~ www.heathrowvillager.co.uk ~ 2 THE HEATHROW Pages VILLAGER of FIRST PUBLISHED APRIL 1983 Recipient of British Airways JOBS Community Champion Award BRING See pages www.facebook.com/HeathrowVillager BACK 6 & 7 SATURDAY 3rd October 2020 ISSUE NO. 985 E:
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[email protected] IT HAPPENED ON THIS DAY.. Heathrow fire chiefs enhance first OCT 3 1896: William Morris, the author and designer, died at his London home, Kelmscott strike capability House, Hammersmith, at the age of 62. The Heathrow Airport other major incident in- Other features of the value for money, and 1944: The Polish Prime Fire & Rescue Service volving an aircraft. body include a 600-litre keep the airport mov- Minister announces the is now able to tackle a It also provides cover water tank, 60 metres of ing, particularly in these uprising in the Polish broad range of incidents for the area within and electrically-rewound 22 challenging times. capital has ended after more quickly and effi- around the airport mm bore hose and a fur- “The bulk of our 63 days of intense fight- ciently after commis- boundary, which means ther 60 metres of ‘lay work entails responding ing. sioning a pair of highly its firefighters are regu- flat’ high-pressure hose, to alarms and dealing 1952: Britons were able specialised domestic re- larly called upon to deal an additional battery and with small fires in do- to enjoy unlimited sponse units based on with anything from a air compressor to oper- mestic and commercial “cuppas” for the first time Mercedes-Benz chassis.