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Bibliography 161 160 Biblio graphy [1] C. J. Aarts, R. C. Backhouse, P. Ho ogendijk, T. S. Vo ermans, and J. van der Woude, ARelational Theory of Datatypes. Available via anonymous ftp from in directory pub/, Eindhoven University of Technology 1992. [2] H. Abrahamson and V. Dahl, Logic Grammars. Springer-Verlag 1989. [3] Peter Aczel, An introduction to Inductive De nitions. In: Handb o ok of Mathematical Logic (ed. Jon Barwise), North Holland 1977, pp. 739{782. [4] Peter Aczel, Non-wel l-founded Sets. CSLI Lecture Notes no. 14, Stanford 1988. [5] Roland Backhouse, Paul Chisholm, Grant Malcolm, and Erik Saaman, Do-it-yourself type theory. Formal Asp ects of Computing 1 (1989), pp. 19{84. [6] R.C. Backhouse, On a Relation on Functions. In: Beauty Is Our Business|A Birthday Salute to Edsger W. Dijkstra (ed. W.H.J. Feijen e.a.), Springer Verlag 1990, pp. 7{18. [7] R.C. Backhouse, P.J. de Bruin, G.R. Malcolm, T.S. Vo ermans, and J.C.S.P. van der Woude, Relational catamorphisms. 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[69] Lawrence C. Paulson, Constructing Recursion Operators in Intuitionistic Type Theory.
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