Louisiana:ana: Where Culture Means Business Prepared by: Mt. Auburn Associates Beth Siegel Michael Kane Beate Becker with Ralitsa Dimitrova Jonathan Latner Gene Meneray and Jeanne Nathan and Zopari Kristjanson of Creative Industry July 31, 2005 This report was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts – A Great Nation Deserves Great Art— and the State of Louisiana, Offi ce of the Lt. Governor, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Offi ce of Cultural Development, Louisiana Division of the Arts. Cover design by: Chuck Sanchez, Stun Design & Advertising Cover Art: “The New South” by Terrance Osborne Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu and the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism commissioned Terrance Osborne to create the piece of art found on the cover of this program. Osborne has captured the special feel of Louisianaʼs cultural economy with this colorful and festive portrayal of our architecture, our music, our people and our great outdoors. The artwork communicates the true nature of our people enjoying Louisianaʼs culture throughout the piece. The original artwork is acrylic on wood, pieced together to form a three-dimensional 9-foot collage relief. Published 2005 by from the State of Louisiana, Offi ce of the Lt. Governor, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Offi ce of Cultural Development, Louisiana Division of the Arts P.O. Box 44247, 1051 North 3rd Street, Room 420, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70804-4247 url: http://www.crt.state.la.us/culturaleconomy/ To obtain a copy of Louisiana: Where Culture Means Business or to obtain additional information, Telephone: 225.342.8180, Fax:225.342.8173, email:
[email protected] August 2005 Louisiana is unique among places and cultures of the world, and through our cultural economy initiative, we are working to create avenues of prosperity for our arts and culture communities.