Using educational games in the classroom: guidelines for successful learning outcomes A handbook for teachers Publisher: European Schoolnet EUN Partnership AISBL Rue de Trèves 61 1040 Brussels - Belgium Funding organisation: Interactive Software Federation of Europe Author: Dr. Patrick Felicia, Lecturer, Researcher, Department of Computer Science, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland -
[email protected] Editors: Benjamin Hertz, Viola Pinzi, Mona Sefen Design: Jessica Massini Picture credits: © Visual Generation/MrP/Anton/ Gennadiy Poznyakov/Sergey Nivens/Gorodenkoff Productions OU/Igor Stevanovic/ekkaphan/Gorynvd/Kaspars Grinvalds - Copyright: Published in September 2020. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and not necessarily those of EUN Partnership AISBL or Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE). Unless otherwise stated, content on this Handbook can be used under the Creative Commons Licence Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY- SA 3.0) ISBN: 9789492913951 Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................5 1.1. Purpose of this handbook .........................................................6 1.2. What this handbook offers ........................................................6 1.3. Scope and target of this handbook .........................................6 1.4. Learning objectives .....................................................................6 2. WHY USE EDUCATIONAL GAMES? ..........................9