Magazine1-4.Qxd (Page 2)
SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 2016 (PAGE-4) PERSONALITY HEALTHLINES Dr. Surinder Sodhi HEROIN equal death. If you do nothing to get out, you end up A civil servant dying. To be a heroin addict is to be imprisoned. In the beginning, you think heroin is your friend who has passion (they may seem to help you escape the things or feelings that bother you). But soon, you will find you get up in the morning thinking only for poetry about heroin. “Your whole day is spent finding or tak- ing heroin. You get high all afternoon. At utilized alone, research shows that for and will power is tested to fullest in com- night, you put yourself to sleep with hero- some people, integrating both types of bating this situation. Parents must know in. And you live only for that. You are in a one thing that addiction in itself is a disease and painting prison. You beat your head against a wall, treatments is the most effective approach. nonstop, but you don’t get anywhere. When people addicted to opioids first and it is cured only by following scientific In the end, your prison becomes your quit, they undergo withdrawal symptoms technique and proper medication. tomb.” (pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting), ROLE OF TEACHERS : Teachers are which may be severe. Medications can be important link in this thing. They have to Mohinder Verma (MOSA) Belgium and Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Many people do not understand why or helpful in this detoxification stage to ease keep a strict vigil on students and they must Art, Thessaloniki (Greece).
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