Print Final Totals Report
PrFnlTot DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS FEBRUARY 5, 2008 PRIMARY ELECTION Recap of OFFICIAL RESULTS Election Totals 549,621Registered Voters 244,032 Total Ballots 44.40% Republican FEDERAL OFFICES Total Balllots 109,358 44.81% Republican PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Vote For 1 Candidates 732 Prec 732 Prec Cntd 549,621Rg V 109,358 Tot B 19.90% Votes Recv Mitt Romney 29,938 27.58% Ron Paul 5,546 5.11% John McCain 57,541 53.01% Fred Thompson 633 0.58% Alan Keyes 227 0.21% James Creighton Mitchell, Jr. 40 0.04% Tom Tancredo 49 0.05% Rudy Giuliani 1,697 1.56% Mike Huckabee 12,868 11.86% Republican UNITED STATES SENATOR Vote For 1 Candidates 732 Prec 732 Prec Cntd 549,621Rg V 109,358 Tot B 19.90% Votes Recv Steve Sauerberg 56,412 63.75% Andy Martin 23,101 26.11% Mike Psak 8,975 10.14% Republican 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Total Balllots 56,198 23.03% Republican REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS 6th DISTRICT Vote For 1 Candidates 399 Prec 399 Prec Cntd 282,513Rg V 56,198 Tot B 19.89% Votes Recv Peter J. Roskam 50,089 100.00% Republican NATIONAL DELEGATES - 6th CONGRESSIONAL DIST Vote For 3 Candidates 399 Prec 399 Prec Cntd 282,513Rg V 56,198 Tot B 19.89% Votes Recv Doris Karpiel (Romney) 13,451 8.62% Fred Bucholz (Romney) 13,506 8.65% Frank Saverino, Sr. (Romney) 13,681 8.77% Dan Cronin (McCain) 27,301 17.49% Alex Martella (McCain) 22,917 14.68% Mary Jo Mikottis (McCain) 22,890 14.67% Jeffrey L.
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