I. Boxes Reviewed at Warren DeBrueys’ Home

Box 31: Conspiracy

File folders of newsclippings involving Garrison investigation; several audio recordings in various formats of interviews, press conferences, etc.; other material such as copy of Supreme Court brief in Shaw’s civil rights action against Garrison. Copy in full.

Box 32: Jim Garrison NBC Unedited Interview, Volumes 1 and 2

Two volumes consisting chiefly of witness statements. Copy in full.

Box 33: Alleged JFK Conspiracy -- Jim Garrison Volumes 9-22

Newspaper clippings; correspondence with MCC and government entities such as HSCA; box filled entirely with folders numbered 9 through 22. Copy in full.

Box 34: Alleged JFK Murder Conspiracy -- Jim Garrison Volumes 8 through 1 (sic), Bazou case, Clarence Bielosh

Copy material labeled “OP District Attorney Garrison, Volumes 1 through 8.” Do not copy other material in this box.

Box 73: Perry Russo--Garrison, Garrison--Organized Crime, A.M. Kohn, criminal prosecution

Copy material in file labeled “Perry Raymond Russo Statements; OP DA Jim Garrison.” Do not copy other material in this box.

Box 77: Banister Files, 9-1 through 9-65

Copy in full.

Box 78: Guy Banister Files, 9-66 through 9-158

Copy in full.

Box 79: Guy Banister Files, 9-159 through 9-196

Copy in full.

II. Boxes Reviewed at Records Management Warehouse

The general rule is to copy the tabbed documents in these boxes. If the first page of a document is tabbed, and there are no instructions written on the tab, then copy the whole document. Follow any instructions written on the tabs (for example, “Copy everything in this folder.”)

The following summarizes what is tabbed in each box:

Box 28: Govt.: Mayor DeLesseps Morrison, Mayor Victor Schiro

In folder “Volume 8: D.S. Morrison: 5/25/64- ”:

12/9/71 memo re: Garrison investigation.

In folder “Volume 6: D.S. Morrision: 1/1/59-”:

12/21/59 memo re: Kennedy.

In folder “Volume 6, Victor Schiro, Mayor”:

4/22/68 report re: Marcello, Garrison.

Box 29: New Orleans Government (Mayor Schiro Vol. 1-7) (Garrison Vol. 12-16)

In folder “Vol. 17”:

News articles about HSCA, Marcello and Gorden Novel; documents from Shaw suit against Garrison; other news articles

In folder “Vol. 16”:

News articles on Shaw v. Garrison; the assassination; interview report between Kohn & a reporter (7 items)

In folder “Vol. 15”:

Statements by Garrison that the pinball prosecution resulted from his prosecution of (7 items)


In folder “Vol. 14”: Documents re: Shaw v. Garrison (10 items)

In folder “Vol. 13”:

News articles about Garrison investigation of Shaw, including local and Look magazine; misc. documents on the Shaw trial; misc. about Garrison’s connection with the Mafia (33 items)

In folder “Vol. 12”:

News articles on the Shaw trial concluding in March, 1969; news articles regarding IRS auditing Garrison (25 items)

Box 35: Various District Attorneys, Garrison--Bielosh, Orleans Assessors, Sheriff and Other Boards

In folder “Richard Dowling, Orleans Parish District Attorney # 3”:

7/13/67 memo re: Garrison and Gervais.

9/28/66 letter re: Garrison.

6/8/62 memo re: Garrison.

5/3/62 memo re: information from Jack Martin re: .

Box 42: La. Legislature; U.S. Joint Committees; U.S. Representatives and Senators

In folder “Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor Management Field, Volume 2”:

The handwritten notes of Aaron Kohn in brown envelope tabbed at front of folder.

Letter dated 4/20/59 from Kohn to Sen. McClellan.

4/10/59 letter from Kohn to RFK re: AGVA.

5/8/61 investigative report re: Marcello.


4/19/59 investigative report re: Marcello.

3/16/59 memo from Kohn to RFK re: Marcello.

In folder “Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor Management Field, Volume 1”:

Letter dated 3/6/59 from RFK to Kohn.

Letter dated 3/4/59 from RFK to Kohn.

Cover letter from Kohn to RFK dated 3/25/59, together with enclosed report re: Marcello and AGVA.

Two letters (both tabbed) from Kohn to RFK dated 2/27/59.

Letter dated 2/17/59 from Kohn to RFK.

Letter dated 2/16/59 from Kohn to RFK.

1/28/59 letter from Kohn to Kaplan.

Outline of Kohn’s planned testimony.

12/18/58 letter from Kohn to Kaplan.

12/16/58 letter from Kohn to Kaplan.

Two letters dated 11/26/58 from Kohn to Kaplan.

8/6/58 letter from Kohn to RFK.

In file “HSCA”:

Newsclippings of various dates.

HSCA committee rules.

Letters from DeBrueys to Blakey dated 3/27/79 and 3/26/79, together with enclosed 5

report of conversation between DeBrueys and Jack Martin.

9/8/78 letter from Kohn to Blakey.

8/21/78 letter from Blakey to Kohn. 8/15/78 letter from Kohn to Blakey.

8/15/78 transcript of interview with Mark Lane.

Box 43: U.S. Senators & Congressmen; Representatives

Report dated 12/29/59 in file folder “Sen. John F. Kennedy.”

10/11/67 newsclipping in file “Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.”

Box 44: Various Divisions U.S. Government and U.S. Attorney

3/23/62 letter from Kohn to RFK in folder “DOJ Published Reports.”

Tabbed documents (mostly correspondence) in folder “Kennedy, Robert.”

Two documents tabbed in folder “Mitchell, John.”

Tabbed documents regarding the Garrison pinball case in folder “Gallinghouse, Gerald J. U.S. Attorney.”

Box 46: U.S. Govt. Presidents Carter-Nixon; V.P.; U.S. Cong.; U.S. Cong. Committees

ENTIRE CONTENTS of following files:

“JFK Assassination, Vol. 4 exhibits” “JFK Assassination, Vol. 3 exhibits” “JFK Assassination, Vol. 2 exhibits” “JFK Assassination, Vol. 1 exhibits” “HSCA: U.S. Cong. Committees” “House Ass. Committee: U.S. Cong. Committees”

Box 48: Supreme Court/Grand Juries


In folder “September 1967 - March 1968”:

Information regarding Grand Jury convened for Garrison investigation of Clay Shaw; list of members of Grand Jury for Garrison investigation of Clay Shaw; news articles about Marcello & organized crime investigation in New Orleans at same time as Garrison investigation

In folder “March 1967 through September 1967”: Documents regarding indictments of Shaw and Andrews, other aspects of Garrison investigation; transcript of interview with Quiroga.

Box 49: Grand Juries/Angola Pen./Orleans Prison

In folder “Eastern District of : United States Grand Jury”:

News article, “DA Blames Indictments on Investigation of JFK”

Box 56: Crimes of Homicide, Assassination, Juvenile

In folder “Martin Luther King Assassination, Volume 2”:

7/18/78 letter from Kohn to Webster.

7/6/78 Mark Lane interview.

5/1/68 newsclipping from Times Picayune re: Shaw case.

Box 65: Narcotics, Prostitution

Report dated 4/30/63 in file folder “Prostitution: General: Supplement # 2.”

Box 66: Prostitution/Organized Crime

In folder “Ciminal Organizations: Las Vegas”:

Accounts of Roselli’s alleged link to the assassination

In folder “Criminal Organizations: Interstate”:


Documents re: Trafficante, Marcello, and DOJ activities in New Orleans during Kennedy Admin.

In folder “Criminal Organizations: California”:

Copy Entire File -- HSCA reviewed

In folder “Criminal Organizations: ”:

Copy Entire File -- HSCA reviewed

Box 67: Organized Crime/Police, Politics, Rackets, Alliance

In folder “Jefferson Parish”

Documents re: relationship between Andrews and Marcello; news articles about Marcello being a target for RFK probe ; memo from Kohn to RFK during McClellan Committee. (6 items)

In folder “Louisiana: police, politics, rackets, alliance”

Rport by Kohn about N.O., LA attorney who met RFK during tenure as AG; investigative report by Kohn concerning Sho-Bar; Marcello information. (4 items)

In folder “New Orleans, Vol. 3: police, politics, rackets, alliance”:

Discussion of 1960 Democratic convention (1 item)

In folder “New Orleans, Vol. 1: police, politics, rackets, alliance”:

Documents re: Frank Costello trip to New Orleans to visit Marcello (2 items)

Box 117: MCC Activities

In folder “MCC Activity from 7/1/68 to 7/31/68”:

Transcript of telephone conference between Kohn & Spindel dated July 16, 1968 regarding assassination (1 item -- 12 pages)


In folder “MCC Activity from 12/68”:

Investigative report on Garrison & Shaw trial (1 item -- 7 pages)

In folder “MCC Activity from 10/68”:

One 3 page document dated 10/30/68 about Marcello. Last line says that Novel fled to escape Garrison JFK probe. (1 item)

In folder “MCC Activity from 3/69”:

Transcript of television show about Shaw trial (1 item) In folder “MCC Activity from 5/69”:

Correspondence from Kohn forwarding news on the Garrison JFK probe. (1 item)

In folder “MCC Activity from 7/69”:

Document re: Shaw investigation (1 item)

Box 127: MCC Activity 1/1/66 through 12/1/67

Selected documents and entire file folders (as indicated on tabs) re: Garrison investigation.

Box 128: MCC Activity

3/11/64 report on Marcello activities.

5/25/64 report on Marcello activities.

Box 129: MCC Activity 1-1-62 through 1-1-64

11/25/63 Kohn report entitled “Assassination of JFK.”

Box 141: Miscellaneous AMK Organized Crime, Gambling Handbook (much of this box is loose papers which are not arranged in folders)

Rough draft of Kohn testimony on pinball machines, slot machines, and jukeboxes. This document is not in a folder. 9

Letter from JFK to Ralph Jackson regarding the Kennedy-Ives Bill on labor reform. Jackson forwarded a copy to AMK.

Kohn call report regarding phone call from Jim Garrison 11/8/62. Loose papers.

11/21/62 letter from Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Narcotics Charles Siragusa to Aaron Kohn introducing FAA Investigator Richard E. Robey.

Letter from Edward Wegmann to Aaron Kohn regarding proposed removal action against Jim Garrison.

3/16/70 note from Gurvich Detective Agency to Kohn with press clippings about Garrison.

Exception to general rule: Copy entire contents of the following boxes (not just what is tabbed):

Box 80: Guy Banister Police Dept. Records

Box 81: Guy Banister Police Dept. Records

Box 82: Guy Banister Police Dept. Records