Application to the Mid-Norwegian Continental Margin

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Application to the Mid-Norwegian Continental Margin

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Isostasy as a tool to validate interpretations of regional geophysical datasets – application to the mid-Norwegian

SOFIE GRADMANN1*, CLAUDIA HAASE1 &JO¨ RG EBBING1,2 1Geological Survey of Norway, Leiv Eirikssons vei 39, 7040 Trondheim, Norway 2Present address: Department of Geosciences, Kiel University, 24118 Kiel, Germany *Correspondence: sofi[email protected]

Abstract: Isostasy is a well understood concept, yet rarely applied to its full capacity in regional interpretations of crustal structures. In this study, we utilize a recent density model for the entire NE Atlantic, based on refraction seismic data and gravity inversion, to calculate isostatically balanced bathymetry along the mid-Norwegian margin. Since gravity and isostatically balanced elevation are independent observables but both depend on the underlying density model, consis- tencies and discrepancies point towards model deficits, erroneously interpreted or poorly understood areas. Four areas of large isostatic residuals are identified. Along the outer Vøring Margin, a mass deficit points to more extensive high-density bodies or a shallower Moho than currently mapped. Farther seaward, along the Vøring Marginal High, a mass excess indicates inaccurate mapping of the continent–ocean boundary and surrounding structures. A number of eclogitic bodies along the proximal mid-Norwegian margin have been described in recent publications and their presence is now also confirmed by isostatic calculations. Major elevation and gravity residuals along the transition between the Vøring and Møre margins signify that the structure of this region is poorly understood and modifications to the mapped continent–ocean transition may be required.

Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license.

The concept of isostasy has been applied to several Continental margins may be especially well regional studies worldwide, helping to estimate lith- suited for isostatic studies since the is thinned ospheric strength and explain the shape and origin and its deeper structure and Moho are more easily of topography (e.g. Watts 2001; Kaban et al. imaged by seismic methods than, for example, 2003). Local studies, however, which investigate those of cratonic . Seismic mapping is the crustal structure in more detail by employing especially extensive (and accessible) along refraction and deep reflection seismic data as well hydrocarbon-bearing continental margins such as as gravity modelling, often ignore the additional the mid-Norwegian one. Furthermore, thinned insight that could be gained from isostatic consider- crust and lithosphere are generally weaker, implying ations. Positive exceptions to this are, for example, that lateral density variations and Moho undulations Watts et al. (1985), Zeyen & Ferna`ndez (1994), will have a larger expression in the bathymetry or Mat¸enco et al. (1997), Hirsch et al. (2009) and basin shape. Thermal weakening during rifting and Fullea et al. (2010), where isostasy has entered the breakup as well as rigidification during subsequent model building and interpretation. Methods for cooling additionally affect the flexure of the margin. joint analysis and inversion of gravity and isostasy The enormous amount of geophysical and geo- have, for example, been developed by Zeyen & Fer- logical data that exists for the region of the NE na`ndez (1994), Stewart et al. (2000), Braitenberg Atlantic has been gathered, analysed and compiled et al. (2004) and Salem et al. (2014). in recent into a comprehensive tectonostrati- Only a few of the studies involving isostasy graphic atlas (the NAG-TEC Atlas, Hopper et al. cover the mid-Norwegian margin (Kimbell et al. 2014). Based on these data, a new seismic-derived 2004; Ebbing 2007) and we show in this paper that Moho grid has been compiled (Funck et al. 2016) simple isostatic considerations can also improve the and subsequently further improved using gravity understanding of the crustal structure. inversion (Haase et al. 2016). The latter study also

From:Pe´ron-Pinvidic, G., Hopper, J. R., Stoker, M. S., Gaina, C., Doornenbal, J. C., Funck,T.&A´ rting,U.E. (eds) The NE Atlantic Region: A Reappraisal of Crustal Structure, Tectonostratigraphy and Magmatic Evolution. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 447, # 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. Publishing disclaimer: Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021

S. GRADMANN ET AL. constructed a first-order density model over the formation in the early Eocene (c. 54 Ma, Talwani entire NE-Atlantic, which we utilize here to forward & Eldholm 1977; Skogseid & Eldholm 1987). calculate an isostatically consistent bathymetry that This volcanic activity was part of the North Atlantic reflects all internal loading of the model. The result- Igneous Province (Eldholm & Grue 1994; Meyer ing differences from the true bathymetry enable us et al. 2007) and is reflected along the present-day to detect consistencies and discrepancies between mid-Norwegian outer margin by extensive regions the datasets mapping the deep subsurface structure. with seaward-dipping reflectors and massive vol- Since gravity and isostatically balanced elevation canic flows. Magmatic activity also led to intrusions are independent observables but both depend on into the thinned and underplating the underlying density model, consistencies and dis- in the continent–ocean transition zone. Oceanic crepancies can point towards poorly understood or spreading along the Aegir and Mohn’s ridges led erroneously interpreted areas. The obtained eleva- to the complete separation of the Greenland and tion residuals are then discussed with respect to Eurasian plates. Continued, contemporaneous existing seismic profiles and structural interpreta- Cenozoic rifting in East Greenland and associated tions along the margin. By considering residuals breakup in late Oligocene (c. 25–24 Ma) led to of shorter wavelengths only, we focus on the crustal the formation of a second spreading axis and to structure, which is much better mapped and dis- the separation of the Jan Mayen microcontinent cussed than the underlying lithospheric . from Greenland (Talwani & Eldholm 1977; Vogt Previous studies that investigated regional isostatic et al. 1980; Nunns 1982; Gudlaugsson et al. 1988; and gravity modelling in the NE Atlantic region Gaina et al. 2009; Gernigon et al. 2015). Today, (Kimbell et al. 2004; Reynisson et al. 2010) had the Kolbeinsey Ridge is the active spreading centre less complete datasets at hand and focussed on linking the Reykjanes Ridge in the south to the somewhat different questions. This study merely Mohn’s Ridge in the north. tests an existing subsurface model and does not A large number of seismic refraction profiles attempt to improve it. cover the mid-Norwegian margin but become more sparse to the north (Fig. 1). Some profiles are several decades old and large receiver spacing Geological history of the mid-Norwegian (10–20 km) often prevents the detailed mapping margin of smaller-scale features. Nevertheless, this exten- sive grid predominantly shaped our present-day The mid-Norwegian margin, like any passive rif- understanding of the deep margin structures. ted margin, consists of numerous rifted blocks The 300 km wide Møre Margin is characterized and interjacent sedimentary basins and sub-basins by a narrow platform and a rapid thinning of the (Fig. 1). The margin is subdivided into the three continental crust. The main area of crustal thinning major segments of the Møre, Vøring and Lofoten is confined to a narrow zone with a width of only a margins. The large shelf areas of the North Sea few tens of kilometres (Olafsson et al. 1992; Raum and Barents Sea extend to the south and north, 2000; Mjelde et al. 2008; Osmundsen & Ebbing respectively. The structure of the mid-Norwegian 2008; Kvarven et al. 2014; Nirrengarten et al. margin reflects a long period of extension following 2014). West of this major necking zone lies the the orogenic collapse of the Caledonian . nearly 200 km wide and long Cretaceous Møre Earliest extension during the post-orogenic collapse Basin, which reaches depths of more than 15 km. initiated in Devonian–Carboniferous times, form- This basin is underlain by highly thinned crust (in ing large detachment faults and basins that are places less than 10 km thick) and high-velocity, now partly exposed in onshore areas (e.g. Seranne high-density lower crustal bodies (LCBs) have & Seguret 1987; Osmundsen & Andersen 2001, been mapped both outbound and inbound of the and references therein) and possibly buried by youn- necking zone but not directly underneath it (Olafs- ger sediments in the offshore domain. Carbonifer- son et al. 1992; Kvarven et al. 2014; Nirrengarten ous to early Mesozoic extension created the early, et al. 2014). The outer limit of the margin compri- proximal basins (e.g. the Trøndelag Platform; ses the Møre Marginal High which is overlain by a Brekke 2000). Distal rift basins formed during Mid- series of volcanic flows. Whereas some authors dle Jurassic to Early/middle-Cretaceous (e.g. the interpret the basement of the Møre Marginal High Lofoten, Vøring and Møre basins; Brekke 2000). as thick continental crust (e.g. Reynisson et al. Late Cretaceous to Paleocene extension shaped the 2010), others suggest a sediment succession of sev- outer ridges and sub-basin system defining the pre- eral kilometres thickness beneath the flood basalts breakup rift complex (Gernigon et al. 2003; Ren (Nirrengarten et al. 2014). et al. 2003). Volcanic activity affected the distal The Jan Mayen corridor, which continues as the margins in the Late Paleocene but was most signifi- Jan Mayen Fracture Zone in the oceanic domain, cant later, during the breakup and volcanic margin offsets the much wider Vøring Margin (450 km) Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Fig. 1. Bathymetry of the mid-Norwegian margin and adjacent Atlantic Ocean. The locations of refraction seismic profiles that entered the NAG–TEC compilation are marked as black lines, and newer profiles as light grey lines. The grey dashed line marks the COB compiled by Funck et al. (2014). Bathymetric data is taken from IBCAO dataset and local compilations (Olesen et al. 2010; Jakobsson et al. 2012); onshore elevation is from ETOPO1 (Amante & Eakins 2009). Lof. Arch., Lofoten Archipelago; LB, Lofoten Basin; RH, Røst High; UR, Utrøst Ridge; LR, Lofoten Ridge; VB, Vestera˚len Basin; MH, Marginal High; MP, Møre Platform; JMFZ, Jan Mayen Fracture Zone; JMFZ, Jan Mayen microcontinent. Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021

S. GRADMANN ET AL. from the Møre Margin. The Vøring segment com- relatively abrupt but seismic imaging is obstructed prises the wide, proximal Trøndelag Platform, a by extensive volcanic flows. No LCBs have been domain of terraces and fault complexes, the mapped here. 200 km wide Vøring Basin and the outer Vøring Marginal High (Brekke 2000). The crust in the Vør- Data and methods ing segment thins gradually over a distance of more than 200 km from over 30 km under the platform Geophysical data and density model domain in the east to a minimum of 8 km under Numerous geophysical surveys have been con- the distal sag basin. Extensive LCBs underlie most ducted over the past decades along the mid- of the outer margin and often constitute nearly Norwegian margin. A comprehensive tectonostra- 50% of the total crustal thickness (Mjelde et al. tigraphic atlas for the entire NE Atlantic region 2009a). P-wave velocities are generally between has recently been compiled based on reflection 7.2 and 7.5 km s21 within these bodies, but suppos- and refraction seismic experiments, magnetic and edly increase to significantly more than 8.0 km s21 gravity surveys, as well as borehole and heatflow in an area at the SE edge of the margin (Raum measurements (the NAG-TEC atlas; Hopper et al. et al. 2006), although such values are not confirmed 2014). Datasets that did not enter the compilation by other studies (Rouzo et al. 2006). Densities of include the vast amounts of proprietory data (2D/ these bodies are estimated to range between 3000 3D reflection seismic, borehole data) as well as a and 3300 kg m23 (Mjelde et al. 2009a; Kvarven number of still unpublished aeromagnetic datasets et al. 2014; Nirrengarten et al. 2014). Extensive (e.g. Gernigon et al. 2012b; Bro¨nner et al. 2014). lava flows and sills characterize the outer Vøring The datasets relevant for the isostatic study pre- Basin and adjacent Vøring Marginal High, making it sented here are the bathymetry, sedimentary and diffcult to accurately determine depth to both base- crustal horizons, as well as densities from a recent ment and Moho. Commonly used interpretations of gravity inversion model (Haase et al. 2016). Their the COB (continent–ocean boundary, here used as model covers the entire NE Atlantic and aims to the outer limit of the continent–ocean transition refine the Moho horizon where it is not or only zone) place it along the outer Vøring Margin, poorly covered by seismic profiles. It also includes where thickened, probably underplated, crust is the sub-Moho lithospheric thermal structure to first mapped; yet other interpretations exist (cf. Gernigon order. All datasets are described in detail in Haase et al. 2004; Peron-Pinvidic et al. 2013; Funck et al. et al. (2016) and are briefly summarized here for 2014; Eagles et al. 2015). Seaward of the COB of completion. The layers and respective density values the outer Vøring Margin, a topographic high under- of the model are listed in Table 1. The entire model lain by up to 15 km thick crust with velocities less has a lateral resolution of 10 × 10 km and extends than 7.2 km s21 constitutes the Vøring Spur (Brei- to 250 km depth. A subset of this model is used vik et al. 2008; Gernigon et al. 2009). for the isostatic calculations of the mid-Norwegian The Bivrost lineament marks the northern end margin, covering an area of 1200 × 1550 km. of the Vøring Margin (Planke et al. 1991; Blystad et al. 1995; Olesen et al. 2002; Mjelde et al. 2003; Mjelde et al. 2005a). This lineament constitutes a Layer geometry of subsurface model distinct change in petrophysical properties (density, The newest, most detailed bathymetric grid consists seismic velocity, susceptibility) in the offshore con- of the IBCAO dataset (Jakobsson et al. 2012) and tinental domain (Ebbing et al. 2006) but has no equivalent expression (e.g. a fracture zone) in the Table 1. Density values of model layers oceanic domain (Olesen et al. 2007). The northward located Lofoten Margin narrows from more than 23 250 km in the south to c. 50 km at the Senja Frac- Layer Density (kg m ) ture Zone in the north. The Lofoten–Utrøst ridge Water 1030 system separates the inner Vestfjorden Basin from Sediments 2200–2700 the outer Lofoten Basin. Crustal thickness undulates Upper continental crust 2750 between 15 and 25 km below the Lofoten Archipel- Lower continental crust 2950 ago, Lofoten Ridge and Utrøst Ridge and rapidly Lower crustal bodies 3100 thins to less than 10 km under the Lofoten Basin Oceanic crust 2850 (Avedik et al. 1984; Goldschmidt-Rokita et al. Lithospheric mantle 1988; Mjelde et al. 1993). A pronounced shallowing Moho to 7008C isotherm 3300 of the Moho has been mapped under the Lofoten 700–9008C isotherm 3260 9008C isotherm to base 3240 Ridge (Mjelde et al. 1993). In contrast, the Røst lithosphere (LAB) High to the west is associated with crustal thicken- Asthenospheric mantle 3200 ing. The transition to the oceanic domain is Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021

ISOSTASY ALONG THE MID-NORWEGIAN MARGIN a more local compilation along the Norwegian mar- two regions has been smoothed to avoid long- gin (Olesen et al. 2010). For the gravity inversion wavelength effects (Haase et al. 2016). The LAB and the current isostatic study, less resolution is here represents the boundary between conductive required and the DTU10 elevation model is used, and convective heat transfer, such that tempera- which is based on satellite altimetry (Andersen tures (and here also densities) are constant below et al. 2010; Andersen 2010). the LAB. The sub-Moho lithosphere is subdivided The top basement is derived from the total sedi- along the 700 and 9008C isotherms with respective ment sequence thickness, compiled from existing depths calculated according to Sandwell (2001, datasets and seismic refraction data compiled in and references therein). the NAG-TEC atlas (Funck et al. 2014; Hopper this volume, in prep). Individual sedimentary layers Densities of subsurface model are not differentiated, yet a vertical division into 2 km thick sublayers is introduced to be able to rep- Sediment densities increase stepwise with burial resent a density structure. The total sedimentary depth mimicking an exponential trend. The respec- sequence also contains volcanic flows and in places, tive densities for the 2 km thick intervals are 2200, the top basement might merge with the top of the 2270, 2340, 2650 and 2700 kg m23, where the last basalts rather than the top of the crystalline crust, value represents any sediments buried more than especially around the continent–ocean transition. 8 km. These density values are typical for clastic This should be kept in mind when interpreting sediments but do not consider the denser layers isostatic compensation. of basalts and volcanics that are present in parts The Moho along the mid-Norwegian margin of the study area. Crustal densities are 2750 and is constrained by numerous refraction seismic 2950 kg m23 for the continental upper and lower profiles (locations shown in Fig. 1). A refraction crust, respectively. The density in the oceanic seismic-based grid for the Moho depth was con- domain of 2850 kg m23 is consistent with previous structed for the entire NE Atlantic by Funck et al. gravity models of the mid-Norwegian margin (e.g. (2016) using kriging techniques supplemented by Ebbing et al. 2006). The lower continental crust bathymetric and gravity data. This Moho horizon extends slightly under the oceanic crust and tapers was further refined by gravity inversion (Haase over a distance of c. 40 km to ensure a gradual den- et al. 2016), adhering to the seismic uncertainties sity change across the COB (representing a zone of along the seismic profiles. In the density model of mafically intruded crust). This is a crude approxi- the gravity inversion, the crystalline crust is divided mation of the actual continent–ocean transition into two layers, consistent with many seismic obser- zone, of which the velocity structure has been seis- vations from thinned continental domains. Whereas mically imaged in many places along the margin. the intra-crustal boundary is at constant 20 km The lower crustal bodies are assigned a constant depth in the onshore domains, it separates the off- density of 3100 kg m23, although a range of densi- shore continental crust into equally thick upper ties has been suggested by previous gravity models and lower crustal layers (prior to inversion and (3000–3300 kg m23, e.g. Mjelde et al. 2009a; adjustments of the Moho). This is a large simplifi- Kvarven et al. 2014; Nirrengarten et al. 2014). Den- cation compared with the highly variable depth of sities below the Moho consider the thermal regime this intra-crustal boundary as seen in seismic pro- to first order and decrease stepwise at the 700, 900 files, but such variations could not be included and 13008C isotherm from 3300 kg m23 at the consistently across the entire study area owing to Moho down to 3260, 3240 and 3200 kg m23, insuffcient seismic coverage. The high-velocity, respectively. The LAB of this model is thus only high-density LCBs are also included according to a thermal but not compositional boundary. The the record of refraction seismic data (e.g. Mjelde densities do not include pressure-related density et al. 2009a). A division into continental and increases through compaction or phase changes. oceanic domain is required, and the COB follows Furthermore any lateral density changes are omitted the interpretation of Funck et al. (2014), using mag- which originate, for example, from the effects of the netic lineations, tectonic reconstructions and the Iceland plume or from compositional variations. landward-most points of seismically defined oce- anic crust. The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary Evaluation of the density model (LAB) is included as the 13008C isotherm in the oceanic domain, based on the age of the crust by We use the density model exactly as it has been pre- Gaina et al. (2016) and isotherm calculations after sented by Haase et al. (2016). Because the density Sandwell (2001). In the continental domain, the model was developed to match the regional gravity LAB is also modelled as an isotherm, based on data of the entire NE Atlantic, but our study covers the definitions by Artemieva & Mooney (2001) the smaller area of the mid-Norwegian margin, and Artemieva (2006). The transition between the certain limitations and oversimplifications are Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021

S. GRADMANN ET AL. expected and have to be kept in mind for the inter- the lithosphere (effective elastic thickness) using pretation of the results. By applying isostatic consid- the open source software tisc by Garcia-Castellanos erations, we can point out areas where the density (2002) and Garcia-Castellanos et al. (2003). The model does not fit. These might represent addi- resulting deflection di thus represents the difference tional lateral density variation which had not been between the isostatically compensated bathymetry included in the subsurface model, located in sedi- of the model and the true bathymetry, in the follow- ments, crust or uppermost mantle. We do not ing sections referred to as elevation residual. attempt to improve the density model in this study In the end-member case where lithosphere has but suggest a future joint inversion using gravity no flexural strength and the system is locally iso- and isostatic calculations. Isostatic tests alone may statically balanced, each column is considered not allow for new insights into the crustal structure to be balanced independently of its neighbours and of the margin but when evaluated in context of P − P additional data – here for example regional seismic d = ref i , (1) profiles – it can give clues as to the previously unde- i Drg tected variations in density, composition or thermal regime. where the index i refers to an individual rock col- The gravity misfit for the regional density model umn, Pi is the pressure at compensation depth, Pref is 22 mGal standard deviaton with the largest resid- is a reference pressure, g is gravitational accelera- uals remaining around the Greenland–Iceland– tion and Dr ¼ rbottom 2 rtop is the density differ- Faroe corridor, some oceanic ridges, as well as ence between material below the column (mantle) around the continent–ocean transitions. The long- and above (water or air). The pressure at compensa- wavelength residuals can be attributed to large-scale tion depth is calculated by integrating the densities lateral variations in temperature and composition of each rock column from compensation depth to introduced by the Iceland plume and imaged, for the surface  example, by teleseismic tomography (Bijwaard & hi Spakman 1999; Weidle & Maupin 2008). Many of Pi = r(z)g dz, the smaller-wavelength residuals must be attri- zcomp buted to the crustal structure, which is only coarsely represented in this regional model. Deviations where hi is the elevation. The deflection di is posi- are thus to be expected around the very coarsely tive if Pi , Pref and negative if Pi . Pref. The new represented structures of the LCBs, the COB, the (forward calculated) isostatically balanced eleva- bal intra-crustal boundary and compositional density tion h is then given by variation in the lithospheric mantle. bal = 0 + Long-wavelength residuals as introduced by hi hi di. (2) an incomplete thermal model, the neglect of subli- thospheric density variations or the forced smo- If isostatic adjustment raises a column from below sea-level (h0 , 0) to above sea-level othing of the LAB across the continent–ocean bal transition will affect the calculated long-wavelength (h . 0), the equations need to be modified: bathymetric features but not the smaller-scale − | 0| − bal = Pref Pi − hi (ra rw) ones, which are subject of this study. We thereby hi , (3) acknowledge that the thermal regime assumed for rag rag the density model is only a first-order approxi- where ra and rw are the densities of the asthe- mation. Additional modifications would lead to nosphere (sublithospheric mantle) and water, long-wavelength changes, which are not considered respectively. Air density is considered to be relevant for the smaller-scale structures discussed negligibly small. in this study. If flexural isostasy is assumed, the load DP that causes a deflection of the lithosphere, must be con- Isostatic calculations voluted with a flexural filter. This filter effectively suppresses short wavelengths and depends on the In order to check the density model for isostatic flexural rigidity D (Turcotte & Schubert 1982; equilibrium, we need to calculate the buoyancy Watts 2001). In the spectral domain, it can be writ- of each vertical column of the model (each ten as 10 × 10 km) and how it could be balanced by verti- cal movement, i.e. a modified bathymetry. We cal- = L(k) ∗ culate the pressure at a compensation depth z Y(k) − Fe(k) (4) comp g(ra rw) and its deviation from a reference pressure Pref. We then calculate the flexural response of this where Y(k) and L(k) are the Fourier transforms of load distribution with a given flexural strength of the deflection and the load, respectively. In our Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021

ISOSTASY ALONG THE MID-NORWEGIAN MARGIN case, the load is given by the pressure distribution Pi Results of isostatic calculations at the base of the compensation depth. Fe(k) represents the flexural response function: When comparing a forward calculated dataset with an observed one, it is important to consider data con- − Dk4 1 tent of similar wavelength. The existing bathymetric Fe(k) = + 1 (5) × r data has thus been regridded to a 10 10 km grid a in order to be comparable with the forward calcu- with D being the flexural rigidity of an elastic plate. lated bathymetry (Fig. 2a). This parameter can also be expressed through the Figure 2b and c show the calculated bathymetry effective elastic thickness Teff, the Young’s modulus with Teff ¼ 5 km and the corresponding residuals, E and the Poisson ratio n: respectively. The overall elevation is well repro- duced, yet residuals of several hundreds of metres ET3 remain in the continent–ocean transition area D = eff (6) 12(1 − n2) around the Jan Mayen microcontinent, the SW Barents Sea and the mid-Norwegian margin. Cal-

Values of Teff range from approximately 5– culations with higher effective elastic thickness of 100 km (e.g. Tesauro et al. 2013). These values Teff ¼ 20 km (Fig. 2d) highlight the more regional are determined from natural loading experiments residuals of longer wavelength than in the case (removal of ice loads, large lakes, ) or with Teff ¼ 5 km. Calculations based on the pre- spectral correlation of gravity and topographic data. inversion density model with a purely seismically For oceanic domains, the effective elastic thickness derived Moho (not shown here) display the same roughly corresponds to the depth of the 4508C iso- patterns of residuals, yet much higher magnitudes. therm (Watts 2001). For continental domains Teff This shows that, although isostasy was not con- is usually much smaller than the thickness of the sidered in the gravity inversion, the modifications lithosphere measured with seismic methods (or are in line with isostatic balancing. Both gravity even the crust in some places). These different val- and elevation are thus sensitive to the same density ues of seismic (or thermal) and effective elastic structure. thickness of the lithosphere arise because the litho- Applying a constant effective elastic thickness sphere is not a homogenous elastic layer. Instead, for the entire study area is a strong simplification. it consists of layers of multiple lithologies with a Lateral variations must exist for oceanic and conti- net response that resembles that of a single, yet thin- nental domains, for highly stretched and very thick ner, elastic layer. We test a range of effective elastic crust. Furthermore, a temporal change of the rigidity thicknesses from 5 to 20 km. (weak when young and hot, strong when old and The compensation depth zcomp is chosen to cold) is to be expected. This would lead to different be 250 km, which is far below the lithosphere– compensation of the crystalline crustal structure and asthenosphere boundary (usually less than 100 km the subsequent basin fill, as explained, for example, in oceanic and offshore domains) and therefore by Kimbell et al. (2004). In this study, where only well within the region of viscoplastic deformation. the regional trends are analysed, a constant effective The reference pressure is commonly calculated elastic thickness is appropriate. But further, local from a reference column. This is often chosen investigations need to take potential spatial and to be a column of oceanic lithosphere with well- temporal variations into account. known density distribution or a pure asthenospheric column representative of a mid-oceanic ridge. In Choice of compensation depth this study, the density structure of the lithospheric mantle is highly simplified and thereby not directly The compensation depth zcomp to be used in isostatic comparable with the absolute values. We thus use modelling is not a well-defined value. Here, we take the average pressure at compensation depth across the view that the convective asthenospheric man- the study area as the reference pressure. This refer- tle provides no isostatic support and thus choose a ence pressure is representative for large parts of compensation depth below the LAB at 250 km. the oceanic domains and the resulting elevation Since no density variations are expected below this adjustment will here accordingly be zero. This depth, an even larger depth for zcomp would not approach also leads to fairly equally distributed change the result. Results of calculations with shal- positive and negative elevation adjustments along lower compensation depths are shown in Figure 3. the margin and is therefore well suited to investi- A compensation depth of 100 km (Fig. 3a) yields gate the local density structures in the study area. a similar distribution of the local elevation residuals A different reference pressure would lead to an along the mid-Norwegian margin. However, the overall shift in the calculated bathymetry and thus long-wavelength residuals, in particular around the in the residuals. mid-oceanic ridges, are much higher. This reflects Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021

S. GRADMANN ET AL. Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Fig. 3. (a) Elevation residual from isostatic calculations using the inversion model of Haase et al. (2016) and a compensation depth of 100 km (Eres ¼ Eobs 2 Ecalc). A long-wavelength trend from the ridges to the continent can be seen, reflecting the missing thermal effects of the lithospheric mantle below the compensation depth of 100 km. (b) Elevation residual from isostatic calculations using the inversion model of Haase et al. (2016) but assigning constant densities of 3300 kg m23 to the lithospheric mantle. This can be considered equivalent to assuming isostatic compensation at Moho depth. The prominent long-wavelength residuals that are present between the mid-oceanic ridges and the continent again show the missing thermal effects of the lithosphere. Dashed yellow lines mark the COB, and black lines the location of refraction seismic profiles. that the thermal structure of the oceanic domain and depth. This is here implemented by a constant den- the comprises major density varia- sity of the underlying mantle of 3300 kg m23. The tions at 100 km depth around the spreading ridges, residuals clearly show the influence of the thermal but relatively uniform densities deep under the con- structure on elevation. Omitting the lithospheric tinental margin. Kimbell et al. (2004) suggest that a mantle in isostatic studies can thus give undesired compensation depth of 90 km is suffcient, yet they long-wavelength residuals. This is even more the employ a slightly different thermal structure with case if compositional density changes are present maximum temperatures of 11008C and no signifi- within the lithospheric mantle. These are also not cant lateral density variations at greater depths. included in the density model used here. The cal- Figure 3b shows the elevation residual if iso- culations furthermore do not include the dynamic static compensation is assumed to occur at Moho pressure exerted by flowing mantle (strict definition

Fig. 2. (a) Bathymetry of the mid-Norwegian margin and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean from the DTU10 elevation model (Andersen 2010; Andersen et al. 2010) resampled to a 10 × 10 km grid. In this and the following panels, the yellow dashed lines mark the location of the COB as interpreted and brought forward by Funck et al. (2014). Black lines mark the refraction seismic profiles that constrained the geometry of the density model. (b) Forward calculated bathymetry using the density model of Haase et al. (2016) and an effective elastic thickness of Teff ¼ 5 km. (c) Corresponding elevation residual (Eres ¼ Eobs 2 Ecalc). Black frame marks area shown in Figure 4. (d) Elevation residual from isostatic bathymetry calculations using the density model of Haase et al. (2016) and an effective elastic thickness of Teff ¼ 20 km. Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Fig. 4. (a) Close-up of the elevation residual along the mid-Norwegian margin (Eres ¼ Eobs 2 Ecalc). Four areas with high residuals are marked. A negative (blue) residual points to a mass deficit in the model. (b) Close-up of the gravity residual along the mid-Norwegian margin based on same density model by Haase et al. (2016) (Gres ¼ Gobs 2 Gcalc). A positive (blue) residual points to a mass deficit in the model. Dashed yellow line marks the COB, and black lines the location of refraction seismic profiles. of dynamic topography), merely the thermally equally indicates a mass deficit in the density induced density differences in the lithosphere and model here (Fig. 4b). As Haase et al. (2016) point asthenosphere. out, the densities assumed for the sedimentary We now focus on the short-wavelength residuals layers are representative for clastic sediments but (Teff ¼ 5 km) displayed on the mid-Norwegian do not consider the contribution of sills and lava margin where a multitude of refraction seismic pro- flows. These flood basalts and sills are massive files are available that constrain the subsurface along the mid-Norwegian margin (location shown model and allow us to interpret the elevation resid- as green transparent area on Fig. 5) and additionally uals. Four areas of high residuals are highlighted hamper seismic imaging on the outer margin. Thus, (Fig. 4a) and will be discussed in the following. seismic penetration is poor and the structures below These ‘unbalanced’ areas are also marked on the the volcanics – in particular the thickness of the map of gravity residuals (Fig. 4b), which result basalts themselves and of the underlying sediments from the inversion by Haase et al. (2016). as well as the Moho depth – are poorly resolved. These uncertainties could justify significant modi- Area 1 fications to the subsurface model, which could yield a better fit to gravity data and isostatically Area 1 shows a large mass deficit in an area where compensated bathymetry. The current mass deficit seismic data coverage is high and subsurface in the model could, for example, be compensated geometries should therefore be well determined. by thinner sediments (shallower basement) or a The gravity response of the subsurface model shallower Moho. Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Calculations with an LCB density of 3150 kg m23 instead of 3100 kg m23 show only a slight improve- ment (10–20% of the gravity and elevation resid- ual). The LCB density increase alone is thus not suffcient to explain the residuals. Higher densities for the sedimentary section in this area strongly improves the gravity residuals but has little effect on the elevation residuals.

Area 2 Seaward of Area 1 exists a small area of positive elevation and gravity residuals, which is crossed by several refraction seismic profiles (Mjelde et al. 2001, 2005b; Mjelde et al. 2007; Breivik et al. 2008). An exemplary refraction seismic profile is shown in Figure 6 together with the crustal structure of the density model. The elevation and gravity residuals correlate with the positive bathymetry out- board of the mapped COB (Figs 1 & 2a). This indi- cates that the density structure across the COB may not be as simple as included in the present subsur- face model and perhaps even that a further seaward located COB might be more appropriate (Gernigon et al. 2012a; Peron-Pinvidic et al. 2013; Eagles et al. 2015).

Area 3 An overall mass excess is seen in an elongated, -parallel region, which is crossed by a few Fig. 5. Elevation residual along the mid-Norwegian refraction seismic profiles (Fig. 5). The gravity margin with extent of the shallow volcanics (green shading) and the seismically imaged lower crustal residual indicates a slight mass deficit for Areas bodies (orange lines). Location of refraction seismic 3a and 3c and a generally good fit for the central profiles shown in Figures 6–9 are marked. Dashed Area 3b. Since elevation and gravity residuals are yellow line marks the COB, and black lines the derived from the same density model, these seem- location of refraction seismic profiles. ingly contradicting results must be explained by the different methods. Isostatic adjustment should be less sensitive to small wavelength features In addition to the volcanics near the surface, as their respective loads can be supported by a suff- magmatic activity has probably affected the lower ciently rigid lithospheric plate. Yet, even with a crust as well. The seismic velocities around Area 1 stronger lithosphere (Teff ¼ 20 km), the calculated are increased with respect to the more landward, elevation is too low (Fig. 2d) and a significant stretched continental crust (Funck et al. 2014). residual remains. This indicates that the excess These high velocities probably go hand in hand mass in the density model is a more regional with higher densities, but regions of transitional feature. Because the gravity signal is more sensitive crust are not represented in the current density to shallower depths and the isostatic compensa- model. An inversion of the gravity residual for tion does not depend on the vertical distribution crustal densities also indicates a need for higher of mass within a model column, the mass excess densities in this area (Haase et al. 2016). revealed in Areas 3a and 3c probably stems from An alternative explanation of the regional resid- greater depth. uals can be found in the LCBs (high-velocity, high- The velocity structure of the refraction seis- density lower crustal bodies), which in large parts mic profile crossing Area 3a is shown in Figure 7 of the mid-Norwegian margin correlate with the together with the crustal structure of the density extent of the volcanic flows (Reynisson et al. model. The continental shelf is underlain by thin- 2010). Figure 5 illustrates that their extent fairly ned continental crust that forms several basement well matches the extent of Area 1, where resi- highs, neighboured by sedimentary basins. Whereas duals for both bathymetry and gravity are high. the Røst High and Marmæle Spur are underlain Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Fig. 6. Refraction seismic profile across Area 2 (pale green ellipse) imaging a relatively thick crust in what has been considered the oceanic domain (eastern part of profile 11-03, published in full extent by Breivik et al. 2008). Crustal structure of density model used in this study is shown in dark grey (Haase et al. 2016). Top panel shows observed and calculated elevation and gravity signals as well as the respective residuals. Location shown in Figure 5. by thickened crust, the Lofoten Ridge is located A similar scenario can be brought forward for above a Moho high. This scenario is in disagreement Area 3c (Fig. 8). The refraction seismic line of with local isostasy. Similar to these results, Reynis- Mjelde et al. (2008) shows again that a relative son et al. (2010) also calculated that for achieving basement high is underlain by a Moho high, but complete isostatic balancing, the respective Moho the gravity inversion modified this Moho high to needed to be several kilometres deeper than the seis- a generally landward-dipping horizon. Further out- mically imaged Moho. A deeper Moho however, board, the crust is drastically thinned and comprises would not be compatible with the gravity data but a high-velocity lower layer, which pinches out could be compensated, for example, by a different towards the shelf. Seismic investigations from the composition of the overlying basement high (Rey- last few years (Kvarven et al. 2014; Nirrengarten nisson et al. 2010). It was originally proposed that et al. 2014) and older, expanding spread profiles the Lofoten Ridge is a large-scale horst structure and sonobuoy data from neighbouring areas (Olafs- (Mjelde et al. 1993) and that the isostatic imbalance son et al. 1992) describe an additional high-velocity is too small to be locally compensated. Recent stud- lens in the area showing the mass excess (Fig. 8b, c). ies (yet still based on older seismic data) interpret a Slightly higher subcrustal velocities were also detec- high-velocity body in this area (Mjelde et al. 2013). ted in the refraction seismic profile entering the The reflector originally interpreted as the Moho current subsurface model (Fig. 8a, Mjelde et al. would then be the top of a high-density body with 2008), but only much more recently interpreted mantle-type velocities. While the refraction seismic by the same authors as lower crustal eclogitic bodies data did not detect lateral variations of subcrustal (Mjelde et al. 2013). This high-velocity, high-den- velocities, a deep mantle reflector c. 10 km below sity lower crustal lens is thought to be a remnant the detected Moho suggests that some deeper struc- of old eclogized crust which was once part of the tures are still present below the Lofoten Ridge Caledonian orogen but broke up and transformed (Mjelde et al. 1993). Reflection seismic data show during rifting (Nirrengarten et al. 2014). While yet a different Moho horizon with an up to 4 km these new interpretations did not enter the sub- shallower Moho east of the Lofoten Ridge (Fig. 7, surface starting model for the gravity inversion, Mjelde et al. 1993). This shows that seismic meth- the respective results nevertheless show a deeper ods do not unambiguously map the deep structures Moho in this area (Fig. 8a). here, and differences in determining seismic veloc- For the central Area 3b, no indications for LCBs ities may play a role. have been brought forward (Breivik et al. 2011). Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Fig. 7. Refraction seismic profile across Area 3a (pale green ellipse) imaging a basement high above a Moho high (after Mjelde et al. 1993). Crustal structure of density model used in this study is shown in dark grey (Haase et al. 2016). Moho depth of reflection seismic survey (Mjelde et al. 1993) and recently interpreted eclogites (Mjelde et al. 2013) are additionally marked. Top panel shows observed and calculated elevation and gravity signals as well as the respective residuals. Location shown in Figure 5.

Here, the Trøndelag Platform is underlain by rela- 4a, b). This region is situated in the corner between tively thick continental crust (more than 20 km) the outer Møre and Vøring margins in the outer part and the simple structure assumed in the gravity of the Jan Mayen corridor. Reynisson et al. (2010) model is probably not adequate to capture the effects mapped an equal mass excess (isostatic Moho shal- of internal layering and inhomogeneities on the lower than refraction seismic Moho) slightly land- gravity and isostasy signal. A better mapping of ward, on the outer Møre Margin. The area under the margin structure and more detailed modelling investigation is considered to extend across the is needed here. COB, covering both oceanic and transitional crust. While the suggested Moho modifications for It is also highly affected by the shearing and differ- Area 3 (additional LCB, lower Moho) would be ential opening along the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone sufficient to reduce the gravity residual, a positive (Talwani & Eldholm 1977; Skogseid & Eldholm elevation residual still remains that points to excess 1987; Gernigon et al. 2015). Refraction seismic pro- mass (missing buoyancy). A local, further lowering files that partially cover this area are shown in Fig- of the Moho could remove this mismatch, yet the ure 9. The crust is generally thin (c. 7 km) and no densities of this lower crustal structure remain unre- LCB has been mapped. For the area under discus- solved. Whereas isostatic considerations require sion here, it is also plausible that the crustal densities low crustal densities, gravity modelling by Kvarven are not accurately represented in the model, namely et al. (2014) suggests densities as high as that the actual densities are lower than those 3300 kg m23. On the other hand, Nirrengarten assumed. This could be explained by a different, far- et al. (2014) suggest a density of 3100 kg m23, ther seaward located course of the COB or a differ- closer to the values used in our study. A separate ent, more abrupt, density transition across the COB. explanation could be lateral, compositional density variations in the uppermost mantle. Indications for such variations are seen in the refraction seismic Discussion and conclusions data (see Fig. 8a, b) and discussed, for example, by Kimbell et al. (2004) for an area NW of Scotland. Isostatic calculations are an easy way to provide additional support for seismic interpretation and Area 4 gravity modelling. Especially where new concepts meet older data interpretations, the consideration Area 4 exhibits a strong mass excess, which is seen of isostatic elevation residuals may provide addi- in both the elevation and the gravity residuals (Fig. tional insight. This is, for example, the case for the Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Fig. 8. Refraction and reflection seismic profiles across Area 3c (pale green ellipse) imaging a basement high above a Moho high or above a high-density lower crustal body. Locations are shown in Figure 5. (a) Profile 96-8a from (Mjelde et al. 2008) together with observed and calculated elevation and gravity signals. The original interpretation does not include a high-density high-velocity body below the Moho but this has been suggested in a later publication (Mjelde et al. 2013). Sub-crustal seismic velocities derived from refraction seismic data are indicated. Crustal structure of density model used in this study is shown in dark grey (Haase et al. 2016). (b) Profile 2 from Kvarven et al. (2014) showing a high-velocity lower crustal body in Area 3c. The corresponding density was modelled to be 3300 kg m23, equal to that of the underlying mantle. (c) Reflection seismic profile II from Nirrengarten et al. (2014) showing a high-velocity, high-density lower crustal body in Area 3c. The geometry of the latter two profiles did not enter the starting model of the gravity inversion. eclogitic bodies along the proximal mid-Norwegian Marginal High (Area 2) or the complex area SW margin that have been discussed in recent publi- of the Vøring Margin (Area 4). cations and whose presence is now also confirmed by isostatic calculations. Even where no other inter- Limitations pretations are available, elevation residuals may point out areas that require renewed investiga- Elevation residuals can stem from inadequate iso- tion through more data or renewed data analysis. static calculations (e.g. inappropriate effective This is, for example, the case for the outer Vøring elastic thickness Teff or compensation depth) or an Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Fig. 9. Refraction seismic profiles across Area 4 (pale green ellipse). Locations are shown in Figure 5. Crustal structure of density model used in this study is shown in dark grey (Haase et al. 2016). (a) Line 99–5 from Mjelde et al. (2009b) shows a thin but high-velocity (high-density) crust, overlain by thick volcanics. The COB location based on magnetic data lies c. 25 km west of the seismically derived one. Top panel shows observed and calculated elevation and gravity signals as well as the respective residuals. (b) Profile 96-8b from Raum et al. (2006) runs mainly parallel to the COB to the NE. Refraction seismic data suggest that it extends across oceanic crust only, whereas plate reconstructions depict continental crust in the southeastern part of the profile. Observed and calculated elevation and gravity signals are shown. inadequate subsurface density model. If the errone- latter seems to be the case for the deep LCBs ous density structure is relatively shallow, it will along the mid-Norwegian margin (Areas 3a and c). also affect the gravity residuals (see e.g. Area 1). The deep structure, in particular the mantle den- If it is deep, it will probably remain undetected by sities, and the choice of compensation depth have the gravity calculations. An erroneous subsurface a large effect on the long-wavelength elevation model can result from wrongly assigned densities, residual. The choice of the reference column, how- wrong interpretation of refraction seismic data and ever, determines only the absolute, not the relative, poor quality or even lack of data, which in turn values. In areas where thermal anomalies create may lead to erroneous data interpretations. The lateral density changes, these need to be taken into Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021

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