The B-G News February 8, 1955
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CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at Provided by Bowling Green State University: ScholarWorks@BGSU Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-8-1955 The B-G News February 8, 1955 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News February 8, 1955" (1955). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1228. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Gieen Sta(e Trustees Discuss Plans LIBRARY For Campus Buildings The University Board of Trus- * * * ^Ik-GJtws tees met Friday. Jan. 28, before the afternoon commencement ex- ercises, and acted primarily on Dorm Named building- proposals which will con- IWfitw Green State XJniuersitu vert the Bowling Green campus into the boom town of construc- For Alice Prout VoL 39 tion within the year. The women's dormitory now un- Official Student Publication. Bowling Green. Ohio. Tuesday, February 8. 19S5 Number 28 Plans are well under way for der construction was officially restoring the Graphic Arts Bldg. named Alice Prout Residence Hall Construction of the new Music Bid*, and the University Union by the University's Board of Trus- Rushees Attend is sceduled to begin this summer. tees Friday. Jan. 28. Jazz-Playing Brubeck Quartet Further proposals are for the con- The dormitory, which is expect- struction of the new Founders ed to he opened next fall, was Open Houses Women's rushinc began last Quadrangle for women. named in honor of the first wife of Dr. Frank J. Prout, president Kriday with the "master plan", UNIVERSITY UNION emeritus of the University, upon guided tours to all sorority houses To Present Campus Concert Pres. Ralph W. McDonald told a suggestion of the Executive similar to the tours conducted for the Trustees that architects arc Hoard of the Association of Wom- the Panhellenic Tea. The Dave Hrubeck Quartet, one in the final stages of planning the en Students. Mrs. Alice Prout was This jrives every eligible per- of the nation's leading progres- University Union, and March 15 killed in a two-car collision two son a chance to visit every house sive jazz groups, will present a two is the target date for completion years ago. and will help them in deciding and a half hour concert at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. lfl, in the Main of the plans and specifications. TruatMi Nam* Others which groups they prefer. Advertising for bids should begin Monday through Thursday of Aud. Because it is desirable for build- Members of the Quartet include shortly afterward, and it is hoped ings in the planning stage to have this week, are the open houses. Kushees are invited to the various Hrubeck, piano; Paul Desmond, al- that contracts for the beginning an official name for uniformity in of construction will he let before DOOMS, picking up their invitii- to sax; Bob Bates or Ron Crotty, architects' planning and by others bass; and Joe Dodge, drums. the close of the school year. at all stages of construction, the tions each morning in Dean Flor- ence Currier's office. The rushees Maximum cost of the Union is trustees also approved the naming The concert is sponsored by the will be allowed to visit each house estimated at 12,258,965, and Or. of the proposed women's residence University Social Committee. Stu- McDonald reported the available not more than twice during the center west of the Library. art R. Givens, coordinator of stu- funds total $2,207,680.16, open houses. dent activities, announced that ap- Because 227 of the total 245 The name of the center is now proximately 1,150 tickets will be the Founders Quadrangle. Each of Kriday and Saturday, Keb. It full-time faculty members have and 12, will be the first group of sold at $1 each. Since all seats in the four dormitories has been each pledged to contribute I Mini informal parties. The next group the auditorium will be reserved, equal to that required of a four- named for a legislator responsible will he Keb. IS and 10, Mr. Givens suggested that stu- year student to the cost of the lor the founding of the Univer- Formal parties will be held from dents purchase their tickets early Union, it has been approved by sity. The four dormitories will be Feb. 22 to 21. Between 7 and it in order to get preferred seats. known H l.owry, Mooney, Tread- the Trustees that these contribu- a.m. Feb. 2ft, rushees will iigl. way, and Harmon Residence Halls. Tickets On Sal* tions be deposited directly in the preference slips. The next day, Four Legislators Tickets are on sale now in the Union Construction and Equip- at ft p.m. bids will no out. north side of the Well. They will ment Account. It was also ap- John Hamilton Lowry Intro- continue to ho sold from 9 until proved that an appropriate space duced the hill to the Ohio House 11 a.m. and from 1 until !t p.m. be set aside as a faculty lounge of Representatives to establish through Feb. 10. or social center to he used as the Howling Green and Kent State In the recent Down Beat Poll, contributing members direct. in It'll). Griinville \V. Mooney was Light Lag Licked Dave Brubeck was named Jazz This space shall be available to speaker of the House who pre- the faculty for as long as the mem- Personality of the Year and also sided over the sessions of the lower In Libe—Leedy took second place in the piano di- bers pay a rental of S1,20D a year house and gave strong support to Installation of new lights in the vision. The quartet was named to cover maintenance ami opera- the passage of the bill. Francis W. reference room of the University the best small combo with Paul Trcadway was the lieutenant gov- tion costs. Library was completed Feb. 1. Desmond receiving a place as saxo- FOUNDERS QUADRANGLE ernor who, as president of the phonist in tho poll's mythical all- Senate, presideil over the sessions The new chandeliers include two The Cleveland firm. Squire, types of lighting. Each fixture in- star orchestra. of that body and also gave strong DAVE BHUBECK QUAHTET Last year the Dave Brubeck Sanders, aid Dempsey, has been support to the passage of the bill, cludes a 1000 watt lamp in the retained as legal counsel for the base, the light being directed down- Quartet appeared in such jazz .ludson Harmon was governor of havens as Storyvillc in Boston and University in connection with the Ohio who signed the act establish- ward by a special reflector and tens. Above and behind the white Hnsin Street and Hirdland in New issuance of bonds and other phases ing these colleges. Beck Announces 98 Seniors Begin glass panels are eight smaller York. It also appeared in a con- of financing of the Founders I'res. Ralph W. McDonald said Quadrangle. lamps which add general light to cert at Carnegie Hall. it was only proper that the found- the entire room. Student Teaching Assignments Recant Albums Architects are well along with ers of the University be given this working plans for the four dormi- The fixtures were custom-de- A total of 98 senior students Some of the quartet's more re- distinction since other universi- signed and manufactured specifi- in the College of Kducation have tories, each of which is expected ties tollow this procedure. Former- cent record ulbums arc: Jazz at to house approximately 200 wom- cally for the reference room. They Alumni Officers To begun their student teaching as- Oberlin, Jazz at Collego of the ly, Homer B. Williams, first pre- were selected to harmonize with signments, said Dr. Ralph Beck, en students. It is hoped it will be sident of the University had been Pacific, Jazz Goes to College, and possible to let the contract be- the ornamental ceiling and elab- Plan '55 Homecoming director of secondary cdurntion. Davo Brubeck at Storyville: 1954. so honored. orate cornices of the room, and Those teaching in the Howling fore June and open the halls by Plans for Homecoming 1951 Hrubeck started picking out September, 1956. also to enhance the beauty of the Green city schools include Richard tunes on the piano when he was #-. i II n H I nrenttccturaiarchitectural details. 1Dr. Paul F. will he discussed Saturday, Feb. Dunn, Janet Johnson, Bnrbara MUSIC BUILDING 19 when officers of the Alumni four years old. However, he ob- tershinq Kitles Harade Lecdy. librarian, said. Prucha, Shyrle Swanson, George jected to taking music lessons at "Architects' plans and specifi- Association gather at Bowling Byers, I.ouis Gulotte, Carol Krohn, . * r i Dr- Uedyieedy feels" that"" removal of a later age because he wanted to cations are in the final stages for the obsolete bronze table lamps Green for their bi-annual meet- Carol Payne, Donald Frinr, Donald Introduces Army him ing. Officers from alumni clubs be a cattleman like his father. the Music Bldg.." I'res. McDonald has taken away the cluttered ef- Getter, William Hazlett, Virginia With this idea in mind, he en- told the trustees. General con- A parade by the ROTC I'ersh- fect which has always character- throughout Ohio and Adrian and Pierce, Rudolph Verderber, Jnninc Detroit, Mich, and Chicago, HI, rolled in veterinary medicine at struction of the building is to em- ing Rifles siiuad and the local Na- ized the reference room, and hus Vescilius, Hud Weckesser, Janice College of the Pacific but after will attend the meeting.