Item 9 (a) i





That the Finance & General Purposes Committee resolves to recommend to the Town Council that the current level of earmarked reserves is appropriate for the purposes outlined in this report.

Overview of reserve position:

This should be read alongside report 9(b), which outlines two requests to move money from reserves into appropriate expenditure lines.

There are six earmarked reserves that relate to Penlee House.

Code Name Current value Description Proposed use 2021/22 financial year 2995/1 Conservation £2,426 Intended for any To be used as Fund conservation work required needed – no on paintings or museum planned use this objects year 2995/2 Penlee House £35,640.22 Intended for building and Up to £3,925 to Building Fund roof repairs, Replace fire panel repairs/replacement parts for the air conditioning unit.

2995/3 Council run £30,685.38 Intended to support Up to £10,000 exhibition Fund unforeseen or additional towards increased costs of borrowing transportation costs paintings for exhibitions

2995/4 Coach House £16,855.17 To be used towards the Likely to be used in refurbishment refurbishment of the Coach 2022-23 financial Fund House year 2995/5 Agency Buffer £40,970 Intended to help mitigate Not to be used this Fund the loss of the year – to be used in Council agency fee from 2022-23 financial April 2022 year

2996/1 Acquisition Fund £8,930 Retained in case the To be used as Council wishes to acquire needed – no additional items for the planned use this collection year

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Item 9 (a) i

In-year contributions

In light of the challenging financial climate caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, in-year contributions to reserves have been kept to a minimum during this financial year.

• £10,000 has been added to the Buildings reserve. This decision was taken because, as the building ages, it is important to maintain a reasonable buildings reserve. Also, the reserves were used last year to pay for the new IT infrastructure, the awning for the café and specialist paintings storage units for the art store and therefore now require ‘topping up’ to ensure a sufficient reserve in case of emergency need. • A further £10,000 has been added to the Council-Run Exhibitions reserve. This is because this financial year is the last year that we will have income from and Cornwall Museums Partnership towards exhibition costs, and it was therefore decided to add £10,000 to this reserve to assist with the cost of borrowing works for exhibition. There is no planned in-year contribution to this reserve in the next two financial years.

Anna Renton Director 28 June 2021

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Item 9(a) ii





That the Finance & General Purposes Committee resolves to recommend to the Town Council: a) A virement of up to £3,925 from the Buildings Fund (2995/2) to the Museum Maintenance Fittings budget line 2100/1 to pay for a new fire alarm panel and installation at Penlee House.

b) A virement of up to £10,000 from the Council-Run Exhibitions Reserve (2995/3) to the Council Run Exhibitions line (2055) to cover the costs of to borrow paintings for the Anchor Studio exhibition. Background:

Fire Alarm Panel

The current fire alarm panel was installed in 1997 and is reaching the end of its useful life. The screen has burned out, making it difficult to determine which zones have been activated. Although not dangerous, it is prudent to replace the panel before it fails.

We are currently obtaining three quotations to ensure best value. The quoted cost from the existing supplier to replace the panel is £3,925 + VAT. It is therefore requested to vire up to £3,925 from the reserve, but the best value supplier will be used.

Exhibition transportation

The cost of borrowing paintings has increased in recent years, and especially during the pandemic. This is due to increased transportation costs and increased administrative charges being passed on from lending institutions. Paintings travelling to Penlee House from other museums require transportation by specialist art handling companies. Best value is always sought.

Due to the pandemic, our exhibitions programme has had to change, and the Anchor Studio exhibition, which was due to start in January, now falls entirely into the current financial year. This means that the transportation costs for this exhibition were only factored in as ‘one way’ during the financial year 2021-22. As the exhibition was postponed to September, ending in January, both the incoming and outgoing costs will fall into the same financial year.

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Item 9(a) ii

For this reason, we are requesting the ability to transfer up to £10,000 to help with the cost of the Anchor Studio exhibition.

From the Penlee House Reserves Position paper it will be noted that £10,000 was added to the reserve this year, therefore, we are asking just to be able to use up to this amount if required.

Alternative funding sources will be sought, so the impact on the reserve may be lessened, however, it would be very helpful to have the reassurance of being able to use up to £10,000 from the reserve to ensure that the exhibition transportation can go ahead.

Anna Renton Director 28 June 2021

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Item 9(b) i




That the Finance & General Purposes committee resolves to recommend to the Town Council to approve the earmarked reserves, as reviewed and recommended by the Leisure and Amenities Committee.


The Leisure and Amenities Committee have reviewed the current position of earmarked reserves and have resolved to recommend them to the Finance and General Purposes Committee. These reserves and the full report is attached at Appendix 1.

Appendix 1 – Leisure and Amenities Review of Earmarked Reserves

Ben Brosgall Leisure and Amenities Manager

Item 9 (b) i Appendix 1





That the Leisure and Amenities Committee resolves to recommend to the Finance & General Purposes Committee that the current level of earmarked reserves in the body of the report.

Overview of reserve position:

The final column identifies the changes to relevant reserve lines as a result of recommendations in reports on the agenda. Those reports are 7k and 7l.

Comments have been made alongside each of the reserves to provide additional information relating to their current levels and in year contribution amounts to achieve the purpose that they were designed for and in what approximate timeframe.

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Item 9 (b) i Appendix 1

Code Name Current In year Description Proposed use Comments Adjusted total value (incl in contribution 2021/22 FY should subsequent year 2021/22 reports be contribution) approved by members 1995/1 Car Park £15,000 £15,000 Car Park Maintenance and Wellfield’s car This reserve combined with Maintenance Improvement Fund was park wall the expenditure amount in Fund established to build a reserve to repair budget line 1060/4 carry out a required wall repair. In (£26,814) is currently lower addition, members wanted to than the estimated cost of start building a reserve for future carrying out the wall repair resurfacing work, upgraded car work and significant park payment machines and adjustment will need to be electric vehicle charging points made in future years for resurfacing and electrical charging points if these are still to be progressed. 1995/2 Allotment £3,000 £1,500 Intended to procure / rent Building an The current amounts in this Provision Fund additional allotment land should earmarked budget line would not allow it become available reserve to for turning unmanaged land enable in to an allotment. But would go some way to Council to taking a managed space buy / rent or and making the clear suitable adjustments required to land to turn it in to an allotment transform into allotment space 1995/3 Play Equipment £10,000 £10,000 To budget for future replacement Building a Should the Penlee Park Play Fund of play equipment (based on a 10- reserve for equipment be refurbished year lifecycle) and to cover future soon, an estimated budget significant in year safety repairs replacement / of approximately £100k that would exceed the improvement would be needed in 10 maintenance budget work and years’ time to carry out the future replacement work.

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Item 9 (b) i Appendix 1

replacement (The fund would also be before failure utilised for vandalism or damage to equipment beyond economic repair 1995/4 Public Toilet £56,000 £20,000 The structure of South Pier Toilets Portion to be A Long term view is Report 7l £53,000 Refurbishment has a limited life span in its used for required in relation to Fund current condition. Future rebuild Wallgate South Pier Toilets and a may be required or significant replacement. public toilet improvement refurbishment. In addition, all Pending programme in general. This remaining Wallgate handwashing further is linked to the re units will need to be replaced in decision from constitution of the Public the next 4 years. the Public Toilet working Group. Toilet Future adjustment to this Working budget line will be required. Group / Setting of a strategic plan. 1995/5 Devolution £0 £0 Funds relating to devolution sit Fund with the Finance Committee 1995/6 Weed £1,200 £1,200 Penzance Council utilised this £1,200 will Budget is to cover the first Treatment fund to purchase equipment and likely be year of delivery. There are a Equipment switch to a mechanical weed needed to number of unknowns in treatment method and remove repair and terms of equipment the spraying contract replace parts longevity as we are through wear attempting to deliver and tear something that is not throughout common at the scale at the season which we are working 1995/7 PAFC Roof £0 £0 The entirety of this budget was Lease When the lease documents Replacement moved to an expenditure line in negotiations have been finalised, it will order to carry out this work. The are ongoing, a become clear on what new roof was completed in May reserve will Penzance Council will be 2021 need to be responsible for maintaining established in in the future which will order for inform adjustment to this Penzance

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Item 9 (b) i Appendix 1

Council to earmarked reserve in the maintain their future. areas of responsibility under a new lease. 1995/8 Tree £5,500 £3,500 Penzance Council has a backlog of Identified in Future tree management Report 7k £0 Maintenance tree work to catch up on. Once report 7k – amounts are hoped to be this has been rectified this budget transfer of lower in future years can be reduced along with the in- the total fund following the completion of year expenditure line amount to the emergency works last the year and the expenditure recommendation to pick up line to carry the rest of the backlog of out the work in this financial year identified tree work in full. 1995/9 Machinery £18,416 £2,000 Future replacement of park Estimated The current amount in this Replacement machinery including tractor and cost of tractor reserve would cover the ride on mower. Intention to replacement replacement of the tractor switch to an electric option when is £20k. or the ride on mower if it suitable Reviewing should fail. In year industry contribution is appropriate developments to account for the failure of in commercial smaller equipment grade tractors / mowers 1995/10 CCTV Repair / £8,479.69 £3,000 Fund allocated for CCTV Some of this Current budget would allow Replacement replacement activity. fund has for the replacement of 2 – 4 Replacement cameras can cost already been cameras (depending on between £1800 and £3000 to utilised this their specification) Some of replace depending on year to these cameras are in specification facilitate the exposed locations and are upgrade to approaching 5 years old. the Wharfside car park CCTV

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Item 9 (b) i Appendix 1

camera and pay a contribution towards additional monitoring 1995/11 Penlee Park £20,000 £5,000 Fund established following Fund is The contribution to this Infrastructure estimates of £70k received to designed to reserve is low, based on the Improvements make all areas of Penlee Park grow a estimated value of the path “accessible”. – hard standing sufficient installation it would take paths linking the top field and budget for approximately 10 years to play areas to provide access in the have a sufficient budget to winter months, people with earmarked carry out the work wheelchairs, buggy’s etc work to take (assuming no price place increases over that time) 1995/12 Boundary £30,046.00 £0 Fund established by Chair of L&A Project to be The current estimated costs Repair / to contribute towards a future completed in for this piece of work are Replacement project to improve the Heamoor 2021 / 22 higher than the reserve (Heamoor Field) Field site pending amount Council resolutions 1995/13 Christmas £25,000 £10,000 Fund established to try and Potential Indication at the moment Lighting improve the power supplies to completion in that budgeted amount is infrastructure the Christmas Light display – the 2021/22 – appropriate for the project project has been delayed due to timeframes to be delivered. covid but the budget appears to being be sufficient for the work discussed required based on current with the estimates contractor currently 1995/14 Morrab £0 £0 Fund established in the budget Gardens – Re setting process for future use in Instatement line with the previously agreed and phase 2 of the devolution Improvement programme Projects

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Item 9 (b) i Appendix 1

1995/15 Alexandra £0 £0 Fund established in the budget Playpark and setting process for future use in Improvement line with the previously agreed Projects phase 2 of the devolution programme 1995/16 Princess May £0 £0 Fund established in the budget Rec – setting process for future use in Reinstatement line with the previously agreed and phase 2 of the devolution improvement programme projects 1995/17 Foxes Lane £0 £0 Fund established in the budget Playpark – setting process for future use in Reinstatement line with the previously agreed and phase 2 of the devolution improvement programme projects 1995/18 Princess May £0 £0 Fund established in the budget Rec – Skatepark setting process for future use in refurbishment line with the previously agreed phase 2 of the devolution programme 1995/19 Princess May £5,000 £5,000 Fund established in the budget Rec – Play setting process for future use in Equipment line with the previously agreed phase 2 of the devolution programme 1995/20 Alexandra Play £5,000 £5,000 Fund established in the budget Park – Play setting process for future use in Equipment line with the previously agreed phase 2 of the devolution programme 1995/21 Foxes Lane – £1,000 £1,000 Fund established in the budget Play Equipment setting process for future use in line with the previously agreed

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Item 9 (b) i Appendix 1

phase 2 of the devolution programme 1995/22 Welfare £0 £0 This budget line was previously Pending Accommodation set at £40,000 but reduced as a members – Penlee Park result of the COVID-19 pandemic. decision to re The current condition of the instate a facility means it is in need of budget to improvement move forward. 1995/23 Allotment £1,000 £1,000 As previously agreed by Projects members, an amount to build a reserve across allotments was set up. Items discussed by members included improving / installing water supplies at all sites, or creating “accessible” allotment plots for disabled users. 1995/24 Skate Park £8,664.41 £500 Ear marked reserve established as Pending Maintenance requested by members. Kerbs future would like to extend the meetings with skatepark in to some of the Kerbs on how unused space here and this fund they would would be available to support like to that activity. proceed. 1995/25 War Memorials £5,000 £0 A number of war memorials are in Currently Maintenance need of maintenance, including approaching a the memorial which number of is weathered on one side qualified contractors who are able to carry out work to the standard required. 1995/26 Water Billing £5,000 £0 Established at the request of the May be RFO, due to uncertainty with required to

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Item 9 (b) i Appendix 1

some billing from the Council’s settle any water provider. Work is ongoing unidentified by the support services team to try and resolve the billing issues

Ben Brosgall Leisure and Amenities Manager

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Item 9 (b) i Appendix 1

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Item 9(b) ii




That the Finance & General Purposes Committee resolve to recommend to the Town Council that a virement of £5,000 is made from the General Fund Reserve to budget line 1015/1 Penlee Park Maintenance to facilitate a waste clearance project and replacement fencing to the Poly Tunnel and Open-Air Theatre Boundary.


The Leisure and Amenities Committee have identified an operational requirement to utilise some of the underspend from the Penlee Park fencing project in order to carry out waste clearance and additional security fencing work in Penlee Park. The full detail of the report is attached at appendix 1.

Appendix 1 – Penlee Park Waste Clearance and Fencing Report

Ben Brosgall Leisure and Amenities Manager

Item 9(b) ii appendix 1





That the Leisure & Amenities Committee recommends to the Finance & General Purposes Committee that a virement of £5,000 is made from the General Fund Reserve to budget line 1015/1 - Penlee Park Maintenance to facilitate a waste clearance project and replacement fencing to the Poly Tunnel and Open-Air Theatre Boundary. Background:

The Penlee Park boundary fence project was completed in 2021. The project was initially estimated to cost £15k, however following a quote optimisation exercise and a large amount of the preparation work being carried out by the Penlee Park gardening team, the project came in under budget by approximately £5k. Subsequently this £5k underspend was transferred to the General Fund reserve at the end of the 2020-21 financial year.

As part of the initial clearance work, a large amount of debris was removed from the border between Penlee Park and Penzance Football Club. This waste was subsequently removed to the compound / tip area. This area is now completely full and requires a commercial waste removal and disposal contract to be put in place to clear the space of the mixed waste. Estimates have been received in the region of £2.5k for this piece of work.

In addition to this, both the Open-Air Theatre and the Poly Tunnel area within Penlee Park have both seen a run of vandalism over the past 3 months. Some of this vandalism has resulted in the destruction of a wooden fence between the area two areas, damage to the Open-Air Theatre backstage area and large amounts of damage to the poly tunnel skin.

It is recommended that following the waste removal, that any unspent funds from the £5k virement are utilised to replace and improve the boundary fencing for both areas.

Ben Brosgall Leisure and Amenities Manager

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Item 9(b)iii




That the Finance and General Purposes Committee recommend to the Town Council that consideration is given to the provision of professional services in support of a funding application by the Open-Air Theatre Operators. As unbudgeted expenditure, should the recommendation be supported, an appropriate reserve will need to be identified and a virement to budget line 1015/1 Penlee Park Maintenance completed to progress the work.


The Leisure and Amenities Committee have recommended to the Finance and General Purposes Committee that a suitable budget is identified to facilitate the provision of professional services to assist the Open-Air Theatre with their future development and funding applications. The full report is attached at Appendix 1.

Appendix 1 – Penlee Park – Open Air Theatre – Professional Services

Ben Brosgall Leisure and Amenities Manager

Item 9 (b)iii Appendix 1





That the Leisure & Amenities Committee recommends to the Finance and General Purposes Committee that consideration is given to the provision of professional services in support of a funding application by the Open-Air Theatre Operators. As unbudgeted expenditure, should the recommendation be supported, an appropriate reserve will need to be identified and a virement to budget line 1015/1 Penlee Park Maintenance completed to progress the work. Background:

Following a resolution of the Leisure and Amenities Committee on 01.02.2021 (minute 38 (i) b) a quote has been sourced to provide professional services in support of the Open Air Theatre’s upcoming funding application.

The funding application looks to enhance the existing theatre space including the improvement of the performers changing area and food and beverage area. The costs received are detailed below and total £2,200 + VAT.

Stage A- Measured Survey and existing drawings 1. Measured survey 2. Production of existing drawings and site Stage A Fee- £450.00

Stage B- Planning Submission 1. Concept designs and design development 2. Production of proposed drawings and parametric model 3. Production of Planning drawings 4. Formal submission of the application package including all forms etc. 5. Liaison with the planning authority throughout the planning process Stage B Fee- £ 650.00

Stage C- Building Regulations Submission 1. Production of detailed Building Control drawings 2. Production of detailed Building Control specification 3. Liaison with the Building Control inspector and all necessary specialist sub- consultants throughout the process. Stage C Fee- £ 1,100.00

Ben Brosgall Leisure and Amenities Manager

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Item 9(b)iv




That the Finance and General Purposes Committee resolves to recommend to the Town Council the virements detailed below in order to carry out necessary tree works across all sites owned or managed by Penzance Council. a) Virement of £5,500 from budget line 1995/8 Tree Maintenance to 1280 Tree Surveys and Work and Virement of £2,500 from budget line 1015/1 Penlee Park Maintenance to 1280 Tree Surveys and Work

b) Authorise the Chair and Vice Chair of the Leisure and Amenities Committee and Town Clerk to review the quotations and appoint a contractor to carry out the work.


The Leisure and Amenities Committee have received a tree survey report identifying a number of works across all sites.

It is possible to fund a number of the works from within their respective budget lines, however an amount of work remains outstanding in order for Penzance Council to carry out the recommended works across all of their sites.

Previously an amount of “emergency work” was carried out across all sites owned or managed by Penzance Council. The works identified in this report look to build on this and carry out work which will help to prolong the life of the Council’s existing tree stock and to carry out an amount of “neighbourly” work so as not to cause a nuisance to properties and businesses in close proximity to Council trees. The full Leisure and Amenities report is attached at Appendix 1.

Appendix 1 – Penzance Council – Tree Works

Ben Brosgall Leisure and Amenities Manager

Item9 (b)iv Appendix 1





That the Leisure and Amenities Committee resolves to recommend to the Finance & General Purposes Committee the virements detailed below in order to carry out necessary tree works across all sites owned or managed by Penzance Council. a) Virement of £5,500 from budget line 1995/8 Tree Maintenance to 1280 Tree Surveys and Work and Virement of £2,500 from budget line 1015/1 Penlee Park Maintenance to 1280 Tree Surveys and Work

b) Authorise the Chair and Vice Chair of the Leisure and Amenities Committee and Town Clerk to review the quotations and appoint a contractor to carry out the work.

Overview of reserve position:

18 months ago, the Leisure and Amenities Committee carried out a range of emergency works to rectify a backlog of tree works across all sites owned or managed by Penzance Council.

The subsequent tree survey carried out at the start of 2021 has identified a further amount of tree works. These works are mostly made up of items to bring Penzance Council into line with “good tree management”. Items include, but are not limited to:

• Canopy raising • Pollarding • Felling • Improving distance between trees and structures and overhead power lines

Following the tree survey, quotations were sought to cost out the elements of work required cross all sites. Quotes have been received between £16 - £20k for all of the work.

It is recommended that all identified works are carried out to put Penzance Council on an even footing in terms of tree management. Having completed the emergency works, carrying out these works should help to reduce tree management costs in the future.

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Item9 (b)iv Appendix 1

It is possible to cover some of the costs with in year maintenance budget lines. Sites that it will be possible to do this are:

• Heamoor Field • Mennaye Allotment • Lescudjack Allotment • Allotment • Cranken Allotment

The remaining tree works will cost a maximum of £16,500 (depending on the appointed contractor.)

Budget line 1280 (tree surveys) currently stands at £7,500 and the tree maintenance earmarked reserve including in year contribution stands at £5,500. The shortfall to carry out all of these works is £2,500.

As the large majority of these works are within Penlee Park it is recommended that some of the Penlee Park Maintenance budget line is utilised to get the works carried out in their entirety. The Penlee Park maintenance budget line currently stands at £87k. The amount is the high in order to carry out the Penlee Park Playpark refurbishment works. It is recommended that £2.5k of this budget is utilised in order to carry out the tree works as identified in the report and give Penzance Council a clean starting point in terms of future tree management.

Having discussed the item with both the Penlee Park Head Gardener and the Council’s Operations Officer, both are of the opinion that it would be beneficial to Penlee Park as whole (including the play area) to get the identified works carried out in their entirety. It is hoped that this would also enable a reduction in the tree survey budget line in future years.

Appendix 1 – Tree Survey Report for Penzance Council Sites

Ben Brosgall Leisure and Amenities Manager

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Item 9(b) v




That the Finance and General Purposes Committee recommends to the Town Council that the virements identified below are made to re balance the specific public toilet maintenance budget lines. • £2,000.00 from 1995/4 Toilet Refurbishment Fund to budget line 1165/7/1 TIC Maintenance • £1000.00 from 1995/4 Toilet Refurbishment Fund to budget line 1165/3/1 TIC Maintenance


Two significant incidents of vandalism have occurred to two of the Public Toilet Facilities early in the 2021 / 22 financial year.

The Leisure and Amenities has recommended to the Finance and General Purposes Committee that the identified virements are made to re balance the operational maintenance budgets for the remainder of the 2021 /22 Financial year. The full report to the Leisure and Amenities Committee is attached below.

Appendix 1 – Public Toilet Maintenance Budgets

Ben Brosgall Leisure and Amenities Manager

Item 9(b)v Appendix 1





That the Leisure and Amenities Committee recommends to the Finance and General Purposes Committee that the virements identified below are made to re balance the specific public toilet maintenance budget lines. • £2,000.00 from 1995/4 Toilet Refurbishment Fund to budget line 1165/7/1 TIC Maintenance • £1000.00 from 1995/4 Toilet Refurbishment Fund to budget line 1165/3/1 TIC Maintenance


Two significant incidents of vandalism have occurred to two of the Public Toilet Facilities early in the 2021 / 22 financial year.

TIC Toilets – The paddle gate pay to enter system was significantly damaged requiring the replacement of two motors. The two motors have been replaced as well as the locking mechanism for the coin safe.

Alexandra Playpark – the urinal has been damaged beyond full repair and requires replacing (including the flush mechanism). An order has been placed for the full repair and a temporary repair has been made to keep the facility operational.

As these two incidents have happened so early in the financial year it is recommended that the Leisure and Amenities Committee request that these budget lines are moved back in line with their original amounts to enable sufficient maintenance and upkeep work throughout the rest of the financial year.

Ben Brosgall Leisure and Amenities Manager

Item 10(a)



That the Finance & General Purposes Committee receive and approve the financial papers for the period 1 April to 31 May 2021.


Financial Regulations charge the RFO with presenting reports to Members on a timely basis for a number of different financial areas. To this end, the following papers are attached:

(i) Paid Expenditure Transactions made from 1 April to 31 May 2021 – these papers list all the payments made during the period with all expenditure being authorised by Senior Managers and payments being approved by 2 authorised signatories (Financial Regulations 5.2) ;

(ii) Bank Reconciliations for the same period – these papers reconcile the bank statement for our main account to the accounting records, highlighting those payments which remain un-cleared. The Mayor verifies the reconciliations ( Financial Regulations 2.2 ); and

(iii) Financial Comparison for the period ending 31 May 2021 with comments to explain the variances provided by the lead officer for each committee.

Hester Hunt Town Clerk Item 10(a)i

Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS RGB 01/04/21 10045 £20.45 £3.41 £17.04 L&A RGB Builders 4 bags of cement 1015/5 010421 BACS SLCC 01/04/21 10143 £36.00 £6.00 £30.00 F&GP Society of Local Council Member of Staff, 'Make your writing grab 3015/1 010421 Clerks attention' 10191/1 £4,137.78 £0.00 £4,137.78 F&GP Cornwall Pension Fund March Pension 3000 10191/2 £2,680.56 £0.00 £2,680.56 L&A Cornwall Pension Fund March Pension 1005 10191/3 £729.29 £0.00 £729.29 L&A Cornwall Pension Fund March Pension 1000 10191/4 £4,063.54 £0.00 £4,063.54 PEN Cornwall Pension Fund March Pension 2000 BACS CC 01/04/21 10191 £11,611.17 £0.00 £11,611.17 Cornwall Pension Fund March 2021 Pension Contributions 3000 Pension 0104 10195/1 £313.61 £0.00 £313.61 F&GP Cornwall Pension Fund March 21 payment 3000 payment 10195/2 £280.38 £0.00 £280.38 L&A Cornwall Pension Fund March 21 Payment 1005 Feb 21 payment 10195/3 £74.21 £0.00 £74.21 L&A Cornwall Pension Fund March 21 Payment 1000 Jan 21 payment 10195/4 £456.80 £0.00 £456.80 PEN Cornwall Pension Fund March 21 payment 2000 BACS CC 01/04/21 10195 £1,125.00 £0.00 £1,125.00 Cornwall Pension Fund March 21 pension deficit contribution 3000 Pension 0104 BACS SL 01/04/21 10212 £600.00 £0.00 £600.00 PEN Sarah Lee - BACS Fee - 4 days x illustration for colouring 2141/2/2 010421 sheets BACS GLEN 01/04/21 10213 £3,240.00 £540.00 £2,700.00 L&A Glendale Countryside Limited This is to replace order number 3476. 1280 010421 Quote 0820 Mat. Penlee Park £720 Wellfeilds Carpark £145 Penzance Football Club £270 Mennaye Allotment Site £135 Love Lane Allotment Site £202.50 Leskinnick Allotment Site £160 T rannack Allotment Site £202.50 Lescudjack Allotment site £180 Gulval Allotment Site £292.50 Crankan Allotment Site £247.50 Heamoor Field. £145 10218/1 £366.92 £61.15 £305.77 L&A Lex Autolease Ltd Ford Transit - AJ19 WUD 1220 10218/2 £239.54 £39.92 £199.62 L&A Lex Autolease Ltd Citroen Berlingo - LG19 RMK 1220 10218/3 £248.17 £41.36 £206.81 L&A Lex Autolease Ltd Citroen Berlingo - LJ19 KWK 1220

22/06/21 10:25 AM Vs: 8.57.03 Penzance Town Council Page 1

Item 10(a)i

Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading DD LEX 010421 01/04/21 10218 £854.63 £142.43 £712.20 Lex Autolease Ltd Vehicle Hire 1220

10220/1 £5,000.00 £0.00 £5,000.00 PEN Sansom & Co / Redcliffe Laura Knight A Celebration PH Exhibition 2045/1 Press book BACS S&C 01/04/21 10220 PZ3702PH £5,000.00 £0.00 £5,000.00 Sansom & Co / Redcliffe Laura Knight books 2045/1 010421 Press BACS S&C 01/04/21 10221 £132.00 £0.00 £132.00 PEN Sansom & Co / Redcliffe Image licence for Laura Knight book 2055 010421 Press BACS HH 01/04/21 10222 £300.00 £0.00 £300.00 PEN Helen Hesselbo Fee - 2 days x development of Under 5s 2141/3/3 010421 digital content (NPO) BACS HH 01/04/21 10223 £750.00 £0.00 £750.00 PEN Helen Hesselbo Fee - 5 days x development and production 2055 010421 of Baby Treasure Boxes (NPO) 10230/1 £25.00 £0.00 £25.00 L&A Member of Staff Eye test 1040 10230/2 £80.00 £0.00 £80.00 L&A Member of Staff Perscription contribution 1040 BACS AS 01/04/21 10230 £105.00 £0.00 £105.00 Member of Staff Eye Test + Perscription Contribution 1040 010421 BACS BRAD 01/04/21 10231 £58.32 £9.72 £48.60 L&A Bradfords 15 bags of kiln dried sand @ 3.24 each 1015/5 010421 BACS BRAD 01/04/21 10232 £47.34 £7.89 £39.45 L&A Bradfords 15 Road Pins @ 2.63 each 1015/5 010421 BACS BRAN 01/04/21 10233 £54.00 £9.00 £45.00 L&A Hire Station - Formerly To hire for two days £35.00 per day 1015/1 010421 Brandon Hire BACS DUCHY 01/04/21 10235 £21.60 £3.60 £18.00 F&GP Duchy Cleaners Window cleaning for Penlee Centre 3035/2 010421 10236/1 £1,814.37 £302.39 £1,511.98 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd Data Cabinet + leads, surge protector, tray 2100/3 etc. 10236/2 £2,262.41 £377.07 £1,885.34 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd Aruba switch, access points 2100/3 10236/3 £5,964.00 £994.00 £4,970.00 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd Professional Services & Project Mgt 2100/3 BACS ITEC 01/04/21 10236 PZ3504PH £10,040.78 £1,673.46 £8,367.32 ITEC Connect Ltd Penlee House IT infrastructure project 2100/3 010421 10237/1 £1,920.00 £320.00 £1,600.00 PEN Leap Media LTD Design of craft activities booklet 2055 10237/2 £843.60 £140.60 £703.00 PEN Leap Media LTD Printing of 200 copies of craft booklet 2055 BACS LEAP 01/04/21 10237 PZ3723PH £2,763.60 £460.60 £2,303.00 Leap Media LTD Design and publishing of craft activities 2055 010421 booklet (NPO) BACS NMM 01/04/21 10238 £3,381.49 £563.58 £2,817.91 PEN National Maritime Museum Quarterly maintenance Jan - Mar 2021 2100/2 010421

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS RGB 01/04/21 10239 £55.08 £9.18 £45.90 L&A RGB Builders Order for 15 20kg bags of Kiln dry sand at 1015/5 010421 3.06 per bag. BACS S.WEB 01/04/21 10241 £60.00 £0.00 £60.00 PEN Susanna Webster Reimbursement for postage and equipment 2055 010421 transport for Virtual Visitor project (NPO) BACS TUK 01/04/21 10242 £34.61 £5.77 £28.84 L&A Trade UK Account repair supllies needed for fixing guttering. 1015/7 010421 BACS SWWB 01/04/21 10243 £208.16 £0.00 £208.16 L&A South West Water Bus - Penalverne Toliets 12.12.20-11.03.21 1165/4/4 010421 3293 1369 01 BACS SWWB 01/04/21 10244 £740.54 £0.00 £740.54 PEN South West Water Bus - Water charges for Penlee House to 2085 010421 1011 5067 01 06.03.21 10246/1 £31.08 £5.18 £25.90 PEN Yorkshire Purchasing Rainbow wooden rings pk of 21 809504 2141/3/3 Organisation 10246/2 £15.54 £2.59 £12.95 PEN Yorkshire Purchasing Rainbow wooden spools pk of 21 809503 2141/3/3 Organisation 10246/3 £23.94 £3.99 £19.95 PEN Yorkshire Purchasing Rainbow wooden cubes pk of 14 809505 2141/3/3 Organisation 10246/4 £4.10 £0.68 £3.42 PEN Yorkshire Purchasing Light green tissue paper 500x700mm pk of 2141/3/3 Organisation 48 BACS YPO 01/04/21 10246 PZ3720PH £74.66 £12.44 £62.22 Yorkshire Purchasing Materials for baby boxes (NPO) 2141/3/3 010421 Organisation BACS WALL 01/04/21 10247 £82.45 £13.74 £68.71 L&A Wallgate Limited 1 x es6790 push button micro switch 1165/8/1 010421 1x es 6779 flow switch 10249/1 £90.00 £15.00 £75.00 F&GP South West Councils Project setup and administration fee 3080 10249/2 £78.00 £13.00 £65.00 F&GP South West Councils Management scenarios assessment 3080 BACS SWC 01/04/21 10249 PZ3731 £168.00 £28.00 £140.00 South West Councils Support for RFO recruitment. 3080 010421 10253/1 £170.88 £28.48 £142.40 PEN Loomis UK Cash Collection - Penlee House 2120 10253/2 £170.87 £28.48 £142.39 L&A Loomis UK Cash Collection - L&A 1260 BACS Loomis 01/04/21 10253 £341.75 £56.96 £284.79 Loomis UK Cash Collection - For April 2021 2120 010421 10254/1 £74.40 £12.40 £62.00 PEN Headland Printers Ltd A4 double-sided handout x 100 2055 10254/2 £88.80 £14.80 £74.00 PEN Headland Printers Ltd A4 stickers - 2 designs x 100 each 2055 BACS HEAD 01/04/21 10254 PZ3654PH £163.20 £27.20 £136.00 Headland Printers Ltd Printing for Baby Boxes (NPO) 2055 010421 BACS TOZER 01/04/21 10260 £1,800.00 £0.00 £1,800.00 F&GP Tozers LLP Legal searches on devolution sites: 3040 010421 Princess May, Foxes Lane and Alexandra Gardens/Tennis Courts. 3x £600.

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS KH 01/04/21 10262 £39.15 £0.00 £39.15 PEN Member of Staff Staff expenses: 87 miles @ 45p. 2010 010421 BACS KH 01/04/21 10263 £52.35 £8.72 £43.63 PEN Member of Staff Staff Expenses: Storage Boxes for Penlee 2055 010421 House 10264/1 £69.30 £11.55 £57.75 PEN Member of Staff Ryman Stationary - Various Coloured 2055 Packs of Paper 10264/2 £12.20 £2.03 £10.17 PEN Member of Staff Baker Ross - Craft Pipe Cleaners 2141/1 10264/3 £55.60 £9.27 £46.33 PEN Member of Staff Hobby Craft - Various Craft Items 2141/1 10264/4 £35.95 £5.99 £29.96 PEN Member of Staff Papermill Direct - Coloured Card and 2141/3/3 BACS ZB 01/04/21 10264 £173.05 £28.84 £144.21 Member of Staff Expenses as detailed below 2055 010421 BACS ZB 01/04/21 10265 £61.05 £10.18 £50.87 PEN Member of Staff Staff expenses: materials for foodbank craft 2140/3 010421 boxes 10266/1 £28.94 £4.83 £24.11 PEN Member of Staff Ryman stationary: 160gsm A4 Card 2141/1 10266/2 £18.95 £2.50 £16.45 PEN Member of Staff JD Sports: Survival Blankets 2141/1 10266/3 £8.37 £0.00 £8.37 PEN Member of Staff Post Office: Postage Supplies 2141/1 10266/4 £16.72 £0.00 £16.72 PEN Member of Staff Post Office: Postage 2141/1 BACS ZB 01/04/21 10266 £72.98 £7.33 £65.65 Member of Staff Expenses as detailed below 2141/1 010421 BACS ITEC 01/04/21 10279 £17.40 £2.90 £14.50 CO ITEC Connect Ltd Balance due, tn 10141 - Photocopier use 9999 010421 802556390 01/04/21 10328 £122.00 £0.00 £122.00 L&A Cornwall Council Penalverne Toilets - 8025 56390 1165/4/2 DDR 802556407 01/04/21 10329 £88.75 £0.00 £88.75 L&A Cornwall Council South Pier Toilets - 8025 56407 1165/6/2 DDR 802556425 01/04/21 10330 £143.45 £0.00 £143.45 L&A Cornwall Council Wherrytown Toilets - 8025 56425 1165/8/2 DDR 802556416 01/04/21 10331 £286.10 £0.00 £286.10 L&A Cornwall Council Superloo Toilets (TIC) - 8025 56416 1165/7/2 DDR 800615333 01/04/21 10332 £1,513.75 £0.00 £1,513.75 L&A Cornwall Council Penlee House Car Park - 8006 15333 1060/2 DDR 800622960 01/04/21 10333 £3,147.00 £0.00 £3,147.00 PEN Cornwall Council Penlee House - 8006 22960 2075 DDR 802549433 01/04/21 10334 £499.00 £0.00 £499.00 F&GP Cornwall Council Penlee Centre - 8025 49433 3005/2 DDR 800682605 01/04/21 10335 £96.58 £0.00 £96.58 PEN Cornwall Council Coach House - 8006 82605 2090/2 DDR

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 0162365 DDR 01/04/21 10336 £1,301.87 £0.00 £1,301.87 PEN Ecclesiastical Insurance 02/CHG/0162365 2070 04C01230RS 01/04/21 10337 £1,196.71 £0.00 £1,196.71 F&GP Premium Credit Ltd Insurance Renewal - Royal and Sun 3030 C0-1005 DD Alliance Insurance 1018147801 01/04/21 10338 £40.00 £0.00 £40.00 L&A South West Water Bus - Lescudjack Allotments 1045/6/1 DDR 1018 1478 01 1018156701 01/04/21 10339 £70.50 £0.00 £70.50 L&A South West Water Bus - Trannack Allotments 1045/11/2 DDR 1018 1567 01 1018159401 01/04/21 10340 £37.00 £0.00 £37.00 L&A South West Water Bus - Leskinnick Allotments 1045/7/1 DDR 1018 1594 01 204982801 01/04/21 10341 £28.50 £0.00 £28.50 L&A South West Water Bus - Crankan Allotments 1045/4/2 DDR 2049 8282 01 3293319001 01/04/21 10342 £25.00 £0.00 £25.00 L&A South West Water Bus - Wherrytown Toilets 1165/8/4 DDR 3293 3190 01 DDM HeP 07/04/21 10036 £72.45 £0.00 £72.45 F&GP Hewlett Packard Monthly IT Lease Payment - 01.04.21- 3005/9 070421 30.04.21 DDM HeP 07/04/21 10037 £43.39 £0.00 £43.39 F&GP Hewlett Packard Monthly IT Lease Payment - 01.04.21- 3005/9 070421 30.04.21 DDR 070421 07/04/21 10301 £49.71 £0.00 £49.71 F&GP Barclays Bank PLC Bank Charges 15.02.21 to 14.03.21 3095 DD BG 08/04/21 10425 £9.13 £0.43 £8.70 L&A British Gas 602934213 - Wherrytown Toilets Electric 1165/8/3 BACS SL 12/04/21 10211 £300.00 £0.00 £300.00 PEN Sarah Lee - BACS Fee - 2 days x audio description work 2141/2/2 120421 (NPO) BACS RGB 12/04/21 10240 £59.45 £9.91 £49.54 F&GP RGB Builders 2 black wheelbarrows @ 24.77 each 3050 100421 10245/1 £37.80 £6.30 £31.50 PEN City Electrical Factors PIR for Broccoli juggler 2100/2 10245/2 £33.48 £5.58 £27.90 PEN City Electrical Factors 6x 26 w Triple Compact 2100/2 10245/3 -£27.90 -£4.65 -£23.25 PEN City Electrical Factors Credit: 5 x 26w Triple Compact 2100/2 10245/4 £19.80 £3.30 £16.50 PEN City Electrical Factors 6x 26w double compact bulb 2100/2 BACS CEF 12/04/21 10245 PZ3660PH £63.18 £10.53 £52.65 City Electrical Factors Replacement PIR light and lamps 2100/2 10255/1 £275.90 £45.98 £229.92 F&GP Trade UK Account Spear & Jackson Square Head Square- 3050 Mouth No 2 Shovel (31803) 10255/2 £113.90 £18.98 £94.92 F&GP Trade UK Account Bentley Bulldozer Broom 14" (356mm) 3050 (407HV) BACS TUK 12/04/21 10255 PZ3726L&A £389.80 £64.96 £324.84 Trade UK Account 3050 120421

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS TODD 12/04/21 10267 £3,444.00 £574.00 £2,870.00 F&GP Stuart Todd Associates Ltd Consultancy support provided by Director, 3115 120421 Stuart Todd, as agreed, for the development of the Penzance Neighbourhood Plan. 10268/1 £5.50 £0.91 £4.59 L&A Trade UK Account lock 1135/1 10268/2 £81.98 £13.66 £68.32 L&A Trade UK Account lap pir lights 1165/6/1 BACS TUK 12/04/21 10268 PZ3711L&A £87.48 £14.57 £72.91 Trade UK Account 1135/1 120421 BACS SWC 12/04/21 10283 £498.00 £83.00 £415.00 F&GP South West Councils Exit interview. 3150 120421 BACS CGS 12/04/21 10284 £16,999.20 £2,833.20 £14,166.00 L&A Cornwall Garden Services As per quote - 16 November 2020 to carry 1045/7/2 120421 out repairs to stone wall at LeskinnickAllotment. Including the road closures application to Cornwall Council Streetworks. BACS CC 12/04/21 10285 £291.46 £48.58 £242.88 F&GP Cornwall Council Final legal fees for Car Park Order 3040 120421 BACS 12/04/21 10286 £590.10 £0.00 £590.10 F&GP Ronnie Richards Memorial Small Grant Award 3105/1 RONNIE Charity 120421 BACS GSD 12/04/21 10287 £400.80 £66.80 £334.00 L&A GSD Security Limited Park Security - March 2021 1020 120421 BACS SUEZ 12/04/21 10288 £40.38 £6.73 £33.65 F&GP Suez 120L Confidential Bin 01.03.21-31.03.21 3035/4 100421 BACS TH 12/04/21 10291 £300.00 £0.00 £300.00 F&GP Trisha Hewitt Healthy Streets PR - March 3120 120421 10292/1 £93.91 £15.65 £78.26 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd Penlee Centre 3005/5 10292/2 £35.40 £5.90 £29.50 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd Penlee House 2030 BACS ITEC 12/04/21 10292 £129.31 £21.55 £107.76 ITEC Connect Ltd Photocopier use 3005/5 120421 BACS CITY 12/04/21 10295 £29.89 £4.98 £24.91 L&A City Plumbing waste pipe and connections for calcified 1165/8/1 100421 urinal fitting. 10304/1 £42.00 £7.00 £35.00 PEN Barclaycard Commercial Standard VAT 20% 2045/2 10304/2 £2.16 £0.00 £2.16 PEN Barclaycard Commercial VAT Exempt 2045/2 DD BC 12/04/21 10304 £44.16 £7.00 £37.16 Barclaycard Commercial PDQ Charges March 2021 2045/2 120421 DD BG 12/04/21 10427 £0.36 £0.01 £0.35 L&A British Gas 602319103 Alexandra Road (Bill Correction) 1165/3/3 120421 10475/4 £8.10 £1.35 £6.75 PEN City Electrical Factors Excess Payment 2100/2

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Item 10(a)i

Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS CEF 12/04/21 10475 £8.10 £1.35 £6.75 City Electrical Factors Excess Payment, refund required 2100/2 BACS TODD 12/04/21 10604 -£3,444.00 -£574.00 -£2,870.00 F&GP Stuart Todd Associates Ltd Contra (part payment) for tn 10267, 3115 120421 Consultancy support provided by Director, Stuart Todd, as agreed, for the development of the Penzance Neighbourhood Plan. BACS TODD 12/04/21 10605 £3,440.00 £573.33 £2,866.67 F&GP Stuart Todd Associates Ltd Part payment , tn 10267 - , Consultancy 3115 120421 support provided by Director, Stuart Todd, as agreed, for th 720374 13/04/21 10579 £30.00 £0.00 £30.00 F&GP Petty Cash - TC Flowers for Prince Phillip 3061/1 DD SAGE 16/04/21 10432 £145.20 £24.20 £121.00 F&GP Sage Sage Payroll Software 3005/12 160421 BACS CCC 21/04/21 10289 £8,440.00 £1,406.67 £7,033.33 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning General Cleaning Services to Public 1105 210421 Toilets - March BACS CCC 21/04/21 10290 £515.80 £85.97 £429.83 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning Supply of Sharps & Sanitary Services to 1165/1/2 210421 Include Disposable Bins as Agreed 01/02 - 28/02 BACS PREM 21/04/21 10293 £1,613.92 £268.99 £1,344.93 PEN Premier Electrical Cornwall Ltd 2nd half of works for IT infrastructure 2100/2 210421 project at Penlee House BACS HM 21/04/21 10299 £434.62 £0.00 £434.62 L&A High Maintenance South Remaining Balance for Christmas Lights 1101/2 210421 West 2020. 10300/1 £1,447.00 £0.00 £1,447.00 F&GP H.M. Revenue & Customs Tax payment 3000 10300/2 £1,205.00 £0.00 £1,205.00 L&A H.M. Revenue & Customs Tax payment 1005 10300/3 £332.80 £0.00 £332.80 L&A H.M. Revenue & Customs Tax payment 1000 10300/4 £1,198.40 £0.00 £1,198.40 PEN H.M. Revenue & Customs Tax payment 2000 10300/5 £38.00 £0.00 £38.00 PEN H.M. Revenue & Customs Student Loan deductions 2000 10300/6 £2,844.95 £0.00 £2,844.95 F&GP H.M. Revenue & Customs National Insurance Contributions 3000 10300/7 £1,841.77 £0.00 £1,841.77 L&A H.M. Revenue & Customs National Insurance Contributions 1005 10300/9 £2,319.46 £0.00 £2,319.46 PEN H.M. Revenue & Customs National Insurance Contributions 2000 10300/1 £550.60 £0.00 £550.60 L&A H.M. Revenue & Customs National Insurance Contributions 1000 2 10300/1 £8.00 £0.00 £8.00 F&GP H.M. Revenue & Customs Student Loan Deductions 3000 3 10300/1 -£1,422.28 £0.00 -£1,422.28 F&GP H.M. Revenue & Customs SMP Contribution 3000 4 BACS HMRC 21/04/21 10300 £10,363.70 £0.00 £10,363.70 H.M. Revenue & Customs March 21 payment 3000 210421 BACS INITIAL 21/04/21 10302 £44.08 £7.35 £36.73 F&GP Initial Washroom Hygiene 2020-21 Sanitary Collection Penlee Centre 3035/2 210421

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Item 10(a)i

Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS INITIAL 21/04/21 10303 £256.80 £42.80 £214.00 PEN Initial Washroom Hygiene 2020-21 Sanitary Collection Penlee House 2100/5 210421 BACS JC 21/04/21 10306 £3,400.00 £0.00 £3,400.00 F&GP James Corrigan Confidential HR Review 3150 210421 BACS TUK 21/04/21 10312 £47.84 £7.98 £39.86 L&A Trade UK Account 16 x site antiscratch uv safety goggles 2102 1040 210421 BACS CALC 21/04/21 10313 £60.00 £10.00 £50.00 F&GP CALC Political Awareness Training - 13 August 3015/1 210421 2020 DDM TGP 21/04/21 10314 £822.99 £137.16 £685.83 PEN Total Gas & Power 3004 2812 03 - Penlee House - 28.02.21- 2082 210421 31.03.21 BACS KES 21/04/21 10317 £720.00 £120.00 £600.00 L&A Kestrel Gaurds Limited 2x visits to skatepark up to 31st March 2021 1111/3 210421 10169/1 £18.25 £3.04 £15.21 L&A Amazon Fascia Bracket 1015/1 10169/2 £54.12 £9.02 £45.10 L&A Amazon Angle and Downpipe Piece 1015/1 10169/3 £17.99 £0.00 £17.99 L&A Amazon One Metre Piece 1015/1 TC CC 22/04/21 10169 PZ3682L&A £90.36 £12.06 £78.30 Amazon guttering for penlee house. CC 1015/1 220421 CC TC 22/04/21 10176 £41.01 £6.83 £34.18 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 220421 CC TC 22/04/21 10217 £39.81 £6.63 £33.18 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 220421 TC CC 22/04/21 10229 £60.65 £10.11 £50.54 F&GP St. Justin Gift for town crier. Credit Card. 3050 220421 10234/1 £116.22 £19.37 £96.85 PEN Hobbycraft Trading Ltd Mini circle craft punch 2141/2/2 10234/2 £7.20 £1.20 £6.00 PEN Hobbycraft Trading Ltd Assorted wooden buttons 2141/2/2 10234/3 £65.74 £10.96 £54.78 PEN Hobbycraft Trading Ltd Mini circle craft punch 2141/3/3 10234/4 £18.04 £3.01 £15.03 PEN Hobbycraft Trading Ltd Mini circle craft punch 2141/3/3 TC CC 22/04/21 10234 PZ3718PH £207.20 £34.54 £172.66 Hobbycraft Trading Ltd Credit card: Materials for craft boxes (NPO) 2141/2/2 220421 TC CC 22/04/21 10269 £24.00 £4.00 £20.00 F&GP Amazon Replacement kettle for penlee centre. 3005/4 220421 Credit Card. TC CC 22/04/21 10270 £16.57 £2.76 £13.81 L&A Amazon guttering brackets for PM toilets 1165/5/1 220421 TC CC 22/04/21 10271 £27.99 £4.67 £23.32 L&A Amazon rubber pool paint for the base of the urinal 1165/8/1 220421 at wherrytown TC CC 22/04/21 10272 £25.99 £4.33 £21.66 L&A Amazon De solv it grafitti remover 1015/1 220421 10311/1 £4.03 £0.67 £3.36 L&A Simply Bearings Ltd 1mm Section 17mm Bore NITRILE 70 1015/3 Rubber O-Rings 10311/2 £3.43 £0.57 £2.86 L&A Simply Bearings Ltd 2mm Section 17mm Bore NITRILE 70 1015/3 Rubber O-Rings

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Item 10(a)i

Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading TC CC 22/04/21 10311 PZ3719L&A £7.46 £1.24 £6.22 Simply Bearings Ltd Rubber O-Rings. Credit Card 1015/3 220421 10316/1 £3,013.51 £502.25 £2,511.26 PEN Total Gas & Power 3005066372 01.03.21-31.03.21 2081 DDM TGP 22/04/21 10316 £3,013.51 £502.25 £2,511.26 Total Gas & Power 3005066372 - Museum - 01.03.21- 2081 220421 TC CC 22/04/21 10346 £8.06 £1.34 £6.72 L&A Simply Bearings Ltd Bearings for Bowser / Watering equipment. 1015/3 220421 Credit Card 10355/1 £14.99 £2.50 £12.49 L&A Amazon Dettol - Hand Sanitiser - 50ml (Anti- 1040 bacterial 12 Pack) 10355/2 £24.99 £4.17 £20.82 L&A Amazon 24 Pairs Of Blackrock Size 10/XL Black PU 1040 Work 10355/3 £11.30 £1.88 £9.42 L&A Amazon Black sacks 1015/7 TC CC 22/04/21 10355 PZ3734L& £51.28 £8.55 £42.73 Amazon PPE and sacks. CC 1040 220421 TC CC 22/04/21 10477 £139.98 £23.34 £116.64 PEN Amazon Credit Card. Photoshop Elements x 2 for 2100/7 220421 Penlee House Staff 10478/1 £96.00 £16.00 £80.00 PEN Rajapack RTP17 brown postal box 310x215x70mm 2141/3/3 10478/2 £8.99 £1.50 £7.49 PEN Rajapack Delivery 2141/3/3 TC CC 22/04/21 10478 PZ3704PH £104.99 £17.50 £87.49 Rajapack Credit card: Cardboard boxes for craft 2141/3/3 220421 boxes (NPO) TC CC 22/04/21 10479 £7.99 £1.33 £6.66 F&GP Amazon Amazon Prime Charge 3005/4 220421 TC CC 22/04/21 10480 £19.50 £3.25 £16.25 L&A Amazon Bin bag order. Credit Card, 1015/1 220421 10350/1 £9,360.38 £0.00 £9,360.38 F&GP Payflow - Employees April 2021 Payroll 3000 10350/2 £9,062.87 £0.00 £9,062.87 L&A Payflow - Employees April 2021 Payroll 1000 10350/3 £11,531.33 £0.00 £11,531.33 PEN Payflow - Employees April 2021 Payroll 2000 10350/4 £2,122.65 £0.00 £2,122.65 L&A Payflow - Employees April 21 Payroll 1000 10350/5 £1,437.50 £0.00 £1,437.50 PEN Payflow - Employees April 21 Central Admin 2005 10350/6 £837.50 £0.00 £837.50 L&A Payflow - Employees April 21 Central Admin 1010 payflow 230421 23/04/21 10350 £34,352.23 £0.00 £34,352.23 Payflow - Employees Payroll April 2021 3000

10412/1 £200.00 £0.00 £200.00 F&GP Pitney Bowes £200 top-up 3005/6 10412/2 £8.00 £0.00 £8.00 F&GP Pitney Bowes Transaction fee 3005/6 DD PB 230421 23/04/21 10412 PZ3810 £208.00 £0.00 £208.00 Pitney Bowes Franking Machine Top-up 3005/6 10435/1 £233.45 £38.91 £194.54 L&A EE Mobile Phones Lesuire and Amenities Team 1040 10435/2 £30.09 £5.01 £25.08 F&GP EE Mobile Phones Communications Officer 3005/3

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading DD EE 260421 26/04/21 10435 £263.54 £43.92 £219.62 EE Mobile Phones Mobile phone contracts for April 21 1040 DD TGP 26/04/21 10444 £207.25 £9.87 £197.38 PEN Total Gas & Power 3003913440 - Coach House Electric 2090/1 260421 (January to March 21) DD TGP 26/04/21 10451 £475.63 £22.64 £452.99 L&A Total Gas & Power 3004027840 - Gardeners Hut Electric Jan- 1015/6 260421 Mar 21 DD BIFFA 26/04/21 10481 £382.84 £63.81 £319.03 L&A Biffa Waste Services Ltd General Waste Collection - April 21 1015/9 260421 10215/2 £918.26 £153.04 £765.22 F&GP De Lage Landen Leasing Ltd 3005/9 DDM DL 28/04/21 10215 £918.26 £153.04 £765.22 De Lage Landen Leasing Ltd 953 4 0499324 - Lease of IT Equipment - 3005/9 280421 27/04/21 to 27/07/21 CONTRA 28/04/21 10274 £468.00 £78.00 £390.00 L&A Cornwall Garden Services 6 tons of stone for Leskinnick @ £65.00 1045/7/2 280421 per tons CONTRA 28/04/21 10368 -£468.00 -£78.00 -£390.00 L&A Cornwall Garden Services 6 tons of stone for Leskinnick @ £65.00 1045/7/2 280421 per tons 01/05/21 10630 £37.00 £0.00 £37.00 L&A South West Water Bus - Leskinnick Allotments 1045/7/1 1018 1594 01 802556390 04/05/21 10453 £125.00 £0.00 £125.00 L&A Cornwall Council Penalverne Toilets - 8025 56390 1165/4/2 DDR 802556407 04/05/21 10454 £94.00 £0.00 £94.00 L&A Cornwall Council South Pier Toilets - 8025 56407 1165/6/2 DDR 802556416 04/05/21 10455 £287.00 £0.00 £287.00 L&A Cornwall Council Superloo Toilets (TIC) - 8025 56416 1165/7/2 DDR 802556425 04/05/21 10456 £148.00 £0.00 £148.00 L&A Cornwall Council Wherrytown Toilets - 8025 56425 1165/8/2 DDR 802549433 04/05/21 10457 £499.00 £0.00 £499.00 F&GP Cornwall Council Penlee Centre - 8025 49433 3005/2 DDR 800622960 04/05/21 10458 £3,149.00 £0.00 £3,149.00 PEN Cornwall Council Penlee House - 8006 22960 2075 DDR 0162365 DDR 04/05/21 10459 £1,301.87 £0.00 £1,301.87 PEN Ecclesiastical Insurance 02/CHG/0162365 2070 040521 800615333 04/05/21 10460 £1,509.00 £0.00 £1,509.00 L&A Cornwall Council Penlee House Car Park - 8006 15333 1060/2 DDR DD PC 04/05/21 10461 £1,196.71 £0.00 £1,196.71 F&GP Premium Credit Ltd Insurance Renewal - Royal and Sun 3030 040521 Alliance Insurance 3293319001 04/05/21 10462 £25.00 £0.00 £25.00 L&A South West Water Bus - Wherrytown Toilets 1165/8/4 DDR 3293 3190 01 1018156701 04/05/21 10464 £70.50 £0.00 £70.50 L&A South West Water Bus - Trannack Allotments 1045/11/2 DDR 1018 1567 01

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 0118147801 04/05/21 10465 £40.00 £0.00 £40.00 L&A South West Water Bus - Lescudjack Allotments 1045/6/1 DDR 1018 1478 01 800682605 04/05/21 10466 £96.00 £0.00 £96.00 PEN Cornwall Council Coach House - 8006 82605 2090/2 DDR 204982801 04/05/21 10472 £28.50 £0.00 £28.50 L&A South West Water Bus - Crankan Allotments 1045/4/2 DDR 2049 8282 01 10474/2 £239.54 £39.92 £199.62 L&A Lex Autolease Ltd Citroen Berlingo - LG19 RMK 1220 10474/3 £248.17 £41.36 £206.81 L&A Lex Autolease Ltd Citroen Berlingo - LJ19 KWK 1220 DD LEX 04/05/21 10474 £487.71 £81.28 £406.43 Lex Autolease Ltd Vehicle Hire 1220 DDM HeP 05/05/21 10171 £43.39 £0.00 £43.39 F&GP Hewlett Packard Monthly IT Lease Payment - 01.05.21 - 3005/9 050521 31.05.21 DDM HeP 05/05/21 10172 £72.45 £0.00 £72.45 F&GP Hewlett Packard Monthly IT Lease Payment - 01.05.21 - 3005/9 050521 31.05.21 BACS CC 05/05/21 10282 £78.00 £13.00 £65.00 F&GP Cornwall Council Job advert. 3080 050521 BACS JS 05/05/21 10294 £96.00 £16.00 £80.00 L&A JS Roofing & Building Ltd replace broken tiles on Wherrytown public 1165/8/1 050521 loos , and replace slipped tiles BACS DYN 05/05/21 10308 £60.00 £10.00 £50.00 PEN Dynamics Online Work to change email over to new supplier 2100/3 050521 BACS NR 05/05/21 10318 £135.10 £22.52 £112.58 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - Repair to belt of Viking mower 1240 050521 BACS BACS NR 05/05/21 10319 £335.82 £55.97 £279.85 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - Annual Service of Iseki SXG326 1240 050521 BACS 10320/1 £2.71 £0.45 £2.26 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - ST-5605-772-4006 ROUND FILE 4.00MM 1015/3 BACS 5.32 10320/2 £4.90 £0.82 £4.08 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - ST-0000-881-4500 FILE HOLDER 4.0MM 1015/3 BACS TO 5.5MM 10320/3 £4.99 £0.83 £4.16 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - ST-0814-252-3000 FLAT FILE 3/8 .404 1/2 1015/3 BACS 10320/4 £6.31 £1.05 £5.26 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - ST-0000-881-4503 FLAT FILE HOLDER 1015/3 BACS FH3 UP TO 150MM BACS NR 05/05/21 10320 PZ3462L&A £18.91 £3.15 £15.76 Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - 1015/3 050521 BACS BACS NR 05/05/21 10322 £195.54 £32.59 £162.95 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - Quote 48325 - Iseki removal and of tank 1015/3 050521 BACS and refitting. 10323/1 £189.00 £31.50 £157.50 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - EGO ROTOCUT NO THROW DUAL 1015/3 BACS CUTTING HEAD 10323/2 £71.59 £11.93 £59.66 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - EGO BRISTLE BRUSH (PAIR) FOR 1015/3 BACS BBA2100 22/06/21 10:25 AM Vs: 8.57.03 Penzance Town Council Page 11

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 10323/3 £197.60 £32.93 £164.67 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - SET OF SIDE BRUSHESFOR STIIHL 1015/3 BACS 10323/4 £76.20 £12.70 £63.50 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - ROLLER BRUSH STIHL 1015/3 BACS 10323/5 £4.54 £0.76 £3.78 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - FILTER STITHL 1015/3 BACS BACS NR 05/05/21 10323 PZ3604L&A £538.93 £89.82 £449.11 Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - Replacement parts 1015/3 050521 BACS 10326/1 £10.00 £0.00 £10.00 L&A Cornwall Council Rent for allotments at Mennaye Love Lane 1045/9/1 10326/2 £9.00 £0.00 £9.00 L&A Cornwall Council Rent for allotments at Alverton Playing Field 1045/3/1 BACS CC 05/05/21 10326 £19.00 £0.00 £19.00 Cornwall Council Rent for Allotments as below 1045/9/1 050521 BACS 05/05/21 10327 £3,000.00 £0.00 £3,000.00 F&GP Golowan Festival CIC 2nd payment for SLA agreement 3800/6 GOLOWAN 050521 BACS ORANG 05/05/21 10347 £30.87 £1.47 £29.40 PEN The Orangery Stewards' drinks 2060 050521

10352/1 £55.99 £9.33 £46.66 L&A DF Sales 140 Litre Extra Strong Recycled Clear Bin 1015/9 Liners - 240 Gauge 10352/2 £32.40 £5.40 £27.00 L&A DF Sales 140 Litre Superior Black Recycled Small 1015/9 Wheelie Bin Liners - 120 gauge - Black 10352/3 £34.80 £5.80 £29.00 L&A DF Sales 240ltr Large Black Superior Recycled 1111/3 Wheelie Bin Liners BACS DF 05/05/21 10352 PZ3759L&A £123.19 £20.53 £102.66 DF Sales 1015/9 050521 BACS 05/05/21 10353 £1,362.00 £227.00 £1,135.00 PEN Bridgeman Art Library Copyright for Laura Knight postcards 2045/1 BRIDGE 050521 10354/1 £23.44 £0.00 £23.44 PEN Amazon Everyday one cup tea bags - 1100 2035 10354/2 £23.16 £0.00 £23.16 PEN Amazon Medium Roast Coffee - 500g 2035 BACS AMZ 05/05/21 10354 PZ3795PH £46.60 £0.00 £46.60 Amazon Supplies, as detailed 2035 050521 10356/1 £31.98 £5.34 £26.64 PEN Amazon C5 White Window Self Seal 90 gsm 2035 envelopes - 500 BACS AMZ 05/05/21 10356 PZ3796PH £31.98 £5.34 £26.64 Amazon Stationery for FOP 2035 050521 10357/1 £8.49 £1.42 £7.07 PEN Amazon facemasks 2100/5

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 10357/2 £19.99 £3.33 £16.66 PEN Amazon wireless keyboard and mouse 2100/2 BACS AMZ 05/05/21 10357 PZ3744PH £28.48 £4.75 £23.73 Amazon Face masks, IT supplies 2100/5 050521 10358/1 £15.48 £2.58 £12.90 PEN Amazon 5L hand sanitiser gel 2100/5 10358/2 £23.99 £4.00 £19.99 PEN Amazon 144 Toilet rolls 2100/5 BACS AMZ 05/05/21 10358 PZ3757PH £39.47 £6.58 £32.89 Amazon Hygiene/cleaning supplies, as detailed 2100/5 050521 BACS ART 05/05/21 10359 £600.00 £100.00 £500.00 PEN Art UK Annual membership 2050 050521 10360/1 £2,519.40 £419.90 £2,099.50 F&GP Cornwall ALC Limited CALC Subscription 3070 10360/2 £1,205.97 £0.00 £1,205.97 F&GP Cornwall ALC Limited NALC Subscription 3070 BACS CALC 05/05/21 10360 PZ3740 £3,725.37 £419.90 £3,305.47 Cornwall ALC Limited 2021/21 Membership 3070 050521 BACS CC 05/05/21 10362 £2,987.90 £497.98 £2,489.92 L&A Cornwall Council Maintenance for Open Space CCTV for 1st 1180/3 050521 April to 30th june 21 10363/1 £125.00 £0.00 £125.00 PEN Friends of Dame Laura Laura Knight in the Malverns book 2045/1 Knight Society 10363/2 £12.00 £0.00 £12.00 PEN Friends of Dame Laura Shipping 2045/1 Knight Society BACS DLK 05/05/21 10363 PZ3762PH £137.00 £0.00 £137.00 Friends of Dame Laura Laura Knight in the Malverns book 2045/1 050521 Knight Society 10364/1 £71.84 £0.00 £71.84 PEN Friends of PZ Jewish Jewish Cemetary Book sales (6/4/20- 2045/1 Cemetery 5/4/21) BACS JEW 05/05/21 10364 PZ3748PH £71.84 £0.00 £71.84 Friends of PZ Jewish Books sold from 06.04.20 to 05.04.21 2045/1 050521 Cemetery 10367/1 £66.00 £11.00 £55.00 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd Internet Connection for Penlee Centre 3005/10 10367/2 £48.00 £8.00 £40.00 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd System Backup Service 3005/10 10367/3 £162.00 £27.00 £135.00 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd IT Support 3005/10 10367/4 £116.72 £19.45 £97.27 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd MITEL Phone System Rental and 3005/10 Management 10367/5 £5.40 £0.90 £4.50 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd UC Call Recording 3005/10 10367/6 £124.08 £20.68 £103.40 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd Office 365 Premium Licences 3005/10 10367/7 £23.08 £3.85 £19.23 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd Additional Mitel Phone Rental 3005/10 10367/8 £68.40 £11.40 £57.00 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd Exhchange Online (Hosted Email) 3005/10 10367/9 £141.65 £23.61 £118.04 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd MiCloud Subscription 3005/10

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 10367/1 £60.00 £10.00 £50.00 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd Internet Connection for Penlee House 2022 0 10367/1 £15.72 £2.62 £13.10 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd Microsoft Defender 3005/10 1 BACS ITEC 05/05/21 10367 £831.05 £138.51 £692.54 ITEC Connect Ltd IT Services for April 21 3005/10 050521 BACS CC 05/05/21 10371 £1,230.00 £0.00 £1,230.00 F&GP Cornwall Council BID Levy Penlee House 21/22 3045 050521 BACS CC 05/05/21 10372 £138.00 £0.00 £138.00 F&GP Cornwall Council BID Levy TIC Toilets 21/22 3045 050521 BACS TUK 05/05/21 10374 £19.06 £3.18 £15.88 L&A Trade UK Account waste pipe coupling to replace kicked in 1165/7/1 050521 disabled sink. BACS TUK 05/05/21 10375 £122.72 £20.44 £102.28 L&A Trade UK Account lighting for the toilets pir x3 1165/8/1 050521 10376/1 £326.40 £54.40 £272.00 F&GP Duchy Cleaners 2x cleans per week at £40.80 each 3035/2 BACS DUCHY 05/05/21 10376 £326.40 £54.40 £272.00 Duchy Cleaners Penlee Centre Cleaning Contract - April 21 3035/2 050521 10377/1 £90.00 £15.00 £75.00 PEN Duchy Cleaners Weekly Clean at £25 Per Clean (3 weeks) 2100/4 10377/2 £114.00 £19.00 £95.00 PEN Duchy Cleaners Mon-Fri Daily Clean for 12.04 to 17.04 2100/4 BACS DUCHY 05/05/21 10377 £204.00 £34.00 £170.00 Duchy Cleaners Penlee House Cleaning Contract - April 21 2100/4 050521 BACS BHGS 05/05/21 10378 £89.64 £14.94 £74.70 L&A BHGS - BACS M3 compost 75l, 10 bags 1015/5 050521 BACS TUK 05/05/21 10379 £39.96 £6.66 £33.30 L&A Trade UK Account Face mask , cloth ,gloves, sanding 1015/7 050521 pad,paint brushes, BACS RGB 05/05/21 10380 £34.92 £5.82 £29.10 L&A RGB Builders 5 bags of tar mac for potholes 1060/4 050521 BACS TUK 05/05/21 10381 £40.98 £6.83 £34.15 L&A Trade UK Account masonary paint and rollers for retaining 1060/4 050521 wall. BACS ENG 05/05/21 10382 £492.00 £82.00 £410.00 PEN Engine House Media 1 x On Display issue 109 June 2050 050521 1 x News & Views Editorial issue 110 July - *PLUS FREE social media Twitter post to promote to 19k followers 1 x On Display issue 111 August 1 x On Display issue 112 September BACS AMZ 05/05/21 10383 £16.45 £2.74 £13.71 PEN Amazon Green Paper Hand Towels, C Fold, 2520 2100/5 050521 BACS BO 05/05/21 10384 £13.60 £0.00 £13.60 F&GP Member of Staff Expenses: Cornishman Newspapers - 8 3005/4 050521 weeks at £1.70 per paper

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS CS 05/05/21 10385 £30.00 £0.00 £30.00 F&GP Member of Staff Expenses: Eye test 3026/5 050521 BACS MODES 05/05/21 10386 £262.80 £43.80 £219.00 PEN Modes Users Association Modes annual user fee 2100/7 050521

BACS NMW 05/05/21 10387 £120.00 £20.00 £100.00 PEN National Museums & Repro fee for Laura Knight postcards 2045/1 050521 Galleries Of Wales 10388/1 £95.04 £15.84 £79.20 PEN The Sweet People LTD T/A Chocolate Caviar Tin CAVIAR 2045/1 The Chocolate Gift Company 10388/2 £47.81 £7.97 £39.84 PEN The Sweet People LTD T/A Honeycomb Tin TINHCOMB 2045/1 The Chocolate Gift Company 10388/3 £51.84 £8.64 £43.20 PEN The Sweet People LTD T/A Ginger Drk Choc Tin TINGINGER 2045/1 The Chocolate Gift Company 10388/4 £51.84 £8.64 £43.20 PEN The Sweet People LTD T/A Fruit & Nut Tin Milk TINFRUITNUT 2045/3 The Chocolate Gift Company 10388/5 £80.64 £13.44 £67.20 PEN The Sweet People LTD T/A 70% Drk Choc Bar BARDARK 2045/1 The Chocolate Gift Company 10388/6 £80.64 £13.44 £67.20 PEN The Sweet People LTD T/A Milk Choc Bar BARMILK 2045/1 The Chocolate Gift Company 10388/7 £115.20 £19.20 £96.00 PEN The Sweet People LTD T/A Pecan & Seasalt Bar BARNUT 2045/1 The Chocolate Gift Company 10388/8 £101.66 £16.94 £84.72 PEN The Sweet People LTD T/A Croquant Mix CROQMIX 2045/1 The Chocolate Gift Company 10388/9 £193.54 £32.26 £161.28 PEN The Sweet People LTD T/A Milk Choc Sardines in Tin FISHTIN 2045/1 The Chocolate Gift Company 10388/1 £44.64 £7.44 £37.20 PEN The Sweet People LTD T/A Walnut Whirl WHIRL 2045/1 0 The Chocolate Gift Company 10388/1 £71.71 £11.95 £59.76 PEN The Sweet People LTD T/A World is Your Oyster OYSTER 2045/1 1 The Chocolate Gift Company BACS CHOC 05/05/21 10388 PZ3793PH £934.56 £155.76 £778.80 The Sweet People LTD T/A Chocolates 2045/1 050521 The Chocolate Gift Company BACS CC 05/05/21 10389 £22,239.36 £3,706.56 £18,532.80 L&A Cornwall Council Annual CCTV Monitoring 1180/1 050521 BACS CC 05/05/21 10390 £1,260.00 £210.00 £1,050.00 L&A Cornwall Council OSCCTV BT Circuit Costs - Additional 1180/2 050521 Monitoring for 21/22 10392/1 £106.56 £0.00 £106.56 F&GP Ellis Whittam - BACS Insurance Including 12% IPT 3026/1 10392/2 £102.00 £17.00 £85.00 F&GP Ellis Whittam - BACS Admin Fee 3026/1 BACS EW 05/05/21 10392 PZ3805 £208.56 £17.00 £191.56 Ellis Whittam - BACS Insurance for Healthy and Safety 2021/22 3026/1 050521

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 10396/1 £170.88 £28.48 £142.40 PEN Loomis UK Cash Collection - Penlee House 2120 10396/2 £170.87 £28.48 £142.39 L&A Loomis UK Cash Collection - L&A 1260 BACS Loomis 05/05/21 10396 £341.75 £56.96 £284.79 Loomis UK Cash Collection - For May 2021 2120 050521 BACS ORANG 05/05/21 10398 £504.00 £84.00 £420.00 PEN The Orangery Reimbursement for outdoor tables 2105 050521 purchased for The Orangery

10401/1 £240.00 £0.00 £240.00 PEN Sally Corbet Notelets, 8 types, 10 packs of each 2045/1 BACS SC 05/05/21 10401 PZ3764PH £240.00 £0.00 £240.00 Sally Corbet Packs of notelets, 8 various types 2045/1 050521 BACS SM 05/05/21 10402 £34.77 £0.00 £34.77 PEN Member of Staff Expenses: Postage for Online Sales 2045/1 050521 10403/1 £9.34 £1.56 £7.78 F&GP Complete Business Solutions Antibacterial Handwash for Dispenser 3005/4 10403/2 £35.93 £5.99 £29.94 F&GP Complete Business Solutions Antibacterial Multi-surface Wipes 3005/4 10403/3 £5.66 £0.94 £4.72 F&GP Complete Business Solutions Scissors 3005/4 10403/4 £20.91 £0.00 £20.91 F&GP Complete Business Solutions Coffee (500g) 3005/4 10403/5 £11.45 £1.91 £9.54 F&GP Complete Business Solutions Clipboard 3005/4 10403/6 £27.44 £4.57 £22.87 F&GP Complete Business Solutions Transfer cases (pack 25) 3005/4 10403/7 £18.60 £3.10 £15.50 F&GP Complete Business Solutions Paper Towels (green 2-fold) 3005/4 BACS CBS 05/05/21 10403 PZ3789 £129.33 £18.07 £111.26 Complete Business Solutions Supplies for office 3005/4 050521 BACS SPA 05/05/21 10405 £285.00 £47.50 £237.50 L&A Spa Landscaping Ltd T/A broken pole and orange flashing light 1240 050521 Spa Power Machinery attachment for westermann 4 week delivery time from Germany BACS TUK 05/05/21 10407 £65.00 £10.82 £54.18 L&A Trade UK Account supplys for public toilet maintenance, 1165/2 050521 padlocks and hazard tape electrical connectors for wall gates BACS TUK 05/05/21 10408 £24.32 £4.06 £20.26 L&A Trade UK Account coach screws for bin bases 1015/5 050521 BACS SM 05/05/21 10409 £84.42 £0.00 £84.42 PEN Member of Staff Expenses: picture frames for shop 2045/1 050521 BACS JC 05/05/21 10411 £180.00 £0.00 £180.00 F&GP James Corrigan Confidential Report for non-personnel 3026/1 050521 members 10413/1 £313.61 £0.00 £313.61 F&GP Cornwall Pension Fund April 21 payment 3000 payment 10413/2 £280.38 £0.00 £280.38 L&A Cornwall Pension Fund April 21 Payment 1000 Feb 21 payment 22/06/21 10:25 AM Vs: 8.57.03 Penzance Town Council Page 16

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 10413/3 £74.21 £0.00 £74.21 L&A Cornwall Pension Fund April 21 Payment 1000 Jan 21 payment 10413/4 £456.80 £0.00 £456.80 PEN Cornwall Pension Fund April 21 payment 2000 BACS CC 05/05/21 10413 £1,125.00 £0.00 £1,125.00 Cornwall Pension Fund April 21 pension deficit contribution 3000 Pension 0505 10414/1 £3,092.82 £0.00 £3,092.82 F&GP Cornwall Pension Fund April Pension 3000 10414/2 £2,691.28 £0.00 £2,691.28 L&A Cornwall Pension Fund April Pension 1000 10414/3 £729.29 £0.00 £729.29 L&A Cornwall Pension Fund April Pension 1000 10414/4 £4,070.82 £0.00 £4,070.82 PEN Cornwall Pension Fund April Pension 2000 BACS CC 05/05/21 10414 £10,584.21 £0.00 £10,584.21 Cornwall Pension Fund April 21 Pension Contributions 3000 Pension 0505 DDR 060521 06/05/21 10631 £93.01 £0.00 £93.01 F&GP Barclays Bank PLC Bank Charges 15.03.21-12.04.21 3095 DD LEX 070521 07/05/21 10395 £18.00 £3.00 £15.00 L&A Lex Autolease Ltd Road Fund Licence Recharge 1220

10633/1 £42.00 £7.00 £35.00 PEN Barclaycard Commercial Standard VAT 20% 2045/2 10633/2 £27.54 £0.00 £27.54 PEN Barclaycard Commercial VAT Exempt 2045/2 DD BC 10/05/21 10633 £69.54 £7.00 £62.54 Barclaycard Commercial PDQ Charges April 21 2045/2 100521 10275/1 £2,520.00 £420.00 £2,100.00 L&A Metro Rod Penlee Car Park - Drain Cleaning 1060/4 10275/2 £120.00 £20.00 £100.00 L&A Metro Rod South Pier WC - Drain Cleaning 1165/6/1 10275/3 £120.00 £20.00 £100.00 L&A Metro Rod TIC WC - Drain Cleaning 1165/7/1 10275/4 £120.00 £20.00 £100.00 L&A Metro Rod Princess May Rec WC - Drain Cleaning 1165/5/1 10275/5 £120.00 £20.00 £100.00 L&A Metro Rod Penalverne WC - Drain Cleaning 1165/4/1 10275/6 £120.00 £20.00 £100.00 L&A Metro Rod Wherrytown WC - Drain Cleaning 1165/8/1 10275/7 £120.00 £20.00 £100.00 L&A Metro Rod Wherrytown Skatepark - Drain Cleaning 1111/3 10275/8 £120.00 £20.00 £100.00 L&A Metro Rod Alexandra PlayPark WC - Drain Cleaning 1165/3/1 BACS METRO 11/05/21 10275 PZ3730L&A £3,360.00 £560.00 £2,800.00 Metro Rod Drain cleaning across council sites below: 1060/4 110521

BACS NR 11/05/21 10321 £149.69 £24.95 £124.74 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - Quote 48326 - New Holland tractor service 1015/3 110521 BACS including fule filter replacment BACS NR 11/05/21 10324 £924.49 £154.08 £770.41 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - Quote 47824 Repair to Iseki SXG326 Ride 1015/3 110521 BACS on Mower BACS GRAF 11/05/21 10348 £222.60 £37.10 £185.50 L&A Graffiti Removal Ltd 2 x 5 litres spray can remover and carriage 1015/5 110521

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS CC 11/05/21 10369 £200.00 £0.00 £200.00 F&GP Cornwall Council BID Levy Penlee Centre 21/22 3045 110521 BACS CC 11/05/21 10370 £605.00 £0.00 £605.00 F&GP Cornwall Council BID Levy Penlee House Car Park 21/22 3045 110521 BACS EW 11/05/21 10393 £4,014.96 £669.16 £3,345.80 F&GP Ellis Whittam - BACS Healthy and Safety Core package and e- 3026/1 110521 learing for 3 years BACS ITEC 11/05/21 10394 £395.21 £65.87 £329.34 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd IT Services - Penlee House for April 21 2100/3 110521 BACS REACH 11/05/21 10400 £280.80 £46.80 £234.00 F&GP Reach Publishing Services Annual Town Meeting Notice for 'The 3061/2 110521 Limited (Formerly Trinity Cornishman' newspaper (1.4.21) Mirror) BACS JP 11/05/21 10410 £64,900.00 £0.00 £64,900.00 F&GP Jubilee Pool Penzance Ltd 2021/22 Strategic Grant 3105/10 110521 BACS ACT 11/05/21 10415 £3,961.87 £660.31 £3,301.56 PEN Activist Group Ltd March and April work on Penlee House 2001 110521 Review BACS CCC 11/05/21 10417 £8,440.00 £1,406.67 £7,033.33 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning General Cleaning Services to Public 1165/1/1 110521 Toilets - April BACS JDS 11/05/21 10419 £102.00 £17.00 £85.00 L&A JDS Properties & unvented hot water cyclinder service and 1211 110521 Developments Ltd air source heat pump BACS GSD 11/05/21 10422 £468.96 £78.16 £390.80 L&A GSD Security Limited Park Security - April 2021 1020 110521 BACS EW 11/05/21 10424 £360.00 £60.00 £300.00 F&GP Ellis Whittam - BACS 2x CC licences 3025 110521 BACS JS 11/05/21 10426 £144.00 £24.00 £120.00 L&A JS Roofing & Building Ltd Repair to roof due to falling Bay tree. 1015/1 110521 BACS 11/05/21 10428 £242.40 £40.40 £202.00 L&A Graffiti Removal Ltd pourous graffiti remover 1111/3 GRAF210511 BACS GRAF 11/05/21 10429 £240.60 £40.10 £200.50 L&A Graffiti Removal Ltd removal of Graffiti from the car park for the 1060/1 season. 10430/1 £25.04 £4.18 £20.86 F&GP Complete Business Solutions A4 White Copier Paper 3005/4 10430/2 £5.66 £0.94 £4.72 F&GP Complete Business Solutions Scissors 3005/4 10430/3 £9.00 £1.50 £7.50 F&GP Complete Business Solutions AAA Batteries (pk 16) 3005/4 BACS CBS 11/05/21 10430 PZ3808 £39.70 £6.62 £33.08 Complete Business Solutions 3005/4 110521 BACS NT 11/05/21 10431 £160.00 £0.00 £160.00 F&GP Nick Townsend Preparation of Mayoral Certificate 3061/1 110521 BACS 11/05/21 10437 £3,000.00 £0.00 £3,000.00 F&GP Golowan Festival CIC 3rd payment for SLA agreement 3800/6 GOLOWAN 110521

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS 11/05/21 10649 £0.20 £0.03 £0.17 L&A Graffiti Removal Ltd overpayment 1111/3 GRAF210511 DD BG 12/05/21 10632 £459.34 £76.55 £382.79 F&GP British Gas Penlee Centre Electric 13 March to 21 April 3005/13 21 10507/1 £338.72 £56.45 £282.27 L&A Lex Autolease Ltd Ford Transit - AJ19 WUD 1220 DD LEX 130521 13/05/21 10507 £338.72 £56.45 £282.27 Lex Autolease Ltd Vehicle Hire 1220

16/05/21 10626 £145.20 £24.20 £121.00 F&GP Sage Sage Payroll Licence 3005/12 16/05/21 10650 -£145.20 -£24.20 -£121.00 F&GP Sage Contra 10626, Sage Payroll Licence 3005/12 10256/1 £45.95 £7.65 £38.30 L&A Trade UK Account Site Jackal Multi-Pocket Shorts Grey / 1040 Black 32" W (8308T) 10256/2 £4.19 £0.70 £3.49 L&A Trade UK Account FloPlast Drain Guard 305mm Black 1015/7 10256/3 £67.97 £11.33 £56.64 L&A Trade UK Account Ronseal Metal Paint Storm Grey 750ml 1015/7 (435KH) 10256/4 £7.99 £1.33 £6.66 L&A Trade UK Account No Nonsense White Spirit 2Ltr (13027) 1015/7 10256/5 £5.50 £0.92 £4.58 L&A Trade UK Account WD-40 Specialist Silicone Lubricant 400ml 1015/7 (86394) 10256/6 £14.99 £2.50 £12.49 L&A Trade UK Account Soft-Handled Trowel Set 6 Pieces (88672) 1015/7 10256/7 £14.99 £2.50 £12.49 L&A Trade UK Account Magnusson Guarded Bolster & Cold Chisel 1015/7 Set 3 Pieces (5429V) 10256/8 £55.98 £9.33 £46.65 L&A Trade UK Account Site Jackal Work Trousers Grey / Black 38" 1015/7 W 30" L (6727V) 10256/9 £39.98 £6.66 £33.32 L&A Trade UK Account Site Jackal Multi-Pocket Shorts Grey / 1040 Black 34" W (6027T) 10256/1 £55.98 £9.33 £46.65 L&A Trade UK Account Site Jackal Work Trousers Grey / Black 38" 1040 0 W 34" L (1360V) 10256/1 £99.96 £16.66 £83.30 L&A Trade UK Account Site Fox Trousers Black 34" W 32" L 1040 1 (6643V) 10256/1 £49.98 £8.33 £41.65 L&A Trade UK Account Site Fox Trousers Black 32" W 32" L 1040 2 (4893V) BACS TUK 17/05/21 10256 PZ3721L&A £463.46 £77.24 £386.22 Trade UK Account Work Clothing & Supplies for L&A Team 1040 170521 10351/1 £1,062.00 £0.00 £1,062.00 F&GP H.M. Revenue & Customs Tax payment 3000 10351/2 £1,108.40 £0.00 £1,108.40 L&A H.M. Revenue & Customs Tax payment 1000 10351/3 £331.60 £0.00 £331.60 L&A H.M. Revenue & Customs Tax payment 1000 10351/4 £1,260.20 £0.00 £1,260.20 PEN H.M. Revenue & Customs Tax payment 2000

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 10351/5 £34.00 £0.00 £34.00 PEN H.M. Revenue & Customs Student Loan deductions 2000 10351/6 £1,776.29 £0.00 £1,776.29 F&GP H.M. Revenue & Customs National Insurance Contributions 3000 10351/7 £1,843.57 £0.00 £1,843.57 L&A H.M. Revenue & Customs National Insurance Contributions 1000 10351/9 £2,312.90 £0.00 £2,312.90 PEN H.M. Revenue & Customs National Insurance Contributions 2000 10351/1 £549.31 £0.00 £549.31 L&A H.M. Revenue & Customs National Insurance Contributions 1000 2 10351/1 £7.00 £0.00 £7.00 F&GP H.M. Revenue & Customs Student Loan Deductions 3000 3 10351/1 -£745.76 £0.00 -£745.76 F&GP H.M. Revenue & Customs SMP Contribution 3000 4 BACS HMRC 17/05/21 10351 £9,539.51 £0.00 £9,539.51 H.M. Revenue & Customs April 21 payment 3000 170521 BACS PREM 17/05/21 10399 £177.34 £29.56 £147.78 L&A Premier Electrical Cornwall Ltd 3 x sockets for open air theatre kitchen to 1035 170521 meet fire safety regulations BACS SPA 17/05/21 10404 £26.04 £4.34 £21.70 L&A Spa Landscaping Ltd T/A casing that pops over the light on the back 1015/3 170521 Spa Power Machinery of the Westermann BACS CCC 17/05/21 10418 £515.80 £85.97 £429.83 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning Supply of Sharps & Sanitary Services to 1165/1/2 170521 Include Disposable Bins as Agreed 01/02 - 28/02 BACS SUEZ 17/05/21 10421 £40.38 £6.73 £33.65 F&GP Suez 120L Confidential Bin - April 21 3035/4 170521 BACS TUK 17/05/21 10423 £26.59 £4.43 £22.16 F&GP Trade UK Account 1 a lececo led light with PIR sensor 3035/1 170521 security light DD SAGE 17/05/21 10433 £145.20 £24.20 £121.00 F&GP Sage Sage Payroll Software 3005/12 170521 10436/1 £50.40 £0.00 £50.40 PEN Gill Wild Cards and Prints Rain it Raineth card 2045/1 10436/2 £33.60 £0.00 £33.60 PEN Gill Wild Cards and Prints Aunt Lila card 2045/1 10436/3 £33.60 £0.00 £33.60 PEN Gill Wild Cards and Prints Eileen Mayo card 2045/1 10436/4 £33.60 £0.00 £33.60 PEN Gill Wild Cards and Prints St Michaels Mount card 2045/1 10436/5 £60.00 £0.00 £60.00 PEN Gill Wild Cards and Prints Lady pebbles 2045/1 BACS GW 17/05/21 10436 PZ3801PH £211.20 £0.00 £211.20 Gill Wild Cards and Prints Greetings cards and pebbles 2045/1 170521 10438/1 £252.00 £0.00 £252.00 PEN Suddy Nora Soap 7 types, 12 bars of each 2045/1 10438/2 £72.00 £0.00 £72.00 PEN Suddy Nora Soap gift box 2045/1 10438/3 £192.00 £0.00 £192.00 PEN Suddy Nora Handwash pumps, 4 types, 6 of each 2045/1 BACS SUD 17/05/21 10438 PZ3783PH £516.00 £0.00 £516.00 Suddy Nora Soaps and handwash 2045/1 170521

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 10439/1 £66.00 £11.00 £55.00 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd Internet Connection for Penlee Centre 3005/10 10439/2 £48.00 £8.00 £40.00 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd System Backup Service 3005/10 10439/3 £162.00 £27.00 £135.00 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd IT Support 3005/10 10439/4 £116.72 £19.45 £97.27 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd MITEL Phone System Rental and 3005/10 Management 10439/5 £5.40 £0.90 £4.50 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd UC Call Recording 3005/10 10439/6 £135.36 £22.56 £112.80 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd Office 365 Premium Licences 3005/10 10439/7 £23.08 £3.85 £19.23 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd Additional Mitel Phone Rental 3005/10 10439/8 £68.40 £11.40 £57.00 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd Exhchange Online (Hosted Email) 3005/10 10439/9 £141.65 £23.61 £118.04 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd MiCloud Subscription 3005/10 10439/1 £60.00 £10.00 £50.00 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd Internet Connection for Penlee House 2022 0 10439/1 £15.72 £2.62 £13.10 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd Microsoft Defender 3005/10 1 10439/1 -£11.28 -£1.88 -£9.40 F&GP ITEC Connect Ltd Credit Note: Office 365 Licence 3005/10 2 BACS ITEC 17/05/21 10439 £831.05 £138.51 £692.54 ITEC Connect Ltd IT Services for May 21 3005/10 170521 10440/1 £34.00 £0.00 £34.00 PEN Member of Staff Sainsburys - refreshments for Arts and 2141/3/1 Health course 10440/2 £54.50 £0.00 £54.50 PEN Member of Staff Post Office - postage for Arts and Health 2141/3/1 course 10440/3 £4.50 £0.00 £4.50 PEN Member of Staff Sainsburys - refreshments for Arts and 2141/3/1 Health course 10440/4 £7.69 £0.00 £7.69 PEN Member of Staff Post Office - postage for Arts and Health 2141/3/1 course BACS ZB 17/05/21 10440 £100.69 £0.00 £100.69 Member of Staff Expenses as detailed below: 2141/3/1 170521 10441/1 £49.20 £8.20 £41.00 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd Cloud Connect Storage 2100/3 10441/2 £28.80 £4.80 £24.00 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd Veeam Backup & Replication Enterprise 2100/3 Plus (VM) 10441/3 £20.40 £3.40 £17.00 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd Webroot 2100/3 10441/4 £162.05 £27.01 £135.04 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd IT Support 2100/3 10441/5 £113.16 £18.86 £94.30 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd Microsoft 365 Business Standard 2100/3 10441/6 £21.60 £3.60 £18.00 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection 2100/3 10441/7 £4.04 £0.67 £3.37 PEN ITEC Connect Ltd Exchange Online 2100/3

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS ITEC 17/05/21 10441 £399.25 £66.54 £332.71 ITEC Connect Ltd IT Services - Penlee House for May 21 2100/3 170521 BACS HEAD 17/05/21 10445 £94.80 £15.80 £79.00 L&A Headland Printers Ltd hands, face, space signs for skate park 1111/3 070521 BACS HEAD 17/05/21 10446 £33.60 £5.60 £28.00 F&GP Headland Printers Ltd 7 blank Mayoral Certificates with crest 3061/1 070521 BACS TUK 17/05/21 10447 £52.41 £8.73 £43.68 L&A Trade UK Account mini pain roller, evo stick wood glue 1015/7 170521 wd 40 trex tape corner braces flat wood drill bit 35mm 10448/1 £19.97 £3.33 £16.64 F&GP Trade UK Account toilet seat 3035/1 10448/2 £9.00 £1.50 £7.50 F&GP Trade UK Account outdoor junction box 3035/3 10448/3 £155.76 £25.96 £129.80 L&A Trade UK Account 3 x lap lights 1165/5/1 10448/4 £120.00 £20.00 £100.00 L&A Trade UK Account replacement sink top 1165/6/1 BACS TUK 17/05/21 10448 PZ3826L&A £304.73 £50.79 £253.94 Trade UK Account Various maintenance supplies 3035/1 170521 BACS LFD 17/05/21 10449 £1,555.50 £259.25 £1,296.25 L&A Leisure Furniture Direct Chairs for open air thearter. 1135/1 170521 85 chairs @ 15.25 each BACS PEN 17/05/21 10450 £15,000.00 £0.00 £15,000.00 F&GP Pengarth Day Centre - BACS Annual Strategic Grant 21/22 3105/5 170521 BACS NEO 17/05/21 10469 £570.00 £95.00 £475.00 F&GP Neo People Management Ltd Payroll migration and setup + April Payroll 3005/17 170521 10470/1 £113.00 £18.83 £94.17 L&A Playsafety Ltd ROPSA inspection Penlee Park with 1015/1 inspector 10470/2 £113.00 £18.83 £94.17 L&A Playsafety Ltd ROPSA inspection of Alexandra with 1310/7 inspector 10470/3 £113.00 £18.84 £94.16 L&A Playsafety Ltd ROPSA inspection of Wherrytown Skate 1111/3 Park BACS PLAY 17/05/21 10470 PZ3655L&A £339.00 £56.50 £282.50 Playsafety Ltd ROSPA Play Park Inspections 1015/1 170521 10471/1 £277.20 £46.20 £231.00 PEN Artway Ltd Leatther sketch assorted colours 2045/1 10471/2 £18.00 £3.00 £15.00 PEN Artway Ltd Koh-I-Noor Clutch pencil 2045/1 10471/3 £13.39 £2.23 £11.16 PEN Artway Ltd Edding Fineliner 2045/1 10471/4 £39.60 £6.60 £33.00 PEN Artway Ltd Pencil Wrap 2045/1 10471/5 £11.95 £1.99 £9.96 PEN Artway Ltd Softback sketch A4 Kraft 2045/1 10471/6 £23.90 £3.98 £19.92 PEN Artway Ltd Softback sketch A4 White 2045/1 10471/7 £28.22 £4.70 £23.52 PEN Artway Ltd Chalk pencils 4 various types 2045/1

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 10471/8 £25.34 £4.22 £21.12 PEN Artway Ltd Pencils 4 various types 2045/1 10471/9 £9.72 £1.62 £8.10 PEN Artway Ltd Clutch pencil leads 2045/1 10471/1 £18.19 £3.03 £15.16 PEN Artway Ltd Cotton rag paper A4 (35 sheets pack) 2045/1 0 10471/1 £18.19 £3.03 £15.16 PEN Artway Ltd Cotton rag paper A3 (20 sheet pck) 2045/1 1 10471/1 £26.40 £4.40 £22.00 PEN Artway Ltd Cotton rag paper A2 (20 sheet pck) 2045/1 2 10471/1 £49.56 £8.26 £41.30 PEN Artway Ltd Shimmer watercolour tin 2045/1 3 10471/1 £42.00 £7.00 £35.00 PEN Artway Ltd High pigment watercolour tin 2045/1 4 10471/1 £42.84 £7.14 £35.70 PEN Artway Ltd Watercolour travel set (14 pan) 2045/1 5 10471/1 £48.67 £8.11 £40.56 PEN Artway Ltd Watercolour pad A4 2045/1 6 10471/1 £32.40 £5.40 £27.00 PEN Artway Ltd Rag sketch A6 landscape 2045/1 7 10471/1 £32.40 £5.40 £27.00 PEN Artway Ltd Rag paper sketch A6 concertina portrait 2045/1 8 10471/1 £51.96 £8.66 £43.30 PEN Artway Ltd Rag paper panorama sketch 2045/1 9 10471/2 £45.36 £7.56 £37.80 PEN Artway Ltd Rag paper sketch A5 concertina 2045/1 0 10471/2 £39.60 £6.60 £33.00 PEN Artway Ltd Chinese brush set 2045/1 1 10471/2 £28.80 £4.80 £24.00 PEN Artway Ltd Softback sketch A4 Landscape 2045/1 2 10471/2 £3.60 £0.60 £3.00 PEN Artway Ltd Tailors Chalk 2045/1 3 BACS ART 17/05/21 10471 PZ3831PH £927.29 £154.53 £772.76 Artway Ltd Art materials 2045/1 170521 BACS CSE 17/05/21 10473 £648.00 £108.00 £540.00 PEN Cornwall Scales & Annual ICR Touch subscription 2045/3 170521 BACS 17/05/21 10476 £247.20 £41.20 £206.00 PEN Arrow Lifts Ltd Lift service. 2100/2 ARROW 170521 10483/1 £3,734.40 £622.40 £3,112.00 L&A Broxap Limited BX45G 2550-D-RC-E(W) Broxap’s Derby 1015/9 Double E Recycling Bin 10483/2 £95.52 £15.92 £79.60 L&A Broxap Limited BX45 FIX Fixing Kit 1015/9 BACS 17/05/21 10483 PZ3586L&A £3,829.92 £638.32 £3,191.60 Broxap Limited Project Number: 375583 1015/9 BROXAP 170521 DD BG 21/05/21 10634 £39.06 £1.86 £37.20 L&A British Gas 602934213 - Wherryotwn Toilets Electric 1165/8/3 210521 17.03-01.05 2021 TC CC 24/05/21 10343 £79.00 £13.17 £65.83 F&GP Amazon Prime Annual Membership April 21-22. 3005/4 240521 Credit Card.

Item 10(a)i TC CC 24/05/21 10344 £134.36 £22.39 £111.97 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 240521 22/06/21 10:25 AM Vs: 8.57.03 Penzance Town Council Page 23

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Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading TC CC 24/05/21 10345 £45.01 £7.50 £37.51 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 240521 DD BIFFA 24/05/21 10391 £338.48 £56.41 £282.07 L&A Biffa Waste Services Ltd General Waste Collection - April 21 1015/9 240521 TC CC 24/05/21 10397 £44.01 £7.33 £36.68 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for Vehicles. Credit Card 1015/2 240521 DDM TGP 24/05/21 10443 £765.26 £127.54 £637.72 PEN Total Gas & Power 3004 2812 03 - Penlee House Gas April 21 2082 240521 10504/1 £1.73 £0.29 £1.44 L&A Biffa Waste Services Ltd 18 days rental of 1100l bin 1015/9 10504/2 £9.60 £1.60 £8.00 L&A Biffa Waste Services Ltd Empty Collection - 23/04 1015/9 10504/3 £9.60 £1.60 £8.00 L&A Biffa Waste Services Ltd Wasted Journey 1015/9 DD BIFFA 24/05/21 10504 £20.93 £3.49 £17.44 Biffa Waste Services Ltd Mixed Recycling Collection - April 21 1015/9 240521 10564/1 £230.87 £38.48 £192.39 L&A EE Mobile Phones Lesuire and Amenities Team 1040 10564/2 £31.57 £5.26 £26.31 F&GP EE Mobile Phones Communications Officer 3005/3 DD EE 240521 24/05/21 10564 £262.44 £43.74 £218.70 EE Mobile Phones Mobile phone contracts for May 21 1040 TC CC 24/05/21 10635 -£6.95 -£1.16 -£5.79 F&GP Amazon CREDIT: Amazon Prime difference for 21- 3005/4 240521 22 Prime membership TC CC 24/05/21 10636 -£19.50 -£3.25 -£16.25 L&A Amazon Cancelled order: Heavy duty black refuse 1015/1 240521 sacks 200 bin bags 15kg. TC CC 24/05/21 10637 £8.99 £1.50 £7.49 L&A Amazon microswitch assembly for wall gate. 1165/3/1 240521 TC CC 24/05/21 10638 £30.55 £5.09 £25.46 L&A Amazon the battery for mikes jet wash worx 20 v 1015/1 240521 wa3551 TC CC 24/05/21 10639 £22.89 £3.81 £19.08 L&A Amazon cuprinol 5 year water based holly bush 1135/1 240521 green to paint OAT fence. TC CC 24/05/21 10640 £104.40 £17.40 £87.00 F&GP Amazon dorguard door closure 3035/1 240521 10641/1 £4.37 £0.73 £3.64 L&A Amazon rubber stopper 1015/7 10641/2 £10.95 £1.83 £9.12 L&A Amazon magnets 1015/7 10641/3 £5.99 £1.00 £4.99 L&A Amazon phone protector 1040 TC CC 24/05/21 10641 PZ3811L&A £21.31 £3.56 £17.75 Amazon Parts for play park gate. 1015/7 240521 TC CC 24/05/21 10642 £15.99 £2.67 £13.32 L&A Amazon a set of rubber washers for park watering 1240 240521 machinary, bowser and other attachments TC CC 24/05/21 10643 £18.49 £3.08 £15.41 L&A Amazon 1 x large box of nitrile gloves 1040 240521 TC CC 24/05/21 10648 £17.89 £2.90 £14.99 L&A Amazon Hozelock jet pro spray gun. 1015/1 240521 DD BG 25/05/21 10315 £24.99 £1.19 £23.80 L&A British Gas 602319103 Alexandra Road 11.03.21- 1165/3/3 250521 01.04.21

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Item 10(a)i

Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 10442/1 £3,189.86 £531.65 £2,658.21 PEN Total Gas & Power 3005066372 - April 21 2081 DDM TGP 25/05/21 10442 £3,189.86 £531.65 £2,658.21 Total Gas & Power 3005066372 - Penlee House Electric April 2081 250521 21 DD PB 250521 25/05/21 10494 £208.80 £34.80 £174.00 F&GP Pitney Bowes 3 Ink Cartridges for franking machine 3005/4 (£58.00 each) BACS 26/05/21 10248 £7,709.95 £1,284.99 £6,424.96 L&A Wallgate Limited Supply and Install 2 x THRII-ST Thrii 1165/8/1 WALLGATE Automtic Handwash Dryers s as per 260521 Wallgate quote ref: SMARTTE-26391 BACS SWWB 26/05/21 10298 £295.64 £0.00 £295.64 L&A South West Water Bus - South Pier toilets to 05.03.21 1165/6/4 3293113501 3293 1135 01 BACS SWC 26/05/21 10416 £33.60 £5.60 £28.00 F&GP South West Councils The Neuroscience of Human Behaviour 3015/1 260521 under Pressure - 25 May 2021. BACS HALS 26/05/21 10482 £181.93 £0.00 £181.93 PEN Halsgrove Books for shop: Virginia Wolf & Venessa 2045/1 260521 Bell x4; The Shining Sands x4 and The Jews of Cornwall x2. BACS AVRK 26/05/21 10485 £120.00 £20.00 £100.00 PEN Aardvark Art Services Ltd Collection of two works for 2055 26/05/21 exhibition/collections BACS ART 26/05/21 10486 £2,163.60 £360.60 £1,803.00 PEN Art Works Exhibition Services Interior exhibition returns 2055 260521 Ltd BACS 26/05/21 10487 £1,424.40 £237.40 £1,187.00 PEN Art Works Exhibition Services Laura Knight exhibition delivery 2055 ARTWKS Ltd 260521 BACS 26/05/21 10489 £16,296.00 £2,716.00 £13,580.00 PEN Crown Fine Arts Laura Knight exhibition delivery 2055 CROWN 260521 BACS 26/05/21 10490 £5,772.00 £962.00 £4,810.00 PEN Crown Fine Arts Newlyn Interiors returns 2055 CROWN 260521 10491/1 £18.90 £3.15 £15.75 L&A DF Sales 140 Litre Superior Black Recycled Small 1015/1 Wheelie Bin Liners - 120 gauge – Black 10491/2 £19.99 £3.33 £16.66 L&A DF Sales 240 Litre Superior Black Recycled Wheelie 1111/3 Bin Liners - Black 10491/3 £55.99 £9.33 £46.66 L&A DF Sales 140 Litre Extra Strong Recycled Clear Bin 1015/1 Liners - 240 Gauge BACS DF 26/05/21 10491 PZ3833L&A £94.88 £15.81 £79.07 DF Sales 1015/1 260521 BACS GLAS 26/05/21 10492 £273.58 £45.60 £227.98 F&GP Glasdon UK 2x duo use, mixed recycling and general 3005/4 260521 waste bins for Penlee Centre. BACS IMP 26/05/21 10493 £30.00 £5.00 £25.00 PEN Imperial War Museum Image licencing for Laura Knight postcard 2045/1 260521

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Item 10(a)i

Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS MORAB 26/05/21 10495 £44.40 £7.40 £37.00 F&GP Morrab Studio Framing of Mayoral Certificate (Cllr N 3061/1 260521 Broadhurst)

BACS RURAL 26/05/21 10496 £156.00 £26.00 £130.00 F&GP Rural Services Partnership Ltd Rural Market Town Group Membership 3070 260521 21/22 BACS DUCHY 26/05/21 10497 £129.60 £21.60 £108.00 PEN Duchy Cleaners Deep clean of the Coach House 2100/4 260521 10498/1 £326.40 £54.40 £272.00 F&GP Duchy Cleaners 2x cleans per week at £40.80 each 3035/2 BACS DUCHY 26/05/21 10498 £326.40 £54.40 £272.00 Duchy Cleaners Penlee Centre Cleaning Contract - May 21 3035/2 260521 10499/1 £342.00 £57.00 £285.00 PEN Duchy Cleaners Daily Clean, Mon-Fri at reduced hours from 2100/4 19.04 to 07.05 10499/2 £174.00 £29.00 £145.00 PEN Duchy Cleaners Mon-Fri Daily Clean normal hours 13.5 per 2100/4 week 10.05 to 14.05 10499/3 £42.00 £7.00 £35.00 PEN Duchy Cleaners External window cleaning at £35 2100/4 10499/4 £16.69 £2.78 £13.91 PEN Duchy Cleaners Supplies: 1x 5l Domestos Bleach and 4x 2100/4 Mop Heads BACS DUCHY 26/05/21 10499 £574.69 £95.78 £478.91 Duchy Cleaners Penlee House Cleaning Contract - May 21 2100/4 260521 BACS DUCHY 26/05/21 10500 £21.60 £3.60 £18.00 F&GP Duchy Cleaners Window cleaning for Penlee Centre 3035/2 260521 BACS FLOR 26/05/21 10501 £25.00 £0.00 £25.00 F&GP Floroscene Flowers for out-going Mayor 3061/1 260521 DD BG 26/05/21 10502 £35.13 £1.67 £33.46 L&A British Gas 603529939 Alexandra Road - April 21 1165/3/3 260521 10503/1 £23.99 £4.00 £19.99 PEN Amazon 144 x 2 ply toilet Rolls 2100/5 10503/2 £8.99 £1.50 £7.49 PEN Amazon 5 L Hand Soap 2100/5 BACS AMZ 26/05/21 10503 PZ3852PH £32.98 £5.50 £27.48 Amazon Hygiene supplies as detailed 2100/5 26/05/21 10509/1 £194.80 £0.00 £194.80 PEN Ingram (formerly NBN Laura Knight Book- A Life 2045/1 International) BACS NBN 26/05/21 10509 PZ3823PH £194.80 £0.00 £194.80 Ingram (formerly NBN Laura Knight Book (Compass) 2045/1 260521 International) 10510/1 £107.94 £17.99 £89.95 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - AS-G07352038 NYLON PLATE BRUSH 1015/3 BACS (AS 30) 35 cm 10510/2 £114.48 £19.08 £95.40 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - YLON PLATE BRUSH (AS 30) 35 cm 1015/1 BACS 89.95 89.95 AS-G07323015 REPLACEMENT BRAIDS (AS 30/AS 50)

22/06/21 10:26 AM Vs: 8.57.03 Penzance Town Council Page 26

Item 10(a)i

Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS NR 26/05/21 10510 PZ3778L&A £222.42 £37.07 £185.35 Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - 1015/3 260521 BACS BACS HEAD 26/05/21 10512 £117.60 £19.60 £98.00 PEN Headland Printers Ltd Exhibition Posters for Laura Knight 2055 260521 10515/1 £170.88 £28.48 £142.40 PEN Loomis UK Cash Collection - Penlee House 2120 10515/2 £170.87 £28.48 £142.39 L&A Loomis UK Cash Collection - L&A 1260 BACS Loomis 26/05/21 10515 £341.75 £56.96 £284.79 Loomis UK Cash Collection - For June 2021 2120 260521 10516/1 £10,774.07 £0.00 £10,774.07 F&GP Neo People Management Ltd F&GP Gross Salaries 3000 10516/2 £15,394.02 £0.00 £15,394.02 L&A Neo People Management Ltd L&A Gross Salaries 1000 10516/3 £16,313.05 £0.00 £16,313.05 PEN Neo People Management Ltd Penlee House Gross Salaries 2000 10516/7 £105.00 £0.00 £105.00 PEN Neo People Management Ltd Penlee House Overtime 2000 10516/8 £1,098.19 £0.00 £1,098.19 F&GP Neo People Management Ltd F&GP Additonal Remuneration 3000 10516/9 -£559.25 £0.00 -£559.25 F&GP Neo People Management Ltd F&GP SMP Recovered 3000 10516/1 £1,045.95 £0.00 £1,045.95 F&GP Neo People Management Ltd F&GP Er National Insurance 3000 0 10516/1 £1,310.72 £0.00 £1,310.72 L&A Neo People Management Ltd L&A Er National Insurance 1000 1 10516/1 £1,276.66 £0.00 £1,276.66 PEN Neo People Management Ltd Penlee House Er National Insurance 2000 2 10516/1 £2,425.78 £0.00 £2,425.78 F&GP Neo People Management Ltd F&GP Er Pension 3000 3 10516/1 £2,571.73 £0.00 £2,571.73 L&A Neo People Management Ltd L&A Er Pension 1000 4 10516/1 £3,070.18 £0.00 £3,070.18 PEN Neo People Management Ltd Penlee House Er Pension 2000 5 BACS NEO 26/05/21 10516 £54,826.10 £0.00 £54,826.10 Neo People Management Ltd Payroll May 2021 3000 10644/1 -£10,774.07 £0.00 -£10,774.07 CO Neo People Management Ltd F&GP Gross Salaries 9999 10644/2 -£15,394.02 £0.00 -£15,394.02 CO Neo People Management Ltd L&A Gross Salaries 9999 10644/3 -£16,313.05 £0.00 -£16,313.05 CO Neo People Management Ltd Penlee House Gross Salaries 9999 10644/7 -£105.00 £0.00 -£105.00 CO Neo People Management Ltd Penlee House Overtime 9999 10644/8 -£1,098.19 £0.00 -£1,098.19 CO Neo People Management Ltd F&GP Additonal Remuneration 9999 10644/9 £559.25 £0.00 £559.25 CO Neo People Management Ltd F&GP SMP Recovered 9999 10644/1 -£1,045.95 £0.00 -£1,045.95 CO Neo People Management Ltd F&GP Er National Insurance 9999 0 10644/1 -£1,310.72 £0.00 -£1,310.72 CO Neo People Management Ltd L&A Er National Insurance 9999 1 10644/1 -£1,276.66 £0.00 -£1,276.66 CO Neo People Management Ltd Penlee House Er National Insurance 9999 2 10644/1 -£2,425.78 £0.00 -£2,425.78 CO Neo People Management Ltd F&GP Er Pension 9999 3 22/06/21 10:26 AM Vs: 8.57.03 Penzance Town Council Page 27

Item 10(a)i

Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/21 paid between 01/04/21 and 31/05/21 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 10644/1 -£2,571.73 £0.00 -£2,571.73 CO Neo People Management Ltd L&A Er Pension 9999 4 10644/1 -£3,070.18 £0.00 -£3,070.18 CO Neo People Management Ltd Penlee House Er Pension 9999 5 BACS NEO 26/05/21 10644 -£54,826.10 £0.00 -£54,826.10 Neo People Management Ltd Suspense contra (part payment) for tn 9999 10516, Payroll May 2021 BACS NEO 26/05/21 10645 £34,101.40 £0.00 £34,101.40 CO Neo People Management Ltd Part payment, tn 10516 - 1/3 PAYMENTS, 9999 Payroll May 2021 BACS 260521 26/05/21 10647 £27.00 £0.00 £27.00 F&GP Barclays Bank PLC Direct Debit Charge 3999

Total £415,340.07 £29,553.68 £380,102.82

22/06/21 10:26 AM Vs: 8.57.03 Penzance Town Council Page 28

Item 10a(ii)

Bank Reconciliation Summary for the period 01.04.21-31.05.21

£ Opening Balance 01.04.21 £1,738,887.22

Closing Balance 31.05.21 £2,124,265.14 Less: Uncleared and Unpresented payments £0.00

Adjusted Closing Balance £2,124,265.14

Uncleared and unpresented effects Date Cheque No. Debit (£) Credit (£) Balance (£)

0.00 0.00 Financial Budget Comparison Report from 01.04.21 to 31.05.21 Item 10 (a) iii INCOME Penlee House Committee 2021/22 Actual Net Commitments Total Balance Comments 200 Council Run Exhibitions Grant Funding £10,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£10,000.00 205 Shop £156,506.00 £16,191.49 £0.00 £16,191.49 -£140,314.51 210 Education £10,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£10,000.00 215 Agency Fee £51,330.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£51,330.00 220 Friends Administration £2,740.00 £44.44 £0.00 £44.44 -£2,695.56 235 The Orangery £28,351.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£28,351.00 245 Cornwall Museums Partnership £19,431.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£19,431.00 250 Commission on Artist Sales £1,200.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£1,200.00 290 Grants £3,000.00 £3,000.00 £0.00 £3,000.00 £0.00 295 Community Toilets - L&A Recharge £1,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£1,000.00 299 Miscellaneous £400.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£400.00 Total Penlee House Committee £283,958.00 £19,235.93 £0.00 £19,235.93 -£264,722.07

Finance & GPs Committee 2021/22 Actual Net Commitments Total Balance Comments 300 Precept £1,458,027.00 £729,013.52 £0.00 £729,013.52 -£729,013.48 305 Council Tax Support Grant £67,166.00 £33,583.00 £0.00 £33,583.00 -£33,583.00 310 Interest £7,000.00 £26.11 £0.00 £26.11 -£6,973.89 311 National Savings Interest £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 315 Rents £11,035.00 £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 -£10,035.00 320 Neighbourhood Plan £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 325 CIL/Section 106 Monies £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 390 Grants £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 395 Penzance Projects £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 399 Miscellaneous £850.00 £13.71 £0.00 £13.71 -£836.29 Total Finance & GPs Committee £1,544,078.00 £763,636.34 £0.00 £763,636.34 -£780,441.66

Leisure & Amenities Committee 2021/22 Actual Net Commitments Total Balance Comments 100 Penlee House Car Park £94,000.00 £2,905.65 £0.00 £2,905.65 -£91,094.35 105 St Anthony's Gardens Car Park £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 110 Greenmarket Car Park £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 115 Allotment Rents £4,700.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£4,700.00 120 Footpath Partnership Agency £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 125 Toilets £10,280.00 £1,464.70 £0.00 £1,464.70 -£8,815.30 130 Jubilee Pool £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 131 Misc £150.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£150.00 132 Skatepark Income £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 135 Penzance AFC £5,700.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£5,700.00 140 Grants £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Total Leisure & Amenities Committee £114,830.00 £4,370.35 £0.00 £4,370.35 -£110,459.65

Total Income £1,942,866.00 £787,242.62 £0.00 £787,242.62 -£1,155,623.38

EXPENDITURE Council 2021/22 Actual Net Commitments Total Balance Comments 9000 Bank Charges £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 When you do a part payment of a transaction, 9999 Suspense £0.00 £26,408.27 £0.00 £26,408.27 -£26,408.27 the remaining balance holds in this budget line.

Total Council £0.00 £26,408.27 £0.00 £26,408.27 -£26,408.27

Penlee House Committee 2021/22 Actual Net Commitments Total Balance Comments 2000 Penlee House Salaries £268,465.00 £40,430.94 £0.00 £40,430.94 £228,034.06 2001 PH Review £27,000.00 £3,301.56 £0.00 £3,301.56 £23,698.44 2005 Central Admin £0.00 £1,437.50 £0.00 £1,437.50 -£1,437.50 See report 11a 2010 Staff Travelling £1,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1,500.00 2015 Recruitment £500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £500.00 2018 Training for Grant Funded post £1,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 2020 Telephone/Fax £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2021 Telephone £1,653.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1,653.00 2022 Broadband £600.00 £100.00 £0.00 £100.00 £500.00 2025 Postage £720.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £720.00 2030 Photocopier £4,200.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £4,200.00 2035 Office Consumables £1,200.00 £73.24 £0.00 £73.24 £1,126.76 2036 Petty cash expenditure £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2040 Educational Development £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2045 Merchandise for Resale £31,000.00 £5,086.06 £8,457.36 £13,543.42 £17,456.58 2050 Advertising £8,980.00 £910.00 £1,075.00 £1,985.00 £6,995.00 2055 Council Run Exhibitions £45,863.00 £21,578.00 £2,212.00 £23,790.00 £22,073.00 2060 Exhibition Invigilation (Refreshments) £3,100.00 £29.40 £237.00 £266.40 £2,833.60 2065 Membership Subscription Fees £1,020.00 £0.00 £171.00 £171.00 £849.00 2070 Insurance £15,670.00 £2,603.74 £0.00 £2,603.74 £13,066.26 2075 Rates - House £32,070.00 £6,296.00 £0.00 £6,296.00 £25,774.00 2080 Heat and Light £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2081 Electricity £29,720.00 £2,658.21 £0.00 £2,658.21 £27,061.79 2082 Gas £10,110.00 £637.72 £0.00 £637.72 £9,472.28 2085 Water Rates £4,290.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £4,290.00 2090 Coach House £2,360.00 £389.96 £0.00 £389.96 £1,970.04 2095 Museum Exhibits - Maintenance & Conservation £500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £500.00 2100 Museum Fittings £44,370.00 £2,065.16 £4,452.76 £6,517.92 £37,852.08 2105 Orangery Equip £1,500.00 £420.00 £0.00 £420.00 £1,080.00 2110 Cornwall Museums Partnership £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2115 HLF Bid Writing £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2116 HLF Resilient Grant - match funding £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2120 Secure Banking Service £1,728.00 £284.80 £0.00 £284.80 £1,443.20 2140 Educational Development £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2141 Educational Development £14,500.00 £188.18 £0.00 £188.18 £14,311.82 2200 Grant funded projects £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2800 Capital Projects £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2995 Funds £20,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £20,000.00 2996 Funds - Capital £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2999 Miscellaneous £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Total Penlee House Committee £573,619.00 £88,490.47 £16,605.12 £105,095.59 £468,523.41

Finance & GPs Committee 2021/22 Actual Net Commitments Total Balance Comments 3000 Salaries £228,636.00 £29,651.08 £0.00 £29,651.08 £198,984.92 3001 Previous Year Adjustments £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3005 Council Office £38,992.00 £4,268.88 £12,573.09 £16,841.97 £22,150.03 3006 Petty Cash Expenses £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3010 Website £2,000.00 £0.00 £14.00 £14.00 £1,986.00 3012 External Communications £2,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2,000.00 3015 Training £26,000.00 £28.00 £3,595.00 £3,623.00 £22,377.00 3020 Travelling Allowance £1,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1,500.00 3025 Health & Safety £0.00 £300.00 £0.00 £300.00 -£300.00 Place against wrong budget code, moved to 3026 (below) 3026 Health & Safety £13,080.00 £3,747.36 £0.00 £3,747.36 £9,332.64 3030 Insurance £15,041.00 £2,393.42 £0.00 £2,393.42 £12,647.58 3035 Building Maintenance - Penlee Centre £7,890.00 £728.95 £0.00 £728.95 £7,161.05 3040 Legal Fees £20,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £20,000.00 3045 Penzance BID Levy £1,888.00 £2,173.00 £0.00 £2,173.00 -£285.00 Increase in BID Levy rates from previous FY. 3050 Mayor's Allowance £4,800.00 £0.00 £9.21 £9.21 £4,790.79 3052 Councillors Travel Expenses £800.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £800.00 3055 Accommodation - Mayor's Parlour/Meetings £1,610.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1,610.00 3060 Official Functions £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3061 Official Functions £6,850.00 £514.00 £0.00 £514.00 £6,336.00 3065 Official Functions - Honorarium Etc. £680.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £680.00 3070 Association Fees £4,410.00 £3,435.47 £0.00 £3,435.47 £974.53 3075 Councillor's Child Care £670.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £670.00 3080 Advertising (Employment etc) £500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £500.00 3085 Audit Fee £4,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £4,500.00 3090 Internal Investigation £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3095 Bank Commission £3,000.00 £93.01 £0.00 £93.01 £2,906.99 3100 Twinning £1,250.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1,250.00 3105 Grants £116,740.00 £79,900.00 £0.00 £79,900.00 £36,840.00 3110 Annual Firework Display £5,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £5,000.00 3115 Neighbourhood Plan £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3120 Section 106 Monies £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3121 Section 106 Administrative Support £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3125 Penzance Football Club Project £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3130 Solomon Browne Memorial Hall £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3135 Local Devolution Projects - CC funded £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3140 Penzance Breakwater Feasibility £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3145 Penzance Project £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3150 HR Consultancy Services £5,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £5,000.00 3160 The Lodge £860.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £860.00 3170 Election Costs £30,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £30,000.00 3175 Penzance Mural Project £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3180 Community Engagement £5,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £5,000.00 3185 Penzance Harbour Coastal Community Project £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3190 Trereife Crossrads - Traffic Survey £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3195 Town Centre Hub £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3196 Promenade Refurbishment £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3200 Social Issues Support £10,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £10,000.00 3205 ASBN Caseworker - 50% Contribution to post £25,049.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £25,049.00 3210 Procurement Support £1,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1,500.00 3220 Climate Emergency £15,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £15,000.00 3225 Youth Activities £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3230 Heritage Plaque Scheme £1,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 3240 Surveillance & Security £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3800 Golowan £19,000.00 £6,000.00 £0.00 £6,000.00 £13,000.00 3995 Funds £54,583.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £54,583.00 3997 General Contingency £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3999 Miscellaneous £0.00 £27.00 £0.00 £27.00 -£27.00 Placed against wrong budget line Total Finance & GPs Committee £674,829.00 £133,260.17 £16,191.30 £149,451.47 £165,642.77

Leisure & Amenities Committee 2021/22 Actual Net Commitments Total Balance Comments 1000 L&A Team Salaries £251,675.00 £38,070.03 £0.00 £38,070.03 £213,604.97 1001 Travel Allowance £500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £500.00 1005 Park Salaries £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1010 Central Admin(Support Services) £0.00 £837.50 £0.00 £837.50 -£837.50 See report 11a. 1015 Penlee Park £107,289.00 £5,433.37 £1,362.41 £6,795.78 £100,493.22 1020 Park Security £4,760.00 £390.80 £0.00 £390.80 £4,369.20 1025 St Anthony's Gardens & Car Park £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1030 Open Spaces £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1035 Open Air Theatre £0.00 £147.78 £0.00 £147.78 -£147.78 Allocated to wrong budget line, moved to 1135 1040 Protective Clothing £4,000.00 £440.64 £275.93 £716.57 £3,283.43 1045 Allotments £14,750.00 -£19.00 £175.00 £156.00 £14,594.00 1050 Footpath Maintenance Contract £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1055 Weed Control £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1060 Penlee House Car Park £50,362.00 £5,386.50 £0.00 £5,386.50 £44,975.50 1064 Outdoor Gym £1,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 1065 Toilets £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1070 Community Toilets £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1071 Community Toilets £25,490.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £25,490.00 1075 Jubilee Pool £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1076 Jubilee Pool - Maintenance £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1080 C.C.T.V. £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1085 Flag Projects £20,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £20,000.00 1090 Erecting Flags £7,130.00 £0.00 £8,000.00 £8,000.00 -£870.00 1095 Heritage Plaque Scheme £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1100 Christmas Lighting £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1101 Christmas Lighting £23,420.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £23,420.00 1105 Other Amenities Expenditure £3,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3,000.00 1110 Skate Park Project £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1111 Skate Park £3,093.00 £520.99 £221.90 £742.89 £2,350.11 1115 War Memorials £2,530.00 £0.00 £780.00 £780.00 £1,750.00 1120 Penzance Football Club £1,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1,500.00 1130 Open Spaces £6,400.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £6,400.00 1135 Open Air Theatre £2,000.00 £1,315.33 £0.00 £1,315.33 £684.67 1165 Toilets £140,722.00 £9,896.80 £11,639.48 £21,536.28 £119,185.72 1180 Surveillance & Security £43,438.36 £22,072.72 £9,101.36 £31,174.08 £12,264.28 1210 Lodge Refurbishment £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1211 The Lodge - Statutory checks & inspections £1,000.00 £85.00 £0.00 £85.00 £915.00 1215 Barbican Building - Statutory Inspections £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1220 Vehicle Leasing £20,045.00 £703.70 £0.00 £703.70 £19,341.30 1230 Machinery Replacement £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1240 Maintenance & Repair of Vehicles & Machinery £4,000.00 £250.82 £292.70 £543.52 £3,456.48 1250 Play Equipment £5,000.00 £0.00 £1,089.00 £1,089.00 £3,911.00 1260 Secure Banking Service £1,692.00 £284.78 £0.00 £284.78 £1,407.22 1270 Devolution - Surveys & Inspections £7,400.00 £0.00 £7,400.00 £7,400.00 £0.00 1280 Tree Surveys £7,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £7,500.00 1300 Morrab Gardens £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1310 Alexandra Play Park & Tennis Courts £21,720.00 £94.17 £0.00 £94.17 £21,625.83 1320 Princess May Recreation Grounds £12,280.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £12,280.00 1330 Foxes Lane Play Park £2,250.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2,250.00 1995 Funds £83,700.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £83,700.00 1996 Funds - Capital £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Total Leisure & Amenities Committee £879,646.36 £85,911.93 £40,337.78 £126,249.71 £753,396.65

Total Expenditure £2,128,094.36 £334,070.84 £73,134.20 £407,205.04 £1,361,154.56 Item 10(b)



That the Finance and General Purposes Committee resolves to recommend to the Town Council that the current level of earmarked reserves in the body of the report is appropriate for the purposes outlined.


Comments have been made alongside each of the reserves to provide additional information relating to their current levels and in-year contribution amounts to achieve the purpose that they were designed for and in what approximate timeframe.

Hester Hunt Town Clerk

Item 10(b)

Name Current In year Description Comments value (incl in contribution year 2021/22 contribution) Buildings Fund £89,335 N/A Established to pay For roof for repairs required replacement and to Penlee Centre double-glazing offices. windows. Elections Fund £27,743.57 N/A To pay for by- elections. Devolution of £196,307.71 £0 To pay for phase 2 Reduced by Services of the devolution £176,972.29p programme following resolution

re Alexandra Play Park -18 June 2021. Devolution £63,154.68 £0 To pay for Reduced by unallocated unallocated costs £ 22,025.20 relating to Phase 2 of the devolution following resolution programme re Alexandra Play Park -18 June 2021. Local £14,647 £0 Cornwall Cllrs ‘Chest Allocated to areas Devolution Fund’ projects Hypatia Trust £25,000 £0 Gardener’s House This grant request project now part of will need to be re- Town Deal submitted by the Gardener’s House CIC as IT replacement £4,340 £1,000 For replacement equipment

HR £18,881.54 £2,000 For any HR related contingency reports and activities

Penzance £40,000 £0 For promenade Promenade refurbishment Item 10(b)

Name Current In year Description Comments value (incl in contribution year 2021/22 contribution) Tour of Britain £0 £0 Funds relating to Tour of Britain Fund paying for the Tour given £10,000 of Britain that is already. taking place, starting in Penzance Youth Strategy £19,860 £10,000 Group setup by Re-constitution of Reserve members in 2018 to working group establish a Youth needed. Strategy for the Council Section 106 £53,964.00 N/A An S106 agreement Following (Regeneration is a legal agreement commitments: Board) between building £3,000 Mounts developers and local Bay Academy/St. authorities, it was John’s Hall project agreed a sum of money would be £1,500 Trisha

given to the council Hewett Healthy as a condition of Streets PR agreeing the planning application £2,500 communications to build Sainsbury’s supermarket in post for PZ news. eastern green. £14,500 commitment - regen board 21.06.21 The money is used Remaining after for regeneration commitments: projects that will £32,464 enhance the town centre. Social Action £16,200 N/A We have been Fund providing emergency funding to organisations and groups who are helping our community during Item 10(b)

Name Current In year Description Comments value (incl in contribution year 2021/22 contribution) the Coronavirus pandemic and made further funds available in November 2020. Neighbourhood £2,000 N/A This reserve was We may need to Plan agreed to be setup use this money to in 2020/21 to set pay the consultant aside money for the working on the publicising draft plan for extra referendum once the days work. neighbourhood plan

has been finalised.

Royal Events £3,000 N/A Reserve setup to pay for Queen’s Jubilee in 2022 and Operation London Bridge (death of monarch) Council Tax £33,583 £33,583 New reserve setup Support Grant with Cornwall Council planning to stop council tax support payments.

Item 10(c)




That the Finance & General Purposes committee resolves to recommend to the Town Council the virement £1,0018.16p from the IT Replacement Reserve (currently standing at £4,340, for this year with a future adjustment to be made at budget setting to account for the increase in coming years), to budget line 3005/16 IT Provision for Councillors.

Background As part of the 2021/22 budget setting process an amount of £5,482 was approved to enable the Council to purchase laptops for all Councillors. This budget was based on a quote received in early November 2020.

This quote was refreshed in the spring of 2021 and led to a need to increase the budget by £1,200. This was agreed at the Town Council meeting on 8 March 2021 (min no. 121(p)). A further cost of £1,0018.16p has now been identified for equipment and it is recommended that this sum be vired from the IT Replacement Reserve.

Hester Hunt Town Clerk Item 10(d)





That the Finance & General Purposes committee resolves to recommend to the Town Council that the cost of tickets for Quarter 1 of this year (Jan – Mar 2021) is refunded with the money being allocated out of general reserves.

Background Several people purchased quarterly tickets for Wellfield’s Car Park before Cornwall Council took the decision to make their car parks free of charge during the most recent lockdown at the beginning of the year. In line with the decision made by Cornwall Council, Penzance Council subsequently moved to mirror this action. People who purchased a quarterly ticket contacted the Council Offices to ask what action would be taken in relation to their purchased quarterly tickets.

Full Council resolved on 8 March 2021 to offer to transfer the car parking permits that had been issued in Q1 to Q2 (min no. 120(d). As these people had paid for a whole quarter’s worth of parking, it was recommended that this was transferred to quarter 2 of 2021. However, car park charges were not re-instated until 17 May 2021. Due to conflicting dates on when parking was made chargeable, Members are now being asked to consider agreeing that people who purchased a quarterly ticket should be refunded as parking was free from 5 January until 17 May. This can be achieved by BACs transfer, the money being taken from general reserves. The impact of this would be that the estimated £3,300 that has been taken for Q1 tickets would be ‘lost’ as parking was free for almost the entire period.

Hester Hunt Town Clerk Item 10 (e)




Recommendation That the Finance & General Purposes Committee note the content of the Task & Finish Group update and give whatever feedback to the Group they consider appropriate.


At the Leisure & Amenities Committee meeting held on 22 March 2021 members considered a proposal to install nine ‘Craft Huts’ on the triangle of land adjacent to the Jubilee Pool. The initiative had been developed by a community group comprising market traders and local craft workers to provide affordable outlets for local manufactured craft products emulating the success of craft huts in .

Members were supportive of the concept but felt further clarification and more details, especially financial details, were required. Members resolved to “support the proposal for the installation of nine craft huts on the triangle area adjacent to Jubilee Pool and that a Task & Finish Group (comprised of representatives of Penzance Council, the BID Manager and representatives of the community group) should be established to produce a more detailed proposal that would clarify the responsibilities and commitments of all concerned. This proposal would then be submitted to the Finance & General Purposes Committee and, subsequently, to Full Council for consideration”.

The Task & Finish Group met on several occasions and a financial model prepared to better understand the finances of the project. The model assumptions and output(s) are attached at Appendix 1. It is assumed the huts are disassembled for the winter and re-erected in the spring (worst case). Two scenarios were explored:

Scenario A: Rent set at £240/month/hut (£56/week). Annual revenue £12,000 p.a (see ‘occupancy assumptions over 30 week ‘season). Resulting cash surplus after 5 years £9,840 (sufficient to replace huts).

Scenario B: Rent set at £200/month/hut. Total revenue £9,980. Resulting cash surplus after 5 years was £56 (effectively zero).

The conclusion from the model was that the project would be self-sustaining with a rent of £240/month with sufficient accumulated profits after 5 years to fund


Item 10 (e) replacement huts. If the huts were left up over winter then the project would make a substantial surplus but this was seen as high risk given the exposed seafront location.

A bid for grant funding from Sainsbury’s Section 106 funds has been submitted to Penzance Regeneration Partnership for consideration at their meeting on 21 June. The purpose of the Sainsburys Section 106 fund was to mitigate the impact of the Sainsburys Supermarket on Town Centre retailers when the store opened in Nov 2013. Markets have proven to be effective initiatives to drive footfall and create opportunities for budding retailers who might later lease empty retail space. The craft hut initiative ticks these boxes whilst supporting the local area’s strong craft sector.

The operation and management of the craft huts was initially evaluated only as a Penzance Council function but as Penzance BID already manages the Farmers’ Market the idea of the BID managing operation of the craft huts was put to the BID Board at their monthly meeting on 16 June. The BID expressed concern about the workload already carried by the BID Manager and grumbles from levy payers that the BID Manager’s time was being spent on non-BID activities (activity not directly in support of levy payers). There was also a feeling that as demand for the huts was likely to be very strong, Penzance Council would be seen as a more impartial arbiter of who did and did not get a craft hut than the BID.

The Task & Finish Group proposes to meet again after 28 June to consider other options for managing the craft huts. The Group will also consider the outcome of the grant bid and any feedback from this Committee.

Appendix 1. Penzance Craft Huts – Financial Model Summary

Craft Huts -Task and Finish Group


Item 10 (e) Appendix 1 Penzance Craft Huts

Financial Model Outputs Ver 1 Model Assumptions

Number of Huts 9 Operating Costs£ 5700 Erection (annual) £150/hut (£1350) Rent £240/month Scenario A – Re-felting (annual) £240 /hut (£2160) £200/month – Scenario B Take Down (annual) £150/hut (£1350) Rentable Months 7 Winter storage Nil Occupancy Other operating cost £600 Bad debts 2% Q1 Jan - Mar 0%

Q2 Apr - Jun 80% Fixed Costs £2875 in total Advertising £150 (PzC) Q3 Jul -Sep 90% Insurance £500 (PzC) Repairs/Maint. £2000 Q4 Oct - Dec 15% Other £225 Project Cashflow Scenario A – Rent £240/mon or £56/week

Fin. Surplus £9,840

Initial investment Project Cashflow Scenario B – Rent £200/month or £47/week

Fin. Surplus £208

Initial investment Item 10(f)





That the Finance & General Purposes Committee nominate one Member to represent the Committee on the Climate Emergency Sub-Committee. Background:

The Climate Emergency Sub-Committee’s (CESC) Terms of Reference (attached at Appendix 1) state that a Member from each of the four standing committees should represent their committee on the CESC.

Appendix 1 – Climate Emergency Sub-Committee Terms of Reference

Hester Hunt Town Clerk