Investment Objective Investor Profile Manager
Fund Category Asian Frontier Countries Investment Objective Public Equities Achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in listed equities of companies that have their Country Focus Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, principal business activities in high-growth Asian frontier markets. Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Vietnam Investor Profile Subscriptions Monthly at NAV (five days before month end) Seeking medium and long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in equity securities of companies with principal activities in Asian frontier markets. Redemptions Monthly at NAV 90 days notice for Class A 180 days notice for Class B Manager Comment on November 2012 Benchmark No applicable benchmark Leopard Asia Frontier Fund (LAFF) USD A-shares gained 0.6% in November 2012, again outperforming the Fund Manager Thomas Hugger MSCI Frontier Markets Asia Index (-1.9%) and grew in line with the MSCI World Index USD (+0.2%). Investment Leopard Capital Management Ltd. In November, indexes performances within the LAFF universe varied greatly: Laos performed best, gaining Manager 12%, followed by Pakistan (+4.7%). The top performing portfolio stocks were a Pakistani food producer Investment Leopard Capital (Hong Kong) Ltd. Advisor (+25.1%), a Myanmar conglomerate (+24.5%), a Vietnamese confectionary producer (+23.8%) and a Fund Base USD, EUR, CHF Vietnamese brewery (+22.5%). Currencies In contrast, Bangladesh (-6.3%) was the worst performing index within the Fund for in November, Minimum USD 100,000 or followed by Mongolia (-5.8%), which experienced its fourth consecutive month of negative growth. MSE Investment EUR 80,000 or CHF 100,000 Top 20 Index is down 30.2% year to date, and according to Bloomberg is the third worst performing index Subsequent USD/EUR/CHF 10,000 globally.
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