BYSPXCHiTHffiHH NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT No.F.2( I )r019-PC wing Islamsba4 the 24d JunG,2O2l NOTICf, Secon4 in camere, meetin8 ofthe Porlirmentrry ComDi(.a otr Natiooal S€cufity will be held on TLurrdry, the l"r July, 2021 at 03i00 p.E. in Committe€ Room No. 2, First Floor, Parliarnent House, IslarDabad with tlre followirg agonda:- 1) Briefng on current isgue3 of Nrtionsl Security; .nd 2) Any other item with the permfusioD of tbe Chdr, 2- The Honourable Membe.s and Sp€cial Invitees 6re rcquesbd to kindly mske it convenient to atl€nd the me.ting and in case ofany coflsEaint, a Member may nominate any other Membff witi written audDrization foa the instant mecting. LODlrr) SpecialSecr€rary Tele: No.051-9103192 (l) Mr. Asad Qrber, Spe8k€r, Nrtionrl Assembly ofPrkb.rn Chalrmsr (2) Mian Mulamnad Shehbaz Sharit MNA, Leader of rhe Oppositios in rhe Nationrl Ass.iobly Memtrer (r) Maldrdoom Shah Mahmood HNsain Qureshi. MNA, Minista for Foreigtr A&irs Memb€r (4) S€nator A?rm Khan Swari, Minister for Railways Member (5) Chaudhrry Tariq Bashir Che€ma, MNA, Minister for Housing atrd Works M€mber (6) Sheikt Rastid Ahm€d. MNA, Minister for Interior Member (?) t lr. Bilawal Bhutlo Zadrri, MNA Memb€r (8) lv{r. Asad Mehnood, MNA Memb€r (e) Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, MNA Memb€r (10) Mr. Khalid Hussain Magsi, MNA M€rbor (l t) Mr. Muhammad Akhtcr Mengal, MNA Member (12) Mr. Ghous Bux Khan Malar. MNA M€mbcr (13) Mr. Amir Haider Azarn Khan, MNA Melrbcr (14) Narxabzada Shazain Bugti, MNA M€mber (t5) Senator Dr.
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