Proceedings 8Th Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics

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Proceedings 8Th Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings 8th Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics 20-24 Nov. 2011, Hurghada, Egypt NUPPAC’ 11 Organized by Egyptian Nuclear Physics Association (ENPA) Cairo, Egypt In cooperation with Atomic Energy Authority (AEA) Cairo, Egypt Conference Chairman Prof.Dr. M.N.H.Comsan Conference Coordinator Prof.Dr. K.M.Hanna Now available the online version of proceedings of the 8th Conference on Nuclear and Parcle Physics (NUPPAC' 11) held 20‐24 Nov. 2011 at Hurghada, Egypt. The proceedings (287 pages) contains the available maeral of 50 contributions: of them 25 abstracts of delivered talks and 25 full texts of invited and accepted contributions covering conference topics TABLE OF CONTENTS I- Session IKN: Plenary, Invited, Keynote Talks [58/74/9/85/97/96] xxx J. Marton on behalf of the LEANNIS Network (Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences Boltzmanngasse 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria) 58 1 1 NEW EXERIMENTAL RESULTS ON THE LOW ENERGY ANTIKAON NUCLEON AND NUCLEUS INTERACTION Pierre Depommier (University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada) 74 2 FINAL RESULTS OF THE TWIST EXPERIMENT AT TRIUMF PRECISION 3 MEASUREMENTS OF THE MUON DECAY M. Adib (Reactor Physics Department, Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy 3 Authority, Cairo, Egypt) 9 7 NEUTRON BEAM FILTERS M.N.H. Comsan (Egyptian Nuclear Physics Association, Egypt) 85 4 9 SPALLATION NEUTRON SOURCES FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY M.S. El-Tahawy (National Center for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control, Atomic 5 Energy Authority, Cairo, Egypt) 97 23 RADIATION SURVEY OF THE SUGGESTED EGYPTIAN NPP SITES M.A. Gomaa (Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo, Egypt) 96 6 25 CURRENT RADIATION PROTECTION PRACTICES IN EGYPT II- Session NSS: Nuclear Structure and Spectroscopy [94/110/77/87/79/82] S. Zemlyanoy1, Y. Gangrsky, K. Marinova, M. Avgoulea, J. Billowes, P. Campbell, B. Cheal, B. Tordoff, S. Fritzsche, D. Iablonskyi, C. Barbieri, E.C. Simpson, P.D. Stevenson, M.L. Bissell, D.H. Forest, M.D. Gardner, G. Tungate, J. Huikari, A. 7 Nieminen, H. Penttila (1- FLNR, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, 27 Moscow Region, Russia) 94 NUCLEAR CHARGE RADII AND ELECTROMAGNETIC MOMENTS OF SCANDIUM ISOTOPES AND ISOMERS P.I. Zarubin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia) 110 8 ”TOMOGRAPHY” OF NUCLEAR STRUCTURE IN DISSOCIATION OF 29 RELATIVISTIC NUCLEI G.S. Hassan, M. Elazab Farid, A.S. Elhajjaji (Physics Department, Assiut University, 9 71516 Assiut, Egypt) 77 31 MAIN PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE EXCITATION FUNCTIONS OF FUSION M.R. Oudih1, Y. Hamza, M. Fellah and N.H. Allal (1- Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Faculté de Physique, BP 32 Al-Alia, 16111 Bab-Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria) 10 43 87 ALPHA DECAY OF EVEN-EVEN SUPERHEAVY NUCLEI M. Douici1), N.H. Allal, M. Fellah, N. Benhamouda and M.R. Oudih (1- Laboratoire de Physique Théorique , Faculté de Physique, USTHB,BP32, El-Alia, 16111 Bab-Ezzouar, 11 Alger, Algeria) 79 49 NUMBER-PROJECTED NUCLEAR CHARGE RADII OF EVEN-EVEN PROTON- RICH NUCLEI IN THE ISOVECTOR PAIRING CASE W.M. Seif (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt) 82 12 59 OPTIMUM FUSION ORIENTATIONS AND CANCELLATION OF DIFFERENT DEFORMATION COMPONENTS III- Session NSR: Nuclear Scattering and Reactions [93/108/pda1/5] V.K. Lukyanov, D.N. Kadrev, E.V. Zemlyanaya, A.N. Antonov, K.V. Lukyanov, M.K. Gaidarov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 141980 Russia) 93 13 61 THEORETICAL STUDY OF 6He+12C ELASTIC SCATTERING AND BREAKUP REACTIONS USING A MICROSCOPIC OPTICAL POTENTIAL A.A. Alharbi and A. Azzam1 (1- Nuclear Physics Dept., Nuclear Research Center. A.E.A, Cairo, Egypt) 108 14 63 PROTON INDUCED REACTIONS ON NATURAL COPPER USING THE ALICE- IPPE CODE L.I. Abou-Salem, A. Rabie, K.E. Abd Elmageed, M. Hammad and M. H. Mahmoud (Physics department, faculty of Science, Benha University, Benha, Egypt) pda1 15 65 A STUDY ON BARYON SPECTROSCOPY USING A MODIFIED CORNEL POTENTIAL FORM L. Abesalashvili, L. Akhobadze, V. Garsevanishvili, T. Jalagania, Yu. Tevzadze 16 (Institute of High Energy Physics, Tbilisi State University, Georgia) 5 67 ON THE DEUTERON RELATIVISTIC WAVE FUNCTION IV- Session NRP: Neutron and Reactor Physics [2/81/11/76/24/26] M. Adib, N. Habib, I. Bashter, M. Fathallahc and A. Saleh (Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt) 2 17 77 ON THE USE OF MAGNESIUM OXIDE SINGLE-CRYSTAL AS A NEUTRON FILTER C.A. Margeanu, A. Rizoiu, G. Olteanu (Institute for Nuclear Research Pitesti, Romania) 81 18 79 THORIUM BASED FUELS – AN ATRACTIVE POSSIBILITY FOR PROLIFERATION-RESISTANT FUELS M. Adib, N. Habib, M.S. El-Mesiry and M. Fathallah (Reactor Physics Department, NRC, AEAE, Cairo, Egypt) 11 19 81 CHARACTERISTICS OF PYROLYTIC GRAPHITE AS A NEUTRON MONOCHROMATOR H.M. Hussein, E.H. Amin, and A.M. Sakr (Engineering Physics And Math. Dept., 20 89 Faculty of Engineering, Cairo Univ., Giza, Egypt) 76 EFFECT OF CORE CONFIGURATIONS ON BURN-UP CALCULATIONS FOR MTR TYPE REACTORS H.M. Hussein, E.H. Amin, and A.S. Shama (Engineering Physics and Mathematics Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt) 24 21 VALIDATION OF THE DETERMINISTIC DIFFUSION METHOD FOR THE 103 NEUTRONIC CALCULATIONS OF THERMAL RESEARCH REACTORS OF TRIGA-TYPE USING THE WIMSD-IAEA- 69 NUCLEAR DATA LIBRARY Laia Shirmohammadi and Ali Pazirandeh (Nuclear Engineering Department, Science and Research Branch, 22 Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran) 26 117 SIMULATION AN ACCELERATOR DRIVEN SUBCRITICAL REACTOR CORE WITH THORIUM FUEL V- Session RQP: Relativistic and Quantum Physics [53/83/27] I. Nasser, M.S. Abdelmonem, and Afaf Abdel-Hady (Department of Physics, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia) 53 23 123 HANDLING THE SINGULARITIES OF THE PERTURBED KRATZER AND INVERTED KRATZER POTENTIALS Afaf Abdel-Hady (Faculty of Engineering, Al-Asher University, Al-Asher City, Egypt) 24 83 131 THE BOUND STATE ENERGIES OF THE MANNING-ROSEN POTENTIAL F.Z. Ighezou, A.T. Kerris, R.J. Lombard and J. Messamah (Faculté de Physique, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumédiène, BP 32, El Alia, 16111 25 Bab Ezzouar, Alger, Algérie) 27 137 APPLICATION OF THE BERTLMANN-MARTIN INEQUALITIES TO SUPER SYMMETRIC PARTNERS VI- Session DI: Detectorsa and Instrumentation [6/89/7/111/66/pda2] M. Adib, N. Habib, M.S. El-Mesiry and M. Fathallah (Reactor Physics Department, 26 NRC, AEAE, Cairo, Egypt) 6 145 DESIGN OF DOUBLE PG CRYSTAL NEUTRON DIFFRACTOMETER G.S.M. Ahmed, P. Bühler, J. Marton and K. Suzuki (Stefan Meyer Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria; and Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Science, 27 155 Physics Department, Cairo, Egypt) 89 SILICON PHOTOMULTIPLIER FOR SUBATOMIC PHYSICS EXPERIMENTS A.M. Ali and R.M. Megahid (Jazan University, Faculty of Science, Physics Department, Jazan, Post Office 2097, KSA; and Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy 28 Authority, B.O. 13759, Abu Zabaal, Cairo, Egypt) 7 157 EFFECT OF THE MEASURING PARAMETERS ON THE RECONSTRUCTED IMAGES BY COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY I.G. Zarubina (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia) 111 29 IMAGING OF NUCLEAR FRAGMENTATION IN NUCLEAR TRACK EMULSION 169 RELATIVISTIC NUCLEI E.E. Abdel-Hady, M.O. Abdel-Hamed and M.M. Gomaa (Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Minya University, Egypt) 66 30 171 PTFE-g-PS PROTON EXCHANGE MEMBRANES BASED ON THE RADIATION- GRAFTING TECHNIQUE G.Y. Mohamed, M. Fayez-Hassan, M. Abd-El-Wahab, Moustafa Aziz, and M.A. Ali (Experimental Nuclear Physics Department, Nuclear Research Center, AEA, Cairo, 31 173 Postal Code 13759, Egypt) pda2 CHARACTERISTICS OF A NEW NEUTRON IRRADIATION FACILITY VII- Session NAT: Nuclear Analytical Techniques [78/107/55/40/67/23/56/pda5] M. Fayze-Hassan, W.A. Ghaly and H.T. Mohsen (Experimental Physics Department, NRC, AEA, Postal Code 13759, Egypt) 78 32 183 X-RAY FLUORESCENCE, ENERGY DISPERSIVE X-RAY AND NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS INVESTIGATION OF RECENT EGYPTIAN ONE POUND COIN A. Shazly, A. Osman, H. El Samman, A.M.I. Kany, Sayed A. El-Mongy (Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt) 107 33 191 RECENT APPROACH FOR URANIUM ISOTOPIC RATIO VERIFICATION OF ORES SOURCE NUCLEAR MATERIAL M. Abdel Geleel, N.S. Mahmoud (National Center for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control, Atomic Energy Authority, Postal code 11762, P.O.Box. 7551, Cairo, Egypt) 55 34 197 IMPROVEMENT OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE SOLIDIFICATION PROCESS USING MODIFIED BENTONITE MATERIALS D.V. Myroniuk, G.V. Lashkarov1, V.I. Lazorenko, I.I. Shtepliuk, A.I. Ievtushenko, V.A. Baturin, O.Yu Karpenko, V.V. Strelchuk, A.F. Kolomys, I.I. Timofeeva, O.Yu. 35 Khyzhun (1- Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NASU, Kiev, 199 Ukraine) 40 EFFECT OF N+ AND O+ IMPLANTATION ON PROPERTIES OF ZnO FILMS M.O. Abdel-Hamed, E.E. Abdel-Hady and M.R. El-Sharkawy (Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Minya University, Minya, Egypt) 67 36 201 RADIATION-INDUCED GRAFTING OF STYRENE ONTO POLY(VINYLIDENE FLUORIDE) FOR ELECTROLYTE FUEL CELL APPLICATION A.Z. Hussein and Kh.M. Zakaria (National Center for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control, Atomic Energy Authority, Postal code 11762, P.O.Box 7551, Cairo, Egypt) 23 37 203 ROLE OF LAWS AND REGULATIONS FOR NUCLEAR ENERGY INSTALLATION IN DEVELOPING SAFETY MEASURES AGAINST ACCIDENT N.S. Mahmoud (National Center for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control, Atomic Energy Authority, Postal code 11762, P.O.Box 7551, Cairo, Egypt) 56 38 205 SENSITIVITY STUDY OF SOME PARAMETERS THAT AFFECT THE SAFETY OF DISPOSAL SITE M. Fayez-Hassan, (Experimental Nuclear Physics Department, Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Post No. 13759, Egypt) pda5 39 207 INVESTIGATION OF LECTURER'S CHALK BY X-RAY FLUORESCENCE AND FAST NEUTRON ACTIVATION TECHNIQUES VIII- Session RMD: Radiation Measurement and Dosimetry [39/112/33/28/pda3] Lashkarov G.V., Myroniuk D.V., Lazorenko V.Y., Karpyna V.A. (Frantsevich Institute 40 for Problems of Material Science, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine) 39 213 RADIATION RESISTANCE OF ZnO FILMS AND NANOSTRUCTURES A.M.
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