Various | 544 pages | 22 Nov 2011 | DC Comics | 9781401232283 | English | New York, NY, United States BATMAN: NO MAN'S LAND NEW EDITION VOL. 1 | DC

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Batman by Greg Rucka. Batman: No Man's Land, Vol. Jason Pearson Illustrator. Jon Bogdanove Illustrator. Phil Winslade Illustrator. Bob Gale. Alex Maleev Illustrator. Dennis O'Neil. Devin Grayson. Ian Edginton. Roger Robinson Illustrator. Dale Eaglesham Illustrator. Frank Teran Illustrator. : a dark, twisted reflection of urban America. Overcrowded, overbuilt, and overshadowed by a continuous air of menace, this gothic nightmare is a breeding ground for the depraved, the indifferent, and the criminally insane. It's also the object of one man's obsession. Forever scarred as a child Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) witnessing the brutal murder of his parents, Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) Wayne has de Gotham City: a dark, twisted reflection of urban America. Forever scarred as a child from witnessing the brutal murder of his parents, has dedicated his life to protecting this city from its many predators, taking a form to inspire hope in the innocent He is the masked known as the Batman. With Police Commissioner , these two men have always fought to preserve law and order, side-by-side, struggling against a pervasive and relentless criminal element, working together to hold the line. Until now. Leveled by a massive earthquake that has left thousands dead and millions more wounded, Gotham City has been completely cut off from Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) aid, transformed into a lawless battleground -- a No Man's Land -- where the survivors are turning against one another, and where the city's protectors are torn by a crisis that may consume them all. Gotham now teeters at the edge of the abyss Get A Copy. PaperbackNew Editionpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 4. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Batmanplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jun 26, Caitlin rated it liked it Shelves: character-batmantheme-superheroespublisher-dccomment-favorite-characters. Despite the warnings of a seismologist, no one besides Bruce Wayne seriously considers an earthquake as likely to happen in Gotham so only the Wayne buildings are built to withstand that kind of disaster. Instead, they order an evacuation, leaving the city to the criminals, the stubborn and the destitute. This means that there is no law and order in Gotham and with the disappearance of Batman, different factions fight for control. Batman has disappeared and is assumed by most to have abandoned the city so the story deals with the attempts of the people who are struggling to survive amid the ruins. We get to see what Oracle, , , and others have been up to since the quake but the story really focuses on the few remaining members of the GCPD and Jim Gordon in particular. Miracle Run! It verges from just plain to silly to tolerable but the artwork is awful. That aside, I do like that it focuses on Huntress and the struggle with her darker, violent side so I felt it was one of the better stories in the volume. Azrael tails Scratch to Gotham and ends up helping an old woman attempt to reach her daughter who is stranded in Gotham. The art style is…different but I actually liked how it worked with the story. Not bad and it totally feels like something Batman would do. Montoya has a helluva history with Two Face figures pretty largely into Gotham Central as a matter of fact. Rucka does an absolutely fantastic job with this story and it definitely had me glued to the page all the way through. But apparently the lure of loot is too much for them and of course shit gets crazy. But seriously, dude?! The artwork is pretty decent though. I think I may have to accept that I'm just not impressed by O'Neil because I have yet to read a story of his that really interested me. Basically this just tells you what happened to him after he and Alfred got stranded in the ruins of and what he's up to now. This one involves Azrael filling in for Batman against the Joker. Probably the best of the Azrael stories in this volume but I still wasn't a huge fan. This gives you insight to what happened to Alfred from Cataclysm to the current point and I loved seeing the bond between him and Batman. It's about an older man who's lived on the same street in Gotham for his entire life and refuses to evacuate. He's a fixture in the community and even with all the chaos and unrest tries to help out his neighbors. Things get predictably dark and violent with the entrance of some villains and their gangs but overall it's a good story despite not great artwork. Pretty sure would be the most useful guy in a crisis like this. And I gotta say though that I have a hard time buying that an earthquake would reduce people back to the feudal stage where they just pay tribute to anyone who solves a problem. Basically, he finds two women arguing over who a baby belongs to and then has to figure out how to deal with it. Someone please take Azrael away from O'Neil. Turns out that's exactly as terrible as it sounds. And still the same unimpressive artwork. I do think the idea of Batman being somewhat at sea in an atmosphere that is constant chaos is a really interesting one. I like seeing how Batman's skillset isn't really geared towards Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) kind of trouble that Gotham is in and the moral quandaries that presents. View all 3 comments. Jun 24, James DeSantis rated it liked it. This was really solid. Some Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) you'll love, some you'll like, and some you'll just wanna skip as soon as possible. No Man's Land is a Batman mega crossover that happened in the 90's and early 's where Gotham was hit with a earthquake and left to basically die. So Batman is back in town but now it's all broken into sections where people hold territories from Joker, to GCPD, t This was really solid. It's a all out war! I also really Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) the two face story quite a bit. The art, when good, was really solid for it's time. The concept is great too and keeps things fresh. The Superman issue was way too funny as Superman basically like "Fuck these people" in the end. What I didn't like: Some of the issues were meh. Especiall Azreal or whatever his name is. This Christian crime fighter is just dull and screams 90's. Also his suit sucks and his art is so bad in comparison to the rest of the artwork in here. Also the penguin story was far too long and found very little interest in that. Overall it's around Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) 3. Batman No Man's Land Vol. 1 ( New Edition) by DC Comics - Penguin Books Australia

We catch up in Gotham City roughly 3 months after the earthquake and the city has been Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) and truly shut off from the rest of the United States. Tribal mindset seems to have set in with various members of Gotham crime take patches all over Gotham which is displayed in a really cool double page map of Gotham drawn up by Oracle. I enjoyed the issue as it was descriptive of how bad things get and in an odd way a bit realistic. It focussed on the people and how some took advantage Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) the situation and others flocked to find someone to lead them. Right towards the end we get a glimpse that perhaps Batman has returned. Things are starting to brew up and plans are being put into place in Gotham City. This is a big issue with some profound incidents. The second incident is the return of Batman and Alfred. Batman and meet up and at first Batman disapproves but allows her to continue her work and her wearing the cape. Batman is making moves and wants to rid Newtown of the Ventriloquist. Taking an advantage of the power of trade Bruce manages to get close to Ventriloquist and lures him to a spot for a trade — obviously he gets the better of Ventriloquist but gets a surprise with the end result of freeing his people. Batman, probably begrudgingly. This is an interesting issue and shows that Gotham post-earthquake is a different animal than before earthquake and not as black and white for Batman. Jean-Paul Valley appears to not be in Gotham but somewhere outside the city near Bludhaven. Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) finds where Nicholas Scratch once was and sees a note he left. Azrael seems to be Gotham bound. Back in Gotham and we see two sides to the citizens attitude towards the grim scenario. First are the thugs who become pretty low when they raid a morgue to take bullets out of corpses to be used again and the other is the Church who refused to be tagged and open their doors to anyone who needs help. Even Scarecrow. Batman and Huntress work their rounds and seem to have a plan ahead to make some progress. Elsewhere, Penguin wants the help from Father Sounder and the Church, and by helps he means he wants somewhere to stash his guns. Back at the Church, Scarecrow is definitely scheming and looks to be turning the wheels to his own ends. Huntress finds him on the floor after being shot overlooked by the Scarecrow. Maybe this is the issue that kick starts some action? Huntress begs for batmans help and pleads citing that she has earned his trust. Will he make it? Great part of the book here. Batman takes him to Leslie — who else? Great issue. They pity him and he hates it. We finally get to see Mr. Scratch and he wants to get into Gotham but what are his intentions? Jean-Paul helps a woman try to find her daughter who is with Jasper. Jasper is killed by some massive man with a knife and now her daughter is all alone. They use the same boat that Mr. Scratch is on to get there. Jean-Paul then saves the daughter and saves the day. New writer, new artist and it looks very cartoony, characters looks a bit deformed and not in keeping with the rest of Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) art. Batman gets info from oracle about where crowds gather to send a big message. Penguins gig seems a good match. Issue ends poised on batman crashing the party. Batman using brute force to get his message across in front of a big crowd, lots of risk and a little bit unlike Batman. Bu by God the art is really out of sync, it looks clumsy and at times funny. Penguin looked like a child and Batman looked harmless. It works in their favour but the mystery murderer will surely return with some demands. A short and sweet double issue, storyline is decent enough but the art takes some getting used to and is totally different from most of the issues leading up to the two parts. The issue starts depicting a gathering of a lot of people, slightly deformed faces and a lot like a cult. Batman talks with Batgirl about someone taking over big spots, Joker maybe? , there are still a few major villains unaccounted for at this stage. The gathering members from the beginning are seen torturing someone for info before tossing him aside. Oracle is about to pull the trigger and kill him before Batgirl swoops in. A really, really good issue which kick starts the Black Mask Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition). Batgirl completes her challenge but gets nothing from Batman and Black Mask utterly defeated, a bit disappointing considering what I had just said. We then learn why Batman has been working with Lock-Up and KGBeast as these criminals are hauled to a make shift jail, where it seems Tally Man is running riot. Another great issue, Greg Rucka is a great writer and these two issues have been very enjoyable with a few memorable moments Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) great dialogue between the characters, especially the relationship between James Gordon and his wife . Two Down is a story of Two-Face helping her brother as well as the community for a while, saving lives and generally just being a decent person. Two-Face at this point is a decent human being and perhaps when we see him next in the present time he may still be one. Batman invades the party but ultimately allows Two-Face to carry on helping although he does make it clear he will be watching. As they look around we see a lot of disgusting and odd things around the house, trapdoors, weird art and from what it looks like…corpses. Nothing Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) else to say about this one. He is happy when he is working and when he sees Gotham City in the distance in dire straits he smiles. Meanwhile the title character Azrael is looking for Calibax. He meets with Batman who tells him to wait on Calibax and to go for the Joker instead. Batman clearly holds the authority of Azrael who complies without . The Joker is messing with kids and uses jellybeans to spread the word out hoping to reach Batman. Azrael, however, manages to save the young girl who is being used as bait but the Joker gets away. Art not quite on par with most of the Batman issues but the writing and portrayal of Jean-Paul Valley is much improved. He has kept himself busy doing what he can while he waits for Batman to come back. Alfred is a good man and a faithful servant to Bruce. He proudly guards his home and his resources through determination and an old school rifle. He is visited by Zsasz, Freeze, and finally Joker. And although they all want his resources he nonetheless perseveres as his house is his home. Not the easy thing but the right thing. Make no mistake, Batman is a Superman issue and better late than never Superman is here in Gotham to help it out. Superman is Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) much a God, but not to Bruce. He is simply a man. As he tries to get the power station back up and running he quickly sees how desperate and hopeless the citizens are. Gordon makes his opinion clear on how he feels about Batman and tasks her to pass the message on to Bruce. Elsewhere, Penguin has a competitor in the trade industry who appear to be bringing in goods from outside of Gotham. A great issue, it really was. The Death Dancer? We also see the citizens making tough choices as a small family have to choose between who to Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) and who not to feed. The grandfather in this case is thrown out to save the father and daughter. The issue ends with a tender moment between Oracle and Azrael as they bond. After helping her save a life they deduce the identity, it looks to be too late as the Dancer finds Oracle, who he is familiar with. Nothing more to say about the issue than that. No cliffhanger for Volume 2 to clean up. They are desperate, dangerous and hopeless and our heroes can only do so much with so little to make a difference which is a topic in Volume 1. Skip to content. June 24, November 9, The Gotham Archives. Table of Contents. Batman: No Man's Land, Vol. Batman: No Man's Land, Vol. 1 by Bob Gale

DC shook up Gotham--literally--in its Batman plot arc: a 7. Freeze, and Mr. Zsasz, file out to begin running the show, strong-arming and manipulating the block-by-block turf battles that envelop the now-ultraviolent city. A conflicted Batman shows up fashionably late, only to find that these lunatics are the least of his worries: , Superman's archfoe, has nefarious designs on Gotham too. Could this possibly get any better? Sure, No Man's Land is derivative fiction, but the appeal of Rucka--and, of course, Batman--can make this one worth the read. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Batman by Bob Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition). Batman: No Man's Land, Vol. Devin Grayson. Alex Maleev Illustrator. Dale Eaglesham Illustrator. Fans of Batman are lucky to get Greg Rucka--the talented, gritty young author of Keeper and Finderamong others--sharing time with their favorite licensed character in this novelization of DC's complete No Man's Land comic series. And fans of Rucka--assuming they get around to reading this at all--will still likely hold the opinion that Atticus Kodiak could take Batman i Fans of Batman are lucky to get Greg Rucka--the talented, gritty young author of Keeper and Finderamong others--sharing time with their favorite licensed character in this novelization of DC's complete No Man's Land comic series. And fans of Rucka--assuming they get around to reading this at all--will still likely hold the opinion that Atticus Kodiak could take Batman in a standup fight any day. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 7. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Batmanplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jul 03, Sean Gibson rated it liked it. Still, the first half of this volume—penned by Back to the Future scribe Bob Gale—is pretty engrossing, even if the premise is absurd. That premise? Gotham City, after a series of disasters ranging from contagion to earthquakes, has been sealed off by the United States government and is no longer considered part of the country; in other words, everyone who remains within its borders are trapped without access to the outside world and are on their own. Come on now. Watching the various factions—including one led by Commissioner Gordon—fight for control of the city is entertaining in a Lord Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) the Flies kind of way. The second half of the book, written by Devin Grayson, is less beguiling, but has its moments particularly watching Batman trying to figure out how to reclaim his reputation in this brutal new world; who knew dude could spray paint such a nice tag? View all 23 comments. Jan 30, Brandon rated it it was amazing Shelves: comix, fiction. When Hell goes to war with itself, only the devil is declared the winner DC comics has brought together two of my favorite things; Batman and post-apocalyptic fiction. I almost feel as if this series has been made for me. A massive earthquake has rocked Gotham City to its core — combine that with an outbreak of a deadly disease not unlike the Ebola virus and you have a recipe for disaster. Rather than send aid or attempt to rebuild Gotham, the government has sealed it off fro When Hell goes to war Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) itself, only the devil is declared the winner DC comics has brought together two of my favorite things; Batman and post- apocalyptic fiction. Rather than Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) aid or attempt to rebuild Gotham, the government has sealed it off from the rest of the civilized world, proclaiming it no longer part of the United States. Those that wanted to leave were initially given the choice; however, the gangs, the sick and the released criminals from decided to hang around. Also staying put are several dedicated members of the GCPD; an effort to bring order to the once powerful city. Watching Gordon struggle over how to enforce the law really grabbed me. Gordon knows that he needs to implore drastic measures to restore order to Gotham; he just has to realize his own limits. Rarely using his fear induced Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) Scarecrow attempts to seize control of a sector of Gotham through the manipulation of already frightened people. Gale gives us Scarecrow in his most clever state; making the reader realize that he truly is a pretty strong villain in his own right. The end of the first volume finishes strong with a pretty cool reveal. Nov 30, Sesana rated it really liked it Shelves: dystopianre- readcomicssuperhumans. No Man's Land was utterly massive. This trade "only" collects eight issues two full storylines. I've heard that DC will be releasing a new series of No Man's Land trades, that will collect every issue that tied into the overall storyline. A collection of doorstoppers, to be sure. If you've never read the No Man's Land storyline before, I'd suggest getting your hands on the new editions Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition). The first storyline in the book concentrates on setting the scene, and it does a great job of it. Got No Man's Land was utterly massive. Gotham has been leveled by an earthquake, and the government has decided that it's better to just leave the city to self-destruct than to do anything to help. Yes, this does read a bit differently post-Katrina than it had in The city has been divided into factions controlled by rival gangs, some of them headed by Arkham inmates that were set free after the earthquake. It is bleak, and done well. The second storyline is a Scarecrow story, and I was surprised at how much I liked it. If Scarecrow is without his fear toxins, what harm can he do? Plenty, once he gets welcomed into a church safe house. Watching him cheerfully manipulate people and events into the complete meltdown he hopes for made my skin crawl. I try not to expect too much from these big event Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition), but this was really a solid offering. It helps that the Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) itself was Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) promising ground for telling stories like this. Feb 16, Sam Quixote rated it really liked it. A major earthquake hits Gotham chronicled in "Cataclysm" and the US Government takes the unprecedented not to mention highly unlikely approach to the disaster by quarantining the city and annexing it from the USA - the result? No Man's Land. The plot is familiar to those who've played the recent "Arkham City" game which takes a similar approach though it only segregates part of Gotham rather than the entirety of it. But the of Arkham roam Gotham freely now and recruit gangs whic A major earthquake hits Gotham chronicled in "Cataclysm" and the US Government takes the unprecedented not to mention highly unlikely approach to the disaster by quarantining the city and annexing it Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) the USA - the result? But the supervillains of Arkham roam Gotham freely now and recruit gangs which fight for territories of Gotham like in "Arkham City". If you can get past the improbability of the scenario - I mean it would be like the US abandoning New Orleans after Katrina - then you're in store for a helluva first book. Bob "Back to the Future" Gale does a fine job of writing the first story arc in this massive series, setting the stage for what is to come. He establishes the wasteland Gotham becomes and the lawless, terrifying place it descends to without regular food or supplies coming through. He introduces the mysterious figure of Batgirl and doesn't introduce the Batman until the very end, focusing instead on the rival gangs run by Penguin and the other rogues, , who creates a new network of information without the aid of computers, and the fight back to restore the city led by Commissioner Gordon. The second story arc is less impressive as the Batman plays a big part in it and he always overcomes any obstacles, but it's interesting to see Scarecrow appear and try to create chaos out of a fragile peace created by a couple of Christian priests. Huntress also shows that she's going to play a large role in this series. The series puts a confident first step forward Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) this book and breathes new life into the Batman series by turning Gotham into an even more scary and desperate place than it was prior to the earthquake, and putting these familiar characters into new situations, giving them more facets to their characters. I loved reading it and can't wait to read the others in the series. If you're a Batfan you'll find plenty here to appreciate in this well written, well told tale of when the world turned its back on Gotham and a handful of heroes stood up to raise her back onto her feet. Dec 02, John Yelverton rated it really liked it. It definitely took Batman in an entirely new direction, and not necessarily a positive one. Still an interesting read. Feb 18, Mizuki rated it it was amazing Shelves: comicpretty-good. After a huge earthquake, Gotham is abandoned by the USA government, most civilians had escaped from the disaster zone, those who are left Batman No Man/s Land Vol. 1 (New Edition) have to fend for themselves and the city is divided into different zones by the powerful criminals, yada, yada, The human dramas are nice, the artwork is super cool in a dark, gloomy and befitting way!