MEETING PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE AND TIME MONDAY 5TH NOVEMBER, 2018 AT 7.00 PM VENUE HENDON TOWN HALL, THE BURROUGHS, LONDON NW4 4BG TO: MEMBERS OF PLANNING COMMITTEE (Quorum 3) Chairman: Councillor Wendy Prentice Vice Chairman: Councillor Melvin Cohen LLB Claire Farrier Kathy Levine Mark Shooter Eva Greenspan Tim Roberts Stephen Sowerby Brian Gordon Shimon Ryde Laurie Williams Substitute Members Val Duschinsky John Marshall Arjun Mittra Reema Patel Helene Richman Gabriel Rozenberg Gill Sargeant Simberg Please note that the below agenda may not reflect the order in which items will be heard at the meeting. You are requested to attend the above meeting for which an agenda is attached. Andrew Charlwood – Head of Governance Governance Service contact:
[email protected] Media Relations contact: Gareth Greene 020 8359 7039 ASSURANCE GROUP Please consider the environment before printing. The average Print Cost for this Agenda is £9.57 per copy ORDER OF BUSINESS Item No Title of Report Pages 1. Minutes of the last meeting 5 - 8 2. Absence of Members 3. Declarations of Members' disclosable pecuniary interests and non- pecuniary interests 4. Report of the Monitoring Officer (if any) 5. Addendum (if applicable) 6. Referral from Chipping Barnet Area Planning Committee, 15 9 - 64 October 2018 - Barnet Market (High Barnet Ward) 7. Referral from Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning 65 - 112 Committee, 15 October 2018: 1-5 Princes Parade and 1-3 Heather Gardens (Golders Green Ward) 8. Colindale Gardens (formerly Peel Centre), Aerodrome Road, NW9 113 - 140 5JE (Colindale Ward) 9. Land At 236 -252 Summers Lane London N12 0JY (Woodhouse 141 - 166 Ward) 10.