITH GLASS on that AND STOPS PAVING JOB Alto Power Pumping of' Sept to 9' x 7" DOOR WITH GLASS Tanks, and Cesspool*. AND STOPS C A L L MATTY'S CR 4-3 63 4 CR 4-3544 WTBY. GARAGE DOOR SALES CO. Try a soft water ""Your Ridge Door Exclusive Dealer" shampoo! 10 Years of Experience Formerly Associated With WoJcort Lumber Co. 'You see and feel 'tiie differ- ence. Ttoux hair rinses soft BANK Why* Not Call Now - . , , „ o c •nd clean, making' it look - Ask For "Nick" " *• <*I« O - H © 3 brighter, healthier! Beautiful hair is only one Hound the Clock of many 'benefits you gala, when yen own a. Fairbanks' Use Our Morse automatic water sof- JOIN YARMAL I tener. An F-M softener saves NIGHT APIZZA APPUANCE SERVICE money on, soaps, packaged PLUMBINQ - WIRING HEATING softeners, etc, , , . makes SERVED EVERY NIGHT laundering easier ... ., . saves DEPOSITORY Wertlnahou*e Appliance* on, .". . prevents pipe Gt>uJd> Water system clogging, thus cutting plumb- any hour of f he RO'S RESTAURANT All Makm of WAmhlma ing bills. MaohtniM Scrvkx*! Let us show you how easily you, can, own a. Fairbanks'' 1011 Turner Avenue, OafcvHI* DAY or NIGHT 841 Main St. Phone CRetvwdd. 4-311i Morse automatic softener. Phone CRistwood 4-8049 at R. J. Block & Son, _ THE CITIZENS & . - INC MANUFACTURERS Watertuwn, Connect tout NATIONAL BANK of Northfield Road Waterbury, Connecticut ROOT & BOYD INC. CRestwood 4-2271 Insurance Underwriter* Since 1853 Mfc. mmtn S*. - Waterfeury • GENERAL INSURANCE • T.I. »t *-«•* ... REAL ESTATE... For COMPLETE IirtormatIon 55 Center Street, Woterbury, Tel. Plaza 6-7251 •bout 449 Main Street, Woteftowm CR»sfwood 4-259* Travelers Budget Plan Insurance • K E Why Walt Until Tomorrow!! John! B. Atwood 47 Roberta 8t. - .Witirtown TEL, 6R 4-1881 or PL 3-9147 DO IT NOW!! Your Traveler* Agent BUY YOUR HUBBARD HALL PERMANENT ANT1-FREEZE TODAY— LOWS A. LAUDATE If ELECTRIC OIL BURNER* "No more*sleeping pills, Henry, Tomorrow you put, your GALLON—$1.95 •aim,, •ante * Repair* money In a Savings .Account at the Waterbury National 5 Gallons or More ., $1.89 par gal. and quit,' worrying I** WATERTOWN CO-OPERATIVE THE WATERBURY ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED NATIONAL BANK '27' Dtpot Street — Wctfttitawm 195 Grand St.. - 252 Chase Ave. -Waterbury • PHONE CR 4-2512 HentMir F.D.I.C. X' Carrnella fBartholemeo) Colella; TOWN! TIIIIWES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), NOV. 27, 1958 — PAGE 11 Group Urging Brownies Invested four sons, James and Michael of Oakville, Joseph and Gelsomino Robert Vail, was issued a per- $20,000. PropertyInvestitur ofe ceremoniethes Watertownwere of Waterbury seven daughters Historical, Society mit for the construction on a one Gabrielle Genest received per- End To Office held recently for three Oakville Mrs Angela Mastropietro, Mrs. Brownie 'Troops.. Brownies in- family home with two car attached mission to put a roof on a porch Frank Perugini Mrs. Clarence garage on Vail Road at a cost of on Middlebury Road, Christmas Parties vested in Troop 40 of which Mrs Bradshaw Mrs William. Martin, Russell Northrop is leader and all of Waterbury.; Mrs. Joseph A. request has been made to Clarence! Budd, assistant Cilfone, Watertown; Mrs. Ellen state industry and business to' leader included: Sally Ann. Abro- Dwyec and Miss Shirley C lei I a eliminate office 'Christmas par- maitis, Candy Clark, Lucinda Oakville; several brothers and ties in, the "interests of human, Stukshis, Hannelore Cuinel, Elea- sisters 'in Italy; and. 23 grand- lives, human values, and! a proper nor Budd, Peggylou Northrop, children. <- observance of the 'Christmas sea- Diane Vaughan, Nancy Hubbard, Mass was held in St. Mary Mag- son" by the Connecticut Christ- Mary Aann Krauss, Bonnie Ken- nerson, Nancy Perugini, Mary dalen Church and. burial uas in inas Safety Committee as it Calvary Cemetery - opened its 7th annual Christmas Ann Stanziano, Linda. Ben savage, Safety campaign. Dorothy Gareea, • Susan Brink- Saverio Bova In response to the appeal the man, Linda :Newman, Beverly Colonial Trust Co. announced that Beebe, Anita ; Boucher, Janice Save™ (Charles) Bova, 80 of its .annual staff Christmas party Belan^er, Manna Nardi, Deborah Eaton. Street, died November 23 originally set ' for Dec. 10 has O'Neill, Linda Walton, Lynore at Waterbury Hospital after a been cancelled. Instead the bank Pace, April Jean Cipullo, Sherry brief illness. ' ' will entertain, its entire staff at a. Fenn, Dorothy Lavoie. Janice Born in. Termini Imerse Sici- dinner dance on January 27, the Feola, who .was absent because of ly, December .25, 1877, he was the date of its annual meeting.. illness, wilf be invested at the son of the late Mr. and Mrs Colonial Chairman of the Board next meeting. • Peter Bova. He came to this Featured A f Winthrop W. Spencer, in making Troop 29 Brownies invested country and Waterbury 60 >ears thtf* announcement, called the ap1 were Gale, Derouin, Carol Vist- ago, and was engaged, in the peal "sound and sensible" and elli. Rose Ann Petruzzi and wholesale produce business in noted that "".increasing members Jeanne Womsejsdorf. Mrs. Don- Waterbury for most of his life of business organizations through- ald Forgue is i leader and Rose Survivors include 'two sons WATERTOWN'S FIRST out the country are cancelling Mary Fitzgerald is assistant Peter, of Oakville, with whom he scheduled pre-Christmas parties leader. made his home, and Philip, Wat and we believe Colonial should Troop 26 Brownies who are in- erbury; three daughters, Mrs vested were Patty Jannetty, Linda Joseph Catanzaro, Mrs. Charles heed this appeal." Franco, both 'of Waterbury, and SELF-SERVICE The Christmas Safety Commit- Nichols. Shirley Grenier, Ruth. Mrs. David Curchoe, East Hart- tee, of which Gov. Ribicoff is Kazakaitis and Judy Capolupo. ford,- a. brother, Paul, Youngs- honorary chairman, organized Marge Osowicki Is leader of the town, Ohio; 11 grandchildren, 16 .after a workman in a Hamden in- group and Lillian Johnston, as- great - grandchildren, and several LIQUOR STORf dustrial plant drank excessively sistant leader, i nieces and nephews. at a. plant Christmas party in Many parents attended the event The funeral was held No\embei 6 7 M A,1 N 5 T R E E T — W A T E R. TOWN 1951 and killed a father and Ruth Larawayj one" of the first 25 with a Mass at the Church of daughter while driving home. The leaders, in Watertown, told "the Our Lady of Lourdes, Waterbury incident and others led to the for- "Brownie Story." Elsie Ruggeri, Burial was in Calvary C'emeterj MAURICE WOLK DAMASE QUESMEL mation of the group for 55 per consultant of the Wat erf town.Coun - cent of all highway fatalities dur- cil, of Girl Scouts. Susan | Hastings, Josephine and Armee Smart ing the Christmas season, are Oakville trooo. organize^ At wood. Street, were granted per liquor-: connected. Candy Clark; of Troop I 40 will Happy Thanksgiving To Alii! receive the prize for selling the mission to finish, an attic room, most Girl Scout calenars. The at a. cost of $250. troop sold 185 calendars.

IMAGINE! Obituaries JO DRY CUANIH6&. 'Vincent R. Cole!la YET THIS DAINTY Vincent Ralph Colella, Bush- MOTOROLA WOOI. DRESS HAS nell A:ve... died Nov. 19 at his home after a. long illness. AS FINE 'TEXTURE 1 Born March; 20, 1893 in Fru- ANB fINISH AS mola, D'Avellino, Italy, he was THE DAY this country 42 years ago and the son of the late Joseph and I BOUGHT IT! Angelina Colella. He came to operated a shoe repair shop in Waterbury. J Survivors inblude his ' wife. Mrs GOLDEN van Sand inc. GUARANTEE Main Street WOO ID'BURY — CO 3-3149 Lucia and Delar van Sand-

Open Daily 9:30 to 6 Fridays to 8 Sundays I to 6 SUNDAY )heck These Fea.jres 2f" OVER-ALL DIAG PICTURE TUBE NOVEMBER 30th * Sharpest, Clearest Picture 263 iQ IN SANITONi WFff»G MM at 4 p.m. I Hand Wired Chassis With Pwer van Sand's Will Be Transformer SOFT-SET » Top Quality Tuner fair Best Dry Cleaning Reception iv Fringe Areas * Tube Sentry System Triples the Now, it makes no difference how Life if the Set often, you have your favorite wool and wool-like garments CIRCU • Available in Wai nil, Mahogany, dry cleaned. Not if we do it! We Blonds are specially licensed to provide A One-Man 'Circus New Saakone PLUS SOFT-SET that retexturizes woolens as well as the new miracle fabrics that .resemble wool. FRANCOIS Dirt's gone . ,. . spots .. o, and full, body is retained. Coats, suits THE CLOWN and dresses keep their .smart: fresh from drape indefinitely. Try us and see the amazing difference. Phone TRIUMPHANT for service tod;ay. Appearances In French Circuses f Brings The WHOLE CIRCUS TO' WOODBURY Allyn's Cleaners at van Sand's & Dyers 4 p. in.. November 29th 15 Echo Lake toad GREAT SHOW. WATERTOWN Td. CRestwood 4-1636 .Admission HILDEBRAND'S RADIO AND TV Free 'Pick-up and Delivery Service 1063 Main St. — Watertown — Tel. CR 4-4814 PAGE 12 — TOWN TIME'S (WATERTOWN',, CONN.), NOV. 27, 19S8 PropertyChurch of, Athol, Mass.the, Watertown Historical Society The bride is the daughter of Weddings Mr. and Mrs. Waiter E. Farnum, G o od w i n - B o ot h At hoi. She was graduated from JIrs,, Julia. Covington Booth, Green Mountain Junior College daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George, the Department of Nursing, B. Covington. Stamford, and Ster- Faculty of Medicine, Columbia ling At wood; Goodwin, son of Mr. University, New York City. and Mrs. Dwight -S. Goodwin, Mr. Freeman is the son of Mr. Woodbury Rd. were married Nov. and Mrs,. Alexander B.. Freeman 8 in the First Methodist Church, of Hamilton Ave. A graduate of Stamford. The Rev. Richard Stout Trinity College, Hartford, he is i officiated at the ceremony, sales trainee for1 the American r Miss Jay Covington was her Brass Co. sister's only attendant: and Wes- Samuel Hale of- ley Goodwin was best man for his The Rev. brother. David, nephew ciated at the ceremony which of the bridegroom., and Douglas was followed by a, reception in the TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2nd Foster, Stamford, were ushers. parish house. Following a wedding trip to Washington, D. C. and Williams- o I t h e burg, Va., the couple will reside at 821 Woodbury Road. Win Display Prize Mrs. Goodwin was graduated "'Earl W. McCann. President of j from, Stamford High School. Her the Waterbury Savings Bank, an-! husband, a graduate of Water town nounced that Clare-nee A. Jesse 11 High School,- Post Junior College Vice President and Arthur G. Danbury Apizza No.2 ] of Commerce, and Put man 'Tech- Krueger, Manager of .Mill Plain nical School of Aeronautics, ser- Office, -are prize- winners in, the ved three years in the U. S. Army nation-wide- Travelers Cheque 393 IP A, Y IS ST.. OAKVILLE ' • during World War II and one year Display Contest: sponsored by in the Air Force during the Kor- American Express -Company. : ean conflict. He is employed by Mr. Jessell, who 'won a sixth ' featuring • the U. S. Post Office in Water ~ prize, was assisted in the creation town. of the display by Robert Giordan, Watertown artist, who works reg- Lewis^prescher ularly with the bank on their dis- Miss Janet Sanford Drescher, play problems. Mr. Giordan will, daughter of Mrs and Mrs. Carl share in the award. Mr. Krueger THIN-CRUST APIZZA f Drescher, Woodbury, and LeRoy who won a 7th prize was assisted phelps Lewis, Jr., son. of Mr. by Kenneth Delkescamp of Mill and Mrs. LeRoy P. Lewis. Water- Plain Office. 'The contest was in BAKED ON BRICKS • town, were married on Nov 8 in competition, with bank: 'personnel WE SPECIALIZE IN INDIVIDUAL APIZZA. ANY STYLE. • the First Congregational Church, throughout the United States and Woodbury. The Rev. Robert A. Canada. BAKED TO ORDER. • ln.gra.hani officiated. The winners, were presented The bride was attended •'by her $50 in. Travelers Cheques and- a, ALSO' SPAGHETTI - MEAT BALLS, SAUSAGE, ITALIAN • STYLE • Sister-in-law, Mrs Carl W. Dres- leather brief case, respectively,, cher,, Jr., North Woodbury, as by Earl, W. McGann. with, a, mes- COME IN AMD TRY IT . . . IT'S DELICIOUS!! J matron of honor and by Mr. Lew- sage of congratulations from Olaf is" twin sister, Mrs. George F. Ravndal, Senior Vice President ••' Open 'Doily, Except Mondays, 4:30 P. M. to 1 A. M. • Loom is O'f Watertown. 'and Mrs. and Treasurer of American. Ex- Walter Greater ex., South bury, as press. bridesmaids. The WHENI IN WATERBURY STOP IN AT THE DANBURY Carl W. Dr esch er,, J r., t he or was best „.. J -William APIZZA No. I at 15 CHERRY STREET. kingK i i i s,., Watertownv v a i c 11 uv* 11,,,,«.. ™d N* -.. ~Fran- k j Ed w a rd H. Coon, sold la nd on DeZinno. Wafer bury, were ushers, [ the southwesterly side of Charles The bride is an, alumna of! street to Philias Lampron. 'Woodbury High School and the -— University of Connecticut where she was a member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. Mr. Lewis was graduated, from. Watertown HiRti School and served, overseas uitli the 36th Division in World War II. He is now a master sergeant OPEN ALL DAY with the 6,18th Transportation Company, If. S. Army Reserves THURSDAY. He is employed as- production superintendent at Waterbury -Companies. DAY!.'! • Following. a wedding trip to Virginia, and Washington, D C the couple will, make their home on Main St., Woodbury. Freeman-Farnum Miss Jean Fairbanks Farnum 1- and Robert Alexander Freeman were united in marriage on Nov., 15 in St.. JoJhn's Episcopal Collection Stations (Continued from Page 1) sport, shirts, socks, gloves and other articles of clothing, playing cards, chess and, checker games and tc'iet articles. Suggested presents for women include jewelry, toilet articles, cosmetics, nylon stockings, blous- es, sweaters, mittens, scarves, and other articles of wearing ap- parel. Any gift - which bears the name and address of the sender w i 11 be a c know 1 ed ged... Do- not wrap gifts, the commit- tee asks. A Christinas Gift Com- mittee of patients and volunteers wrap gilts and tag each item. Wrapping1 may be- sent with, gifts if desired. Mrs. Starr announced that mem- '- i ber's of the Watertown. - Oakville Women's Republican Club at a 're- cent meeting "generously donated some 63 gifts, three jars of in- H stant coffee, and a few pieces" of good, used clothing for the pa- tients at F a i r f'i e 1 d State Hospital."" Among the gifts donated were soc k s. sfoc k in c s „ gl ove s,. m i ttens. lingerie, jewelry. cosmetics and Invite You To Select <3anta "aus.,.. toilet articles. Several members of the dub volunteered to go to Your Fairfield, State Hospital this week WILL BE AT THE ' to wrap 'Christmas gifts for the patients and also deliver 'their TOYS AND GIFTS NOW gifts- Mrs. Starr noted that: "The Watertown Mental Health Volun- HOUSE OF GIFTS teer Committee .is very grateful — On Our Lay-Away Plan- for this generous shot-in-ithe-arm EVERY WEEK ON at the beginning of their -campaign for Christmas giftsA for patients,."" She arked1 that anv groin plan- FRIDAY NIGHTS, 4 to 9 — ALSO ning to bring gifts for natients at "the Fairfield State Hospital get irfl SATURDAY and SUNDAY AFTERNOONS, 1 to 6 touch with her or any member of HOUSE OF GIFTS the Volun*«"«r Committee, which includes: Mrs. Harold Ash worth. GEO. BERNATCHEZ, Prop. Mrs. Dudley Atwnod, .Mrs. Pa'- Photographer On Hand T'ck Ca^-i-cly,, .Mrs. Jo«*»nh O Collins. Mrs. Michael DiPrimio 348 South Mob Straef — Thomaston HAVE TOUR CHILDREN'S 'PICTURE TAKEN Mrs. Pat Bwcillo, Mrs. Men-it Heminwav, Mrs. Margaret Oow. ATlas 3-4417 ick'i. Mrs. John- Pierce'.. Mrs. WITH SANTA. Ackley S^ove, Jr., and Mrs. Sherman Slavin. i*\ rti the day. The Golden Text is from Friday—Visitors to the U.E.M. TOWN' TI'ME'S (WAT'ERTOWM, CONN',.), NOV. 27, 1958' — PAGE 13 ' Church Notes Isaiah (59:19); "When the enemy vvill meet at 8 p.m. for prelim- Propertyshall comofe in thelike a flood Watertown, the inary instructions. HistoricalSunday — The Rev. Westbroo Societyk j grim Fellowship suppe r and pro- Christ Church Spirit of the Lord shall lift up Sunday—Church School at 9:30 will preach at the Taft School serv- gram, 6 p.m., church house. Thursday— Thanksgiving Day. a standard against him." Selec- a.m Chure*^ Service at 11 a.m ice at Christ Church at 9:15 a.m.) • Monday — 10:30 a.m. Conn. Fel- Holy Communion at 9 a.m. tions from the Bible include the Church school, 9:30 a.m. Stand-1 lowship of 'Congregational Chris- with Rev. /Francis Carlson,., Guest ing committee meets^ at church tian Women, at Congregationals • Sunday — Holy Communio1 n at 8 following: "My brethren count it minister will ,he Rev. Alden a.m. Taft School Service at 9:15alwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgl jpy when ye fall in-q divers Smith Evening service will be house, 10:30 a.m. Worship Serv- church, Washington, Conn. 8 p.m. a.m. Family Worship and Church ice, 11, a.m.. Junior choir rehear- Meeting of all church' school offi- temptations: Knowing this, that held af 7 -30 p m cers, and teachers on intermediate. School at 10:45 a.m. Young the trj ing of your faith worketh Monday— Evening; service at sal in church, house, 3:1,5 p.m. Or- People's Fellowship meets at 5 patience . . . Blessed is the man7:30 p.m. Public is invited to dination examing council of Nau- junior and senior departments to p.m. that endureth temptation: for when attend. gataek Valley Ass'n oNCongrega-jsee demonstration, of audio-visual lie is tried, he shall receive the tional Christian, churches meets in, [materials in church' school teach- Monday—Girl Scout Troop No. 2 Tuesday — Evening service • at sanctuary 3:30 p.m., David C. I ing. 3:15 p.m. Girl Scouts, church will meet in, the Parish House at crow n of ife.I which the Lord hath 7:30 p.m., 3:15 p.m. The Parish Council wiU promised to them that love him" Dunscombe, chaplain, of Taft j house. meet' at 8 p.m. (James 1:2. 3, 12). Wednesday— Victory Sendee at School, will be examined, for his l] Tuesday — 3:15 p.m. Girl Scouts Tuesday — Girl Scout Troop No Wednesday — Meeting, including 7:30' p.m. Coffee hour will follow ordination on Dec, 14, Junior High ] t^l"m~ mgeWt rehearsal ta 17 will meet In the Parish House testimonies of Christian, Science at 8:30 p.m. as a, farewell to Mr. church. at 3:15 p.m. Brownie 'Troop No 8 healing, at 8 p.m., Smith, ' . Fellowship at Trumbull House, 4 Wednesday — Boy Scouts, Youth, will meet in. the Assembly Room St. Mary 'Magdalen St., John's p.m. Fellowship chorus rehearsal \ Center,' 7 p.m. Girl Scouts,'church at 3:15 p.m. The Parish Helpers Wednesday— Third Anniver- - Thursday — Memorial Requiem In, church house, 4:45 p.m. Pil-" house, '7 p.m. will meet in tljg Guild Room at sary Requiem High Mass at 7 a.m.High Mass at 8 a.m. for Everett 7:30 p.m. for George Kosha, requested by Lamy. Wednesday — Girls* Junior the family. Confessions from, 7 -Friday — Memorial Requiem Choir rehearsal at 3:30 p.m., Sen-to 8 p m. No Catechism classes. High, Mass at 8 a.m., for the 'de- THANKSGIVING ior Choir rehearsal at 7:45 p.m Thursday — Thanksgiving Day. ceased members of the St. Jean Moke If A Holiday For Your 'Thursday— Woman's Auxiliary Masses at 8 a.m. and a. High de Baptiste Society. Meeting at 11:-;' a.m., starting Mass at: 9 a.m. to" thank God for Saturday — Third, Anniversary Wife and the Whole Family witlf Holy Com;nunion at 11:45 his blessings. No Catechism Requiem, High Mass at 8 a.m. for a.m.,. followed h- Christmas Lun- classes. Oliver Beilemare. cheon and speaker, Mrs. Warren Sunday—Masses at 7. 8, 9, 10 'Ful Course E. Covell of the United Church Friday—Requiem Low Mass at and 11 a.m.. In .Bethlehem, at 9 TURKEY DINNER Women of 'Connecticut. Luncheon 7 a.m. for Liza Omicioli, reques- and, 11 a.m.. Evening devotions at chairman is Mrs. Raymond ted by Mrs. Veldina Brocoli. No 7:30 p.m.'., consisting of the Ros- Everything from soup to nuts only $3.00. Pre- Snicker. .Boys* Junior Choir re- Ca techis m, c tosses., ary, Litany of the Blessed Virgin pared in the continental style .in our spotless hearsal at 3:30' p.m. Saturday— Requiem High Mass., Mary, and .Benediction of the kitchen, and served In a most pleasing atmos- First Church of Christ at 8 a.m.. for Mrs. Mary- Spino. Most Blessed Sacrament. phere. One half portions,for child rein. Our reg- •Scientist, Waterbu ry requested by the Dinner Ware ular menu available. Finishing Department of Water- Monday—C.TT.O. meets at 7 p.m. Thursday — Thanksgiving Day. . All Saint's Parish Service at 10:45 a.m. A. super- town -Manufacturing Company. Re- We serve the biggest cocktail in town . ,. . vised nursery will be provided quiem, High Mass at 8:30' a.m., for Thursday — Thanksgiving Day. Holy Eucharist at 9 a.m. at regular prices. during th :e service. '"Thanksgiv- Anthony Viltrakis, Sr requested 1833 Watertown Ave. REMEMBER—we have the facilities' ing" wilt be the subject of the by Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Viltra- Sunday — Holy Eucharist at 8 "PL 3-14901 Lesson Sermon for Thanksgiving kis. No catechism, classes. and 10 a.m. Church, School at for weddings, showers, banquets, etc. Day. The Golden 'Text, is from Sunday—Masses at 7. 8. 9, 10' 10 a.m., Psalms. (68:19): ""Blessed, be the and 11 a m Sacrament of Bap . First Congregational Seating capacity 450'. Still a fe.w choice Lord, who daily loa.deth us with fism conferied at 1 ,0 pm and Thursday — Community Thanks- ARNOLD'S dates available for Christmas parties. benefits, even the God of. our sal- on ueekdavs hy appointment Bur- giving service, 10 a.m. Plenty of Parking Space In Our Own Lot vation." Selections from the Bi-in? Thankse;iv in? Week clothing ble" include the following":: "What will be collected for the need\ in shall *JL .render unto the .Lord for other landtv. Packages ma\ he all his; benefits toward me? I oliced in the Rectorv basement will offer to thee the sacrifice \n\ pnctical garment in usable I of thanksgiving, and, will call up- condition ni an\ unable hlinket on the name of the Lord (Psalms quilt oi cnveilet or an\ pan of 116:12, 17). pi ictical shies v ill he arcepted Sunday • — Sunday- School and Local merchants uhn donated Nursery at 10:45 a.m. Sunda> eonds or ser\ires fot the Haivpst Services at 10:45 a.m. and 7:30Caid Path prizes and h«e the p.m. "Ancient and Modern Nee thanks rt the parish aie Wulks romancy, Alias Mesmerism and Depaitmpnf Store Banbaults Oil Hypnotism.,- Denounced will be Sen ice Fulton Maikets Watei subject of the Lesson. Sermon foi town Fmpst Foods Princeton Knitting Mills Town Housenares Jamsv s Sfoie E*)IP s Maiket Bol!) S Confectionei \ Village Package Stoie Coiwiumti Fvid Liner A\on Pioducts Hill Tip Nursery Laureen Pastries Thornaston Savings Bank John 0 Neil Mai eel s Smoke Shop Al s Confectionerv Tacks Bai- bei Shop Lidia s Beauh Shop and Joe Kiupa Maiket LD Union Congregational *da\ — Communih Thanks Worshm af Water town On grt e;atir>m] Chinch at If) a m Saturday— The Senioi Pilgnm Can YOU Fellowship lea'PS at 1 p m to ?n tn Noith Cnlehrmk Y M C \ C\ eatei Hartford Qutdooi CentPi A Will con be out-of-dafs . Cver a period of fi'i a studv confeiLncp on Peliaf Win The ion An 1 Science Wilfied Lon^ years it can become cbrcl: C lunseloi assistorl h-* Mr ani con be worse then no Wiii. Mrs Alhpit Ni' ckas Ji Thp Jackpot? Tunioi Pilsrim Fell nw ship vill ho" 1 frnm 4 to PS p m Drawing a Will that' insures Che future of your1 Sunda\ — Chuich School at 1 ">0 7:30 to 8.-00 p.m. a m Nurspi \ in the paisirn^e family Is a fob for am expert . . . like your at- dm in? thp wui'sliip torney . . . carrying out your wishes as guardian,, Tuesdays Mondiv -Giil Scouts meet at n p m Junnn Chrtn leheaisal at Executor or Trustee takes experience and skill B nft pm with Miss Ehziheth ., . . We have that experience and skilled per- WTfC-IV MarDnrnM diteciine; and Mis Mien Rpprl oi ^inist sonnel. Channel 3 Tuesdn - ful •! nuts mept at 1pm Senior Chmi lehpii^q] at Sponsored By " p m with Sumner Lihhp\ dn Consult Our Trust Department ectmo; in 1 AIiss 4ilene Hull T- organist The Chiistmas music is beina; rehensed h\ bnth choirs about 'the advantages in naming Methodist Church Thutsi1j\— Jumoi Ch m le The Friend If Citizens heirsil it 7 p m Senm Chon rehensal at 7 q0 p rn As Your Executor

• • • • • • • • • • • • • i i • •••••••••• FLAN-NOW FOR YOUR . 20 MINUTES FREE PARKING THANKSGIVING PIES Park 20 minutes FREE while visiting the AS : Friendly Citizens . . ,. just notify attendant at Pumpkin, Mince, Apple, etc. the Parking Let' diagonally across from the ALL KINDS OF CREAM PIES bank, an Kendrick Avenue. Pumpkin Layer Cake and. Rolls of all Kinds FAMILY BAKERY The 403 MAIN ST. — OAKVILLE —.; CR 4-8015 Open Sundays Until 7 CITIZENS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • **«»*«"* and REASON. INC. MANUFACTURERS Call us fot your residential wiring. For estimates. Emergency repair. Commercial wiring. Say, .MAKE IT ADEQUATE WIRING! Notional Bonk 510 Main 8fc - OAKVILLE * ; Tel. CR 4-2589 20 LEAVENWORTH STREET WATERBURY A Licensed Electrical Contractor Sine* 1927' MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE COIP. PAGE 14 — TOWN TIMES (WATE'RTOWN, CONN.), NOV. 27, 1958 cost for the buttress walls, it was with direct entrance to the bank- the performances. Parents may agreed that 'the town should pay ing floor, is. a convenient feature obtain, tickets from, their child's Property Crookof s theAbando nWatertown$1,900, subject to' the town, meet Historical- of the fifth, .and newest. Waterbur Societyy teacher, or at the door. It was T O W N TI M E S .irag vote, and that the contractors, Savings Bank office. .An, elec- announced that the entire pro- (Continued from. Page 1) tronic communication system be- ceeds of the production will..go to slitted hoods and dark ctofhlng. absorb 'the remainder ' of the cost CLASSIFIED ADS and also install tie rods between tween the Oakville office and the support the Watertown Teachers* Pavone, who. is employed as • a Association Scholarship Fun*1.. PIANO WANTED' — Must be rea- gold and ^silver "plater, said he the two walls. main office enables depositors to sonably priced1. Tel. CR 4-4167. watertownhistoricalsociety.orgstruck one of the men, but the transact business not only at the other fhen, came to' the aid of the George Fielding Elliot 'Oakville office but at any of -the Wall-to-wall carpet looks best first, and the local man was sub- Mother bank's offices... . when it is installed by -Experts. (Continued from Page 1) dued after a struggle. in. American colleges., RUSSIA'S JAMES Our mechanics know their job, and He was- then robbed .and tied take pride in the details that make SOVIET ECONOMY. Cast Is Announced - with a rope, after which the pair Non-members 'desiring to attend E. you proud of your floors. Call on. escaped: in Pa vane's ear. He said (Continued, from Page 1) us for your next carpet needs and both this program, and the follow- the men did not have guns and he will accompany summer Libbey, select from the largest, assort men; t did not recognize them... ing one on the moral aspects of De WITT in- N.W. Conn. HOUS ATOMIC modern advertising, are urged to. Joseph .Porter and Arthur Silva VALLEY RUG SHOP, West Corn- Tata, in addition to the auto- contact Mrs. Charles B. Allen, in solo numbers. wall,. Conn,, Tel. ORleans 2-6134. mobile, where a .38 caliber re- (CR 4-3648) or to purchase sub- Other features of the "Revue" 13S8 Mam SK. Wotertown volver owned by Pavone which scriptions at the door. Member- will be a chorus line, a, barber CR 4-245 7 HOUSEWORK WANTED' — Days. was in. the car, a walle twith an ship is $3,00' per person. shop quartet, a .quadrille, a polka P.. O. Box .102, Water town,., unknown, amount of currency, a I The final program of the .season by Herman Anderson and Airetta gold watch .and a diamond ring to be presented by Discussions, Cianciolo of Judson School and a FOR SALE — 1949 Grey Ply- valued at $250. Inc. will be held Thursday even- tango and waltz: by Betty and Eu- mouth, sedan. Good condition... $75 Pavone managed to hobble to gene Vaughn. Mutual I run rant* 'Co., ing, the 4th of February. James M.wluaC flwm Irmironte Co. Call CR 4-3560 after Sunday, neighbors, who unbound him, and Vicary, president of a large Mad- W. T. A. officials are promis- Li fa Intunuica Co. called the police. Local authorities ison Avenue advertising firm, ing an "entertaining and. enjoy- FOR SALE — -New and used,, pi- said Pavone had a permit to." carry will defend, motivational and sub- able evening" to ail who attend anos, organs and accordions. Big the gun. in his car. liminal advertising • methods t ra de- i n all o wa nces. Liberal Police, who said the pair had against the criticism of Professor terms. Lou-Jan Music Shop, 252 apparently attempted to break into Maurice L. F'arber, known to alii Street Main St., Oakville. Tel. CR 4- the house before Pavone arrived readers of HARPERS and 'THE O A K ¥ I L L E 4167. home, described the two men as: NEW YORKER for his penetrat- OAK THEATRE" 1 W A TIER TOWN — Attractive, 5 feet 6 inches and five feet 7 ing analysis of contemporary so- comfortable .rooms. Single or" inches fall, both white; and both, ciety. There will be ample op- FRIDAY, SATURDAY at 1:30 double. Shower, private home, wearing black leather jackets and portunity to question speakers at black: trousers. all. programs from the floor, as residential, central, parking. CR well as to meet them personally FEATURE-LEN&TH FUN! 4-3266 or CR 4-8335. Police are continuing the inves- tigation, headed by Chier Frank at the coffee hour following. WANTED' TO BUY used tobog- Minucci, with the assistance of gan. Call CR 4-3813 after 6 p.m. Sergeant: Butler,' and officers '" Over 5000 Attend Joseph Clemente and .Peter La- ('Continued from. Page 1) FOR RENT: 4 room apartment, Boda. unfurnished, close to bus line, C. Parker Fleming,, branch co- central location. Call CR 4-10.38:, ordinator, and Mr. Hall were between 6. p.m. and 7 p.m. Cost To Fortify present with staff members (Continued from. Page 1) Joyce Cirello," Ronald Hurlburt, HOURS—25 CARTOONS! TAILORING SERVICE — Mrs. Ruth Tracy and a large delega- .Marie G. Vitone, expert seam- they were unable to stand the ex- tion of officer:* and employees of ADMISSION — 25c TO' All stress, • 36 Fair view Avenue, Waterbury Savings „ Oakville. Phone CR 4-3155. pense of bracing the walls accord- Fins Free Circus Balloons ing to the plans of the Warner Souvenirs were . given to' all FIREWOOD FOR SALE — De- Engineering Co.. which they com- adults and children at the occa- FRL, "SAT. "LOVE AND WAR" . . . and livered. CR 4-821.7. puted would cost $4,200. 'They sion. The Mattatuck Drum Band, suggested' the town, contribute organised in, 1767, added zest NIGHTS at 7 — • "Rx FOR MURDER" 1946 FORD PICK-UP — New $3,500 toward this cost, and color to' theevent. .motor, good tires, CR 4-8151. First Selectman Hunger ford re- The new Oakville bank is SUNDAY — "CHASE A CROOKED' SHADOW" ported at the joint meeting that located in a, corner building FO'R RENT — Floor zanders, he engineering' firm, notified .him which has been altered exten- AN'D "LEFT HANDED' GUN" .floor polishers, sanding ma- Friday, just before the meeting. sively. A customer parking' area. chines, transit and levelling that the $4,200 .estimate was too .machines. high and that the actual cost to Watertown Building Supply mttress the walls should be SI,,. Echo. Lake Rd., Wtn., Tel. 600', based on, 24 cubic yards of CR 4.-2555 concrete. OIL RANGES,, SPACE HEATERS Mr. McCleary said that Warner — Cleaned and serviced. Cover- had "failed to fake into account ing surrounding towns. CR, 4- the slope and the ledge which 4937. would have to be moved to con- struct the buttresses." » CARPENTER & MASON WORK, Mr. C'andee said, "The respon- GOOD ROOF reasonable. Building, repairing. sibility for building a sound piece Free estimates. Tel. CR 4-8397. of construction is in the lap of Zappone. the prime contractor. I on - MODERN GLASS CO'. don't doubt' that a good job was Everything in GLASS dnnc, but it was not adequate as . — Telephone PL 3-2606 " the* Selectmen invited bids for HOUSE 119 Cherry Street Waterbury •adequate .walls. We now have also the situation of two figures — is like EXPERT WATCH .AND' CLOCK, $4,200 and SI,.600," REPAIRING — Guaranteed Anthony Zappone explained that Workmanship. "we figured on, the basis of 4,8 EMIIIIL JEWELERS yards not 24. for 'l spoke to War- ner and he said 48". The two MONEY ERNIE'S AUTO BODY WORKS contractors revised their • esti- 'One of the "most 'Completely mate on the basis of 24 yards and equipped Paint and .Body Mr. McQeaxy noted, "The but- IN YOUR HAND!! Shops in Connecticut. Wheel tresses are additional protective Alignment and. Balancing. supports which, may or may not 1,28 Watertown Ave., WaterDury be necessary to put the walls back PL 3-6241 in plumb." Selectman Masi said, "If the It Saves Your Property — It Saves Your Pocket book!! NOW YOU CAN RENT — Hand wing walls would have been, put in and power rollers, hedge trim- originally, it: would have cost a lot mer, fertilizer and lime spreader, more." Rototiller. Also electric paper The two contractors figured steamer, electric waxer, Sander, that the construction of the "addi- edger, etc. tional supports would involve. $2.- IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING? 1 1 KAY'S .HARDWARE .. 000 plus $350 for drilling and ex- Main. St . Watertown, cavation., Mr. McCleary said. Tel. CR 4-1938 • ' "We'll be grateful for any help we can get. I'M put: tie. rods in Then Its Time To Call "GIL" FREEMAN WITH YOUR R U GS, CAR PETS, BROADLOOMS also to lighten the pressure on the —Minor's Valley Rug Service, So. new, buttresses. We expect to Main, St., Thomas ton. Rugs and spend money to make this right FARM AND HOME ROOFING PROBLEMS!! Carpets cleaned by Bigelow's hut the buttress walls are extra." Karpet Kare Process. Selectman 'Ma si .said, "That's fair enough. ^ I don't know whose G IE IN E R AIL E L EC TRIC H eat ing, fault it is that the walls gave and All Types of Roofing and Siding Hot Water, Warm. Air and Air the two boys are willing to take Conditioning. WESSON. HEAT- a beating." ING CORP., Waterbury. Tel. J Using "the figure of $2,350 as the Bird's—J ohns- M anvi 11 e. Etc.

ALL CARS WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES Wanted 1000 *' G # /'' Freeman', Uses I n s u r e d H e I p . 1 1951 ARS WANTED To 1958 GUTTERS SEL - OUTRITE OR FREEMAN and LEADERS... FOR GOOD LOW PRICED Are your gutters and — USED CAR— drains in shape to take • WE "PAY OFF YOUR HI BALANCE . ROOFING CO. the heavy winter, rains? If's smart to clean,'and 221 ,PORTEf ST. WATERTOWN fix-up now and protect SEL MOTORS your property from dam- ' '1414 'MAIN ST.. WATERTOWN, CONN. Tel. CR 4-3 6 65. : age and defacement. OPEN EVENINGS - CR '4-235.5... CR 4-42115 G 11 m a, n F re e.m a n , Pro p . Elizabetli 1! Lols->lJc 79.70 itiella C Reach 176,80 TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.}, NOV. 27, 1958 — PAGE,'15 WHS Christmas Bali LEGAL NOTICE A kl a I) Ltfa^c 91 EstJier V Baldwin 7» 1 H ndi-viaiia Harrh 129.02 774 i-j Arthur G. Raymond 90/J1 541.26 \\ ilfia 11 \ inilt r n '•"•*— The above asses men t become due Ind Property ofNOTICE OtheF SEW ER WatertownThe Konian Catliolic Historical Societypayable <»n or itefore January 31. 1938 Committees Named Church of St M rtha Andt-r- >n 1.07 C42.00 at the office irf the Collector of Tdxe.-< OiK\ILLE CON.NLLTKIT Marv \ra,.-dakn 137 042 00 t rin Gi rdanc> 30 .Jill P>1 II 180.00 of the Oakylllp Fire IMstrict. 747 FrAicb Emily Kasttier and Louis Sween- The Public \\ ork^ Lumnii m of Lnlol u l ^^at mal Street. Oakvltle. Ponn. This, asspss- Church of Uak \h\ r i \ " 102.»!« 613.96 •ueot may be "{tafd in eighteen flSl ey have been named general chair- H I lie 307.77 1 S4I I . I ^ n i M r etiiiaj annual int5fc 41.0 .41 II ) i>aymeut due' on Jan. 31. 19 "6.. Interest ami I B Jl Ur\ \\ PT i k 4MK17 241.1X1 at the r,ate oi twe^ ni l~»i> j:ier c^ivf IH»T an.- sored by the senior class of Water- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgt ,r 111 K if I n GIN 1.12 imua nun> will toe charged on any port Inn town High School that will be held nil >« j H tr\ \\ r i k COO. 12 J.i ft I- 84,0 14 IX 1110.02 uf this assessment whie'ti reinaio^ un- Ii H a\ i n I 1 ill It SI 1 i X ! on Dec 27 in the high school gym- KiKkiD_'hajn tnH-uii\" I». run 1 paid after January 31. H't.1!,)'. Ii ( I t r si i $1.20l).24 nasium from 8 30 p m until mid- i>' tOdkwlle hiri Ui-triLt Uiuldin, t i j Hi a\ t i 200.11+ A copy of these' assessments was filed Cljdt st i Unit st il raicli to 1 I I Jit l>l|ss JDl \ Ii in Dnni / k witli tin? Clerk of the Oskrille Fire night Music will be furnished by &r > 1-jliU bt ruvdi st t> Buck u_ Lif Is 240.07 \ 44ii 4 Mir i i ri\i z i k 105.S8 63.~i.2S District on November 24. 19S*,. Any. Wes Billings and his band mm i>') and Buckingham jjtu r r.'i J 811 M ' i 1 I 7/ Tr 100.(13 600.18 appeals from these' assessments must 'he (J,i(iM >, ti District I ini in tli Lmile 1 hiiss u) J Ik \ \ 1 7 flk 100.U3 6110.18 I taken mi thin twenty-one days from that Committees appointed for the amount Mt to tin ir rt-tn uw IIJIU-, Jr. HI,,88 1 I) tn \\ r k • filing dale., event include* Refreshments, M t . Hit — K s I> in H in V\ r nk 100.03 fiO0.1R JOSEPH X. PAXBRXOSTER Marti, chairman, A Howard, J \IK lui 1 G Mittii Ml I .. n k It HI. 03 6CMI.1S District Clerk leet ( lain Nott is juti I IMI I 1 s ]i , k 84.97 509.S2 Kavvarcius, J Lakovitch S .inm^ B R«>M I In mas \l rr sun I 1 t . ,i " 13 fill s | 1 I (, ik Broun B Box, P. Osborn N Al-knrt-u H in-.ii J sci In ii* J * na 60 if (Ml 1 1 ir ! \ ( r ki U 1.21 AUCTION; — The following mer- M In. 14" i> s-70 ON \\ ill am I (ji \Lr \-*r i I ki 1 2:17.79 l,3(it>.74 vord, C Voyda, S Day, J Tom- Knth Ii tir m r chandise will be disposed of by KM! I if I (Ml B(J ->( M J [ VJ 1 llan \\ II i\i J Urn !LJ\ m mil Misui t fill public auction at the Watertown blow I , s r_ i s ] 1 133. IB 798.U6 R Howard, A Moraska, J Cunri- Mirl >n K i KUJH r i±o Cil I 62 I \S t t ^1) I (HI r ii i Barnes, D Zibello, R Lamothe, I r ink LIUIU ill i ti . "ll I Ml two compressor tanks, two pair Yum Li h« ill i i u .rh 1 il3 k M „ 203.53 1.221.4ft I Jr Nichols J - ] Inn I - i, , I i i of fender skirts, one Army sad- L iriniii 1) Ha ( inn n I- Muuic C Bdgucne sr m aaih (- ith rm litlh ( in,i r i "I". "" 1 IX (. ifit r I , dle, one new hammer, two Ian- I lltll M lllljijllt ), I ni> I r in 1 1 Ml ll I in "i 1 Music, C Budge, chairman •JTH Illl Ar I ir \ I terns, one car radio, .and, several members of the prom committee h - I I hmi i- JTIMHI I Mi 'LJI 1 I rm 1 1 \ irn 1 Htui_t n ird i I u< r i 1 l in F\ i l r 90.21 Ti 41.20 hub caps. Publicity D Hale, chairman, S I I - m Hil ^4H un (j I 11 llJll 120.1,5 - ft I Da> R Belz, L Tracy D McClus lj< JIV v\ Una,* rfur I '*) >,,,„, \[Jiie I mi . 1 1 V mi i M \\ l k-tn m t ~. MI iHi 1>< in IIK< l>i i . ISO I.0SO.O0 ky E Kelity, J Hobbie \\ llfiv ] J Lad i i ti imtu L i Clean-up, W Quiglej Ji , chair- '' ' VIII Illl I lu istin i \ 111 k-t > It'll S'O J MI'III nk-[i, i JI 60 r a Ml 3i II II I man, B Fenn, N Butterfield, D \;,, unL. sS i"[III). Ills li in- T i irn i ( lr rl Waterfown Manufacturing Co. Zibello, M Pedane, B Davidson -Ljrri II \1 ! IT ins inn 'MI M. i '' " ^1 ' *"n i 90 340.00 D Hale 5 Kastner L Sweenev (• ii. \\ 11un_ it rd II KM Hi | * '"" " ~ ' H i I si I. n I li ii 1' s, ti it I S'tM.WI J Curulula, S Whitman \ un r. st ii if i lis HI rik u si Programs, T Suluhvan, chair- h i~. L> 1 r ii i n i uk • ski fin Custom Molders of All Plastics II in i spin i [/ lift man S Day, D Lav asseur C Liini-i i -r i 1 II ->Ji J ini ( t ii us in 1 Hi n JIi ni il ik 130 fM HI INI March, S. Murphy, A Ternll, L M u \ 1 I ii i- an 1 Mic li i ' I nrinnti n t<0 tin •>!!r\ ]\ ] Vr in a n 1 1 il/ ii 37,-10 22'-i, on J >fin I 1 nuiv iln [ I v. n i, V\ m \ n I.3(CS4 7.R17.fM '; VISIT A, FACTORY OUTLET FOR Tickets, C Razza ana D Beau- w iiii I i n anjis ISI 1.48 j liuu chairmen Tickets mav be Il.S j b IL I, ss, Jt V\ulin I liihu Ii 2IW.47 1.231.82 , ? r tta ( HL--. rti f. + MHI Ili1rI x l >is 3,|( 1SO.II0 ; purchased from anv member of h I'll- i j LIFETIME WARE liie senior class I ! ii H U i[ him 1.1 'HI 1 11 11 Hi r,ej- J ls( ,ln I ll U |f, It r-n J} j I> i[u i 990 540.00 ! Invitafions, J Curulla Knrli f ii in un 1.11 Iiii li j 'L nl a Man ( /ir Mi l-> 10 ^ MI Ivatl i uit I ilniln !to r>4O.on s |IIJ[ KOI k tjll p I 04 4 Ki 1 nn I' ihnl> i 120 720.0(1 s i[,l)[ ], K k 40 43 W illiain Kisi Ink Routes 6 and 8 Main St.. Thomas ton LEGAL M ir i Kisiluk lno^ OWL'!'Ml t Oil! Ittl 1 111 1 j !> isi Ki \ u-k ISA i.flSll.llll \\ \IiM\G J ISL [lllllll I 111(1 72tU)ll 1 IK It^il i 'tern (if (lit T >vwi of M t (Jtiml 1 i ( HMI J) Id J i if ii > !*«» 1 rliuii and tlniM * utitli il t \ t al I >uis Frin 1 1 '* \\ ikr jna ( 7aji IfiO won on' OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. TO' 5:30' P.M.. r I i« n 'ti(f:iii_ s art htulu warmd JIKI Micha 1 I mi i 1 '1 I U ik[ ir i 1 z,ijn 23(i.G 1,41».7S noiih il tli it a Spinil 1 d« n Minting Marie I rm i 1 I I Iw in! I' -Gr id m ski { N O S U N O A Y H O U R S ) i\ill Lie lield In said \\ att rro\Mi at th Loin i tt i 1 i in i r\ ]\n T fii-it. n-k, 80 4 so. on! Tim 11 Hall i>n t)u W da\ nf Ihi^ii! Una rill a i! " Hi mi I du n j P Cirai iwski 70 420.01) i. 1 pi HIS at S 00 T M foi Mi fill >« J nlia K isz i^ 1" I <-HHi I HI In/ l in |i >M >. — I{ULI I I Jllllpll t t 1JH 1 In i m-irf(~ and taki> aocii u m |.i 1 anu^ii tti fi m tli^ Resprip I-und for ( apital Lt na I aini^ln tt and Nun Kit ur mi*; I xjit •illturi v •Vdin 1 2 V f >r rlit Tf< nWriii !i<>n if tin I n in li V t> r T H irimi -ki Before you sign Srtvnt cnlvtrt ami the <1r«ij;m/ of 1 i an( i s \\ m sk\ a [.(irtlnl a off tii n l»r >okk riinnliitl r llx Jolin H ll in st tuna Tt'lio Lakt ajul ^teelt Biunk life ii>i HI n In cnrisl(5er anil a< t ujmn a in . Strti I- Timsk\ l.n ]i .sii to authonz! tlip vlictnitn of Kai iiiuntl J /nljic a heating oil;; • tlif T >^ G of Writ rtown to d Jolin Iiiinui In7 V .41 U b\ tin J own tnim Hie r^tati of lljarli- L I'lxJt i Jr r \irernlili to siioli j i I dii l S l*lxk> W and UI>OQ »*u(.h ttrmi and t >ndl V ictor I in dis agreement check tinns as the Siltttin n sfi«iH dttm Mars Ju JK l»r i|ier S i.liii Hjliulia fvlll Is 8 To consider and take actlun n Carl Li --. 7 4J1 « Hie an.! )>taii(.t> of Kllcti km \in! r isi l)psi>na 40 J40 00 lime \\ oodpark ]>n\o ami sim < n st Priie as |HJI>)K hlpliwais . llfl!iro M irtinilll i To |>i*s. anr and all iot* •• nn ^-an Otto Martini Hi in t tin t onijilt tlon if tho alnu m n conii.t t nt >hurn (ion d fdiii- and tn tniisjtt am otlnr Hi bitsni'ss jiroi r to mine Infun said Const nator 40 j-mon IHP till).' Manr Martin 111 7"i IMtf-d at 'Uatprtnuu tonnrctiitit VnE [no MdiiEiutjo 4'M.inbir 24 18V* Julia S Moiitlnho ~o ft NEW GULF SOUR HEAT (r n ilm >nt llunnertjrd JoHfith It Wilkows r m m> Jost»|>h M isi Helen \\ ilkowskl 103 Michael J 1W\ HIP | Orland > lam* i ( lc filS iJO carcll! Boarti of Si ii ctmen 410 (Ht /t ca/i saue you money Tunn uf \\ ati rtoii n. Conn... Almi J. Mmt Gulf Solar Heat is the revolutionary new kind off heating oil... super-rafined .and hydrogen-purified to' bum ultra clean.! delivers more usable heat for your .beatmg dollar! keep* your burner operating at peak efficiency! superior to other heating oils, yet costs, no .morel

GET ALL THE FACTS Look for this, symbol on the delivery truck.—It's your FREE gu.aran.tee of the world's fin- -CALLUS TODAY! est heating oil! RAIN MASTER heating oil UMBRELLA CR 4-2S14 , ... , for saving $100' .or more NEW OR EXISTING ACCOUNT OLSON'S

Take advantage of this un- usual offer for yourself o:r for someone special, on, your WATERTOWN Christmas gift list,

• Limit: one per account

• Choice of sty!es;, colors • Offer expires Nov.. 23 GARAGE FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS MAIN ST. WATERTOWN • AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WATERBURY ' ' (For Night Service Call CR 4-3539) . - • SO' Leaven worth Street • PAGE 16 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), NOV. 27, 1958 Linda Padella, Bonnie Anderson. fifth grade, having finished the witnessed, an, 'unusual, experiment and Richard Sambuco. Prompter units concerning the growth of last week. It _ consisted of form- was Edward "Hunter, and Claudia America, from, the thirteen, colon- ing a chemical, " garden using Property of the WatertownZappone was Song Leader. Historicalies, have also completed Societya ••water, "salt, blueing an d ammonia Invited, to attend1 were Miss map project entitled "America, •poured over coal .After one day's Strockbine and her fourth graders Grows." 'The children • added, the wait, a multi-colored coral-like Mrs. Be'Land and her fourth grad- states to the map 'in, the same or- substance grew all over the pie ers, and Miss O'"Lea.ry and. Miss der they joined, the union, 'writing plates and, appeared to be a tiny watertownhistoricalsociety.orgSalvatore with 'their third grade in, the date on each one. The map hanging garden. classes. is divided, by •colors according' to 'Charlotte, 'the spider 'brought in, 0POKT On November 19, Miss Scully's, territories. to .Mr. Anderson's fifth grade by third grade went on a field 'trip As a 'result of the visit of Mrs Grace Schienda, has been, identi- 'By BOB P A L M E LJ the Maple Hill Dairy in Water- Salvatoce-'s class to the Water- fied as a. Wolf Spider, prevalent bury. Transportation was provid- town Library, the youngsters are all over the United States, but not ed by parents Mrs. Walter Booth, interested in getting Library found, in. this area, very fre- Mrs. 'Donald Bradbury and, John books. Mrs. Salvatore visits the quently. The class is studying O'Neill. library every two weeks to obtain weather, .and many children ~ nave Mr. Pierpont. owner of the a, new supply of books for the contributed to the unit with 'many dairy farm,,, conducted the tour children. materials... Bruce Wilson brought THAN KS EVE R YON IE I in the annual Bluegrass Festiva Some of the things the children in. many interesting ••weather fore- To the clergy, the committee at .Louisville, Kentucky, on De- were interested in seeing includ- Fails Avenue School casting devices. Bob Wilson made cember 19. In. this tourney, there ed -the barn where the hay is The children of the first grade a barometer, "and the class is sportswriters, ex-ball players baled and stacked, the section, of planning to begin ... making daily • managers, scorekeepers, collec- will be such stalwarts as North at Falls Avenue School, accom- observations and beeping a, tabu- _ tors, fans, friends, fellow work- Carolina, Northwestern and the barn .where the cows are panied by their mascot kitten Louisville. milked and a colt less than a, day "Rainy." went to the " Judd Farm lated report on the Watertown ers, the V.F.W., and the present old. weather conditions. day bail'players, who attended the for a hayride last week. They al- Bob Palmer, Sr., testimonial- The youngsters saw how the so toured, the farm and saw the last week--thanks from a gratefu 5chool ActiVi"ties milk is cooled, pasteurized, bot- animals and • machinery- They To, .insure the •pedestrian safety father and an appreciative son. Watertown High tled and capped. Mr. Pierpont spent: the whole day there,. arriv- in crossing a. street or hlgtup/ay, NOTES FROM THE DINNER On November 20'., students from, showed them an electric milking ing and departing by school, bus the motorist has to drive so as to"- *There was a wonderful repre- the second and third year French machine and how it worked. A avoid collision. This may not be sentation of local baseball .-on classes traveled to Hartford to question, and answer period' was Baldwin School easy because of 'the 'pedestrian's hand, players from down through see the production of "The held at the end of the tour. Mrs. Redding's third, graders apparent disregard for his own the years who were members of Miser" a comedy .by Moliere. On. November 20, Miss Scan- are busily preparing; their Thanks- safety... However; says the Con- probably every local team, in his- The play was performed by the Ion's sixth grade class" voted for giving booklets, in which will be necticut Safety 'Commission, helfr . tory at one time or another, and members of the University of officers, in their Golden Eagle included art projects, which, are keep the pedestrian safe in traf- a: good many of the "old timers" Hartford theater group. 'ivies Club. Elected as officers appropriate to the holiday, a, book fic. Compensate for Ms errors in,; who looked as though they were Officers were chosen at the re- were: John Carbonneau, president review from stories of the In- judgment. fit enough to try it. once again. cently-held Sophomore Class el- Dinae Gilchrist; vice-president; dians, and. Pilgrims, samples of Our present crop of ball players ection, at the high" school. Elected, Stephanie Krok, secretary, Mar- writing taken, from a. Thanksgiv- from the high school. Pony Babe were,: Douglas „Hobbie, president; shall Reed, program, director. ing poem and, various other proj- OAKVILLE POWER Ruth and Little Leagues, were in Laurynd Mentus, vice-president; Assistant Program, Directors ects which pertain to1 Thanks- EQUIPMENT attendance, and no matter liow we named 'were Mark Marconi, Rhea old timers told one another how Eileen Nadeau. secretary; and giving. POWER MOWERS Judy Zuraitis. treasurer. Hoffman, .Roland Calabrese, Cathy Sandra Zwanch, of Mrs. Car- 0' UT BOA-R D 'MOTOR S fit we were—these kids, many of Nadeau, - Henry Boucher and. 'Sales and Service them sons taller than 'their dads, The Debating Club met Novem- Marco Pe truzzi. oil's -second grade, had her sev- were constant reminders that ber 19 at Steven Whitman's home. enth birthday last Saturday. Carl Mrs. McKennerney's- first grad- . • C « 4 - 4 9 1! 4 what we were talking about: was Debates, were held on the topics1 Siemon went to Boston and Penn- '"'Resolved: Testing of Nuclear er:, have been busily learning a- sylvania over the weekend. 583 "Main St. — Oaky it le exactly the day before One Weapons Should Be Banned," and bout the Pilgrims and their first Stephen- Bormolini of Mrs. thing for sure, those that were "Resolved: Leotards Shall Re- Thanksgiving. All of the children, viewing the V.F.W. building for Reiss' second grade, visited his place Pantaloons."" have contributed, to the makin1 g of jrandfather in Pennsylvania, re- the first time were amazed, at the In the Nuclear Weattons debate. their "First Thanksgiving Vil- cently. WATERTOWN spaciousness and beauty of the Fred Davidson, and Brina Medin age." In it they have placed an, Barbara, Maton and 'Lois Dietz. structure, and even more awed took the '"pro" side, while Steven Indian settlement,,,, a. Pilgrim vil- Mrs. McNiff's sixth, grade, when they learned that the entire Whitman and Donna Davison were lage and their' Thanksgiving celebrated their eleventh birthday ELECTRIC construction was completed ' by ''con." Henry Ross was mod- Table. . Nancy brought can- this week. .Lois celebrated with APPLIANCE; REPAIR members of the post. As one put !,rato:r. dle pilgrims, Indians and turkeys a, dinner party for her friends. it. "It could happen* only in. Oak- to add to the display, and Donald All Type* Electrical Wiring ville,:"1 and everyone within, car- Judges Beth Akins,, Joan, Kako- Plans- are under way to make a Residential A Commercial 1 viteh, Joyce Hobbie and Rosanne Winters brought, his small Indian bulletin board display to highlight shot nodded in agreement; . ,. Belz,, made no decision, because doll. he science work 'being studied. Photographers Stony Brads'haw of a tie in the vote. They were During the week, the children The Glee Club is planning a. FREE ESTIMATES and Roland LeDuc worked like judging on the basis of presenla- Thanksgiving 'Concert to be pre- demons making movies and slides earned several Thanksgiving 283 Middlebui-y Rd., during the evening and were we ion of the speech, supporting, songs, and, are planning to make sented to the intermediate grades. thrilled when a surprise an- facts • and, effectiveness of Re- a book about the things they are WATERTOWN nouncement reported they were to buttal. thankful for. J Mid son School C a 11 C R 4 - 4 t 2 8 be given to us as a memento of In the debate on .Leotards, Beth The children of Mrs. Burke's Mr.. Skulski's sixth grade class the evening. __ Akins. Louis Sweeney and, Ros- anne Belz were the "pro"" side, WATERTOWN HIGH OPENS FR'- while Sheila, Murphy and Margaret DAY EVENING, McKec were their 'opposition. Joy Coach Mike Moffo will unveil Bobbie was moderator. Judges, the 1958-59 edition of the Water- Lee Hansen, Henry Ross, Fred town High, School basketball squad Davidson -and Steven Whitman when the Indians play hosts'" to came to a unanimous decision in Wilcox Tech of Meriden at: Swift favor of leotard's. Junior High, Friday evening. The annual Christmas Party The locals have been scrim- was discussed. Joy Hobbie was maging against area teams for aopointed Party Chairman with the past couple of weeks, and Henry Ross in charge .of decora- have given, a good account of tions. themselves. Mike has a trio of - ve te ra ns retu rn i n g,, i nc I udin g Swif* Junior High Carmen Razza, Bry Butferly and The Seventh Grade party was Mick LaMothe. plus several boys held November ,21 in' the Swift who saw considerable varsity ac- Gym. The same committee for tion, a season, ago. and in, Lauryn, the event, under the- direction of Mentus, he has a promising new- Miss Marshall,, Miss 'Golden and: comer who should help the Indian Mrs. McCabe. included Donald c au se c on s i de r ab'I y. Carey. Jay Corcoran, Harry Rob- Water town is a member of. the erts, Michael Ebreo, Ann, Salami, Class B Housatonic Vallev League Peter Donofrio. •won by Danbury's Abbott Tech The food committee, with Mrs. last year. Other teams in the cirg9 Fenn and Mrs. Myers super- cult are _ Housatonic Regional vising, includes Maryann Mat'he- from Falls Village and Bill, Bar- son. 'Freddy Lombardo, Jonathan rett's Kaynor Tech team. Pre- Louis, Bob Kinjer. Jeanette Perlin- liminary game at, 7 p.m.. Friday, ski and Carol Ann Porto. LEGION LOSES OPENER _Cleanup committee, Mr. Cian- Wa t er town" s A men can _ Le g i onciolo and Mr. Kakowski sunervis- vi/e basketball club lo*t its opening ing, consists of Danny Simons, game in the Northwestern Con- Chris Peterson. Darotd • Rovat, necticut League to Thomaston Chuck Calabrese, Larry McCar- last Sunday 81-68 but Coach Mike thy, Wayne Porto, Francis Sierra Marens' club will imnrove as the Norman Roberts, Ernest Colella. season progresses just as they and James, Carney. IOR FREEDOM, for plenty, for all did a year aco. The Invitations Committee un- the blessings of home and family, The team looked a bit rusty in der1 the direction of Mrs. Dowd, its first comnetitive action, of the includes Gre^g Ross. Carol Sar- we say a prayer of gratitude on season, but the potential is there dinsktlt. Janice Hobbie. and, Ed- to make the Legion a strong con- ward 'Goodwin. this Thanks giving Day. As we cele- tender for loop honors. Mainly Mr. Saltmarsh is in charge of lack in E;1 is a, big man who, can con- the planning committee. brate with the traditional feast, we trol and boards and ^i've out • with some real, bucket play. The an- South School are grateful, too, for many other swer may be in the person, of A Thanksgiving Assembly Play, American traditions ,.. . , and for the Billy Mates, one of the ton scor- ''P'ocahontas -And Contain. John ers in the league last year with Smith.""" was given November 25 privilege of all to work, plan" and the Waterhury Guards, who ir= at the school bv the members of slated to join the club,, 'Then too,, Mrs. Lorensen's fourth grade save for a bountiful future. the absence of 'Davt«n, hurt class. last Sundav. 'The team takes to In, the cast. 'Rosemary Curulla the road this Sunday. was Pocahontas, Ravmond New- CUFF NOTES man, was Cantain Smith, John Rin- Here's a fact that PRV interest aldi was Powhatan. Susan Slager Tnenmhers of the fast-pro wine s an Indian woman, Robert. Bethlehem Archery c'nh. Archer0 Mevers was a, medicine man. and, bae:ged_ 1.251 rfeer dun'w the bow Tirfian Ti'r'I'S were played by ARMAND'S FUEL CO. and arrow season in New Jer*»»v. NeNean Ga>l»»va«je. Sandra, Graz^i 131 Davis Street — Oakwillb which, ran from, October 11 to No- sano, Judy Cunningham and Carol w»"™ber 7, «imnared to' -1.1 i"l in Kennerson. Tel. CR 4-1479 1,957 For you many Notre Indian hoys were nlaved by Leo Dame 'basketball fa is in town," Orsini. Thomas Genovese, John Coach Jonny Jordan's club own° -avalieri and John Ciriello: and the season rv>cembpr 3. Jordan Tndian braves iwr,p placed by •has three let term en -ret tin-nine bo* T>avid Fei'ti, William, Eric son. he is, nwer the less onfirnistie a- William Alhnne and Paul G^vin. bout his team piuailiner ifls* The •nro'Iogue was given by Tim- year's re<-rtrd of 24-5. M»inlv he- othy Kennev. HowaH Ttafciault. cause he dof»«: have Tom HawWn< Brfinran Julian. Ari'ne Krantz. who, set a sine;]'*1 p»»asnn"s s Shirley fJrwniT and Patricia Jan- •record for ,an T"sh "'aver • la"* iettv. Phil in, Mauriello and David seawtn with 7'0 noints •« 2ft "Reehe were the stage crew. frammt- for a 25 2 average. Notrp Make-UD and costumes were in Dame has been,., invited to compete he care of 'Veronica. Ruselowski,