Summer Wheat Returns for Homecoming Exhibition At

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Summer Wheat Returns for Homecoming Exhibition At Print News for the Heart of our City. Volume 54, Issue 3 March, 2016 Read us daily at Ten Cents Page 4 Page 9 Page 10 Jewish Muslim Film Institute presents free film screenings OCU Conference prepares teachers for poverty-stricken classrooms Brightmusic performs March 15 COMMENTARY More than the Richard Glossip case – For the Constitution, for social justice, for reasons pragmatic and humane, put the death penalty into mothballs By Patrick B. McGuigan tence in a “murder-for-hire” ing. Editor case dating back to 1997. Before all that, many of us Scores of intelligent people reached the conclusion that The execution of Richard who have reviewed the case, whatever else it is, the Glossip Glossip, a resident of death row including this writer, believe case is Exhibit A for poor de- at the Oklahoma State Peniten- there is more than room for fense counsel, and a matter not tiary in McAlester for 18 years, doubt about his guilt. Many worthy of the Ultimate Sanc- has been delayed four times. have always said there was in- tion. He ordered three “final meals,” sufficient evidence for convic- Glossip’s is by far the best- and ate two of them, each time tion. Regardless, information known of the five pending awaiting his date with lethal from witnesses never heard by Oklahoma executions. Doubts injection. judges or juries has raised seri- about his guilt should be suf- Boots - acrylic and oil paint on canvas, by Summer Wheat. Glossip’s most recent brush ous (and new) questions. ficient reason for the state gov- with execution (September 30, New witnesses stand ready ernment to step away – perma- 2015) saw him pass most of one to testify that Justin Sneed, the nently – from killing him. Summer Wheat returns day in a mysterious form of actual murderer of inn-keep- The best solution at this solitary confinement, uncer- er Richard Van Treese, has point is to take steps needed for homecoming tain why prison officials were bragged about setting Glossip to convert his sentence to life, not going forward with his sen- up to take the fall for the kill- Commentary continued on page 3 exhibition at Oklahoma Contemporary By Darla Shelden es that are site specific for the City Sentinel Reporter gallery.” The exhibit runs through The Oklahoma Contempo- Aug. 12 at 3000 General Per- rary Arts Center is hosting shing Blvd. at the State Fair the Summer Wheat exhibition, Grounds Park. “Pry the Lid Off,” which will be Wheat says she “searches Oklahoma native artist Summer a homecoming for her. history from a material and Wheat returns to the Oklahoma Con- Born and raised in Okla- conceptual point of view.” temporary Arts Center on Feb. 25 to homa City, Wheat returns to Johannes Vermeer’s The serve as an artist-in-residence. OAC to serve as an artist-in- Milkmaid was her inspira- Photo provided. residence and to “create piec- tion for this exhibit. Wheat ex- continued on page 9 Mary Fallin Richard Glossip Scott Pruitt The Paseo Small Art Show for 2016: World class art on a human scale. Deadline March 11 By Pat McGuigan And the show is a a great three-dimensional work in any Editor opportunity for young or new media. artists. The official “calls of - Work must not have shown The Paseo Arts Associa- artists” has been issued from previously at Paseo Art Space tion’s juried SmallArt Show for the Paseo Arts Association - Work can be no larger than 2016 will feature small, origi- (PAA). 15 inches in any direction, nal work for the beginning col- Specifications for the show - And. Please note: Size in- Former President Bill Clinton spoke during a Hillary Clinton GOTV (Get Out The Vote) Rally attended by about 300 enthusi- lector. include: Open to two and continued on page 2 astic supporters on Sunday, Feb. 21 at Northeast Academy in Oklahoma City. Photo by Darla Shelden. Bill Clinton rocks OKC’s Hillary GOTV rally An Appeal To Our Readers, and By Darla Shelden need for inclusion for all Amer- body’s voice is equal - we’ve got City Sentinel Reporter icans. to build a world where there a Notice to Advertisers “We’ve got to tear down all are more partners and fewer We turn to you, friends sands who prefer the Former President Bill Clin- the barriers, not just the eco- enemies – then you ought to be and readers, with a direct printed word over pixels. ton spoke to about 300 enthusi- nomic ones, and we’ve got to for her.” appeal to supplement the In sustaining this print astic Hillary Clinton support- build ladders that everybody The rally followed a private resources that flow from presence, we solicit your ers on Sunday evening, Febru- can climb. That’s Hillary’s fundraiser for Hillary host- our valued and loyal ad- help. ary 21. The crowd was packed whole program in a sentence,” ed by Cliff and Leslie Hudson. vertisers. Send checks to The City into the Northeast Academy Clinton said. Cliff is chief executive officer This is not complicated. Sentinel, P.O. Box 60876, in Oklahoma City during what “If you believe that we need of the Sonic Corporation based Newspapers are in trou- Oklahoma City, OK 73146. was themed a Hillary Clinton an inclusive economic policy in Oklahoma City. ble. Like everyone else, To arrange for credit card GOTV (Get Out The Vote) Ral- where we can all prosper, an Introductions were given we have a vibrant online transactions, telephone ly. inclusive social policy where by State Rep. George Young presence (visit us at city- the editor at 405-834-4834, President Clinton’s main everybody is treated fairly, in- and State Senators Kay Floyd and an “app” or email [email protected]. message that evening was the clusive politics where every- and Anastasia Pittman, all promoted each edition on Below is our production Oklahoma City representa- page one. schedule for those interest- tives. Still, a community ed in advertising in forth- Sen. Floyd said, “There are a newspaper serves thou- coming editions. lot of reasons to support Hill- ary Clinton. She is a fighter who knows how to get things done.” Floyd reminded the crowd A note to advertisers and potential advertisers that early voting would begin Here is The City Sentinel print edition production schedule for next 4 months. on Thursday, Feb. 25 for the “Super Tuesday” March 1 Okla- April 2016 edition June 2016 edition homa primary election. Ad space reservation: Friday, Mar. 18 Ad space reservation: Friday, May 20 Senator Pittman gave an en- Ad content deadline: Tuesday, Mar. 22 Ad content deadline: Tuesday, May 24 thusiastic introduction for Clinton rallying the crowd to May 2016 edition July 2016 edition State Senator Kay Floyd was thanked by former President Bill Clinton for her keep a Democrat in the White Ad space reservation: Friday, April 22 Ad space reservation: Friday, June 17 work supporting his wife, Hillary Clinton at a rally in Oklahoma City on Feb. 21. House. Ad content deadline: Tuesday, April 26 Ad content deadline: Tuesday, June 21 Photo by Darla Shelden. continued on page 4 Page 2 March, 2016 NEWS See us online, and on Facebook and Twitter Activist Erin Brockovich participates in three Oklahoma Earthquake Forums By Darla Shelden Camp-Horinek. finding the resources for you to tude 3+ earthquakes in 2014 and City Sentinel Reporter Camp-Horinek founded the enable change can be difficult,” 109 in 2013. Coyote Creek Center for En- Brockovich says regarding the On the heels of the Fairview Consumer advocate and vironmental Justice and in site. “It’s about creating aware- quake, Sierra Club and Public environmental activist Erin the 1980’s she worked directly ness of the issues that we all Justice have filed a federal law- Brockovich recently participat- with Cary Dickerson and Grace should be concerned about, and suit against three energy com- ed in three public earthquake Thorpe to halt construction of connecting us together so we panies – New Dominion, Ches- forums where she discussed the Black Fox nuclear power can collectively right wrong.” apeake Operating and Devon her concerns regarding water plant near, Inola, Oklahoma. Recently western Oklahoma Energy Production Company supply contamination in Okla- Brockovich is best known for experienced the third-largest – engaged in hydraulic fractur- homa and across the nation. her involvement in one of the earthquake in recorded state ing in Oklahoma, alleging that Her first appearance was at largest direct action lawsuits history registering a magnitude production waste from fracking the University of Central Okla- in U.S. history against utility of 5.1 northwest of Fairview, ac- and oil production have con- homa Constitution Hall fol- giant PG&E on behalf of 600 cording to the Oklahoma Geo- tributed to an increase in earth- lowed the next day by a press residents of Hinkley, Califor- logical Survey. quake activity in the state. conference held at the State nia. The $333 million settlement The website earthquakes. Brockovich said, “Oklaho- Capitol. Both events were host- Environmental activist Erin Brockov- they received is the largest of Oklahoma State Rep. Richard Mor- states that Oklahoma mans, just as all Americans ed by Oklahoma State Rep. ich recently participated in three pub- its kind in U.S. history. rissette recently hosted two events experienced 907 magnitude 3+ do, deserve the right to live Richard Morrissette (D-Okla- lic earthquake forums in Oklahoma Her story is the subject of the featuring environmental activist Erin earthquakes in 2015, 585 magni- in peace and comfort – not to homa City).
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