Notable Alumni in the Military

UNION IN THE WORLD James Bascom III ‘96, military Kevin Frederick ’80, colonel, U.S. intelligence officer in the U.S. Army; Marine Corps; Chief of Staff for NATO headed an interagency group that Regional Command Southwest in developed the security plan for the Helmand Province, trial of Saddam Hussein. Deputy director of the Trans-Sahara Security Robert Gilston ’41, first Symposium, which taught civil military in the U.S. Army; served in relations and counter-terrorism to Patton’s 3rd Army, 4th Armored West African colonels and generals; Division in WWII, as well as in the principal intelligence officer for the 37th Tank Battalion as platoon leader international zone in Baghdad and company commander. Received the during the Battle of Daniel Butterfield 1849, colonel in the the Bulge and a second Purple Heart U.S. Army during the Civil War; led with cluster during a mission to rescue the first Union regiment into Virginia. American POWs from the Germans Served as chief of staff to Generals Hooker and Meade and developed Henry Wager Halleck 1837, Civil War the army’s system of corps badges. General; served as general-in-chief of Best known for composing “Taps,” the all U.S. armies in the early part of the renowned lights-out bugle call, in 1862 Civil War (before Ulysses Grant)

Gregory Clark ’87, lieutenant colonel, Jordanna Mallach ’00, , Vermont U.S. Air Force; pilot (flew Secretary of Army National Guard; military State ) decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Army Achievement Medal with Joseph Clearfield ’93,lieutenant colonel, two oak leaf clusters, National Defense U.S. Marine Corps; commanded the Service Ribbon and Afghanistan rescue of the Magellan Star from Campaign Medal, among others Somali pirates off the coast of Yemen Jerome Mastrianni, Jr. ’49, staff Michael Dana ‘82, brigadier general, U.S. sergeant with the U.S. Army’s 54th Marines. Had a number of deployments Armored Infantry of the 10th Armored during his 29-year career, including Division in Central Europe and the roles in Desert Storm, Somalia, Rhineland during WWII; participated and, currently, Afghanistan in the liberation of and fall of James Chatham Duane 1844, brigadier general, U.S. Army; Chief of Engineers Charles Pease 1856, U.S. Army major; for the army’s Corps of Engineers. Built carried the terms of surrender from Union College the longest ponton bridge of the Civil Grant to Lee at Appomattox 807 Union Street, Schenectady, NY 12308 War (2,170 feet) across the James River 518.388.6180 WWW.UNION.EDU

Last updated: 7/2012 Notable Alumni in the Military (continued)

UNION IN THE WORLD Henry Reed Rathbone 1857, U.S. Army major; was present at Ford’s Theatre as the Lincolns’ guest on the night of the assassination, where he grappled with John Wilkes Booth

Linda Seymour ’96, commander in the U.S. Navy; speechwriter for Michael Mullen, Chairman of the 2009-2011

Frederic Alliger Wyatt ’32, captain in the Naval Reserve; served in the Pacific theater during WWII and worked on the Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of postwar Europe. Recalled to active duty during the Korean War

Union College 807 Union Street, Schenectady, NY 12308 518.388.6180 WWW.UNION.EDU

Last updated: 7/2012